is: 'jjd,ip,-,ii'",",il' ir; Mus l tr, dorm b m I 1 "avian 2 (Mary. u Q: TM r" . ‘ - - giiitg I "tive. ' ' i'Ekiiiiiir" u: " by], . " Jami-4 'iN " , no Ontario Btntqr" all 3"“-1- __ ohm-nah“- V . Mi on or Maul-1J0 ~,....-- ...., on 1te,lit',T,g'.' w. u In: . CA' nrtthaaV my "' ur, .topI-otecttho ligatur- .- moth-Iago or culvert from 3â€,. peovuid by " Btatate. awaits: -. “ - t9-4ed.t Woolwich, Sept. 6th; ot. -eere" a. 0mm! Adjourned for one hour Nth met lulu. All the members â€at. m by B. Koch, oecoodid by Ada-r lam-och. mm. the tounwiug tttntl',." paid and that the Reeve mt onion for the 'rtughe'.-- L. Martin. bonus for wire, stay Duh-inkJmnus for wire â€hail! Rudedele. bonus for wlleionoe.......,..... ... "triatun “In, for sheep killed 2re. 'HP,tg'e?fgtfof1e,e "iieiii, _ P,,' “5.3“?" B“ 00. or arm - 'gMt,ie '.'a'i','a"ili'i,'Cr'il'i'i',i'i' u , re . n e IN 1"8'JaR"llil'lf.'.' . . 3. Mon- and Gordon for work " Whterbourne bridge ... Anthony Friedman. repairing Wand culvert........., an. Shelly. for repairing footbridge and ful in in ap- We“. Moved by J. tr. Kuhl. seconded h B. Koch, that this Council do now JT mo meet Anglia at St. Jacobs. on , 7 y the 18t duy of October neat WATERLOO TOWNSHIP COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Council met " the Township Hell on Saturday, Sept. 10th, pur- ulent!» adjournment. Members all -nt, the Reeve in the chair. Min- we: ot preceding session were read ad approved. Moved try Mr. Snyder, seconded by It. Rain, that whereas Mr. Lewis Belmont“ he! appeared before this council and presented I sworn state- - that he in: properly done the â€with “be! on his division, there m we hereby declare the same to he sum-crow. my? Mr. Shaun. seconded by w. Sn er. that By-law No. 894, to m . new road trom the old Huron - to tho school-house, See. No. 3, he read e itrtrt and second time. Ind by Mr. Heist, seconded by Mr. Simon. that this council herrhy tender 1 vote ot than to Mr, George A. Olen, H.P.. tor using his ftattttettce to hove e mop oi me Dominion oi Cen- m painted to this township end {ï¬t the Clerk in hereby [attracted to but“! Mr. Clue e copy ot this to- Won. I loved try Mr. Show. seconded by Snyder, that By-lew No. 304 be i tH third time and weed. 6 by)“. Rel-t, neon-tied by It. emu. that the [allowing we pant 'tTA, on the Timon: [or the , " , Ike; ' n mini ...... ... ......t 4.11 ItE 'all; mum... .....'.9. we - ' touting null; 3.00 - - "tet, gavel .m.... ...... EN r. _ ml. and. mk- 'tNI um.†...... ... ...... IO." BMP., _ , M_... ... "' 'J "ur, and! ....rr... ......P_. , “at. " you... ... ... ,Bua. "aside to Md , m†...... .....I - -iir_ii Mtceee9, his Jtitriu-ai,iinum toe who , foe not; 1m a ML. ...... 9-1- M. Ion: lot was ariFiiGarihGht-Gts, but m. sk')..,.',.!)),),)"")',',:;,,'.):'!,.).'.).?:':',:'?'.,'.;, i'. " 'iluteirlratioe; . C on» Wanton anon 10mg; gig-am. on» ..h... .......rr &".3Irani-, and ...... ... M. on. lot who Total ti" -e- - _ -- - W- ater; 'iromHiiiit'iiii"i'iiii John L Widematt, Clerk. I. “no new.†um. Fm cannon. _.. ......8 l.“ ........ 8.00 “an; 8.00 '.. ...... 1.10 16750 10(1) 10 25 V. 'ilkd "25.477 t',httt Wag I a! my! Dupl- 51. tlt M " no The can. mm hm n "' nut-mo and C. km. A 1.00 mm tqhdoqt. d hum -lti.ud'itri.tttt_t " an. “an: a c... - f ";†M pm pd “It ' , y...-...' 1;“... F......'. .....w... I." my tet. m. can“ , Mr. mter'trq “In In In In hln ton-It and: andâ€, tyter in 'th, It t- o'“ .... cm. A. TILT. Iud-u WSW “ . Aug U. to Mr. “I 'c?1!lllt e. at. g "I. . Sound-At Bertie, Sou, m; tom. ad Halli-d Sam. I dug- 'lstgtt-At - = a to It. mm. but HA! .'.m. tralterer-At mm. 't 5th. ult- ud In. as. J. “W. a daughter. Fietsb-At Dunn. AM. M. to Mr, and In. Alpha â€hemp daugh- "d? u" - ""5 f “V MM Mgw“ . tf Mstgtt-At may». at. to 'dit'f Artltt. Etttrik, a!!! tt Mr. and uh. nut and J. In t 3: tect!',,",,','",'?,';'"'."":", . TraltereFcAt Witttrt, _"tatdi.l',' Nr. at; l'llf%TL' on and can»: “b w.' J. i-m rd than†'ui'ii"'iG%"a'irG daughter. , ' , has. l , rieteb-At an. Ann. M. to tu. me m hitR, of . wo IT and In. Alpholl much. ' and? ‘wm" Berlin tth ' 'tttttd' ter he“, on lulu I hobâ€. ino- . no“ struck out eight Wert n mum. HARRIAGES. 'lrrd ff, much better limit than 5it.'t"tpttriit.U."stit',' :34 about 300. people were present it . . . l was. “weird taxation» Regina c, an detailed more :- ' I o . . . . Bechtol-Neuter.--At am, Aug. mu, na",'2'f'fl... ' tt 'i l; lf tl by Mer. Cum. Wm. Bechtel, ot Reid, c'... ... l' .'.'.‘..."'.'.'.§ '1 1 " f 1 'iT/rat', Theme Reuter, of Seyler, an... ... ... ......5 1 1 o o 1 sdtgu,'bti'1"Jgi.-At Preston, Sept. 'tttlf/utr. .rr ... m“: i f ', l 3 7th, Harry C. Schumm, of Baden, Hend ' "iii.'. .r. ... “""5 a o a 4 1 to Alice M. Limpert. mag} It". .....F "W6 1 1 o o o Hunter-BuehBmuc-At Galt, Sept. TGTGi'.ii.C .rm... ""“5 o o 1 1 a 7th, by Rev. A. G. Km, mum. Ltrng h, ... .F.... “m" 1 1 ii a H. Hunter, N Qu Appelle, All... tt ' ._. f" ... .._ .._ - - - - - Jennie Buchanan, youngest daughter " 8 7,3513 ' c1,'2ggUtS,te.yAt "ll,c,to 'Helm out Hum. alter two nukes, :ept Kt D [ Ja C 'Kalbne‘uch oi magmas out hit try "tted ball. " T '.' ' . . ' r in ndt. r. h. p.o. 3.0. Tavistock, to Agrees M. Mosley, of Englert, an ._. ... ... ...3 o 1 o o 8 Toronto. thu‘llin- " A , a n n A McDone1l.--In Peel, Aug. 29th, Wild- ridge McDonnell. nged " yurs. GWtrrictc--At Preston, Sept. Sth Charles Gingrich, aged " years no 3 months. Lirir-toa.--At Baden, Sept. 7th. Frances Charles Livingston, aged 80 years, 10 months and 30 days. Mr . Tilt.--At Winnipeg, Sept. 5th, hut: Capel Tilt, brother of Geo A. Tilt, Blair, aged 60 years am 4 months. Mckendrick.-At (Knit, Sept. 9th James Mckendrick, aged 74 years. Yoerger.--At New Hamburg, Sept. 6th, George Yocrgcr. agcd 58 years, 8 months and 10 days. J'helpsc-ht New Hamburg, Sept. 2nd Jean Alfredn, daughter ot Mr. MIN Mrs. Funk Phelps, aged 3 years, _ [ monthsand 24 days†_ C 'rt Fietach.-At Berlin, Aug. 25th, ttr: inlant daughter of Alphrme Fictsch, aged 6 days. Besaengtt--At Wellesley. Aug. 28th, Mrs. Bessemer, aged 83 yous. Good.-Near Waterloo, Aug. 29th, I Peter Good, aged about 70 years. "ae-i."--' Bututo, N. Y., Aug. 3lst, Josiah S. Mayor, eldest sen of Is May r, Berlin, aged 43 years, 7 mums 5nd 3 days. Houston.-- At Berlin, Aug. Wyth. Irene, daughter ot D. w, Mouton.l aged- 10 years, Totam--At Berlin, Sept. to, widow Caroline Topian, "e 83 yes" ma ' mouths. . Hei---At Berlin, Sept. 5th, Funny meann, wile oi Pew: Helm, aged 72 years. The Stautter family re-union u noon‘a short time ago has passed as u notnble occuion in the history of e greet imiiy. The Toronto News gives some tuition-d historical data: The rounder ot the (Inn-dim inmily came from Pennsylvanin to Upper Cumin in 1803, and no lea then ix hundred ot his Mudmte a iew = ago commemorated the centennry. A description ot the nrtntiott was sent to Mr. David McNeely Stunner, ot Yonkers, 'l.Y., vice-president oi the Engineering New: Punishing Co., ad the, attention ot the America branch of the imlly 17. than an" to the existence ot Mr Cantu: kin-men. In reply Mr. SW‘ trial “at the runny in ot Swim om, and in am hard or in M. in the Canton oi Bone. The all. teg, “cup-better." Ilvarr In In older In" who could but I re' this land . "W" or "nul- ler" and u I unit the all. ll eon-Io- it in mm. The - “MT...†'l,t,trltl'Ngtt In I. h _ III. nun Wag. br e at "Tas" I»: " tttt My m~ at» 'sm tt?t'i8tliisliil.1r. '"t) with: .. ,_, k. my... DEATH " LIV! we!“ STAUFFER HISTORY DEATHS BIRTHS 32.42::on mac. " Blur. a“ m no. (his Ct - D mi , ' u 'st,tt-td& marten-l Inâ€. ' to In. A n ot unit-gt h titular. but . on w lu" in“ ' iet11tt' "-r- I." -"" 'ia' __ <1 F _ _ ott& r. , _ " j . , 37,31 ' (i't?,l!jhlhikti Milton“)! 'dit,' OM., m. up l Wt.‘ "'5†- l t"tegtrtoatattiirttbter.Tn. "tttto Arr, output-3Q at k, has in 'é,rirr, OHM T ‘Buunnd‘lou anon Babe , yy'ett.rttCttte,rPttrrtAitN, um [amt-Balm tttxtg.doetgtmtt.'1 Idaho tallied in the sixth and one nun eighthud sun at mm". Mayan» “andâ€. .' lame; It.. Reid, c... .. Seyler, 3b.. Bennett, 1).. Gleisor, I... Hendry, 2b. Reamer, rt, Bechtel, et., Lang, 1b... Denna". P- .._ ... ......s 1 l l I " "ie-ku; M m 5 - g ihGiiri,%ir".' ... ... ......4 1 1 O I i,;1Eerojiit'ifiEiu'itiirr,'irhSi"rii, Hendry, gh... ..._.. ......5 a o 2 l 1 ‘W um Koehler, rt... 'r.... ......6 1 1 o o o 3.2,â€...“32ttï¬m1-ï¬â€˜mg Bechtel, et... .rF... ......5 0 0 l l 2 #.,'fat,tl't'tg'ge.'g'u,'.'ty"t 5W.“ Lang, 1b... ... 'r' .., ..,4 1 1 11 o a, m tttti. a a. 3.3.... at": _ _ --------rrroog_tt.m-omtttntqw " 8 702513 8 etyt-ttae-t-ut.-CtttNd#ettr . . ‘ad lot. and at use m an. at maul Helm out than. utter two strikes, , um um " u was pr m: itMt and Gross out hit by batted ball. I mu',. in to gallium " 'M ' _Btrlin Lb. r. h. p.0. ax. “do; ' aâ€; m; - an“ Berlin Englert, n . Schilling, It.. Gross, ct... .. Rosekat, p... Lewis, c... ... Plomaki, BB.. Cochran, 3h Schell, 1b... . ‘Gleiser out. for 1utertering. Summary _ Left on bases, Water- loo 9, Berlin 6; Inâ€: on bathe, Reid, Clots", Englcrt; two-hue hits. Ben- nett, Gleiser, Schell; hit by pitcher, Raymo, Reid, Dunner; stolen bases, Waterloo 7; struck out, by Roseknt, li, by Bennett 7; Passed balls, Reid l, Lewis 1; wild pitch, Bosch: 1; umpire, Rathmun. ‘ mum, rt. A circular has been tuned by tel customs department containing new regulations. which provide that on and alter Oct. 1, properly certitled invoices in duplicate will have to be‘ delivered at the customs house withi the hills ot entry tor all goods let) ported. Every such invoice shall con- tain e sumeiept and correct descrip- tion oi the goods, and in respect ot goods sold to the exporter ehell - in one column the ectuei price or which the nrticlee have been sold; to] the importer, end in e Ieporete col- umn the lair market nine ot eeoh‘ erticle " mid [or home concern-l tion in the country of export. The 'price’ end 'velue' ot the goods in ev- ery cue eioreeeid are to be Item in in condition packed ready tor ship- ment At the time, when, end " the place whence the goods hove been exported directly to Condo. When "he velue of goods ior duty purpose: is determined by the mum: ot Cle- tonu under the provisions ot the eu- tome art, by moon oi the goodlhm ing exported or imported under Ill- mal condition. the nine In deter. mined dull beholden bathe " new nine Benet, The dill!!! giver iorm oi the blink outlast. prescribed tor inroieee ot goods, and the deduction to be mode by the brain owner or exporter. 009i. ot tin circuit! my be had " the - CONFERENCE op TB! 11an IIITBm CHURCH. The 50th Annual nation ot the! - ol the Unwed mum in! ' convened unborn-n Sept. " um Ion; and payer, Bishop J, B, mm, Ph.D., LL.P., of Animus, Pl, “an um expo-won ot the Book of MING". One hour not: morning was devour! to an study ot {his book. The canton-co wu as!†OI, Win. M. J. W.- em; " mm. The tr"" all“. M. Ir.u. m, [In . an a- mm - ' at “atria. W -ta.attn "Mmi* " tAe -ttteut a! at - 1t"tiegt, A..- mu In“ J “I. fe. tte, titt=lit tH-ttq, it... F.", '.Sl L14. I'trft, , van f â€mm p, © M:' RliEag'd , '-""“'..T“" is 'eysirCitttl NEW CUSTOMS REGULATIONS 85 25281013 - ‘m .b. r. 11.11.0331!“ 40000.13":I .31 1101 lui, I 1 1 no 1-! jiiiiih"', .41 1 once» 520241“ .6 1 iiriil',.5 .5 on 1.1 2 I 4 1 111 02.39; --------.rt as P35133350 twat ':.'.z‘:: -. it 'irr..C'.,y.',r.r, tr :3 $5. ia".'.'.'.'.'.""'. ‘ " um odssx '4» mule- II: tum 1',tutil'te " tt ttttr. lg, " I51, _ 7 " . .r = __ iw, " w! ... . _ _ u- itttttiiiii ‘mm w: a 'iElft,ij, ..... 2lt u... ttN Mtg-Wm ",'gtrurl'f 'Its. It“. ‘m In†“kt. ll M. T an toll must srxrtaeie. trerrF, Sept. 's-aut-tutr, - dgyua: mum. 11,811 - _ . _ out. in»: wu. .rereoy"r-i,I; - I'll-nor it â€no. _ a â€as" 1'c.tafit'da"srg L"fg " Ila-rm: {a no. - vet's“. 10mm 1.1" "00‘. My" " llvq start at the £1th -tidt.0théarhtMs, 1S,ear k " will. were Cur-:0 export-, ego-tyne! to W. I. Dun. h ulna“. helm ted M L"JN I“ not (a! uk. . h ml I." aux-local. compo-0d at About 12 attic. ste, “a, all my and Inna. with I. um; - “41',“fo FrTG'iGTiWi4'FuThlr, in," Only 1 limited number m a. In “at feeders. I!) to no» "I... lUt “If“ p. at: (omen. mo " moo net. on " all!) to " per an. art-dull; to WW- toehre dellverlu were light and mm II- cnnm n $ETT to a In ewt., me Ila-I welsh!“ non to 000 lbs. lid titrol nullity. 2t."""" to luxuriou- told " ' to $2.50 ya out About 011ch on" and manur- wan Mteemt, one timer Yul-min; In I cm Good to chain cow- ald readily " “a to '50. and lama-thing than: - reported u worth m- The amt" Dwain: In no or are". it In: reported, Ind u but u ocend Mr “one of at" choke ow, m. mm. common to medium we a at to 838 not bend. ' mum at «than were “My In“. in being "ported " a. runway: PM war. Inn " ma] " our“)... (In In hm all the way from "At, to 05.50 per -t.. and In odd choke can brought $5.15 per cm t. Bolivar!" were hm. 583. The mark-I. an account of the large run. was Inclined to he drug". Priees.rartqed from 38.78 to "tto Ind " per ml. for sheep; lamb. Iold tro- n! to {up w m u _ " . "---beitvirte. wm mm. mu. “at - " "52% um] lights and {In la no men were for fed um! “and. _ w:- nurruo CAF.. Intuit my if}??? fiiiirUTr en.“ T In); Bulalo. lent. se,;".")',,',','..-",';"?',". ‘hd: III-Id]; 's'"lt “to", “.80 Ili; Clipping. " s to [5.3: butt-half 'to us; none". 1.12:. to an; emu. 32.16 " Mt buns. $2.00 to “.25.- Itochn “a (was. 82.50 to "rs. "2Pr"""i'"' no heed; “only; "" to Heg.-%reeitttm mm bond: "ttee a! Ugh": heavy, £6.25 to $35: min-d and yorkm, M30 to 5640: up. " to “in: myâ€. $5.10 to tS.66; â€an. “.25 to $4.15: 6a!ries' ttttd mum'- Euro. t? ee, _ " "iitliVGti%iiiC-itea __ uthurtriixt has; study; ouch-hm 3'" It)“ LIVE noes. New York. Int. 2a"ggtittt m Ind-.Jnllng and]; are.“ In Mr demand and may: exports. MO cattle, was Bheer and new mum of beef: to. mm, 2790 qqnnquf beef. . _ _ . Catve--Reeeitrts, me; market and}: mu. " to 88.50: gnu-en and mum-mu. Dom]; are-led entree, ttrmit, urn-3d ml». ttr. t. 13:20 per pound; may - .a. I!“ to ll e. . new and timttr-ateee4e 187: my, may to trtgmtr, other! quiet but mun tttttd.', to has; lunbl, u to as; a . n - - .. - "iiaoiL-tuwetrts, M held; noun-u: In l', "ly1u't'pc'lh"; :3: a' Pig“: r.r.u'lfs, 2.'L'Y,UN rocl. I. mouse 1."- nm I Ch m [out "--t'tktte-a+t _ t. Itt MlS,'g',N'r,1',"gh,.'.Yl','2t munch-Allin. 'M0to9h'gtrtrtrte _ an - gun to gas; out. " to ' tRN to " . math " m . mill. to IMO: 'Milt .00 to n. .raVirciuGt'ieariii. 3mm "rdtv'4dl,ttdl, 10.â€? I“ lam; lulu! and mud-3w s'ta't e, " child. hug, “G was: m In. I.“ b . t lint. - to “U: -' _ _ -. l -_,_. -- ‘_7‘V' riivrt,4ttrv, . and -ilt18',tsl,",rlir'll1 $31753 t',ih1'li'itii'ftitt'eur'tt"i “E In». wads. ' mm Inâ€. Geo, A, m, M.P., at It. 0.2. Hunt-g m in Toronto OI “hilly. , A A . _ M an - but and" min. a I!†mall to attain cam-u Mo Willi-m new [alum [tom the ,NodaMd an “him“ the nu. _ It. i. Dun-Icy In "tir- (can Toma) nonhuman“; hymn Winch. __ in} T. mu in ma L. Luna In. tau-cl from cry-bl m. wanting“ â€your only. nutmnmnucmqpauo " th-tet on Sunday. 1 ' mm In mm min-nu [Ruthenium-bombs"- IMMin'm; _ mumâ€... _ St ..., .... ...."11. " 'U' -. m._.....u.n lo, g.† m 1M_aretttrttettesto.TNr- H to... a. mundane “CHIN-mm -d5aEiciiuarkda"iFiei, W4!!- CATTLE MARKET-3' H.310! NINE. ua “Vi-SCI ltr,, MP " Ar. "11.11.!“ i. sun; tad an†has,“ 1m...“ gin-try! innit†arse-th- “753m. John â€than,“ Iron: out, " mm“ It slim, In. Wtti. Can. a my -.Mil. Ellis Lat-eh wu actuate! Ilia Cash ll. 817m on 839mb! and Sunk]. .-.Mias Anne Lunch [a Commenced warkqt the Berlin shirt factory. - The Centm'ule 100%de town Ind t photograph the! lat --6rtrw en hue commenced to low their {all wheat. . at nine tr'cloch of Mr.' Rabat Cb;- hom, at the; “118006 age at“ "bro. The demand In: one ot a. oldest residents at on section, 3nd bad resided eonunuously At. “Th- Glen" tor over, mu o.rttaur.-- Guelpl Mummy. ' _ ' The death occurred " his Mme, In Paisley Block. on Atttrttyr. mprning. 'herr+rooeorerherwsthatirthebiood fftver-siryihyhtttott_dthe 1h"getegtt2i'tt"2agt'tiu,t',T,,. 1'a"agiirgr1,tee tt-erqe 'edt,',,','.", iu?'t,l',gd'u'"M2gt t one co may uhoutou med fate - inm- â€baboon. Ttmthwtiiifthereyer 'etAttothewyterro'ptrt_tomi3trq, an) 'gtt,tt,U't,'2tQ,uTats2 grin tymmgownyi Phe irrdait5 There we exceptions. iaTaF, And they m the penan- vho-e Irealth In perfect, when Miroe b pm. lid the! active. When the man into-idol, hotly they at: thrown with m other Er,'t, new Chime cutbac- new oetekehthea6ittthe deathettrt" two - in on city hm nun-d pneireV_ ..~ .- Cs-, _ I 2gtt'g'/ggJg,,','g.Wg,ivgt,'tt bodyinton perfect] on: ,hul and“ don. Be â€and tint you Inn ml beottdotdaanctheihei. "manna-n Dr.l.V.le.wa 0°91:th (ulna; to the [nulidl' Home! {and eertain herbs and mkicia, when made Into In “WV! . t (without the use of dcohol) leaned tube the“ beat new: of 9min. the mu, N03 and vital can. {no proper condition. This Deemed to in: a downturn my a! new" on... n it I (on. Formothidofu Dr. News: Golden Idle-l Dugout, he led a wonder“! Ink and the cum new“ hon: in me use ans-bend by thou-nth. It 'ynt%mt.e9ttnaotrette.rtliyt end in: oil henna It do. not lichen the stomach. or tst%gsd the cute. It strrrtgttteu. or - the Millikan 0t dice-um in the mi “drum g = when the - o the invalid Muted helm the nor-III. . A no "Uttttrtn for 2t1N lol- Iet.rt .. Nothingn- Nttittan I giil..2it as 'tfa/ttrat a! 'r'ti,i'.i .2. " when“ lit:' M- r in“. MtN'e,thgit 'tIli. {It i)fi,ii'i' 'ttt'i'i'trili/ii'i'i . of II 'Pt St cwm'mmammsa h. be 'tTP VIII II . 'ii'i!ii!liiiii':.'ii'iii, auitwiiis "kJfiitiit2et2eANlflgSe'tt . - '3- til.» sun. -.t.. Q. on eon-uh . a to the "valid.' Haul and 'lltli4l".f,5t't'lt,tf, a 'tsmtt, N, 31.. "ftlt%Tihad"iM "ttttth'."'""" __ - " mm“ -"-"--'"--e-"---""--""-""-"- -_- a? 73635.". iiitlrdWief, Faa Farm for 8gb t?iiihit m... WAttg " . Mdi'2t b1"ihrkt7ifruf, " t - I ted1ttmiteetlPa2tttal ï¬zï¬â€˜ï¬'ï¬ï¬ï¬'mxm'fl: ""t'd,t,ttl tg8tra'?atl m†a. th "" huh. p: amass. My .0. on. manna sum u gmawfl'égi-Tflï¬ï¬gE-‘a â€__'*._._.'“._""m:'~°§-- Timothy Seed I; t)ti"iiiiii'isliiiii"ti,] I?f EM'IhMem-m Fine Farm for Sale Hutch-nu. “it “(at d um I.“ â€mom Gm mammal CENTREVILLH For Sale. _TirE0iii?iit3F.t, “FM" _ {but at J! rot tell an†Wenmencmg . "ji"-,',;',--,?;:',',;:; Wednesday Samoan)..- "thris',i',(s'."iii'riii','ir' tiitAUtitrdrr smut mum " t.ttaftlllrr')iSlrr4l adamant“ tntita. 'dilptt'l'stlit! 'iii. itl!tlt'if,i' soryPtr.i!reipthL Thee/using“ . - " .,t'ss1ltgr31 yum doth, suitable to wear. " a: x: 'iybrir'iti year. We have only; limited wincad. (itiririA" cannot chain: the show pan. thorium i' .. T' “WVâ€; i: delay. ' . F . "t .f _, s' 3, ’5ï¬ - . "' . 39315.3; t , _ T I ran†a; I. JA1 C: F. E. Maollkll'irr,r/ ,3 WM mtitu'a"m SHIP?!“ MES NAME!) Ill . BABE! “I“! IILIIITII. Highs“ “but!†Inâ€. In“ only gonad loom. Non damn: not. i6a%rE' "M?! IN m... - l 'gltglrflt."l'a ii'iiy'iihh'4t' undo an. oqtthtt_Mrh CI. man-dumbing: M and tt'Ugttt I I hm mm at but t»... o r tl,t2tP"'"""'. It: tun-that WW3. um LCDWIOEIIIP, Farm for Sale. a I,:ls,eatva.sttiii'iit,rt, tNt,t2,ttf 'tic"' i'aiae 3m“ titTrithi'if Meltoninm mint furl-com at lot-Int†on no town-Mn 1h- baa-ca Wont-hr and_ Woolvlnt. i all. but 1'tltfehti new to: ash. Tho hr- m-u Iwawmhlmm hob-cl 3-6:}: 1Llmsr1rhrtMrri% Nah. or. it "fr. ML “Sim "__ ""iIiEE %'i6UT. -ratiaiilii E M t nu Wd ifilf, 1,7t'lk,ti,til.tu't tltd mu. '. I V ""a"asum IUNB'JIBOIB. 'bus-te . _ . In! Don-in. (knot! ii"iiiii5ii1iiiiediihiiifg"t' "..' 'i"i"ihiiiAiorteiiuiroikiiliuL ' ii,!i'iiilli tt'idtp"iEi','i 42:5 mum» in. _ltfiltti'ktr1t2hmrtt'" ii'itli"C', K923 "ynunth-old 'tuser. In. BOW-"Ir mum "mi: mmd “In: Mit 'rll"tJ,uittlrf, m. n III-II. ode m mm tttt â€mu-aw an; “abundant-mun- m m a}... _ " lull by slum. an tgttt {an than we not. - vuumlggtgn trlCl'.'1'2'll 9.... m n-ne- ',lt4t"i4'Atf luvs-a 503371 Fifr, Lrilrrrikiir, iiditiefiit.iiSifi wt _ - - Tu" - «gmgï¬ï¬r' “$3.5!" UGk TiGirtiiETsTriua,NtTiraiiai' -- "at: human“. “no. at “but.“ van a ham. FumbuW-nwyh IN was MATTER or In an" on Jon“ nunpmn LAT! or T3. rows-m! or tom.- wxcu. at m on!!!" or u _ WA‘l'lRIDo. um ", manna In My m p?“ um. at all “on . an: we: "l'lafts1,'dt ilg)hilr: Pgtgt2e'tJlte m4; 'tt2ehtt tt Farm for Sale. Fo'r with†mttreommeneirttt Otsro '.tewairer Home, Berlin ' tr', .'1t'a'M2'd'fdfl'rru'J,'l' n-sa-ttttdit [snafu-uh Ian-mm et,: Embark)!“ FOR BALI WU. “DOME. mm WI. Vining- A L, am, A ELM ac _.w.. i" It. AIIM (ht Rt. Wm on. (it mayâ€)? fee an t'.dttlttaltu'lPadge, Mum. I,, 81-h Home: mm- i" and: tftt J, Bard In! M 1l""t' _ s "aetogt “at on. can]. Momma. In†sa 'fflgutrgl,2 ttgg ,.el'i'l'd'lll'lhTi at.“ plank b',(aiiiiiiiitgiiiiritid,t ITO“ AND WWM§ Pentium Nun-ht. (new Ml). 33-3 mu. Tau-u, aM... '6ialNlmiaiiliitiiittitt 'ysa/. . " _ Fica'irgViiarriir'u"' .. ' . I. DIVITT. a-rtim.i-rrtea-yAti No In" an. wul. in. M an ' [ iii'i,'i1ii:1i?'ity',tihi5 :25 In rm /rtiddrg'ari'i,'r'ltiri A'?hi1r3lhii Ammonium.“ horn Bat for uh. Also Register“ In. foe In". W. PHILIP Yorkshlre PI“ --c-FOR SALE----. Inca-an Don by to: "erietk Quite a hunk of natal in stock ind not and “It†Imported Shmthora Bull "Kan “nun Anna." for unit». ' . V mum's-nu WWII“. it ima'n-ottiti. " ' ' {:mw%%‘ï¬â€œ""w “which mt " _ _ _ “‘th . can u ALUMNI. King St. Mallingâ€. TIRE SETTING. none-ch30 M000. . . JOHN HELL, [IKE] WW. "hill“ Viral - '