4 dn wat . \ J. K. SHINN, F_’ Funeral Director and Embaimer ~. â€" denee, Young St., South, ~THE GREAT"®" FEVENT OF THE % YEARâ€"TORONTO EXHIBIâ€" TION. Y Mr.â€" and Mrs. Edward Schnarr, a ~ daughter. HMannusch.â€"At Berlin, July 21st, to Mt.. and Mrs. Theo. Hannusch, . a ~daughter. â€" E Schaefer.â€"In Waterloo Tp., Aug. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Schaeâ€" â€" fer, a daughter. Burn.â€"At New Hamburg, Aug. 9th, to Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn, a daugh, ter. Thomas.â€"At New Hamburg, Aug. 14, to" Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Thomas, a daughter. McCarthy.â€"At New Hamburg, Aug. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. McCarthy & dmghger. MacGregor.â€"At Galt, Aug. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. MdécGregor, a daugitter. Panabaker.â€"At Hespeler, Aug. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Panabaker, a son. Kitchen. â€"At Galt, Aug. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kitchen, a son. Schaefer.â€"In Waterloo Tp., Aug. 15, to Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Schaefer, a Scarrâ€"Dyer.â€"At Berlin, Aug. 17, by Ing‘ 1000 to 1285 lbs., at prices ranging Rev. D. W. Snider, G. M. Scarr to %mt 893’ 1': uï¬h’pu c“.o;;t“h‘:' :ecr::zi Edith G. Dyer, both of Berlin. To $5.75 S tockers so0i9 an uy I Byersâ€"Reichert.â€"At Waterloo, Aug. ;3_5%‘“,' $3.25 ,:.',' ::}t all the way from 20th, at the Evangelical Parsonage, i'fch:r:o :-llm; Al!pt"t‘ll:!‘elr)'ette: “1?1:;†u“l):: , e by Rev. S. M. Hauch, Edgerton Wâ€"| of tnc better qualities, C hich were yea y Byers, formerly of Bridgeport, to flgked up. “grlcen ranged from m"m- Emma A. ‘Reichert, daughter of| inferior to for those of good quality, Wm. Reichert, Bridgeport. Diï¬ a" if mian menged frow 89 fo Madterâ€"Bauer.â€"On Aug. 10th, Henry ’l;bel o:lerhn;rf‘ veal en.llve:d w:;dmod; c ini erately large. ces remain 8 y _ a Madter, of New Dundec:_ to Lillie] $X%$ t, 38 Jit tnt. for the Dulk of offer: May C. Bauer, of Plattsville. 1 | ings, but choice quality veals would bring Henningâ€"Lees.â€"At Galt, Aug. 3rd, -Tl;me taore. Its f sbont j ere was another run of a John Henning, of St. Thomas, t0| sn ghen aod lambs. Lambs sold at 200 Jessie Lees, of Galt. to 40c per ewt. lower. Export ewes sold Youngâ€"Kimmel.â€"At Berlin, Aug. 17, ;; 2%16,'* wmzs.:!: afâ€e‘a. :‘mh. "c?t to o ine‘e .25; lambs, o at the residence of the bride‘s fathâ€"| *‘reieipts of hogs amounted to Tise * Altne er, John Kimmel, by Rev. R. vyon| the run was not lnrr;. p:i:dn decu_e:} l:be Pirch, Alexander Young, of Albany, | per cwt. for both lights fats. William : a Harris bought al offeri toâ€"day at $5.70 N. Y., to Oftilla Kimmel, of Betlin.| for acrecta, and lights and fats at $5.45 Stevensonâ€"Aletter.â€"At Berlin, Aug.| per ewt for all hogs, fed and watered. 17th, at the residence of the bride‘s| EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. lather, Henry Aletter, by Rev. R. Rem?tt Bu_g;lq.&{. p:‘uz. 2:--0-:&&1-0 von Pirch, J. . R, . Stevenson, of e hi k es ie \ : * f 5.50; shi s 85 t ; butchers‘, Stratford, to Mary E. Aletter. &7’3"‘0 M‘.m‘;â€né"fl‘tm t.u: t? u.ag; cows, ul_io_to}&mi‘b_ull!. QQ to $4; stockers Flauaus.â€"At Baden, ~Aug. 6th, to ~‘Mr. and Mts. Erust Flauaus, a Laidlaw.â€"Near Washington, Aug. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laidlaw, lï¬â€˜.-â€"m Plattsvilie, Aug, 17, to tev._and Mrs. Leibold, a daughter. Pysberttach o A+ Rerin, Aug 1. !o . and Mrs. Chas. Pschellusch, a Scehnarr.â€"At Berlin, Aug. 12th, to Eby.â€"At Mannheim, July 3ist, _ to Miller.â€"A Hunsberger.â€"At the Berlinâ€"Waterloo Hospital, Aug. 19th, Ira Hunsberâ€" ger, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hunsberger, near Waterloo, ‘aged 21 years. Litwiller.â€"At St. Agatha, Aug. 14, Peter Litwiller, aged 61 years. Ruth.â€"At Floradale, Aug. 15, Barâ€" bara Fuhre, relict of the lAte Josâ€" eph Ruth, aged 75 years and 2 days. Bedford.â€"At Bloomingdale, Aug. 18, Mrs. Thos. Bedford, aged 48 years, 5 months, and 25 days. Fear.â€"At New Mexico, Aug. 7th, on boatd train, Mrs. James Fear, wife ‘of James Fear, of Rincon, Califorâ€" nia, formerly of Elmira, Ont., aged 37 years, 1 month and 9 days:‘ «Roturn tickets on sale from Berlin at $1.95, good going Aug. 29th to Sept..9th at $1.55, good going Aug. 30, Sept. 1, 3, 6, 8th. ~All tickets ,w-mnmn; until Tuesday, Sept. For tickets and full information call «t Grank Trupk Ticket offices. MWaterJoo, Ang. 25 a WATOCH HOUSE Jansen Bros., WATERLOO MARKETS MARRILAGES BIRTHS DEATHS o TORONTO sf. LAWRENCE MARKET, ?,n:' DUBR 402 00+ +k 208 o°= 6 e Buckwhent, bush ...... 0 47 _ 0 4# IIVEEPOOL GEAIX ANDâ€" PRODUCE, Liverpool, Aug. 23.â€"Wheat ~â€" Roâ€" minal: futures, easy; Sept., Ts 3%4; Det., Te TZ¢. Corn â€" 8pot firm; mixed, {s 14; futures, quiet} Sept., 4s 84%d; Dec.. 4s §144. 3 s Cabies Urchangedâ€"Hogs Active and HMigher at American Points. Lordon, Aug.. 23.â€"Cattle are s at 10%%¢ to 12¢ per tb.; refrigerator b:f‘,%%c to l1c per lb. Sheep, 10c to 12¢, dressed * Hamsâ€"Abortâ€"cut, â€"# , _ 52s; _ bacon, Cumberiandâ€"eat, m‘nz.%; clear bellies, firm, 405 64; intd, p western, in tierces, steady, &is. Cheeseâ€"American finest white, lh-mimma-; American finest, colored, frm, 408 O/: Weceints of wheat during the ~three ::Iy-. 174,000 centals, Including ré Amâ€" erie®n. â€" New York, Aug. 28.â€"Butter, firm, un changeg: n-«olé\ts. 20,882,. Cheese â€"â€" Steady; receipts, 12,547; sktms, full.to light, choice, H?c to Tc. Ezzsâ€"Steady, unchanged; re ceipts, 14,020. _ Receipts of American corn . during the mt three days, 0000 centale. 'uzt‘hu- F. wel e 8i cars, composed of 1048 cattle, 1338 | Tpon such terms and conditions as bors, ids shoep and Iswbs, S0 calves and . the pCouncil may think expedient and al"}:-,\l'\rs‘:;klp]rlug cattle were offered, udl that any person whose lands might only one lond of good quality, which WA®, po affected thereby and who petitions sold by Crawford & ltihmn'!‘n',t at $5 per to be heard will be heard by the wo;g:hlo::"*;x wlï¬â€ by m Henâ€"| said Council before. the passing â€" of derson & Mayne, weighing 1240 to 1250 Byâ€"law. . 106. cach, at $460 io $1.00 per ow; _:_ | tbe Said Byâ€"lawy, .. _ | _ ; . _: All butchers‘ cattle of good quality sold ‘ readily. ‘The highest price quoted for pleked.lots was $4.35 per cwt; loads of good at $4 to $4.25; fair to medium, Il' $3.60 to $3.90; common, at t&% to $3.40; ‘ rough and inferior, At $2.50 to $3 per.cwt. There was a fair dolivery of feeders and stockers, but few lots of good quality. Seyâ€" eral farmers and dealers were on the marâ€" ket, and several loads were sold, weigh Ing 1000 to 1285 lbs., at prices ranging from $3.70 to $4.25 per cwt.;~light feeders, #00 to 950 lbs., each, are worth from $3.50 to $3.75. Stockers sold all the way from $2.50 to $3.25 per cwt. There was a little better demand for milch cows and springers, especially those of the better qualities, which were readily picked up. Pricés ranged from §$25for inferior to $50 for those of good quality, but\the bulk of sales ranged from $30 to $40 each. The offerings of veal calyes were mod: erately large. Prices remained steady at $3.50 to $5 pér ewt. for the bulk of offerâ€" ings. but choice quality veals would bring a little more. m h Reccipts ofâ€"live stock at the city market were ${ cars, composed of 1048 cattle, 1338 bogs, 2765 sheep and lambs, 80 calves and 5 norses. * to 40c per ewt. lower. Export ewes sold at $3.65 to $3.75 per ewt.; bucks, at $3 to $3.25; Iambs, at $4.25 to $4.80 per ewt. and feeders, $2.76 Veniaâ€"HReceipts, to $7.50.. â€" Hogeâ€"Receipts, 2600 head; active, 15¢ higher; beavy, $5.50 to $5.75; mixed, $5.70 to $5.80; yorkers, $5.50 to $5.60; pigs, $5.50 to $5.90; roughs, $4.10 toâ€"$4.90; stags, $3.50; to $4; dairies, $5.25 to $5.70. _ _ _ __ _ Sheep and lamb&â€"Receipts, â€" 1000 head; steady, unchanged. NEW YORK LIYE STOCK. New York, Aug. ~23.â€"Beeyesâ€"Receipts, 824; rather firmer; prime beeves, $5.50; shipments, 947; cattle, 1220 sheep and 4000 quarters of begf; to morrow, 4000 quarters of beefoâ€" _ o0 0_ 0 0_ _ __ e ul Caivesâ€"Receipts,â€"148; steady; veals, $3 to §$8; culls, $4.50; buttermilks, $3.75; mo westerns. Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts, 5167; rather less active, but prices steady; sheep, $2.50 to $4; few export _ wethers, $4.50; culls, $2 to $2.25; lambs, $5.50 to $7; culls, $4.25 to $4.50. â€" Hogsâ€"Receipts, 21406; all for siaughter epe; feeling. stemdy. A WIFE‘S CONFESSION. Ol‘memonmm they were engaged every one pretended to Oats, bush .......« Of course en LEADING WHEAT MARK®Ts. NEW TORK DAIEY MAREKET JRONTO LIVE STOCK. white, bush. /. .§Tâ€"05 <to $1 00 CATTLE MARKETS bush to 50 head; ‘steady, $4.50 + _ ‘steadys | URILOMMS lï¬n& from the ugust, !u‘lv dive 8 Dated this 3rd day of August, ‘A, D. 1904, C s a _ tA Buggies, Buggies. Waterloo 1503 Second Hand Rigs, consisting of wagons, one horse carriages, buggies and -iun Wiil be sold cheap. 5 HENRY BARTZ has Blacksmith, . _ 3 t THE undersigned invites tenders for the Tocders wmc'b’:nr:t:e? ‘:d" a')l-b :h y 6 is *3 5U bbie KKA UPF, Get your tire. reset on one of Hexderson‘s Tire Setting Machines; Sets Them Cold.. » * .1s Does the ‘Work in a Fow Minntes‘ Time t Keeps the Dish of Whools Jost Right. 49e » rundorini improvemont over the old method. /.. â€" No morte #wers work. but Tires‘ ar) rese aocurttely and qt/okly, without any .« nance o urm.‘m“mw the whesl, or in any e in n 0 u M«km a.g‘:td K. C. THOMAN, Berlin, Ont. The undersi to tender cinâ€" in magann Aniie jame ronâ€" age mm I:-t mmdpt:ttnu- r that for the present season he laid in a very large quantity, I1GE! 1CE! E. N. HAWKE, 4,000 Tons of Purost Ioo, In order to clear out the balance of the stock, the undersigned will sell Win Grey & Sons buggics at reduced prices. â€" King St., Basi of Scott St. TIRE SETTING. â€" Agent for â€" Masseyâ€"Harris Co 49 FOR SALE. NOTICE »ATITs.__â€" Gganes 4A 5. Chak, Chairman Bewer Committec MADE DATLY : it Erbsville, Cut. t keasot ht All who buy such as antity, flonr;;:dmlhdm ; it owi y you to st fe®, _ ‘ buy ?t‘_st the ater which | Waterloo Floor: and Feed ~Store AN in any | _ Buy your flour in 500 ib. lots mt '."! at wholesa.e prices. Milverton \/_ 2. *I â€" and Pure Manitoba four. The Ont. eï¬ n ns .nhn:: n‘-:'.n out ww" the ME promiee m natnntrets o ue For turihur is apply to 3 , IsAIAH WIESMER .. #1 6 nos. Highest m t . Load every stream and good pasture. Sitnated 1â€"2 mile wo,t. of &:wrhoml‘w further® information apply on prem: 32â€"1 mo. sOHN M. BRUBACHER ie Waterico P.0. SRIPPLNG HOGS WANTED IN * BADEN phen« Vano Norman Armbrust, infant Bo bienide Artnes fare of the towe pr Ber NOTICE 4s pursuant to §M ce ie ie epatees oi + wn-ym- from mumm :pumyonwmnu s to the Sur, M incil"dhtrnmaze es Ounsgien o e ln!-mm of the &bove named Mehlon Aarmbrust, deceased. C Daizd, at Berlin, August 19¢h, A. D. 1904 W. M. CRAM IN THE SURROCATE COURT OF THE CoUNTY uf WATERLOO. HE MATTER OF GU ARD P TMEEAGizSs aden Rmbrat Sotal Containing 85 acres in good state of cultivatâ€" ion. Onitis plenty of good water. running OI‘ the !ate Jona: Hunsberser, situated 1 12 miles we ta St. Jacobs and 2 1â€"2 miles northcastof Hâ€"idelberg. It consists of 25 +ores und=r good cultivaticn, 6 acres of which is sown in good grass, 2 acres good hardwood buâ€"b, geod frame Louse with six rooms and csléndr tkl'-’:'lwn.h Iv:odsbed...lrx bank. barn, +tabtes, chicken yon c . f-otlm good orchard of choice m&.?n.m 2 wells. Buitable for market gardening, apply on th= premies. MRJ. JONAS BUNBB!RglR 3{â€"1mo. Et. Jacobs, P.0. Ont. 31â€"1t. GONSIBTING of 100 acres, lot No 4, Con, ‘°£ 2 miles Aorth west of mwd On i muhrlck houâ€"e with attached, bank baru and other outbuildines. Orâ€" chard and goud hard and soft water, For further part:culars apply on the promises or to WM. V. GIES, 33â€"90¢. St. Clements P. O.. Ont and surrounding territory to 15 Newest varisties and specialties in Hardy: Fraits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roges. _A permanâ€" ent fituation for right man. _ Pay weekly. Handsome outfit free. Write for particulats and send 25¢ for our pocket® microsonpé, just the thing to use in examining trees and plants for insects. . \ ~SBTONE AXND WELLINGTON Fonthiilâ€" Nurseries, (over 800 acres), 33â€"3 mos. Toronto, Ontario, "Canada‘s Greatest Nurgories" GIRLY for Kaihing Mill, bright, glean rooms, reeling, winding and other work. Highest wages Apply Xo. 2 Mill, The Penman Mant‘g Co Limited, t POINTER 10 FARMERS Fine Farm for Sale Farm for Sale. your the e Folicitor for the said infant for the Applicant, Jacob 4. A LOCAL SALESMAN for Waterioo, Ontario NUMSER. UNLIMITED. WANTED FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE WANTED HAaLt. Keupr & Masres. PARIS, ONT, | Also Registered Maras for sale.‘ Infants 50s soft soled shoos, lacs and battoa styles,good . Litte bors‘ $1.50 Box., : sofe‘ goodwearing nm::m% to 4::», 'b):x and white,our best 506 shore 1eather, solfd sewed and m“ is with sute â€" se o n ooo Alwodks tu e Uon manng tnanmnee i 10 14 Ladies :‘owh:ohou m‘&b?-&u;walm;wh ";}‘;‘5 i:l'.um Stak Capdngines lee, 1 broken but all there, 3 to 7, reg. $1. ' f 1 ® soles, low uh, zee on k c Sebirgay oge â€" 02 ) .0. 13"“3&““ w ’m_ ‘ " *\ "" 1 2 price Saturday 87 râ€"2c Children‘s lace and button shoes, exumlon and light weight soles, solid leather, A 1 shoes, es 4 to 6 1â€"2, our regular $1.00 good shoes & thie 4 Ziegler‘s Sale is About Over Boys‘ $1.75 finesmooth calfskin lace boo‘s, pegged soles, casy firteis. sizes 11 to 5. Regular $175 _ . . Lt s ols S Iâ€"2 price Saturday 87 1â€"2¢ Girla‘ $1.75 handsewed soled alippers with strap and buckle, .sprung heels you had better buy them nov, all sizes 11 to 2, regular $1.75 s93l% V M i £ 12 price sale Saturday 5oc. Men‘s $4 fine Calf Skin and Vict Kid lase boots, all Goodâ€" year hand sewed solee, flexible and easy toe shapes, comâ€" fortable easy fitting lasts, sizes 6 to 11, our reg. $4.00 shoes . 1 2 price sale Saturday $2.00 aite a number of n?orted & g:stock just now and otnkp" Imported Shorthorn Ball "Nox pargti. Aron®nr," for service. Have alsga few head of Shorthorn Cattle for amlesss (, c 0. ... .. 9CC0 . 0! A od 15â€"monthâ€"old Shortâ€" ImportzD Boar kept for services Yorkshire Pigs .=:;:: oo hok §ane . _ ie eï¬ is the farmer‘s favorite wool trading place Why?~ Bcâ€" cause the farmery all know they get as high a price for their wool and pure all woul goods in trade at as low a figuare as any other mill}l in the provinee. 20,000 Ibs wool wanted this season. We will glva you the highest weekiy market price ézrt your wool i': cash or trade, El'e""‘ take trade, {or we know 'y.ou-n please you in quality or price. Another great on is we will allow you g{:l‘ï¬â€™mmo for your wool if you trade, . Where ran you profit more? _ â€" _ Chicopee Woollen Mills. We use no Shoddy, Mongé or Rémm%;c‘%uedhustw& g: our goods. wb re Buenos .Am,flmm}gooï¬hu Canâ€" wools found in mwoï¬. N\gp that the St. Jacobs Woolâ€" len auhsncb?adtbdr mill for the making of other goods we would be pleased to have some of their customers to give us a trial the coming season. § Cuqtotgn work of iu‘“ escri promptly attemï¬d to. gRESLAU, P.0. With the Chance of Your Lifel _ D. L. WEBER, You Buy One Shoe We Give the Other to get Good, Stylish Footwear at prices that will help you to build a Ba Aeeptint »Thigig now it Agures Sile . Mc Py94 WJ or leave One Halrf at Home of what you intended to pay for flï¬ï¬ the rest and get 2 shoes, exactly as we advertise them. : ~3a jz .A en One Half Off Our Regular Prices .‘*(’ E] >X y mE Prop. B FEdit ds Prwerghy Shope, at. mitee [ Lofl-'l'm'ï¬?l:’mswp_d Iand " The old well known Ziegler naisting tHaichr se remininn" t ds doon n nou.lml!i is offered ‘for -fl"m farma contains mmhh 120 acres ‘is ole rod %un balance woâ€"d bush. . On it iea Mumdwdll‘nc. flwl:n' bim, all -ot-n'.ryqu.l; . w res ml h:n-:‘;‘cr further vm: apply to. ¢ WM. BIEGLEKR, â€" Bridg: port, SX C WML VEITEL o0 0000 s In Wilmot Tp.. on a«troot. J mille oas* of %.....‘%ï¬ i oaep ane en eah en raiionhs farees LUDW1IG H. SEIP, 30â€"66. mone wite it Aheing ond the prop : NP other of mich farme sontaine 31 serte _ of W .~AP BILFP\ stt ared n afenimiiee® Ahirin.2f es0,000 o08 1. t $2 Lovie: * * m 5‘,‘5&'%‘ w mo. t n’t% m Bariip, with , over ; Deâ€" mdhmdw I.gh & Intermediate Canadian Farms for Sale. Director of the Waterloo Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. Heajquarters for Igon Plï¬..vr-&’s.l:‘l mam 149, King St, Berlin. Musiloal! Sooclety‘s 8 ind. |â€" FOR For term« «apply 10 .‘ â€" â€"~ &. M. DEVITT "CHICAG0 JEWBL" PETER HYMMEN Stands for the embuJiment of perfection in Gas Stoveés. ‘The popularity of these famous Gag Stoves is the strongast teatiâ€" monial of their merits. ‘Their excellence is genuine, their efficiency unquestioned. You are sure of satisfaction with a CHIâ€" CaAGO . JEWEL. Imitations oily proâ€" claim the worth of the genuine. Call and se these stoves in opsration at our atore. 7 1:12 00 children‘s kid ankle strap alippers, . sizeed4 to ‘ 12 price Saturday 5oc. . _ $1.50 children‘s ankle strap slippers, hand sewed ï¬ all sizee 8 to 10 1â€"2, i cse(>~. 12 price Saturday 75¢. d 1â€"2 price Saturday 75¢.. Mon‘s $1.50 plow shoes, soft, easy "grain and wax ca les, B i1 wave, Eeregsoues oo in mebatPleiche an) $2.00 Women‘s Oxfords low lace shoes, sizes 2 1â€"2, . 1â€"2 price Saturday $1.00. $3 50 Ladies‘ patent leather lace boots and viel kid ext*ension soles, all s‘zes in thelot 2 1â€"2 to 7, _ â€"__ Iâ€"2 price Saturday a Bt. Agatha, Ont WaterIoo Ont. DO NOT MISS8 Notice to Creditors. "oienet, domhyarecol Tes" of last wid mnd te and the uk.:'n of the securities, if any, fl by mihioten dap the medoprgeny ie mih pevoeed en es M ortantnes erveardue, o (fmmapes C i NQTICE is huw{)‘nm pursumnt to Revised Statutes of . 1807,. cbapter 129, u-':: all y m"&m Mfl! againat of the said Nicholas s hate " Aâ€" y § C3 nivontiiiiy of tepts 190k to nend uy pase piv 4t ow NSHIP Of _Â¥ TouSHT or w 1â€"2 price Saturday 75¢." _ I 4(4 ne jllustrated bookâ€" to J. D. MeDonald, t agent, Toronts ces twice in