2,} l Waterloo County's Greatest Store. t ",r "oooooooooooooooooooi_ _".:'. érAsmou Imus in 'i,',, THE PIGKLING E's“ -iiii2Li Shorthorn Bull "Nox- Fi). rum Am," tor col-vim. i,' mum-towwotsmw tl-u.:- MD to: ads. i,1,li-, A TI rf, Humanoid Show 4;, born toe a). a b $5; taut' WW Ila-u for uh. t a _ l, l ' i "rs Ji".ltat-t"te "but"; We've am just the Bantst diqplar of ob that our gamed a clothing house. We'd lik one of our a and suits or hmdsome ovesrepaU; our new ay has, encirc‘o your neck with w few in . pair of new full ohm, and than gem You’d certainly be surprised to tgtttt wink. n ht iiii=iiii" M FALL BUSINESS Come here! We'll make glad you came. Bait prices 5.00, 7.50, 1 Overcoat. prions. 5.00, 7 Hut prices 1.00, 1.50, 2 Big new range of boys' tnotua,shoea,rutarcat" 5nd Ken’s Furstiahitsf. Next to Poet on!†. DmTTu P.a--m, Yorkshire PIES ----FOR SALE---- 11mins!) Ban. kept for with Quit» . number of Imported pigs in stock just now and tor 1le. BOEFtMER'S -"r"""-'-iiiiiitiiirt" The [My not forming- th? can: altogether that would not take a glance r,, 's . .0 Canal. an: Ola-don, nixed Tvads, loath MI "rho" “an“: warm-um Mp. ID‘ lavldblo “I. Bro-d 010mm Vacuum will be and to! Eaii “I Wham Sula. . M570“ an to can“ It so In Min. - alt tip “kl. tmstrttt The M" 'ttttFee. I “WP" "'"""' wm'“ . -eetttttt.te."'"" mum-h can. The M In. In green Ind brown in ondlnu VII tn color- for Ptlt Dru: aooda. " Turban promise: to be tin popttiar bat. The high crew: who: in an an.» nylon: lmporwd model bun. Wings and brunt. till ha mash worn wish "rioty of Mrtt ilk trtattttingson mlrw-ww hill. ' MISS GORE will bus charge ot the Dr-tntAttsg. Oat surname goo- with every consume. JOHN HILL, _ want tn honest, smut boy to lam the trade. Apply at - . WESELOH & cp, manta be vow much and an. fall, It to In a vary manhunt. - l, Seasonie here again end you will want ' l some good vinegar. Wa heve on order givexrfor M bble. for this cannon. We have such eoaaikuoess in the kind we , handle from ptustuxperiestte that we know we ere running no risk. Try your next purchase from an. . HALLMAN, Berlin PHIL? mm‘ 7.50, 10.00, 12 00 and $14.00. 5.00, 7 00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00 and 315.00. 1.50, E00 and " 00. rf bows' fruits, overcoat: and caps. no Luau": "_....- -_. -- t .7, . The mu In. In In high {no in this my}. of in ondlnu “not, of thud-I u the - lamb diqplay of Athing, hats and toggery ng house. We'd like to place you inside of hmdsome ovesrepaU; Crown you with one of a your noel: with an elegant tio, put your 'dtxte, and then gently lead you to I mirror. and to we whut s handsome follow you ue. CttE old Show! . 1922mm mm- “A!!! um mm m and. with)†190-1 “thumdm'l Batt-M." 7N0 ,g."2mgg.tat'd It. an I". tiiiiiiiri?gsoitti'ti'fl."Nt'Mllrf, A. tk M“. “a!“ Guelph central , 'i."garrl4r'iiiuaE "Wtllrkl1'rli, Haunt n f,i.llt,tteiil. Jun art ll MIMI"! . k gum!“ hm m an tTit-ttii. Ciiiidii] 5.8.. not“... Eli-5:: gR'uTgttelt L. The veal in the Full _r',jtllt ..‘:-1 ', BERLIN you 1%Ttiry, A nu llama-85m, "ett- idiuat-otetrt8uet"r, tool to to W. Hitch!" A bone to ohmttnnty In. no: lo “on “out town And across the "My. nol. u w siowiy out". nod Inning two young men [mm the low-try how-.11! bound he {no one u out with whip uni preceded on ttia wild journey. He then overtook two other: mo homevud bound All! out one ot them most lmlully. On Pin return home he mu dupommd ite. one evening later on than young Lmen who were not to be outdone "" 3am I were thanking. We um to In.“ the miscrunt's attention to ttte Itaet that be only mowed mu ol what he deserved u the not be com- mitted was a crlmlnnl one. We man he has leaned .n good lesson ud'vlll profit thereby, We relnln Iron giv- ing his name Although be duet“- , public menlion. _ »- - . ___, _..--" " ' nun m GM I'MWW I‘m-um ’MWWMCWON Our Busy Neigth 11R yu-..- ...-...___. Baset"UL--Labnr Day pasted 00 more quietly than was expected. " it was impossible to secure In om.- sidebaseball tum the married menol our town kindly volunteered to pl†the boys a game The score stood 25--5 in [nor ot the boys. The players were es follows: Married-.. Rumbnn p, Schucr C, A. Snyder its, It. Gubel 2b, P. Mayer 3tr, o. Smith 55, J. Siciner rl, W. Heller ct, Wm. ‘Moyer It. Hingle--H, Heller p, H. you†c. T. Bockner lb. I. Good 2b, A. Hem-r 3b, G, "oiling" n. T. Miller d, E. Muehnergtrd et, Ed. Gingrich ll. Barring a few errors it was 1 good game of ball end though the married men were detained they pluckily uny- ed in tum: Jiii." A sirdd sized crowd witnessed the gum. including uveul ladies. __ PersmuJ--Mr, tnd Mrs, N, W. Gin- grich spent Labor Day hollduys with “lends in t'oningwomr--Mr. and Mrs, Mount) Lippert ot Berlin spent Sunday with Mr. 1nd Mrs. John la. Weber --Mr, and Mrs. Henry Deng†ot Berlin spent Sunday at the homes of Messrs. John Schw'mlm wd Clan. Denres.--Mr. Albert Heller ot Toron- to was home tor a law (Inns-Kr. and Mrs. John Cress of Berlin spent a low days with the lormer'l parents Mr. and Mrs'. Levi Cress tutd other {htnl‘SZ-Mrb Foetter his returned to her home in Heidelberg utter spend- ing a low days at_the_holne ot Mr. S. R. Bowmsn.-Mr. tutunielBuek n and Miss Curt Schwnlm ot Berlin t spent a few days with the Iuter's C parents. Mr. end Mrs. J. Schwalm. t -Mr. Wesley Bowmn spent. Labor , Day " his home in Wollnce. - Mrs. Jacob H, Filsinger spent the holidays , with her son: in southamptorc--Mr. ; and Mrs. John Hollinger ot Bridge- port spout Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. i L. Hoiiingrt--Mr. sum. Freeman ot 1 New Brunswick is spending several I days with his brother, Andrew Free- l man, near Cortestogo. Mr. Freeman]: presented our landlord, Mr. Honing-C, er, with e pair oi lobsters them were ‘ really a treat and n curiosity. They look very much lie our, common cubs but no much Inger. the lug- esi one measuring over n foot. They ore I bright red in color and no con- sidered noble delicacy, being much sought eiier Along the constr--Atrt- ong those who took in the Toronto exhibition last week we noticed Mue- m. ism and Daniel Fusing“, ll. W. Gingrich, Mr. end Mrs. And, thl. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oberholuor. Mr. Wm. Mower and Miss May loosen! i Mr. J. L. Widetttatt, the Mines Mor t er, Mr. E. F. Mielke, Mr. W. H. iii) der, Mr. Henry Btroh end maul oth- . ers. The exhibition in better thin .. ever, the picture of the “booth of WoW" presented by King Ede-rd in n work ot on And nobody goth there would miss seeing it, Therare nev- erol other good attrasstittetr-Mr. end Mrtr. Chou. Donut And daughters Em- I III and Elmino spent o few any: in Berlin this week with hinder-Ir. end In. D. M. Onhel end non In“ a " do" in Waterloo with Moods. Brick-The ch91: ot the Ltttsersti church “and“ mlutoury mica It Poole htat and" when they no- and onion! good auction ot mu- lls. Ben. L. 'nhl o! Tunnel. m but!» M Logan “has“ In- uit". at†in the Iota-oo- all Mon “My. data my run okay he" in u num- hr cl alt v.6 M New than“. " tad can plan to to. in the “on. - ll. um Hum in '10 undu- tts-ah. In“? - um "ltt - "er . â€an use mu tiieS,tlh"l . In â€I Jul at 'alt null- 'tWt -h H a M " at k ._ b'ai i1,ti'i'i " Mon F ml! 'u “buy h in ttd (III Hunk". TI _ U to - 1! the I‘m-Handi- ' FG iaiu. in. M an tM 51'†VIN-'0 a! B! _ . MI in I t In» my†WMWMM It',' b"lduu"'4'lf2'l to .3 ST. JAMS WELLESLEY £33 "dtha,rorttprreW+d3nertt the maul nu IMP-"v ttt out dun-s In. hm In - 133 pun-y at Nu "mm lol- dar, ___ -.. f - - Io;- P-at.-- uam. ml. “4 cu». I our“: we Inuit-g never“ an in E Non-tut and Vinta- wtth Mntis I nnd ttlic-M-. Clarence, Eda: , null Ed. Sahib not. labor Bey in l Nemsudt,--Mi" Hen-tn Kodlet re- l turned from A three neh‘ mu to l Wluton Baud†taat.-Mr. and In John lllll. Kin-lurch um Ir. Oun- I lave 1!de are â€not; the vulton I to the Toronto m: at. ,rgre-ate an. Norm Alma, Charlie Mart Mr. and Kn. Henry Kmtzwlner, Mr “a In. Cleghorn end daughter Ell. Ind Mr. In. Keno-thorn were we“ tho-e who ,uited the Toronto Felt lat week-Lulu outrun, who he been visiting her uncle John Ottmun ol Hum-ville, returned home on Sunny lost am nu than“ at tl" ,rereer-- Min Annette Ottmnnn in spending. lew any: In the Twin- , City with Mead: end reuvtives.--Mi" , Flotilla Fleischhnuer it; ho'lidnylng I " Hddelberg with trietuis,-- Eugene , 3nd Welter Lochner left Mondny tor I I'm Wayne. when they will attend , the Semlnnry to ltudy to be minis- . ten of the Goepel,-Mesrrts. C. F. Ot‘rnnnn all C. D. Koehler were bus- ; lneu “also“ to Strntlord Wednes- day lute-Mute: Fred Froelich went . to Berlin Monday to “he n course . in the Berlin Colleglnw. - ham , Fleischhnuer is Ukirttt n course In . the Strntlord Cone-glue Institute. Notes. Mr, John Schnun ha been hung some stoma work done in [rout ot his ttou-Mr. P. Rugglo haa,hud the room- ..bove the store hsndsome- ly â€pared. Atter they go splendidly furnished Mr. Bugle intends occupy- ing them u u ddellint-Mr. .L Hil- m. w.-- - __ - _ ker returned iron! . visit to Ctmetr- , toga on Monday eveninir-Mr. R. B, , Hamilton uni Miss A. M. Goat: hove I returned from their holidgs- Miss t Ella 'tttral' shunt on w ex- tended visit. t Montgomery in- ' tends going mu: north " Oven I Sound.- Mr. C. King had o nuty l little midmt while preparing stakes 5 tor the surveyors in Meyer's mills. I A stake sprang bark trom the saw 1 tenrlngtthe tteshy part oi the hand. i ..-A tennis meeting was held Monday ', Bight.--Work in: hem commenced on l the C.P.R. out at Linwood station. Quite n stretch at road has already been graded-Mr. Weston Willigms is Working with the surveyors. Pertsomu.--Mr. R, Y. Fish spent a part ot Int week at the exhibition in Toronto. .....Mr, and Mrs, G. G, Mouser went to Toronto last week. --Mr. D. R, Pollock is absent on an extended business trip. -Miss Cltrra Friedman is visiting her friend Mary Rathrty, Albert street, Waterloo.-- Mr. T. Ruggle was absent for a low Idnys in Toronto last week, The T, lRuggle Company received a large shipment ol goods last Wednesday. It looks tl, ii they intended to do _ tntsittoair.--' ‘. Roht, C'athcart wus in Atwood Int week,- Mr, Albert Schnurr spent Sunday and Monday ' vioitlng his brother John Schnurr in t Mlldtrtar.- Mr. Auon Schnurr 'dll . “not lat mick on I visit to At-) , vood.--Iiu Irene Benet md Miss . Elna - on visiting irionds in . Mildmur.-Mr, F. B. Edmund: was ' in Woterloo and Berlin on Momur- "yi? M. Roma ol Gund Rapids 1ett ' I Int Thurldny tor Detroit. Miss , Rowe In visiting has uncle Robert - Rove At the Terre- Miss Violet “ Disrlunm ot Milverton is visiting her 'l unndrnother In J. Bundy. Persomu,--Mr. R part ot hurt week in Toronto. -..Mr Mauser went to '1 Persotisl.-- Mr, nnd Mrs. John A. chlllnm no spending “no present wank in Toronto.--Rev. Mr. an Mrs. T, naott wen Vishnu tor . tent by! In am lat. ,rset.--W" Music Ion! my on Sunni“ tor MiNerton when It. taunt! npending name few am with mum!- and tnest..---- In. 'II. Mud ad a. Ibu- EV " and Alla Word -, Sunday' in! mo: 03' win autumn rar- bucks-Ix. b in punt: the ‘houu My mull-ll by lee. Sloan jd n- noâ€! In much - Mo m - "err. At ttter uw - - ______V,, him a n - gum-u ot out villa.- ..In. “my wbet In m ITN' - “no a up Ion! trt " t M. It. houn- B+otd “I "and 1m vii to t1hetttsttrM.--- m. on. Inuit“! ll mum-c may - h â€nevi“. m an - m. tr., m mn.’ .0. cl tme my. 1ttt M w “ “I -- ..- ',,tgetr,,t', ie,'ittt,'tid,1 Tty. 't - 3 - “a us not). an. and“: BLOUMINGDALE LINWOOD P,uiittttt't.gtlhir2'. (ii/ Sutftcergt.'tet bruit-lo mill“; â€tantrum Its-taint taint-dunno. Pan-alu- lam. J. us: how - d Wt. uh... and . with " mm vm. .atd.ru- liu lint-wt. m ttar it. mum ,galnueeq " Dim mung bi- ur6ar, mm , bu new In! tttthiatt-Me. mm M In. In a Elam. van and: a In. Burk“: Wed-dar.-. Is. John Simpson ot Gun! Forks. 3.0., up.» “than!†a run" vilu.- In, Jam Haastltem ot Home: In here‘ on . viait.-adr, C. M. Dunn! spat Sunday in the Ron! City.- In, And In. Weidettttammer ot Elm!“ ,irted " Mr. Jas. Howku'l Sum!" -RqT. Ind In. Hum ot Harden were we." at It. and In. J. A, Dun-m last weak. {transmit a, In persomJ--Mr A, Mundelt of Listo- wel visited his brother Mr. W, Mun- dell over sumur.--Mr. mum at Holmelville is visiting mm: around tere.--Mrs. Ju. Hutchison ot Bel- more is the guest ot her sister, Mn Jno. Wetmter.-- Misses M. Mandel] 'nd L, Webster spent . day In IUd- _ -- l WM.., A ' - La, mun-w- -r"-' v _ en Int mreee,-Mr. sad Mn: S. For-1 rt: visited “leads in Punk on Sun- dar-Mus Myrtle - ot 14mm In banana; with 'tttsts Ella Reamer an. J. Pam and Mn. Ed. Perch ttnd bay no viattintt in Toronto.-. muu Glgdyl Buhour out Eva Patch returned to Toronto on War m necempnld by their gum. Mrs tin-.-- In. “wile M Minn: (iiie e" ot Int work n Mr. Jun. Pumi I. W -- ..____, .-A-..I..|n_ 0.. it Peat', :ttiifiii?:tii?,:'tii. on . ttt ' , A I'l K“... “1.. ot I'll". 'h 'ldi I - w. A km in): a a! " dunno,“ In - u ; _ , try., I m l ..- " - “‘ .w m “ITEM “NE WALLACE (‘ROSSHILL i,"ii7 irii0lFiity, _ f; 5]";{Rmun m to am in tho "we and. was _hme Lpeedy rem iitiuiiiiiiii.l "iiiiiii _ a, [' .' r Tapestry and , w £35 Chenille Goods; " â€3.3;: 3;»“u::tu.t;{mww.w£%w§ a m t lost or “a. nod- the on and" no T l at, film 'd'f,' out-‘- 70. in" ful, tdltkt (or. lo“ . " tff) aa -'e" "ad.c V an ' hmmthOm-dmm 'Nm ssc,'iiiS,r,,ti' an. nndm an an. Ct,'f,'C11tl,'0 n . .. . ' 'r'ltdJht30..1'lls11.tlllu.r2titrh'11T, _-4.‘-,..... LLL2, '"hffdi'i'ra' 6t "iiiiiiii'crii1eTUGiGiiii5 nokr, on d the M 'ttttt to.- In the cal-tun line, cram. blur uld an. he", bland min. wink- . “:00me timtUab' may.“ bonito" t'trttT and who" tho-Mn QI', gran. ta a! brown. We“ 'tf,'dht ti. & , a pair. C,'iilistf,,tii,iir ttt 'ttrtsrdt Pot',',: Tllt “W†M tr-tttir. on. GO. ' . r. Inasmuch cost- you “dunno l'ilur. in. and we will to M “a..." Emma was iiiitikt -"e io to but you all. _ tt SMYT'H BROS. Canadian National Exhibition I - ----""'" '. School on!†' pally more. .. it they come t stand hard them. RIG f h' t l I We mm of! - wheel shoes d no less than t Saturdmy. l, Youth 1.75 be: ._ litter in "s use: 11, h Boys' 2.t0 tttte r- nuled " V thou nle u Womcn'l 3.00 fi l- kid and nylon, bl Children" 1,76 tr,',',,' " unis: o- , n- M d ol THE YELU ‘1. rs I 'll but.“ Ind than we" .10.. on! ghrtnrrt, itfdit -"F in}. now at no "Bl-ck WM" (the Mann 41nd Ray-l 'Jiedt'%t will I“ Imminent. by penal-don ot MI Guam Hale-u the King and C can at a. W‘. ‘11an that comm My throughout. In who ovum - __ - __.._-“.-.-. mgr-bani pmmlllury dimly r “and ouch "oiling with hundrv dl of I was. sad nut-d by the upon a clan mantra-$.24!wwcsnnmxé-wmm‘ u'rlS%""i'irriri6'5 "5iirattT0t A wort u I a . wononnruu TRAINEE) ilAR31ADJII qTet0t"' on‘ “on. .i‘. an: â€new uhlo mu of cull-ad mum-u- in an worm. m1 many other not: of can“ mull. awful Runway Runs. .AIK suntan Again for E""'"""' "number the Danes. httguatf291h to “at. m . A" And Mm. w. In» as: w Ah!!! ed ,rgs.er,tteottrAtetrte.iiii" 1etsid1tg'sllhtthrttitrtt News Cub sud on. Prim Peninsular ' Stoves & Ranges tstore-tr-rt' m 'e-er-hir"""""'" â€.1. “oi-WW a "iii-et-tr-u" w-tte-ttttot"""" 3m "riiriiiiriitutos Lcmombcr the Dates Pro-Idem. ',B,tririii'iit,Tt 36mm sun: SALE I We shall offer upoclal Indtttsatttsttt' on all llnu of our school thou. SM our prlcu below. We not to all no loss than ONE THOUSAND PAIR of msttool oboe- on Soturdoy. IP" READ I LP" READ! IT READ! Youth 1.75 box onlfnkln. votorpml uppers, lolld n dled to!“ 1mm: Inserted book $an, null-h high out leg 1 " ulna 11, 12 and 13, Buford-y Iohool oboe “10.. I Bore' 2.t0 do“; omlgalln lace boot, Rook at: mud, bony ttuile lo on. ol 3110. l to 6 Sound†ool oboe Lt'/.11'.'C1'C"C.UCr'.T.C."..c.. $1028 Womon'l 300 fittg no apps". hnndoewod colon. (won’t monk) kid sod patent toe cum, low.booll out! military 1 " nylon, broken slut 2 1.2 to 8, Sound" ale . Cblldron’l 1.76 box coll tad kid loo. and button boon tad ma. 3:: nylon, ultimo lo l-2.................. rd†9|:me Shoo "u........-- Att? 1904 and itt"tnt ethu M Our-din msiustestum., wanna! geytd.wrty In M. u ghouls. New hulldlnp. Immune! mum» in um um ttf attmqti- THE YELLOW FRONT We up.“ u CAR WAD of Sohoo! abndren Divan do more or let: tiestissr-peittoi. p-ny more. Let 'em not. It won’t hart their eheee "any oome from here. Our eehool oboe: no nude ttt stand hard mega Ire expect eehool chum-en to give them. RIGHT NOW WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A THE RELIEF OF Lucxnow TAPESTRY CURTAINS NIL UG‘IRIYIR" In hll Inn from I tttpep', tqqt “no I ml d Tpta w- I- nnLV. worm amou- “1:13:11 stei H152°£IIEH1L CHENILLE CURTAINS “BLACK WATCH BAN D" SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ZIEGLER’S . Wolohal a 899 m TORONTO, ONT. ‘wwml 't'st'i3.C'j,'Ei,'ii It! _ Thr,,') In "ttttht,' 1'1ll In Tgrltl', tttrt M and nuns. I m we I -- Jt'gli'lh' nob." up... ' oa,iauao--ttevvit,' In o-s-vit-trate,':) .hA-ererthe. J, as} Th. urea-Km no Mtm& Cheap Club Sign. 'mry' trrrad luau». 1904 Gl an: