‘KILLED ALL OF THEN / *"The attention of the Minister of the Interior, was called in the House of Commons on the 6th July by Mr. yo , member for West ‘Toronto, : fact that a letter appeared * London Times newspaper of he 18th June over your signature, ca. at length with questions now 8 b in a political controversy Â¥ in progress in Canada. A care C of the letter as printed £A .Iallo-. Times makes it clear a Intendcd as a defence of 0 on of . the Government and MA expression of â€" opinion antaâ€" tic to the position taken by the "-h of the Governâ€" F Minister of the Interlor | in the Houso when the matâ€" Cho ommat ie . Govâ€" ds on o . 4 T _ You can make your father smile the A Lighthouse Service. « Hon. Mr. Prefontaine informed Mr, MWaylor that fiftcen lighthouses on #he waters between Montreal and Kingston had been changed from oil burning to acetylone grs, and that Where the changes had been made the services of the lightâ€"kcepers had ‘been dispensed with. ? spirits. House thon spent forty minuâ€" in concurrence of the reports of the Committee ‘of Supply so far Dr. Sproule objected to the motion ®ecause the committce had made no recommendation on the matter. Mr. Partuelee and Mr. Davis pointed out that thero had been no opportunity h put the motion, but that it was fl: ordinary. _ ‘Mr. Clancy and Mr. Ingram objectâ€" igd to the motion, and Dr. Douglas mupported it. Mr. Ingram suggested that if the motion were not pressed the committee could probably finish jn another day. Sir Wilirid Laurier pointed out that motions of that kind usually came on the rccommenâ€" Gation of the committee interestea. There might be exccptions to the rule, but in view of Mr. Ingram‘s Statement he sliggested that tE:mo- #ion be held over for one day. . Hon. Mr. Paterson, ‘replying to Mr. Clancy, said no rebate or (ï¬'.w- Of customs duty had been paid â€" illers in Canada for the year 1896 on Indian corn imâ€" k and used in the manufacture ‘‘The motion was withdrawn with *that understanding. his amendments met the same fate, mone of them securing general supâ€" port from his colleagues to the left Ol the Speaker. The Committee on Agricuiture. ‘The House opened with a warm @iscussion over the situation in the ‘Agriculture Committee, Mr. Parmeâ€" flee moved that the Committce have Zeave to sit while the House is in gession in order to complete their business. Mr. W. F. Maclean made an unâ€" successful effort to engait upon the measures a serics of amendments bringing express companics under #he jurisdiction of tho Railway Comâ€" anission, depriving the Chairman of the power to determine questions of law coming before the Railway Comâ€" amision, and limiting the compensaâ€" tion to be paid by local telcphone €ompanies for entrance to railway stations to the actual damage causâ€" ed: All these questions had been thrashed out in the Committce on Railways, where Mr. Maclean‘s bill was thrown out a few days ago, and ;. Ottawa, July 15.â€"The House spent yesterday in debating _ proposed amendments. to the railway act of ‘Jast session, which were reported and #tand for third reading. ‘The measure dntroduced by the Minister of Justice provides that the majority of direcâ€" tors in all subsidized railway conâ€" panies shall be British .ibi2cts, and @lso determines the method by which the net carnings of the G. ‘P. Paciâ€" fic shall be arrived at for purposes of the contract between the Governâ€" zaent and the company. Majority of Directors Must Be British Subâ€" ~gootsâ€"Mr. . Maclean‘s . Amendments: _ Control of Express Companies, Lower ; Passenger _ Rates, _ Telephone Cheerful But inspiring Siaughte: of Mr. Maciean‘s Proposals. RAILWAY ACT AMENDMENTs vh ie oySe tonted atver Kmae at"*" The WATCH HOUSE Maclean‘s Unsuccessful Effort Jansen Bros., W. T. K. Prestou Censured m the opimion of the ir action is m scrious 1 decoram.. I am forâ€" ) adviso you that in the Goverament, the lot torg of intorviews Privy Council. witructs whe to J. K. SHINN, Waterloo, Ont. Telephons 267. Resiâ€" dence, Young 8t., Sonth. Smith.â€"At St. Joseph, July 10th, Edgar, cldest scn of Daniel Smith, formerly of Wilmot, aged 23 years, 7 months and 6 days. Springer.â€" At Hamilton, July 14th, Miss Hannah Springer, daughter of the late Sherif Springer, of Rerlin, aged 34 years and 6 days. Diebel.â€"At Waterloo, July 15th, Sylâ€" via Florence Dicbel, eldest daughâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diebel. Ellert.â€" At Josephsbutg, July 19th, at the home of his son, Jacob Elâ€" lert, Thors#@s Ellert, aged 90 years Baumanâ€"liuber â€" At Waterloo, July 12th, at St. Louis‘ R. C. church, by Rev. Father Schweitzer, Wilâ€" liam Henry Bauman, of Waterloo, to Barbara Huber, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huber, Waâ€" terloo. Souterâ€"Henkell.â€" In North Easthope on June 29th, John B. Souter, of Bufflalo, N. Y., to Helena Henkell, of North Easthope. Evans.â€" At London, July 12thk, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Evans, Gali & son. Sims.â€" At Berlin, July 12th, to M« and Mrs. H. J. Sims, a son. Snyder.â€" Near Waterloo, July lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Abram Snyder, a daughter. & Leyes.â€"At Berlin, July 17th, to Mr and Mrs. Bert Leyes, a daughter. Schulte,â€" At Berlin, July 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Schulte, a son Erb.â€"At Berlin, July 15th, to Mi and Mrs. Ephraim Erb, a daugphter Lymburner. â€"At Berlin, July 13th, to Rev. and Mrs. Lyinburner, a daughter. Dreisinger.â€"In Woolwich, June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob O. Dreisingâ€" er, a son. Ziegler.â€"At Berlin, June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ziegler, a scon. Schmidt.â€" At Berlin, July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schmidt, a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Nathanicl Wertin a son. Dietrich. â€"At New Hamburg, â€" Jul; 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Diet rich, a son. â€" Snider.â€"At Waterloo, July 19th, t« Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snider, a son. Rominger.â€" At Floradale, June 9ib to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rominger a daughter. Martin.â€"Near St. Jacobs, July 1Uth Ts se sn ie is that e s be no | bill of which notice ? been: i was a small amend~ ment to act. â€" This is taken as id for hope of an carly . â€" Nearly the enâ€" tire day in the House was spentâ€" On the canal estimates, many . small items amounting to $964,950, being passed. An acrimonious discussion took place on the Trent Canal, chiefly on its merits as a source of wln.l influence, but in the end the passed. Air. Enmunerson made an ~interesting explanation of the harbor improvements at Port Colâ€" borne, the total expenditure on which so far planned was $1,150,â€" 000. ‘The need of elevators was adâ€" mitted, but the Government‘s policy in the mattgr had not yet been finâ€" ally determined. Mr. Fielding stated that the proâ€" posed measure referred to by the Premier was an amendment to the banking act, the necessity for which wrosc out of the condition of one of our banks operating in the West Inâ€" dics. If the measure were brought down, however, it would not be the subject of contention. Aiterâ€" giving â€" several Government of $100,000 _ for and power . plant Canal was passed ‘The House pas ‘The HMouse passed the wotes for the following canals: Soulanges, St. Ours Lock, Carillon and Grenville, Welland, lnchi.m' and Chambly, the total for the day being §$963,950. The House rose at 10.30. British Government Grants Request Mr, Kruger‘s Relatives. went into Lo items of the way Departme land Caunal be Ait bills Celbornsâ€"The Trent Yulley Canalâ€" w ©$963.950 Fussed For the Day. Funoral Director and Embaimer CANAL ESTIMATES, eage Whent Closed Lowerâ€"Liverpsot Markets Closedâ€"Live Stook Markets â€"The Latest Quotaitons. MARKET REPORTS, WITH HIS WIFE. July 16 Council igham MARRIAGES ng several Government final stages, the House ommittce of Supply, the estimates of the Railâ€" rent relating to the Welâ€" DEATHS BIRTHS for the inter the Transvaal as subsequent desired â€" perim clating to the Welâ€" taken up, the item electric â€" lightin on the Wcllang â€"At a mecting of yesterday morning Palace, at which sided, the request \r. Kruger‘ died the Dritish Minâ€" th ite e Mr. Kruâ€" the South ‘ interment juently anâ€" perimission ‘j‘m 28 t« RBarley...... ....... Bran, per ion ... .. Middlings, p+r ton . Potatoes, per bag Butter, per lb ...... Kggs, per doz.... .. LATO .. .+scÂ¥ke0s css Dried Apples ..... Hogs, live....... .. Hogs, dressed..... Hay, par ton...... Straw, per ton.... Word,p r cord.... Etport Cattle ..... Batchers‘ Cattle.. New Wohecat eloat. Ocen tnd oraiagetembinnees poenoy, Pratn o aminimmien offeed fom which dr t‘&w'per 100 1bs for ogs. stock helf Vealsâ€"R $4.50 to $4 Hogsâ€"It be lower; $8 to £6.2: $4.50 to $4 Shoep steady ; lambs, $4 a £0 to $£6.25; roughs, $4.50 to $4.75; dairies Sheep aud Lambsâ€" slow ; wethers 25¢ low rearlings, £5.50 to $5 to $4.2 J2e Eutchers‘â€"Choice picke] lots of butchâ€" l-u‘i&ul in quality to best exporters, 1100 to lbs. each, sold at $1.85 to $5; load# Gtkood at $4.25 to $4.50; medium at $4 to $4.25; common it $3.25 to $3.5¢; rough ‘and sold at $2.73 to $8. Milch _ cowsâ€"Mi sold at from §25 t Bheepâ€"Export e export bucks at $ â€" Bpring lambsâ€"I to Hogsâ€"Prices for straighi loads. fod and wulered, were $5.4) per cwt., and $5.15 for lights and fats. Veal calvesâ€"Prices ranged from $2 to $8 each, and $8.50 to $5‘per ewt. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Buffalo, Juiy 19.â€"Cattle â€"Receipts, G0 head; imarket steady . at . yesterday‘s clese. l'rl;ne steers, #6 to $8.10; shipping butchers, $%.25 to $8.85; hfl!an‘ $3.50 to $5.25; cows. $3.25 to ‘Q.M: bulls, $3 to $41.25; stockers and feeders, §3 to $4.i5; stock helfers, $2.25 to $4.55. Yits inferior at $2 Cables Are Firmerâ€"Hogse Again Higher in U.8. Markets, ll%e to llizc; sheep, l¢, dreysod welght TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Boceipts of live stock at the city cattie maurket since last Friday, as reported by the ageuts of the two railways, were 78 car loads, cousisting of 1159 cattle, 483 bogs, 627 th«g and lambs, 88 calves aud 10b hogs to Park Blackwell Exportersâ€"Cholce, ‘wellâ€"finished, luz rxrarteu are worth $5 to §5.35 ner cw ‘aport bullsâ€"Choice export buils sold at $3.75 to $4; medium: at $8.50 to $3.70. Export cows â€" Prices rauged from $3.50 to $3.85 per cwt. m $4.23 ner.ows. â€"~BTOCEErS â€"t poor. ie 1 $%e â€" Exgsâ€"Btoudy , re Grainâ€" New #toudy 15.103; state, full creata #wepersâ€"F 1050 lbs., of lowr New â€" York, July 19. ; common to fair stee ‘r 100 Ibs.; dresscd beef r Ib.; some sales of ‘ch Xports to day, 1026 eattl Calvesâ€"Receipts, 41; di What The Earth Produces. Waterioc, Ju‘y P NEW YORK LIYE sTOCK CHICA1 R white, b en‘ w CATMLE MARKETS elpts, 1700 (':n"yï¬ mixed SÂ¥.. LAWILENCHE EEKLOO MARKETS ipts fair to good, T% 15 to $8.29 rer ewt _ eacrs weighisg from 900 gootl quality, sold at §$4 ce yearling calves sofd at orcr grades and effâ€"colors 8.25, accorJing to quality. [ilch cows and springer# to $45. ewes sold at $3.63 to $3.75; $3 to $1.25 per ewt. Prices ranged from §3 sâ€"Re $ LIVE STOCK head; fairly rctive, yorkers and pigs, hea 8 onio ie vd l:fl.l“fl.’;hlu u> 6O 4) 18.00 21 00 .00 6 75 8.07 6.00 Reecipts,1000; 08 x) ts, . $4 77 inixed, ra dirm, at eratues beet, 2L, tA ; do. :;":‘;'*‘-V- X0) head msylvan lower; fancy, t 7.00 4 (k .60 .18 15 .C8 10 29 60 40 88 ud all oredi.ore ard others havin«c aume ayminat the estate of the «aid Christina Reist, who died «n or about th« 50 day of t, A 13. 1904, are repuo«ted on or before ths hldhlv.é- Q 19914 to send by or mn 6 , Cram, w-. Th o Tagie onl nariaie ie ite n Teacher of O::an, Violin «ind Hat mo y; also of -ingm.mm mode of brgathing. For te ms app y to ‘OTICK is here! v-nWhQ‘ v];‘w !gnuuo?aq'nflh_a 7 mt.l‘rz W . PEHHILP 1X _THE UA‘I‘I‘EÂ¥ oF THE AT ChRISTIYA RFIST, I:A;a 2 ToOW NaHIP OF ;A; N ‘ CocMIY 0p WATERLOO: Wib . * Second Hand Rigs, consisting of wagons, one horse carriages, buggies and sulcies. Will be sold cheap. HENRY BAKTZ Brickor‘s Old Stand. QUEEN STREE T â€" h Notitce to Groditors.| Wheat Land in Th\ undersigned offer for sale two farms in the Townchip of Waterloo, about 44 milos North West of the Town of w a‘erloo. Oce of such farms contains 100 acres of land in £oo 1 » tate of cultivation with brick dwelling r;’nd\’nmk barn, good wa er, About 10 aores cf u83. The other of an h farms contains 31 actas of tand in gnod »tate of cultivation with freme nouse and barn. Possesst n on I<t March, 1905. _ nes Wolfhart and Gollins. CENERAL BLACKSMITHS Horseshosing _ In W_to loo Towaship on tte Townline be tween Wate loo and Nurth Dbumfries, containâ€" ing avout £40 acies more or leas. About 3 wcres bu h, mixéd timber, mostly F-lâ€' the balance uner eul.â€"ivation. On the farm are x« d buildirys and an abundance of hard and soft water; «o ‘arge orchard of {) uit trees. 21 6 nox SRIPPING HOGS WANTED IN BADEN Highes: market price paid. Load every â€"ec od Monday. Next shipmont Aug #â€"t t For furiher information apply fo I3AIAH WISNER. 91 6vos. Blair, On Râ€"it Deiw. arC 1 and Rerito.c ntaining 17 aor s ofland. and 2 nores bush. On ‘he farm are #nod bui dings ibarus, (1 bank barn), (wo bouses, suft aod harj water, and large orobar! of fruit trees. For further pariicu s apply 08 the premises, PHILIP 9 EPPLER, #Tâ€"1m Petersburg, On . 1381XA t a Bâ€"hing F Torbidd n on 1t E MCY ~Â¥aAr W“vh * u a«f the Husop Town bip of Wi mok o. o 0 0. 00| 10â€"3umo. 19 it ALL ‘n.nh(nrn berebs warned againat fish ng, swimming o° o. herwise tre» pas irr on _he un?flly of the undersigned Lo: No. 2 Tawn of Water on Tree nwlï¬bo piose. ut ed. JOHN ,l;f}l}_l!g_c EK Executors of the estate of Jacob Schnarr, Addrcss Honry D ckert, Hcidelborg P. 0. Hexry DrokERT Ezea BAUMANN d Bireator of the Waterioo Musical Society‘s 8 ind. Good pasture with gord water. Aptly to IL D. DAMMER, k: * Gonestogo, Ont. N Waterio» Townshis, bâ€"tween Petersburs rarms for Sale. Farm for Sale. apple batter busin o# for »ale. This vals a property consists of a 3â€"4 acre lot with d‘ng«, bouse, shop and stable (new), (spring or in comuection}, large steam boser and mo. larce screw p ess, @rader and stcam cars, commplete. Localcd .t Notiawa in one ho bist fruit distric‘s _ A large custom es fone here. Alsoa good opening for rirs all size>, improved and unimproved; uai opnor u: it es; best fiuit growing sec ut ih> door of the best markets io tre L. Nuld delightful cimate. . Varied proâ€" ; great profits Come to eunuty Deaware. Dt maï¬ wnd yalu bie repor s free, adâ€" , stare Blard of Agriculture, Dover, Farm for Sale. Takeâ€" Notice. NUMBER UNLIMITED. Arp‘y to FOR SALE. For Sale. HaLt. Kmurr & Masrer. CIOER MILL WARKINCG TO LET. : E. M. DEVITT. PRTER BBY, _ _, PETER BKRDUX CLEASON SHANTZ A Specialty J. B. Rerxriart J. C. MALLM iN Blackamith Erbavilie, Ont .. SAe es Oar. Nottawa, Ont BERLIN 27 3m 6 ';f uh‘. llu;i‘h.t' area of virgia the bread bask ut u .ug-qpqlh.!-)m:r «raded Tt rage hat barn uinreleed And +xamiled »Wo'&"g!a"“'"‘fl'ï¬ hen ho Fareed is «t in 10# in« Teanty deciared _ And furtber take notice that after such last mentioned date. the enid Executors will proâ€" ceed‘ to distbute the assets of said dessaâ€"ed among t‘ e parties entitled thereto having e m oply to the claims of which they shall have notice and the said tore will mul:n lable for sath mssots o;}“' M thereof myruum mo’ m notice shall not have been recei by them at time of such distribution, i Dated at Eerlin. the 7 dayof July, #hi. W. M. CRAM, P Exscutors‘ So!icitor. NOTICE is hereby giv« ng;v!uant to the Reâ€" vised Statutes of Ontario (1897 chapâ€"er 129) that .nw'mnn has lng'cluml ugninst the estateâ€" enid Philip Zeller, who died on or about firet day of March, 4. 1». 1806, are m‘m& d n::'o%on mm:’ufl “l:W% to so«. pngdar eliver . M. Onn.lur%n.. Untario, Solicitor for Jacob â€" ler, Jacob Dessler and George A. Mcin Executors of the last Will an+ Testament of ‘he said deceased, the‘r Christian and surâ€" names, addres es and dmflrllm full ::l'« ticulars < f their olaims, the «t tement of their mocounis and the naturecfthe securities, if any. held by them. â€" â€" â€" â€". And further take notice that after such last mentioncd date the said executors will proceed to distsi u e the asse s of the deceased among nngm.&u entitled there: 0, having rewm A only to the ciaims of which they sha‘l then have no iee, m> d that the »afd cxecn‘or« will mot be 1i «ble for the said aesetâ€" or any part thereof to any person or p r ons of whose claims notise «ha‘l not have been receised by them at the time of such distribution Lated the ninth day of July, A. D. 1904. * ALEXANDER MORRO W, and BAMUKL MILLER, MiLLbink P. O. Or t. Exâ€"cutors John Strong Estate 28â€"3t IN THE MATTER OF THE E<TATE PHILTP ZELLER, LATEOF THE Tow nsHIP OF WATEKkLOO IN THE COUNTY oF W ATERLOO, FARMER, DECKASED. eceas d, their Chri«tian and eurnames, agâ€" dresses and descriptions, the fu Xlgarl.lcnlsrs of their claims the siatemont of their accounts a;lzd the naure of Uhe secur.ties, if any, he‘d y them. Notice to Creditors. NOTICK is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Sltatutes of tintario®, I897, chapter 123 th«t all cresitors and others having claims against the cstate of the olï¬ John Strong, who died on or about the twolfth day »fâ€"Janâ€" uary, A. 1). 1904. are required on or before the Orst day of Augus©, 1\4, to send,by post preâ€" pald or deliver to the umlu'rlr‘cd excontors of the last wi:l and i stimectof Jo‘in Strong, The undersigned hegs to tender cinâ€" cere and hearty th ns to bis numer ous customers for che liberal prtrorâ€" age extended him last year and to intiâ€" mate that for mhe present season he has laid in a very large quantity, taken from fresh spring water which he is prepared to deliver to customers in \V.\I‘ERLOO ard BERLIN im any quattities, large or emall, at reasonâ€" able prices. IN THE MATTER OF TH® ESTATE 0 JOHN STRONG. LATRE OF THE ToWNâ€" sHIP OF WELLESLEY, 1N TRHE COUNTY OF WATERLOO, FAIt MER, DECEASKD. The Absolute Purity bf the ice is GUARANTEED aud is can safely be us~1 for all purposes. Notice to Creditors. Improrten Boar kept for service. e a number of ted g.::ock Just now ..m..u"" Imported Shorthorn B&l " Noxâ€" PARELLL Agourt®," for sery fee. s Have also a few head of Shorthora Cattle for sale. â€" A very good 45â€"monthâ€"old Shortâ€" horn Bull for sale. Also Reciâ€"tered Mares for sa‘e. RELEPHONE 233 â€" Yorkshire Pigs â€"â€"FOR SALE â€"â€" 1CE! 1CE! ... Reasonable Prices ... DELIVERY WILL BE MADE DAILY 4,000 Tons of Purost Ice, FOR SALE. > YOoU GET Ed. Durmel, Clement & Clement â€"â€"Contractorâ€"â€" JOHN HILL, WELLESLEY and others of the eald int the twoll CHIN A Solrs. for Ex:cutora Assiniboia. WaTERLOO Periin Ont., Got your tire : rosot on one of Henderson‘s Tire old method The Hot Summer is here agzain anq you will not want to do more cooking than possible We wish to tell you that we have a large assortment of canned cooked meatsâ€" and fish on hand. Also the Chicago drie1 beef, the best on the market. : Also summer siusage, cooked ham, etc. a Grand Successâ€"every branch of our clothing is cut down.â€"lnnr people have taken advantage of this money saving event and e Saturday our banner dayâ€"the largest day business in our history in Birlin. We are preparing our tables with more spâ€"cial bargains for TABLE 11â€"50 pairs pants in strips usual price $1.25 Saturday $ .74 TABLE 2â€"103 " bicycle hose worth 50, 75, $1.00 «_ $ ‘20 TABLE 3â€"Balance of suits advertised last week #€ $1.00 TABLE 4â€"F.annel suits worth $5, $6, $7 and $8 00 # :87(5) f : ; f : : : : * 4.5 ALL THE GAIN IS IN YOUR FAVOR AT TABLE 5â€"208 fur and felt hats in black and grey wo.th from $1.50 to $3 00 Saturdayâ€"sate [|t‘s a â€"Jummer BUGC DEATH CORRNNRHNNH¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢0000¢¢¢¢¢¢00000000I0003 Paris Green in stock; also Land Plaster Machine Oil. â€" QAINGRICH, For potatoes and all other kinds of plants, as it not only kills the bug but makes the plants thrive. This means a larger crop and better quality. Bc HALLMAN, the Grocer, TIRE SETTING. our semi THE CBEATEST WAIR CO0DS ARTisT it AMERIcA _ attm â€"__ _ I6 COMING TO BEALMW WATERLOO _ <l0 /"" ~A, _ WIL BE AT THE WALPER HoUSE ?% Saturday, July 23 â€" J SATURDAY BERLIN. LADIES.â€" If you apâ€" charms and the s a 44 ach. t BX precin‘e the a d ded With an opportunity of in Chicago, Detrois: and at hmo Canadian stations. Noteâ€"On application toJ. D. Meâ€" Donald, D. P. A. Toronto, enclosing 4 conts in stamps, Handsome ii!nstrated booklet wili be furnished. K SPEND YOUR YaCATION IN HIGA} vations. LANDs OF ONTARIO. â€"â€" . ~ auetcies fof stt party on Uevights connection on Bay, Mrakoka Lnl:‘ud Lake of Bays, Tourist tickets on sale daily. Good Ruing Jaiy 190 recaraing unth m retarning un September 20th. _‘ For tiokets,: illastrative literature and fall information apply to THROUGH TOTHE WORLD‘S FAIR 8T. LOUIS. Fast express trains leave for St. Louis daily carry through Paliman leepers. Your locu agent will make reerâ€" Buggies, Buggics. $17.40 FOR RoVND TRiP annual sale In order to clear out the balance of the stock, the undersigned will soll Wm Grey & Sons buggies at reduced prices. . N. HAWKE, Saturday, Jaly 28, Don‘t J. R. STRICKLAND, to Agent, Waterioo Ar t