1Q " iii! Fil] _ "Al-#63136 v, ' Yft '1tit.ii,tiii'i?i'i'iti.'i'it,i!, . itiiiiiiitiits'ru .52} seg.' hl t _ . u I.†ulna. .. 'eiti,teAlr1Nh1 ‘20:.an _ "tgMtteesa8tsa funk-had on u- quat- Intact Pom!" (g JI WV“ wiféiiibo - - ONT. oooooooooo0oooooo9 'i' v W MW oooo0 Zlck's shoe home for repairing. Mlny people viewed the ruins Sat- urday. The Berlin Business College reopen Sept. 6. 1 The root of the new [night shed i: completed. l The choicest boiled Nun is now te be had at H. B. Doering's. The Fall Term of the Berlin Busi nes: College opens Sept. B. Tan shoes for stylish dressers, at Zick's Shoe Home, Waterloo. _ Hop-picking commenced Monday morning at the Waterloo hop-yams. Sports ot all kinds " Waterloo “n Labor Day. Come and (may yNur- selves. . Valuable prizes " on Labor my to races. we' have i larg.e supply WILSON? FLY PADS School shoe- um wear well, look neat and sell chap, at Zict's Shop Home. Don't fail to hea'r Rift ..1. mm- at the Waterloo Town Hall Monday (awning, Sept. 5th. An executive meeting of the Mutual Lite Assurance Co. was held Tuesday at the,beu ottice. Men are at présent at work on George street and it is already. im- proved in appearance. . . _ . "__----- _ B""'"'"" --" .. Two Bridgeport hotetkeeperl tea fhred $20 and costs on a charge selling liquor to minors. _ . _ The presum-Berlits Street Railwaq Co. has a large gang of men at worl laying rails " Caroline St. ' Fame, hear- the lzaml‘a'd (may good laugh at the “atetloo x'u "all Mondatevoling, Suit. Bib. Mr. William P1 in: purchased a street. Berlin, In In a schedule I Waits. skip. F. skip Alt. Snyder A vet whoyahle tennis tca wa.. held " th" “It: Saturday afternoon at which over forty were present. Mr. William Pressing, ot Waterloo him 5.,th lo Maud J I (calm! “up .itl, at Hespeler or: in W. s'all,')h'lu'r:'L"r' am " l'lrlafiCv.?srtiil?s, . Risk ts, r b, Jigs: 1nd the mister!!!“ 'itwri" to kill an: the the! home, break- In; her _ h . l, Mr. mug: {than of Lunmbc ‘ Akin-uh “I and in] ‘spem the (at! and Whit: lot n studtm ttt the Berlin Business College. Phows f Schnefet-Killer fire, Iron! -.ttd mm"! [M whne fire Wm not}, lie my“! tor tlie at Star â€with '2'it',,2t",' Berlin. he!" was Int-cum editetr - ttgi.tlg,t'l it pry-cw on the lat Bum“ 00112;! um as Mar a an â€Ream from " to QO'Mx; i ' _ ".%."""" “V __-e'.- tiii,t"iituip1tnjut'fttt mmwmi 0mm W tM onlatmnd M gnu-lupin, r i L , 't It. Chu. J. AHA-an. who sold Mi - mine- ttt W. “on; mm. o! my. .M‘m gm jug manna-n new . r, - us {mm W n, 'iiriiiiuatstcurefre: â€but Magma!» page!“ tet “yin . 'iiiq'i'i'ii ifttttNtl8o'l,t'li W , Ft ti i'iriiTiatiiii)t'1ty "eiitdtg.rite, 'th" “T Wm J. “him hns’iuriin new INSURANCE. The: rin'ss of TANELEFODT Loiat News. - SIXTH'S = SQUARES . assist cvcning isoperty on St - , [mm Mr. B. KNEE†, bowling saaseIrttt.a, Jiiriiistiite. defeated r br, the close score of " me given Away to winners ot the up “In "tertoo bowl": de hp! Hespeler haw] waranteed) ' . use: Want the h' int to (all $Ker home, trreab and will he gay Street Ttailwiq of men M worl ne St. ' (all I , hen town an; M Boo 35'5“- 'it2,tii,iiiiij.iii'ls , 'ii',l'etiift4, Mllttl Er) V J. T -. 1 y ". . '. ' ' . M'WT - ==al ' It . s,' 'r'"' . 'rt that! g'if,ti,,' v, Ere, INN?, 'te us. a, will: W v. T Q) n.ut.mlb-m “Jamw. I ' .si-etrtmtief..tty'th..t"t,t, Mala-WW , bdrs to ‘M um-out td m Gonna-m - - ' wploynm "ulna“ ' r 'eqtrertd by all. than!) by fire ota.sciihr'-Et- , anymnumh' This at. " much sputum-1 mull "t.otatatistq 6egtehmm" and m an. to hoop thou in “who who "1d. u in ' â€an†M mag otherwise w&id in; to no! - uni can-“11.11! w. my.“ {when tor damn ‘ by " (“Way th': ( n...» Int-0'. i-rlrlnn'l Labor DA! Wald "de t W" il ati. u is tMsdrqt. " m t,,e't diploma-D to“! m but ' ttn “in tTs"td'le tV “lulu“! ow s, a by tire of a. tgciai".atitta. tl This at " much Int-cyan H.6Nli) iiia 7.6 Him- " than!" Ito charts. U.“ ham “W - x“ M lot OWL , , ttfit r'tit,ttt.ttt 'tft ht'tittatte" in: Mb. . pun holde- will}: - ' V. and» nut Bevin. T P, “it": not“ ttr in ' and eon-am u the-mu ‘ the In» loo an my» which wan. J: Wu will spin auist. the but “than “by: vii he I an“ innocent)!!! d __ Quinlan, and al should tun out tiid' enjoy mem- ‘seivu. ee c, _ l l The Martin Luther Society of St _ John'l Lutheran chum will hold'g social in the basemmt of the chuI‘ch “My evening. beginning at, (sun sharp. An excelent progrlmme wil: be given consisting at two piano so los by Miss Schlebel ot Bullalo, N. Y.. men] selections by a has: quaxtette of {he WN.N. band. and other numbers. Membeis nnd triemis j', the Mutin tuther Society on cordially invited. Ichin; with in present except Coun- ‘cillor Kaault. The date oi voting on the by-law authorizing the issub oi “he debentures for the purchase ot the Waterloo Consumers“ tis (of: plant, was changed ircm hcptcmbm 20th to October 4th as a clctica error had been made regarding, th. date. orthe $20,000 asked for tit,- ‘000 will be {at the purchase of the ill and the Maining $9,000 tor _ the necessgry extensions Otd one; ,lupcnsn. . MARRIED AT TORONTO. When the Waterloo tucball club! played at Gait. the other week um town called our catcher “Old Man Reid." ut couxse this nefessuily would raise the query 't 0 ttom old '/Andr" really Is. waver, on Saturday last, at the Acton-Water- loo match, he, in response to- a question, replied that he was just arrty-six years am last February. Of course, it is hard to believe it, out “Andy" ought to Know. Ana perhaps he 'A. unly Jollying than L Jalt chaps. si2fiee/.',t "dW!y.P. t' 9 it would war-In: when “in! to! it you: you» atâ€; Abil 'H'? 'it I. spc'cial meeting of the Waterlm fowtt Couqcil'wns he'd Iuesday ev Miss Alvin: W of Mr. and Mrs of Waterloo, was Thursday, Aug. 1 Ford, .oi Town clergyman wus F Dominion, Avilnpe MATH otiih'tm GOOD T trr' deli]: took plan Holiday even- Qngnt Peter Good, a well known kr- met'llving ' few miles north of ' tcrloo, aged bbout 70 years. The lunenl will Jake place Thursday morning, Sept. lst, trom his late ros- idence, to Martin's meeting house for service and burial. wand" MARKET. The doligbuui morning brought The deligbuul morning brought'out 1 large number of people to the Sat. urday mask“, when prod-ca w" to Mindinabundmce. new“ ttf batter trtttt mm In price horn IN. to 18c. I tb. Eggs remain, the same at 18c. a. dot. Vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, cucumbers, culli- ‘- . ---=--- L...†"A.- puuuuca, mumâ€, V-i-'"-"""" . flower, cabbage, tomntoes, beets. rad-' ishes, carrots and lemme, were sold " current prim. t Apple! still are plentiful “€175th 5c. up pail. A law an“ and ducks were quickly bought. . use: buyers 30110014 s.asopgNs. SEPT' Thursday. Sept. In. the Waterloo Central School will ugnin te-open Al- ter the summer "cation my ll a result a an: number of tads Ind lanes hate not been particularly w- bilmt. TWo an teacher: but been mod w llll the‘vnuncics on tho sun. all“ Small, of no!“ Mt, and Miss Kelly, ofWoodItosk. one bf them huldlns I lube!"- Arie, non-pruleuloml. "the improvement ml repairs wlll the he implant! by the time nhool was all eventing will be li realm to W" {to Mail-- m1 - . _~ r, McCA In a when!!! bowling gm for the' Scum-m trophr payed rid-y Atw- noon, sup c. was: tetaatan my cu... Mall-t In l$lt / Had C, Mtteiter you an and " an would humane: am page um: I. tt, It“. (It. Th M“. - 'lt,'3tt-'; PYitg M 't _'rT'.rb H _ ' F “A" m, bl. Ram‘looro. into-d, Wht. 'ttms, mm. qtt% mm M. new drip. whurrof M‘nmheowud "me, u . The ttte 1tlvtll'drs m flt,1ft' ' CN] ZABE‘S F RINK smm."htor'trr vino W. Froolich, daughter 3d Mrs. John C. Froelich, o, was married at Toronto, Aug. 25th, lo Mr. w. M. Toronto. The omitting wus Nam. Mr. Turnbull, ot Avknpc Presbyterian church d new man Ist, the Watel'loo Damn lST In Wucrloo'! 1tnd'teatt (abutment ad the ' W trmoetunt an “any“ ttestate) ot the Cu.“ Furnitu- launch-tow Spain-11:0. “A"; a gun It. Pee: Every morning at about 1.30 mi man Buchhollz oils the mammary " the bottom of the elevator before' the factory begins operations. It vu rather dark when he was oiling up this morning and the candle which he was carrying accidentally at one to the oil and the elevator began to burn and soon was a lively blag. He immediately tried to smother the flames with some rags he lound men by but to no nail and he then sent .., V... ei" -ee in an alarm of tire by manhonn. In his excitement he torgot all About the water and tire extinguinhm man at hand and plaeed throughout the lunar)" Meanwhile the tlamqttt nude rapid headway. The Waterloo fire brigade was rte' ther slow in getting together, but it was not their (wit, as no proper alarm was given. When Chiet Flynn begun to give the II!!!) he no“; at once some‘hinswu wrong with ‘the bett and in bed given but. some twenty rings when the rope of the bell broke and prevented him from giving the proper alarm. It was about Nteen minutes that the tire commented when the brigade arrived on the some. The hose wns laid in "ppnunnanv 100d time and seven! commented when the brigade arrived on the some. The hose wus laid in exceptionally good time and several streams were soon playing on the fiametr, but the pressure the ttrat Iew‘ minutes was poor. on account of vats: being Gsristihd to Berlin, but GTiioirG"sGiin was Shut} 05 the pressure “unable was from mu to 110 lbs. _ - - .' The names were)“. tirat confined to the sotttbeturt portion or the ground ttoor,* but soon Mango: are an up the eleutor sutt to "tm second story. The intumtmrttte meterini with which the iaccory was tAied so ted the fiery elements nut mm the great anon: ot the ï¬remen end the brigade ot wining helper- the - hated to the centre 03.1110 mun building. There we! a slight breeu blowing from the north-welt. rm ,this was from a tunable direction and did not {an the - to any Mr tent. The tttetrtgti worked 'noth. but they realized they could not ave the urge tour-story, 150 try 150 feet mun brick fectory, ud they made every mat to save the “neutering build- ing: the dry Min, the new mill, the tamer Artirttrt undertaking sub- lishment and the “jogging residenpes. HOW THE FIRE STARTED, The south end. the King "reet "knit the ten Wm: cured in about an hour after the tire sum, but thehorUi van at the main new†"" maven“ ted trom mm; in â€gun iron any port' of the gummy which connect ed up gain mm with the ttthot- sterin; building. This ,ratrvasr, an ", than: ot mm the i,iii'iiiiiide. putment. . â€not! brick d.. ing. " feet " 110 ttei) “out cou- gndenble dun-go wu "ttet to NI building by arrrethtaad in“. Tho Imme- ot an. buitdiaq had but: It {mom " was - towin- tn; tum/but m taMrt in attee will†v" and: â€that. tty t, ’a'oloel tho nun - Sandi-3 up orttetaadyrAttttr. at an; The Berlin fire brigade was mm tor More men o'olacl and M re- muhbly good lime, being M the mi ot the fire um minn- an: the and m given. They an -turrt you And an Bre vu “II! who! My an: eight o’doek though not -e,iiiit,c1'/tt,gutt'e'rdl " the tar oi mum. in! the in: and. Th not at eh. wo- ‘noty mm man all If, III.- _ t. duo but w III uk' 'tith #513 J, as. T T m , but I met a l.- nimn W SB‘WiW' "can "tte :1 «a: _),'sx',','i'dttt"dith,"""t - ’25i /'as Blame sd going†" - . {so pair Ladie’s Oxford Shes going " _ soc '23 pair LsdwiNttonstrok going " - a. , 9 pair Child's matted button and has at soc J. UFFELMANN’S. tt We 1}"on "mtieod . Urge shipment of the but. and But for the Little Folh thn‘monoy could buy. Also Qe00ur line at School Shoes. ' '. We hue . ample“ line of the lbOVO ohms, sud everybody knows that this were u headqwteu tor best shoes " lowest prime. ' F _ GIVE Us A. CALL . l JOHN SCHONDELMAYER BAéY SHOES Opposite Zimmerman House mensc crowds watched the nuns and the ttFits-t wu seen miles away. The but. wu itgtaume at times Lid several itremen hm their hands burnt. The destruction of this large estate 1ishment is a. severe loss to the Case ada Furniture manufacturers, it being place! u from $100,000 to t110,000. The factory was almost entirely new having {new tour-story addition 80 [set " " teat, built to it No years ago, and since the motion of the new portion Another story was added to the "old building.†The building new portion Another awry was wueu to the “old building.†The building, was equipped with the most Tee em machinery, all ortrttiett " entire ly destroyed. The [Acton was tilled, wall - and stock in mos- oh mm", which n... ago je,') tmyed, end Add: needy to the loss.‘ The “story just. desuoyod was the third one burned down on the some? site since the erection ot the tirgt frame lsctory. The omce is in the building that was sayed and no books were destroyed. _ The nightwatehrmut left the build- ing just a short time beloxc the tire commenced. _ - Two spectuors had a narrow es~ cape trom being seriously crushed when the Allan streqt wsll tell aver. About eleven o'clock Friday night some people caning from Berlin no- ticed thine: issuing from the [tune building yehind the ruins ot the the ' The firerrNn wen inn busy " the scene of the fire the greater party! the My. _ ot Fridiy, but It was soon er: tinguished. However, about g.80' o'clock Saturduy morning it got tte. yond control of the mm in charge, and he an In the than ot tire which no rudely "(stoned tome people trom their Numbers. However, with the mistance of the the how. it was Lsoon put out. t This" eek we draw your atten 'pn to our new line of INSURANCE $89,090 The lnsunnce on we tgaseter-kib let. tartorr, which vu destroyed by um um Minimum; mounted to 869,000, divided as 'othrryt-- . _ $16,009 on building. 818,000 on m.- dllnerz, and $35,090 on stock; total 888,000. There wu 81.0% extra in- Iumco on lumber in thoirard. The companies interacted "th"-. Ottawa moo; mm a! â€WW-11¢ done. 35.409; Nev tux, an»; Word, “.720; Am $3,400; North British, 82,120; Km 88,- 780; mm AW, 384001133115 I.†Company ot North mm“.- 409; Scottish Union, $3,400: Sun, 88- "it; Utttoit8,40tt; '.tarhto, 30.100; W‘s-ten, 35,400; Homo. inâ€: Au" $8306. . g {Sir-M: - PICNXCKERS DELIOETID thrloo's usuully quiet struck were and. &eideltr lively Snturday Vita: . 1NgdirsteMhsnoctt Quinlan: ot but am minim u the Mutual: 'umloo Pork. They urinal than lull-put two in the mutant: by lush! tum n4 unborn»! om .-.ix Inn-Ina. Mitte an m. A. n up - “new " an mum than his to but: to at" Wlm- A a: my “and the attain the. tmtWtM Int-II “willâ€: “in in. , t r that & _ pitu- 'ttcl was _ . . [ 7 tlt at {in with 1ttt the COME Aim sacuggA BARGAIN LOSS OVER ti00,000 attet they cake with the mint! lemonade. Tnblcs were set under the sludy trees ot the park and everybody ‘tnjoyed the good thmylset treforeithem. Many toohp4 vantage ot the may delightlul nooks which are to be land in the park and had thelr supper there. Alter their hunger had been “timed many repaired'to the trthletie groundsagain when an interesting football lunch was played all 'a tug at war be- tween ditteroyt deparuneata of the Goldie-McCulloch shops took place. Meanwhile others, always lookingtout tor more youthtul pleasures, enjoyed B plenum; dance in the pavilion until ‘the train pulled out about hall past eight when the tired throng of merry lpicnickeu again attained for home having enjoyed themselves to their _ heart's content. In conversation with the abusing menu ot the Society he said that they receive a liberal grant from the tirm ad rhismuhles them to run excursions to outside places. He was highly pleased with the Waterloo park and thinks it is a tiae place tor. picnics. Certainly a better day could not have been chosen tor OUR STOCK op School Books Slates Aul Gourd School Suppl“. In com» plate. Watch for Dllphy in Windows. Sshool Opening The and-mind an}: his tarm t Is new, has maid. the mum “an. ot ht.tor ohm-mum. mortal-In eon- 'itimy The a. nu h n ' ’hu has and for an - no. Th. M an an guru-Mint w, in! cm lad rum In. was. " M at: brawl, at and“ 'dhti qt6thtrttatd 1it.r1ti.1E?td . not "= " hlWr4l it 'att.' u and in Raymo Bros’. 2lKiii22tl,ugge" h unborn-h "kt"Td?ag,1"Ur2t mu- " but and: a tbsp-Mun.†In... "ADI-IR. Non-J's†an; nu . “but a PM gflï¬i‘ï¬aï¬ï¬g LABOR my m "mm. 't"i'i"iPrTri't, " E 'itrrrre an: 'gttiiit"lttd'ut2, "T --auaa BMW8rXt Mil“. Wm Am“ “ I. Timothyseed Tons-lump“ 8mm Fun for we - or to nut Immatulth-mid d up: ,?,htehi1t' AA- "r,aoat'fuvh'teiea mm was: ACT mammal BOOKSTORE --POR-- Waterloo, Ont Lead Pencils bre g 25c ' P., . 1 A 1 .713: V lad..',".' ','m 7mm: 'r.e.r.,W._ .' " = at; BN ,7 P'.', a} 1illlllig't'iii,' ' 'ii/ii/iii/ii:)',?:.;; ,':_,p = . T'cr, 51'- . i.", - .(l. - .-,, '.-,“ L';),'-'. w,t't. " s' an a . , a ,. - _i!;ii'éici,-"ssitiiiiiiii',a'hr'; N . tho . dun“ in tft' . o,2?'thhe"i'fgll'tgt"t'itt you. Emma: ad Wm“. to: Full. _.-.t‘ we hangitdldau Kahuna. iAi"ii'f6"at tumimiriiiarrtidtr.timottdroiso, My“. tgtvg,a2't,t,,tN'n','l111'r"gti,r, on“ for the m‘gocdl lmt Spring. 'iii5'i'i'i ysutPttuttetntoxx. Ari.hiroo?ttiemti. -- . 'u it 'tlad iiuthiriki. 1hit 'lrAlS1."te'hl'li'll'; 'tatt',. tu. _ .- . (.i'ri'il .. tou,riiiphsoyiurryeikiayutts-tt4tttA 1tithi',tegei',t,t'dgt',yt,,tt,fp,t: Writ And-non: ote_rwritasuitttr-k with: “Mail. APotstautkedNrillbet'sqrttaers. db"! BERLIN minimums ms MMI HERE. GEO. HASENFL labor IVY, Gelebm MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ' AT WESTSIDE PARK, WATS? Entertainment in Town Hall in the eve the Waterloo Musical Society, assisted J. White, Toronto’s, popular comic ADMISSION: Alta-noon and Bani-1, " mu; PROGRAIMB G. B. RYAN'& Cl gym Em; my. a ‘nouuev'iwn'bou nu. one am, 'ltfe,; "3'3... um nu. . par , 381â€; an. 190 M; m- d m.’ . . ~Iam~ ‘ your. op- to mm.- - nun-gm...» flight in to“ when“. at'2ttt, tttdu' mu; Int. '31.; . oe-. by 1““) " M; at. "I“; to. m m M. M d Fi . Samba hymn-m LANE DAY IN WATEMO. yak; but, I. ' 'i" - I MM an In nan: V mun-noun». on the can; Acro- - In, _ tttd ',','et"ia'r'2Sf.ratu, a, as at I'kt', Ist." ir A i -. a' _ - _.._ -tmiqs. _ . .54" ' The and of the Bumu"tr “unionism“ [ _i At WI up to the mothers to ,mpply their om _ 'f, SCHOOL SHOES. , a“ We have made nun-iv. reputation. MM I ' have l very Iartrrs stock dChMuO'I Sho- that . '. STYLE and WEAR. N "co. There in no uncanny of buying an: ugly sill-d ordeetotretgoodwear. _ . C, tte.tweariaat-oatsrmrutire'tren'tnruetkdir.' ZIOK’S SHOE HOME R. H. 210K. Prgome 3 rappen zucx’s SHOE HOME}? M Our Ainegm are strictly pun and 1tf,t?l'ii4i] aged and are qusrnnteod to koap pieklu l . Cs' ll and of good color. fYieetr.-ttoth wholo grouxid the purest that on u smttrtteu",//t' -.-.--PRICE8 WWW.------.. "r,'"i'irtl School. Shoes MIDI." 'ttttnA., City (Emery and Cain: Hull HIE Psalm as: moth Mon 23 ti had tutt.,"ttif W'ru-(llnl 1rurqtttietrMy '01H.',ht61t..i. 2tt'gtcntirtt m:- . mu" 'GAi'tGi'.", 7 an. " III 2l','1fi'h3lhlh1lt trse.raese,t1rrhr00't) ",ttittN'ittll “I thtit,t-ttttl ' J; Yon 11!! Num L") , AL: mu h