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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Aug 1904, p. 2

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Fil always a right way and a liy'ii' to do everything, and it , Gr, the easy-going and the " - are almost certain to F,rrGmte wuy. It is bad rAir And those about you are , _ {lacking in initiative, but, u . thié, one expects but “in: cleverness. It is when _ " .detuls get all mixed up I , in charge of several dc- I for I number of people is (1:.1 . Men in these responsi- It.iri Wear out very quickly, M)ttttt in: a " a 2 “up 'ea,ttt " , _ e 15,-.» 'h"' - w 01 - '1“’e‘,\"”-” ‘ T . In comm! . 5).. I any hive suing! , _ t M a. than La “a! and commit! b'" ”(I Wm qioseaa , w work, have it halt IU putting it " let the I . 'me lulohenot worth “1- much greater than one ' _ it who does not occu- I' , - the work ot such bot- rr _ 'U" an um Ask g. . department of A con- 3': l , and he will opa- - y per cent. ot his troa- ." ' _ by people who never) . better explanation than "r) I L it would make any an 1 Km“! thought lhis was good) at "Why didn't you tell me? "inn-d it done?" These do Ii f, ‘chiels will tell you that . "tr instruct their clerks . n leg how things should KU Vthat everything must be I tty, exactly, and, most oi 'tris .._ yet it makes little Nrt, ‘oucbes slouch over their lhe just enough is done in an ENP. mate: to lead the man in b' believe that it has been at aiding that it has been at 'a" ' while the remainder ol t3.Fiert tentinished and trouble ,etr,ty their own work, but in Mr watching that the work If", properly periormed. if.“ worried men have . Alter struggling with _ traveling help tor mon- "ears,_ourteous and , ‘pcople have to be dis- thly because they can nev- yely speaking, get tlu, bthe eyes, the buttons in- if» ‘ les, tie strings so ki, will stay tied, or shun $,Er,: they will, Mar shut. In 1"t (jeomsmte people get an- L, “Miste- mixed up. put Il "iiig u in the wrong etl- . union improperly, make It ‘tlnls, forget to push Fart- they should be , 1tttBtomortt when there IB. t ther should not be , k' it “lumen, get CUtF Tii. w point ot buying yet . ' _ F, somehow miss the Ft to see, miss the trains FN , of the towns, miss Bti, a, sud are continu- ' it in: luck. Mtttrttmrothat' mm in mi 'pt those inconclusive ";ittiiittitheit gum-national than!) a tnetiat upon ,rGiiiciiiG"i G, mason.» ad any. wt; to In THINGS b rang-nu. Cl of A writer in the April number ot .the Bookloven‘ Rhythm my: the society column in the daily papers is pollute the moat potent cause ot los- terilg mucky And sochlhm. The great dailies. ml this writer. Are Win; to the no» “1th doings ol the rich, "a may the idte "a; not. sum m they t.vote to Beb u'tlb. all mum nil-say '-rehuststitteraruttuuri mums-cc. Malian “II “by,“ man ‘, ter y #.trttd a... t'tL1'i,'ilt.1ii'll, sql., F ‘ > ‘ at , t J , ‘ " x b' ', [a7. T MtM1 "cw-y if?“ . W; . mu. . MMIII, s " - f1 slaw. Sa" REI' 'lar' " {15" £3 T" meg-Er " tt - . a; " 0" " " MEI, r v " L _ " V " ‘ I = It is proposed to canvass the entire State, limiting the “gunman Re publicans, Democrats are not wanted because the Republican control the Legislature and becaunlha Demo- out: no prunes!” none for recl- proclty 11M]. to the urgent business needs of the State. They are not gunning for Lodges oarticulnriy, but it he studs in the wny of their gun, it is his lookout. These Republicans propose to have members ot the Legialatore and representatives ot the State in Washington committed to reciprocity. 'The Republican strength which his enlisted in this movement in imrPrir ing. It includes men who would no more be expected, from their politi- eat conrsc hitherto, to shad in such connection ,then Marcus A. Haunt if he were niive. . The term ot Senator Lodge will ex- pire on March i next, and the next Legislature must. choose his sum~ sari This etiort is to control the Legislature, and it has a strong bear- ing upon Lodge'a prospects. It is said here try those who are pushing the movement that they are subor- dinating all political cotttrideruiorts by the provision made the. do: in the Dingley bill, and by the mtiuu vi Sexeretary.ot State Hay in mummi- ing treaties for reciprocal trade 'it- lations with other countries. We ltheretore urge upon Republican voters of this State the paramount import- ance to our business interests of es- tablishing such relations with Canada and Newfoundland, not to be confined to nonsornpeUtive products. We pro- mise to attend the caucuses, and also to urge Republican voters not to nominate any person as a candidate tor the State or national Legislature who is unwilling to commit himself clearly in favor of such reeiprocar, trade relations." _ “The undersigned Repubruurr, ap- proving the election ot' ‘ilrodue Roosevelt for President of Um United States, believe as the lace James G. Blaine and President MeKiaie.e Le- lieved, and wisely advisel, that the establishment ot reciprocal -L.lde u- lations with other 'oua'uvars, and w pecially with Carta-la and Newfound- land, our nearest neighbors, is tl " tal importance to the cummcrual welfare ot the Ututryi States. and especially that ot 'raisacvisutts. We are lurther coMrmed in this £41m! l The Evening Post, New You The movement to take reciprocity 3mm Maaaaetnmetts politics. which Monty M. Whitney and: public in Boston, is stronger than in uptem- ‘Led in print. None but. Bentham "tire invited to Sign a petitioii 10 lhe legislature, which is in circulation Tum the list includes muse n: Ute. 'strosaest 1t.eNsticana it, the Suns, Twenty uni/users are imo'uyzl, at the expenso ut tttBoston Cliarci.er ot Commerce, which is " mum's body, lining nothing to do mm l " iucs. The ettort to sewn.- Excl'er tr'ade relations with Canada il token into politics, only because, in the tutr ture ot the case, rociprocity “a hr secured only through political balm, This is the first time in mini yen» that Republicans have taken b-:..im-ss into State politics and 9.4km an at- titude dinerent from that ut {heir national organization. The Ietitain, which has already been sign“ try) more than 15,000 Republicam, is a.“ follows:- . llltlllmrllMllt, I 5 rr E Q'T"T '9s'-'C', " "-, nasixl _ up ttmn 'gbreh, in an an a! that Ion,- Inu- 'tit. all“ - ht " to I'd! Go. Hot! the to - od a. y in “I. Don't I“ than go wil a 6rttt; tite. In in muted with d w vccds uni light stun. blown wind uni worn by the ‘1'" in going nowhere and being nothing. GROWING STRENGTH T OP THE RECIPROCITY MOVEMENT. TWO GREAT EVILS. mad-gm at uuw;mmw att-tr-tttr-ity-tttrt THE GAME or BOWLS. A The game of bowls he gained e re merhble tooth.“ in Wench: Outer- io. At the Queen 1'ournament, which hw just etermd " London. " 'townl were represented ar " rink, and m pleyen. This m the In- Igeu entry " Any tournament In the history oi the gene in Cumin. At the Dominion Toumm\ on the hr, hid e yeer‘ ego " than ”peered. Tie London green, as green no In um country. were in hit mum“. and were In My dean-.1 tr the were plying. it, were mm» 'l', " “my...” 'lf/PIN','.", - _ - n - "e tttt 1‘”: “I "r. ml ' . ==r w" L E x.’-. k.'.TiTNEaEr4WP% "r-twp, , - ' " - PAM, , anal}; mm Marquis Yamagata, fteld marshal, " years. "Marquis Oynma, tield muslin, M. Count Nodzu, 63. Count Katsum. Premier, " Vitrcount"saskurntr, 59. Baron Kuroki. ttrn “my, Mr. Baron Oku, second .umy, 58. Baron Yamugnchi, titth division, 58. Baron Ham-mm, Imperial Eddy- guard, 54. . Baron ()kaxiwn, Emwor's Aide de camp, so. q Baron Nay, u the front, 55. Baron Nishi, second‘ division, " Baron Kahlua. (Mahdi sun, " Prince 'ttsMrrti, tinet division. M. He cannot. hue right thought: ot God who reluses to take thought. tor men. ' There is something wrong with -a man when all his times are in his pocket. The cost of a thing unnot be mens- ured by its price. The worst sin is the one with on odor or, sanctity. There is no protection in the life that is all policy. The man who travels slowest may he hauling most. Men are never led to better things by preaching about Iorbiddcn things. I SENTENCE SERM0.NS. Love has no labor troubles. Faithyrivcs heaven's tirmneas. There is no worship in a whine. Seeds of love bear fruit in all souls. A little help is worth a lot oi holler. . Blots of eloquence have no bruises. A short hand goes with a long lace. An inspiration is grater than an example. To receive the {also is to reject the true. -» That which can be defmed cannot be divine. All great reforms start where char- ity begins. The church gets no grip when it tries to graft. ' The best way to silence conscience is to obey it. No man ever stays Iorig in the sulr urbs of sin. _ , The New In! Pen. 4 ru- mi- like B'tm.r- Jie. M4 and it ‘I he may ttlih " - nu, get the idea tilt. the m in who bag as a. was stow I“. any” Mlle else at our m till hen the an. but " the wt the on“ is tar mi- tbat to“ he I“. Fro-T Kan-u cone- lhe new. that “n wines-l. crop tan been largely damned by week: or almost can‘t» not! rein.‘ q Similar reports no to oeived trom the Red River Volley uni other regions, and President Jan. J. Hill of the Grant Northern run- wny lays that the United State! will not. raise more than $t0fr,iRhrJNNrttanTF els of wheat, was! the “4,000,000 which had been looked tor " some "rirerta, and against. the 037,000,000 bushels harvested Inst yen. The new trom Rustin is unmistakably bad; the tear ot a wheat [airline is becom- ing more acute. The lioumuiu crap is in poor shape, and a he." do. crease in the Austro-u-iatt yield lis now predicted. But the crop in ,Mnnitoba and the (‘anndinn North- west is expected to exceed all rm ‘cords; at least 77,900,000 bushels are predicted lor Western Canada this year, and is high tur87,r:00,000 bush- els may possibly be reached. In 1900 that region produced only 20,000,000 bushels. This year 3,500,000 acres} Ire under cultivation, but it is re ported that 171,000,000 acre: ere suitable for wheat. While our Repub- licnn politicians alien an air of com descention towards our northern neighbor, that lusty infant gives in- creasing promise of attaining pro portions that will some day make us rub our eyes. P,hiiiEiiMttiEfi'd' I!» - ‘93:.qu ml: the! I.” cop" u” - an a “I W Mac of III. and to thou-“lg: pawn- nuol That naked!“ (Nor place 'ttttos a and only to am. 1". at 9. -Mst mtY 9| the m a. - no“ q “mum: and the MI “than of hustsaell um m a In (hit-10hr. MORe JAPANESE FOR m FRONT CANADA'S RECORD YEAR Pm: JAPANESE Aug. I ~11}. GENERALS .n”. ... ' w. I - , m“: .l rail / ' Mich-non.- . m III "I, W. l 'ltttr6trh, Atr..6-ah.gh.t- MELEQPV'W an... Mano-nun“ was”. Imminent-qua. ante-autumnal“; l’li‘hy prov-d their that!” w d- or “I'M“ 'tii'tyikyitt'iil.l'ii'r,iieii?, “.1” lab” at! ohm rabll', nan-m ugly viral-non dour-p- Ttia pansy m" Imperial. The changes he proposed would ell-bl. them to roolproeate the ”OM" tro- the colonist- luyond the as... n m twin to product att all JOqIIMu " hour. Would you not new tt Iron: 1PM who "ood W LT than of trtat id - than {no 2lter.,', h w a. column and an. m " III “I on. won wtth u. I. was any - to (raw ole-It " ttt.-aNth+ W. M to N Ila prom-ed I tm, mm" duly OI corn and on tlour, met: a duty " Would mum that the million od what would In done in Britain. B. would put s pa cent. any on we“. dairy products, pram-wad milk, poul- try. up, unable- Ind (rum. This am- mlgm nightly also the prion ot the nuclei m, but that would mm ch. tunnel to in- an. his production. Th can” no mmahumwtm tttes “gig. a. Gun-no.0 “I. PM to Do A For no Hum _ London. Aug. 6.--W. A. P.)-l(r. Chamheriaia, speaking u Wclbocku an immense trntheringt, largely com- posed of ngriettiturUta, said he wanted to extend to writhing-o a linlilnr “van". to 'hat which the Goa-6mm; prom to the manu- facturer. _ Mr. W. P. Ran ls home trom the Fair at St. Louis, and will spend I low holidays in Elfnita. - Quite a number of union men and others helped to swell the crowd nt Berlin on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. Bactz, ul Cleveland, and son, Leonard, are vis. Ming friends in town. - Mr. Cm: Christmstt, ot Windsor, and little sch Carl, no staying with her puents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winn, tor A tew weeks. VII-he. to Do In an Fir-an Personal. - Miss Mary Nicol, oi Wiljdsoi, is visiting friends in town Accident-Mr. Henry Heine], while n his way to visit friends up north, "vcr Sunday, met with I mishap that :s keeping him from work‘this week. When preparing to get of! at Alslcldl aag station be in some way tell ot the steps while the train was sun in motion. His face was badly cut and bruised. New Teachers 4:” Elmira. - The Elmira Public Sc ool ~Board bu en- gaged tour. new teachers, the fourth one being in place of Miss Foster, who resigned since school closed. The new teachers appointed are..-. Miss Fstclle D. Winneu. ot London; Miss H. Z. M. Whyard, oi Millbrook; Miss E. Jenn Grieves, ot Torontd, and Miss Vina C. Weber, of Hawkmllle. Aug. 4.-Elmira Races. - Several ol our sports are getting up races to be held in Elmira on Friday of next week. There will be a three-minute trot or pm for which a purse ot $50 will Ire given; a 2.35 trot tor a purse of $75, and I trms-tor-all trot or pace for a purse ot 8100. Prot. Harcourt spoke especially ol the nu nppeunnce of boot: grown on laud when beets were grown Ittat year. This demonstnted that saga beet growing did not reduce the strength ot the soil, as had often been asserted, and owing to the thor- ough cultintlon of beets, tower weeds grew on such soil the following rear. Mr. Kikuyu in had an .qegu.ee in up: but culture. The chi-tom” in his "ate ha aid. were cotton, tge Mono and ground-nun, other-tn: no" " -auta. H. in 5mm Men with the general Lppunnce oi the tamas-vuitatt, had .9089 m iastigatty ot the coulomb]. lull! Imam. in“ buns, good {cm uni thq when: Mn Mock. “I . to, it I -' itigt. A. tfat a 'u".tlttgatiiii1'; Urtittttimt than the 231nm 5mm It lids-i5), N. C., Mt te More}? ttrt the In“ qt - will; could be extended. and no sup It mtrrid result new in a. province. " the» ma W room lot M1011. . In W hiking, "compapied ttr It. Shutting», thy with“ . numb! at lupus-um; ". m. and and shove icmloo m I. th. litu- uoon we: .11.“ to tho new" the, visit“ 0th.! tarms on a: Wt Ind Bred“ roan. l ririir- - x can»: u was at ' C was liFe*69tgtt,' a. .. ' m a” t'.ht'."1"t M, m at Raleigh. a; . and M m. a! the Onmh A“ cult-uni Colby. Guelph. T: If? u upon! I week " L. . . as 'eT,f"fLut'h, man. at! $0 do. to Born-u t','g,StilTitit'd.' my a" " In - at in! st 'mr. I.- we naming so”: Mil. ctihMBERLAiN'd IDEA. ELHJR L " In mm Dr. Willisma"Pl|k m mm new blood um they cure "" “sun " Min, “eunu- ham “hey uni liver troubles, new ara, humane. and um one: til- na“ due to not blood. Bus you - get the who bearhm the tttt - "Dr. Wtttuma' Pin! Pill: lot Pu. 2,'t"U't IN'.'ttg'. LII! m In. by oherrhs" or - If“! It on. . In It III-I'M " ' it 'lktull'd a. Beqtttttaaq' “I in! N., Ite-ttto, om _. wreak, nervous, god (marshy run down. Then suddenly my trouble was aggravated by pain; In my kid ‘neyn and tladder, and day by day I 1311' so much worse that many l mu nimble to use without mid. I consulted éocton. we guy relief , Iobhdlled trom their medicine Wu on- ‘ly tempoury mud ”on: to dawn: o! cunning mum. One thy I ‘md my article In . mum prais. ing Dr. Wimm' P'nk mu 1nd I decided to try them. I got pix hois- Ind Mon they we" att zone my condition wn so may Wand that I ktteittMntuat [and a hulk-in: to dunno. [continued the an at th- pm: to: n will! Inf- at, all - "apron: a! .1 "who Wu me, mun the: - ed [In m at ' t m on 1nd at Dr. mmm‘ Pint m a r u- "1Pu1tNPtt.t2t.rH. _ J, I Sickne'sa comes sooner or later in the life ot everyone. Many .wlo for years havé enjoyed the but. of health are suddenly seized with some in: or the numerous ills of lite. Mat o. the ills result from w impo1eristcd condition ol the blood; thus it th Mood is enrirhcd the trouble will dis- appear. That is why Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have had & grater success than any other medicine in the world in curing sick lid ailing people. These pills uctually mare new. rich, red blood, strengthens every nerve in the body and mt this my indies Peo- ple well and strong. Mr. Alphonse Pacouulerc, . well known young tar- nar ol Bt. Leon, Que., proves the mm: or than statements. He "rri -"About u yen ago my blood "tt uslly bean-.0 impoverished. l w" wne trouble with some men is that they have too mach room at the top. Nu matter how homely I. minister is a woman always says he has 1' good (we. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Should In Used to'Briug Back Health. A society woman never drinks bee. ot her own free will, but because {in doctor ordered it, don't you know. From the Chic-go News. Imitation any be either Battery or stupidity. Many a Inge fortune has been built on a small Ioundation. A mean mu never seems to tire ol trying to lower hit record. Too many sermons no aimed at pocket-books intend of hearts. Nothing takes the conceit out at a stuck-up man like A hold-up. . The trouble with some men is that they have too mach room at the tou. Some families keep homers End some others no hm by them. _ Kisses my not" ire' GGUring but they drive Iome men to drink. Now you a; sit I square meal in [hp term ot 1 round tam. Too oucn tho price ot liberty i: prohibitoty. ill-tttdures turns “In wine ot Intel- lect into vinegar. It love ts" intoxicating marriage met be _ttte jimjuns. Truth is oer-hilly stranger than tio ulT to my people. Il . , ES. Dark" . Et"' - " in? 1%: "Ktif, 'tti ‘ 'tltaillia , - iM. 19.4..- ' ' .... - "mun“. si 1iilltal GNEM 'tIll!), Ei' ‘1'?”- “‘1 a . $1.: "- . " I18!itg) mm. .‘ "tti. It. Mth' v.4 'r. ...... - 2lt,',t,g 1:: “it . V ' with In at . :4- morllot ago}: one . Jbar,aitr Mtge a M In“ on the an od a, Most _ toe, in tht and ll" uremic-i on Hon-farm's er.irtttad it. sanctions and -'Trtst, (sun; as. a tho, to- 'qirrhase.t a ah. Hon. 0- p. min-lath- or be mm In IMU. to I" Ami-(adj mar, I position which in but Mid out since. His an“. no en , emetic lament uni thorough knowledge ot the detaiU 'tt hi- calling. hue enamel him to build up 1 Mai- nus which II trtaMilr growing. w. “I,” aim; taken Inactive h- Lem: in the mm; ot the city sad district and in 1000 wt: elected dd; can“, heading the polls Alter a most exciting contest. During his term ol Mice he noted most acceptably a: chairman of the Board of Health and member of the Fin-nee Committee. He is also an active member ot mi Board ot Trade, 1nd has nlwnys been prominent in his advocacy of steps that tend to advance the interests ol the city tuui.distriet." a WHEN SICKNESS COMES POINTED' PARAGRAPH: From the Chicago News aloud ttte by“ "i""e _". Lani: J. But, I. "Lt limbo. no whim ind “new“: Aug. 6.---A sad welds-l happonod to Goorgo Klrgcl, an! 69, who um In the Tammi“, oi wan“. m had takctt . gun and. wtttt horn and bug”, I'M on hitt "a: to do some ducting. Coming up with . (rind at . ("vol pit, b. In: and to tteip remove I uump, and it pitching the gun JIM the back of the buggy ft run diachul‘gcd. Miss Ada A. Bundle, ot Toronto, who has been visiting in Preston, for the past tew weeks, In. returned home. _ Mrs. Allan Bowman, ot Blair, is spending tk few days visiting friends m yo1ittunpton. Mrs. Ed. Ruiz, of Wellesley, was in town visiting triendt, yesterday. Mr. Wm. Sobi_sch retumed on Wu!- nesday from spending a few days in Toledo, u. While there Mr. Sobisch saw the fate in the big elevator on Tuesday morning. _ Mr. P. E. Shunt; was a business visitor to Tosonto on Wednesday. " ERLOO _ dos an HARNESS AT A splendid ton Always reason Storrs' hum! h: (ht one cl my oplcnmrl new set- ot [luau on. It will (ml-mar the sputum-o. ttt ye! mm - ruminant will. Ropdnq. " We rates. NATEBLHO lliImlhl IIICOIPOBATID I)! 1838. and Assets 3m Does-Ibu- '02 5426 803.17. Boa an or" anemone. , "9qRa. laud-u. by. Wm A splendid 'GG for a- iiiE Always restores colortogIJ Stood falling hair. also. I l fig/7315173) W myflvf k,.', , tit, {A i "RB DISORABCI “IPA!" OFFICERS t M Rand-ll. “you... Wm. and-r. mums huh “night. Mr. J L A anon. hm. F. P. mama-I. town-m. "era.. Thom-a M.“ w nun-um...” I“. Wuhan W. a” " Double“ by. ' LL. Vida-u. In. It. In”; JUHN STKEBEL Dr. J. M. Wait, &Barmtmmtmt.F..rtmtms. HARNESS SHOP (he: '1seorertisurtevmttrm-rttirU- heated air all thy time. ' _ . 8rr,,Au_rartorit your “on with} to tilted. The tgd-ttsitio-ted bake-oven was the be. our great grand. mothers éould get They baked in it in I kind of a way and were "tistied with it because they knew nothing better. has themodem housewife wastes time and and food “but the thi1ortavaaheeselrttfttotstre-m-etht, _ 1tottttttyangeontrett-ute'andtrtuto-th_ BUCKBERROUGB & co t Imperial Oxford Range The My ton-:9!" Co“ Limited nu n, own “up-n. PRESTON NEWS” u"r"'o"t"rmnt-sormt-a.armm-trcsut 'Utne-ttr"'.""""'""'" -iraiir. "'_f"“‘ - -." -WbIm-Wm want-toad. ,"-terrtfGrqlti"aTuiad.rdG"iiiriiir." "os-oe-i-tsoda-r-a" lei-our-torare-outs. "r"t1im"ytteN.thatodk-m" _ 't."tu1hstay,.i..ertskeea-io.i.oi- - ”dbl-“duct” '""te'e-reotsatiitri. "rEteeor'rrrrue*-uqu- min-hum Wuhan-dug...“ Strc bel’s 110an PRICE? WI McClaly‘s Asht- ONt HUI-I}. I'-......-....-...., an. Lar--.....-............., P.ioM.......................... ......l 5. 'tttMt....,.,.......................... In": '.A.M-rsqla'..............'..; u...“ Ll. Bm-................ ......... act-.3. M-..................;..... Pt.-....-..............,.- L.'.' I. L. “an Ion: Funny. - Blo- - Iii-elm: _ ... I. 3.80”” q. G-............. ”Tatum. B.....-..,. Mot Aunt. In 3.11.1900 $800 000.0: \Irounl " Ill-ll . . meOQW‘ aowonuln Dona-u “6.2m In: A Doo- - - - - - ii '0‘.” or blnlmu. “lane-Ill“ Eon: aial Hutu! Fin. 198.00. or BERLIN. Organised ms. - luau "ui-Fi-ah Systum Sump people claim to all Inching but. Cow 810nm: Hum. I beg '0 announce to the citiuna of the Twin-City that I am the ONLY omt who has A Cold Storage plunged therefore ll s. only one who all was“: there mum Always on hand together will. menu of every deerriptian. . JOHN P. mem, Proprfotor. Beware of tt e 2t'g hi itil. u Idem-haz- ed. and t Companies. All Juan of int drum-r t Her-1d pt h west cum- nt tate...-. Fin, LII-,Arridém ind Shh” u.Fl-Io Gum. Boiler [mm-n". En ploy- on" Liabili'y. “an“ Bond...“ lutlm- hum-arts. Cantu! Insulated "rrtte, Inn“!!! " all? Bnekhmeugh t (10.. "it'-.-........,....-... Tel, phone No, 240: ii. Imitations. bun-"u...- - -hret'roq - Inn" .n.......hiuu "unlit-Io ... mid". ‘Wu‘ko than" Bart.

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