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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 18 Aug 1904, p. 4

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'gg.'?,',',', EVENT or m ,7 lip-TORONTO ax. l Harmon. " . once ot the combmy in Tit- 4, _ g on Tuesday, 209; September, I Fc -ider whether n in expedient 'ag ‘ f the oompuy’s runny to the {1" , Petite Rellwey Conway, ' ii”, to - ot the terms Cr 7 jamm- -r form ot the In new apparent that the rumor, while not correct, was not entirely lawless And that the line from Port Bunyan" to Ingmou is Boon to be- (on. a part of the C. P. R. system “at 3 lane. The change will prep battrtre welcomed by the people oi the section served by this line ot nil- War, as the line will thus become a branch ot one of the two greatest “nilwly system: in Column. and be ,m to give better freight uni l w" new“: than it could as m '"l.l.l=lut' tiee with smAll resources 3;: advertiémcnt in a local pspcr announces that "a speck] gen- “Us; ot the ahnreholdcn ot 'Tlllmbm. Lake Erie & Pacife . A r Conway will be held ut the Several times within a few months s rumor that the Tilsmtburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway has been told to the Canadian Ptrcitie Railway he gained currency here, and has as otter: been omciully contradicted. It Probably the next crop will be en- silnge com or roots. In the spring the ridges are smoothed down and in good seed-bed formed without using the plow. After the crop is sown, surface cultivation is continued to kill the weeds and conserve the moisture. In the tall the ground is again ribbed up [or winter. The tol- lowing year a spring grain crop may he sown and the land seeded down, completing the rotation. BECOIEB PART OF G. P. R. SYSTEM. The problem at to-dny is how to “to" the iertility ot the soil and " the some time [have a living on the loud. What system of cultivation will enable us to obtain 1 soil with I hit mount of vegetable matter to tttn depth ot at least a fcw inches? Tho Ontario and Dominion Experi- mental [arms seem to have solved the problem by adopting shallow cur. tivation and a systematic rotation of crop! in which clover occupies a prominent place. Under this method As outlined by Prol. Reynolds, the land is plowed only once in three or tour years, all the rest at the cultiva» tion being done with barrows, culli- vntors, ,and other implements which cut, crush, pulverite and loosen, but do not invert the soil, To show clearly the method ot sum- mer cultivation, let us suppose that the second year's crop has been taken '01! tr.clover field, The sod is plowed about August, as early as possible ir order to take advantage of the sum- mer's heat to decompose the roots. Then it is harrowed to loosen the surface and prevent the escape oI moisture, which is also required in decomposition. After that it is eul- tivnted frequently, without tearing ur the. sod, the objects being to destroy the weeds that may be growing and to entble the sod to rot by keeping in the moisture. As the manure ie plowed in with the sod, it will bi well decomposed before winter, thus ensuring a good supply ot humus for the next crop. The last thing in the lull the land should be ribbed up in the same manner as for turnip drills. This is best done with a double mold board plow. This ribbing prevents leaching away ot the plant food, most of which is heaped into the drills; ex- poses a greater surface to the pul- “rising action of frost, and, allows a more rapid drying in the spring, and consequently earlier working and seeding. , tFtt.t CI. gn',',',', ot M. A ' i but Inn In. gel with rest . at" ite an M {emu ttttt an the than ad the no“ cu prenatally huh-ut- agfiimistoututissli_tftotee - - by the settler: on azu- lull " the present dar. " “I deep. rich reusable would " t0.virgi. soil. and looking to the - rather then the luture. it - proAtabte to the early settlers to Mt the nvniltble fertility ot 0. - Myer, and then bring to the/surly! by deep plowing a lower - to tulle! the nine (rentment. In this way the vegetable matter or atttnt. has been lugely exhausted, Brad the soil has lost its tine texture lad mollowness, its “purity tor " Iorhlng end retaining water, its meility to roots, its cnpacity tor Ibsorbll'lg and retnining heat, all all“ Alarm“ by scientists II more important than the actual mic-l composition of the soil, mun sou. nauu'rv kn ttita will be ottite trom I It $1.06, good going Ann-t " IQ!” on, at us sue, good ' ’chmannu. uhSh-u-M dawn-I‘ll." mtFgerntit Tue.- 71.0”.- Brietts.-Our public school re-opened Month! after the unmet holidays-- The, Methodist Sand" School mm. to Berlin I.“ ScturdAy Mtemoon to picnic in vmou. PAIR. Thes picnic however was lame! to n certain u- ht try on in" tMtg,':,',',',','. M cum on Jun . -A ptathy “a tr% w a. Sly 'terrqi' a ar, In”. Co. - up. an " jt,Itttrt, ' an N. 1lF6timdir',i rm' L.“ at! to. A, 'ttttlt, up; In . .15 . ttttttleg a Jul-n "' . 'tmg, struck a telegraph post on ihe WN. W. Ctr.'s line, opposite the Old Mrn- nonite church Ind ttxrut the same time the barn or Mr. Abe. Shana was struck, the electric bull passing 'long a beam, down I post and in- to the ground. In Mr. E. Cray tnan's house in the west end some 15 or 20 pun ot glut: were bro- ken. out “I Cort were levelled to the grand "Id don; the rreer bank trem were uprooted. Alta crossing the the: the storm changed to the. trouUteaaterlr. tt is tau-ed more da- mage val done (“that cut. Notes. - As "we write lhe "hoof bell is ringing the children to work after an enjoyable "cation-hir. L. s'Uutter shipped one carload of hogs. -Two carloads of prime stockers have arrived lor Mr. Goetz, ot New Germany, and one unload of lumber for E. Schmalz of New Gerrmsay.- Our school house has a new root as vicll as other improvements.-- The sound ot the threshing machine is heard daily.-60 tickets were sold here tor the excursion to the Falls fs'aturday.--A lew days ago a drovel of cows were driven to poundkeeper, G. Witte's. As it was the flrst oi- lence the owners Were let oft tree, Persomu.-Two daughters of Mr. F. Wilson sptnt a pleasant two weeks at the home of Mt J. F. Shoema- ker.-Mrs. J. Boehmer of Haysvllle was visiting friends here.-Miss Dev- itt called on friends in New Ham- burg Sunday. , Hcavy Thunderstorm. -One of the severest storms ot the senor: passed over this locality about tour o'clock Satytday afternoon. and lasted for several hours. The rain accompanied by hail tell in sheets, Lightning struck a telegraph post on the IN. W. CoA, line, opposite the Old Mrn- Moved by J. t Otto, seconded by 's. Cassel, that the Reeve and Coun. cillor Berg be a committee to wait upon Contractor Balmer and notify him that; it he does not commence _work on the Philipsburg bridge witlw In a given time, to be set by the committee, his contract will be can- celled, he to be held tor the penal- 'ties.. Carried. Moped try'd. T. Otto, seconded by J. n- Master, that the [allowing sc- counts be passed sud that the Reeve issue his orders on the Treasurer in payment ot the same, viz.:-To C'. R. gHonderich, for 301 bbls. of cement, $68.63; ll. Rutfer, work and material on Rutrers bridge, $6.13; J. F. Roth, work and material on Roths bridge, $15.62; H. Hoistetter, putting in 2 culverts, tMAN; W. Fink, taking down old bridge, M.i3; J. H. Ktes- wetter, work and use of faeld at Wilby, $15; J. Smith, timber for Collums Bridge, $81.11; J. J. Berger, lumber to date, $71.05; Secretary of Wilmot Agricultural Society, annual grant, $50; Reiner Bros. N Co., in lull for claim re boiler actident at bridge near Philipsburg, 870; Miller & Sims, law costs re Reiner claim and suits against. the Board at Health, $16. Carried. Health, $16. Carried. 0n motion council adjourned until the 19th ot September, 1004. F. HOLWELL, Tp. Clerk. On motion at P. Berg and tg." Ca.. sel, council resolved into committee oi the whole on By-lun, P. Berg in the chair. When By-law 686 VIII " led in end the role sin-ck " " mills on the dollar, end Br-lor 37 was titled in with the win: aaked tor by the respective school bonds, the committee rose end council remun- ed. Moved by J. I", Master, seconded by J, T. Otto, that By-lnws Nos. t36 and 437 be now read a third time end passed. 'Carried. Read end Moved by S. (Bessel. seconded by J, P. Master, that this council strictly enforce the Ontario statute ot 1904, compelling owners ot inc- tion engines, threshing_engincs or machinery, to lay down planks. on such bridges, or culverts, as they are about to pus over, with my ot and engines or "machinery, to protect the ttooring or surtace oi such bridges or culvert from injury, as provided by said statute. Carried. Lu', imamwu 2tN2uitttp,t.T.tf2'i whWWIM'WIt Tide (comma. and my! Walkwayudjht and BrurttrettswrmdtltrBtaad- with». low! by B. Canal, seconded .51 P. I", M luvs be ‘im tho univ- Itto mmglly-hv‘o-uus tb a.“ "knot section ik a. " lot the "I. uh! tor by mu no- Mn who! hands, And that aid Br-us by [WI rad . an! AM no out time. Carried. vim By-Iun were lead . ttest Ind wand time "eorduatr. _ a 'iAth, Tttut, o! IN', [or ”in; you" - _ _ cl BRESLAU r "M Mr . I - new: “up -to x. 'tttmere While attending to his mammoth balhmn It Nona Park reaterdar " teruoon, ud the: lining nil the pn- mhuu connections In working order, one ot the null: “no” ropes name [In mine mutations W. at. and when not CAI-elk had (on up lone ten or tun he: be (an un- m. n. Main m I?!“ ma gt.'", a M', (1|qu all "ll,',,','. my ID 90“ . c-tte 'II but null m up. ad in m “I on“. Ym‘l - an lb .38 " an. In no in H ttat Mr L: V F- 1 [ . _ w . -)'iSi'ia'tr, .. The Havel" "than; club will hue . 47-min: pigeon I'm on Stun- dttr. BALLOON GOT AWAY J.‘A.'Wn.ll, ot "wanton. was re gained " the Queen's hotel notor- day. . Trades tad Labor demonstration it The Weiner but} will play " tie my» you Lao: any. T. Johnston, chief accoununt. of the post office department, Ottawa, who has been visiting hits sister, In. (Dr.) McIntyre, returned home te day. . Hespeler, Aug. 16.-Cormty Council- lor Dr. A. Oaks and wife left lasi night lot Toronto, where they will join a touring party of 150 persons who leave by special train on A month's trip. Some of the places to be visited are the World‘s Fair at St. Louis, San Francisco, Los Ange- les and Redlands, Cal., md Vancou- ver, B. C, The tourists will use their train as home during the entire trip, which promises to be a. very enjoyable one. Phil Christman, ot Sumter, Ill., hls been spending the past three days visiting his brother, Ald. Christman. Our school opened on Monday morn. ing with Mr. Fenton and Miss Sham; in charge. - The Lutherans decided last Sunday to extend a call to Rey Mr. Linke, of L'nclc Sam‘s domains, to fill the vacancy left. by Mi. Rem- be's removal. - The Mennonites held a baptismal service at the Grand River last Sunday morning. - Mrs. Copeland, of Salem, alter a. sojourn with her sister, Mrs. Hurst, left, [or her home Sunday evening. - Miss Wright is spending a tew days at Grimsby. - Miss Bowman is holiday- ing with her brother, Mr. H. H. Bowman, ot Parkdak, - The new mill is already under root. It is a fme modern building. - The Method- ist S. S. intend pienieking on Mr Wright's grove on Saturday alternoon the 27th inst. - Misses George and Clinton Bulmer took in the excursion to Niagara Falls last Saturday. The citizens oi Linwood and vicin- ity will be pleased to hear that the general store business oi Cir. D. It. Pollock, who has assigned to his creditors, has been purchased by the T. Ruggle Cu., unrl will he conducted by Mr.crheo. Rugglc, of theWrn ol A. Ruggle & Song, Floradale. a. cap- able and energetic young man. who will leave no stone unlurned to make it a success and an accommodation to the people of that district. Mr. .Rug- gle has long been connected with the above successful firm who have built up one of the best country stores in many counties, and is known as an honorable gentleman of ability and enterprise. The Hand he has ac- quired is a good mn- and the pros peers for the building up of a goo: trade are excellent. Mr. andHMrs'. J. J. ThomIrscn of Vancouver, are visiting for a week her sater, Mrs. Dan. Btu, here. "Mr. isniirtserich, Mondale, deliv- ered the rust load of new vntutt to the Elmiu min ctt Monday. Ptmsiaat.-- IL may Anon. who It! be: lulu: in “km. ur, is at - any!“ a In hither» home all will tannin we hymn: urtse.-Mms.". John Bull all Matt Sch-mm: returned Tuesday trom n trip to Bungle and Mann "litc-- lu. Loui- Loh-luer 5pm: Sunny “4 sunny in kuiltcn. In. J. H. Ruppel m sold an Raising property to E, McElustrum ol Pilkington, ttrr lhe lpn of $i200. 331‘s " E2iFai. f. ,e ya EW’QW rt: "q T _ a .lhC,'tt, . _ r. . tgi.i'B"'idtFi- t i .1 I ,'Ntitftrtrt, j 'tt.rNi(tr no T /tt,'tt'ttht2t','t. h; My an in“ -twy. ts m:- an $tatri:t all In. no m. to! “plum. u thy “when - have Itteir whine out“ with alt the tum bud: “VI-x anion.“ m "yin; to "rsretupubtictohtte usual their utility. August tg...--: Bros. shipped . double deck ot hogs on “mug”. Ericka“: an; ot men an drilling & well to be and jointly by several ot those who are building in the southern part at the town. . pt. Rata may. busintss trip 'to Toronto on 1uetiday cvcning being the delegate ot the, Elmira Lodge 10 the Grand Lodge ot Uddfollows in that city. NEW STORE FOR LINWOOD FROM PROF. CASSELLE HESPELER NEWS to CONESTUGO an ELMXRA an MC vu- uhd In“ "2:22 "eat, - ' It!!! " In F vicin- .t the D. It. to his by the The jurors empanelled were Messrs. J. F. McKay, George M. Schmidt, George Doc", S. A. Brubaeher, Her, man Heller, C. Ferrier, E. Herteis, W. J. Woollard, J. W. Davey, Paul liiidiGiii',' Levi Seibert, Martin Straub. Two strut up: now“ "a ' at V Th Dan I! . ll. Pub, Pu "ugly Ilgtctnth, my in the electrical storm on Sutur- dey lightning struck seven] building in Berlin. At Dr. Hett‘e "rBerr it nme In through the We“ win end Although I tannin we! tipped up. metal Mg hole: being mad. in it, nothing we: ignited. There were similar "when at Binnie!"- Hotel an Schliemen‘l up: “on, all n the - lepton the his uncle neck m struck In eon oi the with were con way. A “when poet in auto! It. R. C. Hilton‘- uni have on unuch uneven I” a the glue!“ - on!” m in may at: I “a d; BAVOO WBOUGHT BY THE 870!!! The Berlin Pine factory he: shut down because of n loreclolure of a mortgage of 821,000 on the building and plant and B $7,000 chattel mort- gage. Bum: Huber seized on Mon- day on the chute] mortgage. The business will be sold and " will be several weeks betore the baton out resume operutiona. Berlin plum as considered " good u my a. the market but they hadn't the reptrtw tlon. One ot 'the men eonneoted with the business we this morning that the instrument: did not commend o high enough price and " VII In due to the taet that the ttnn Ind not ad- vertiud than " the plume ot other notorie- ere Matti-ed. Deceased tor a number ol yelrs con- ducted a grocery business next to the cost oftice in the store now occupied hy A, Weseloh & Co. Alter that he kept a stock ot groceries at his house and look orders about town, and within the last year or two he open- ed a store on King street near the High School. He was a member at Zion Evangelical church. The luncral will take place on Fri- Jay at 1.30 from the house to Mount Hope Cemetery, where Rev. L. H. Wagner will preach in English and Rev. F. Fricderich, ot the Gennm Baptist church, in German.‘ The re- mains will be interred at. Mount Hope Cemetery. _ FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE His Honor J udge Chisholm speak- ing regarding the sewer tarm exten- sion case. said that when the matter was up before the Board of Arbitrat- ors, there was a serious detect be- cause the town had not then the pow- er to name the land on which the ex- tension was to he made, but at the last session of the Ontario Legisla- ture an amendment to the Municipni Act was passed which ensued the town to choose the land in the town- ship through which the sewer may run. The late Simon Yost wen 59 years old on the 29th ot April ot this year. He was a. native ot “Mexico county. and is survived by Mm. Yost, but no children, their only child, a son, hav- ing died 18 years ago when quite young. Messrs. Jacob Yost, Elmira, um Martin Yost, North Dakota, are bro- thers ot deceased. After the maiden occurred the can: 'rtopped and members ot the crew did all they could to nuke the uatortttnate mnn‘l Maria; " light " possible. Mr. You In. in . crit- ical cotgrttiott when carried to the King trtrtat crossing And removed trom there to the hospital. Ho m- liai slightlyuiter getting there, but men ink again ahit expired a no Dr. Minchin said the “use ot death was concussio of the brain. Coroner Itll issued . walnut tor an inquest for yesterday morning at 10,30 at Simpson‘s under- taking rooms, but utter the jury had viewed the body they Adjourned un- til Thursday at 9 a. m., at the town Ull, when the truin hands and other witnesses will be present. The jurors empmeiled were Messrs. J. F. McKay, George M. Schmidt, cl It. Ala. WNW. IN that at”, witnessed the - but m I!!! n he: homo. Mr. Ym’ In. walking non; tho tuck In! “Gull- wu comm; on W NIB. 8h or,trtid not. manual why In ill not at on the track uni gttotsted n hill, but the distance was too great to: Na to hear bu. He did not turn tmtil the train VIM right upon him, than he turned and seemed unblo to no". He wu struck 1nd thrown I omsaid. onble dingo: to the side ot the track, and the bulk" ot - which he earried new high into the his. - Dr. Minchin war Manly summoned and he arched the Injured man's re- moval to the hospftd. ttha PN Vrrv’éi‘ 3" Bil ' = , M!allR 'O , -£’u.: LTa'T, ' 4‘3 f’ ' "i ’. . I ' _ lb, MW, w- Batt' may " 15 a." - has in, can . W II. a! in - Nat my a”. w. The tru, m'm a I 2f'gtlt with a. an! all“ rt has ot engine, according to the titoeT a! pot pie who In" on m not directly M. ter the with“. A you; - ot Mr. Alex. Wildlong, who live! nun”. witnessed the “why from the hill at her home. Er. Yon in walking along the trunk and the train TOWN MAY CHOOSE LAND {Agent u, N. W. 'tri. Co. -_, Kiloba and Mail newspnpcrl. ;Open Sunday: Ptton. m W. h',','a.s't.,", Mini , " Tun- II-o the "AltRatt rm ltt'."'at2't "u “may. by; __ hwy mm. No chm: t'.qt'ar,Ir min- my Tn. " . SDHUDL (l?lllillill tlo. Becker & Go. BERLIN CryiyIrtiiib'ilgiie Tanglefoot We are sure to have them and The Penman Ham} 0... qinnthju. have oruai,Gi Aaa; able prices. “WWW . . - “IA-mama mm In mm: It". mm, au- mu. m, via-lbs ad - Ion. mam up; An!) In. a m. Tho undersigned in? to undu- oil: are and hurry on a I to his Immu- auscn-tomen for d: liberal paran- Ico extended him tut you all to inti- msw that for the pro-out lea-on be his kid in I very lute quantity, taken from huh wring mater whit-b PG limes??? detirstyt swam“ he in 1'alg'd to deliver to tau-tamer. in WAT mo Ind BERLIN in any The Abnquu Purity of the ice in GUARANTEED Bud it. can eately be and for all purposes. ttt DELIVERY WILL BE MADE DAILY ttt mmtm,Mmbei-m qtttt0ttttetetp9tet- dlo 'trttlt.tegeedtrrstiveeegmtd runn- BERLIN BUSIIBSS DOLL!!! ICE! ICE! mum, r"1ir. 4.000 Ton-‘01 Pam: loo, Ed. Durmel, for the fry sewn now on w.n.mmw' and other new things. New Books Scribblera. Slates. Pencils, manumuu. I Ila-(3|, hi. WANTED Flypad ----oogttmtqtogs---- And all kinds of A. J, nous, DRUG STORE, ,7 - \anorlon, ULL. right prices. MEANS' Limited, PARIS, ONT. lot for ale Emma BERLIN Phone 216 _,,':,,, lang’s Program i'i,i'-2i1i' This Week “In. nanny In the To" in». but! nun lulu :1"!le tr own tht I... um On ttte mint-Non of tht WM” umm,m.mxmm umwvm-homm {an}!!! I! Itat-r" I not: may, Aug. 22, * Town of Waterloo New Dress Goods as coming to hand including putty t'udl for who and nkirt- " 500, 75a and 81.00 pit yard. Alito Indian weight Dress Goods for drum. and Isiah All " moduli. prim New Umbrellas have just. been put into stoch'm’a calf waning md all kind, with pretty bundles, prices " 81.00, 01.25 cad 31.50. Rain Coats are the correct thing for tnnlling Ind theme going away will do welt to see what We are showibg in than lustful pr- ments at 4.90, 6.50 and 7 50 etch. _ UMBRELLAS LANG BROS. We are showing the but and finest Buick of that can be found anywhere and our prices a; point. Mercerized Sateen Skirts Tire and "Loo, with pretty frills at " and 2 50. We have in stock and at magnate prim Ladies' Wuhan of all kinde-Udies' Skirts and Mums' kins in tweeds and plain cl th at from $1.75, 250, 3 00 to 35.00." . Silo 88to Al, 'i"i's'."6i""g v. has K " m I R Tm tro', About , dozen new Ind stylish Ladies' whit. 3191-”, mi T J.' made up of India Limo, Yietoeia IJvnI and Kathi. Cloth. were 'l 00, 81.25 and .150 MW MU, ‘50 and tk w' Cfi/ w. hm um . my huh- limi a has. Indra" which 'redonot-ttooar-iattotts. full I“ u2e "ququivklz It ly.ietud 915%”. Call and inspect these Bargains. They will interest you. Lip' N LAD'ES’ WHI I E Bi,,01M.4r,sciii'ii'i/,i' T'. .34 (lhriidker & Diebel dor, White l’ercale’ Summer Comets sizes 18 to 80 wore 60 no! "t CIVIC HOLIDAY neon annulus, READY TO WEAR GARMENTS ummer UNDERSKIRTS, _ji'"il"ii"ifijiiiiii' orsets DRESS GOODS RAIN COATS - A. tk TIMI. MID. Ont. Hmhvuu-dmhm an“. "V “a ti5tl ?,ttllti1S'rtg tilS'rt%hth'i'; t "It! " {as Kw“. “in.“ prices an down to the tttseat TIRE SETTING. of Indiu' Undemkirta l, Moran Skirts and;

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