. 1t is cheap in the. saving of Smw&ubn: & . â€"You ure secure against loss. > e ons iy liberal trestment is each poliey holder. : M Powder (guaranteed) P‘:g:’ :‘:uu Jar Rings of superior Devitt‘s City Drug Store WATERLOO â€"â€" ONT. #Hopo®Q QOPPRbOOQGGQ GiGbGQ @Gipib i bGGbGdqbibq GiaiGed 5 See Hasenflug‘s cheap sugar sale. Read Macklin‘s Clothing Advt. on page 8. * *Big fruit sale this week at Hasenâ€" fug‘s. a ‘ Mr. Fred Hilliard, who was operatâ€" ed upon for appendicitis a week ago, 1s recovering. ‘The W.M.S. Band played in Victorâ€" t?nk, Berlin, Thursday evening at W. G. & R. picnic. At the Toronto Exhibition the Seaâ€" gram stable has won $225 in prizes, besides two medals for sweepstakes, a very creditable showing. The marriage took place at St. James‘ Cathedral, . Toronto, on (Wednesday) afternoon of Miss Glaâ€" a Mary Buchanan and Mr. Norman am of Waterloo. The ceremony followed . by‘ a reception at f residence of the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver Buchanan jn St. George Street. _*Two bicyclists going in opposite diâ€" rections collided with considerable me in front of the Commercial Hoâ€" , on Monday, one of them being . Fred Weidenhammer. Beyond a few bruises little damage was done. Auvitations are out for the marriâ€" mge of Mr. Aifred Fischer to Miss Mary Hergott, daughter of Mrs. En ‘bch Hergott, to take place Tuesday morning, September 20th, at ten o‘clock in St. Louis R.C. church, Waterloo. ~PHE WATERLOO BAND Large shipments of cattle passed through Waterloo Friday morning. ‘_Read Macklin‘s Clothing Advt. on page 8. . "The Mutual Life boys hereby chalâ€" Jenge the Snyderâ€"Roos baseball team to6a return game, to be played at a time and place suitable to both, . other teams in the Twinâ€"City, are also open for games with ng, of course, the Canadian Leaâ€" clubs: j % the operation was performed by Pr. Vardon of Galt. This was inâ€" r , tle operation being suctessâ€" . periormed by Dr. Noecker _ of . ‘The facts were incident brought to the writer‘s notice i0 considers this correction due the ‘#hembers of the profession. ,,, he Guelph Mercury of Tuesday has :â€"The Waterloo Musical $Society Band played three programs the Toromto National Exhibition last | Wednesday, the 7th inst., with rot sed success, many of its numâ€" i‘, s having been rapturously enpored wby members of the Black Watch Band ofici is of the fair and other"musiâ€" leat critics; ‘The citizens ol Waterloo MIMM and its _ sucâ€" o j}* be very gratilying to the M. ~and the able leader, Mr. W. ilp, who has devoted so much time ) the welfare of the band, At. the i Agrict tural â€"Exhibition _ ever d â€" <in Guel ‘ prize was offered for the bes tary or teur and. Mr: Philp brought the 46th giment Band {rom Port Hope : and ptured the money. No doubt many f m’é“ : ; ms can reâ€" ~\‘This eve in 1879. 'h the Toronto a prize . lerbd . for s ue o T: best imilitary. band p wiirded. . inw Briâ€" tr .'11'?» hiz s + 5 ,‘g ie 38th Band of Stratford, c: the item referring to the opetraâ€" « for appendicitis upon Mr. Fred Hilliard at the Berlinâ€"Waterloo Hosâ€" wttal an the fifth inst it was stated | ï¬â€œM'fi ticn furnished on reâ€" «. _ . WILSON‘S ~_FLY PaADpS a SsMiTH‘S® TLY SQUARES We have a large supply of Read Macklin‘s Clothing Advt. on PEUTSCHE APOIHEKE ‘v he without Local News. INSURANCE. TANCLEFOOT inilitaty band ; throe prizes irded.=> ‘the Actillery ~Bri & ot Guelph took first nione; t’uux-; bandmaster, . W Band of Stratford ï¬% J. W. . Trondeli even 1t The regular monthly pig at Waterloo was held â€" ing.: .A lair number omn ' tended© and> brought with â€" them" # ro‘lymdgblou-lqfl mals to be sold.. Nothing 5 tookmhhnmuwtz‘ ding, although the squealing of â€" the cager buyers MONTHLY PIG MARKRET, ha ally drowns out any ot her “‘mw “.’F“ï¬!’m. price paid for small pigs was §20G4, piece, a fair AUGUST READING Voyages, â€" trayels and Miscellaneous ... ... ... 24 Fiction ... ... .. /.. ... M Periodicals ... ... ... hinuts findtictindttly ces tss miocoigiec let Asi I‘ouo'infnm the number u&.ï¬ k taken out in the difflerent elasses at the Public Library during August:~ MONEY BYâ€"LAWS Two byâ€"laws, one to raise $20,000 to acquire, extend and improve the gas works, the other to raise $15,â€" 000 to aid by way of a loan to the Canada Furniture Manufacturgers, Liâ€" mited, are now before the electors, As the amount of money involved is considerable we trust that all the qualified electors in particular and citizens generally will study the quesâ€" tion in all its bearings, so as to be able to cast an intelligent vote when polling day arrives. A, full discussion of the whole subject will appear in the next two issues of the Chronicleâ€" Telegraph. A team from the Mutual Life stafl met an aggregation from the Snyâ€" derâ€"Roos factory in a baseball game at Westside Park Friday afterpoon. To say the least it was an exciting match and was anybody‘s game to the finish, the victors happening to have luck with fhem. During the seâ€" ven innings that they played the score was tie three times, which shows that the game must have been interesting and at the close the score stood 7â€"6 in favor of the Snyâ€" derâ€"Roos aggregation. The batteries were:~ Mutoal Life, Schmitt and Voelker; Snyderâ€"Roos, Gleiser and Steller. AN EXCITING GAME McBain v. Waterloo Mig: Co.â€" Judgment (H.) on motion hy defendâ€" ants to stay the action until & next friend of the plainfif in the jurisdicâ€" tion is appointe@, or for security for costs. Plaintif is an â€" infant, and sues by his father as next friend. The indoMgement of the writ of summons states %hat both father and son rteâ€" side in Order made directing that a next friend resident in Ontaâ€" rio be appointed unless plaintif gives the usual security for. costs. . Costs of motion to be costs in cause. D.L. McCarthy for defendants. J.E. Jones for plaintif. A LOCAL LEGAL The following is included in _ to day‘s Osgoode Hall reports:â€" The W.M.S. Band have returned a{â€" ter filling an engagement at the Toâ€" romto Exhibition. They gave thrce separate programmes, one from two to threeo‘clock, and from four to hallâ€"past five in the afternoon and from geven o‘clock to halfâ€"past cight in the evening. The band played very well and were heartily encored. Mr. Fred Boffinger played a euphonâ€" ium solo which was particulatly well rendered. He was applauded repeatâ€" edly by the members of the {ainous Black Watch Band and the 13th Reâ€" giment band of Hamilton, and : they would not allow him to retire until he responded with an encore. The Mail and Empire has the following:â€" Two excellent musical organizations, the Band of the 13th Regiment, of Hamilton, and the Waterloo mu,[ played on the grounds throughout the alternoon and evening, their various sclections being highly n.ppnehw% \’ NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS F4 ab The funetal took Totals !â€" as were also selderbe lfll‘ue:n‘os. A 8$, BAND IN TORONTO 244 254 27 in Do 13 21 | d on exchacively under _ the of thk. : ; : no spection by a wm Dr, Grabensee and ‘Mr. Krieg.were out in ;r Â¥itinity of Berlin . visiting , some the most prominent farmer., . $0â€" companied by “flt Kranz, this afâ€" ternoon. a 4 _ They have visi the St. Louis Exposition and ~were specially inâ€" structed ? the Emperor of Germany to viSit Canada. Of course, a visit &ï¬m "without â€"stopping of â€"at Twinâ€"City would be quite incomâ€" the Imperial stables in Germany, ovâ€" oo which‘ theoo prbtomen Bave baper. vision. . Morse breeding in Germany 44 high plcte. Mr. Charles Artman of Berlin, who was one of the employes at the Schaeterâ€"Killer factory, which was, destrovyed by fire in Waterloo has reâ€" ceived $30 from the. International Woodcarvers‘ Union to cover his loss in the burping of his tools, All the tools of the employes were,«estroyâ€" ed. Mr. Artnian says he‘was the onâ€" ly one of the woodcarvers who beâ€" longed to the union and the only one therefore to have His loss thus made DEARTH ~OF MALE STENOGRAâ€" PHERS+ q With all the wellsknown 1even Fe derated Colleges working ftoegether to supply business men with stenoâ€" graphers, not ome of these schools is able to supply the great demand for young men stenogrzhen. The Berlin Business College has at present seve rel applications on file that it canâ€" not fill. _ Intelligent â€"and lmb:ious young men should attend this school and prepare for the good positions always open to Its graduates. Construction work 0h the Goderich extension is going merrily on. At Elmira Contractor Pjgott has a large gang of men and many teams of horses engaged in grading and they ate making satisfactory progress. Ten miles from Elmira another gang of men are at work with picks and steam shovels and the contractors are losing no time. The work in and around Guelph will start in a short time. At the Goderich epd of the line operations are being carried on more actively than elsewhere. The steam shovel is now practically at the spot where digging operations will be started, after a fortnight spent in taking it across the river and along the bank on the north side and a gang of meff wre engaged in cutting out trees and ‘burning out brush, . stumps, etc.,*‘on the . bank along the projected m:go of the C.P. R. A large building, to be ‘used asa blacksmith shop, tool rodm and s room, bas been put up in & field on the bank and wagobs, carts, 6tc., are there «ready <for use. . Two more steam shovels, a ‘couple of pony logoâ€" motives and fifty or sixty.ears have been, brought from otuv&"l"h ‘sm for the work for the Godetich of the line is worth ovo? $70,000. "CREKING ON THE GODERICE $ LINE. Enter the Betlin Business College now and prepare for the good postâ€" tions always open to the graduates of this progressive school. $ Frank Styles, a boy of eleven years, was killed on the M. C. R. at St. Clair Junction. C Serious conflicts are @pcurring off the Newfoundland coast ‘between the colonial and French fishermen. At the Cape Town municipal elec« tions a colored man was elected to represent one of the European dis The Interâ€"Parliamen Uhion "At St.Louis passed a I:ZQQ urging lbz'ultohmhtbnrh the cast. The (Quilders‘ laborets af Toronto decided to return to work. > ; At Berlin the learned horse, Hans successfully stood an examination beâ€" fore , commission of scientists. M¢, A, Miscampbell, in his examiâ€" MMMI&WnQ the riding in his | 8. "a The Y, M. C. A. reception commitâ€" tee atranged for the holding of , serâ€" ies of weekly entertainments through out the fall and winter months. mmsuunmn‘::-'; m IW graduates with mh eny John Herne was killed at Lakeficld by contact with an electric wire. A cablegram receive@ â€" at London says the missionaries at Lisnoyang are GoT $30 FROM UNION ‘:h schoo! in Ol:‘th Practic tes positions, now * ramor afnictuean, , as well as to describe their "Basy SHoks Opposite Zimmerman House â€" _ Waterloo, Ont. Mr. James Hosea spent Thursday in Toronto. * ; Mr. and Wrs. <G Huehn are spendâ€" ing a few days lt'tln-’roton@‘ Exhi‘ bition. t y Miss ‘Elma®aod Mr. Fred Sfider and Mr. and Mrs: Willard Hendry spentâ€"Friday in Guelph. _ Fo. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Faunce of Philaâ€" delphia, who have béen visiting her sister Mrs. Chas. Moogk, have reâ€" turned home. * Personal and, Social. The Missee Salome and Lizzie Moogk left for Philadelphia, Pa., on Thursday <~morning on an extended visit to relatives. . Mr. Oscar Schicbel and Miss Kate Weiss: of Buffalo, who have been vis» iting friends in Waterloo, have left for Toronto where they will spend a few days before returning to Buflalo. Mr. Oliver Martin, manager of the Waterloo Brush and Broom Company;, has returned from a several months‘ trip to Kansas, ‘ where he had gone for the bemefit of his health. Mr. E. P. Flintoft, of the firm . of McBride & ‘Flintoft, barristers, has returned after spending a few weeks‘ holidays in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan, who have been visitors at the home of the latter‘s mother, have returned . to their home in Lindsay. l Mr. John Nichol has returned from a three weeks‘ tSP to Regina where ho visited his daughter, Mrs. . Bert. Westran. Mrs. J. Winn of Waterloo, who has been ‘spending the past nine weeks with her daughters at Sparta, Mich., returned Tuesday evening after a most delightful trip. / ; Miss Ethel Graybill spent a few days in Toronto the past week. .. Mr. :« Miltonâ€" Adoiph â€" of â€" Wallace spent several (days the past week with friends in the Twinâ€"City. Mr. and Mirs, Christian Ziegler, ~of Waterloo, Mr.â€"and Mra. George Ziegâ€" ler and Mr. Wm. . Rick of Berlin spent Sunday in Heidelberg. Mr. Thos. Hilliard, manager of the Dominion.Life and Mr. David â€" Béan returned Friday evening from a most eï¬]oygh trip to Manitoba and _ the Territoties in the interests of «that company. _ They *were accompanied by Mrs. Bean and Miss A. R. Bean. Miss Ethel Graybill is visiting het friends in Toronto. * Mr. R. G. Payne, general manager of the Nickel Plate Co., of Buflalo, is visb at %mlm.d Mr. 8. B. Bricker, King street, for a few days. Mt. Aivin K. Cressman is spending a two weeks‘ vacation at his home near Plattevilie. Mr. .Roy Mclntyte has returned from a two wéeks‘ visit to Toronto. lf.'flhd‘l\tonto,mmt nrtu.hhmum.h k Mr. Verry of St, Catharines was in town the past week.: . â€" , <. _ _ This week we draw your attention to our new llge of Miss Frances Longhurst spent some time in Toronto the past few days. . Miss Ida B., ©1 near‘Waterloo is . spending wl?'g:rd, weeks t‘v‘;ml friends in Rochester,‘ N. Y. Mr. Aivah Devitt bas returned from a few days‘ trip to London. ? Mr. Isaac Newber of Toronto 3 viâ€" siting at his home here. PA m.FMTrmwSohnmvt- iting friends in the Twinâ€"City . left Saturday for her home in Ayton. ln.EJ. P. §tybold, Montreal, and Mrs. E. Seybold, Ottawa, bave. reâ€" tarned Aiter a visit to theit‘~ father and relatives here. LE ACH"* J. U F‘Fâ€"E L M A N N. : l6 nc it nowe oeary: PB : ‘dine Hergott, of of her sister i Jâ€"â€"â€" â€"GIVR VS A CALL â€"â€" §¥ #6 5 BECAUSEKâ€"vhe ingredients ate ‘ pure and the best obtainable. BECAUSEâ€"the most capable and ‘skilled workmen are employed. BECAUSEâ€"the plant is fitted out «with all the latest improvements and W & 3 ‘\ BECAUSEâ€"of inexcelled method of cleanliness, the sausages are noted for for their absolute purâ€" ity. * DUERINC,$ School Opening OUR STOCK OF School Books Slates Aund Geberal School Supplies is comâ€" plete. + Watch for Display in Window. "THR BEST" WANTED.â€"At the Berlin and Waterâ€" SCHOOL OPENING W.H. Becker & Go. Raymo Bros‘. UVRMBSMARERS _WANTED. â€"Wel ‘The abundance of artistlc and suitâ€" vntona experienced hands and will able gifts to be had at our establish» pay good wages. Extra pay for over| mantâ€"all of assured quality,®%exciusive time. Also two apprentices. . Apply|in designaâ€"appeals to your taste for at oncte. BOEHIBE'B. Bttlh‘.)l!-lt the elegant. ho at: ISTRICT MANAGER WANTED: | raot you if you are Intorested "In° ap. t position; tapid advanceâ€" nn +. .-»;-.E‘..« expenses; full . in o-h-mm.‘m structions of charge; clean, _ deâ€" =..l china are Tor sirable business. ‘The J. L. Nichols| beanty and low prices. Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention _thits DRESSMAKERS WANTED. â€"We want siz experienced hands and will mooanp Extra pay for over time. Also two apprentices. â€" Apply and other newthings. We are .sure ‘to have th‘-’ud right prices. * ! HOME MPAESAUSAGES | WHY DUERINC MFARS. | BERLIN Seribblers. Slates. New BOOKSTORE BERLIN MEANS: Lead Pencilse We A fine range of Amazon cloths, pure wool, 48 inches wide, snd‘sa fine . nish in shades of brown, navy, uyzfl..flu&n.-i k ..‘ blaok, as . °* . : = â€" _ ~T5e and 950 a Yard Among tle man lish Dress Fabrics being shown in this Wt-‘hesvy’gch'rwnb,xmond Nappe cloths, all in etriking effects of design. _ . > â€"â€" â€" A‘fine material. for Evening wear or Party dresses in shades of nary eream, grey, nile, pale blue, and black, 46 inches wide _ â€" _ â€" Voiles, Eolimnes and Crepe de chenes are still .mg‘f;:l:: with a few new additions, such as sitk Crepelles and silk i Imported Natte lllkoml:i" «#%. is anothervery stylish ,comes A now and very material in neothervery mptar weave,comes | _A wov and yeey sls masoris CHEAP SUGAR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. WEDDING GIFTS. GEO. HASENFLUG. SETE CEREIEE CC .4 CCC wool at............ $1.00 a yard. A fine range suitable for fall ul m a. meimly "of weureh sao Infério® Hine of 54 in., tweed, in black, grey and brown, at 6Gbe. a G. B. RYAN & CO., .l :p m f Watchmaker and Jowelar, ral Block + Opp. Snider‘s Mil. Wr have a carload of Redpath‘s Best CGranulated Sugar, which was bought before the advance, and of which we desire to make a quick disposal ; we offer for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. 100 Ibs. for $4.75 ; ~â€" on â€". 20 lbs. for $1.00 No sugar will be charged &t these prices. , N.B.â€"This is the Best Week for Best Peaches «4 «¥ke ienss s s We mention a few : . WOOL VOILES City Grocéry and Onina HPA. A & a â€"'.J :':i.:‘fll give Veour. | > Bilk Parisienne, OI'ODC de Chenes Soft light sheer weave, leading _ popular shades of cream, pale blue, College has Opened Borlin Business Uollege was established, surpassing the reâ€" matkable â€" record "of last year : by nearly 50 per cobt. New studemts enâ€" ter every week. Catalogue free, This school has just opened witW the largest initial attendance since 1t WREBTERN OMTARIO blue, and bladk, only 90¢. a yard. Wehave at present in shades of b:ut, navy, a:iâ€ndng W. D. EULER, ParmoraL. LARCEST AND BE&aT C t > * w Wiky. ......... 150. a yard ONTARIO ap t 44