T, Riki-w "a - ' q , “m .-;:1 _. " d e a†" gun. '. (tr-tre. a! “I up»!!! F be - a! up in be a, T m ot an we ot no. F More be: - - T 'ha h Mental M d - (‘d-IM. tum nae-u may to win an. luv Jib “who: my you any :nqnieluored intuitsingot my jibe ot my comments! commodity Im the market. We do 1mm. fw, when the " ol pu’ply “at domed In bed the ell-ct ot D" IL†the sale ot was. to 1 point “I.†employee have beencnlnped ttt Mr wort: to provide tor.Ue no- 's-gitig. 011111: tor them-elves ud M lemma. Animation he: one: ;bcll resorted to tor the “lumen! Vol dilemma between workmen And When employers. Sometimes aocept- able link by: been made by unit Ila-III. but L 3 rule the delibera- tidk ot ubitntions have been gov- onod more by u. spirit. oi comprom- lu than by wientmc principles. The Idiot unions as making . poverlul don to Agttt the luv ot supply Ind Mud, using " their vapon the I“ of "decent living conditions." They would go lurthcr. They would insist that the humid conni- tion ot the employer should be consi- ‘und in the determination ot wagth, ind that wages ou'ght to be adnnced not only Above the Ito. ot supply and demnd, but even shove the law at Mount living conditions, in can improved tmurttitterr and incxwed prosperity made such I demand pos- sible. Arbitration “not become 3 Ithaca till it In: done something to mono the two points of view out- 1iabt above, and to establish I. con- 0mm body ot phnciples governing mastic†like these. What weight should be given to the law of supply and demand , How much should the men out of work It Bttttost my price be allowed to iMu- ence the wages ot the men still at work? How is: should the immi- - be allowed to pull down wages in this country ? . 'r' (2) What weight should be given to the coat ot living , Or should it be admitted that the workirtgmart's in- home‘ haa in the past beenjoo tar Stow the employer's,pnd that the mm between the two should be lacuna! as business condition, will permit , % b "rm mutation has found maaoaatef a; 'iiati,Giciiiiil"siG in]: I ancient never: to phone (am and is tempered by the Jenna-e our Jain. it will remain what n is to. mm-me "Ho, For “an!" by tyre‘dlplomulc mun: ot conclud- tl',r"lc,2t21 in Four-Truck N." '1" pence die: n struggle, instead o†. a Calculus method ot so tlxirtg we;-‘ on on recognized principles " to WILL “BEES LONDON, _ _ , nth [Mute struggles unnecessary. I The seventh Can-din: Conlerence ot m--.-...-.-.-..-... 'Chazitiee and Correction will mt A BAD P . at London on October 5th to ' [ __0LICY next. at? it it hoped um. i'IT. "2 "h Mr. Child , - e letge attend-nee oi wot B. Mt le'.'rfi'f'/l'hrlttrd'yt 'lt SB; View at the benevolent character ot Aide, N. J.,'hu ordered. the din- the movement, the nihuyl Ity, .nhlll ot ail men in his employ who 'gnntd . M h" attd the Ladles In punt the my mare. There Llf3ompittr ot “M" h" mm“ 3", m ot this Bott o, um; iil,t came to provide tor doletntm in min common. Mont 'iraio,,ialpeimt' how Aâ€, tepnttrley u . 'A In. Childs, tumor ot the Bu- Mt “alumna; Company, at. ' “In, H. J.,'hu ordered the din- - of :11 men in his amplay who kn pun! the any mare. There In in mac. ot this sort of thing be null; common. Most nylon" "%ttnrtutatroodtnanottutrhoa an! methane which A younger mu _ _ ttttt pace: “Ilka is mm.“ ex- ; its my bumme- is Nat " sc."" u may. . ' (3) Ought prom. always to be con- ddoted? Ought W139: to be t1fixed abuse, or should Itrtror share in all -eritr , Fab an. a: brute Institution b in " Mum. .hd engine _ all Items: will In!» to under- Lt' tuetrtqtt culmination†NF to “I knowledge ot the vort- , “I sit huh. m a: nu. ' out the 0.1.3. - (or "roar-att' Hen“. mom "I mum-tn M6963 Ian-w . Paut'rg2 mag. In. I†up on '2terttUlt2'l,1 of an Ora-â€I ol- 1t1tit?,,, and a. but. In “W od till a but hour. but (kn-I; mud to show up. Th pollen m BotiBed that ' o'clock m nut-g. Out“; In. be. m in employ of the Ogder hr ti." m. an IM!» on!!!" my: i??? 5t?2'.Fi'f i'dtdtit tutr: tui, 1: no on but}. but 'yttilio- he could- “it. "el 22iiief "in. mm. can â€not J1N'l"rfiv'd'l'nT. 'gthtta%trPr,'Ws 'tst mum†u â€a.“ tom-(- nuaumcommmm tttthid"."; not In an - thump-douche:- lan-MI. .ousirFrmaatnar. numwtutbguuhul qCthroreoashintsot-tpttr.1'1tc GU Aaa, " ' In Afr-pd am. the" all but I unmet] an†aura! In†at Alu- d W! W113 2'fT2T"St an m but. Om"; o v". :30 two am living " New Inn- burg. MU predleunun In. aces-loo- od much "an in this any, who“ bl wu well no" and much respect“, u ha In What an 'ret At pronoun. may otNGU ot an Order an in the city cumming 3» book. at the order. It in china! man short-cu are being Iona-i. bot the uncut will in no way meet tto Order, I: a (vault... comm In liable. Moro having. It to known that Oman. procured s mohc. Brantford, Supt. to.--- Gu- tung ot tho c. o. R. chupd with mount was eaptttrod by Chief Blank: and Sergeant Domolly In.“ Thu-W night. Ho puma not guilty to the chug. at yesterday morning's pollen court and won ro- unded un Monday. Batt wu tUed or ",000. L. F. Boyd, K.C.. at Toronto, in engaged to “and tho primer. An wort will be made to- day to nine the vacancy bait. Gutung in strong in MI dociuotion ot innocence and thin lad. to the belief that lama other person or. impllcnted. 'There in no doubt that thu money is gone and on. ot the lawyers noted yesterday that Gu- tung didn't have it. It was amou- ly announced yesterday that those looking over the books were likoly to and them burn-n $5,000 and 'fe ooo short. Unrtung was Ilwnyo con- sidered . moat oatimuble mun. It is problbly salt to say that It. this moment, 100 miles ot the Alain! Contnl Railway are in operation trom the new town ot Seward, on Resurrection Buy northward. This railway changes the whole situation in Altai“. It is surveyed and bedded tor 416 miles inland, across the great Tatum and anptrt mining regions and the Yukon, to Battles on Kayn- kuk River, in northwestern Alulm. It will be completed in 1005, reduc- ing the tare lrom Seattle to the Rampart country from 8345 to $145, and the lime trom thirty-three to tour days. It will, with tour simm- .ships in connection, operate I." the your "ottrtd, u the Shim. Valley is surrounded by the lamest mouth kins on the continent. sud bu I Gild climate, with little snow or [on and is tempered by thet June-a our- "ttte-From "Ho, For Alan!" by to be eonaidered no child suing. institution and when augment, poor and. one ot name, techie- minded, ate. M will be very M it my long pupal. mod ot the time was [in up b -ral (Ii-cum. Anyone mmu valan- to " ma than not“! o.. m tekrt. MM he punk-Ii and s -ttltt.t. ohm. , 'ATastiiiuiiireitit -.. _ or“. _ The Puma: You elm-at not the Loam-m: PM“ Exposition In "ro an. no: two _ no: two month, not two yarn. tt Wm to continua an long. In the can. at you via“ you cm as on ma. M;mv¢yumopn. - a! m, at out... you will no my M It at gun-t t.tidn.t to â€M at th. a» you VII any I Mi "Us at ia-rem, a W; at not In an. alas. a. tul-I a. a... 'N II “.4 "E." "‘ "' . " ti' 'iie't'ctaij,illd “m _ M A .t Ai _ ALASKA CENTRAL RAILWAY, D THE WORLD'S FAIR U no “in - Add.» "M and†â€thanâ€? " It n “I: than on to W loiyou by “not! an!" Sun-u m on nun-aunt than?“ by birth. Ist, a. et, ummwh M In any It" the» mu .. "mtio !rtueyut'p.e1pePtf,yPtt, mwmumumuum on; yet on an mm wily uh him . China-n. Beet you w w. “The no In a the MM“, 01 I. mu." Yet. numbumtmuauueu- nun. “no no“: M and that any at the chutn- no living in an United Shun. I‘ll. acqui- tion or nation-my h mum tw volved ‘ Theo than to n in" mutiny. You way be born in one er the Euro- pean cohntriee, tor angle. and no: hove [helix-here until you reeehed the am Itâ€; then you went to An- eriee end ved there tor my years. While in your new nhodLyou went through . poodle: experience. You are beginning to look " oer-tun ene- vtonu. ion or that“ ot the old country which you had accepted un- queetlonlngly, while you Were living there, Iron e diltereat standpoint 'tow. You were lormerly too nee: to these things in order to View them accurately; now you are in the right perspective. You ore» inquiring in- to theee institutions ot your country by competing them, not by mounting them my longer try the populer no. tionnl, but by the highet ethical uten- dard. You return to the country ot your birth, end the impression: deep- en. You find thet you can no longer leel end think, u the people do, about what they consider great ne- tlonel issues, eithough you hove the some ejection tor relatives end tettsmta, end the scene. ot your child- hood nwelren the tendereet reeouee- tions in your heart. But you hove ohmged, you have grown, end the old surroundings do not tit you my more then the skin ol your younger yearn. You are glad to see e greet development of commerce and indoo- try in your “the country, you see I great lncteue ot material prosperity, but you and perhaps thet the spirit- ual development ot the people bu not kept step with the Utter. Realiz- ‘ing that your views on greet vitnl ‘queetlone ere entirely. ditrerent from those of the mejorlty In your native coultry. would it not be inconsistent to‘cleim thet netlonality any longer'. What then is.nationuiirt -It ifnot . question at birth, or lmgutge, or edpyntion; it is 1 question ot ideals. However, your Mala In†not be that: ot your country at qoptlon ei- ther. It ll cg: In Irishman is some times “unto ed into n lull-blooded Young)“ this In 3 comparatively rare use. You will be more likely to see the imperfections in govern- ment and legislttlon In the IteWeCoutt- try n well u in the old one, u, in fact in ttll the other countries ot the earth, at our present “use ot clvlll- ution. So you may have to change your unit. of measurement, you any hue to the trom the nation) to the COF mopolittn stamina; And instead of bolus guided exclusively by the him and customs of one rountry, you will adopt " your guide oi conduct whom In the“ beautiful uni Iony in this alimony Ind ethics of all the civ- i zed noes of the oath. But in your country ol adoption you may meet sometimes people who even " no lint interview wank nbout your peculiarity of accent .341 that most posillvoly am you um (lei-nun. or French, at Run-Ion. ml wool-inns to Whit con-“tutu their} {dog ot than union-min. You m.) ply that you hope your quantum no urge enough to qrtttbram, now “an one country. that you led yum - . citizen of the world. um thy will tarp nun upon your dish lor- elgl um t and "on ttre Jim; you no manned ot the t ol your birth. "N not We now I W gin the following “not, "tty bro- that. why do you ter to all. mole hill in no lawn-a ot 'ldl,hl'rlt 1â€!â€on you allow you: on.» no. in be ' up will â€I“ mu. mu 'll'lf/ddu"d', It. than o l w in - 1aiak and ab. who we Inspired by such ideus you will hue . ttrm hit): in the was poo- Iibilitiea ot the human nee, u the muitesttuon ot Deity in the tieah. {II the Anthea! left". ot “than! autom- gnd old out-worn and†To m a nun in mammals been“ be ll 3 "nonnative d a and»: idea n ma. but the tact that In in Marlon. tte Mn, or Janna. I: only at My gh"ta'tt, IG',altu'. etggntiete. n , no " in“ d ttq 1iit"t"?iii1:, 0m - un- t "-3 M will. gum?! V v Iâ€! "..t.ABdtt.sJl.+.1 'tamd In: to taen with and: 'tttar, - My in.“ tree, 'eprfved a! km" - Te win on “In" A the “walnut. MU uth on Hal all. put 'ff/ttut'.." t l m . m , MW,“ Minnaâ€? mu AtitstNe ' to 'f,g'Plteut,'. l our 'isutiPjb"'ltT9Wrraii, ii“: i, P. "AC'rNCiriii t iii'riiii the beii'i'i1u't11 'elf ' t,'i'ti'tili't:iiiilit, 'iiii'iilit att mum-musing.- ‘. . it. .~ ‘me. auf. rum; T _aie,iltb" _ 'ted,'.' ' " . F iGiiiiiik%msir. at w 'gi,'i'i.to/tii'i1; no 'itil, -----"q.e-- T . to I M MINERAL museum ' ' 3 it u 25 mum at t'gtulrtt " TEE DOMINION. in. it kept " who way. e - ,_ _ ' A. -. w “as: t'tV& 93.?! iiatrti) ' 'Oauln In the [and “kit -it. b the world. "ata' clued an“; m F I _ I ',iiitii'i'i'ii1; abi. w o In any m '. KW pm: tt mo. - ' , _. _ V nigh! who. in. reach- edm 011,300 ttot. f _ i1 “EM-ELEM (with in in world'. sop-"94w“ foyeiru.. T -at, ""tjiiisid exams" so million: worth at when! WNW“, itt tHC, -- " -- "V DWI-Yukon District itetded " mum In soy “£1993. .. - .." 'ao,ooo Gok pm In tho Cuiboo goldhliugh _nl_ 40 f."." Mo. -eaiout. At/ard-ee is "ti- mukd 14) he IM, squat mile. in nu. . t "iiiitii'tt Tfounniu ha ‘produced " million; in wld: A _ “Hie Yukon pigeon»; hue produced more gold that any other pineal minu in the world. h V N Finaao mineral production has ia. creued 600 per cent. since mo. Ot ’Choleu Morbus with One Sun!) Bottle of CturmtrerVirs's Colic, Chalet: and Diarrhoea Remedy. V Mr. G. W. Fowler, of Hightower, Air, mum tn cxperlenoe he had while serving on n petit jury in I‘ murder cue It Edwtrrdsviile, county sent ot Cleboume county, Alamo. He snys: “Whlle there I no some (rash meat and It gnve me cholera morhua in a very severe tom. I wu never more trick in my lite, when! to the drug no" tor . carton: chol- en mixture, but the drugs!“ sent me a bottle or Chamtrer1Bitt's Collc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iw stood, saying tlnt he land what I sent tor, but that this modicum wu 2nt hotter that he would nther ‘dlttomelnthenxlwu in. I took one dose ot it and was better in tlee, minum. The second dose cared me entirety. Two fellow juron wen " llléted in the “me manner And one Meentr-tive cent bottle cured the three ot us.†For all: by all drug- glstl. - We ere so tuxtistottted to think ot P. T. Bernum u manager of "The Greatest Show on'Enrth," that we ml to realize whet a versatile gen- ius he was. In tmet he we. one ot the unique chencters ot the nineteenth century. Very only in life he proved that he possessed “an eye to busi- ness," and, by the time he no twelve, bin juvenile business meatle- Uons had been so succeselul tint his [other Informed him that he could buy hit own clothes, which he ate!- Vudl did. t eighteen he opened I store with e stock coating seventy- ttm doling The tirat dny‘l sele- were sixty-eight doling and the “.er not meteridiy dimittiattot.--rtom "A Unique America,†try Adair Cook. in Four-‘rnek News tor Sennaâ€. Another: church union I: being tate- " of. The mum and Free 1mm“ dtntorttittaUtttm td the pmince' ot New Brunswick m (runny working to. wads union. Tug convention-held u Truro, Int "a, mind “an" In [not of it, Ind it In -ttit that dun-m action win be tahen math WM ot the Pro. Baths. ot Nu Baum In held no“ as "t at 0am. Animus}! CHURCH UNION NatlnCImDm slts,tasdtamit, an 'i"iiiiiiii, ""Wm’" Ind-ch] mac... “Mn! “In THREE JURORS CURED A UNIQUE AMERICAN MSW u. mama [no - on “any in good. a“ an; am 7 in supply. - a“ I) 8h., l, 130.. you“. He. in E. _' ' In. . (munch, who J ,itut “in; he! Wm, urn. . q Wk king Aeeet, tor the pm moid,' zo- tuped to her home in Hamil“ no hem} ' . nevi Cum sum. or at. My. Church. Toronto. and“ a. mi- ca In St. John: Chute. on My}. Word VII when from CW At Ida-on that In has fully new“ "on " Ilium. nil}; enjoying 'ttto light: Item III on home. _ 1 my puma man: held] Rott. Snyder Sam-d†naming a Pt mm 81111103 a Sid“); eon. worh. Mr. "rder, vyp nu the eon-un- ing mutt“. bad hi. left hull and“ in tho pron. mm It buily. The Index thtger on civic: hand tad to be Immune. He will be on work tor some “as. Dr. Mogg dressed the From the Cblcnio News. A lolly mun alwgyu am- himself in good company: ___ - When power" comes in at the win- dow love out]: uncut the bed. It . mm is troubled with ennui he should pout two girl. who are chumn. [ ' The laddet'a top Isn't cuily attain- ed. bot ttp view " wortthe wort. " . girl is beautiful she soon leans that she doesn't need to lave Sims med mike opportunities tor when to' “he Manage M. is†a. worthless mm in worth something to his widow wtut kept up his lite Insurance. ... T Peopie 1mm; meet with lower dis- nppolntmenu it tiny didn't expect more um they desert . __ _ is or the hmm‘mngs to and in this work! It a Mad who isn't me up gt 'tte arm time ypu no. Woodstock Express: Arthur ud George Davis. two young Ms â€who ere sons of Rev. E. E. Davis, the well known missionary in Emmanu- drapurnm. Indie, arrived in Wood- nock last night and started their studies " the public schools to.day. Rev. Mr. Devin is in London, Eng.. in» now, and his wife and iamin cums: on to Cumin. Mm. Bull is in Port Hope. She will subsequently come to Woodstock, Where the - will take up their residence on Ot.. ford street tor " last a your. Th. [allowing Can-dim ma Amri- eu punts hare been recently no cured through the â€they ot Mann. In!“ A Hutch. patent “tomeâ€. 1katerl, Cu. and Washington. D. " had been troubled with lune back tor tittoms you: And I loud I complete recovery h the use at Uhunberlnfn'n Psin Balm." an John tr. Either. Gillan). Int, This “aunt in also Wuhan An equal for and» Ind bruins. It In (or uh by All drttggiata. ', ' C. [nonunion regudlng‘ui at that 'glLut','"g,1 tree ot charge by "plying the IMHO named Inn. Curr. . No. 'M". In. rd. Sunny, Eat lnd. â€mm for menu»; no. loam-919th; artd mm mm~ A wise sift “way: pretends to be a little more deny than the young man she is planning to [we the par- Mttt with. CURED OF LAME, BACK. AFTER IS YEARS OF SUFFERING. No. u,no,~:sm curios, fnrs hohn, Bide, loin-Hut mum To: PM"! My: T ' _ - No. tam, inks. P. J. New. “mom. mum, um mm. t 310.88.â€. Junc- prahe, Chgtab M. In 1m. {mm in. Ne null-g Milt mm te a. - a watch No. â€.873. mm. Elna-bug. hm; shun. am “a If until lot heating “hum _ cou- tMtttae “Q! a! momma. "he. an. “In. Mu. can». Path, M. rue-u to! aim emu but. ' t .. id. "tavfm'w a 'tret-, In“ In“. On. C hm hm. . No. 10.. 806, h. “an. ttat Pt Mr' M. #IO'LM‘IIIM 10“] 35mm!) PARAGRAPHS THE mvn'N'ron's WORK. . Irma _ A. . Wyn-M FROM DISTANT INDIA 'Ar,. Alt-h 1 Jam!" m: ""ION Mt CAM © E3 Bh'rlllrhllt i MUTUAL Pt" “Slim can"! Moon!» " toN, (on! m an: m " - “I. 808.17. mm “SE-cram. ' dim-n... was». was. up. , much. - " In“... . 8.u M“. " 1* Atgsietmi.1h.,- El. “was“. _ autumn,†Jan-m.“ - - gummy-4mm out» _ Bop-Inn; a mods!“- nun. Ttte underlined has to condor cin- can And bonny th an to his Immu- on. unmar- for a erdg'thttt use extgndeg hire I.» y. wingi- 6.000 Ton- of Put-curl taken hom huh ,rrsl, u A gu' " in in 'ri'ii'i'ii'i'tgtil'i'i'f, inWA'l' 0306333 in“ , quantum. lam or null, “luxu- IN. Prion. . ' The Absolute Purl i :- avmn'rnnn and '."h'hlt; be an tae All pupa... I" ERLOO Rom-r mm MI 'Gu, can for xhe pram" 3min in. land in . my lugs gummy. “mini-Milan! and an"... new. “minimum-m 1 n1 mom-I! Win. â€up! Ak ICE! ICE! IWMIMM’W III-.1".- b fa ' onions t ,'terti'teW.'rd'= but MI W. J. L. Arum... Inâ€. . pp tB-ol was". Bulb. BUCKBERROUGH & CORY,“ JOHN STREBEL Btmstte1's HARNESS SHOP Ed. Durrnetf, 'F . E,','lffft -iriiiliiriimmiideiteit, jiii'h'tulr itangRietiviisitintoths tespofttteorenthrutahpetftaath-tAtidit'te.vettlytorrmtt, lilies-mm Thigivunmihuh than.» um tc"dtl2,t'td2t, . . triumph» tuttiemittrttrattt. I" ' than» Winn oretbathAi in!“ chum-n! in“ up 1',l,'td','fl M'dht'1Wh' sh1ih'i?.ii'its'i'rsev'e dht-rrir-atttiiotreedaHPtte.firet - 1tt2.ttgtrt"g'.eatgtrtM='trggtt t2r2tMr,'attgtgttttrtt a†ffdleii=',,Tf/g,t1tt'd1,'ld' lie-1M“ “In“ roirGFijFitriitr" ai 7' - duo-H- r: "iiiiuriiiirirauu (9915 IT"â€"T"" "5â€" --h-'er;'-'-""e ,-._ -"V "To“ thmm-m‘w“. '.""" - ' r - " m At it mu., “I _ "Whoa. â€sung:- !ittst?ii,2eatu-, thumoun. MW.' I = /dlrr,"G"ftarltltt WM 'e. M'Cllaryt' "c' ' "/' MYM.MMVW.I&J~.IJ The Got-n07 round" 60.. --' Imperial Oxford _ _ Range , 7 'ers' Pi 'irriiik'iilll, 1tettettyet -trlrtlll'lljrltjl 'nbiin's'r PRIOR ON, A 0.] on: I. I“ than ......3 my... -..........Iuh bee-.-,-.-...--.....,..- 'q-an-----, Some people claim in.†'aittkiryt . butCow Scone: Inâ€. Ttiii, commune: totheqriti-tbesf It. ,',tt'ifh'tfhp,,WJtit,'l', . but , therefore the odyuo‘houl salon than nah. Alum h and mmwluhmuovuy duoriptinn. , Ballard of ‘JOIII I. "MEI. PM. Nqtaqqqtia-.tDoo “no Antonin-3w . . $MMNt0llll. T w.XLBt-asa - J Molina! nwmm than. I PM All alan- of _ a lowest can.†Ida-e- . - Life.Aecideu¢ and â€than. Glam. Boiler Insurance, Implo- on’ â€shiny. Fidelity Bonk-g†Me [nun-Inca. r ~mwm IIIâ€. " - m out“ BuskhomugM 00., “mama-um x mien-retold» and†Ewing end main; quai- fianltholm‘mialomd rm is fottttd in the dif- fusive thee-on improve- rnenxwhid: anathema yin†iaiitfihuet, chm mu‘dnu huh ah â€phone No. MR Imitation. - --". “mi-o