Our esteemed contemporary would have Canada make in acknowledge- mnt by keeping British goods out oi this country. Great Britain mum nth“ have a market than an army here. _ _ Ir-tiq-E-ya?..")'?"!.-.;-.'.,'.'.' . a, A in! - a“ [ te tt " VttWr, . . _ _ w tfiuartkylt $ti,'bl,'dfd, in tan-ti. 2tutt _ I 'tttut" In he. the mum _ to an!“ ad .. jam and! wild up an hm y “199 W. m his not. w. has no "salt at uy u- 'tetr. I’d-“on have. that bof id. but rather trom halite to [who I): ma which must accrue trom a knowledge of each other: plus. The remedy is simple, let every com- aims report to the council where " PEoPoaem to make exteusions to M‘syswm, and mphe itself conver- mat with the striet improvements communal by the council, and the wturte ot energy too oftux occuring my to A great extent be avoidcd. ,. (London Advertiser.) 'e It is g shine that a, grcist vceal- "ttry country like Canal; should ac- apt the protection of Great Britain in! the: year, decade alter decade, without making some substantial ac- hnowteytgmnent ot the favor shown bi Brltac-.Hamitto" Spectator. (Canadian-American.) One ot the signs ot the times-- M v., McInnes sent forward' from De trail: on July 8, tortrtuo settler, and [our cars or stock and effect: from Michigan to western Canada. _ (Baltimore Sun.) l The Japanese and Russian [mums one sees in the despaUhes suggest the sweet voices from a frog pond on a. summer evéttirsg: Tenor-- Kuroki Kuroki, Kuroki; talsetto --Kouropat- kin, Kouropatkin, KSuropatkin; tam, -Togo, Togo, Togo! tCanadian Associated Press Cable.) . PM“. July Ir-The Daily throtr ic e says that the sixty fears ot Can- adian enterprise . whirl] have turned Canada trom a. sleepy colony into an enterprising and confidcnt nation, are summd up in the astonish ng dia- mond jubilee number of the Toronto Globe. It is lull of interest to ling- Jish readers and should be tiled as an historical document. A queerly shaped gong, which oc- cupies a position of honor in the ecu» tre of the city of Seoul, Corea, is said to be one of the largest in the world, and is called "the bell with the wail ol a child in its voice." When first cast the bell sounded with a harsh and cracked note, and the superstitious Emperor. tearing an ill omen, consulted with his magicians. Those gentlemen held a. long conlab, and thinly stated that the bell would never sound right until a live child was given to it, The mass was then melted again, and a live baby ya: thrown into the molten metal. The wail ot agony uttered by the lit- tle tot as the bronze engulfed it allied to be repeated every time the bell was tolled, and to-day the Cox- mtl still claim that the wail of a "ththt can be beard in the voiterrr the 'ttrtal.-London Telegraph, pate-a“! “Imam-b“ M. an m“‘ w,|lpou£hlo.lohsn ".We Are never more diseonttttted with others than when we are dig- contented with ourselves,-)). Trust thyselt; every heart vibrates to tint Iron string-Emerson. . Finish every day and be done with It. You hue done what you could; “In blunders m "absurdities no In“ crept in; forget ttiem us soon I: you an. To-mormw is a new '99tirrm skull begin it well and ser- T , ad with too high trspirit to mod irith your old nonsense. The great successes of the “nu: In: been dam of a second. a third any, I tittieth triar-.-John Morley. FM in no wealth but life, lite, " - u all its powers of love, of ‘ , “I ot Mmirltion. That country , lb richest which nourishes the I - _ t number N noble at] happy #1 beings; ttwt man #:11th ., ' _ r , perfected the function- ot " “New the mm. m mo w. LM.., -h0lpfu1 him, Myth _ a“. In! by mean ot MI m I ‘ the It": a! othem.-gtaar WHAT BRITAIN WANTS HEM Fi, ', pt. #aegrettorahmrur Co., Ltmit- t, Gd£hno announce! the III. at W (m to On Inn-ti “In“. “may. The M h in “In mm“. for COREA 'S WON DERFUL BELI AS THEY STRIKE THE EAR WITH MASTER MIN SIGN OF THE TIMES PRAISE FOR GLOBE PIN ,ACTOIIY SOLD n. “it“ 01 a.“ tar 00.. will mu reu- ih Mann 1- a. “'1 u the Mtrti. [amyl- Dr', NEARLY KILLED BY TROLLEY CAR. Art old man, whose name is thought to be Dimer, lies in a. critical con- dition in the Gait Hospital as the result of being struck by car No.- 20 of the Presto and Berlin Railway, just after leaving Preston “3.40 o'clock on Wednesday night. The' old man was swung on the track oppo- site the Preston cemetery and BP- parently did not notice the approach of the car. The motorman had not time to stop his car tram the time he first saw the man upon turning the curve. The end of the step struck Dime: on the side oi the head, iMicting a terrible gash and rendering him un- conscious. 1he injured man Wis plac- ed on the car and taken back to- Pres- ton, where he was attended by Dr. Rupert, the company's physician. At- terwards he was removed to Gait in a special car, under the care ol the superintendent. to the Gait hospital, where he was placed under the can: ot Dr. Vnnlon. _ “I Gillies, Juan l. min. .6, Down. - Gum. Arthur, Central. 120. Gull-n. Robert, Central, “1. Guvellc, Chas., Gait 803nm, 550 Gray, Hugh, Central, 583. Grinch, Nellu. Preston, 573. Irving, Albert, Clearview, 168. Jamiesou, Milne, Preston Separate, 81 OI'S OW. Chi-hull. tttttew, m. nah. “any. M190. “1. Elliott. Gown, Cent-l. 61.. "It. Victor, textual. “I. “yin. _ Harlot. "l. Qty. may, Victorh. m. m Gehnun, Solomon, Dickie“; tM. This morning he was still uncom- scxous. ' The name Dimer on a shaving mug in a grip carried ttatie man was the only clue to his identity. The on which struck the man was in chase of Motonnan John W. Thompson and conductor Funk Church. $22“. fund. at - M ' "t. ‘ . 'talittle,'.'? "3- m. m. Haul-l. "t. 31., In, “curb; '80. B-, Jan». Mn. '" can, mom-1.1mm!- "I My; Vanna. Cantu]. Mo. Mn, Mun, M1011 Sol Thd travelling ptttrlic ot St HAITI the convenient And nrMah mm and vicinity no we]! datiatted with punk» of the Grand Tmi, ad to show and: appreciate: (this, ths tlt. May- Board at Tn“. at $.10- cent trtmting, tmatted . momma of than to the and Trunk for_ tho Improved train mleo HM than. new alloying. - VOTE oe THANKS PROM ST. MARYS BOARD OF TRADE Wu] men how when no. In)†1mm. ' Fm" Sugden, Wm., Dickson, 688. Tilt, Lloyd: Blair, 790, honors Turnbull, Alfred, Dickson, 637 Voisey, Harry, Central, :31. T Werstine, Erie, L'att Separate. Williams, Lawrence, Sictoria (i l'hin, Robin, Hespcler, 71t. Pollock, Andrew, Central, 585. Pringiv, Frank, Preston, 683. Radigan. Bert., Gait Separate, 6t0, ftudell, Mathew, Hespeler, 629. bschweitzcr, Nelson, Little's, 637. Scott, Chas Victoria, 832, honors Scan. Foster. Central, 573. Scott, Willie, Stone School, 645. . Heli, James, Central, 598. Sibley, RAIN, Victoria, 677. Smith, Ross, Hespeler, 839, hon- l'ocppe‘, Leslie, Dickson, 706. McKerachor, Handy, Preston, 166. McKinnon, Victoru, 701. Marklo, Stanley, Dickie's, 723. Martin, Harry s., Preston, 591. Meikleham, Robert, Canal, 139. Melross, Thomas, Dickson, 571. Miller, Arnold, Hespelcr, 731. Montgomery, Bert., Central, 574. Moore, Harry, Dickson, 629. Mullet, Herbert, Victoria, 634. Murray, Thos., Dickson, 754. Osborne, Alex., Dickson, 683. Patti-, Anthony, Preston Separ to, 700. , l'hin, Robin, Hespcler, 71t. Bailey, M.chel, Dickson, cor, Emmett, Ilna, Preston, I"! Biggar, Lena, Hespeler, 749. mule, Bessie, Hespcler, 767. Boyd. Margaret, Dickson, 611 Bricker, Almeta, Roseville, 7] Brown, Pearl, Preston, 680. Brown, Nettie, Preston, 633. Johannes, Elmer, Blur, us. Johnston, Ciitrord. Victoria, 038. Km?†Hugh, Central, 2M. Kalle t John, Hespeler, 799, hon Wu. m: was. “I iGarir, huh. as. my! List Girls no†a't chmmte. Mit'. ‘c. Sictoria 638. 'r,%s'iiie ': .'e ' 711 to ors The Grand Trunk's World's Fair folder, which is the fmest sprcilmn ot railway literature yct' issmd mi the' Louisiana Purchase Exposhicn, is in great demand. A good supply has been issued, and anyone 54min»: tour cents in stamina to J. D. “11‘an sald, District Passmgcr Agni. To- ronto, can secure t'oity. Howâ€, Vick, Dick-on, "t. Jan“. mm, Dickson. $91. Johann. Home. Victoria, on Kelley. Minnie. Plum. _m. Kinda. Etis., Fulton, Mn. King. Apes. unckie's, 118. Kinsman. Hazel, Victoria 712. Kitchen, Emu. Cantu}, in. Kribs, Eatclh, Preston. 663. -- my, 1'3anl {lo-ovum 611. McKenzie. Bessie. Ceriiral, 557. MeEerractser, Jean. Preston, 587 McMuxtry, Edna, Dickson, My. McW'lllinm, Mary, Clwvlew, 700 Menzies, Gertie, Victor“, 550. Middleton, Ella, Dickxcn, 577. Mogg, Minnie, Dickson. 678. Mullen, Flussie, Victoria, 1 honors. _ Milloy, Lloydic, Preston, 683. Murphy, Faro], Hauler. 733. Oliver, Nettie, Clearview, 555. Oliver, Maude, Central, 699. Puttinsnu. Ruth,. Preston, honors. Robertson, Ruby, Inc-mun, 5li.9 Scott, Marjorie, Central, 626. Sheldon, Josephine, Dickson, 1 Shicl. Etta. Dickson, Mo. Stephens, Idclla, Viehria, honors. l Struthers, May, Victoria, 811, grs Trouten, Margaret, Hcsu‘or, 755. Vance, Pearl, Victoria, 115. Wallwce, Maggie, Gan. Separate 682, Wiley, Mabel, Mill Creek, 751, Wilson, Jessie, Central, 806, hom RAILWAY CALLS FOR TENDERS C15 The Guelph ttnd (lodcrich Railway Co. are advertising for lenders, which will be rmcivcd up to July 25th, tor the grading, masonry. fencing. cm. tor eight sections, each at ten miles in length, extending between Guelph and Godericlx. A wanan in loldom as "rict with her children a the is with MINI- bard'. - 'iiiiiiN -"""t 7*}? .W, (h OIL _ t l a" Km PM! _, _ _ My; tau-amt“ Att, 1 n t . . CgoNer, Marr, BM. "li, hot on“. Any. Canal. tN, honors. Gilly-Pie. my. um“. 'u. Good. Janie, M, TU. _ lun Home. Dickson, can. Halter, (Incline. may. swank, From the Chicago News. T Habit my m; nmlm's best friend or his worst enemy. ' Any man who thinks he is matting an angel muy live to think a ',asin.' ft u cabin curt keep uncut she can shay- m some other worn“ to up. - on A married man CNt live on less than . ttaettelor-it his wife mm in wh- ing. . " n m can keep uncut the In the manhunt: ot dyes (the mum of ml tar, an) the German chemical warn bu almost n mono- poly. â€plying, " they do, their Mutt-Id companion. Elm-ad, Pmatee, “can, an United States, an. - my he laid ot sn- e F' i “a â€All: "r . fi"ii,i »_t tllt%u'Sd'ltlf'd'l ' . 'liia'i'i11llilli" 'tttill, "'i1ih).';,tSllt' V to . itii! ", - Edgar, Willie, Roset Knill, George, Ayr, Reeves, Gtrorge, Apr Watson, Cameron, A Ennis, Lillian, Gerbiz, France Megga, Verna, chwick, Amy, AYR Us Candidates, 10; pas-l c.rurbqNtm, wt. can» â€I 9."... Au cm; “I. , Ev“ “SAC. WI. q18. fume, W“. thol‘ll. m' 1mm, En. (Sand. 080. bow rmiar, Matrtte. £81. COLLA it BON IC ' POINTKD PAHAGRAI’HS Girls Boys ' Ayr, 5m. Ayr, 693. 1tvidsville, 587 ill 1C'TURED M00" AN, 811, hon. F1: 788 Til igreal $5t beyond i most (on one: thd ed. Red stop ovet At " meeiing of the Canadian Base- ball League held at the Imperial Ho- tel, Galt, Thursday, it wks decided to change the umpire system. At present there are two umpires appointed in each town and the visiting team can choose one or the other, This has DIO\(‘n unsiuisiaetory and it was de- cided to have neutral umpires ap- pointed lot each game by the Presi- dent. It Was decided also to discard the Garrett ball which has been uni satisfac‘urv. and adopt the Spalding. President McLellan presided and the delegates present were: E. Ryder, Acton; G. Englert, Berlin; G. H. Worthington, Guelph; F. Crosby, Preston; J. E. Graham, Waterloo; A. Spalding', Galt. f ,e"4r J! . - vv. ww.) _ F7am" 'iiTi"iiiFrt! W M. m a. aaue3' “A!†w, to: ttip “ in in.†U with! .itgrWa- inâ€, - may“ barman! nub, _ -. St. Stimu- wu noted lot -stF. ity. ttuuistutotiete. " requuled that its body hem in the churchyard, (a: the north at the building. where the corp" would receive the eavesdropping' trom the tool trnd the - be trode' by the . So tt retained tut no you The: theclergyvetcuildvlthnudde- " moon’s-cum. unl- any thought todo Iota honor to they“ no. They decided “at on July " tttd body must be removed to. soluble [eating pines in Winchell“ Cathed- til. On the any updated " up: to run, and the rein did mouse untll torty doys had punt This was tagen on I sign from Wen that the holy," must not be removed. ThttrrAtte, from 'lt_at, tlmo Mind the weather on Jiirr' 51¢me the weather tor the next. torty days. Observations at Greenwich hove de xnunstrated the Inllncy ot 05.]qu in regard to the weather. A series ot observations tor twenty years has shown that the greatest number of rainy do)": Alter St. Swithiri's followed I pleasant 15th of July. If the spring is dry the sum- mer in†the 15th has issuaily been wet. Aceordiug to that, the present summer will be dry, and postponed picnics, it they are put on long en- oueh. may all have their innings. stop over at Chicago, Dvtruit and In termediate Canadian stations. Fot tickets, illustrated literature and full information call on any agcnt of tht Grand Trunk Railway, 4 Gunman slate thatttrc' work will mw Le purhed rapidly ,'orwarti,.,, tNt Mr. Harrison, an ex-Nutr/sr prim- char, has been hnlding torth cn behall ol the new thtories ol religion advo- cated by Mr. Russel in {he 1iiutrtuivl Dawn uric: ol publications -;- Annie Boat is home trom the Forest, High School trod spams her vacation at Rest Mcntroge. Shun was successful at hr: cxamiesaticats,....The Brahma: etutdidates from West Monro-e “an more A brilliant success. mum. Wanna won honors, being ikrat um; the girls at the Elmln um- ingtlons. The mecca-M pupil: In the order of merit mg! tuuut.rried; tr M m T ‘ T up.- 1.33.. big-dug? “Si. Swank my. I “It†Fol to": daya it In! "main. m. anhin's Day, 0, the he hit. For (any guy: 'orttt pin “(Mgr mm. June- (hllagher, Norman Bond and Lids Bevan). ht " tha recent promotion e.murtittatimt In March Ethel Lemon won I “parlor muk......A merry camping [any hue set up that tent - dim be low the bridge on the left bunk, ot the that. They have are upon win their but and cnjoy u truly pastoral 1ite.,....Jamca (hum, s Oct-ya!- old boy, tail on mu‘h " m En- trance damnation, he â€page“ taadidate in Guam. n: The Chicane Woolen Hill: no now making nice um blunt.- All m My to anti mm at M “l mu a it“ men T17 Fermi. - In, loco. “my tttd Mater Abraham. tlt Owen 'tlt mu... m mun; pun-u, . aa'd In. e. um - In. 4. Book. who I. it. My all M "- m- Is a h “m. - yond all compari ost complete ante or hold. All the y Ini v DANG-E MADE IN UMPIRE SYSTEM. h, are mum; her punts, It Mrs. C, neutron. - In. a r.vholuhIMyIl to: amusgulhlhum- I!“ been I t'g".'td'trIu'd8lltr= 1T than 'th a ye 000.000 CHICOPEE WON DER FU 1 Him" h [ gm can't! car's u! waucn I Fair at St. I :parison the la m Iv he largest Flxrositior 5 Interest ct, permit but "og? . To: trti6th.. p,) "a; 4fâ€? 'T =iff2ldttt' you» up an: tin. and. mu In! no that a.†he hit, nail-a haul mun-gm: Ao- " malo- cm In nulc to Jtrtudh “e mer,. [or authority to a.» I “a“ ttm muln- to an TYuovuu. s in other a. math-u they will In a» _ A"" , will; in arrcdjom. _ th Stephan J. Paul - wu been u Colo-burg. Cm Colony. on oo. tober 10, 1825. B. emigrated "rot" tho Von tn 1889, um! been.†Com- mg Goml‘qLJho South Am- un Romain In 1863. In 1872 In In I 'rtrgndterntC.the My!†093m? and mum England in 1885 " don» can from the Tran-val. devoting a» no" you to trading in Hot. hnd and Gamay. HI: election on Pmldont of the Ttaasmraat took place tn .1882. being gortBratetd in I883, and his reelection followed in 1888. 1893 and 1898. His term a President ceased in 1900 in Novem- ber of which year he took tom‘s In Helium. Hitt liter-w dons cousin: ed in an publicution of his mematrs In 1902. He was married uvual times: his third wife dying " PI.- toria during the recent war. Londo- Timu‘ View " Lord Dunc-I100 Tor-Ito spool. London, July 18.-tC. A. P.)-Tlu Times, referring to Lord Dundondd'n speech in Toronto, lay: it might have been better mate it he had re- trained from repeating to a popular. audience " grave indictment min-t tho Canadian Ministry. m. sent-ch- light is of a very startling chario- ter. The charge of indium-moo in al- most as grove . chug. u it in poo- Bible for a, soldier who In: been re- oponsjble for the defence of the coun- try to bring “mint hi- constitution- nl chiefs, We are sum it is en un- founded charge so far u it imputes to Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his col- leagues as a body any lack of zeal tor the may of the Dominion.. On tho other hand, Lord Dundonnld'l 4 legations crate the impression that tho militia has not been administered in some respects with a single eye to its ettteiener Lord Dundonnld has ap- pealed to Caesar well knowing the personal penalty he will lave to pay. From Ministerl and party politiciuns to public opinion and the electorate is on appeal admittedly irregular, but it will be heard, we imagine, and determine' on its merits by the tri- bunal before whom Lord Dundonnld has taken it, The decision _ will be awaited in Britain with keen inter- est, as well as in Canada, for the issue is nothing less than the em- ciency' or the inefficiency of the na- tional defences of our greatest Colo- ny and the fitness or uniltness of tho present Ministers to provide for them. . 'A6CAiqrr.. dim-I.“ a tre".', C pr†lac up, a. In ubh 19 “Had at“. N“ ttto miner-m at" vb In until Sunday. " tltaagr. tor we vane not tn on Sunday. Ital» tum Imam-clout loudly And to- nnlned Io until mu death. Deaths the Mn. Mr. Kruger VII unaided by M. own physician. Dr. Baum-u. and by his man. Mr. New. 0n 'navml Mm MA. - tiantsxPrx-da6eaimrtota buried bald. him, wile. In My owu' country. The tptggttrt Month. bl an body that“ bat In. died cl - Ilh pneumonia. London. July 1tr.-Advicet, from Helsingforl show that during this month three of the most distinguish- ed professors of the university, Ho- men, a scientist of European repuhv. tion; Enlnnder, a law lecturer. and Baron Wrede. professor of Roman law, . number of the House of Nob- les, and-one of tho most respected men in Finland. were suddenly - mated and deqtorted in nun-den to St. Petmburg. Nothing bu been Due-rd of them sinner The houses of other professors were searched. It is impossible even to suggest that more In any connecuon between than - rests um the assassination of Gov- lrnor-Genernl Bobrikott. The object seem: simply to be to terrotm tho Firsanderl and to show them that no one is are from an long an or Inn-I. Arme- Bron-luau Ion Without "rue'"'" Rum: AGAINST UNION-412.8,. DAMAGES. m Poa-tttqq " mm In)! a In" Act-l M. 1rietorU, B. 0., July 13.41» Jury indium of Centre Stu: Linn Com- mh Limited, w. the Ro-hnd orthe Wuhan Mention of mg, Sum-day “Ind-d 812,500 dunno to 4 “foam. - _ thy at that tho Focal-um m and g; m In â€when" It. urti- p4 "amt 4Htrutqrett to the mus"- to the mat. Wui‘m‘!‘ - . . mucus-human.“ an. hunt"! col-fun. WI. tlmmdlq‘hmtofmlhdm htMsperlu. _ - _, Junta-0' Dun m tho was. Mr cm mum ' K. 0.. III coin-II ter thi . It I. prob- nm an a. m uh In -t. - than. Wuhan n -. Oqql Van. London, July 13.4“. Edward. h reply to . -- troll it! In! ett.gteq of \hthl“ Ira. - "no. wan of A- W' muff! 'terr.e let'.'.? Congress of an an. and ' “do u and Int an “1'! 1. the - od International mun-k! “‘99! “A ClAR TERRORIIINO FINLAND. m3 GIACIOUS MESSAGE. hio APPEALED to CAESAR. thatch " lil- _ " 01'“ " Kl NG STREET Bhlldn " clothing. Col. Younghusband has issued a lengthy pr'oclamation that it is the intention cl the British Government to secure reparation from the Thib- etans for their "overt acts of war" and that any interference with the progress of the mission "will meet with condign punishment and only result in making the terms demand- cd more exuding and the manual to enforce them mom tavern." _ _ Drowned In the "with . Toronto. July 18.--There was ano- ther Sunday drowning accident yes- terday. This time the [lumber Hiv- er was the scene of tho fatality. The victim was Arthur l'oyntx Smyth. aged 21, a clerk in the t Eaton Co. store. . Smyth and tour friends, Arthur Poyntz. n cousin; IT. R. Marsden, Milton Badman and Chris Traynor, engaged a boat at the Humbor and rowed up the river about 1: mil. to a spot known as "Dentin-KI Point." They went in â€rimming. Traynor was the only one in the party that could mun. The other. were learning. You!“ Clothing. Betteviue, July IS..-" ditrtr-irse can of suicide occurred Wodnmrday night. shortly before 9 o'clock, when Miss Kuthloon Hamilton, second daughter of W. H. Hamilton, mung- er of the Merchants' Built of this city, shot herself. Thu young luly. who In. about 25 years of we, was talking WM mem- bers of the lamlly down “In!" when Bite left them, walked up lair: to her brother’s bedroom and dam. her-ell through the templo with a revolve belonging to her father. Truynor mu swimming and towing the boat with the rope In his mouth. The others we": Imaging on to tho Mat. The: creased the that “on, and on the way back IYarnor no;- uoed that Badman and Pant: wen gettiqg tagged. he got them unborn, and when he looked for Smyth ho saw him sink. Ho dived tor Smyth. but eould not touch him. as ch. Will - mural-a. Gyangste, July 1.5.-.ahe Minute of the British mission on um, the capital frr Thittet, he} ‘mmmunccd. Asked 7- no: 'beet-tHo - but: Bond! In With. It is said that Miss Hamilton, who was until recently employed u a nurm at Roosevelt Hospital. New York, had recently 10-1. her .heolth, mm troubled with a nervous com- plaint. About ttco PS' nzo the .a.‘:.c home. Wain-idly (ht she rc- eolvcd a letter from tho hospital management, stating that owing to her poor health she had better no- sign. MISS HAMILTON'S DEATH. no“ u not“ um {calm In out an w. kn. (In that notion is" you looking ttrt that do not tte at m ank, bu6 Ih'eh will toot “I ad hold their colon at I; t “atom": got the Inn]: of duh I'm want-um, . sad when another I: rrq and in it. put. tbe W p.33 with “mil-a n duh tv 1m luau-diam†a. _ "as. In (not. {uranium you will tthd acrobat W'- and â€B unsorted. Calla-I. Mam, who" and "thrlrrtd. Ill 'Aetrp. 03!. danced And my tttr, Illa and M. “a, full-MW; string, pair. tto.ttrtt was, how, all“. and III “I, Inâ€, socks, 'cMtttedottttag, "this. m ova-us, manta, OM- T TU but -trmot,tty1-t-rt6'-i" Iraiyti, Rank twoyumO-Iwy.m¢c,l unload an luvcn, nu "Hunt†in pawn... 'N _ j w â€10““de we. nun-oat F, 'v' ii' Mt 2L't2itd but was â€We. 's'itii'e:fitit':ii8lii1 nun-rub}. sum which can». Ind pun-notion, (at. “L I,†, L. {_, “mmaownmmhap-m†itmaittstitrhtitttslaborayt W. Tynn S. SAUDER & CO., ah gamma. _'ihr'v'uir @QLB DUST ibr'ei','i'k'j'i' that King um. and Ind-kg - “a fun hunt hams). a. an pail†T,Tf,dl, 1u3u7,uhl m, Bmrth lived with u- “0M mother and that st M $bttepedt am. They Arrived m â€I tto. had about nine . month ago. TI. tuners] will an plus m. m h - “ Milton, July t8.-.amm a1svesarbtdioasorth.uto4.Ar. Loolley, who M NI has with m: naphtha. J. B. Santa. in drowned In tho W!“ M: Sunni†W. M" 8 "* Ao'eioursotgurttomthe highly"; bridge. Homttnbuhhgvhhu number of och-r boy- and Vidal shout In." way we... He could not swim ad when ho got out od his debut- .aremt.o,ttts..gMrttt "out. with "ti-M ota a“? H.5- um- My KIM Bt. Thom-l. July 18.--A um ao- ddent occurred may on an m of June- 'Shoebottom, cones-don Jr. London township, when his m ,ear-oid boy Jun". was - crushed. Mr. Shoebonom I†M tntrharduringttte any. sud m driving up to the bun on top 01th load with two mu cum. Jim- my, tho boy, was mind the loud. huving hold of ‘ board proiseMntt from'tho vggnn. What tithing In) the gnawâ€. tho from when at gun wagon were rated 23 such a W n to lower the uni! cl thought-g: mind the nu, crush little 'IA',',"..', cumin-um Mttrrgu that the boy'n mm m M. Toronto. Jab â€~me Jun. Furlong, while cleaning wludon, tett three work- from c window In as The boy died la MW mum ‘1- nrwu'dl In “an!“ 5 .. »' 15mm. 6ahaorri ' St. Thomas, July t8.-at it - to. deed In this Inter any: "terrrt' I!" out the full of our live. In In)! a» time of our forefathers, that - one lives to the great .39 of “I hundred. But Archibald W; second concession, ha- mdied M Me, md Friday aloha-nu “I a» hundredth anniversary ot M. â€at. His children. his children'. mum and their children, was: nan-ban hundred of his neighbors and m from hr and mu- ttatheemf at in home to coast-Mulch Mm. St. Peteratrtmt, July ".-ah. Vice-Governor of Elinbethpol wt. What“ u 7 o’clod In: wu- lng. The man mun! n Adm-hm. a mu pluck lawn. â€when: some at the Government of Elia-m1. do. to as Paul fro-tit. AIM-hi I (In... BERLX "