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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Aug 1904, p. 6

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gluon; the institutions in which‘ Fate town of Berlin and Waterloo gin” take great pride are its hands, 5,1}. 29th Regiment Band of Berlin ami' 1* w. M. B. Band ot Waterloo. Both Ed these organizations hare a repuU- 39lo- extending over the Dominion and A amateur hands their equals _li'il"i'ii2 hard to find anywhere. The Fii ly open air concerts on the {mares and in the parks oi either aim, with their programmes oi re- g“, popular and classical music, are 3"” a source of pleasure to eit- iprus and the benefit concerts given trader their auspices are almost in- ttttr well patronized as being in a 'Mtiettrr cause. Within the last tort- iiiiiri," however, both organizations tb' " {out-their names to shows, some are " r leatures ot which to say the Mi t were pt doubtiul moral charac- tl , in ,vhictt'perrormerir so in un- if - w ted thecharaeter and intelli- " y of the audiences as to give Ig' 'tet jokes and songs which were if“ ter suggestive if not bordering : "the lewd. Games ot chance were “to be iound in connection with . c, do" and weft quite ree- jammed. It is greatly to be 'IM,.'. t. that the management ot tt Win and Waterloo hands did * ”in more "closely into the 9 Bt' of the” shown before en- 9,--- T than, and thus have saved ‘9‘”rupacttng citizens the humilia- " ammo-oat an! hearing and - in» they did. EH W mostly tor the purpose j'iire'i'" n law wit. It we: I jbdy " well n: a wise action on ,‘b part oCthe mayor and chairman fl be board at works on Wednesday ' tgtahe s tour ot inspection at the We oi the town. The result ot am)” his been an order by the nt works to have every culvert into! repair put into a sale condi- if“ immedintely, and railings put up Mterever necessary. Attention to "the minor matters will remove one [if the main causes for actions tor his“ egainst the town, while ne- w: ot them has heretofore been In“ to be a prolific source at trou- Kile. As to claims by print? 'aMivi,duals tor damages occasioned by idiom, tempest or Mod, the town an scarcely be held responsible, nor a)! it likely that those ma.king the “this are serious in their contention. an is, however, one sale-guard for (T town, névcr to neglect doing its ”My in keeping its public works in 'Mnably good condition. THE BERLIN AND WATER 'p LUO BANDS. [in ks-do-sea will. to the Wellesley anlc Wm‘m has bun girrtt out , in with the Berlin, Wir. L r.' Wallaby ”6 Luke Huron ' that mayor: no now mu, bureau Well-slay und . VIN! s View of running n , J; m an Gnlph-Godotlch . ' C ' HanrFit1e to Stut- Lr,', .1 M ttmhtt Vanni” VII- " l - Manhunt! he MY LINES To _ - JOIN " WELLESLEY mm CROPS Glob. -_-- .'1',efl2fd,el',,'td't ' Mom-0H Lai about.“ was nuns-runwa- ',,'fe'iiF?) ”an“ “In.“ ~a- if»: P, , 'ati #3-}.4-73-1“ " " ICA'; "ti, 'ttr. 'ei. £3 - l .trtet the an d r), u- a: a uni - at In l ”an: . an s M my.“ 5- In: W dlov 024 ad“- tapt puma all at: it tttr 04 sh um , {on an; mt. um gum-3* " W any mate “I n on “was and mm Ob. mtgArrraM M! have Lao“ “I. m In!“ ht-tt tha upho- nlk‘lbhuhl. Iantsuorvhat tll Highlands" In the Domiu‘: , "In III-Ill. Rd very an om Lord Dun- donld‘l GOV-IA". but my “are to All lord; ad duke: "toreivsers" or no. and ul nun, in to keep clear o, bad comma]. and. shove .II, keep hand: on our constituticnal 50mm- ~51: Frederick Bordon in ' the initial step toward the reorganisa- tion ol the Candi-n militia in oo- cordaue with the new Militia Act. He bu applied to the Imperinl ou- thoritleo tor o suitable once: to an the pooltion of and of w. one of tho moat impotent positions. in the now multio council. The podtlon of general other eonnnnoding no longer one“, but Sir Frederick doom it ndvinble to obtain the mice. ot an experienced luxperlol other at the militia, and would be well planned it he could obtoin tho mice. in that camcity of Col. m5, chief ot um ot the ttrat my corpe, under Sir Evelyn Wood. Col. lake. in well up anointed with the Canadian militia, having at one time been quorum ver-general ot the militia, And on tavern] occulonn hp acted on meal amou- commanding temporally. Bo is a thorough Ioldler, who well un- derstands and appreciate. the condi- lions which prevoil ls'nder the Cun- dian system. He won decidedly popw lar with all ranks, and on leaving Canada wu hlghly recommended by Sir F. Borden to the Secretory of State for War. If hi: oerviceI an be secured. his appointment will no doubt meet with gonerol tavor noon: the militia. Munchld " III d - Ar.) tstettt I'vo 5.0th -qd. Toronto, July 80.--mtormation he. been received of tho eir-owning at two boatmea bdonglng to T. B. Spaght'l survey party on the Abbitibi River. It was contained in I letter trom him to A. J. Van Nonrond. doted July 13. On the previous any Jo- seph Bum and . m nomad Detoo, connected with the my, not out to move about soo pounds of cuppin- to I new comp. They were mom- panied by Dnvid kaolin and Arthur Fleury, two boatnun from may". Unfortunntely the ounce was swamp- mi, and both been» and Fleury were drowned. Defoe grasped the canoe and managed to (at nqhore. Burn- cnught n box end with its lid drift- Berlin, July 30. 1m marriages The mu munic- h Berlin tor July show M Mulls, I der.ths and 5 ed {shore half . mile below my New Pauline. Ottawa, July 80.--The Pontomce Depuement continues to expand. Tho list for July makes provision tor the distribution of the mail. to 37 new omcea, scattered ihronghout every province, with the exception of Prince Edward Island. The” no live in Ontario, viz.,, Jocko River, Nipiuing; Grenadier Island, Leah; Pinehnd. Simcoc; Brough, East Middlenex; Inthihn, Huron. Improv- ed routes lor distribution hevebeen adopted for 42 potstotBe, A1302)... has been changed to Dear laka. Only thee 0mm hove been closed, in- cluding Kilgorie, in Since. County, and one " Minn Centre, Algomg. New York. V July tro.--ctpt,- VII Wet. roam Steamboat In- Ipoctor Flaming and former Inspec- tor mm were indicted water day by th. Mimi grand Jury in con- noctio- with tho din-tar to the (loner-l Slocum on Jun. 25 but. wttmt - 1,000 lives were Ion. Carleton Place, July 8o.--A “I drowntng accidvnt (recurred art-Iter- Gr, by which Wilmer Neil, a hor and , yarn, only can of Wm. M. Nail, Ion " We. The littht follow and another boy named 11mm. Pol- eta were playing “on; the - at an lamina, no» mmw “an than. when you. Noll an M. . Indium“ nl-o were report“ uni": Pro-Idem. Burn-by, Sm nary Aunt-Ion and Treasurer De lar of the Knickerbocker Stamina Comv‘ny. and Capt. John Pam. the eommodorqrof the company's Beet. mun, July ”Panda Wm. Gib-on. scoot-ding to m Bro-luau Recorder. " teavin My toe Scot- lsnl to be hurries. m brid- m who ll Il- - " woul- was all tar-cu" Iago! Putn- head. ItW. " W m of up - can. It. “NIB. r. , ' tnrtarsiaeti-Fttfoerret M. Bte,riu,erame"tr 'l'lr,'l'=ltl"'l'l'al"LT'lliC"N an talc-n.- any”; gangs, Jul; '0.-talotm SW.) Ma 'tiigtth cm? or sun. VITAL STATISTICS “mix... lust. anu- tm - 'Iloaul" Wm 'r my 301'!!! ttttrp: M M1 Drown-m DONALD MARTIN in!» ' min-9v ”" ti1i'i'jll!!iliri1?,1?ii'E his a . v, (: . an. qt Iota! 'b.‘1b 'mat by null no «a» “(it "it very mm». 0- [to can “Ii. 3.. Hunt nth.)- an '00 Amid a load "MM. with I.“ All hum: tutu and unwou- mni-a _ - . n iUiit to amt-um. an my ,CII d tto nun. um “and: w"! his“. "a- whim . Wer .9th than: In.» um up hing constructed. and tf'g.'t'dut,dit", beqtt M °" ttte ttttet." . tum. will eventu- clly am- an question, and each kind ot lmmlion win (In in mono: we. Sun in?! intention Wind is "In anthem brad, B. ma. Reprints-dent at uric-tum ouch-t the. rho is “its. up insomnia at the with hung done by various of “will In!“ ol tho pm. "uatseeas0mrsdtutas.eral, rule the mucus mt m tidying outtheluputn-otorrmiu It- tnotipu on giving the lent tor agricultunl purpose; Matsr at the township moieties in the province re- ceiving mull grutn are holding much better, Jimmy! 9d 'ttigtt, you tor the “use of Agriculture then I large number ot district societies on doing, while there He may tow- ship societies which hold such poor exhibitions tint they should he clooed up or utilize their lurid: tor other purposes. In quite I. tow counties in the province there no so may ex- hibitions that they eottttict with each other seriously. Fewer but better ex- hibitions would be a great improve- ment in these counties. . It has been tound that a township society near Toronto paid out in 1902 over 32.300 in agricultural priz- ed, being the Cargest sum paid out by any society vitae} district or town- ship in the provmcr- tor that your. Of the tour societies which paid out the most tor agricultural purposes, two are township organizations. One township society receiving a grant oi $80, paid out over $1,000 in agricul- tural prizes, while n district society receiving a grant of $800, paid out only 31,138. One district society re- ceiving: government grant of $520, whose total receipts were $4,420, paid out less than $900 inr agricul- tural purposes. Another district so- ciety receiving a grant of $380. with total receipts oi $5,100, Mid out about $800 in agrirttlturai prizes. Am other soviety receiving a grant oi $350, with total receipts oi ovrr $1,- 200, paid less than $25" ior agricul- ‘tuml work.. out only $72 for agricultural prizes, another one waiting tco tor a gov- ernment grant, with tutal rtteiptr, ol $1,200, paid out but)” lrr agricul- ture. A third society uniting a grant or 8140 paid $35 In! :tj:ricultur- I] work. A large number at cases of this kind have been disrovercd. The suggestion that has brwrt made that the government. grant shall he distri- buted to societies in proportion to what they actually rpcnd " agricul- tural purposes, is heirs: advocated strongly in many sections. A detailed report. concerning the work being done by dilterent societies will he present- ed by Supt. (‘owan at ihe next tut- nual meeting ot the Canttdiart Asso- ciation of Fairs and Exhibitions. tenures in the number may In; mm ticned a finely illustrated "title ry E. T. D. Chambers, on the “Him-2L: Landmarks at Quebec," and " gnu: s' by Professor McFadyen of Kins-x" t‘rl- lege, on “Has God Swim: to St .u"" Among the township which received a grant aunHton, July 80.-'Thtm, II 'Sqn- lldl‘l'lbll of . Idr about some Il- leged Irregularities ot Principal Johnm of 'ehoo1 action A of East mambo“. He had chants of n. clue of an pupils, .u of whom panned. Tho sues-“on in an: culmination pupa" m unpaved with In Mr. Johntton’l whoa! boloro the pupils mte on tho examination. which w“ held In the Watertown High School. Inspector Smith in. omottod tho miner to the authorities at Toron- to, and the Don‘t-unlit cl Bdue- uon will Investigate. Nov York, July 80.-It "a u- nmanned Manny that tho Trim plant of the Truman mm Comm has been purchased by thet Unit-d sum Steel Company. The price Wu In the form of 5 per can. too- ond Esort- has“ of the steal our rotation. Thain-o new ot than about $107,000,000 automating. Tho plan in Ion-dad by PM Coon! In 1847. ah. Truman Gon- pmy In eaatttas1iV st 09,000,000, with but “0030!) and, Ian-don. July tRh-ith A. RM. Ritchie. 13.. km Chmcellor of ch Mus, cadre-h; . mm to in Mt ol tin Walton and (>qu Consul-vulv- Anal-Mm, can“ MI widen. - he in non mu «a can-ad that woman. 1'1",U's' 'dTd'gtt h 'Met 1: mac» n. F ' Ei'i?iritit?i'si?lqit In. M lo new“ a. con- uch“. _ 7 ‘.;,,,‘ _ AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES - - "rtreet., Ittr “CTNS'LE Pundit-m Ht Br tho Trust. y sTcnd " agricul- is heme advocated sections. A detailed the work being done of $1 irs, one 31 paid prizes. a. gov- cipts ol agricul- -. w ,5 ur. .. ,,. '1 ." N TNe ‘WII rut “all. BW,', 'tg _'. Gi.,.- ttttt 'NS " st mp "fP""f'1"'"e'P"11'c"r"lirshF' "Vanuatu. or put .0 ~01!- “ a m - uunhd - _ no and ”“77 '-"o """" " ' an: to at“ up“. Tl . = other W. I... M I. a.” but w... . " Is“ I... ru-.-... “I. Aissaagtdrd. It. lath. a w and! a»... w. uku- ant-apa- cm- 'erou. L. "-s_..-__-, B.".. .n n_ mu an to was; main L5crue and free norm g a inf: lu-rn omc sltur- rcstrietion “1 :05 of commvnt. .Bav The (on: with the that umm‘vlling tn m. a- the crime, wlr out St. Petersburg. July 30.-AIt the re- nowspapcw this morning “no rhat WO m the arsauination ot Mini-wt of iiii'. thc Interior Ton Plchva, " great per- , actuality has been taken on in tin cul- midst ot his work. . 50' The Norm: Vremy; an: "M. Van Ath Phhve was a strong. intellectugl out man, but. most of all. he had A Am Lhorough insight and knew we" what of particular features were wanth to tl _ make up a true balance ot Ila-h.- ly, national lite." - "b-i, _ FF 'i1"St'F.'sr' "tia' l " ' 'i'i),)1t,r'itli'f,'li,1 ”“1 ' w ttd tbe _ ',ifft!t. V . 0 w it nan-o with. writ-had choc ttgut In I” mus-In; with ttr'ff, 'tre, “want, - - “In” in . Jot. i! be M “a! ttto pwa- tor new “I. an hut. - nun that» plot in 9|)th spun at We: And not!“ one a] the ministers can . My of mun-n anarchist.- In! IF rived h 81, Pam-burg, (=ch ren- were mun”: undo non-dun have um mun-won of a. It. Ista- ol an Interior and tbs potuo had “a “If. home In.“ nu 301:9th torhiaerrreet on u- night ot July u. but. In m not. w tum home. I-b In - I... Th- bomb which an would!“ dropped In the and um ti- o- nplmuon In. bum W by the polka. lt II but Ind. though,“ in believed to we had loaded in St. Peta-abut; " I. an" and melon-duped. and In ho- llowed " ho fully u ”verbal at). obe Out; killed M. Veil “an“. TM requiem mice " M. You Plchwc'l hon-e [at night in - impressive. The house in unnum- ly decorated with tio-b. Indus:- Von PM“. sad but son were plant It the ceremony, u we" tho - oiticlalts nnd diploma“. A mm in the habit of her order knelt More tho eotttn intoning prayers for th- dud. The-e praycrl will be continued with- out interruption until "tor the h- torment. The Emperor wu not pro-out a the requiem last. night, but he will attend the funeral Sunday dwnoon. ' wan " " _ London, July 80.-Thtt Dally Tele- graph'l Berlin corrmspdudcnt any- that Emperor Nicholas arm. I tate. gram to M. Wine. president ot tho Russian Council at Ministers, “in. his advice, and offering him the wit ot Minlalcr othu Interior with the title of Chancellor. - [ . The Russ decline that the dad Minister's faithful Mme will live in connection with agricultural and [wusant reforms, and that it il- In infmitu pllv he Wu: taken on in the midst of hi: work, leavmg his plans all unpcri'ictwd. The nmvsinlmra print unususlly full mm tree accounts of tho crime, ttav- ing lu-vn omcially notified that no shut-ict), ti:ll tw plnmd on new. or consnu'nt..tr,tvt' as they might inter- terc with the work of the police in llnlgu'viling the conspiracy back ot hit crime, which work il already well under wry his syr Pl bantlnnnau wvn present nsso Maw Toronto, July tro.-trarwtee Brol. dr. Izuucr did not “hunt their bad luck in the " rtre, In! April, but were vis'itvd Imam ymwrdny evening in 111ch tompornry "mine- on th- south side ot 3t d'll,'d'l “not w Yonge. The tir rimdo did. prompt work an] yam-vented Whlt auxin onl- ily haw been " (lino-trout an. Mt, Rutter stated that, It mu Impound. to trive an estlmfa of the Ian. which was otprt' $5,000 an might run to 810.000. - London, July 80. thA_.P.teaues rotary ”room of 'lf,l;Witea,,' can. 'l‘mdcrn' Ansocznuon at MW, vim London that tho mmelt a! tin moat nrikl. In Amer-Ina in M’s-V1 nrrlvd- ot United Huts- 'sattir, in no Cut-dim otttle are coming in“ nil-mm. . _. "outrun July 30.4mm! In.- ngcr Hun at an Grand Trunk Pr cine, WHIInm Wainwright Ind Bel. R. Prolontalno. Mini“. ttt I“. will rum o'n Thur-any and [or V» m. ' CI... Atbant. tho lumen! ting-r. I. up. at Ma bomb cum. . . nun-"sim- In“ t July 't.--The m .0- A.! 'at' tate t'lrr', flea 'P.1"i'gt July 30,-‘mt Goo. 2;S"lt'C" 2t r',l'7i'it?,'i'r1,, pet m pk "tt M Pollen Imp-char Iain)“ AG"i, a. m muted. noun-l. July 30.- Mt, " Jone-so. the “by“. min on nanny \b 15mm teBtt other ---iuttrqtrttrtt" Bataan New-punt comment. on mum Prawn-c an“ Allull'o _ m- n A In New York. . V 'tit.-', than. a”! themtreivett 1, _ “Lb of the Rue '))l" a: tlut Imorior. Vol ml mound praise for his n Cooper Union last night. orcrrier'tr, who waved red A qrrvttttd "mun“. To Ga, to a. can; No l‘lnmlzln MIC. July 3o.--Rinq Edward ‘iwd to Emperor Nicholas y with him on the low “wished Minister, Von has received u very up- ml" Condnlcnoe. o.-atr. St.. I” Ie “u. a I. hung!)- ’19... h Is ”In. Th. runs I. - by an Aunt-crow at 0M and new Jul! 1.. "96. Mr. Duo- " can W tbs at“. III II. “a toigat a. all. h thr can“. all ah. new tho TLM. vtmr0.qqtt' u rm Willi-n to who the an. D-tmmt " lub- - ttrertq» th- row dun-el- to all. a. m mp- to me . propa- (Hit a tin can in the Omaha cams. .llr. M. mu. tor It. Down, nu .ppliod to the court. in Toronto foe . writ ot tube-J corpul and w qnuted the Aude to (rut a shy of preceding- until his Appllution can In bend. and it in aid the It” has ban grated. Mr. Bacon In a graduate of Human] Uniwsraity, . member ot the Ameri- Pan arthur, Jib ”.1"...- Cmm‘mmp‘td tt.dmmiagomo8c_iq.ro6.qmrt. rmMonJMEm ”Nightwear.“ 3.6% an of that "than on no groundtharhrharvtout_Im tatrort-od_iaeotBttrtqinto _thiseountrFwtttthtar-tromutM ”may“. “mama-nan mmm.1.a.m.w ,nCtrer 'trthr0madhuatVNss, “it; a tiritiaa bobta"Nhrti' and h-miou ol wu."- T Wiihetr-Btsrre, Pt., July 23,-an an!” afternoon Csrroll D. Wright, umpire of the Anna-unit. Coneiliw. tion Bond, decided that the cod companies would have to deduct trom the Inge- of employu when I m- inrny so decidod an Amount and”! to pny the van- ot chocknun and docking W. Th comp-lies pro- tested Against tho decision. contend- mg that they could not deduct lags!- ly trom cmployu' Imps. “I.“ PM” " can Society cl Civil Ihtgi-es mad was an other ot the ard U. S. Volunteer Regina“ during an Spanish-America: var. Port Huron, Mich., July M.--'rhe management of tho Grand 'n-unk Railway syltam and of th- St. Clair tunnel have u. In". determined upon a chungc of moUvo power in the tun- nel to electricity. Work will at one: commence for the installation of the plant, which will mm m invest- ment ot $400,000. Tho third rail "sum: " to be used. ' Weill-glo- u I Imh The Duke of Wellington. "comm to G. R. (New. reminiscences. w“ ignorant of most things and seemed in- capnble of learning. Once, for Isa-mum, he naked Arbuthnot how turnip. propu- guted. whether by need or by cutting! like potatoes. But he was u wont! Once upon 11 tttne he and - bo- gulled n drive by “walnut!” mm:- of the country beyond the hul- which they mounted. The ttttke'. was” won ulwayu correct, and Croker " I"! nuk- ed the reason. “The anon?" replica the duke. "Whygwhut have I be» doing the greater out of my tim ex. cept that which we are doing DOW-- trying to make out from whut 1 law the shunt of the country which I could not lee?” an“ Icahn “to. In the Cascade motmtom, abottt lev- enty-nve Inner cut ot Jacksonville. Ora. the teeter of the our!“ will and tho Great Sunken lake. the deep. elt high: the world, no In u m m- muon I. concerned. for It I. uld to "an. 2,000 test down to the water on all an]... The depth of the water ll unknown. and it. curt-co In Imooth and unused by an strongest - 1tt.ntxmtttftmtsrrtiiestrthnaeond (our and one-halt wide., For unknown mull“ lug-(11L mountings unom in an honour of but» noun tun range. " though scoop“! out by tho hand of I most gunk. eood ”It." lam ' Toronto Julctlon. July 27.-.N+ ruched town yesterday that William M. Ives. oldest. m ot W. E. Ivan. of this you. land hm drowned " M Inland in Stony Lab, non Wold. Dace-nod vu . "new tor Rom Talon wholonlo namin- cry. Women, and left on his - ttttet In“! Ate More. And no word bad been hand Iron in. In- m the ud ”View that Inc had his: map. “In. In bathing but! In drowned. Tho body wu "own-- - during the yea-moon and will no GoutTi"'itoGit for Imam-ant. W a! m n good ”hum. ml, wu- out: BI you! ortqti, mama, ‘July wr.-ttoar-Admimt M. 0. Talon (1.8.8., who, com- mmod the 134th at an bush“ 813mm, and " Copper CHI! I a] Bound " 3.15 o'clock Int mm " WK“. Admin) hylor arriv- ed " sum th" tttth ot thlrt mount on b mu to " can. Rom Tum. mundane. o! monm " the o.- uulu ta." con-pour- my" "tet " . tnf upknqddazly t at W Mri'yes (“MIPS um LAW. mug-mm " Chang. [who Pow. tt"rntmedtteettartd In! Muir-U - not Irv-WI- cu! - h ‘-'.é tres ”l. --etea-aroi-r0teer-q. lw PM - I. m In on .- Nut-l lull-J. In». Winnipeg, July 29.-A and drown- Ing tummy occurred at mum on Tuesday” ni_trht_wtysat listen}, NM- no and Kath Higgins. and 20 and 26. their brother. Eddie. Aged six, and their girl friend, Mary Robin-on. aged 21, I“ list death while 10- tempting to make the lord hero ot the Old In: River. Tho current. swollen by navy rains, vu too strong for them and they were swept down stream. John Stewart, " )cm old'. was dro'nud Wednesdty white bathing. John Smith and Funk Humphrey, both mechanics of mule, were drowned Wednesday night while bath- ing in the river near that _ town. They were not missed until the din- covery of their clones on on river bank yesterday morning. Winnipeg. Min., July 29.--At tatsttt Lulu, Awnibohn. yesterday. I canoe containing tive young men or Ragin- upset. and Robert ruit and Ernest Peart were drowned. Both' nra prominent. in lacrosse circle: at Ree trina. _ law Moat 0pm. m. John's. Que., July 29.--Bu- tarroque,ptinter, and . member of the Philharmonic Band. '13 drowned by the "panting ot . rowboat above the C. P. It. bridge yesterday anon noon. A brottkr-iii-t" tinned Lena arrived from Noam“ to spend the day with his wife and hmily, who were on " _viyit to the Lunatics. Ln- roqua And Leger went out for a boat ride. 1m!- s-y- Laramie ltood up in the boat when near tho drawbridge, and losing his balance - the bout, and both were precipitated in- to the river. " KING STREET Cornwall, July 29.-Arthur Lulu, the 13-year-old nod of John Ialtr. toekmaater It the foot of the Corn- ‘nu Canal. wig drowned at noon yesterdsy. He Wu training tho old lock. uni (ell into the water. Some cum In! his cap and in a few minutes the body was recovered. but lite wu- exunct. . Port Hope, July 29.--chnrlegt Ash- Kry, a tamer. living about tour ml!“ north of hero, Wu hum " noon has yesterday by who one o'clock train from the north. Ila was driving Into town. but when non-lug one ot tbe runway arm-Inn It” caught by the train tad badly injured. He was brought to town, but ' a hour armada. _ HOT WEATHER G “mu-amnusrm-obmw men's and Boys’ Straw Hat; tilt v.5 :19 50e each are now being “at" at exactly half price Me but): Who would go Bareheaded. Gail and see them. . . . . ; ' mm- llght an khan of mania. Tum 1i'rtt,1ilt2,t'tt, Batter“ “180.9 S. SAUDER & CO.,; Two " [In brow-pd. “Sled It I Groin“. Drown-alumni. 002.9 DUST muggy-u, mug-tund- “om wneoum mum at mud VII pus-alt swan-t mummy manic-OM“? mu Cubed“! um 'ttatt wor_d.eomthem.trttie& FWNUr tkoeourinaotttt.ttatu, yak-1g: manic puma... ©nrdiatO V“!!! n the - a Poll Ph- “4 my Md: “(I told:- gtttatt Duke and Dad:- ot W. ' Badmond, John 'rtiuoat, Ttsrytttp' new. at out: srretet Pref were present. Son's Mb. of gngem and canon. WM mmonieu. Show - It'd the polica were mil. . North Bar, In): ”PM: in mrgel brought out. a: John _ good at th- an? no“. Sug- bury. - . use. iradia"i, ot Wm M A. W. 00am C Sturgeon mu, m [in g ‘_ before Comma-low Gordon h _ court hon-o Mn N. nit-5v "The second than} out In! let good," mid Dr. Hum, ”I. _ me through [all homo and nut: by handing no u: union. I T turned it to him WM. and” gave it back, and I w tt. JdM, out but It mutual 2N,'dt ti did not an: lay . . C money, and neither did r. Attie RF, mm a n 'rroeh. V ButNlo, N. Y., July EMA will to The Manual New. no. Mun, N.Y., an “In. In. no lamina “tooth". m itsttrmd haw-o- uolli-Ion best-t t'o W Antl- - Us» villi-I m. teeth} Rom interview“ 1Prttt ha dune out to no Com _ unseen. Bidgood m u- to - if tent." " g _ John Bldgood. trt ”WI-'1: evidence (Iv. in 81:45.17 C ,stoh,rtitttthadgtvmt a” h Under-on at! .75 to Minn. 1h Aveiopk which -rstmiaieud ti no.” received from Coon-In was not as some gs any!“ h M (In. ago Bound: the was. cl ' noon Fl.“- and the lnxt lta',l'Jt placed an cnvslopo In my ”I“ said it contained 815. I an: moi the money out, and Wit-1* time glut-wads.” " “Ten minute. at: I m MM’ ed to Jack the Ripper." an“ amor' hum. f'wc wag mill! In , Je, Go bill: to cm. Arm. mum. pe 3055:: mi -gsicritiga m £9 WWII“. AIM“ BERLN 1Y,i'id

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