P31 ts" _ .mt‘w â€ii-55 _ .mpgmg it leans the late of the Government is dependent upon the result. Partic- ulars hue been tiled in the North Perth and Munro)“: cases. The elect- ed member in North Perth is 3 Lite eral, end in Muskoh n Conservative. Both petitions Ire set tor trial on . September 6th. The usual charges ot corruption are made in each case. Each party chase: the other with the distribution ot 1 large campaign tund, and each candidnte is charged perpounuy with a breach of the law, which, it moved, worm! disqualify him. There is “other petition flied unmet the return ot Mr. Duntop, ot North Renfrew, and perticulars in A leading Non Scout lermer'} points out that the ever-go men buys the diluent kinds ot mill feed: with- out knowing the grade he is buying, the "he ot each, or the kind ot "oet.to which it should be led. In "NtitRtitttetitttt it any be set! "ttat numerous experiments lave been made in Europe In! America in order to "certain the money nine of minus man experiment: have been mule they can“), but the result. have but to count!“ that Prat. Henry â€with... in, Me etude“! work. 'att, end Fouling," net " 're: "rt e is tape-me to may the “he at one Ieuitttt em! in can: ot another he. mutant had upon - “this. nod in a“. The .nhe to the - of†per- m an; ml- iWiiii lead! t,',t"2'tr'tur/'l' 'tc, 1 hell up no - “on ' in tttttf, Aha-Ian amen ,Wme;qd,hllo!‘u- . “a . . II! 1td"Mt 't ' .1 - ' ' ' l; f ' V ' V ' _ '0 m '4' I. , if. " 3 “7 .t'.y.VNs, uh? , f Illl1llMMlllt ... , F. v V n a: W: a" =r , H U. t!lllMMi, 'v B? fag; †“i f iiiiIEa “yaw .,'gi‘,)z,m‘n IEFai I 4.) q ilNr, 1litl ' " . " QrMg " " Bl .9 AK! ' Eat, _ L†*W-‘h "" Sie,.) ' 1-! n V, -. H O :a'mï¬m- BBA. " an»: an?! as than and ham†" a?“ It“ "It at "em-oun- unusua- cevwde'lqu no. in km." Ttr - 'is'tqa, edema at Berlin is My would; . serious ou. at Melly to when viewed from the Mt 'sd. ttr.umNtiabititr-tt my $hmasaat" ol clonal: tor tuma-' 'lt unount ol the imperfect condition " the system. There in little wold" tNit â€you an becoming artxiotttr 'to know when this sate ot dun in all; to end. It is true that the newer commiuion have let the con- tract mi the Gnatruction ot septic tents. sad the work is progressing u fut as on reuonhly be e’xpeeted but it has never been contended ttGt these that: will purity the sewage ot the town mmcteifny so that it may he property discharged into Schnei- der's creek. The action oi the set- tling tank- at the manulacturing es- Uthiighmentss and the operatiotrot the septic tanks at the sewer farm work- ing in oonjunqtion, it is claimed, will put the â€wage both domestic and otherwise in the best mssible con- dition tor ftltrtstiott. After proper til- tration-it is contended that the dis- charge will be reasonably pure and harmless. The only way to accom- plish is desirable end is to have til- 'ea' beds ready for operation " soon as the septic tanks arc complet- ed. mm‘wmdl manhunt-â€hum The Ontario election “his are " training mgticulat attention because thin can He now being procured. Hen "ouh is Add that Mr. Dun-l lop can be pemnlly disqttalitied, as well u untreated, am} there is and of running min tor the House of: Commons agairtat Mr. Mic; l LEADING CEREALS AND THEIR i BY-PRODUCT." _ We“. malignant 1'r'c1'teMetffAlln,"d.' inhuman-Rf to“: 11tg'%te',tt.r"r â€by mmc “an =2ttd'l tthe. u an. ttrlJ'J'dlLl'lG'l'lhTll mt-r'lut ten d†fad 'oea-sftlotAsirttdnrit* ELECTION PROTEST Marvin mum a!“ i "mu. ‘ Barley.-rurley is g fsrst-ctase Iced 1or pigs End dairy cows. The by- products, brewers' grains and malt sprouts, are largely ted in some’ on» tions. Brewers' grains Ire simply barley from which the dentin and sugar have been extracted. The wet. grains Are not desirable tor general use, but the dried grains are sully kept and are rich in protein um lat. making with bran and oil med as . feed for dairy cows. Malt sprouts are 1; cheap and excellent teal tor cows, but they are Bot greatly rel- ished and only two or three pounds a. day can be fed. , " E; . ' _ a88ih" I . ‘ "ME, . slttttl " _ BE Fi we -, " " M, " , " . au‘l»¢é§w&~ am" iGMil A p, . .4 I"... 5:. .. =» - “ iat C., . Il Haiku “. v " ".. 'rillf1raif,it'ie.i 1,'P' mammal "e :3 In V . d in sat a . with up a! than 1.4. ttt 1U,tWatf 3.qu “A n 1 'tet, ml QIUleIN I! lint: In! “use: up hill! at - E 't'ttretmedtssaeerietttttrmt* ud tat. “in arm“ U a - up", Bret. “Juana! a! cementum nature, than u mm with In: or ants. Corn tom ‘k very rich in protei- ud on; after tin oil in wen-Id out the {an " know: neon: ollmett or T n oil can, also . vumhlo (cod: 'thrs Fran is relntively low in ttxuistg valve. There are numerous other “corn mods" on the and“ but they ".11 puny in companion and ulna Ind .attould be bought only ‘under a gnar- gnteed unlysh. mus-Inn loading value at mtg " well howl. on hum. oat that, “- on $yed or shorts are the and w- pmdseta of this grain. Ont hulls m ot man “he tor teat, but ore one. mind with corn mes]. do, all tho mixture sold " ground can. on am consists ehietty ot the minute balls removed from the kernel in like mounting ot calmed. It has a tair leading value, especially if bra ken kernels ue preaent. and there in: not too much mm sweeping. _ ' shorts or on Iced varies greatly In composition, although the better grades show a [coding value simihr to that of oatmeal. Peai-peas no very rich in pro-i teioe and Bre. among the best feeds, tor growing unimals. dairy cows Andi pigs. Pea meal is too concenttited to be fed alone, There are Bo by- products in general use. Oil CtNr.-.0il mic or oil meal is n. by-product of the nzanulacture ot linseed oil. It is a. very rich and healthful teed, particularly tot (n- ming attic and sheep". Ita high protein content makes it "made for feeding in moderate quantities _to dairy cows, along with corn silage. Cottonseed Metrl.--Cotttnseed meat is a by-product in making cottonseed oil. It is the richest of all the con- centrates, but varies greatly in qual- ity. It is not suitable for pigs or calves. Good cottonseed men], which is I. bright lernmt-yellow in color and has a fresh, pleasant taste, any be profitably led in reasonable quantity, it combined with other feeds. Not more than three or tour pound; daily should be led to duty cows. For the who†of local sportsmen the following items no quoted from the Ontario some lows: Ducks, Sept. 1 to Dec. 15; Gm nod Swans..8ept. 15 to my 1, in the following Year; Grouse 1nd Hues, Sept. " to me. 15; Phonon and Flowers, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15; Quail, Nov. [)0 Nov. on; Wild Turkeys, Oct. 15 to Dee. 15; Snipe no Woodcock, Supt. " to Dee. IS; Squirrels, block or my, Sept. " to Dec. Ib. new one: home. who the mo “gum any In two or killed. th the iettty “1de has on loch-fed in on am. No pom not redder-t and domicile! in Ontario my hot ok km on! page, animal or bird. with- out hm procured o wraith“ The enigma of comp lion to h “neglected P leatiteamiti thateon. r'i?1'ieuti'i,'i't?,i?,! (tlet, tia neglected comma on 'teqtf21t"ttlt At Home of Won “We: setr. Faith?“ and, begin consumption and an'a Emulsio: tatt lld Ham in GAME LAWS ifi5tj, Mt tb , "Toronto News. , , The Rev. F. W. Hollinnke, ot the Blind]! Street Methodist Church, In Woodstock. recently pram-and a ser- mon a the topic, “Wonk! Christ I)? long to n Labor Union?" He mic - ed in the amt-nun. The aunt-Jpn- tion 011.30: [mm ninety to was; be all. has been wrought by who unions. "I believe that if Jews were ;"A water upon out} My. un- f‘htv" dim wtretttrtaunei, Re i "troute but â€at. to join tbs labor , “m. But yon-y. 'lunly Ohm _ “mu not when†nil an: the ,“lnhu'pionl itttt' No. no no‘n than Wit gnu mam-nu! an the New... lesion to." t' l may mum u n ' In. mm on _ [to /i'i1tii' ttthut), unn- 'em" ‘ I in! vial". jun! - . "U Ir , "ht, 7 JIU. , "or atrt _ Cumin. gun the Canadian Paciibe “Rum†sixty-two millionsWn cash l and construction, and twentr-tive mil- lion» we: of land. The Gunman Paciiie Ball’vuy is 7,434 miles long. cm; has newly " much runny mileage ware“ Britain. Calm“ has 760 miles ot electric “may mileage. Passengers' carried, 1903, twenty- two million. Freight cutie-i, tortr- seven million tom. Gross earnings, 1903, eighty-six millions. Working expenses, sixty- seven million. The Grand Tm: Srtrtem is 4,182 miles long. The cumin runways are 1,510 miles leg. The Omaha Paine may" wu built in the years, lasted ot ten, as muted tor by the contracts. IU", iglti, T _ 0U . ' a... x. ' " titis.tti art IW'M=M out p m the, can. The a» 'rr- It] an. you“: il... .:,.,.u.d‘ 00 lam In lpr’ann tum- tp-v' at†...... ...r.. ""V ..t.e...t..e " " Ftrdtrtr$emrro-tatH+ " not too!- .....'.... -..“... _......_ I†" smuu tor tour rm no _ Canada/s rillway mileage per head ot population is'greatet than that ot my other country. (2mm m'ouly 3,000 miles ot all ways at Combination. ' \ The Caindian Norm Railway is 1,590 mile long. _ The Canadian Pacitie Railway cost over three hundred million. There are [.800 miles of nil'ty north M Lake Superior, when“ that! In not a single mile at Con- tedeution. _ Tran-mum sauce tjtt9s'or ot ss6iiiiW' i, " vi..,.. ...... ma. ......'... i do f4t'kijrairarti ol “simian cost â€.75 I dtV, 129 of tho Mbit - pill being conveyed Iron a. [Gig horhocd "rt he shadow The children bu .ty nan-m of . grade when]. ot more mt. (ach- ing, and ot ititstrttetiott in high "tiota) when. "A: good :tdtg,t, “much less andâ€; o: be". I "with the lame outlty,†is one t trim-an Authority's nummuy of working of the system Cumin has ""'Tty 10,ctm thilta' of xulwnys (steam). , ' Owa's railways have cost our s billion dollus. . Canada has a greater railway mile- age than Ann/nah. um New Zealud. In actual nilwly mileage, Canada itr_ttte tighth country In the world. The Grind Trunk Pacith, Railway will be 3,000 miles long. anulu has spent eighti millions on " miles ot caaale-over I million t mile. The; “no: u grater tonnage PM- although mmemmm us through the Sum le. Rlttitt It"! min: n W" It 830 per won! ... FACTS ABOUT Canada‘s and! no now'ltea 01 Mill. T â€It. it men desired u work " A with nu, or ya ‘ V the WI [tji1tttt'etl a 1lltt kindly In to C in! to or“ ol ' agb ' at 1eqthtq m when Mbtnu In,†A Repairs u '" not non: Lord Struhcom drove the lust spike ot the Canal“ Fume Minty November t, 1885. A FRIEND or UNIONISH CANADA'S RAILWAYS am, with" mum lot out is sun A“ 31.7“ " 1.335 00 um Jrt, "e â€00 " l Mrs. Abnlulm Myâ€, will: ot (l won- tiara . ‘MS:. Lefitt Grand, t3., 603$â€! bis-sell glut-Ky We: um. All; Ibo u. ttood It',',".' " the following interview will I our: "t was badly III but and vary nob "Jus'. Kath day tr?,' it! I'll†a! lama-hold dutiea, hat. was to, {at to perform them. My nerve: was in a terrible eoMition,, I could not sleep ttthi the least sound would 'ut tle me. I tried men! medleim up! tonic wines, but none ot. them Mlrit, me. In not I was contipupllyv - ing worn, um mu Ham: at ever beihg well again. On (my, a friend called fo see me and “may, adr%tyd me to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I decided to do ' lid it In not long More they tlat to help CHAnBERum's [cove Rama . mm- " ' , This is s modicum at stat worth and Inuit. Try " when you In; 1: cough orextuastet rrtrht-utjato be - Will†my: nun! when It Moran. " I flaunt tn an and can dwny: be depend“ "an. For we» alt may. - 'r.itMtrt 'iqWt'rHa_ (m. M. 6M w " . and an t ' m in ,m m inning: mu ". an“. Th me th ' :m A with: one. the m 'tortdirtq W» who l, Elmira 4. a oonm no me. I gained Jn strength trqm duh thy; my nerves became strong And quiet. and alter using about I be." down boxes pt. the pills I in lull)? required to my old ttme health and CheerfttFi. If now think Dr. thr. liamg Pink Pills an idealynedicine toe weak Women." - Dr. Williams Pink Pills Iced the have: with new, rich red blood, thtm suttttutening. uni nothing them, and curing such nerve gouhles u neuralgiu, St. Vitus dance. partial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. These pills cure “so ell troubles due to poor and watery blood, including the special ailment; of women. Get the genuine with “all“! Mme, "Dr. William Pink Pills tor Pale People" on the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or by mill It " cents’: box, or six boxes toe $2.50 from The Dr. William: Medicine Co., Br6thvilleront. . ‘ Th 03M)“ (3de Con not tate any 'tgf" ht you" tur, man... It donut-d! L Bill 1 will uur he Yatm‘nd mo has hon. ' In cm†at ue, and getettt. "°"' tt tatt' El" tt,t'dt" m the .' w! - This “damn: I: I“. m9 at In! 1etgMNl',1tifl"tl . 1'2'lit"t'" 0 m M M“ l _ e A recent calculation of the world's population makes it 1,503,300,000, with .11 Average 'stsitr of lbout eighteen Person to the sqéue mile of the earth'trarea, the grate“ den- sity being in Europe. Thatch eri. dently a need trt grater distribution an, emptying out ot, the population; ot the crawled “Loony-tee out“? into tho wide, openltxu And inviting ttttdir uniting "otofutitm. We Lave room in (fund: tor ' M M in! the overhtw, and B'We1eorritt in: it when it id vol-lb hung, But ye I." u on)»: J-otrNttto as. " win: is humming can.“ , in the United sum, of it. tik': ot pro- m: immwm., must keep out are unclean»: mummy all keep him outpngidly.‘ V '.. , 1eaAtret-t'ultrrtarre Jeannaâ€. V ‘, A. u',tl)))llllrt/i1i'ilslt4 k. 'ai , 'lt', ','lP,i'tlltlih'ifi Ci), k" , aiui: b, tdtti w Efif, _ ,ts ‘ m ;"tf.?rt'l's'fr, '_q,q . F' ter .si'd)jt .9, " == 'tg' {that .-a, C, . I" in. t','t,d8it','tti,'. . Mel. 'at<He ,, “m": tttIll!, †WI! _.' _ '/ all: u- m it“ has an t. plenum Jim Mk rumored that the Gnu . . unam- will tts'ie,i,l,'i'i'tt,itiiii,?1, tMi.IF. tin tot ___. my t ',li,iiPet V 'l‘hisvlpmgpi‘uéo come- Iona soon u do no (at stations aha inc that ladle aâ€; ' t than .utirtr dam trtttcth. ' t 11cm- tiu. No': dowrztha. _ . th, as amabstto V . . . have 'g",'u,'e,'.u'lNltif T. ll. to their duty toward: their patromcr- The C. P. R. are advertising for hat, and turns alt dong the line and we pariarg good “not. ', How Good Ham: Aan, to Aug, beaches“: Mtg: Mueh tNiteebi.c, WORLD'S POPULATION A WAD run-un- A LUCKY you“ mm 1. fun to: tho tr-tit d an; the all sumo! 810,â€; m " benlutu at the an MI od m duo in the mourn: 90.03 at ’uomgid mu be mud. n: ill [eteitttrirs shall but name mg irate of found cup-hut pct 'per â€mum. 194 in“ - 1u'llllt ishm he signed by the [not pl the 'sild Town at Watch». and " if. 'Treasurcr meted...“ Wealthy]. “teach thereto “a Carper-u " {the ma Municipllit]. _ g. Thu whatnot of this†To“ shall It.ch " the said Ctntr) dl'mmmvog 'tte., M day '1" fles “bet, my, " eight mock u an, to "point my)» 19 “mm“.m "not: puma; [laces sud the and trimming up or !i"t my: try the all out: manly on Mal: or at penu- trttr'i, and new!“ " the, My ot this Dr " _ 1 1-11., A . -.*. l, " 6. That the votes of “201qu Electors ot the and Town’ t lute!- loo shall be taken on this f,l,'tatiti' tttmot, pursuuw to tho‘C'onaoll Municlpu Act, 1003, on Tucson the my day or ember, 1904, iti; the hour ol nine o‘clock in theâ€: noon, until' the hour ot no o' In' the 11me ot the tune day It the plan: had by the be turning Oman, hazelnut“ .. ' that in to Arr.'-- I, . For 911. North ",',r'A',tdi',rt division! Nos. 1 Ind " any , . n Hutmonic '59.". King strong ‘It. Peta: H. Roos, Deputy .Retarttirig one". m the vim Wu) (Fania; sub airman: Nos. , ind 8 malted), a the old Council Chamber, in the - ke: House. It. Eta-Ia A. Michal, wow mit,,rtori,ttmrer. ' _ " any. the cm: of this ft'te an," an up the number at at†mm for ad 'aalttst. 'edt-er u the (â€new mmhct‘WWIlH , rftst the m .611 a Octobgr. IMH, st bt an ulcer a .temtitto'ctdte in the Mo- 2',t,Utf12tt', ttamtttt otitttt h ' _ t the coma We. bargain at tt,itaeitm this ...z..... “1.1.J..,..d....... """ty' an. Eu: copy 9!. planned arm which i hm ".,% In: anagram. n M . l'i't.riiit, {canal 01048 cm~ “on Abe, In! "Abttgtatq h '" avg-â€Mic a.» a mom was oththMoirte with». For the Eyst Ward, (Polling lub- divlsiom Nos. 3 and 4 united), " Wm. Hosts o‘licc, Queen use“, In. Wm. 'ttmi, .Dipytt Return“; W. For the shut) Ward (palmg"m dMatotsir'Noa/ 5 and it unit“). " tie on.» at the" cw. Woolen mug Kb; street, Mr.' Cprad Haem- 'ty, 18tt,rattt1trtfritphrr. . _ 2. That the nu Johanna m in gamble At the once ot the 72mm: ot the said Town ot Thttqrtoo on tin titteetttlt day ot m. one In with you, tor the next Wing that, you-n, ammonia; with the, yin 1906, um! dull who tor 81,231.85, the min 3mm - in not: at the we may "Rrh toe principal Ind interest " the an domain. t 4. During the currency ot the " debentures there and] be nixed in: many by - me oy nll in “tune proper†in p, All! To" ot Waterloo the mm o 81.81183, fox the purpose of paying the uncut" duo in each ot the said yearn tor principl and interest in respect ot the ttaid debt. r, I " “awful: aim “I. T is bugle-gm“ 8. Thu aloha! the aid Manure. dull be and on the day this By- law dull uh ttttettt. , A!!!) 's. " to; An! ' 1rPglsll?4ttfe tiieitt ' ' . Carma“? a! ho ii1'irifiiii! up in "tttttte in. In to t tted" to an mtg! w. a hated-aha mam-II. a! an and 1heeteetteteia.eCthqt lo! mu be and. - in W year: a an (um-81m may "Kim: Ely-law shun-nu deceit the firthettut day as October, A. D. 1904. 'l l ‘ , in yum-tubing: an: M IND. mtmieagt,-tt “mm-m thtr,attgsq681,88h" tot-lauda- 't_tmttrbr.Fte.uhrp'artom the “it as» mam-s. AND WHEREAS OI mat-t ot the irbaimt- Wit] ot no mama-1m mum to no In mu.mc you ot a. awswww h 00 In {of u,- I. _ . , "ND tum“ the mum at the MINI; may†do“ is! m aid commie- truancy. and in mm! or Ink-t to In pron. THEREFORE. the KW 09m- eil at the Tom, ot Vutgtloo "sdttts u tdlowst- . 1m â€who! Ftoee6tsutg II n tt do.“ NOTICE, of â€at? an I'urohuo " a 'i?tiiiliib,'ii,s'ryt; . Jttqit and _ "tttt - 'rtim at h. . . t .. nm‘mm to "W In. T I ' u ""'2r%tltr""" Tm {yuan} ot an tata Jamm- or,wtter%ttaBatrsio, In [and Fri day. Scnice was held " 1.30 p; In. "rthpttortttsotMr.sn6HrB.ErtF. gangsta“. Foam (treat, all from then 9he rend-a m “In to Breeurtrjrhem mice In: an In the Immune Church. and Lamont took plus in the but“! you“ there. The â€Moe- n the hon- manure) wen conducted by Rev. Pater Cohen Amou than from out ot to" who Mere Mt " m Ntterrat wen It. and Mn. Mote: dig."',, Me, Audi-on Noun In. m , smog In.“ Atttot Sky and Aeiq M. Wt'.'",','; Monk. and It. 011m ts, ot (In tummy. Wroclaw- lit, ot We, W. Y. I JOSIAH IOYEB DIED“ BUFFALO _ deem; layer was born on JaitiA "r 28th, 1881; -He wu “mid. His mom;- died in.1885, my.“ father, deceased is unwind-by two Mothers qad two sisters. The bro. then no Ephraim. of Brown (My. Bitch, and Oliver _HEorer, "tt New York; sad the, sisters no In. Juno!» Etb. ot Brown City, Minn, Ind Mitt. E. SW, ot Berlin. Tho nil-haunts were lusts. Aaron "rtemahen Hm; when Moves Toronto; Nu Skin, To: unto; Alvin Mom. Betti-{Duh- tgg: Elmira; In! not ttbaatta,' r . _ t" t ' Prgcuully " the M 'rttqib" gunman-mi. , ' candt" mindful predatio- ot I“ Watt “he! dt " will“. l. can. In: In the V _" yum. {a unlim- All 'itdatt A. - In Russia on Wednesday mud the denial Josiah Howey. who Ind M‘inhg than " the point at death tor seven! dats. Tho "In!†valuing): to trem Um H {anon} up: plan tiih'ANt Prior, thim _ the m Mt Ephraim Shier, Foundry street. to the Bream: Hematite Church and weary. l. ,; _ becctéed‘s “they. In. 1-3» Mbrer, Hm in Berlin. win: his caught“. In. Ephnlm Mater. _ Tho and mum'ven awash hthet. but: layer, of Bum: bro- than spawn. and wife. ot Brown City, Discus-n; aunt, of new York. and damn. In. Jacob an. of Brow: City, at: Nu. Etheattn, 8M- M. at Danni, , - our Inmyld“ no an. in " Malta mt. , "tr, h mun RESOURCES wr l l " or m mansion b a†" ia,M, "hit _ _ jiHiFtir"..r7-'h"L"J,i',' I titl I f 'l " L'8,r%u1;::=....uuun$ï¬ 375.5" ' " w 22"†"; ..........- ' "p'r'f"tT, 'laE W ut,i)if'a'r7/rtCutilld â€have: $31.! " L ' .- 00. any. ' - r t -: it " 't"2s= . T . taag IE ' L i"' ‘1'; . _ Ie.b158hSrt b. -‘ l V . T " iRirg.1 rt ' $5. _ p '.WlC1 Aa, c , , ' m Ju'? SSAU DER 8:: 13' F] _iiEiif, rtsi' lrlttrtmerat wuevery - " Hens Liik All Year Round R.J. Neil and Co. 'ttt ts,Phttts . 3‘ A. R. Roesch Agent, atbrloo. _'" 'illb,_i"'.,_ BCIIPVLI "A". as was. Pg'Nh8'd cu..'.;.‘..........: - ' '" Beisr...i...,.-.,sl, E§;a‘§’w:&mw“ “LM 0. Q16: d'ltut,Mt,'gee,,"htra,,hc autumn "an- RN It“ 'aUSttli Ion-“Maw, which "it In.» N“ M. a: tt'r,i'eta"tt hilt. m, t'2'tt,N,t B. ttttu.'"'"'"?"!""?- 'ta-tsitu-g.. "tIseli-tAmt-ire.- can“. Who-nun mmumumuou Nm mend unnamedâ€: ammo“ mummy-nu Brag‘ tr,Wehigam l'tliththt N-Ertrotoieattetw. .M 1gPpdd'tttth"'gid1titth let. . OM mulch†LT. Sin-wk In. "unrest. Ahead-0mm uo ‘ chemo wham- to 'tgit hees datehttteoit-rasteie" named mil ghoul In an In m the Marne! an“. if. Brmmcttr. mum-m 'ro'httgmtm.ankthetmattt tit _irartlmahmgHtrattaetinr. ' tlnwlron Qty.‘8hah .§ edbrthgmaemsaigtttrr _ " Thrqtyssamtr-m.t8t-t, . tttrtuuriattorBiowit i, Elm hm min. " "datt,Wii."%diiriii ,: m 'Ntlt mm. Irma†"t Sand â€gunmen CIV- ud In. "."'tlr."Pt."tg; mat. ugh. . A. B. rm _. _. Bertfn, ll lumber olM.’ In. B. Inâ€. Bulb. aidMt...t. mu. windy“.- A month Which m “'0 for 503. A -ti8t,F, to. by addr-tng Ttte WIl-n In. 00. 'dslrutsgt, Pam, 0n. Bet may cm. . CURED or LAME BACE" " "angers _. ttg Ind in troubled it†by; luck to: Inca-nan agile“: . tsmnrute my. it? m... of Chamberlain'- m Ct', my. John tr. sum, 0mm, 7 fr,, m “man I: duo m; V tot sprun- and bum It in and. by all Wu. P. , m. 2mm no main AW“: Duran-Mich _ _ Odin-m -hgthe it and†Thou-Mun. given up hop. haw but mu " who: was, “dim can _ to be Most tlure" A. baa-0d up. F . 'r)?,, "I numb:- out 1'P't W may _ been W by 1.3%., all; nu tutu-mull guntut nudist with mtiab, mm! in“; Dr. _.. th't thanâ€. I, ttttttttdr. rntnmod, â€thatâ€: Ts. bur n: Ind tamper notâ€? Jud! credit to Dr. Leanna nu!- M. N, Moo, 29 “his, 8m Toronto. a , ' man-â€uni.“ uncommon-lam; ........‘.. 1h'Pr"eertM", *quqqia'éa . ~n‘uo-.---o~.!-i '- . "2- -Pe~192:93Â¥' m..4. ' w, Etc mun an rpm sum. 7"" .