Squaw, Aug. 9,-The, contracls for NB. Guelph‘ .nd Goderich railway L6G be. let. Mr. M. Pigott, or , ton, gets In" the road, viz., M ~-r a, a. 7 and-s, while Mr. n. IM MM], ot Strathroy, lakes the - i ' vlz., sections 1, 4, "5 and kr, F ., section in of ten miles, and P. Lq lumber (tom Guelph west. rdte2 " Pigott has most ol the helvy - ll cutting and bridging. The Pd', ' ot the Grand and Conestoga " U" “I 01th Muilluii rim L, in MI sections. " well u M. - bony cutting and the U I", _ .0 W. The con- wlBt0t_tFt.r-N.ttse may a†_ “but: all plan of the i k -tmetNrm at bru- , , Mqoeati contain, and so to OOHTBACTS LET FOR NEW my The college is splendidly equipped for ih work. Its new quarters and new unipment are unsurpassed anywhere. Seven] changes have been made in thr, mar-rs: ot lustruclinn tor the Villa yen, which will sustain its mutton u the leading commercial "atqltot in Western Ontario. "I The tall term opens Sept. 6. Tht an illustntcd college catalog will be at to my address free ot charge. In." to the principal, W. D. Euler. Mrs. D. Schlotzhauet spent a few days with friends ib Berlin. - Mrs, J. Schcuck spent Sunday with irivnds in Tnvistock. -- Mr. and Mrs. G. Wingeielder spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wingeiel0r. --- Mr. and Mrs. H. Schlvmuwr, of Tavistock. 'lpent Sunday with Mr. W. F. A, Scheuck. - Mr. and Mrs, J, Hirttz. ot Lognn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. 1Iuchtcnhausvn. - Mrs. K. Benneweis and daughter Ella, oi Brodhngen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Maurer. - Mission ser- vices were held in tlu, Lutheran church on Sunday by 1tev. A. Blunck, pastor ot the church, and Rev. Ttri- grrnd, of Brodhagen. - Mr. P. Tye has secured a job at the Qucen's Ho- tel ts porter. There are eleven schools comprising the lamous Federated Colleges, The 'yw just past shows that of all these the Berlin Business College made the heat record in the way of increase in “Madame and in securing positions Jot its grnduatos. Personal. - Miss, Lizzie Iinechtel, ot Gait, whu has been visiting in thr village. has returned home. - Mr, and Mrs/Ira Kinaic, oi Sunny Brae, spout Sunday at It w, Detweiier's.- Mr. Ind Mrs. E, G. llallinan and the Him! Edna and Cora Clemens spent Sunday in Blair, guests of Mr. Geo, Tilt. - Mr, and Mrs. Will Hammil, ot Berlin, spent Sunday in the vil- INie.--Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, ot Berlin, spent Sunday at Joe Per- rttt'B.-.Mrs. Ira and Mrs, l Kilisir visited the ttuckleberry marsh at Cen- ttcville last Mrsnday.-Mr, Kliver Reid, ot Berlin, is tttc guest of his sister, Mrs. N. Snyder, - Mr. and In. B. Snyder attended a wedding In Berlin on Thursday. - Mr. D. B. Dctweiler was the guest of his mu ther on Sunday. and at - [at unh- no: _ d Int-rho. is tum-3 in was Addie was a u- Bil- ‘hn notâ€. - 'iiittst ~W. --w. Jae. wthg-qu- MADE THE BEST RECORD ,riiiiiFiiiGii uirumta. I Tho mieet m Hun-0' “I All â€than! kip v1. Baton Comet Lam" the In: h" !tt?eLee,etet?g'Uldrgt,'2lU"e, -ettariur-OlP.'ffAt.t T “its“ 370.}. M tLel'.ttu'r=lT.'u"gtl "anytime! ‘Mcaobuun mu I‘m-Lsmmm Mun-I! m or- ups-gunning: ROS EVILLl' ROSTOCK EaauRA on visiting in thr red home. - Mr, , of Sunny Brae, W. Detweiter's.-- Mailman and the ra. Clemens spent May with Mr. - Mission '.icr- tlu, Lutheran Rev. A. Blunck, sts of Mr. Goo " Will Hammil nday in the vil, Albrrt Johnson ay at Joe Per commended as toitows:- The accounts totalling 84,16109 be passed. Uncouectablc taxes totalling $226.30 were struck on the roll. The rerort of Engineer Davis re- commending tlie grading and grivel- ling of Albert. street from King St. to Elgin street, was adopted. COMMUNICATIONS. The communication received by the Mayor some days ago trom C. P. Smith, solicitor for the owners ol farmers who were granted an injuno- lion 3. year ago last March to re- strain the town from contaminating Schneider's creek 'with disposal from the sewer farm, was read. The let- ter intimated that the Mayor And Council stood a good chance ot being committed to jail tor contempt of court because no action had been tak, en. The council decided to ask the Sewer Commission to report. what had been done toward carrying out the terms ot the injunction. D. Hibner wrote suggesting that the proposed sidewalk on Breithaupt street. from Waterloo to Edward st. be laid instead on Edward street west side, down the front at the tac- tory to Francis street. The Board ot Works report recom- mended the lnying of a cement in.“ on Edward street trom Brawn-pt to Francis streets, mording- to Mr. Hituter's letter; a cement sidewalk on Courtlnnd nvonue, north side, Iron Benton to Peter streets; s can“ walk on John strut, from Dun-t. to (hallo! street; I come“ wnlk on mam. “not, want “do, mm lar- prct venue to Ella "ret; . ce. unteract-g on Water that " Que. and Comp Mt-ta; um n " m can“ put duh In [M In when can strut and also on Ja- any t 'N'., lt I m. w to e.s.ydti6tqt,.tttil a" -2 The Children’s Aid Society asked for $25 townrds the support or HII'Q Rahmel, a blind boy who was neat trom Berlin to the Institution tor the Blind at Brantford. The request In: granted. Mr. J. S. Bingeman was heard in connection with rho grading of Krug street. He understood that the Board ot Works would not be able to nnish the with this year, and said ht had been asked by Mr. Simeon Bru- bacher to ask that the latter be giv- en permission to do the work under the supervision ot Mr. Peter Weber, The ratepayers there wanted water- works, and it was not deemed advis- able to hase the water pipes laid un- til the grading began. The request Aldermen Hose, McKay, Collard and llchrinc were constituted a com- mittee to look into the proposed ex- xension of Irvin street to Lancaster street. Mr. J. Dauhcrger in this con- nection asked that in case this ox- tension 'be made that he be given some compensation, because of the exceptionally large frontage his pro- perty would bare. Mr. J. S. Bingcman was heard in connection with the grading of King street. He understood that the Board ot Works would not be able to lmish the with this year, and said ht had been tsked by Mr. Simeon Brn- LABOR MEN PROTEST. A motion passed by the Trades and Later Council protesting against the employment ot foreigners on corpora- tion “ark and asking the Council to take some Action, was read by Mayor, Runs. Luann“ Collard said he knew o. no [magnets bung employed on ttu work cunuoiled by the Board oi Works. 're Mr. “(my SLhuctz said there were men [rum dtiiercnt" countries who were working on the gas mains and whtn any mtn were laid on they hap- pened to be ratepayers. He knew ot 15 men who were thus put out 0 work. The Mayor pointed out that this was a matter ior the Light Conv this was a mission to was taktn. MICK-04W 'gtr. an. ID - '.. - lun- " -kirtd_e 9 Pep'" CW" NayFRose, McKay, Gross bell. _ A lost “1.31“ M u but†In: a: lab â€on U!" to at bl in “u do. Ind IBM was: Ain- to I“ - no poms to b M to "I Intake Cot. puy. or a†0M cannula: a canâ€! with; a. Berlin and Ilstarloo be with". chug. to! sun- 'htumu’uumun - qetrhtg - Berlin “a Waterloo line a. Berlin and NW lino "all to we run-in; xI‘i- to Alton street. lo! we! con-Manual or term a my In and upon or determine by arbitrators. “That this trr-taw a.“ not b binding upon this 'ere/lg' was the aid company sh! lormnuy " cépt the name in such mum: " In; tlly to bind the said comm†to pet (arm the same on ita put trnd "s 'uld acceptuce shall be dcrrncd ' agreement between this company an corporstiotc" A After txnsidernt,te discussion save:- al “Gannon callcd iot the motion to be put 1nd this wal done. The vote Wtuc- Yeas-Collard, Huttung. Weber Maurine, Cram. 'tlttttiltltlfg'dtlt up. "which! at tho bran Hing lug. a Mai Began Bret, “by ftte mm Tt is, Mayor said a two-thirds vote is required and declared the by-law gran (? Fit awe CornmiUee's report re- d as iollows:- Junts totalling 84,-16109 be deal with and no action VII Gunp- Among those present. were:-- Mrs. Isaac Huber, Bracebridge; Miss l-Iliz- abcth Shocmnkcr. Mrs. Hannah “on. Mrs. Charles Huber, Mrs. Theo, Von Busick, Miss Lucena Snyder, Miss Mary Ann Snyder, Mr. Allan Huber, Berlin; Mr. Jacob S. “at. lhiladr-l phia; Miss Mary E. Ilett, Miss Hliz. nbeth Hen, Berlin; Mr. J. Shoemak. er, Miss S. E. Shoemaker. Miss Mat Shoemaker, Miss Aliitia shoemaker, Miss Bertha Shoemaker, Mr. Ltusr. ence Shoemaker, Berlin; Mr. William McNally, Mrs. Allan Wilmer, Miss Nettie Erb, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs Levi Ilagey, Preston; Mr. Thongs Nesbitt, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs Isaac McNally, Mrs. A. H. McNally, Mr. and Mrs. John Schweitzer, Blair, Mrs. Samuel Shantz, Berlin; Mr. an: Mrs. John D. Sbnjer. the Misses Binkley, Mr. Frank McCollum, Mr and Mrs. Louis Binkley, Mr. and Mrs Thoma Sterling, Miss Kinscl, Ham ilton; Ills: Kielhuer, Blur, Misa K Winner. It" Mary Wlxmor, Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Noni Batman Berlin, Mr. and Mm. F. R. Jchnstcn, 8(n tad daughter, In. Join Shoemaker. Galt; Rev. linen Brick“. Blair; Mr ad In. Em Grimm. Miss Cress- al, Witmot Tp.; Mere. 1nd Kn. yum, New Dam; in. B, Wis- na, In. an“ vim, Mr. and In. J. Hum, Blur; Min lay Bee, boa; Mr. ad In. Joseph Skylar. Dalia; It. nil In. Hun â€3117. In. M, M; Ir. and In. allâ€; licw Dada; It. a! In. .. Being, In. Bohr u- "si'," » “37.3.3. . « s, IB' J. P, he» .13» , a 'dthtt ._ tr . "rs Tra ) " I C, ' gov-.5? ELM": "_l',a',itiltt, - - th ..1 - " -a".* V _.- .Mr. and Mrs. McNally ha grandchildren and one great daughter, Delta, the daue,htcr and Mrs. Allan Winner, o' Aim This great-grand-daughter n. the diamond weddmg wnh In er. Among those present were eight who artanded' the “aiding vi.tty years ago. Cue of the,e mm Mrs John Shocmakcr, ot Gait, “no V‘s bridesmaid at the wed-ling. 'lhc nth ers were Mr. and Mrs. Jo] ('lrmcns. Preston; Miss Elizabeth Shoemdlex, Berlin; Mrs. Hannah Hen, Berlin; Mr. J. Shoemaker, Berlin; Mr H, McNally, Blair, and Mrs. Barnabas Devitt, Waterloo. The lauds: is M years of age. Ot the guests present 33 were over 60 years old., one was over 90, three over 80, ten over 75, tour over 70, andmtcen over 60. on August 8th, It'rii, at Hridgeport Mr. McNally was torn 11112422 i; Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, aim came with his parents to Camden. in 18'M. They settled at Dundas but la ter came to Waterloo County, sth n Mr. McNally has spent the greater part of his life. Mrs. MeNally, v has maiden name was Mary Am : hortra ker, is a {laughter oi the late Jacol S. Shoemaker. She was born in Wa- terloo village in 1826. To Mr. an“ Mrs. McNally were horn cloun o_li i drcn, oi whom seven are lixiny. 'sh. are:-Jacob, at home; Isaac, who lives on a farm near Blair; mum Brown City, Mich.; Sarah g mt (h. cago; Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman, ill, tr mingdalc; John, Blair, and t'tiwiy.a who lives with her parents. 'l heron: and daughters who died ACCC, 1ruur IL, Liddy Ann, Elmina anl 1'n u u. Mr. and Mrs. John AlcNuin can brated their diamond wedding o. Monday at their 1.oa:e (n the or homestead about a min: from Blair There were over a hundred gun-st.- present. including a number (rum Mi higan, and diiicrent parts of (‘niauu Mr. and Mrs. McNally were â€mum on August 8th, is“, at Hridgeport in Cimrdaio. W to man u boiler (and my " the ptttrtpi" “3110.. , Disbursements, coasuucuon (sum was). $418.58; names com, $301.39; pumping system, inter supply. 8382.80; gen. exp. and Axed charges, 8110,35; fuel, can, â€asâ€; street mum. $13.34; lance 0011., 812.10; meters, 82.57; buildings tnd grounds, mamthI, $5.90; balance, Aug. Ist, 8571.04; total, 82,748.40. Total number an. ate consumers, 774; meters, 099; hydrants, 154; gtrt- lonz water pumped in July, 18,945,- 000; pounds coal consumed, 143,200, hours pumping, 4871; average gallons per day, 811,129; Henge time pump ing per day, 15 hrs., 44 mins.; aver age gallons per th of coal, 132, out! consumed per day, 4,619 lbs. F “r _ (1'- We . E g, "4 / " " .e I,†_i:'iitti,t,ltilit8 _ the - . and . a stated “a a; 'tt qt. I 'd'.'lttd'e, nu u- " “an. mu " a [not " aostrqbt d m to it uh- " Bulb. All nae-tad m u and; mun; he he“ by mmuuvu ot both - min-tau. to com to some natal out.rsrtaaduq. Th Berlin Commit- sion will Appoint npnmutivcs n. . “(an muting. Tirtat mum. $3,233.05; mm 11 Int report, $537.05; total, 82,743.40. Diattmtementa, munch: 1mm WERE MARRIED 'sIsii' YEAR AGO. Atacama "cotuuistg. to than.†_ mm]: Hyman summon! the. (allowing up" tor tho hontb or " r- _ W __ .. We laid the following mains Ber. In Mrs in In at In. Tom Jen-hp. of forms», at Ma. link Dub. ot London. "* vim-c u no ham of Mr. All In. 3-3. Burl“. The line- Barth Deeitt and Lu- - . n 't"2, and _ - Bum. Th ' In“ My on . "" with tghttit. . ' - In mim- an "Mitr. p,t,ttpt,tg1tg8tt,1teti, Mr. Funk 8mm, ot the regular nu: mum, In Hum-g n the law at In. [nan "ottman. mu Mary Philips spent Sunny and Monday with him“ In Elma. mu lime Rome, ot Woodnoetr, is at was“ enjoying A mu with In: “I Conrad. Mr. Herbert Snyder. at - Btu... "bolstering Inn, hut-tuna! from I trip to Winnipeg. 7 .5135. Alva Devitt and children are enjoying a visit with friends in El- mira. The Misses Maud and Lulu Clue, ot Preston, have tcturned home after spending some time with Wnterloo friends. Mrs. Chas. Winter and caught“, Miss Anna, have returned to Punch titer visiting friends in the Twin- City. . . Mi. had In. Eu. sunset as visiting (rind- in Trenton. Mrs, Parks, of Brantford, visual n Maple Villa. the home ot Mr..ahd Mrs. Geo. nickel. Monday. Mr. Robert Horton, of Toronto, is holidaying for a week at his home in Waterloo. T The Misses Olive and Vera Bellin- ger, and Master Ted. Bollinger, ot Toronto, are visiting Waterloo friends. Mr. and Mrs. Deni. Devin. and Mrs. Rumbas Devin, attended the dia- mond wedding of Mr. and In. J. McNally, at noon, Monday. Mrs. Harry Leo and 0mm, Ills Jennie, ot Brantford. veto was“ ot Waterloo Mend: on Monday. Mr. Wm. Sass, of Gall, spent Sun- . day at his home in Waterloo. Mr. Alva Devin scent Sunday with Fire at Victoria, B. C., destroyed Elmira friends. the Albion iron works and about for- Mr. Eugcne Ruhlman, of out, ty dwellings. Loss neatly $200,000. spent Sunday in Waterloo. barns and Wellord Bros.' broom itrc- Mrs. Peter Reichert, ot Detroit, is tory were burned. Mrs. Peter Reichert, ot Detroit, is visiting her brother, Mr. H. B. Duer- ing. rpothing on a business trip to Mon- treal. . Mrs. Potts rcturntd to Toronto on 4aturday after spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stroll. _ Among those who spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McIntyre were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ren- uit?, Mr. and Mrs. Pem. Rennie, Mr. and Mrs, William Rennie, Mrs, iecurd and Mrs. Alex. Rennie, allot Linwood. friends Miss Minnie Snyder is holidaying at Jackson Point, Lake Simcoe. Mrs. Fred Hughes Iett Saturday on a month‘s visit with Montreal Bin Minnie Bubtel is enjoying A few wee!- with Mr. J. mm any in; pprir gt Rest Mantra-q. The new Multan", ot Shaka- peue, Ire visiting Mend: in Wash Miss Annie Flownm Snider very p,casantly entertained . numb“ ot he: triends to a six o'clock tea on Mr. B. Pochlmnnn, of Detroit, spent Friday and Saturday " the home oi his parents in Waterloo. Mr. Bert liish. who has been spend- ing the past two weeks at his home tere has returned to Pittsburg. Mrs. Amy, ot Elmira, is enjoying a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Pem- broke Hosea, Waterloo. . Mr. Chas, M. Taylor, wile 1nd two children, of Buffalo, N. Y., are visit- mg relatives in town. Mr. John Killer, ot Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keating, ot Phil- adelphia, are “siting at the home of Mr. ll. It. Ducting. it. was. an“: may: mm ot Waterloo am “this. gt the [some ot Mg. Wm. Baum», Liam. - A - "an; A. E. curry, ot St. John, N. B., iy visiting her parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. Jacob Hespeler, William, attest. Mrs. Lehman Sherk and family, .vhu have been enjoying a week in 1Iuskoka, have returned. Miss Emma Mayor, of St. Jacobs, who has liven visiting friends in Wa- :erlorr lor some time, returned home Monday morning. hi. Chan. mrtir um. ttht,".; â€in Am. qt Pro-ton. In“ but db, with [nylon It“. " A "ExtAldre; McIntyre left Thar- day morning on . month's visit with tr'tsada in Midday 7 _ / . . “minis Stews, of Owom, Mich, who has been visiting Irieatia in Mu tor and at other points returned, WIRE 'ttet ~.......-’ ' _ It!†. m - oi 'li'r'ei'gtrgli, "you. . P u- nuuu uh m d tMirtnd at In; Rita ot Bulb.- m spam, n m _ "ration in Pulley, an Pauli-o Glow. Pen E109- “lnfllury Broil no! on: air an]: ot Mamtttot m mum n m home ot Mr. Hume 9mm. 77 Tittuuiuid "_-_ III-inane!“ Eiibe Pat', no: “in. n 'dht w. ram.“ ttto .qu d mm "a it. and Mn. Geo. Out! 04 WW no ttottiuruq at the home a In. mun; Conrad. â€A "m; Ilium concus- new“. with him!» in Exact [or g - Mr. William Snider left Monday " = .-- WWW -- n; _m iiieiiih"teit?it.5ifgfi'i',',it2l '6'l4'tf, 5‘31;an Busmss some “men-ta at 4,90, 6.50 and 750 each. 'r-ii"i7ariiiaai KEEP? 9591 E13. an “mm M! laurel l T "Ull'tt1'lWli1Ulta'fa't wail b Stttt ho nah-Torah "argte.'t who. c AEIAOOIIL_ _ -, r""""""""" 7 f mm far F "lla'."'" SEPTA Write for new and ele- gant catalog. It is free Enter the school which is growing the most rapidly of all the famous Federat- edColleges. Elegant quAr- Bl in“ In“.- ind-n ' th- T bul'lr111tfl"Jlll74'l A.tlltt2lr it WWI To . Brotherhood of , mm Truman‘s Picnic. Home and lot for sale In a friendly game of bowling on the Waterloo green Monday evening, three links ot Waterloo players won trom three rinks lrom Call by A smll margin. Following were the scores:- Waterloo. Cali. Ir. D. Meyer A. Deans ‘J. C. Mueller W. Williams Wm. Hogg C. Turnbull W. McCabe, V --skip, M, Weichel ' This is the way Waterloo put It over Berlin in a game of bowls on the Berlin green on Tuesday ulter- noon:-- . Waterloo Berlin. E. K. Seagram, M. Schicdel, -skip, 23 --skip, 6 Dr. Sterling, Dr. Biehn, Dr. Sterling, --skip, J. Brandt E. J. Roos S. B. Bricker Ali. Snyder, J. D. Doetsam J. F. Duncan M. S. Hallman W. W. Wilkinson E. F. Seagram Dr. Dame P. G. Hughes, E. Clay, PM. - Neun' . Smut]. but It. I m . cm, b-O, 3-0, which. W. M. McCabe mm DEBATE!) 43ALY. . 'WM a “no this at Waterloo â€Immune to out In! M4- in!" Inn-om at the the. - rured. Following an the this an their Seo".'.-- Gnlt. . Interloc- V. Edwards, J. Brandt, A. J. Oliver, P. A. Root, E. G. cur, W. M. “do, Dr. Dune, W. G. Wdchel, lklp ..W.r. .......15 “In o....-........." A. E. limit“, A. Pickup, c, E. Knowles, Char., Muetur, P. Pstmer, A. H. Snyder, B. Pntrlck, J. Heapeler, skip 'trp.. .......l7 drip .PFFet .........M Dr. ES. awn: Jno. H. Meyer, w. Williams, M. S. Hallman, Chas. Tumbull, S. B. Bricker, W. D. Card, E. F. Seagram, skip ..... .......18 skip ...... .....ld uh Koala and v. 0min, bye. ’ _ II- smug; Id Win. Hi- swim a! Salient“. It“ Pe my». "I E. Scum-I. r-I, In; Dam In“ E will.“ 'l,"ti,ttfi,t',Ntt.t,Q land [III-Il- eetrttou I T ,l'l'.'lG'A3llllrorl'i13gti; 9-333; tem, tthough dunes; up- to-date in every particular. Our graduates get positions. Cattle for Sale w. D. EULER. Principal. "skip, " --skip, -skip, 18 -akip, 18 Bet-Art-nd NOTIGE H Chm-ifs: 2GriF th%UU - __ - ' "ua?iMY.eirih,'l': All: 71 21 54 SEPT. 61% 18 " -skip, W. E. Butler, F'. Palmer A. J. Candy A. J. Olliver W. D. Card, 1'd"ddtl'd'C" I" "l . New Drew Goods no coming to hand including putty and. 'A1lth'lltt1ildrr, for unity and tkirfa ft lots, 750 tnd Q1.00__psr Pet. Ne wad A. B -skip, D. Euler, r, 'Via-gi-ig.' - -- fl no» McCauslin, -skip, 10 -ski p, -akip, 12 -akip, 55 22 l3 41 l4 " nee - . . . - w' todd,",',",,,,, muslin,th 150,65†u' _e'r'", 100 yard: fancy nom- rkirting. worth Me, Ink who ' i _ p 33 3 pieces “hit. tucked skirting. worth Me, ado prim " tLttj IO doz white 5-8 table napkins, worth I M, ante price . w 13 pita cs English Gingham, in p " and blue, worth 15010! lite,' 25 L idim' lhndy-lo-wmr ts'kirta " - - 1-3 who 14 25 pieces Wool Dram G goth, worth 500 to "ts, Isl. print Sh. V 10 pieces French Flume], worth 500 for' - - I“: on 15 pieces French Behind. worth Mk, for - - Me 'l',', 10 pieces White Swiss Embroidory. worth IN to Me foe (te, t 12 only Lidiis' Shirt Which worth l oo, solo price - W he 6 only Ladies' Spring Mmt‘es, worth " md " at - "" 25 men’s all wool Tweed Suits, t lib youâ€: style worth 8:00 foe 86.00: _ l dos.. black and fancy sixteen shim, worth 50.: to Tlie It 8% I lot menu 4 in. Hand Ties, worth Me for - ".. " lat, About 2 doz numb and boys’ fiue straw hats, worth tro 06750 at 250 50 doa Ladies' Fast Black Cotton lime, worth 20e to45c. speck] New Umbrellas have just. been put into stock, not; an opening and all kinda with pretty handles, priearat 81.00, $1.25 and 31.50. weight Dress Goods for dresse- and nint- atrat index». I)!“ Blueberries it $1.25 Rain Coats are the correct thiog for travelling H.sd that. going away will ft' ttll, fo itself?!“ ye are allowing in [has useful tprc We are showing the best and finest stock of Indiu' Undemkiru that can be found anywln re. and our prices an down to the fineet Winn. Mercerized Sateen Skim 25e and .8L00, More“: Skirt- Ind. with pretty f,rillts at " and 2 50. LANG BROS. a GO. We have in stetk and at moderate prices Ladies' Waist? of i.1 kinds-Dis' Skirts and Misses' Skirts in tweed: and plain cl th at from $1.75, 2 50, 300 to "OO. 3 pair for - . - 25 Luheo' and Mingus Hat Shapes, worth 1 00 to 1.50 " 20tt yards fancy Hausa Sllkl, worth Mh, to TIre, ask who 20 mafia Tapestry Carpet, in length of 10 to 20 yank. worth 60 to tire " . - - Lang’s Program 25 piece»? Blya Print, in got: tad skips, want: " 1-3]. on]. pm - _ - ' M piew, colors, in punk, io “a ch for y "s A" .4: 20 pieces whit. muslin, in rpm. and ntripea, waft " I It. 'ik Bricker & Diebe| g 50 wires colond O:gwdizs and Emilia. voeth 'th, to '" - READY TO WEAR GARMENTS. pooh-pr but my in _ pr basket for ttaw_ttmdomt-oU, nunhurtholatmunbuknd apath- 150 BASKETS ?'y'rt"'T"tur"t1euriici.rtt,,ii)., wwuuuhqu aisciirh'rti' MqiMudh'IHOWI-m. 5.5. room for out My uroeutur-dtt.ee, rpcody during of All III-M huh lag mukad turri-o1ttwtutitwiBi- everyone. . Se BARGAINS IN All LINES. Biyes Print, in “a tad ltdâ€. worth " I-ide/tiii" UNDERSKIRTS, This Week DRESS GOODS RAIN COATS UMBRELLAS "r Me, m; l - , . "Itt Mit Me, Ma AIU Co