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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 6 Oct 1904, p. 2

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. .mmlall W‘I-o-owh a “a _ - - - ..... no In it ' "V ”a! 1. “:9“.-- Pe2e't T -."""""'" - - “V _ ' - -iau---- - r. 'u---".. ”WMWIRM ”an: bun-IN LibeatB " “W who “pull“ a t-sstiueditoriaicutcats" on I“! nae-cunt atucudeab. ‘1... m “Punt-cm l'oliucl in 0.- hdo." We Was it in Nit, bmrtitre.lora'usg that " 5335:“ “Two more constituencies in Outr' do were opened yeatcrdny. In North Mqgtttlh the ”betel member, Mr. Lit- tin, wee tsnaeatedontheaarge ot - by on agent. ln North Ren- ltew the Conservative member, Mr. Dunlap, resigned his sect In moonl- ' no. with what on the bee ot'it wu' . lupin between the parties. Then! tarts, and their attendant circum- Its-eel. ere tsignificant. They ad,l ti. the seriousness ol the situation, not him together with recent events ot), . Mile: chunter, pres: home upon every true and intelligent citizen the urgent necessity tor a reform of on volition! methods end a return to higher political ideals. In the usel of North Norfolk bribery of the most vulgar type end at sullicient extent to void the election was proved, end drew trom Chancellor Boyd severe strictures on election methods that mule possible such "lavish expendi- ture ot money." Questions arise which cannot be blinked by honest, sell-respecting Liberals. Who suppli- ed Baker with lunds? Who was the mysterious "stranger" whose pres- ence seems related to Baker's corrupt unices , ' ‘strmger And such questions only make plain beyond cull that the time is now past when candidates and their local supporters can allow outside "stran- gers" to interfere In a campaign and they themselves be counted guiitless. No one accuses Mr. Little ot $rorruiF- PIOVIHCIAL POLITICS. tion or ot sympathy with corrupt practices, but tie and other candi- dotes have surely learned a lesson, the force and significance of which no party expediency or political sophis- try will weaken or misdirect. The outside "worker" and the ubiquitous "strrrnger," the men whose opera- tions are mysterious and independent enter no campaign with good intent,' ind the candidate and 16tal leaders who truiter their presence must bear the consequences oi their acts. And it there is a central agency whose business it is to supply "workers" and "tumis" tor corrupt purposes, such an institution merits and ought to reaeive condemnation and destruc- tion, By such means the Conserva- tive party was degraded and over- thrown in the Dominion and the Lib- eral party in this Province will come to switter and more inexcusable ruin it such means are relied on and tbp- proved. The North Renfrew instance bears'; I" the marks of n bargain discredi-l table to both parties and inimical to: the public life oi Canada. The t,,iy election ot December last and the campaign which preceded it were re- ported to have been unusually cor- rupt. Mr. Dunlop certified to an er- penditure ot 87,278, in and may the lugelt expenditure ever admitted by any cendidete in the Province, To has his resignation on "some "tl that were not techniceliy defensible" deeeivee nobody. And, in the lace ot the allergen made and the evidence {Inbred try Agents and workers to be ohtdneble, for the petitioner to de- dine to pro-emit: the trinl cannot be MM by Libernll u "ti-lemon. To pretend that the Meeting ot the In In whet we: vented in the mer- eet mrbtrrfuge. Whet the intereeu ot politic“ nonlity end public decency den-Idea wu to have the corruption Doomed, u it we: It Seult Ste. "ttdtfittht'2, tutttt"p N a! DIM! Who stood behind the "itat-ttei-truff. an. out. “an.“ “hind-W "' ”humans! or "a. aitttrtar be. duh-r m about!» oéttiqgt" Mun-“Wuhan!“ In. aartboett, In: a, moo-LIN. to“. “halal-nub - Mind-Ouiyhl‘hnuudl ot-ttut-tmt-r"?, m. I. “he a” b - w by In on»; u - - in at“) by etthee no. at mm; Al! - our all out ”than I: the in! to Cumin All to who! in he“ in Cumin per lie uh. m (cat - meal some “to “I use" one" use: an e “an“ to Canadian palme- and & mm to Cuneif- “sheetin- wtuu. intelligem end publbephiied Cumin: must not their [not reso- lutely against tho corruption which trttadtes to our political arguin- tions, end gains! the men. no mn- ter to which pony they “ion; or what positions they hold, who ore In any Iny responsible [or it. The thing of supreme [Menu is not the his ttt the Government or oi my po- i mic'un, but the iutuxe ot Canada and 'rot Canadian public lite. l What the presiding judge termed I (the "happy predicament," in which , the counsels for Messrs. Dunlop end f Harte, respondents in the recent elec- ', tion trial in North Rentrcw, were ' iound. has rsised a storm ot indignn- : tion almost unprecedented in the his- tory of Ontario. Whatever JL/ sions ot innocence may be made by 1 either party it is hard to eliminate l trom the public mind the idea that It _ the whole proceeding ssvors more or I ) less ot what is known es s saw-oil. I . That the usual list of charges oi cor- I ‘ rupt practices incident to election , ’ trials should be presented, and when _ the trial opens, it is announced that n ' no evidence has been prepared to sub- , stantiate any single charge on either I side, there is little wonder that the . public views the proceedings with I suspicion. The centralizing ot politi- . cal organization by both parties inl - Ontario hes had the eflect oi making' t local organizations almost subordi- - hate to the central organizations. ' Experience has taught us that the . system ot conducting elections, com.) _ trolled irom some central organize-l 9 tion has not had the effect of purif"-i B ing the political atmosphere am ,- much less, keeping it pure. In North. hWaterloo political corruption wasl " practically unknown except perhaps in ' s isolated tnstancrd in a min iorm tm. I til the influence of the ccntral organ- d _ zation was recognized. it is not nec- ',e essary to enumerate instances which Ft i have become only too public through 5, _ evidence given at the election trials It in this riding and in which the pom Tical honor at both parties has suffer. V ed more or less. The saw-oft in this r- riding was to all appearnnces a di b- rect offspring of the "chiral organi IC rations. The whole tendency oi saw- it/ore, is to shelter the guilty on one p- 1 side by oilsetting as nearly as can be {estimated a. similar mount oi guilt " on the other. Such a course can li‘!hs.ve no other eilect than to pollute toithe political ntmosphere. There is ”reason to believe that it each electo. be ral district in Ontario would take 'e- over the management of its own po- tr- litical organizations. excluding all 'N- outsiders, excepting those who might be address meetings on the public plntr by iorm regarding the issues of the day, I'o that a great and reflective step would its be token towards the stamping out ot e" political corcuption. liaise" CANADIAN REVENUE AND EX PENDITURE. The hast omcml statement of thel Depsrrtment ot Finance, Cunt-10., Plas cl the total revenue at the Dominion during July u $4,761,291.26 " “that $5,148,303.“ in July int yen. Current expenditure .mounk-n to $2,779,007.63, n "alrtst ",04,- 57107 int yen. Explain": on ca- pital account mount] an increase of who“ $50,000, the two “an: tor the ‘month being a iolloyn: Public worn, nilwnyn 3M canals. 854,8”.- " i runny "Mia, $08,100. 'An epidemic of "my. la no: II. The lulu-mu Wo- man the border In calling at tmefbetn' ot un- euployd Into can“. tad an. "a not. Human I‘M“ County to - an - - tere punt This melon! All Hot; to tun-lot at Q','tdr,',1,g'l ttatt-tttttterror-fret- ”I it ”callng {chm it my , 'tttpet"' '1: mm - - not “It. Ill', mm. m tmf., TM runni- uc 3.; .".r.tt 32"“ In. . "up cud-mic. n. “any in n ”and hut-In h the " Mo. m and“ . val . g,- SAW 0F FS TRAIP EPIDEIIC than to". nn: 75:!"- ii Conan-mu with m‘muon a! the ninth _ Pullunou'l oarutonco mm a. tt-utq tron mg your: ot Sir We! Gummy.” powerful potion-nu. Ihr MinUtor of Trad. can Commerc- wu, you“): ll)- pohtod to an mat In an Upp- House vacatod by tho dud: 015%- ‘nor Alum. Month- ugo an Rich- u'd made public his intention not ‘min to leek the cum-q“ ot the people of North Oxford. Now be has gon- from the popular Chamber to the Son-w. The Hanna ot Commom will (may min the "hero of many thrtsta." who, over nine. confedera- tion, whether in opposition or on tho Treasury beaehea, has exercluud . remuk-ble int1uenco in its atttsirw, hut the Commonen' loan will be the Benton’ gun. giii?"iifigi2etiitgi'.Se Moa.-- “’m m“ .'gNf,".1ttr,,'r,'t=',". lou- m dwm an“... Bonn-Ill new on“ 'rt-ttht-tot-rue- 'ro-- id. m. MOI on ttsa-ttttso-d-a-ttttlp' Gtiaid 'uui-a-I W - Ptt you. 1tti'iet"l.ttfs.t?.."S mum-m1.» w. Whmmm4um 5.” dub; At [.15 tto Pvt- Ihlu hum-u 'd'.flh"L"l'sdlVnr.%t,tlltltt him.m1mstootthmmrMarttleAr- om-tAmt-tin-et-di.. toleuuu-IC. uthHtA.mrv- Macaw-awn“. We.» *a.ottrttemgePV nan-throdu-nd.ndtb.wrlu mutant--1”. The ”mtdmmuthehc‘ “on III " Mot-all." No nab mm Ind-alth- Intonation. mu vuhmybody'u Mon uataiqht. Mich-Ink“ eon- trut with the procedun on such oc- can’t-them. - A-h-". The judicial appointment; tarot-asc- od a tow days lines alto went into enact. yelterday. Sir Napoleon Cur nult, Chief Junlcu ot the Superior Court of Quebec. retinal on mil sultry, to become Chairan ot the Comm-lion to revise tho Provincial autumn. Mb. Justices Routhicr in advanced “to we Chief Juslicvshiu. And It Iucd-‘eu’nd Dy'l'l’. At L'.’ lul- letier. The lulu-r gave up a Sonat- orship to become a Judge. His Beat in the Upper House has been givun to Mr. Choquettc, who rtxprerwntcd Hontmagny for many years, but in 1901 was appointed Judge tor the diurlet of Arthabattkes.. Mr. Cho- queue has tired of the Bench, and resurnl to the glamor of political ( tire. An a. political npcaker Mr. Choquette uled to be a perfect whirl- 'wind, and wried everything More him. Another Judicial appointment ll that of Dr. Ruucll, to be ap- pointed to the Supreme Court. oi Nova Seat“, which is now practical- .ly assured. Dr. Russell's disappear- ance from the House of Commons i will be a decidod loss. He had tett [ oquala u a keen, incisive and lumi- l noun speaker, and at all timu com- manded . ready hearin . l The date oi polling, Ti,. 3, is later in? ulunl, though not as late " it I w a in 1900, when it was Nov 7. Previous election. tor the Houue of Previous election. for the Houue of commotV have been held on the tot-. lowing dates: 1867. All}. T-Sept. 20. 1872, July 20; 1874, an. 22; 1878, Sept. 17; 1382, June 20; 1887, Feb. 22; 1891, March 6; 1896. June 28. Speaking of the erect at light frost on standing gram, a comnnssh n -rterthaut of Winnipeg, who has hem intimately gssuciaud with the grain rowing immcst ever since grain tus been grow" for export in this ttro- vince, stated to a. reporter that frost was very much more dreaded m early ycars than it is at the present time. In former years it was believed that frosted wheat was of no “lug, either tor milling purposes or tor need, but " the present time very large quan- tities of excellent flour is made trom) frosted “beat, and although its use as such is discouraged by the experts, it is frequently employed, and in a favorable season does well. ’lhr price paid tor such wheat during the early years was very small. but tor some years past the price tor frolrn wheat has been only 5 or 6 ccnts a bushel lower than untreated, If the 'present strong demand continues, the ‘prtne of frosted wheat will be consid~ erably higher thll - than Oat paid in many of the years past tor one hard, and the returns to the farm. er will te corresponding. Below will be lound I Hut. ot Cun- udim Intent- secured teat week through the agency ot Mean. Manon tml, (Inuit. Ind Washington, D.C.: 89.2024. J. Taggart, South, In 's,itrwa. J min, 910mg: '"G,UC" Willi-m Cherry, then Sound, Ont, imumvcnznu in swing- dernck. M "ii/tsi-ai. Wm. Ttam-s, Care Town. Cm. Colony. rock-drilling In- chlu. t _ _ "ii,ais- George Ed. Owen. Mms. trnl, Que., treriltN machine; - ii,its- Nmu mine-mu. sun Banish. " Inn“. 09... any. _ _ "m "tnmbt'l Hm I. in» mm; my on ham“! 0- lab In or lav-non "tttld out! . VALUE OF FROSTED WHEAT ntnarbeutri-attirt1oxtaed-, t'tft"dhg'Nuttd,',,h11u1 tMr-tttur .motcnn- lulu-'3 tN my. " h . IIOI‘IIlIQo ”WOW“: khan-5999- all I” 9.36.". and an - mu and mm mm 03W 'er, m SEASON ABLE ADVICE mm PATENT REPORT " In contra“! I In“ In m“"""w"".'j "'y'1mllil?", my“? TI.- m‘uMdhub' Tum“ ' [ mm-umuum - 'r: t.vtuttusar-nt.t.N.v-deq. ‘nuuu beat but: mean- udoutnx W- '0 "My. all M gnu-rd g2,tguaturM't'a'f th. 'tthr2at'h72ftt2tt F"PO" otFert" alum" umuu-uuxmw. ' trom WNW“. “24.3“"31.» a. “do! '"85 my PP, _ V - _‘ a; M ' ‘ 3‘41: F " . A ”h.- _ b - t. Platt Ar. 5‘- mum! ttR. "etinatc bunt-dyna- colnd-g stated-."" an. t,"t2'ttt22tit,ttt,'ttt ”Quantum-d. Tho-who a giea.tttrreatttealotatt-umt tun subject. ot We” will nanny about Highpoint”: ANN- Mld‘uuyunble communist tomo- an; Lima“ and my be able to pom the I” mum more iartporte Am. retormr " It aunt-story to Mee from Man the "out! on b Elton lad-unl- qu tantalum-In. It u convict is nuanced without my time 1lmit he is expected to mania In an peniten- tiny until he shows tomb Mint“. ot men I change ot cur-cur u will Natitr his release on parole. If his conduct Alter he II provisionally dis- cus!!! prom Amati-lawn be my be required to return to prison. He People who mzinum that the place tor the man over tony is on Ihe shelf will get no support trom the .503 oi the grnerals who ore leading the con- quering forces ot Japan. According to Ihe Jamnese Wail,' the ages at the foremost gonads ot the land oi the Mikado who ore active in the pres ent war are as follows _ , Msrquis Oyama (held mtrshal).l.... M, 'Count Nodsu., ... ..m.r. F._PV..WtFr.P.__.. Cd Baron Kuro'l orst umy).....,l,. ., 60 EBaron Oku (second arntrr, .tw_.__._. SR Baron Yvmururhi faith diieior., 58 {Baron Nogi (at. the [PI-0H"... 5.3 Baron Nishi (astound din sion, _Ctt Baron Kodgm. (chiet ot start)-. 52 Prince Fushimi (mst division)..,,, 16 The Marquis Yamngaln, who " lain busy with the work ol "ti1rtecy is thus under two povcrlul luau!»- meuu to do better, the duke to lhotlen his term Ind the far of re- inetueeration, It will now be the or. ncinl duty, " it In: for "or: been the voluntary task, ot loin: Archi- bald to look after than who come out ot prison on parole. to procure tor them employment and I tair op- portunity to lead, a better lite, And to render like helplul Ion-Ice to those who hare completed tixod terms ot Imprisonment, It is obvious that in this work he will require all the help he an get trom I civilized Mud Chris- tian community. Baron Nishi (sreond dia sion, _5t Baron Kodzm. (chic! ot start)-. 52 Prince Fushimi (mst division)..,,, 16 The Marquis Yamagau, “no " letn busy with the work ol "ti'r,tecr orgetsiration in Japan and active in the wttr councils gt, Tokio, is M, um We average cl the .gts of the distin- guished gtnenls who are asst“ .3 bur. is 56 to 5a. Yotnr, mm have nthievtd great re- sults m War. but old men Hi all the centuries hate done the same, (len- eral Winfield Scott was only 28 at the battle at Chippewtr grid Lundy's Lane, but he was in hie sixty-second year when he led the victorious Imcts icon umy into the City of Mexico. General 7mhary Taylor _-captuml Monterey and deteatrd thb‘hosts of Santa Anna at Bum: Vista at the ago ot 63. Dandula “as 84 “hen chosen to the ottice at doge ot thioe, tcd 90 when helcd the thetians in the fourth crusade. At the new of Constantinople, whrn he commanded " men to run up to the walls, he was the tint; who leaped on more. Thousands ot people throughout the country know that the ordinary rem- edies tor piles-oitstmentir, suppositor- ies and topliancea-wil1 not cure. The beat ot them only bring passing reliet. GREY-H EADED COMMAN DER: Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid its a tablet “ken intvernully that removes the cause ot piles, hence the cure is permanent. Every pachgc sold cu- rim a. guarantee with it. delicate constitution. A month's nigh" perfectly humlcu to the most treatment in earh mange. Bold at ti. "further informttion in regnrd toit It the drug "ore. The lunenl at the late Oliver Che men: wok plwe " 2 o'clock on Wed- neldq trom the rcnidence, mm Road, Ogle. Tim was I my large Anon-1mm. both of townspeople and or former Mend- trom all over wu- erloo County, vho than attested their Impact tor the damned. Rev. E. E, Scott uni Rev. Dr. Mammal. WAS LARGELY ATTENDED Seek Nature for Retief from Stomach. Liver f Kldney‘l'roubles 'Rt!lll!llgir 3:12: 'N (re-Mao mm “In "lth'il)'t'ii t1TAT new than. no “and... "and "- wh- It" nth. THEY KNOW IT in iiitr" tJA) .lmnm m i ru in- trem" " 'i'iiiiifii,'ii: i,iJtiie'i'i'r,iiieiii *‘ Van: at; t _ I I Mst1'Ag'lr 1m. u: lo, 'dt/tt ilF,d ' I5BX ' via. I IIS' _ - “a" MtII il " I.» r w? ' RM MM." g . a 18tllll tittih'ii)s'l,,titj,i'i TWV " & fiiuttit s at. “'“‘h, h 'ttAtl . at "NF d bl - be Mix on: a” qll af, 1.“: m was! , 1 “Hr 'i..tmAe" to ”to '. In!“ 'I Bah in M go um; - he ream this year. but u - - mm“, gustatory ct than“ to: ttt tum-,3“ wrap M to can. will be “and. Be. Skunk-'ortl has returned In. . trip out in the mm,“ mm (unto Supt Co. His trip was (or the ”(you at inspecting a: - ot rapt m; whirl m controfhd by the company. Dr. Shuttle-ant lu- tu that mm in . pen name in "tsn are.“ ohm beats. and We - couldn't possibly be an". ot the Berlin Runoff! output or 13,000 I hull. of my: lot yen. not me ru- ral is left, and the company cannot '.reert all their preaeat orders lax their new output. The company tun now haven thirty-Ave and Hum- l six hundred mm ot been under 1 their control. Notea.--The E. M, S. Band has been mulled to play at Arthur "hirition next Thursday, Oct. 6ttt. Out north- C'tt nenhbors «n oy goed musics um will have no o'her but the Elmir- "rtii.--h lelold of cheese made " the tttwrestle thette lutory was shipped from the Elmira “and on 'ruesdar--Mrr lelot. town, easier. brand her 9m: mm” on Sept. Mth, sunovnded try ter mum, cussed, mmely : A plot of ground Ior a park, 1 weekly unmet, um t town haIL--The Elmira h" tair was held on the 28% “an. "he weathor would not hue nun mu-h nicer, whi h. of (curse, nelpcd to draw a max! "he exhititiott was all that could be 1pok- ed for. In the owning the K.U S held their arurtl concert, the hail be- " packef to the door-The [Hm y- teriul Ladiof Aid, of Elmira, trave tugged the services ot Miss Intent Kerr, eloeutiottitrt and render, lot their concert on Oct. 20th. In the E. Eiéihch‘ldr- n tttd trfendr-At a t: cet, mg of me Elwin 89nd at trat': {Jeni im,urrUttt suhlrcts were cussed, mmcly : A plot of gown iirs.iiiit. fie rhildnn and young people at the church will Ilse “sum. You will always fttd that the mo- lhers who are successful in bringing up lamina of tinny. healthy child- ren are those who no careful t§_n_ole we slightest cvndmce oi Hines and to check it at oncei qhe wise moth- er gives her (hlldrcn 1uby's (Jun Torets " the tigst symptom ot, any childish ulmtnl, and almost. u once the little one is all rotr, Mrs. 'tttos. Stevcnscn, 13 Bishop street, Halli“, NS., bays: "It shes me plasma to be able to swan Ot the you. value or Baby‘s own Tablets. t always give than to my un.dun “Inn titey an- ailing in my way, and they.speed- ily make them well. i would advise every mother to keep the ’lublets in the 1touse." The Tablets alloy teeth- ing iniutiau, cure LONG and slomnch troubles, prevcnt constipation, destroy worm, allay lexers and break up colds. They can be given safely to a new born child. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by null at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Willinml' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Woodstock, Sept. Mth.-. Simon Cnmeron. of Pukhill, living " 413 West. King street, Toronto, ttreman, who wu [merely mlded and burned and inNred intcmglly, died st ten o'clock last night. Late Inst night it Wu lurked on good Authority that . Bahia driver, who in riding In the uboou ot the through (reign. 1- minus, and u be- lhved to have perished. Hi: mm could not be umlntd. ANOTHER AUDI-D To THE LIST Fireman Cameron wu . brother ol Alex Cultural, . bell-boy At the Waiver Home, Berlin- Tttesddy it vu reported that he v“ II engin- on. Ptresnast Canaan was on who No. 'o. The rumor um Conductor Perry in been killed was not an. ' Tho public moo! Inspector- m " aning ot much and“ lot the later- ut ther hare “in in equating M. In". In rum who! muons. The 1|“. ot 'tttttmu" . mu lot SS. Its-nun can» be emu-n . Home: nimble public “brui- [my to, M enact poo-my mm at but ot school mama. Tu W in very In. “W in a MW" '2: 1'l'M'dfd in: p u I “I _ I l M II ‘I I 'AQ “I V “M " d-_b- m P annual-:95 RURAL SCHOOL LIBRARIES SUCCESSFUL MOTHERS (Chi-thin Gandhi.) -ertand min-nua- sttmetst.ttettitegh.c II ELMIRA and“. MM.” Sept. no ' td',", ALBS il "WW" ." _ "Trs hit , l - . v T under air Retieseiir,);s Renews the but. makes it new again, mm the Ira-haul. Jul . what you need if your bur ll faded trgg.'letggpt'2g'gpt , restores the color. Stops hum hair. also! . Ilrhlrllllhillli WNU llconpouun m no: You! ”an ant been”: 'tt2 $4 26 808.17. BOARD or Samoan. 000. mm. In" W“ Dr. J. B. Webb. " Willi-l: W. Ads. " Gum-bl. Wn., ' J. 1. Wm... In” Bt. Jacob. WA fERLOO HONBT BARNES " :2: 'iii'?,',':':'.'??,! t,1iF"211'ee"r1" Mun“ It modmu not... ' JOHN STRE BEL. The up4erattrned "In to under cin can and but” th on to his runner on- ru-u-mrrs for a liberal path!) age earwndrd him In“ r""r Mad to intl mum that fur he prereul mm hr bu had in . very large quuutity. Men trom fro-II uprlug - which he in page! to deliver to customer- in WAT mo tad BERLIN In my quinine-s. lure or mall. " nuan- nblo prices. Tho Alumna Purity of tho ice _ GUQQ‘NIEBD a.) it an duly in uni for d pun-poo... mm---WAmmo ICELICE! Hm“ m " MADE DAILY“: my? DISORA " COIPARY a... “mum. In" 306-. P. B. 'ttta-tas, Plum. Tin-mm. In... awn. Renew- the hair, mikes It is" an! "stitem the __ __ what you need If your hair In b'i'ir/,'ri't,t'i'r'.9'lii'e'i'i,t,iit.i restores the color. Stops fattiesd hair, the! - -_- OFFICERS t - Ml. “In! Win. Bud-r. “no“; rm 'ue" but... J. L. Autumn... luv-ant. 4:000 Ton. of Put-oat. loo. BUCKBERHOUGB & co 'Y, HARNESS SHOP -FdiriaaLoua,ukGiau an} hum IR' "munnmmu-a-yiuu-uu-uâ€"fl “I“ _ A _ ~.__4_ L; r-sur-r-r-B-es"'"?. um.rmmmv-u.umu _"", ; Guessing u the heat dun own W M 11tket w Ir", more food than 'lrg,tirtt',T,,i cooh. Tl,ti'l E2tii'i'h 2,ia [may and clique other are x” . c, ‘ mi if the oven is too hot or not 1“ “”"' hot enough. The oven thorium of the Imperial Otdht0 In, doauwny'ithdl‘um T'ukastcxpert"epeedean "up I canimywhcuthoovenixmdyfuhkingotmn" Iva] tio-hmgtee will wait. this coma-Inc. ate I'M”, UV“ " Mb on *0...“ mttthte::2tt:ttx'e'N,tt F " 'a-,r%.t-duu--ora.a. o-ta-so-mas-m-tre-r msttisrou-iivontautot-iu-ttdtrt1"et A Ed. Durmel, Most t't%tlh'gt PTW " 'a,tNt,t', t1,',htl'tt.l t tgl' can. t you I" of o m in my Mud d in gnu tttgrllllt= uni-Inn- Liphardt Bros., Sole Aging. Pandora Range ---0-tog"_ Stre bel’s Imperial Oxford Range . HOK Er Ptucatr 1'i'fxt,ttergt2'rdl'relti Orb-nu naval": annular-union!“ N “can“? _ '\. Liam. The Gumey Foundry Co; Toronto. Sun“. "ODMOI. '13.“ 7mm Some people chin to all oothtatr but COLD STORM)! Inn " In; tomounoe nomads-aid th Twin-City that I an the 0m 0!! who bu . Cold Stomp plat.“ therefor. tho only one who all metMN2n that. mean. Alva- on hand mgothu with man of our, dtstseriptimt. MI B. mom W. Baum of Jul-Alou-__.__ Economical Immune. mm [mm - - - Pun-IQ an: - - - Viv-0t. 1gTtqoEmagm - - - - m an Anon- Ina-.1000 mama ~mounv an III-II J qNbMNttttto _ [ovum-"non! i av - humane Buokbomugh a 60., canal lunar-mu Axum. ' IM'IILOO - "r. Att clau- of ttt%'gt.'htt " lowest. mt. "to. - Wr,At?eh#mkasod when?!“ GM. tioiaNairaiia-, Giiiiiikr "- an‘ “Ability. may Mani [who Incomes. _ - 7 “cum ntuhaoldetum . madman” . lama] and Cuh Syn-ms. Telephone“ in Imitation. Lid“

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