ml now it its I rare thing I let . (Amer to hue to hia tum to'iive. Our lum- _ I aete m Mulligan: men, and .8“ all surprising to find that . iii “In; in the xenon] proB- ' I“ it would be Minimizing ' . in not, seeing Agriculture is If mesure or the country , It is ‘ b any that any turner who Us '. and. money during the wt tew, 'de, unless he has been the subject W ulnmity or misfortune, has I _ to blame. What is true of , lunar is likewise true of the . ' nun. He may go to the wrll F, Med times, but when trole IS had money moving he ongnt to ' r " his debts, anti increase his . ‘ N mount. The same principle ot p, , oil debts mining up I "T . tn time ot prosperity 'whicu sip-1 . to the Urmer or business mun‘ .- v with equal force to the gar-1 , , n n tttt ot the province Tne Soi".;-) _ t of Ontario has been fully awnin- f h opportunity of saving up 3‘ " during the times or prosper-1 . According to Premier Ross' ' " t Inst. February, the 3 sum of $3,551,300 was " to the credit of the province ’lluplus. This desirable state of , w is 1Brgely owing to good ii:':'-) "' P"'" during a, season ot prosper- br labor is compared will. crute U" work, in the making ot public annulus in Berlin has been put " “it teat this year. Up to the hrt time the sewer commission loam! tint the sewer extensions ' trr day work this year have it smtaidertrbly less than they Fl hue done had the work been L†and» Co contractors. The re- T A! the chairman of the board of lt,' on the cost per foot of the i' sidewalks put down this year H highly "tistactcry. There; (bees, seven distinct pieces; oti taid try the board of Wh'ks this (iaatd according to the reprrrt the _ cost of the whole work " in borhood bt eleven cents a t. A number of the Winks , little more than nine cents Yi" foot while one or two see- ' In the cuts and fittings were . taint] the average of the q " stated, to a traction over our“. The Queen street ce- " mt on the east side. item ', Street to Schneider's creek, m ants a square loot last A At this years rate per square I property owner having a , [out front ax saving oi nearly , he tdteeted. Comparing t tettder for the construc- “ “a meat. Wllkl in Berlin in with the casting re teta the cost oi these walks Inn try day labor it is es- r". tht n “Vin; at about. ".."" he made to the property 'er I?!“ [rouge along thou ' ‘lo'l this year. n in de. hlaquunted with the . the Malt- pnt down lg. as not at any hereto " In the to". Taking . .- h‘w a i'y6-Mrtrisun.- What-nub! d 'tt',1te,W"d,'t, A hr 10w nun-qt an Lummohll‘d to "mmmhlhordorm aadt-rttheirtiabttitiea. The lid Maw which - to Amr' genenl the vorld over. heehnr-ag' , ,tPgtttt'igiPi A COM PART SON - the “th†good i “a put. few yous. in en- hiny ot than to “It them m9!!!“ twat-yum 'st =3 “mum-unsung aer-ntemruaeabirest+t"tb ' 'eq-ttbit-tobo-tn' p. hmhm'vh-vrovedvlnl- ttro-if-wma-rits magnum-(mm mwnmgvudh tho-In -tttteo-etattthtrrmet' Am - in?“ [numb Mm. Mina-muuuhh ttt ham-HMIW ontlnmrhtmncl tugtthe regal-x crop. hum. Are mqertoetottretmtF- Iron the United sum, Minol- the put uncanny supplied Mt the " nut Owing to mun-futon gkheBrsnlt- an 'mr,itiaprrrb. â€Mills-amid“... hullndMn‘ng-Ig l HO" FRUIT GROW ot The Claudia Horticulturist. The shipment: this yen have been the Inge-t on record end have not. been out! to the demand. Thule use: able- are sum: under glue I. he lets winter, me Inter Minted “as: nono- Irma and many you In the open. This method enables tttctrrtrme to place their â€duct. tor the early summer mullet; hue had 1 very prosperous anon u will In unmanned in as September lune bottom oi the welht much sooner than it the [low wczo left to its own na- tural force. ii this be correct, an: introduction vi tlu, compressed Air system eventually thwarts the very purpose for which it WIS designed. Some nit-chunks." cam-rt: claim that the introduction ot a powertut cur- lrent of steam by a mantle pipe in, to the bottom ot an amnesia: well has the effect oi forcing back any Accum- "lations of sand or gravel, thus glv- ing the water an unobstructed, therae iorr an increcscd flow, At present, it is said, about one-halt the water 'toding out of the Berlin wells runs to waste tor the vent ot a proper reservoir. It seems reexamine that " the water from these Bowing well: was conducted in pipes try gruiinr‘ tion to e basin ot trufricient umity‘ constructed in the vicinity of Mr.‘ Ott's brick yard, thus utilizing a number ot wells the voter ot which, is now going to vale. And the’ pumping plant removed to that point} that the problem ot Berlin's voter supply would be solved tor yet" to: come. a THE EARLY The Inuit grower: in Essex county who have this yen toned vegetables in an. a an e and.» can I - to no 'tr â€he?!“ L uni-u o- mit-‘- at no. u u I m that In new , will, , H“ to h but “VI-“D!“ l alib- n- the vain and: an “at anal-be, it was eaimtHted 'thetthe'ater “My could “hip 'lttBmwuti-teromtasato- wht iah. At that time it was inten- ded to furnish the toim oi W.t.rtoo with vater pumped Iron this point. The waterworks company (to: at that time Berlin did not ova the works, the town purchasing the pint in October, 1808) agreed to (timid: Waterloo with a certain tent in the month oi November, 18M. An ex-l oeptionally dry (all set in. no that when the date attired tor the test, the water in the lake was so low that the test could not be made. This ne- cessitated the purehsse ot what was known as Shoemaker’l chm. together with a portion ot land surrounding the dam, upon which a number of strong Bowing springs oi good voter were situated. The Inter trom the dam, which was principally supplied lrom these springs, was conducted in an open ditch to the pumping sta- tion and the Waterloo teat satin!» torily made. The lake water, how.. lever, was seldom first class, often Inning a tiahy taste. Boring was then resorted to, with the result lthnt a plentiful supply oi wholesome [water was secured trom ten artesian Iwcils at depths of trom 113 to 280 lit-ex, which in some instances was lsumciently strong to force the Vatn er many teet above the surface. Some of these wells have ceased to flow, either from lack of water or from he- coming choked at the bottom by An 'accumulation of sand and gravel. As )the requirements of the town in- 'crelsed the water commission, be (trides boring new wells, introduced a system of compressed air tor the pup pose ot increasing the fiow of water irom the wells. This system, it was claimed, increased the flow oi water by at least one third. It is report- ed,howr-\W, that the abnormal tlow of water thus pri':lurcd has the efiect in a short tltr.p of choking up the! A'.termatr-6enmrrirttstt â€LIN! WATER SUPPLY VEG STABLE INDUSTRY LOB! HONEY Var-v ftttt."gd'cl'tttg': my 81...: or... M an.“ "qeugtttesmttitimt-ttt- “WIMHM. 'p?M','tttrt = a...†tlt?. can .- t I hi W quit â€00,000 I. “SEW; _ --- --- . ".Dttiorrrttgmutmot0,e0. I:- am Multan: IM mm noun m.- at. '9â€. _ ht -thatetor, and In ms 8110.000 in rallied m. MORE FACTS ABOUT CANADA'S IIIIGRATION It in mrumaud that the annual val- ue of all km crow Ind produce in Cumin In an million. The total vuue ot km property lull: and tum implements In one and n In" Milton. CM In 45,000 (mum and Bm'mhu [ton Anna-h. __(_)! than. 10.1“ one In duh; upples. , Canada " only’ beginnfng'Jn teed the Katharina. Canni- Iold the United Kingdom in 1903 ll miillnnl worth ot cattle out at the " millions Worth she bought. . Curd: sold the United Kingdom in 1008 narly 3 millions worth oi Canada mld the I'nitcd Kingdom In no: In minions worth, out or the "atilli"" worth she bought ot ba- con. hams and pork. (‘Inadn so!!! the l'nHmI Kingdom in 1903 " millhms worth of chm: out of the 31 mlllions worth she bought. Canada sold the United Kingdom In 1903 I millions worth of butter out ot the too millions worth she bought. Canada 'had, in Hull, 30 million acres of land under cultivation. Forty-fwe It?! cent, cr,Car.adians are engaged in husbandry. 87 per cent. of Canada's iarmvrs own their holdings. Canadu's exports oi agricultural pruducts in 1903, AN millions. (Mann’s "parts oi animal produce in 1908, " million; Making . grand mull m Ill mil- lions. Of thr 70 millions, myth of animal products, Great Britain bought 62 minions worth; the United States only 5 Inilihmsl â€humour-im- h Canada's possible wheat productior (one-fourth undrr crop annually). is 800 million bush-In (per (Minute of Prof, Saunders). 100 lbs, of Canadian more bread ot high quam same weight of my 021m ported into Great Brita":- Canada's Western when per cent. more albumin» best European vttrteties. Average wheaf yield of tes tor last 10 3mm:- 13 acre. Canada’s wheat crop has reached 100 million bushels. Canada now produces annually 125 million bushels ot grain of all kinds. Canada’s wheat yield per acre tor last 10 years averaged 18 bushels. ' Mary Tim“. In the he: ot the ham compen- tion trom Inns ad companies in the U. S, an English Inn hu Nat up cured an important steel contract trom I Cumin arm This is an undoubted victory tor the preferential tum. Maura. ll. a W. “hiker. Li.. mind†of Harrington, Shropshire, Eag, have secured the order Iron: the Consumers’ Gus Co., of Toronto, tor . steel tuk 184 feet in diameter by 88 tent acct. uni ' telescope 5n holder with to r mm. to be erected, in the talk. The capacity of the; tank win be 3,000,000 cum feet or.‘ W, the largest In Cumin 'lite price; is somewhere about $150,000. Great; utishctiol is expressed in manrl gunners at the tact that what turnf ed the scale in {nor ot the British ttrm obtaining not! " Important con- tract, was the Canadian preferential tum in [nor of British goods. NATURAL PRODUCTS _ - , .,. ItBBEi I! Eid Wg a. a ' i. trad." . - J y†r& .. , Mr, {4.}1- . . g; "ll. “yr: Fiiili " . y C A," Fe _ . to†h Mt - ‘ that: ii 9.]: In an. n to to " sdtptitm It, M3 w an": M - y yqttatnt" with to 6emaard lot-my In mu In“. a: an win lad buyer: who but. proper†u can In the con- uuuy. 0-. of the has methods ot "triding W ot this kind In bean tog power: to magenta and can di- muy with Inge wholesale tuners. The use ut the (Inuit: buyer who two years Mo detwtded the mm grower- ot the Anupoln Valley, In Nord Booth. out ot $80,000 to $40,- 000 worth ol truit u mentioned. DUE TO THE PREFERENTIAL TARIFF. OF THE DOMINION t contains 10 1L; than the l'nitod Sta- bushels per nur make than the 20m _ im- tt it!“ A circuit! has been Issued by the C.P.R.', showing themiletgc ownul and controlled by the amputation, which - ll,000 mus. Thu mean that In uldition to having tbs Jone-t line on tho continents. the C. ‘P.R. in "tmtl' the legion ot the mummy WM In mu mileage. 11. - which†m u lol- 1t"rao-Eotam, 1388; (hhno, 710.4; AW. 000.1; We Superior, no.†a; Cami, 2,tt1.8iA%tteqt, â€an; Polk. m. lath: . and tout) an†on all "It. ot ',006.8. To ou- I. all“ all... at W San m, 1,400.3, arrd at the mm. - Show at Atlanta. "6, not. in; a". and mu, um". Manchu an " at": Are u- m†In.“ "eettsat, manna-'- m - a. on H. yin. " a." a. w. num- «on... teh,' at 2let ',t,fi,ii"ii - I. an. a a nanny with In -' In It. an. 01-1 ORA-IMAIN'S (â€008 m In, All). "Am. The union wu anguished " the frrtrt .cottrentlon, held in the city hall, Toronto, in August. 1901, ita object bclm: cooperation fur the _ mrszl of all municipal interests. eo- lenlly legislative selt-erotactimt. Annuul convonllnns have since beef held " Montreal and Ottawa with vary ulislutory results. ' The Union of Canadian Munlclpnli~ ties meets in fourth snnunl conven- tion in London on September 80th, let and 22nd. The meeting promises lo be an exceptionally mural“!!! one from the standpoint ot the tnunieipl inos coneemed, and that: extend from Vuncouver, B. C., in the west, to St. Johns, N. B., in the out. One hundred and seventy-mic nil- ljon cigars 1nd 178 million (matches were made in (kind: In 1903. Canada's consumption ot iiqatr in- creased " per cent. between 1km- 1901. Canada's drink bill1s newly 50 millions annually, Canada's drink bill per head of pup- ulation is about SM England's drink bill is 1't1 per head; Scotland, tlr, the United Sta- tes, 817. C?anadaircvenue from liquor traf- tte, 12 millions. Canada's drink bill since Conlulcr- anion, 500 millions, Canada's consumption ot liquor of all kinds has doubled per capita since Crmicu'ertttic,n. The claim made by the local my paper, the Independent, that New Hamburg is making good progress, can be substiuit.'mted by the Villtclr who inspects its many growing in- dustries. l An editorial in our contemporurr ‘on the desirnbility ot carrying a cor- }tnin by-law now before the people showy the coming town in a good right. The people will vote to nine $4,000 for an addition to the PaNV ",chool, $1,100 tor the extension ttt s tridge, work upon which WIS oom- nonrcd last year, 81,100 to build In ml: canon! culvert over a raceway. and 8500 to strengthen the darn. the y a community satisfied with its [)0- Mimi and confident ot its Ability to Mid steadily to its wealth gull popu- lalion would coumonunce such expen- "iiiures as those proposed. A public spirited lot of ratepayers mupt he brrirut. this movettiect. We mm“ m the carrying all (h: by-taw. Raven! Bertid men will be present Those who when“! the month; me Dr. autbnrtsum, Dc. Radiant Mr. Kuhn and Rev, Mr. Faker. AU the waiters recognized an necessity ot having a hospital tor consump- tivea. 'The opinion ot the awning In that the plan suggested was the bed one, but it the other counties would not come in end erect e hound immur' with Perth and Waterloo, then the mm but plan would be tor each trouttty to my tor . number of preemption beds at tho vaenhunt eomsumpttvts hospital, which Rev. Mr. Parker Rpm-seam. Mirae Wu m In the Mr. at! tho oth." rue“ um De. Rad- tttrd, out, 1rd'd,"Jalld' Iron: " lcrloo canâ€; County Councillo- Ko-p. Ju. Donudwn and his. He- Domld. from Poms county; AM. tue Age, Patio, My. J. Trot and Dr. J. A. Robust-on, trum sumo“. and Rev. P. C. Putter, lepton-auxin ot the Haw Sultuium Am "on. _ 'i’v'. [an . = iiieU,)T?,e' Tia ' hi toed My mu A ww_ /, pm: aw mm i'L"G V aâ€: has emtittatb who and _ It. “mum-.1}! up“ " ‘I not!“ I,» am . eon-Btu - t,',te,tut '" mum at w. may (all. at It, and lax-Mel R. " Kemp, at Ltstowet, tor the 'trttet_ at “continua the -coa_t of uncut; AM ,',",ri,'t'1'lg I 1-an - In;- geated; also to tnvlttt other munici- palities to unite with than. [ yum Hutu-f N at†U tttn WJv W 0'!!- an; N FAI' HAMBURG'S PROGRESS TO MEET IN LONDON CANADA'S DRINK BILL MILEAGE.OF C. P. R Mr. G. W. Fowler, ot Hightower, AIL, Idem an experience he bed while serving on 1 petit jury in n muNe'r use nt Edwerdsvine. county sent of Clebourne county, Alabnme. He eeys: "While there I ate some Ire-h meat end " gen me cholera morbue in e very severe form. I we: never more sick in my life, “learnt "o the drug More tor e certain ch01. ‘ere mixture, but the drugglet tent me 1e bottle' at Chamberlain's Colic, ‘Cholerq end Dierrhoen Remedy 'im stead, "ring that bodied what I sent {orphan that thin medicine we. so much better that he would rather tsendittomeinthetUrnr" in. t took one done of it end in bettat la tteqt minutes. The second done on!!! In entirely. Two fellow juror! were " JBeted tn the sum mums: all one tmnttr-bre cent home and the three of un." For ale " All drug-I um. or Cholera Morbus with Que Snull Bottle ot Cutntterlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Hamilton Herald. A Chicago actress. tuxromptutied by a bodyguard ot two young men, left on Sunday Inst lot Zion City with the avowed object of spoiling the record at Gladstone Bowie. the un- kjssasd son and heir of Elijah the Re-, storer, by imprinting an osculatory salute on some portion ot his coun- tenance. A: there have been no bul- letins since from the seat of war, it is presumed that up to date the ob- ject of the attack has succeeded in holding otr the encmv. I Stuttord Hertud:-The Herald has jl on good authority that the Tillson- burg, Lake Erie & Paeitie nilroad is to be amended vit Stutlord north to Georgian Bay. This is the result ot ‘the recent purchase of the road by the C. P. R, The company has the right to extend by way ot either Berlin or Btrattord, but it is under- stood that the Utter route ins now been definitely chosen. This will be good news to citizens, as the road will give direct connection with Port Bur-well and hence with the coal cen- tres, besides dordlng connection with the may roads crossed en route. . TO GO THROUGH STRATF‘ORD and Jumpers, light weight and heavy- weight human, . his!) jumpi 1g car teat ad weeding column. W.J. Mc- Cally, Stntford, is the Secreury from whom 111 inlormnuon can be ob- tamed. Everything indicates that ill: sumo"! ane Show wilt be I great success. The Gun tired are 23!. “(I 24th September Ind . the prize list "when $1500. The classes include hmvrdrattght, agricultural, carriage, roadster, roadster, double and single," uni-go, double and sin, gle, harness pairs and carriage luirs, tannin-Math uni tandems, hunch; in 'a3itftb"iid ' . _ 4 _ 9: tetft'gPt', It. ' not he: “at. Jun. _ mm M ton 1: -ttNtq moans; " _ .; Manson: or»: paint: “on“ In {non-co and widely “by tend. In Inch . sum» scum-I bade not count. but an“ I": . hallways: and WW I "may can†Inga-em. mrtttsq. lm in yuah tho Jun-u In. plow. ed than-Iva vastly superior A to that: heavy, stand [on Certainly the condition at today taror u me mnly only tonal-sua- of m In: nth“ than a long drum ttttt 'con- test, which will be that. to II- mutt of, All the great Power. con- eerued. In thia. connection it thou“ not be warlock-d that complication: which would disturb the stock mar- ket my occur At any time owing to the nckles- interference with the rights ot neutrahs, uni -ialir trout the ttigteturmiexi actions ot Run- xlan war vessels in the matter ot cotttrttttand. you aiti3rt 1 Thu m V "ytiC. ftldt'itt C in cl 'aetticttf 'deg'" {he oath-3% tlb' do antagonist. This " by no In“. a. mummy. to: , Runw- Mllllt soeial, Maui] and 11mm THE PROPER AHOU NT that, "at ot STRATFOBD HORSE SHOW THREE JL'RORS UURED TO BREAK A RECORD In! --ooeot-- 1mm . - - Wulnnoo The Absolute Purity of the ice in GUARANTEED llaJ it can lately ha and foe alt pun-pout. mums!“ WILL " MADE DAILY r.". 4.000 Tom ot Put-cu loo, taken hom {rah spring - which he is ITarf to deliver to customer- in WA [£an and BERLIN in any quantitlel, have or "null, " mm Able prices. The undersigned hogs to tender Mn. cere and hen-Ly th an to his numer Ono customer. for ch tiberaitrort, age extended him Rut you sud mind- mane that tor Ike present lemon he has laid in a very Inge quantity, 305 EST PRICE? on: on. of my but-mud now an d Emu-I now. " will hum" the “wanna M It a and! mummy" ml. Repairing n modal-at: Patel. ICE! ICE! n A ERLOO - -_ HONEST HARNESS AT 1% Rellieiliti, WV . a . Cl r".,', y. 3. a... I " a; i gii . k 7NEEilili, -: 22 - F satlKit, 5allltll5giiiiiiiii, Jal (lligl $334.53 tlil,! '8N "‘7‘ Blh' " [ y I P. r 'aiilGilrd8illl IMBilF â€a 'l5rlil5aliiiililil a» w ‘ g [) (3tCCCCCSs _ = ' The professional cook mambo _ WATER?" llllllrlA nu Immune: connn‘ mcomunn us was. row “as list Maul-'08 'alla.',",'. I - - ---... - - c-w-u -‘vuv 1"- A high-class preparation for the hair. Eng: the hair ooh Ind glossy and prevents upmdng u the ends. um dandntttagttt '/attt restores color to El Mir. '. 1'a".yigrst-ft-t Ed. Durmel, Wm...†M Jun- Uvtmmtmto.Bm.. Isl-u. Bonnornmmom. Unmm'“ m.1.n.wub. l ." 1et'llS'ttt .. Gamma-L . ' LLWMuWIJ-ah OFFIOKRB t an R-anti. M Wm. sudâ€. mm: _ Punt - Iâ€. J, L. Ann-ml, law. B. P. (IO-"mu. mid“. Mun. BUCKBERROUGE & CO 'Y, JOHN STREBEL 9.: Bin-u. m. Ttrti1imtstyeettt.sestedhraii9- 'l‘lumleurcook mwmmmmmxmm 1,Itrtt.tttfttet,i-q"-rAitsutro-tot hmmmmmdbtmfl Oxford ',ttult: mutual 'l'll,"W, evenly Pte an; “I m; t 0 ttttttt il/till;'), '1'4llj'lh'lk tlyMrs " 'tlh"de'l'lhh72. keg t'tt.'gttg?"'r""hsariiaa"iiGciui HARNESS SHOP Ad Imperial Oxford U 7 Range The “my “yoga-[00†Limited Thin-dogmatic“ Ina-“b tt,ti1tte.ti7ieiiiitii92lit,.1rh tuna“... Mint-Hutu- I .mm it"2p't2t'ai'ttrgtiTe,e'e h‘bwuu I: ~.“"" “It; H In!†- an,“ r"eerirt%r-%tawuta.h. m. .?ft?oéh-iottodavitViil " -“Mma'Q-r-s-ï¬-ymum Irt2arirtt "o'mh'-"'-e.te-.,ii-.s_t, “can ,umt"lU'llTJl'lhth,','rt'g',t2uua" Strt bel’s tantrum. mun-.1 .eoot Emit h Mb. CLSHan-Ren‘e‘w‘a Arints ON't â€an rum - - ' - 1'Pret (“on - - - “or“ 30mm - - - - 1...... or BERLIN. OM 8071. annual and Gun mum snA-cuMJn-njsoo “my Amount I‘m . . m.m Omaha-n! Dunc-it _ "tgaoth Jo'"ARoem----z,- ii m-DOIDIIm Em nmieal htuilrinhua, I. Ina-i iii; Twin-City that I nm the OIL! (m I ho has . Cold Storage plokand therefore the only one who m "e'"on, there mum. Always on hand together with meat; of only dearripdan. - my: . rlscull. Proprietor. Sons people chin: to sell bathing but COLD Stone: Mum I bag tfr wnounce to the winem- of the Beware of Aft in“. of 'tttrar-freer" It Invent current rate.-- Fin, Life,Arrieo" and SicinvnPllto Glut», Boiler [nun nice. En ph y- eru' LinhiIi-y. Fidehly 30mm Marine Imam-ace. _ " e regret-um. the olden, out Ind t Companies. Telephone N o. an cum-u Immune. Axum, IAIERLOO . Ill‘l Buckhemngh t 60., were] "--- Q lniitations. Mink 'Ivaoo