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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jul 1904, p. 5

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Ft' 7 Wm W’ - , aha-cal I”. and on. In It «(Ill not can. an“. my”; "?ig'tdT'greg'a'edt)ltt-. . 1-“ than! 1:31:1qu in 2,2,'l,'l2i J- etyr W- III. - cud i utlll,tl2'hr,'hls"t. ttalt"" ad 7riinaauua - ”(ml-Ind on n- Mr. H. B. Duering's is the plum to get the best sausages. [ Wilding does nothing by halves See the cut in prices. Bummer foot comiorters are Zie- gler’s low cool Oxfords. The new root on the Carnegie Lib- rary is nearing completion. Fine boiled ham for your Sunday dinner at H. B. Duering's. Leave your orders tor cherries and blueberries at Hasenfiug's to-day. Our Saturday prices advertise us. Ziegler's ad. on lst page. Read it. Dinner ware and toilet set sale at IIisertfiug's irom now until Aug. Ist. W otsus'o6ossoooe 4-6”??? Sue " to $7 in buying clothing n Wildlwg's, Bah timely-Int Tender feet, always make tor Tit, glez's shoe store during the new: Harm. day The thermometer registered 88 in the shade and 92 in the sun on Sure. Bricker & Diebel's store was closed Monday, out ot respect to the late Miss Diebel. A Andy Reid is wearing a Th hat to- My, as his boys did such godd work on Saturday. Our 83 men's Oxford shoes would be " at some stores. Ziegler's, Ber- lin's shoe store. Skip McCabe won from skip Moore try 21-8 in a schedule bowling game Saturday evening. “The interior ot the post omee has been greatly improved by the tqrplica- tion of a. fresh coat ot paint. Woeller, Bolduc & Co. defeated the Beavers, of Berlin. in a ball game on Tuesday evening by 2 runs to I. , The annual picnic of the Waterloo Evangelical Sunday school will be held in Westside park, Waterloo, Sat- urdty afternoon. . In schedule bowling Friday evening skip A. H. Snyder defeated skip Sterling by 20-12, and skip E. F. Semnm won from skin J. Brisker. Mr. Walter A. Forest, “hose home it in Waterloo, has bcvn appo‘ntcd Insist.“ superintctuitnt of the Elec- trio Street Railway at Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Wendell Shark left Tuesday morning on An extended trip to the eaten provinces in the interests at the Cur-Milan Stereoscopic View Co., 91 Waterloo. T- The tive-rea-ld Mm ot Mr. and In. Andrew kreaesst ward, died my um I week‘s illness with diphtheria. The burial took place Sn- “trimming. Th0 corner stone ot the new Luth- ”a church M. Linwood will be hid ". - Harmon. July 31st. The 'Imloo Lutherul choir will “am In the cannon, “ t-tortr W. J. Duckworth and en. Dun”, lint-men oi the G. N. A , Mum: Co., Toronto, were in “#100 Monday, putting in a cable ' . m switch lo the local once, f - overhauled. "tuerioo's hm (can pity: (hit " a "tetoo Put suntan. This rt ‘ r - an exciting Mme, u om 'K.ijrrttettl!!,eyeae"d L' - titsbttietdvtMtc IM r gept1' bowling - Mon- - V " lollovin; was un- g _ r 0. India: tteat Ikip G. 'rNE F"i9 u skip P. rt%fs" won V, I t 8.3m. 30-11. and an: Z.~ - We! in winning ' ‘. = I“. 'o-u. {you huh Iou ot "tttru- , Fi fl “and. qrtt& l MELW. gtgeM'f, 22t',fi ' T "d6t all on y! ". an III mm rt. ooo-,' Local News. INSURANCE. AIMS BREE ' osw..66o+ooo6 ooooo JEVITT 'S Btttgtuts Paris Green. To in um gm the best is Buyer‘- Pure English ahTriu' A, Would a Co. .3: to a. pumice, leak. "and who cl on Wanna mulch- Apothpko " r on. Ont-Inc oooood.oooo W run, Int-w. - no no“ STN. m was - ayff, p, ocurn it. at d rim". an m we too tttAeeLe1't!g,tyaet22t" 'ttttdai-oo-rt"?'. .9.me which - “dubmmuoub h. Maujaltu‘lll‘ ' To; “in." mfxmrhu nau- - ati-ml-thu- W ,agtAtaattm.eurrartaMa" - Th W and (in: " an . I. I. Mttd I We put - "aruttq I" not TNat,', tund- ci. Rim .. who won than - a. “calla-t. pm which th- band "etd.ged. haw-In “mission ticket: to "he mu an. ot autumn-nu to In gives In" Ion- day, Tuesday And WedMy, were glvgn “my to the lucky ticket hold- “I Du. am and Noodle: o'er-ted tor cam-ct. on Mr. No‘ Barium. who turMenconNedtotris bed lorseve- n! yarn with chronic lhwmllam.‘ Mr. Banner. besides being tmable; to not. use of hi- membeu. has ot Into tttso been many blind. It In to he hoped that his eresigtrt will be re- stored. As he ll mentally “It! argum- tally quite well the restoration of his sight vould be g gut. mercy to him.-Elrnim Signet. FOR sALE.--Phaeton, " good at new. Apply to I. E. Shut: & Co., Balm. 38-3". CARD or THANKS. , We herewith wish to thank our (neighbors 'nnd lricuds for the may "indneatset' shown us tnd our daughter in" through her long sickness. The ‘many flowers seat in trom tlrst to has: were yery highly tppreciated by her and at ber special rcquest we ilhuk you all. WEEKLY MARKET There was a good market Salut- day morning. Much produce was dis- posed ot, and the attendance was large. Seasonable garden vegetables such as beets, onions, entrants, rasp- berries, lettuce, etc., was quite plen- tiful and sold at the usual prices. Raspberries sold at 30 cents per tive quart pail. Butter ruled at 150. per pound, and eggs sold at 15c. per dozen, The second annual evening summer carnival of the W. M. S will'he held in Westside Park on Monday, Tues. day and Wednesday evenings, July 25, 26 and 27. Grand band concerts, tollowed by prize drawings. Attrac- tions comprise high class vaudeville, baseball, pavilion dances, songs by Elmira male chorus, etc. No doubt these will be the most attractive evening entertainments ever presented for the money. DEATH OF TIIOS. ELLERT. A SUMMER CARNIVAL Mr. Thomas Ellen, who has been residing with his son, Jacob Ellen, at Josephsburg, passed peacefully away on Tuesday, July mm. at 3 p. m., at the ripe age ot 90 years and tour months. Deceased Ind been in good health until two days before his death. His wife predeceased him about six years. He leaves 3 tamily ot three sons and one daugh- ter, ttll rmrrried,'to mourn his loss, viz.: Martin, ot Butulo; John and Jacob, of Josephsburg, and Mrs. G. Diebold, ol Linwood. The funeral II ill take place on Thursday morning at ten o'clock to St. Agatha for ser- vice and interment. a. m. Rev. Rembe, ot Cottestog9, and Rev. Sttusiter, of Unionville, will deliver addresses in both English' and German. The choir of St. John 5 Church, Waterloo, has kindly mnem- ed to assist, Everyone cordially im. 29-2t The laying of the corner stone ofl the new Lutheran Church at 'aw t 14' will take place on Julls.t at ten Vin-d A SUFCESSFUL GUELPH PICNIC “eslslde fair Wu “Mimi vii , Thursday afternoon try merry pic- nickcrs from Guelph, composed o" Sundsy school scholars trnd their friends of the Norfolk 3nd Dublin St. Methodist Churches. Last yen they were induced to try Berlin but they realized um. Waterloo‘: park lunds. unrinlled us I place for lining . royal good time, It: shady trees, it: silvery lake, And its Bne uhletic grounds Mtord picnlckers every op- portunity for enjoyment. The pic- nirkrrn arrived in A specinl lnln ot ten coaches packed to the utmost capacity and numbered neuly i thou- Band. No time vs: lost other nrrivnl in findittg various ways of muons“ Not a low wronged the screen. many finding their my to the ice crum' pulon. which no any: A ttttmtg “Auction on I hot summer'- thy. About xix o‘clock we: one new! ad lull hula w an a: the hunting “when And we pro- vide! by ttm good Indies. lovely bo. iiaiisiittmiurseettrtoet new” at th. “his. in it hum you W, - ma. home at h a! m In! In: ..e [and . pm on - up (as his” . y 1 A M w annt as up gum“ It " T ' to . . 0-1- ','lii'i'iiiiiillp,' " 'iiii'iiiiiiiii iriiiiiTii in”: 1:. mm" in vary and lot M in!“ at “on th- an" an; Mt. in: CORNER STONE LAX INU aa' LiiiiVrra- 7°! AND MRS. m HEEL THF, COMMUTE": a! “I" 'tma-ter" ‘09”.- “I,“ t2'dtul',"t1'ildr"af'lla'lli, I oet-itttoeert.tbard-, "I“! dull-dun! riu..ntqreqtei6. I”... Put, much». In u will“; In!» iee-rt_trr'rttrta.to8. A!!! a: at 'USL .9 “I m. " Lou. a tmtrt., to tSe M. and "mt huh - mow-L III- a. Innu- o! '- - , - wt at In“ than In “In! hum-n. In“: , a” cut uh; In.“ I] - in lb and lull. at all up not costly. In only "0 W was an btta “I and lie-non. Ibo look In no: any tnthee.rtieepanttdtHgsare,,nre. n his beat nun», pinch. an; an eleven Guelph“. did an “all“ mill act. citre, the Gal). _ kept. ths hita wall mtm‘mt in the tirst inning when it looked u it the locus would pound him out ot “be lot. He tanned nix men. :Uueiph "I bulked in the m. In l the secan limo lucky and well plan- 'cd singles netted one run. In Ouch ot line next six innings they wen Pert out. in we, two, an: order um ’were never given n look in. In the ilth they tied the score um made thingy very interesting. Bennett 'e King tour balls, and, glut lurk ioni- ed out to. Seyler, McGunnlgle hit sate scoring King But the inning '18 cut short Drone out McGunnigle be ing put out on u tart double plny trom Cardow to (new to Willlnms._ Waterloo scored two mu in the first innings when Cudov led on with a nice single but W|_l caught trying to steal second. Rsymo tor lowed with A beautiful two-b.5391. "And" Reid brought him home with a long single, Williams struck out, but Seyler drew . pnss and "Rube' Bennett hit salely scoring Reid. Gleiv ser then died at first. Though-the _ cals turd two men on hues in seven] innings when a hit would have meant runs, they were blanked in the non eight innings but won out in the 10th After Raymo louled out to the catch- er, Reid reached first on O'Connor's error, Williams hit a slow ball to McKenna who wss over anxious to' make a double and both men were sale. Seyler picked out tour hails and with the bases mil it was up to "Rube" Bennett to win the game which he did with n beautilul uh hit, Reid and Williams scoring amidst loud cheers and the gum: was over. Mr. Gould of Acton wns umpire, and for an amateur made good and was impartial. Ctsrdow, 2b Raymo, It... Reid, C... ... Williams, lb Seyler, 3b. Emmett, p. Gleiset, ct, Green, ss,.. Bechtel, It McKenna, 2b Fr O’Cohnor. lb King, BS... ..r. Dark, 3b... .... McGunnigle, c Drone, cl... t.q» Spires, y-. ... v". Clint. w. cum 33 2 6 28 14 2 'One out when winning runs were scored. By innings:-- . Wtrterloo ... ...aaiyiytrir000br4 'uelph-...-0 1 000000 10:32 Summary:- " __ _ A n n _I_L N. u-......-.,. Earned runs, Waterloo 3, Guelph 2; two hm hit, Raymo; hues on bslls, on Cluk 3, " Bennett 1; snack out. by Clark a, try Bennett ll; left on - - . - wr-_-__"-, 11:. Anna- "I v---- “v '1 -"_e" _ . bases, qulph 5, Waterloo 10; double plays, Cardow to Green lo Williums; passed balls, McGunniglo 2; stolen bases, Reid, King; "crit1ce hits, o'- Connor; hit by pitcher, Seyler, Mr.- Kenna, Drone; time of guns, " hrs.; Lanai“. Gauld of Artettt. A good gum. Still in third place. Now for the lune leaders. Raymo made I "nsratiortal catch ot 1 tout ity in the 10th. Seyler played . new - u third as Ibo did Dark. In Guelph'a 9th Wllliams could lave and tho score lrom being tied. _, A - ,4 n-...-.|.- “.4 The ietaited treore:-- Gm manna»! "ar'i'iriiii7uiriiairrj :Alllueu. main-um '.Vw - M-v .â€"v_ __- V cm pun here no“ sat-my and B great gum I. expected. CANADIAN LEAGUE STANDING. . Won Lost EC. Gait...... .F.WW. ...... ...FP. 7 , " Acton... ... ._. ." ... ._. , 3 .700 Vuetloo... ... ... ... ... ' 4 .555 Benin... ... ... ... ... ... 4 I .400 (has. .-_ a , .30. Galt...... Acton... Waterloo, Min... mum. 0mm ttfaat'l1"i July mu. tht, mud In.“ Du unice- wen u: h an Ian-plied much. The - w dgeiaged lot the occa- a. mi has, pun animus. A mm was aft: ”'13... I. y poi-a ".3 4.. -1” tr no a... 7iiiiiiiiCiiiHt UIIXLDBEN'S DAY i. 3. v. in!” rt WATERLOO. A.B. R. H.P.O.A.E 38 4 GUELPH jil 'iriiiilitlti, NOTES A.B R. H.P.O A.E “In _i"iaefitii'iStt,htfpiutttitt: '....- “yuan-madl-30.....,/........................ my“ INN -4hMb_-....------.. new“ Ne:uuiuuch¢y............................ mum‘s udmklru “who Ar......-............,... stu-tsat-tbl-ao- B'........:..............) an.“mmwcos.v.cm..........................uo "_qp.ttettr “alum Loo L.'.....-...........-) um-wvmmuun, 150991.00. "mun 9..... ....au SCHONDELMAYER’S . JULY tMhllt0lt1 - UP SALE one! and up-to date foot I. up“: ”can hrs we give u for of our e‘onlng pliant. To close out 9: this “If: 65 pair of '3.60 tttte Davao]: Kid for 18 pair of Just. I'll}: out”: lathe: 0250 mad, n, sell I: '000 pot" to: 52 pan- 01 3300 he Damon Kid tot hr " 75 " 7 t . 50 D _ ' so pttir 0:32.00 LiMy D.ngoh Kid (a Wht 'd.tl. ongola kid aad h” Ido 30 9.4.0:» m Gum Bahama at ir.?, 001”wa Duncan hid Ind box 35., ct'l tor F.'. M. Got out “lg price on Oxford Tie: nd Slippon and on Boys' Girls' nod JhtidretN 8.uoet. We glvo you a spoon] {avian-m to mu out “are during In. “lo. You" for BE " SHOES AT LOWEST PRICES. DEATH OF MISS DIEBEL It becomes our sad duty to chroni-' cle the death ot Miss Sylvia Florence Diebel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diebel, which took place at: the residence, King street, Waterloo. Friday morning at 6.15 o'erock. De ceued had been seriously ill tor the past three months with acute phthi- sis, and the end was not unemccled. She bore her sickness with Christian resignation, and passed .way very peacefully. Deceased was Inn in 'New Dundee. She was of a. very ami- able disposition, and was (n-ceiingly (bright and intelligent. Previotv; to ,her illness she was I. very successful teacher in the Methodist Sunny school and an active worker in the Epworth League. Her resents and one sister, Mrs. H. V. Clemens, sur- viva. The funeral of the late Miss Sylvia Diebel took place trom the lamily re- sidence, King street, at ted o'eloek a. m. Monday and was very largely Attended. After a short service at the house the iuneral cortege pro- ceeded to the Methodist church where an impressive service was held. After the opening prayer try Rev. J. R. Gilchrist, B.A., the choir rendered the anthem “in Perfect Peace" in a tooling manner. An able and impress sive sermon was preached by the pastor, Rev. A. E. Lavell, B. A. from Phil. 4: 4,--"Rejoice in the Lord, alway,” which words the speaker» said, were the key to the beautiful lite and character of the departed to which he paid a very touching tribute. ‘Alter a. brief address in Gcrnni In" "tev. S. M. Hench, the bonedunun was pronounced by Rev. Mr. Irw;t, The pail bearers Were Messrs. Fm! Snider, Clive and Roy Been. B. Dish. Charles Moogk and Fred Young, the Br" the former members ot the de- ceased‘s Sunday School class. and mong many other beautiful Mr- al tributes was a wreath from the Epworth League at the “interim Methodist church. The remains were interred in Mount Hope cemetery. t3ART WON SEAGRA‘A TROPHY on the Seapum trophy. st the Cert- tral Ontario Bowling Tournament at Wutcrloo on Thursday. winning tram skip Brydon'u rink of Guelph by " to H. The Consolation tittuis were won by skip Prunt‘s rink ol Guelph The presentation of prize! took plum About 10 p.m. on the grounds. The trrerenUtion at the trophy to Mr.' Card was nude by Mr. E. F. Bea- gum. and he ttur. presented each member at the vlctorlou- rink with m gold medal, " well u a box ot can: on baht.“ of the 'utertoo Club. The members of skip Bryan's rink, no mun-up. each mired n ham-om mum clock. T In the Prim.” tonal-and: itt the Moon Air 3174a. ot Guelph, de has up “on. o! W.tarloo, by so he‘ll. The. Bryan‘- risk grtet tint j In. Cuf- 41.0.". tor the 800- - trophy. Cud'l rink van on a s inn-two gut pl. tr " to J. UFFELMANN. In Rand B at the Con-chum: "r- lu on TbtrM.r unanno- [mo-'- rllk M Burli- ddutd lemurs ri" ottuntr"to0,od sup mm rhk cl Ouch! m Iron Atts m cl T6aMehto h tt to 10. TI- rhh a all” unn- n! “99 - pm the sat-hall. In“! 'tr' w . u to ll. u H . III tatt" I!!!" lo 1tt1.t1 "3. "iriv7risiit, LADIES' SHOES JOHN SCHONDELMAYER DO NOT IXSS THIS SALE. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPABTIENT. Card's rink ot (mt curried M11 -uo.o-u............... . -, a. A -- - __. 1ttet {5mm . '-""'"“" -- V’., "-v‘ a“. ”rim." “Cuba...“ PAyerct_t.kttt"-'---'-, Running many tiotttt, ’LINERY BECAUSE-hs ingredients are pure and the best obtainab'c. BECAUSE-the moat capable and skilled workmen no employed. BECAUSE-the plant is fitted out with' all the lateet improvements and machinery. BEiTSE--c4 uuexeelled method of eleartliuc-', tl a sausages are noted for f r Le;.-: absolute pur- ity. BO EBI “0,8 “THE BEST” In: ' HOME or Halli-MADE swan: HUME lulllil SAUSAGES WANTED-A smart md bright young man for our carpet department. Age " to 18 rears, Apply At once td Lang Bros. a Co., Berlin, Ont. WANTED.-Nume girl, between " and lt, tor the utemoon. Apply to Mrs. anlord, are ot Mrs. Wm. Young, comer John and Mary Sts., Waterloo. WILL CLOSE DOWN THIS WEEK Mr. Conrad Huehnergard, manger ot the Waterloo Woolen Mills, in u interview Tuesday morning, and that he expected the mill would be closed down the end oi this week, either Prior or Sutunlny. At present only put of the mill in running And such -dittg day mes one or Another ot the depsrtmenu cloned down. In to- Iponse to . query " to how soon they expected to slut up win, he nid it would Me some time Mon the m compuy would he “I. to commune. human, " " won“ let con-Menus “In to m the min: on III! - out: mini-1 m. Hogan. is w mil-wt teel tNtt1llu'tt tl.,'tg I r in: to me an mm m an 'r, m min. tt ll h bt m tht u an In _ All - 'aqhqm" an» ,tttqdtrit m [22:2 WHY DUERING "HIS. um I“ the ut MEN'S SHOES £167: '. ..r.t-' ....‘0 ur. ” ”nmoulr , I"! m"- t 10-0 Wu . l-W .noe . . “I. n " r. can a _ Fc') PPP) Wm: . out“, . tl I in“ ' Ian-u I!“ " V In! to! - 'litti'f'tildl'ieut' no; Strs [ my and M m ""lfk'rd lrNPtaEg-D-r't" to“ oh I.” "m” " an mg...” damn- thumb-I bland don-II - at“; ”In M a, Cl N, Out bl-tsed To“. Lina, m dnmhnth‘urywoll. "d%'dl $1 25 quality {at 060 u ooqumy for 75. I” 276 nth we quail!) tot be 'slrtt+ unis-Every». I make bargain, “In .11 I 00 saluted Suin- tor 660 ao pool) 75 a 860 Mn and aun tor we _ In”!!! t 40 m l Baldy-to 506:60081tiu 3nd delubbt Thoma! 35o i 25 pee-V ) Rudy-to This gives yoga: we, of any»! Ion-ft 'Pl z)rcIE'Sa:fiJ=ia9=-1-i.i, Great Summer Shoe Sale causing a big colhpoe 1 summer shoes. BERLIN Simply making Shoes take a walks:I Oar low prices oa shoes are moving than: quickssomo "not I Already amp-lately add out, but we Won’t. quit cutting prices every pair of summer shoes have left tho place. Men'y "OO, 8100 and 84.00 shoes at 81.00 [ Ladies $3.00 and-$3.50 shoes at : '. $2.00 Children's $1.00. SI 25 & " 50 shoes at ' .50. and 27 other specials well worth your while coming to sue. In our repair department. we use the Oak Tenn-d Soles entirely (the best wearing sole on the market) and when reading shoes every pre- caution is taken to prevent the squeeking. For the best mpaieUtt try our Mr. Reusch the expert myth man. PHONE 318 Biueberries at $1 . 2 5 GEO. HASENFLUG. WALL PAPER We hue good In“ paper in pretty patterns, well worth the regular price hm In In" too much of It And oonnequonuy are giving than bargains 25d pupa" for Ilu,. 209 - for IN. Also bargains In o‘horllnu. _ VH1. Becker &yo. WEDDING GIFTS, “humankind " our mum:- nontv-dl tte-ttmd q.atitr, m" tttStr"'"" "In taato _ as: if 'atttMI'lt , yuan, , - "8ttiWdlJlt'llt Dalia-um film out twt'. a; an ml if 1 all-Pym jtoite.fe - 'mum‘ in a.“ 1'h"ll Magma-ruin! villi.“ comtommmuo. Tum-ano- of addendum T"u-srottsnideaottt- you: an it. ”I!” . e Dome linen. Msay omen not Mum 1'f,N't', and! with ,; in me name WI]. P, B RYAN & CO ( a. . . , . wmmlmr. an“ . DIM-Hm ZIDK’S SHOE HOME 150 BASKETS per basket for this week, first come first served, remember the firat, are the -no cheaper but may be dearer, 8.1.3008 as are moving them quickpoome lino his; d out, but we Won't. quit cutting prices uni My Grocery and Cain: Hall -of ehoieeat-- '"ii'i'iiitiii'i'iiiiii, can: in“. ( 'htq4-at_Ae1ye.q.c: out. m - bl! d _ Math-unis and our.“ nah-M Dual“. - I tLott, (at ”.3 - "l" “-35 it .1 My "ADT-Ei-o-q. mm "In! as m I bunrmhuno Indul- In elm-nip.” he!“ ' iés'ii 75, no“. cuo.’ I 3233 can r nernum-qm -ii"i"iad Tf%ieuii" -oikiq _ a 4sttloritt- at in nib, "In " 26 to: 759." j Human-oz str, a 60. a 'Att Be.dr-"r""- “I " M 't '3 'iitriiuortuttt,i2tt,aat"0' , Bondy-Wm " 500. " Ti-ra; [irrtariud,ars- _ V 'l'dlK%'lll 60:11er "i.'itlff FALL TERM {Raymo Bros’. It app to [at . human duo-Non m up?!" text“ hour-chad. ft,",,) trt',' 'tttut,'.',' "a? 23.3....- “" t n We has plncod more undam- lam than this you chm in my pro (92M2t2ailltbo; . J. ILLICIT, B. A. mum Pmldent. My“. WALL PAPER Our spring stock of - - has arrived. A in! assortment. Select now. “Human tttra, n o _ ttle""'"'"'" Clam. my, It. and expect them HOME BOOKSTORE OPENS SEPT. OTI. in the prism of ONTARIO "j'. r'."- WATERLOO SB:

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