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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 Sep 1904, p. 4

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'i)';,,?,,',',,',',,":',:',.,-,- Mr. and Mrs, Nelson = limn‘hun no visiting friends ear Peryet:.--tu1ie Ahrens is spenzing 2.t lion time in the Queen City.-- a Ballard, accompmiod by her _ , Ill-l Wright and Miss Clem- L,” of Littotel. spent the past week if Co-tog-Nettie Donald is visit- ,1 with friends In Linwood. -Mr. , In. E. G. Winn "tended the " of Irene, tho only daughter oi E . all Mrs. Houston in Berlin Inst. il .-. Mr. Levi Bricker, who went 'g C aan - time ago and under- "fr, r a operation, returned to his a. on Mould". His many friends - knotty toiearnlte is not ' ‘_ Innovat- A new shoemaker T 'Bl-tn. in the person ot Mr, ' in opened up n shop in, m 't Hall. --Mr. - Mrs. Aug,‘ In and Mt. And In. Henry KL' . v t Sunny in Fioradue.--- “ In Meott ot Clllord we“ . ", g» a I. Mir-The Kiss- T ' ' Jacob Huh up" may In H - .- w. J. o. Iowan] sud ‘ A. at [dunno - Hominy n "w, war-mu All! Dam ; _ - loads] in Mtttuak.--- Ft"tifgt R. ream spun um- . ' ‘8!” -e.-aur-t .4 Jae" mm " In - “whim-WM“!!! - - “In. . A _ 7 - qet Guile Protection Clutr-A meeting in held here by a number of iarm- an . short time ago to consult on . method of uving and protecting We trom the indiscriminate slaugh. It ot thoughtless outsiders. It was mm to prepare and post up a umber ot notices on a territory of Wilt 1,000 urea, warning all $per- you "iutat trespasting, to hunt or 'ata. Bop especiglly waned. It the ‘M see that the notices are WI] Attended to we hope to see - Ind partridges, ac., become - plentiful in a short time. Harvesting is over. The busy hum ot the thresher is beard again and the null boy is once more squaring I, tor the sugar beet pull. the pota- to picking, ae. Winter will soon be " our doors. ‘lnlll will commence operations this' ,reeh.--Wts understand Mr. F. Mat- tell has moved his family and house- hold elects from "our village to St, CI-tts.-- Mr. Cook, Vs, of near Toronto has moved to our village in- to‘tho house recently purchased from Mr. Mattell. We wish him success in I In new turme.-Mr. Alfred Knechtel‘ intends leaving on the 6th inst. to "tend the St. Louis 'Ersrosri%.-r-( ’leurs. W. aid N. Strome spent Saul by under the parental root.--- The ammo. are busy working on the; In house of Mr. A. Stolz, which will be a, very commodious dwelling! Nrtten completed. i , Briettr.- A number of our sports took in the Toronto Exhibition,---- Karly all the farmers have finished "rvestittg.-Threshitrg is the order or the dar-Mr. J. Spaetzel, who has everything up-to-dgtc in his cider- PW.-lr. Beatty and his 1m- tee halt, ot' Manitoulin called on (and: late Ind in Berliet.-Mr. u. Whack spent Labor Day in Pais- ley.-ln. Brass of Hamilton spent a I" day- with Mr. H. Brass. .-Mrs. J. Schick! ot Toronto is spending tt M by: under the parental root.---- Mr. E. Shanta, wile and two chil- i” attended the iuuerai oi Josiah Srttree.--Mr. Huck. painter, went to Toronto Friday last.--A number of ”was went to Toronto on Late 0! Day. qs , _ and all tutu an. p, ae. In.“ on“ Pr. i) T meet u I“. Wk ME _ .' ttPT Tdll', cl with _ . a... all“ a - " - tn out: to an a it oeaei. no luck tun-d at I. In! tq m’h tat. qneiom (b nun-m on” Ind - was 9Mtr an" by a. rant hair dism n In rumored by lumen {it u- potato crop is n tow lul- - '0 Intent-ad - lumen W akin; up their up: been that the 80th but. They might get be large to bulk tor they certain- tr m trMmtttqrts.-- Look sharp, the he who“ ot cod no nearly gone all with in eoming.--'rtte [and ot It. Josiah layer. who died in Bull;- " N.Y., took place here on the 1nd hmt. to the Bresiatt cemetery. He at " you.“ ot use and 1mmarried. in» mice was conducted by Bishop Cabot. The known; were pall-bear-; mw.-M. Shula, A, Shula, I, _ “at, S. Meyer, E. Meyer and A,‘ - an! aim. "at - a! w n'tt'f,d'tL1't g, M 2MU.' . "M00,000 mm. Ite Ctriatha. WW" that A - chm-hub.“ with t/i'1tg',etl2"2=tlltt"utTgtP,',ptttgtati M 'pg'ftt'L%Nl,tg.att"ae qtta0ttther6t" VG'A'"l'lrJ, 'dttlttttptd"gtlttrbt a: m I Mt/ttgf/ttttlateral',')',.,"', may HAWKESVILLE tttggegd"2t'a't nn 'pgftt'L%f'lt mum, Jail.“ Human-mt- M1tltgghtl8et t MOI- ERBSVILLE MANNHEIM MAO. i,iii.,.'ldtii,1wtt,te, “in“; t.“ WW)“ yrPtl-atttremigtar.ert ttqteue's A [Mon dtsetatett an that the dull.“ h the Scottish Church con- tinual. but than we Mutton: ot l [can] “a lot I no“. 71va. ”the one: oi as Archbishop of Cu- ‘mrbnry to net " my» do“ on In comm-Um with on. mama; 'eo'" am: when with! pasty Mt My to accept. The 0M of the Vic-1 uncut I'm cm ml. to tte) mm: Seems) cure. to may than to m h -to. at an "no. new“ In“! J‘s, 1006, a tMhTtt', than MI in It 'req t may tlNttg1u'nit1ttir,,dl I Several days ago a number of the bride's [fiends in Berlin surprised her 'with a tin shower, bringing with them everything imaginable in the Iway of kitchen umnsils. The wedding took place in Strut.- ford to-dny at Miss Jean Watson ol that city to In. Gnome Pequegmt, ot mam", Ion ot Mr, Jumes Pty. qllepn of Btrattord, In. F. pe. qtregnat, grandmother ot the groom, than; with It. Pun! Paquegnn um Mt. and In. Arthur Pequognt mm from Balm to 51mm an wedding. A very pretty wedding took place this ultemoon at the residence of Mr. John P. Koehler, Wulter St., when his daughter, bmrta, heclme the was bf Mr, Alonzo Stacker, can ot Mr. Daniel snicker. Rev. E. Holl- man, pastor ot St. Mntthew's Iartte enn church, tied the nupthl knot. The best man was the bride's bro- ther, Mr. Herbert Koehler, trnd Min Marion Bender acted As brklcsmud. The wedding Imk place at 4 p.m. tmday at the residence oi Mr. and Mrs. August Totzke, Water Street, of their daughter, Miss Edith Totzke, to Mr. Allred Scherer. The (mummy was conducted by the Ree. E, Hon- man.pastur ol St. Matthew's Luther- an church. The bridegroom Nu sup ported by Mr. Herman Totake sad the bridesmaid was Miss Gertie Mey- ers ot Motion], Mr. and Mrs. Scherer left on . wedding trip to Toronto, Bull-Jo, Roaster and other points. Mr. and Mrs, Evans left on a hon- eymoon trip to FiasternCanada and suksequently will go to Winnipeg in which city they will make their tu- ture howl The bride was the recipient of a large number of beautiful gifts incluii- Hg some fine pieces of cut glass and ot silver. The house was beaulilully decorated for the occasion. The bride was attired in a beauti- ful gown or white silk. She wore a veil and carried A bouquet of white roses. Tye bridesmaid wore a hand- some gown ot blue crepe de chene. The residence ot Mr. Reinhardt Cook, Maynard Avenue, was the scene of a. pleasant event at tour o'clock this afternoon when his daughter, Miss Ida M. Cook, was gi- ven in marriage to Mr. R. Ernst Ev- tins of Winnipeg. Rev. W. George Evans, a brother of the groom, con- ducted the ceremony in the presence ot about forty guests, ot whom A number were trom out ot town. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. A. S. Mackeachnie ot Winnipeg and tto, bridesmaid was Miss Bernice Cook,1 sister oi the bride. The bride was given away by her father and the wedding march was played by Miss Florence Boullee of New Hamburg. There was also a solo by Miss Ell: Anthea. 'An [in Hana Pixie sounded the ttrat new of the wedding mutt. Min Dorothy Pearson, niece ot the bride, and Miss Elsie Pine, cousin ut the groom, who wore dainty hock: ot white orwdy, totmed the tLisle with white ribbon: and Bowers. The house wu beautifully deéonted with palms and pink all white uteri. Mr. and Mrs. Pirie lea on the 5.23 train amid sham: ol confetti and the good wishes at their my friends. Tti. groom 'was “brand by his brother, Mr. Edvlh Phil: ot Fury Sound. - .8k'".t.6s,ot i'tRariai, , .. w“ ' f, . V 4 ' ' - "rs, 5 " _ I V _ -. *h a?” In.“ u...» 4.... mm _ ._ , a “1.42 - and Ir . 1.}. _ ' d St. W's Pro-”W Mg m. unsung-mo Va sin-1 n ugh-bur. 1'd2i1'2,t were . heat [gown sub-add nce over wit: mm .4 tAintter. She vote a with] M] a! Will; was!) ot - blow m an carted . shower noun” a! mm was. Her only 01th n: A aw pendant. the gift ot the groom. The maid ol honor, Min Jean King at Tomato, us gowned in mun crepe de ch.» with I picture Int ot blue Mo- and pink "an. Shaun Bowers formed her bound. _ ' PENUEGNAT-WhTSoN STRK‘K ER-KoEHLER CH ERER-TOTZKE EVANS-COOK him-01m “MCI. 1.1. K. sum Kuhl.-M Balm. Aug, 27, Maud Lo- tttae, any" of Mt. and Mn. (Mo. B. nu, up: a yam. have,“ "Home"... Aug. 23, but M m. a .'ii'iilkl Jef' ft; a. _ .. t g . sou-pit my t8 :5me In". "It cl; - M l .1 sterHrerd. - At Quad Rapids, Mich, Aug 23, Joseph Seibert, son of Levi Seibert, Berlin, to Ella Mae Hesyd, at Grand Rapidr, We: Boll-S-r.--" Berlin, Aug, 80t ' at we ruidence oi the bride's in- ther, Mr, John B. Schnclcr, by the Rev. H. A. Schulz, Interim, Edw. Boll to Adeline Sewer, both ol Berlin. Bparka-heDottgau.--At Toronto, Sap. lat, LB. Spun, manger of the Data "are, out, to Name Me- ppuglif o'l Torah. Bruce'. run. by (fig, N; $trt ( try Rev. AD. I... ar., mud} Bruce oi Guelph, to Bell; Franz] ot Gait. llama-M “team-M. Gan, Aug am. by Ra. as. Scott, sun o. Harlan at cm. to Armin Mu. m at Mint. 8w -Birhnthl.- At Toronto, Mg." 84.,” M. 8. Juli. " Sic-mu, , Edmonton. N.I.T.. (at!!! ot , to Wilts Birt- Baan.--In Woolwich, Aug. :6, to I Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bann, a daugh- ter. Stevenson.-. At Gall, August 27, to Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson, a daughter. Easton..-At Galt, August 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Huston, a son. Ketrer.- At Hespelér, August 17, to I Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Keller, a daughter. ‘Gatelnan. --At Berlin, Aug. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. (lateman, a, I daughter. Becher.--At WIliamsburg, Aug. 27th, ( to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker, a son. 'lschell,-In Woolwich, Aug. 13, to Mr and Mrs. Michael Schell, a daugh- ter. Fehrentrach.-At New Germany, Aug. t2, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Felt- rcgbacll, a son. Bridlnel’. r-At Tavistock. Aug, goth, to Mr. and Mrs, Pater Buckner, a son. Weinholdt.--At Tavistock, My, M, t Mr, and Mm. Clark. Reirtltoltft, . daughter. Patterson-In East Zorro, Con. 10 Aug. M, to Mr. and Mrs. John Put torson, a son. Ztstrer.-- At Berlin, Aug. M, to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Tuber, a dauglr ter. Respectfully yours, J. P. HONSBERHERI Chairman Sewer Commission The Cameron Septic Tank Company of Chicago wrote that they were pre- pued to protect their interests in "tents they held covering septic tank process “(I appgrgtus therefore The letter intimated that it would be advisable for the Council to (Me: in- to communication with the company on this tusbjevt,-- Referred to Sewer Committee. Wilkinson-At Berlin Dr, and Mrs. WK Plus for the settling tanks at the various industries have all been pre- pared 1nd are in the hands of the ilrtrttt, The Lang Tanning Co. hare completed theirs and have had it in operation for some time, Other ttrms have, owing to the sunny or labor, been unable to secure proper work- men but we are assured that. all will be completed and in operation before October Slat. 01 than the, storage tank: tom 1 port ot ‘the new proposed pumping system and Although we have " yet been unable to gain permission to en- ter upon tut part ot the work which lies outside of our own corpo- ration we lave anticipated that the Board of 'Arhitruon, when they meet, will when to their originM conclusion and grunt us our rights. As you are no doubt at.” we have/51v. B' contact 101' two septic taaO AM two “huge tanks at like me and con-mm. tact sun- .eimst to hold thq mn‘t "v.31: to! twenty-(our hours. Thee us well made: way um will be completed by Octdbct 15th. _ In mom. with-5mm "aaedbrrotteeotmeitatthe [at netting, I Mhnto‘uhmit to wreqIoetemttntreeqr'-otmrre 'oiid-bruotarirNertmiAion hmum soc-Batman” u Wigwam. - ' _2t't.tti,it,'c' "“ 'tlt.'?""',',')'?,',,'.?,', , 'ii, -iiraGGiiia"éit7nuti" new “or“ turtN,'r; {in " Wm King-MM th-rtJtu0t-tA.u.seterttei," lbw-llduptmnul- danl It 1.30. and wash “any moment.- ad who: mums 00» our“; the tstteatimot the Comm-u. _ ions Al! ,attsar Val; tt m, fott W“:- Ja and“ 1". to an: [an no ten:- 2 TIt the was an Co-tit:-.. ' his." MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTHS Aug. 23rd Wilkinson, to Haiti-nun "Ae-tte-tt ‘ t For the put-poo: ol laying the was“ an. in out you of the' M {can 19: “an”! and mm: u re- "at ttf t laid 6ebt,there Ihlll be raised And levied In "ott year min the crummy of the an ”at" the nu at $1,300.71» I new yt thereto, on In the No in the - Town at Pt In mind, low" t I m m '" keg and ' told".. - it ' IVE all “a. 'f', _ if ,0. _ _ f if... a!!! 8 F '._ttt_tha_stturoaatdsagttttto. 'uilAeehttddttthoarortuiL natured. of the an Tow. of T"terr,trtt on the Inn‘lmury‘ of the day so deerttttttM,. ono in gull you during the term ot ttttden Mn from an “no Meal mad-hall and u tor 31,8“.71, the was.“ Amount - in and ot T all In”. your: lot when“ And lntoreqt In rmtqet of the 'e cranked by vmue hereol. l t. That the bald debentures "hatl be issued on such day within one you trom the plain ot this By- an u the said Council all." by resolution determine, and mu be ere' af the other: 'ot the Trauma: 3, For the purpose aforesaid " shall be lawful for tho Mg“ m we Town of Wuquno 3nd he is hereby requhed to Issue tttteen debentures of the Town ot Wntcrloo to the amount of 815,000 whiéh sud deberlures sh.“ bear interest gt the rate of tour and one-hall per centum per annum, ply- able yearly, and which and] be sign- ed try the Mayor of the Town, ot Wnterloo and try the Treasurer they? ot, and the Clerk shall “(an tieii, In (In Carper-u BU ot the Humbol- plmy, ‘ ' i. That the lands of the Company in the Town of Waterloo with the buildings now or tterealter to be er- pgtod thereon and all flttinmi, P',',',' has MM stmk in trade upon, tt or about the “my shall be exempt. from "ll taxes excepting school rates and local Improvement' can tor the term of ten years from the day on which this by-itw shall take chest. 2. That in order to aid the Com- pany to erect their said factory as dioresaid a loan ot $15,000 shall bel granted by the Corporation ot the, Tom: gt, Waterlp.o ie trt iii/pil) such loan to he repuyahle by the 'Company to the Corporation ot that Town ot Waterloo in mason-equal. ur- nual, consecutive instalments, ot tt,- 000 each without interest, the first at such Annual instalments tobepaid in one your trum the date on which this by-law shall take enact, and the repayment. ot the aid loan tg "tt Cnrpprnipr; shall by secured by . mortgage as herein-net provided. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture: debt of the said Corporation is $169,538.52, and no principal or interest is in art-at. iTl,',fWo,,e,5,t,t Mdniciptl Conan cil "of t c Town of Wtyterloo enacts an lul lows AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rumble property of the said municipality according to the lasf revisqi asspssmgm. tall at the said Municipality ts the sum ot $1,575,580 by special Ate during such' GU-C, payment oi the said debt and inter est. AND WHEREAS the said loan is to be “payable by the Company to the Corporation of the Town of Wa, lerloo in titteen equal consccufn'e an. nut! instalments at 41,000 out, whlch sud nut-mu instalments are to be npplled in payment at the said debt Ind interest. and it will be re- quisite to raise the sum of $396.71 gunudly by special rate during the term ot fifteen years for the 't"Td of the balance or remainder f the said debt and Interest, um in ur say :--it will be requisite to ralw‘ the sum ul,8l396.7l in all annullh‘ AND WHEREAS for the purport; alonan it. will up when“, tar the Corpomtion at the Town ot Waterloo to tune its debentures to! and to create a debt to the amount ot $15,000 as hereinnuer mationed. such debt amt the debentures to he issued therefor to be made payable in tttteen years at the furthest tron the day on which the and dehentures shall be issued. ' via“. to an.“ to the Comm a: emptlon trom m tun-1909 we ho- ary, “my. maul-u. mod: a. tunic 'att property ot on Conan" excepting school an. and luau Im- pgovglunt taxes lpr the tam ot ten you"; And tho to grant the Com- pany a loamy! ‘815,000 upon the terms aad subject to the condition: mummy mentioned. a»; and M .1» 't'l'i,eGl . tttv - tt . . tutor: to IO one“ it“ their mi to WIN” NP, he shah if no 0090an cl Town ot Watertoe to the may It,', in the manner Mullet" - lo . I _ T KNIT humus wan; u te,', tatltattestt mama. In in row ff mpg cl . in!!!“ We in _ 'Stl m s: 1 . stteti i?,,'l,tll ",iiiiiii1ii'sjiiii 'iFiifl It w h, p ca 50 (in. " 'hrroeptiemistt-oiu oe I‘d tlt',.".' as an»: butane: “j my means it h deemed ID 71 in tn annually 1m mem *1“: !uteu-tieitktata-i'ittsto mum‘uuunwmn M, "WM Ftp-Inch te. duel-r-ttargs . W. In" 01 new.” ., Wynn-n uuw._yo “an. In hm than! time‘- wmhv. 'sir,. " “hm... College has a...“ ywmw‘fia: @fig'szlia House and let for sale Take noun- that the foregoing is A truce copy ot I pronoun Br-Lam which ha been taken into txmtriNe- Mion. ad which will be haul ”and hy the Munlclpu Council or the Cor- ‘pouuo- of the Town at Waterloo in the event ot tht use“ ot the niec- tom be!" Obtained thereto, utter one month from the ttret mutation than! In the Chronicle-Tm nanny: mum ”than“ an. the 8th day ot Sumner. All, "04 qt! that " as haul-.1” and tttstr. u tPd In! tor hung the Vote: ot t electors. (to poll: will u hid. sons interested in and promoting opposing the pasuge ot this Law, respectively. Finally mason! alter assent u utepayeu at the Council on: in the Town ot Wntquw “In dny ot t King Fltreet, Mr. Conrad H1 gard, Deputy Returning .ollrctr For the West Ward' (Polling divisions Nos. 7 and 8 unite“ Old Council Chambq“ lg "lg I House ltr, Overly; A. Haehncl, PW Returning Wicca ll. That the Clerk ot this C shall sum up glue votes given h against this .t'-Law at the C Chamber, Waterloo, on the 3th ot October, 1904, M. the hour I vet: o'clock in the loronoon. 12. That the Mun: on an. '~- V' ‘7' ven o'clock in the loronoon. 12. That the Mayor on tho add Town ttirll “New at the said Co- pil Gram”! on the 3td day of Octo- ber, tte, It mm o'clock. pam, to appoint perm!“ to attend at then:- iquu pnmng phoea and the an] 'tInt- min; up ol the votes by the and Clerk respectively on helm" of per- For It/e' South divibiuns Nos. 5 other} ot the " King Street, l gard, Deputy m ugvmum Nos. 1 and 2 united) M Harmonic Hut, King street, It. pe. ter Roos Deputy Returning one“. For the Flats; Wad (Polling sub- division Na. , and 4 united) at Ftrs, Hogg's (mice, Queen Stroet, Me Wm. Hotgt Deputy Returning one“. For the Seulh’W-rd (Polling lub- diui‘a.._.. l}__ I . - _. - 86a0t Fter the North Ward (Polling 'li.vlsions Nos. 1 and 2 unite! Harmmxic Hut, King b'treet, I ter Roos Deputv Rplumi... nu ' . -* H w m... Ottiterg lam-mm" Gaia, that to 51v 'e-u actual and hona ftde owner er thereof, and he shall not ed by any ot the provisions, (litmus in this Bylaw con 9. Thls By-Law shill tttht the day at the f'.nal passing 10. The wot-es of the quali urs at the said Town of nun-us In nus t0law contained. #. This Bylaw shill take meet on the day ot the f5nal passing therein. 10. The miss at the qualified elect.. ors of the said Town of Wuorloo shall be taken on this By-Law by ballot, pursuant to the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1803, on Tuesday, the 'e-th. J-.. I In _ . ___ 8. No pun-hm! ot any at the aid debenture: shall be bound to we the application ot hi. purchase money or be “Able tor the misapplication or non~applicttion thereul but every such purchaser shall upon receiving Possession of any of the said deban lures and laying the price agreeduup- on thereior, be and be held to be the actual and hona ftde owner and hold- er thereof, and he shall not be meet- ed by any ot the provisions and cons we said factory. the unload JIM)” than be paid outta “a County by ttte Treasure: alum-dd romp, Brtd the Comm” he upon execute all deliver " the nnid Corporation . manage in lava: ot the Corporation, "qurug u A ttmt charge upon All the Conpmy'a lands in the Town of Waterloo the telly- ment at the said low It the time and in the manner hetinbeloto set. out. mid manage to include the ma factory and nil other building Ind machinery on said lands whether; Mum, to the freehold or not, and tet) Contain tho usual power of we on delault and the ususl insurlnce cllusc for the lull insur‘ble vuue of anal property, r5» _ _ ' ctr, " ' C a I _ mac-mg mm a "up so?" a Mr w Mn- ehm-s n- at on: Insho- thu'ln to [in a pm to 'trife- om. To" a mu.- loo W and: can "We"! 0. MN“ on bum hot - 'dealt- W tbntt outtm,aret no. iit -. m If mum by tho Idtanieuat, WI when“ Townmto do; to ammo uni to deliver to a... Council . “new: the.” 15f nuns and number of 170ka iii? played ”MCompany in aad non-m te',',',,, a 1ti.lryiiyi'iiT,"i _ '.. tlrebe'lt-'ai 1mmhh~a~ I 1te.ereorttysauieiist' you: hunk:- “@0217. Gamma laaqEati'in.sttt 3050,,toucrgusyumupc ll A. B. MCBRIDE NOTICE 5 and a tiniteliNTtre Itada, Woollen Hills, the COMIC“ tiimiG “7qu an lurk ot this Council votes given tor and Aw at the Council .0, on the 5th dar M. the hour ot do. 19----” Conrad Huehner: tttttl flltf.it I at in uiir" 'Mimi Hathncl. Do. fPollitig “h. Witch,» "to IM)4 EISGHWL ommalWEDDING hid-a or Br- the lub- GEO. HASENFLUG. THE momma swan ll8 AGAIN HERE. In fact every Department is overflowing with new goods at Spec al Prices. Bricker & Dieb‘el New Sheeting: _ New Ticking. New Shaker Flannel Blankets New Wool 81-0th - New Flannel: New Flanneiett New Cotton: New Linens etc. , ', " rt,,- Ar y T C . A, my? '. " ,tttte,rttitt cools men-”chi M). ttt cousin d: _ 'C,), New Co‘stum , _ T I "ii' New 'tritingy I / New Dress Goods . New Silks _ "'"'"l"'" 1‘ My Nu Inch. We: m, Sept My“ 1k'wthrttiaq Wm, Blink. and Walt Pspcn, all a modal-sh r'ftrh',t before buying. we will. at you to look, and. i ”unwanitod. you willnotbopnud totmy. ‘I .' ------ An" ., Thin Pt"', occupies the In" of par Btom-. mend floor. you tl the bat "lar-the not worthy "tdAhtstrh goods. n {All linen. Oil Cloth. thir Dnu listing Deputmont is equipped with stfittt'esnt hip and we no drudy buy with ogdem WE ARE NOW receiving our new Fall Good. into stock, end we invite all to see our My Dram Geode. Suiting: end F'lnnnele, Our Udie' Tailor made Suite, Skirts, Gd Welsh, of I." kind), and of oonne everything in Hosiery, Underwear Ind Indiee' Furnishings CARPET DEPARTMENT LANG BROS. & CO. a» with. KEANE: Our meg-n Ire strictly pure and apocitlly aged and m quamntoed to keep pickle- t1rrn and of ttood oolor. Spices: -.both whole tad ground the purest that can be procured. ' ----PR1CES 1ut1BT.---, City Grocery And Cain: Bill. New French “and: . New vaun- New Rain Proof Cout- ' New Mantle- mm a nun- a! an. fA1tMltteAt?rta' s. mm- GIFTS. LANG "iiriiie iii Jiuiii, Jiiiiiiii New may 211' E32}? t'2 y ' a:

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