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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 1 Sep 1904, p. 4

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ses'), u. a "Lt,1 grit :2 At? Na v:- 1 y Ecummuncu, mm on wasp", Vidal“. 'rirtvti',,iiiiitee't?r' Puma“ h 3 "q'ittattitm Ma eight nun-Inn of th- Couty 9 " st. A” but not. s M Mun; III a Can” Council opo- ed on: morning n the county builf, my. The math. VII owed to con sider manna In connection with t cos-tttsmite, bridges and M s, Marin: at all brunet \ 7 In the ohm ol Warden new.“ chair vu “in by Dr. Mad. oi Cult. and Q3 _totEtcPtrt was“ way Mean. 0. tr. Denny D. Hib- ips, 'it5.lin; B. J. Cherry. smash; - -- . u u ‘n.._l-£“- m " "ii'ridiiTaik an W! 'WP"" -. 0- V-v--'v -77, _ J . Mould. N. 'Dumfries; Leader Bowman, “Mild; Fred Sender, llrcslau', John Fischer. Waterloo; F. Walter, Bunherg; W. B. Plum, New Hamburg; and J. Hellman, Weeklies- tom' Mr. David Bowman acted ui clerk in the absence ot Mr. H. J, Bowmui, the county clerk, who in in the west. . ' , THE SLABTOWN BRIDGE,” " Chairman F. Walter, t,uttiit wd bridge committee, repo q “in the Slabwwn bridge had bdatsesrsti- cally completed. The superstructure was satiauctory, and he advised um Waterloo county's share of the cost imounting to £1,150, be paid to the Hamilton Bridge Co. The cement work of the abutments, however, was not entirely satisfactory, the north- ern abutment on the Waterloo county side especially was faulty. This he and Councillor Macdonald had learn- ed when they made a thorough in- spection ot. the work. It is understood that part oi, the payment will be withheld from Corr tractor Patterson, ot St. Marys, un- til he constructs an entirely ned abutment. Thooontrxcto; Mr. Mae. donald said,‘had blame6 the cement and wanted to give a guarantee lor a certain period, but Mr. 'Macdonald would not accept such a. guarantee, Then the contractor had agreed to replace the abut went W an entirely‘ new true. _ Th. rest ot the committee had also been ot the opimOn that that this should he done. The work, MS. Walter aid, had been done un- der the supervision of 'the Oxford bridge commission. Councillor Hull- man was of the opinion that the om- cisl had not done his duty in letting thework go on untiCthe Waterloo county teprcsentat“ found out. for themselves that the abutment was defective. ' The replacing of the abutment means an extra outlay of $700 or $800 on the part of the contrac- tor. Chairman Walter further, reported that the following outlays would have to be made for repairs to bridges:-Bemier's bridge, $300; Ken: nedy's bridge, $300, and Chamber's bridge, $800, and the total amount ot money which the committee would tequlrc this year would be 84,000. it 11.30 tile council rose and went into tittanee commits”. The Flame. .Commmbu ttell a The Fimos JeGGittie held 3 star ex session,' It is under- stood 2%. absence of the Conny Clerk art" amen mm? was the matter nude; discussion. The Clerk hate in the West on a surveying, l't'2lWl' the summer but returned ht the Wat' meeting) the Council. The Warden has be!" in ginnipeg on business tor several week . Unlortu- nately neither ot them were “are of any likelihood of this special ses' sion being called. . TH” unmoon's session ot the Co ty Comm! was occupied with the discussion and adoption a! the report: ot committees ‘and discussion _ _ . . I ___-A- -t.-- reports ot committees and discussion or the proposed intetcounty sunta- ium tor incurublt consumptives. The mm sutrieet was introduced by Dr. mama of Galt, who, along wjth: Councillor S. J . Cherry ot Phenom} wen the representatives ot Waterloo County a the meeting in Stanford but was! when the question wu dis- cord. He reported upon the action - " that meeting, the sub-twee at which In - appeared in the Telegram and m and the Mite dllol‘l to toque“ the (Halts ol the' We ton-lips to prev-re um;- 1-th m: m puny death that summon was! in the m: with Mindy ttbt' you. Sim!- .3190“- will): - " “Win! humid ,ituget, .em m. Mord" My! Btattig has m-ttet' but!!! nut-par; .tgth., - .:‘I:_1{__‘ _ It we made phi: to ttl member! "" of an 9am“ we the proposed m:- C". W m w it lor unable can “I” mm- oat'. The manner. ‘59- “I! may: at the sum many at“ ti 'tuhted SN?', tom mil m C V T “m “ magnum A. MW dat ttf an. in cu m 'Atrytttt 1ii?siitits'di, Cot E Fd ttt d . " "elde, .. y"" .Lrffr,-c' NI I 2w- P9_tree .7“ , .5 n itim& an. W‘s.“ of hymn. why-m A" . mini“. .1... ... .. PPV m. Holey. My m " Hum AP? '...... W'l‘ brim. 5mm. “an watt, Wgurloo‘s The commune new ”a. lo- buudin; ot the Ken-oi! Wu oh an an mm! " 'ee" bridge. The rayon in tdopU- _ The Property Commune “toughen- The Committee on Roads ud Brid- gts twmmnded’ the page“ ot these -tsrstrc-r R, ded the [hymn at these "teountsc-- Paul Peguayut, repstring (I " My Potter, "itre,....R.v_-. Town cinema. cement gutter Coat ot madmlzing - street........ PPP'" tFF .............. A. Lockhut, and ... ... ... 2.4.4 A. Schuiter, remixing clad: tbtar Communion“: ...../ .rrr.. . Simpson, pus need b'"'"'" P. Hymn-n. iron rang-and Person-d. - Mr. Willium Eden, of Berlin, lot y your: a resident of this vicinitynjtu renewing old. ac- quaintances here on Tueadar.- Miss Sarah Erb has returned to her home alter a. two months' vislt with her sister, Mrs. A. Wambold, of High River, Alberta. st-tish? de. lighted with her trip and speaks in gléwing terms of the possibilities at that western country. Wr friend; Miss Hurst, who accompanied he; 'on tti4 trip out, has decided to than: lhere tor some tiine.-oirs.Uosiah donsbcrger and children, at [dummi- n'ille, North Michigan, 2tstNt Ito her home after a few ' by with the turmer's triiif-raiir,lyi) :\..C. HBlurtatt.WMrs. Sam. Hall-um in! Washington and her daughlcr‘ Mrs.) Inc. llingvman oi Berlin wore‘gucsts at the hrrttttr ot Mt. H. Lutz last Monday. Mrs. Manning-ms Born and (ti.,',)',',',"',',', up in your Moot' 0n the farm um \ mm! by 3'iiii'i','ii; Shaft liitv. J. n, and Mrs. Man were with; Mulls here last Wednésday. --ur. all Mr:;: Alex. Galbraith and dil;mc.:, t', Chatham, Were. the grants; vi Mr. C,aItsraith'sueousin, Mrs si. 'irveiler, and of his uncle, Mr. Joim linutscn, here Itgt week. ham H from I y',tautit Sam. Mrs. / Mr. (:viornit':1 is a teacher 7 Chat- ham “mums /i'wu,l'l'fll2,i'yJl','sr, from Imp Mm attended the great Stamp; n \miun were Mr. and Mrs.) Sam. llll‘m‘n‘n and family, Mr. tutti, yrs. Arc oherholtzef, Mrs. B. Rose, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Martin tePe,t ily, Mr. and Mrs. Frarik Mast," all dcscendarcs of the late Esther Stanl- ier.--Mr. F. I. Weaver anll'mt. . S. Lutz won- visitors at the latter's home last 8'sunda.v.-r-Mrs. Optic Mac- Minn, ot Btotrttlo, is spending ttat'va- cation gt the home or her_unolc, air. Sam. Hilborm--Mr, and attelMtttele, ot Caledonia, Mlchwrwe're visiting-the latter'. sister, Mrs. Abe Ohe331tzcr, last. week. They came over ttend who sump: re-ynion. repairs The report was adopted "kiiird.r.iiev1 Mr. Lymtrqmer, of Berlin, will preach tor the last time next Sunday before going to the an- nalcoaterence, which iiottvetSis at Low Bub next week, He has re- Auested to see . goodly numbm to “hand, " this might Elam!) last Sunday.here " a pastor ot Freeport ehureh.-Freeptyrt S. S. will picnic at Iéylwiid J?srk this (Twain) afuts "om-Tha tanner: here no; busy tak- ing in their oats, which crop PTm-l has . very “it yield.-7Mastet Har- ‘vey Latseh gave a party to some at his 1Nettds lui Sisturddy stierttoon iii: honor of " tenth birthday. . A Me'tueutt time was spent by all Fret. sent-less". Edy“ Ind Herb Det- wallet ware giant: at the with; ot ”adrenals. Us Naomi Dunner, to Mr. Will Battle, T (outrun ot Oink a Dull“ vanity, out. which joyoias went took, plat Int WM " her horn! on in lo..- villa mad. Both we bride 4nd groom m an at ttv6Pb1r,' hm his, ail am - hag bu m mu 'ttate'"' gum-arm Btrudar Putty-44in mu. norm“ an . MM” ptrty on Saturn” min; to about “our”. of be! mm, " ”mm: at?” at Mr 'tet Mrttd w n; we; = In ','d'lll'Nil Md u new . at“! with . unpaved: w y N of. 1%. “I ‘ h Ingmar In“ a" . itite'caai tho F'REEPORT, BLOOMINGDALE and‘ In f‘"??3i 3, " ttii "rNtrB." U _.-i f i h I.. [ _ . “I F _ _ ' i ' w l t .-I- T - _ _ P; a am. . NM! c, ititr.ts Magnum a, A! tr.. 'N . [a ammo m . val - iett1lfee III phi.) I?” g .couidnu'ubbc “Cubic all!!! 't,ttiMr,ertst" mum of 5th! the ur, “1688.11 /8980.78 .usm who.” t 2.25 .. 6.38 305.00 “If“ Mr.' N. Spady. Wntulou's u 190.00 known composer, has again plated lore the public a new eoinpositittu 588.00 titled “Empire Mulch,” (Mambo I519.” lune.) This in tuVp.ry tinr um 3.25 sition, highly recommend In B.38 musical authority, J: llumphrry 2.75 I gar. Mus. Doc , and quh-ssor ol l ’mony‘ It the Tomato (‘onscna 28.“ of Main, wlm writes to Mrs. Sp ---- “I luv: mm? pleasure in stating £980.78 Empire Me. I): hy' yaw son I bfigllt and ittgpiritiuq nmnh in \cntinnal torrr.; the hurmmm gressions ‘1hrmxghaul are Imlum’ _ tlttettt, the moduluions well ccntt V ed. and the warm-sing pnrtest." ien, ot laps it would be pl “Hunt to u eat. ot 3 tew has in rerwd to Mr. l no, dy's musical taleut wl.o termini) - Miss - horn gvarius, “pi: mm 31-31» r home age he wuuld untli'o’m 'ry wrm; It her played on the “gulls“.u M: tl High mere child he wig able to nan ly do 'ery key, chordis, or (listho ds st a“ in 'on the piano without moiw; ttrr les ot strument. His car In: “mic " Iriend; developed lo its highest mum. ham, memory for snug“) is phr-nn-‘L: . “a he is able to fett whit)“; a. a; xiii not, no tf.t8 tt 5-00 PM; .4" l, was. at N,' itgttet 'ii8'tit,' -' 1 _ult'il.i, 'Jt'tt"'gfitl,'f'M'; s gum»,- u , 32300 ‘rgul. - It“ It» Mtijtltt10 ,dtlt'utt','A, tjl'tru'1tt I. OI u _ V ' jute we Mandi-nun“ my mom; ol um: gonna; Mug (kahuna, oi A$wotrdc,1aaL' Wqdrtemiar.--Mr. and In, W. lunch. cl (ilmanau; spent Sunday with he: parents, Mr. and an. Humid. - "upm which tork the' ritcli cl cm meats miles apart. also 'itivert scale withoul "rilt note on the irtitrunrci1t, music he h ms P,'h'.t hm hi? can name t' ," L y tf written in and " an own 111031 di.hcu't any 'tit-bat .. Kerr, 33:4: tr; my atuigltt romroni‘i in, Schqut gm t'sxe. . _ Limb. Th" iomhfnx uu' No have a bright (um:- Winnifwg Free Prycs, A Melvin; president and GI hast. manager of the 'Mu; Canada, arrived in the or east. yesterda.r,,and .U(* r the Maxiaggi. Thy mu province for mine Huts l the compan) 's large. mutt ments, which mu; amount and country. lo over a lars. Mrs. Wegsnasz and Vin accompany than. 'i iu west as lar as the was", Louis on the return trrp ’vin is victsprvsitlcttC of .i jnmu’m Luau N Havistrs iGuelph, and his l.trgP in in Ontario and the wcgi. was Met at the simian l p, D. McKinnou, Ireneral Manuals}; who is ‘max'iu city this aftcrhbon. . MR. WEGENAST Followicr, are the names oi {hp tiiftrrent players who 'are to take part! in the doubles which have pen mu. ranged to, lie played on the Waterloo“ homing green, iris/pt'"?,' TLI‘M‘UL}. l. Berti Snyder”!!! . . 1iesprler, 2. Eu. Hughct‘and C. Beam. . 3. P. H. Runs um D. ulna“. _ t. C. Ruby atui.il. Erllqorr... 5.-'L. Shub' 9nd ii, Stunner. a. m. Nahum mid lr. It. 11m... 7. Grin. Rum: and' C. man a. Boas Flynn and V. J. notice. " W. Weicttel and J. C. iiaiclr' _ "ith A. H. Snytter and U. W. Snider. _ M. W. Moth!” purl W. at. Rude. , '12. R. F. Seagull! and Gun. Moore, ' " S. B, Brisket and M. B. may this trowLratDtru8LrF' IO, ll, 'tt " mu " " It nd a. "i"'it',,', she ' J. 'Roqr . . tttatt all A. a. Me a. tr. 'idtSrltl A, 3% Me Everything! “kites mm the Station! out Show win‘he a 'ee. no in: - Ire 1% an aier.1r9ef, and tht _ \ Th0 (Ml _. v' f, ttttrat, , _ ". t ' 4"?“ Additional Locals lt 18 " 50 ll M. V: Mann an! J. Bum A NEW, cti(fPosrrurN gunman HORSE snow ii'kraf G. A. Emma and J. tr, Hughes A. Home“ and W. J. Kraut-L J. (”than and Tummy. J. Donna: and R. Hyde. J. icaaitr mu! J. Ritaer. w. not; no J. Meyer. Br. Nitittt and J. Brian. . A. ‘mkmde and J, Con thtoteEmut y. "ht (ya-Agar and by m be tum-f are, “ended I lumphn o'ressor r , Conscr dim-r tf u so th them il tr m BP- germ'-' Hi tm Ptt- MISS h ' $lii- a plcasal orrPo- “you a‘ cy a Mr. 1 1" An- Krupp I. Tlar- turd Sum vatotu' Mrs. F, Spady. sptndmg I', that oi' My . IS a Illurevn S st m “i " tl a“ a4??? he "tCree!! iitfiill,iiiitt _ ('iiltii I , i'ia'e's Well-s y. . my. W Furl it synndiug ale mee8tt , Tannin a-tgee Po' ' nu. 01am swat mam: tytey, in' " Mr. A. J. Andreas; “an! tot me Dominion Life m. wipes, tad Ulla, who have been visiting t thuTormt at Mum Malibu; imam, tor 'ttit 'PWWK. 'M.M1*OY"W “T 7‘ 3:13.: Jittirttrdl'; mum-sun "E's. mar. an»: we ' magnum W r'ri4ae "can; in NW)! at he: pest, "in thirty, ofGruul Hum, Nissuessie Walk“, at Los Ahttr We taxman!“ .1131)! we los, GIL. b the guest ot Miss Itviur, irro'iertr, of said 'c'Ilti',', $11,000. gunm- Hilliard, wuuun mm. . no WiiettEAS in: deemed at Miss Ida Marxism returned “on peanut. to raise a” bum ot “9,000 a 1oaau1t-ruit with {funds in Burl- tog.ttus purpose ot turctmaNg, eb. ugun and vieinity. T ' tending “a winning the said a“ Mr. Irvin Brodie and Mr, Roan Woripuat “a prom”, an tati- Krupp of Guelph "not Suurdu mate ot which intended oxpmdnure and Sunday in Waterloo, _ is hereunto annexed marked in;ctr.du1e Mrs. Furry Wrrgan ot Lindsay, ts "A." . _ sryrtdtug several wells at tho hott' AND WHEREAS tor the purpose of m‘ mollu-r. Mrs. Henry Roos, atoresaid it will be necessary ttrr the murm- street. Corporation ot the aid Town to uk Mrr, H. b',. Sewell ard 'tttl yt.e.ter, sue m debentmem, and to create kaxirk, who hare been visitind a. debt to the amount ot $30,000,125 1mm. in Wate:1co, reytaut to their hereinafter mattoned. and such debt _ buns in Toronto Monday. with debenture: an: issued thet _ Mrs. Preswri?h ot Poit Huron le tor shall be undo ynble in thirty is “MUM “l uy"yy the guest ot years " the hrthest from the day M“ “in. Fraturs St. on which this By-ltw takes elk-CL' Mrs, Crawford has returned to ov AND’WHEREAS it Mil thulre hum aim an extended visit " the the mm ot “.331” to be raised an- hqu' oi, her mother. John gel. “ugly W a ”can rate (of pawns She was tuvomparticd try he: ioter: the [aid debt Ind Interest, _ r, l IU M ietstitatiort and ttr F731: awning by al t1: tvaeiit (insert given ia4t evening by gloresgiii. w _ TF , Mn Watprloo Musical Soeiety's Band, 3. That each of thmwd debenture; :n Westside Park, Waterloo, in aid of shall be datett on the!” this' By-i Ilm funds,oi that very deserving in- law shall aka affect. _ .,i-utiott, The ~aitendance was large, 4. During the cuirgpcy oi the snid' mcr 1,000. being prosmt, and it is debentums there shall be raised an- uxw-cirl mat about $150 will be re- .nuglly by special rate on all the all“! aiterr all 't-xpenscs are paid. tau-able property in the said Town Tim not. amount will he published as trt Waterloo the sum of tt,tm.83, (or mm; as the ticket sellers make their the purpose of p tint: the amount. due alums. Pu,',':,"',','," also wish to lit ugh or tho was /iib for principal thank thm o cers'bt, the, Waterloo. Md" when“ in “wt _oi mid Musical Society, the [cider sud each debt. . . - . member ot the bind, tok the pains 5, This Ily-lnw /Uit tako, Ps eri on my took to make tbe concert . the 51mm day-o! October. A. D. grand mess, not only in the ehottd mom _ selection ot the inn-ml numbers but. " Tim. the votes ol the maimed coessiahy tor the very admirable Elector: of the aid Town M gum- Eli-armor imam they mi: menial. loo' ii“! 130 taatiittiNftr'7tturisre by holding thb large, musio-loving cmwd bum, pursuanhlo tf, Consoligaud 01 me Ttrirerttty ‘who were present Municipal Act, 1903, Timid”. “In siril-tuivnd (or mu hours by tht. 'ttt my oi. 0mm, tl in!!! manlm‘ly rendition of the very excel- the hour or ttttte o'eUek, n ill bre- lunt ptcgramm ptovtded"tai their tiodtt, until, We bout or.ty3,-o'¢lock cuteri,o.irrttwttt. _ The donor: arm in the autumn duh. an gym many mums prim Kim a well u. u chaplain,» 'eii'lttiiii'i?. those m- m m- ”be linspital, a. cmmvognsm. manual by“ ' serve the thanks (if! the, Bohr}! tot mums 10 "r-- l , ', tttoi-teros:.'!'. 'tpem9ttsrtthf wore For the Nxuth,Ward (Failing a} the inn-k1 numbcrq‘md the auda- dt Mona Ntis' 1,?d andrdan At m may pg hm “WWW”; an alumni. Matt; ( mine“. tte Mimi'- Mitunf “on “0600;“ Pear B.” tittf,1t8titt'r" ”Hill; is: min; No. Mt; Sill. tld. tui'trtt mam ”‘9'? _ if}, ‘h, 8;; Mr. Mathew visiting at ma CE mm N _.' Ltm. 055 Lauryn); (.0 Motp6ur,, Sept, m, is Labor I and Jrafoetat rm mi: mama. no! ”may! N t!ret istrat by at committee in charge V. wilt no doubt Mw‘n' large,” to Wan-loo. In “charming: conceit will Mmuimtvq W NIKKJLWMI trtsw1in a; 3mm. " an gust-mm l mm n Af' shop u may; of antler“, MM“ vm ‘ gland .i iapttahl, man are . t' an ‘ ' l'lth, ~W" It" it".t d -3 V n I l . l 1imil ig Bqti r3 , [f" “a sat ’BAND CONCERT. . pfomenadc band concert given to W. M. 8. band Friday evening cstside Park, Waterloo, was a I success. Judging " the. big , that turned out to the comer! early showed that the Berlin'- pr 100;, 43 6th, Wo. , uric CROWD AT w,’*':w.-c.. w I‘Lmhr, Mrs: tr in Ottawa. rw Jtstiray, or St. George, at his home here tor two who have been visiting ale:1co, ntmncd to their showed that t? spiral is dot-mu ‘; of the Berlin and Wa- al desde to thank all rrhnscd tickets tot the tt the pom a other, John gst.rrt nicd try her Inter nth R: ht lo nerd nu can t of praise an ad been practi: tast iew week W ppon, given it people turning «I gratifying? ual our? wtArsts srricrr:ttrle. The um Mr l tot tho and others etched. It , this has It”? M my” ty Aime ttttut l B lit played ' at m; “I so D Ban and old mu 1m the .13 In " Town of Haterloo Lam traAw 50.... . “19%| TB! mug g _ XIII ' you 'tom 1 UtRE. (.33 TEND um DH' THE , “onus. . . WHEREAS thdiriiikw fer/g/ ot the Tam: qt Inga!» Mwe'cnw' ad‘into m ta-i-tttbm-tyt, Latino Cousumr" 93 Cuggany 'ta' purchase then.., tt "plant “I trrokerty, of said but” It): $11,000. no WHEREAS an: 'rxgttert a? palm". to raise tho bum of $20,000 toLthe purpose ot purchasing, e1- teadUtt and improving the said On Worki, plant and property, an eni- mate of which intended explmmure is hereunto annexed marked Suhwlule _ Enter 35. 5mm malicious“ AND WHEREAS the a: the whole Iatcable prune.“ said Municipality according last' revised mum-m rol said Municipality in the su 579.560, AND WHEREAS the a AND WHEREAS the amount. oi the existing debt-mum debt oi the 351d corporation is $i6i),5'd8,5'2, and no principal or interest. is in arrear, THEREFORE. the Municipal Coun- cil ot the Town ot Waterloo enacts as tollowic-- . i - V 1. That tor the purpose ot raising the said sum oet20,000, thirty de- bcntures ot the said Town ot Water- loo to the amount ot $20,000 on, (aioresaid shall be Issued, which said debentures shall bear interest. at the rate at tour and one-half per centum per annum. and which said debentures shall be signed by “it; Mayor oi he said Town of witcrtG,rtutt? by the Treasure: thereof. 1nd “1&0ch shall attach thereto the Corporate seal oi the said Municipality. _ 2. That the said debentures shall be payable at the oilice ot the Treasurer of the grid Town of Waterloo nn the titteeath day oi October, on: in .emh year', tor the next.succccding thirty years, commencing with "the year i905,.and shall each be tot $1,227‘85, " aggregate nxnount. payable in each ot the said thirty years; for principal and interest at the rate aioresaiil. ' _ TF shun be datett on unity this' By- law shall aka affect. _ 4. During the cuirgpty oi the said debentums more shall be raised an- »nunlly by special rate on all the ratcabic property in tho said Town trt Waterloo the sum of tt,tm.83, (or the purpose of pulsing the amount. due lit each of tho an /iib for principal minim“ in menu“ ,0! the mid " Tim. the votes !?l the qttallfied Elm-tots ot the said Town M Witter. loo aitt,bt timniiti,thts'urturivw by ballot, pursutnnto the Consolujawd Municipal Act, 1903, u M”, th- lth day oi. October, PM, from the hour of MM (face): tt an tote- aooh, until tie bout ttt tttn, o'tioek in the dklfpoon alum than”. M u the 'ur8tfartd, by S'tihrtsiit. amm'ogloin, her-Mat moi ' that ~13 to Cut-- . ‘2 ", . For tho Eartt Ward; (PSlllng " divisions Non, p and 4 mad). M. Wm, Hogsr's on , M mm, Mr. vim/Hm. half; Rotmlmqmmr. F "ts" 89W! Wgol "tP.ol, . pub- t?f,i,f,' Nomi-u: e daWeitr, " am a! mun-d. ttttee) 'lt!,,,'),')'?? ,','Ji t m... ttaf " ' , t'yr “112% , _ _ ‘ “the Ihr' WI‘. Will Elab- 2'fr, "'.ifi.. " 'th' .rv' " an mm“ w [ um immermrmww gt! we on neuron cum"; m menu has Honda Mr. Charles A. "an“; Deputy .mmmm Matt-m 'i'."' fi T. Mt pm my» "rttl My” I 1'ii'ui'iih'ti?'gti my: nil Ataireru* J'g)ttt1'i, _ wBttttttiiorr'cN. the 'i'tt .7 ' Jtf "t Tiittiftu, “13mm 'ttr. at i4r,slurAb3l. " ”:3 MW' A0trst' Q mi, tti'iiau8 “we: to-dum 'I. only“ . _ . ou'rgmdaatet . Mt“! to in D. was. Madra- al! at h-Wew u ttl at)»: "H ' attenu- OUT! to ot $1 kn ot the the the . - . N 'ttt C C is ao'.'htrept,t2t'tt 3. " "ish,i'i.'.ilii-,li,"i',i,j,,' “Newman '?1),tiliitr 5:5 55 ' "i N . " r . .'.r Lyris, '1: ,q I . $Wsm_ T _i:i'it't",iiti'i', 'f, ’ 't ,,;1’:. i A h a” I ix "i'ri. Eil E15 . ' new - _iiii,tiCi,-, b' Rie!lg, $l . ", "iidie'r'i'ijii i'iiiti'tiaiil " , _ u "& . '7 _ W'itélmr Nei Shawna ",iii, 1):'i' gwww Ire, t"' :' "NewTiclrirttri':' ”A: fie?” _ '-'i("i?ri! New Shaker Fianna Biapitiei" l W,'; ' New WoolsBlanketq- " , at? New Flann‘els 1 __ .1 s:'-'"'.':,";,:':,-)),! Newlflann'e'lgtt ' " Q1 _ 't ' IiGWW siii! In fact every Department is mreraopritilr'ttitty goods at Special Prices; _' , Illa ' Wicker & .Dieb rahpaym 'w.,tti, oousrirctsahrtmes in the Town oi, Water3oo thigngm... "r........).....-'--),,', " ( rate, notice “at!” 10min; in up: - ttt I propaae4 Br-lor was Mt been taken Into .oonsidlrptloh. and whim will ttt ttttut, , on. sqidered and passed by Ber Municipal Com“ ot: gtha Chm tirrtl ot the run a: trdurtoo in an mt ~01 no - titatto Elongat- ttuP/d',' than»? on Monday, the th day of Octoh&, All" 1994, st eight ofclock' pm. king after, gut month from an at“. itthtttidtU ammo: h the 2tt,1tt21ttt myupuper. such mg imbue“ '_ tag on m m by dt Somali .1. K, my.“ fhab'at an , - on pit“ Mn low! toy tah.ipte n: m6! the clamp, on ”an: "It 'm. to ”await: l " b ' 00.11»an k much-um ' to be id ',iir"iiiifitbi,'t,st'tb'ii;' If. f (in ",'t?f that .aad eiiii,Tiarb.r, an. no “hawk-akin: (' Important News trar ( ( . Lang Bros. t h; Barn New English Funnr1ettes Imported direct from maker,. wood width and weight T for undermr. nighvgnwn etc. Speck! M. Be, 10e and ISie.. “undo _ _ BERLIN, Avg. 8', m We mutt to ask the rude" arm; Gunman-mutt; never to newest wading our weekly “thumbnail may i J: able paper, " we will (In “1‘th yawn” up” Mt "' Store regululy every week. ., _ _ 2.33. I WORTH SPECXAL MENTION s.' V ', j, ‘ Thin week we will all I’m“. “pair! of Blink Vat-0.1 in sizes tor Boys and (nth ; algo Women'l it“. "- but an a "serial lot. and worth from 331: toAte, f, 3i} _ Oar price will be - .- - - _ . - - ”pr” DRESS GOODS v vii"; {:92an is here Mr New Drag Goods. . We?“ 1tyq a specialty t geuihg the but and none» thlu . judo. and selling them at, tho lows“. “with 'ISI') Aer" Tweed Dress “Wm tgi/,?tg,t"iptt,,t I. ttrd S, thin “when: to " . a use Ropd 5;- -. w ',,tll'eTutl, in fancy and plain goods " tom "qB'irrtBte'atbir1ht m yard. Be sure and has the»! . _ .1. "it/k Flannels and 'Rde-N' l i "rr,, ' Flanneleues 'urtrtVnnd, ., if, v ', 7 Fancy anth Flannel. tor ,rtctuttt and Greening “mum. in pretty pattern. Bperial atMte, Mc and 50c. within: "gt u. B, Hosanna. mm NUMCE MJ. tn000 I:,',,','",)"."')"'?;,';',) P1rrtal1 atair L: 5"!"43? iWEDDING GIFTS. MllllL "lfljllil, Lama.“ f /r, _ SIM: "il -'., 'ur : Pew l , tad '+' new thhit'i,i We in an to hart id VI. H. Becker _ We are now Wag new nudrmwnf'ohim and Spit!“ ulm some new Fin Jacki..- “a Rain Out... aeini,inHtt be plea-ed to hive yin w ”diam not, . ",cr',, 5 Golf Jakob " V q new Ahrlt {aka-j“: blue. nag and mu a. um " an! 81000.05. cs, LA NO BIKE.- 1'4 a 35:4 " "Pt. _ _ , " .1 r ,341 4’; 7:7"tl st"' a. + Ft' 1.: _ilit","ji_', T, "K. THEM My noon 1 New WNW BER Ll N

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