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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 1 Sep 1904, p. 7

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55‘ 2dtt'gtg"gr3i'.'u"gti -. .00.: I“ _ Wt-set-mm'. _f,l':i:ii,'i"i,(i' 'ts'lW,,N1Ul. Good ".(,Y Bot-Manyh'mtbm , 'MhouthetoU,trttup-au ‘: hawk-rum , r;u-!g-Uu¢rmm W i”! Ian he In! p u- m - In?“ "at! " “to a. an at .1 MP , and new. It. i I my: gun. [ ”DWI-Dclo-nlcom-au (truth-n; luau-ram: . to. c “an!“ or ”you: Eahde-ummu {ht tot-t. mm a u out. Nahum any m an be , tanned In the pretence ot Inch I ' . girl " Mll- Jone.-1 would "r on were is I sentimental attach- . Ween has); "a the young _'Wl,tf7fl"t' “leni- some um, of or Wlm‘t-km what." an the carriage drew up before the T I observed that Jimmy looked ' . C Ind duty. and that Miss JoneI wa- _ ' Ind "all an a tlower in I trhadr II. It was charaeteriatie of tho in. lady to look nhvay- II it the .4 ttsat donned a new gown with the T mm at I drmmmnker, u minim-r . I mid. Ind yet I could hardly you". that Damn had given her In .. - clot can in: proot Isuzu: leVIII TI - , of GM! road. rilatum a not the least m at on de. " r h me. but I Inn I “in: good N vestUqtordn n i.1imrutory. Mr work , IIm-bued upon an mail-II prin- , - an: enema hare mum. Ind that " _ - mu. wlll n-m- happen “than " ". To mm t' v mmrrr mot-o plun- M , I m “pun it a vr .mion moved to M' . u vthal L.“ I' tVII". mm. renal mm. Jones ,r. t rust-mm! the an". bt {new Im- ', nh ttumewltitt for» tl (magma. Ind 'st the girl mm In). B, ' I]. ha git-mu in atrvettttutt. " ttttr, ,mu was n t “in notlcxytble, " I. ,"mlt Ihoni-in't I)”. l mam-a mg 1.. .m might la. mum in her mat r. ' with mu eomttry. for I ’ , your mum" under I the II A \ Om III! in church-it "hr, of W _ M . Alan. thrown I faint n1;- . In “I Indy had something on M gig of up than thought. t had wmj bopln: am tt mu m end u." said Damage. " like Tun-k _ much. though hm lilo if I unda- r Mm.'" . Tilt Ill [manly my position. Afterqrtrntthad tseariand.eeu, [was ‘1th ready to believe that hil heart '51”, m awn Lucy Ann Wither- - whose “father or guardian or 3QIInW' did not line a lot of money. 'nthntettaet-dottbir.oeryfoe Lia Ann. since the inland her happi- - by a “now" margin. but I did tot no Willi: I maid do [bout it. un- Jin. I should precipitate nine]: inm filo muscle and win the pretty In» t tor, my own. um. luvink Trunk , in follow hi: heart‘s beckoning. "tse all which the mm had pro. Md to (ore-ea did not come during a. In)". I found the weather very warm Ind dry when I emerged Into an. my! oh- "tar P JD). hreait. a. Withenpoon wagon that went in- “. it. " mice . any tor qysi1 Ind m matter: was just entering the ”and; Jimmy anolne WI. . Mann. Ind “In Jones wu " We was damn, foolp’rlnu in m dun. I ' " mild for I recognition of . Sh. was certainly I In» 'W of mum". even It. Icon] any have been ml.- fh m East-ad the credit ot " ' In my own pm. being a Bl a M 1m tater Ann. t mum , . an m- Jm to In than ll " ”m, Emu» mu TM . It? In an Icon = , he the at-se. of btnt . w, for the when (not " . you tron In an '; T In my land a: - _ _ a nation a of m . but "Bltt II youth. will 'it2fii'lttt no: ride-Jim 1 pt'tbtetg5t W an m mKTime tear.--. r'."cd'%Tt, nod-n gnu-mun t». g'ggtlt "but“: mama ORGHARI') “bu-OOUM“ nth-Mich“. I 'caTia"iiGWa7iiGii'Uriiari'i 4.4,! and m at h It. at: manm'muofln. m‘. up: we! plat-11h tr-bt-ether-d. “an (no. the-1111 entr"treMeqrttr. we: when Iain-(am. aide yam. t't,ev,t'ttut'tt,tt, "tst-rt-Bet-r' «not (humummmm m ttq--.' _ ttqt thr WWW-whim uadyeonm Amman.” "utthtntnotorthtrBe.t.eotrMure and all "can! an (to that. - ”mum'mMamm 1rqd.wqrtqee-tt,-t-rsetmett" min. Oran mNrnthorramsdV Inn. The! In my toolartnu In than "etwtedtrth.homett.atitr,t+ ba6-ntLttsrqgbreitr I Wt. nbdheovmmmmntuny In- mom. Idiom on ha other and. tt whispered of prudence. t seemed u have solved my riddle, but my mum's tonne was In much In doubt u beta”. "Come along qrlttt a." uld the. "We Are going up to the north the." . "Where we wereberore,"added Till! in exptanntion, "All the trees huh names. There must be seven] thou- sand on the place. but I have yet to and one that hun‘t been (-hriuened. Mr. Witherspoon turned them." In the main ml: I taunt! Truk waithg, " uketcblnx look by " Mite. [in Ind In air of gentle dlstraetion. n If In had been trying to thlnk of several mama "mtttaneouaty. I km that urn-lion. having seen It In my mirror quite frequently of late. He gave me good morning. and u an moment “In Jone. located. I rammed that I had not had the pleasure of twain: that mlemun. "You protiabrr new? tot him In I ,Jod light." um Trish. "Otherwise he " too mm to be “Mule. Me II so thin that the wind blows him around the estate, and you'll always tiad him on the leeward aide. The wlnd‘s north to day; he'll In" drifted down by the like." As to the invitation to sceomplny them It naturally seemed otte, made to be declined, sad I was surprised to div cover that both master sud pupil wen sincere in their wlsh for my socletr. We walked up to the north tree almost In silence, and when we had sat down upon the ground In great comfort we tell Into A most despondent stnln of conversation. "Bad stories of the death of kings" would have vet-med like merry Jest- In the mldst of our talk. 1 WI! Iain Itrongiy reminded of some one else when Miss Jones was speaking. She had ways of using words that appealed ‘vainly to my memory again and again. But the dew mu nearer to me than it ind been be.. fore, and presently the truth tiaghed up before me-the girl reminded me pt my tether. ' Continuing to speak when It seemed to be my tum, but wlthont putting any thought into what I was saying. I be- gun to amuse the evidenco in my mind. I knew that Miss Jones had come out of the orchard that morning, but did that prove that one we: the girl? Certainly not. She w“ I friend a the g1rl and bad been her guest to! A night : mbo bud evidently been inch in my tat her': company. I had found her portrait in our house. She was Sibyl'l friend. and Sibyl wan the girl. My M. ran at the lake had been fllbrt-aurelr not Min Jones, tor the had not the (most of a singer. Yet even at thll time It was no easier for me to believe that the girl I“ Sihyl nun to necept.the dominion an: my "ther'tt ward mt baron me the” on the gun. The girl. to mun-maln- od with)“ from both ot them: her rénl permit: hovered Just tmpond my moutll map. If she Were Blbyl. then tome Image trtuttrformatiott had taken place; Iomo Image hm) ettaeedhnr coup fused noollectlon of the chlld. substi- tutlng Itulf Instead and In web form that I could nut recognize the two " an!“ view- of the lame IMIvidull. Waning to (he communion of Trust. I llkcd mynelr why he had al- war. than such feeling for the girl, why he [and lent the liner to be!" pf "I [in him up." and l udddeniy. Inc-king “and. to my own Inrprtu and cairn-Ion. . “am whom up?" demanded Trait, "Th-n w lam kind of I Mun. m lying "and." um I may, “and I had boon "no; to one!) him." Thu "trt-trx wu mum! with crude”. Tet. , tett "so and at mun. J" "tatttiott. "M" odd t, “Wu mm into I we " of the blue: for no esp-cm mmtlunuqmdm'ntho wont ot In thee. Ton m unduly what mint In you a In 1|. mun with um m I was of poor-l 'hnetpus.oeettttrse,mtt, “tum nah-m" ', when.“ (outline... elm”-ldl.' “1“.ch ma." growled” "t-ttotertsttgtiottt [Initlplih- We!“ 'lStyllyldelt an M at I an. a. - t'2hrrt,trfitVa"'t=t 'tt12A'n'd2Mt'ut MW at!“ nun-unnummm 'dget,.'"'"""t""'""'. ”a! . m. "on”. with nu." an " front-l. "u thltt-II an“. "tstMtttosAfte'thqF, new“ manila-M “In“: t','.'l'L"ldl'T,dlhl'rvau'lt wan-:37 '- .. _ Proe'Ctf..tyrrtrMMrly.. 22:: - “'“QA” a.l1trt'i'i!!t'iid!!iti?.1r:?: aye-re-e-edu.'. yum-uaum-mu 't-ttt.ttr.eo_tt_ Vb: ban-am: in no: mm? “W. cm managing I). mt-.'" 'rtuk'%rftMttrtohtehareti." in q " , Lt a: " L, _ , . ' I 3 than; , w _ ‘Q. It I M I” “a! ”to! w I... t“; W I. m: " m at. M M tool that m. Th m It, 'argl'.".",,','.,,")",,';,'.'.'.',.'., Wyn-poign- "tte-e, a that k M u- IM - to .r.tii.uaiiiiTGraaaaiaTiae'c an “at you cram”. MI 11" no added. "this Jill. - and with I quick. rhildlsh menu-m: - nothing 't Ina-kn“ " you J'I and dated , I bowie. '00 man - that I'm In agnostic. Mr. ran]. I've rad one book than tt til "-'tett AnmNt Would kl" me." “You an Ital." aid Tran. am; " h pencil. “Just as you are. 0011'! move or Name for 15 mmnteu. and " have you this time," Tho hub autumn {we to u mm M but rotted may tiff for“. ttre In had mined " pouch): no tut-tttOro) Imam wu looking I"! from him. but tt new to In. thin Min Jonas m undying him closely "or, mum! All] not for the lake or on. Salaam she leer-ed to me the: I higher type of woman. Them “I In "GLt,iamtser%eetutruamd non before. no! it beam Mr. Be yond question she was the moat but? am “an!" that I had ever beheld. and the idea that Trunk could m his court to im- tor any other - thin her uni obvious “traction: (all away from my mind. The thing Iimply would not permit Itself to be thought of in her pretence. Trask tttusted " sketch with - thasiaam, And Miss Jones and I were permitted to lee It as he was adding me last “totes. It was a remnrhbb study. very pleasing to the eye. but not I portrait. Misa Jones viewed it no unwed her tuweeiatitm In technlcnl terms. And In“ of nil " was exhibit- ed to Lucy Ann. who waned to be .tartied by this dellcloul ttttttery. She glanced quickly at Trunk and her cheeks tluaited. , "it doesn't look Ilka me." Ibo laid. N wish it did." Tusk took the sheet Into his band- and slowly tore it Into strips while Lucy Ann gazed up at hm hm: way which. I grieve to my. reminded me llightly of a hungry little dog watchlng In: master eat up the lust scrub or the dinner. . ‘ "The thing Cras I total “nun.” he aid. "I don't know why. It seemed ttll right white I was doing It. Did foes want It, Lucy Ann?" ’ He had glanced down Into her not _“Yel,” and we simply. and my mind lubed for a grip of the fellow’s collar. "How many [have you already?" he asked. with I laugh. "A few." said Lucy Ann. “I'll make you a better one," said he, "better than any of them, a really good one. Sttu-lntrt-walt." He spoke the last word! Ilowly and Ihook bl: linger " her. "I don't mutt one that looks like me," aid the. "I mm one Just like tbat." She pointed downward at the whlto mmmenta on the gum. Sq It 'Iensed the lime girl to In Idealism! by this particular art1Bt. Then and there I made up my mind to speak [Mute]: to Trunk and all him gently to get out. 'trhe pm. at a rdy of mm from her window." he added In explain-non. "The woman be loud. you undo- luld.” " 1m: mnnu or Till SONG. p) N n lonesome Swlas siugs 1 R' It", met a crippled youth. the non - of nu Alpine guide, Ind be - could :an remarkably well. Ell repertory was not large, but It lu- dlcated good mate and In unhappy dlsposltlon. both of whlch are "1pr to be necessary elements ot the mud»: temperament. One day I heard me singer exercising Mi Voice upon somvthlug exceptionally Weird. minor' and melancholy. tad when I asked him Jtust It wan he re- plled that he hand dreamed it the pro View; night. " wu- munically Incom- plete, and he bad mppllcd only‘one “no of wags. which mly be translated thug; 3'11" path was “night and neither long not steep." All the not was min-la. u be nus it. At ttir tuna: he lpoko the slum tine, no that t might cgtch It exactly. “We!!!" aid 1 tn " howl-aha; MIMI. "That path." be corttlmted, “was my ported upon mac snow wreqttte'-and be wand MI hand with I gentle. nuan- hung notion. " It human; their nun-ml Arche- M the (Ix-Run: norm. "tt led might to W-‘IIII but. In united and bond np‘um my Cleo-Mu a ebul- no deep " an in!!! _ lama-mummy act-nah maul-.uunhnnmmm tf,htttft,','tlf't,u"'t'ft: Inn-IN. M’s: bin-d III to an vqtandtlnm _ -_ “rum-Ill than}. 3‘1th "iTlvll."'daJl1Wt',',flu'"l'l' -tdt-tstreo-m-tb Mum-Int union-II “but“ [gun an I bad not tau-d colon-- t'rgf2tttt',f2tt",'gWllre, stained”- “$.03". anthem-wanna _ A Arm-tgt-tter-B-tlas Imam an [autumn that mulc- mam‘wmcmm 2'UT,efut'1',htu'lt In; In. Hyundai-I IMMhR. Mm.“ CHAPTER xt, um’ awn-trim (WSEW'QUV 0-0- m "U ‘9 I" E. ' i 'det', itiitsli1? 55- a. 3. tiii a; n ttr, tNat tur,", 'tsat 'tr2dt,2'ft dt I " . but In“ bl he would has Ind. shim; my to hot. a't'ge'gitt,',"td'deg to . iM 1'Wht _ yet?tpeeipt-" .M'j hAtArt1rititiritr,ieFiriiU' mute aboubfidhu [on == ad tum mmzmmmu» yulm.lunwllqbudby'hi _bem-rnMdtte.atttttarie,or,tt n bomette7tt-toaltarrmmt- skuhcdtuhm;udm the tatttthU 1T,'"t.82T m a planed Bettyv Indium mumumuma late thrown oat "qeting Dudley. Ca- nequutly " In n all out “mild rtrru_Aieltgreotad the young mun, 1341.231! rolled down - mocha: humus hudsonhcn. “You luvs tttmsetbirtg on you mfg-1’” he sail- “mania; Bttotf "A put deal," Betty named oonngoously. “You told me to trust you, and to lave everything In your was. But you In.“ to but changed; and 1 hate ad can" he- neve (ha things 1 hear about you!" "Want My?” she lowered he! head, blunt-g deeply. I "That-that you gamble “a drink, and so chant in I.“ sorts ot bad company-" "Mr. O'Mean. And I that they were ties, and with him." _ "How dow he know?” "He has a. very amusing putable cous‘n --Patrick who tells him everything." “I thought fou were going to new yqur stepmother?" "Yes; but I shall not any with her." - “I dog't understand you,' said. "Is Pat O'Menn hi. cousin? I have met him. What he says inquite true I have been in very bad company in London, and now I am going over tc, Paris to frequent equally bad com- pany than!" . Betty looked at him wistfully and sighed.) 7 "But you soon will. Trust me, Bet- ty-that is better than understanding me. Pry, is a great den! about a In“ that n Woman " the better fdr not understanding. Thank lit-.1"- en I know two suutt Women as rot and the little mother-pure, and“, brave; tpttuMsh, sweet-natured wom- en. whose beauty is the outward ex- pression of their souls, and not the mask ot vile and hideous corrup~ um!" 'ltr? girl shuddered at the bitterness ol his words and at the expression ol his lace as he uttered them. Bat she was beyond measure glad to know that her belief in him had not Mn misplaced, and that still in her thoukhitr he might remain her hero. Less than lwrnl‘y-lour hours later Betty would hive seen Dudley, could hot eyes have followed him- Heading a notorious gambling hell in Puis in the chilly dnwn or a September morning, hall-leading, halt dragging in his wlke a man whom he had that night ruined gt play. The man was tall and “if, lightly- built, and emlmntly handsgme but tor the unmistakable look ot dissipa- tion which irtcorsantrte hour's Ind last living were heglnning to stamp upon his finely-cut tenures. He was the Honorable Herbert Devereux, tourth son olrLord St. Clue, whom Dudley Revetsworth, alter g torb. nigM's search among the Eadie“ possible company In London and In Pull, had at length run to "rth in the latter city. " was not difhetttt to make the w- qua-Mace of the/hononblp Bertie. Hitt manner towamn air-agar: wu. Alurniely ttunmar attd mum; tttt ho wu uatullr ready to shov hi- iriendship towards my man 'tho up pared to hare money n his pom- mnd. And. a man u he realized tut "In. Dudley." u Dudley dented to’cm himself, hut his pocket! nu lined with bulk-now. he showed I muted desire to "dmm up" with Nm, a. more to n Dudioy muted him he wu not a habitual cul- purer. _ - -- .' Luck however M boon wholly In Dudley'l lnvor. The Honor-Ne Ber- tie' was not thong-mun; to cc: “In ttttle trick) tr “Rh " club- cu of winning " tMr we" eetteider- nl'y new but Dudley‘l vigil.“ cyan m “up upon m. “a. m a has“. In a. In.“ noun ot an maul-c. the wider of the naming“ “Io-moi "ale-hr the" ad an punch lad to have but. Devan: [and hills!!! M Mr't . dAtge to tho an ttt so. in“ a! It” in... . cur-In Mn luck, m: "theed Ila-ad! tolled mmthtoonl. 'tsdtamti-totiteyhiseea6' a: umnumd‘h only "fur” cloud In mn,' tau-loud you!" in mud. 'it'ls','S',1 In g...- m a M am- m! 11"“ “that d . ttlt , an a I'm “a 1 _-... I _ “El-FEW" an Whor told rout" Dudley trt-ti-to and dine O'Meara- told him quarrelled interrupb she but After I. short drive in n qab, they entered the hotel where Dudley Ind lelt hia travening has: and very troof he found himself alone with the Hon- orable Bertie in : luxuriously-turn- ished tsitting-room overlooking the deserted street, a plate at him". and a. couple ot bottle ot champagne before them. rundo- oaatriatotg. Wt yin_nyn.udh tantalum; ;'Are you sob. to at: to' have use m my utter- a an?" he inquired. "Fellow have men that so" oi this. with ,me before; but it don't “it" toe long. I like to choose ny comm], ad I cant: crackle to when." “You need Inn no tear, Mr. RV}. roux," returned Dudley coldly, resin- In; .Btrortgda.igetoeAaittre 'ttie mu: labia nucleus; "r don't wish emit to finance youot tomior your society tor long. All I was is to uk you a low questions. and; it you answer them unfunny, we will cry quits about um mum; debt." "All right-a" gray!" erUd Deve- reux, with I halt-tnur huh. "It rou're writing a book and want to know something of life, thbre’n no end of funny things l can tell you." "it you will tell me isurtir all you know ot tor, Ant? wast xenon “you ham. forth- tsabredard.vertttar you show ot bar, I will give you I “calm ln lull tor the menu hundred and tiny pounds you owe me. ad will shop“ you will allow me, hand you over n chogue to mm nay Terr pressing necessity, to be repaid when you like. I shall new: In": lot par- mt." “And now tire away with your questions!" said the Honorable Bert- i0, utter drinking a; glass of cham- pggne, thrusting his bonds into his pockets and stretching out his feet. “In it any thing about a girl?" "It in about I. woman," Dudley on- pwfred, leaning iorwud and vouch- ing him closely-N woman-Mined Fume-ca." "Rather more than a fortnight ago," pursued Dudley, "you recogniz- ed her sitting beside me in a punt at Walton Regatta. You was in a launch. Now do you remember?" "By Jove-thj's how I knew your bee!" muttered Mr. Devereux under his breath. "Six months ago," continued Dud- ley, "you met her " I variety thea- tre neg: Leicester Squgre. She was with another wotmut-V landlady. She spoke to you, md you‘disclainh ed nll knowledge of her in most in- Iultlng terms. You even struck It he: as you jumped into I ah. And I interfered. “So it Wturt you gain!" and the other mzlily. "Well, much good may re, interlorgnce do my!" The Hohonblo Darth unit-ck in In chit. canted " up. with " hub. and mum I- m limb. Till. I“. - -, he pound bun-u m an. and: ot ch..- In a; moment his 1aunpartion'e whole baring in entirely changed. The Mood lelt his heated face, and a. fur. the frightened expression came into his eyes. He rose to his feet, and, studying himself by holding on to the back ot his chair, he maxed sus- piciously at Dudley. "What In your xenon tor wwting to know nil About but?” "mm Va my "artrtothee." "Au you no mm; am him I ”my" 7 r V V . - "I never heard the name before," he aid at last in lulkn tones. 'Why? villi The“. wit) til-HI: “can. he MM "when when that letter mm ham him! out. another gl". M eum- “I. “um how tter'd nixed , M” about In slop-am with that lo - "And who's: now autumn who do mm. length“ you think she want: mgr" ' I " VII “h In“ In _ it 1Uhlt w. In: Met " “also no In in “If ghty ma manual!" to , world (on " m? u m. h'm - I) H It _ ' 'mut ta' the: "it" " ‘Yol 'lilttt you an a nu“ ytMt'lpa'lt,,te,tgt! i_.'TF. 't 'lNtutt,t a. II a Wu " tt , t - Inn-'0' Ilium-r 'P'4ttta",, " .. _ ': _ 'qth9- ' ." . um _ at"; a." who flilitii',ilitl'i,ii"ikietitt" " ?tiiltii1til!iqittiiti in? m i, _ I ttpil, ‘12-: than} “No. Ho dted My at” "an “up! ”an "R1 Damn” At ?leuetlg'ta, and "MM, 'ailiiidiitii is due to iti4eet ai a kidney regulator. " cleanses, tones and invigoratds the 4ilters of the body. Bu-Ju not only relieveg-it cures permanently. Wicca. a. “an. Inc-non. out. eat ham 1.“. “Ad ya It MHz-Id nu Inn - --v "it halt what I sum in Run," Bailey at“ slowly. “I ttate it: with my viola so!!!" . ‘wot not. than I," In." W ttever-Not man an I 'ir-tar I 3m Itertmatrotd." "Six years it in now thee I out set eyes on that you“? laee. I van t twenty; I van do)“ Europe with a ttttor-tttl 'rtrfrremed to grtemreastdtetecetrsatt on my own hook when“: I liked. the was a in“. or companion, or something, with an English bully. I ttrat saw her ln.the hotel gardmt panting roses, ell white muslin and innocence. Great treot-what a loo! I was to be taken in by it " all! She ens a widow already " that time, mind, and as mre " you sand I stand here, she murdered her Brst husband!' I knew nothing ot all that ot course. All I heard was that she was the orphan daughter ot an Eng= lish gentleman and an Italian coun- tese-nothing about the singing chap she bolted with It sixteen; all that came out long drier. Well, I tell in love with her. _ hat wasn't surpris- ing, tor she Wu ln'lemally good-kt) ing! I suppose she ls still; but he: lace to me now is about as pleasant as a death's head. "Ot course. "an at t.entr, ”new mum ot "a Morid, and had httqeMd About I Mt. But I all you that mum "ogBfttttt- About to- Ile',' and everything good, and ch" ch . It! mud, downright [times-u ate? teht in n00: "pct-mini. and mm! " at am up ulna In and In than the t mun; tr" n mu - 1M“ - d um . "She pretended to be very fund of me. She’s u uttul u the deuce! She mourned me, led me on and held me M, played hot end cold with me, till I was so and" in love with her I believe Pd have tgown my bran: out if she'd told me to. Before I knew when I we: she had got me to marry her in the pre- sence oi the English Consul in rthc English church. There wasn't p. thing she hadn't arranged to have it a" regain; when I tried to get out on “afterwards, I Iound out that. "Ot course I newt meant to marry her at all; but she was too much tor me. Just at first I though. myself happy. Everybody lined about my witt'a beauty, and of course she was a Igdy and all that, uni knew how to behave. I wroto%orne to my pco- ple 1 lot of silly gush, and .scnt her portrait. Then what did my dad tits but get that tutor-chap, who was still in Italy, tdruid to go home, to seek out .11 her history and find out about her tlrtrt marriage! 11% was nearly a year before it come to my cars. We were rushing about, she and r-there never was such I fiend to spmd--rnortey melted in an fingers! I was so inUtuated WI her at first that I didn't drink or touch a curd--rd have spent. the whole day at her feet it she'd have let me. That woman might hove mule Anything Ibo liked ot me; but do you think the cored? Shown the Honorable but. Deuteux,she had the mutual dressesmnd jewels and curl; 350'. end we lived at the beat ho- tels. My mother Iymmthiud. Ind kept me going when my father stop- ped my ollom'wco; but do you think the was decently grown! to me tor ell that? Not else! In less than a yen she new cool and scandal, .uul Ind the lmpudenol to tell my I bored her. Bored her! Thtntr9t it! , A jumped-up penalise: ”use"! And mu. ft rou'lt believe me, I in mock ty In love with her. When the itirted tstdtrnnttqroatttretttes when her to he mum: $07M; 1 wanted to pick a. qttarmt with every man the looked " But .14 the did was to lang), and tell medium yet to not no man who could “are he: to min t loo! of Meal. _ . CHAPTER XXVI! ”III-sac. 61* taunt-81.: a -- i v; ihti2tJletsrea" »"At but, a void-noise“- jun-dogmoJ "themed“! cou- mtltod our - hiya.” In whe- thee I MIMI" mt my mm m- udist/punt wall-"mi. all. 2tdgtlf hit.‘ [and on.“ Ildhalmt. 8333M “mum-lulu»! Ont-Ir "edta'l noun. HM u _ I "my“... 1wmunmu\ a. I this. Mia-Innings! - IMO' .h'. In PW»; II {and t , . . II c. at 1th an ”any. u nob-EYE. iii Att T nouns.- a 2,lli;',2ji'a,),rilCthmatrt/ X-MIIIA‘IUIMU " _ Q but. dh‘uclh and 'le'Sd'dTItSai aa. an 'gttat2e2h 'i nw.le.unw. ,_ V. 2t Ion-puma! P 'diiii','i?t1,'la'r2sit4 Mg: , Mammoth-uni“ " Azmzmummmuod no :r “as“ mTeTtiT FomTr7ttii'iTaia Im-ETXPULS!Y!LԤ-hz¢mw=l 0-. "I. ttoreft%iiraCe -i' Ftirid iiriRiiraiT - F. ' N And T I 'p'ir'i..l.jiili',a'i.'i,',i9il tlr%thltNtt f.tft shifm' ' - iii-FINN" Vii; in" - be and tho Us!” t 't1%'h"Alh' 5%, G2,'tttNrtd W31. a t, 0m. "We m shun in Int aim at] 1mm; place- In dstt, an t mt In toe can partir tot my worth. may to see It I n'cplok up. at Hutu-.1. _ than u- tttatt" woman. ot Mac; and with‘ mm can tit . auction“ wit all". m ol “In. I. In. dirt, - mun m an. o- no wen-cm A mmwnmtumthlmm.ml a; In Town “I Gout". III-Ml.- m mud. many-numb“ Am. mm... “a“. ud aha-M, than». c, “Awful to" we bean to lane . at all! I (on! tho".- sitcoms in; men to give In lat-eats. I can um pron that the ,rBMttnhitlttul mm, but do! his anything from nyhodx. And at with; with that old In”: Prince (hum, um tiqtaer. "e and hum when he toll Mn storie- that m m Ily u, mu 1 NJ." on my tread with up. gurm‘fng-ii‘fimm'bâ€"ufi shtlfl'.l' page; ',lit,i.ti.r,.' Etikll a Ema giUTiiikh' Fiiiari =e "T I. LWIMIOOII, LI. 8.. 0.3.3 TT h.w.wnuw.u. idta"Wlf, wmm 1ParettBtrsttm, - ii't=r'2,,1"'rgtt'.tt, _rii'irt"'i"iiiliii), P t't'rt'W,'?'t i12te'lWtE1i', 'gillla,t,%t'Allu'u'dft 7 «so MISCELLANEOUS _ OER u mm ir:',,':.',,':: o-Ntyu,'1"gttyu""" up; ttMd upon no um nun-a. on. I... can). et' 173°th 1/ ~" 375m tu-aria- Jhir%u'iFuiiauT Iyuh'llhi,'ltti1tlNtNtgNttNgt JR 1""s1b't.blht, n 1MPBIR “will." J Mmmmm rm I n my». 'A',tth'tt's dtttlk a. Evans. Oh Open Daily. - on“: Canadian Block. Dunn. /yAEffrs -. "u-id :12... sh'ittraasaii,sj,) LMt'Wau-. an. o MEDICAL DENTAL DENTIST. in ests,

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