PSI T “lama Art",'"' _. i " giw. et'i'Asihi'ii' V , .' [Hm l ' mm mums, . mug-ands sowing unhin- k, ullulnfkot A what who rig a wall a . bud-on. - d 'il. mm Allmww~ 'c/l,. m A-r-tyep.: BAP BERLIN IIAIBI. 1 RELIIT TANCE DEPARTI BNT. Money can be neat to all parts of the world at trttlmg tost by um drafts mad money orders. Bank drafts are absolutely safe am? we guarantee that the money will be pal: only to the right part}? I r--'- mu, .- ...- -""P"" F . Travellers tan purchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed "ety- where without cuarge,personisl iden- titicataou or any kind of trouble. AVINGS DEPARTMENT. ( The safest way to tnvest your man " is to place'it in this department The rate at interest may seem In) tll when cnnu-at A with tha tomised by specuilirs but theim cotne is u least c Al, In. _ Remember that the money is per teeny safe and tut-t y at can get tt when you want ft -- .. . - â€-1- .-.-..E.u.d Mil-ll..- bub“: 'IICII '"" "a... .. Ono dbllar and upwards teceived Interest added (we: a year. T. E. HAINES. Agent, RERLIN- in: cAuAmAu an“ M commence and It We OAPITAL......'rooANta. 'MN".... ...... .....63.000,000. HEAD OFHCE, Tatum“). A noon! Banking Bushes: mm WATERLOO titthtl tlil Deposits of one dons: an†town-ad mind“: the Swing: Ban: or on pooinl new: pad highest. rum of mural: mowed. Dratta and Money Onion named on all puma " lowest “no. Speck“ “tenth: paldto an basins:- of tanner- sad out of 1mm summon. Blank New for tumor- ulu supplied (no on aptr1ieststiom F. C. G. MINTY, Mum". The Molsons Bank. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL Caplul Authorized $ Pad-Up Capital - 38.000300 Rourvo Fund - $2,850,000 - buklu hula“- mlom mun. drum - p- nmol the Dvulnton or my u and .rrurtse"t mm at Inna-0t - day Mud m Savings Bu] caulk fhuufl iiliiliwf ï¬ tathpe,the l ti iirto,ret" n’m m NKOF HAMILTON â€wt-nil!“ m... ,idGGiu_ tht1 out-on and. _ m - MAGNI- mu. Tht llSSES miBlf8hilll, JOHN BITZEB, {noon-pom“ In 1865. We no moving beautiful 1/100, “Mr, Tum, Ba- tuto, Ch!!! I, --BAT8-- (I “My my cranium. ox- qullltcly trimmed la the wry and)!“ York nodes A showing that Ttill delight m hurl cl handful 'ttiiiittttrr..... BERLIN _ that to Sunk Sun Store. genial†JACOB “IIPIL-l. lung-Ir erlm Dana RITZER'S. mod pot-bk " “l mun». unwed Ne m - or would 'LTI‘JHAOO I ' u. in run-dud P u My. Atta.. It . that u laughter-i- luv In. Ban sum vol who“!!! "%rTai.Gd In. Bow-u. my myâ€? Mr, III- Imo- I. ". no but. wit†u .h I- a! It. “I Mn. Burma-‘- "i-yn hi. It. Hindi-Ia. " Alto Pun, IR., ha tour-[jgngtu' . TFG iii;- i-if- a him up a; in. _artotgrd to do. lid: 'tr, " ' Pan. A11,%"'lffaJt c y. t %N'mt. and hue 'iqtedan ween-5n you "eu. “A. Mr. M Damn, ot Bt. Jacob. and his we. who w li- Sun) Berger, "tuned to Bern- Iodin- dny out " Iron their homunc- " They were Lluivuim by u “may ot the bride's friends in the The members ot the Vinmloo County Council hate hem invited to We tho guests ot the Wellington My Council in - u June 1st. A contract tor the Ingest. Cout- ty bridge, the Chambers bridge. be- tween Pilldngtoq um Woolwith. is to in Int. _ ... sreaatV ut their return The Hilton and Sudbmw Dia. tricta of the Methodist Church have passed resolutions tutoring theehurch union movement The Hilton Dit- trict meeting wu held in George town on Thursday and the resolu- uon was moved by Rev. J .W. Cooley and seconded by Rev. is. "eilliarmmu, D.D.. bluntly ot Berlin. Berlin could be wonderlully bewil- fied ii the citizenrgot to work Ind acted unitedly, each doing just. a small mount oi work in th n. 't1rec- lion. For instance it your neighbor paints his verandah and your own can stand a fresh coat, follow suit. It all the lawns were kept as neat as some are to-day, how much more 'beanlilul our streets would appear! There are a. lot ot old rickety lences which should be consigned to the bon- tire in order og0 neatly kept lawns (which are now hidden by these ugly fences might add to the good appear- ance oi the “reels. The Ahrens street residents are right urto-date in the way, of beautifying their hou- 'it'tt up to every man in town to get busy in the improvement business. Berlin is away ahead of most towns in this respect but there is still room tor vast. improvement. sex and grounds and their latest move in having 3 by-law passed on- lorcing the uniform building line is unthich should be emulated iry r'.hr idem: on other streets. Mrs. Samuel Sctpeidrr suffered a paralytic stroke Wedtwsday after- noon and lies at her home on iluern street south in a precarious con- ditiou. Her son, Mr. Roland Srhncid- er, arrived home trot Stratlurd this morning. ' Engineer tff plans tor settling tanks at '.rt, and Company‘s tan- nery and Huether's brewery were ac- cepted at Thursday nigltt's meeting of the Sewer Commission and the work will be proceeded with at once. TWO NEW MAINS WILL BP, LAID, Petitions tor new sewer mains oy Breitbaupt and Waterloo streets were granted. The Commissioners will visit the sewer [um on Monday alternocn tor inspection purposes. STRICKEN Mrs Rosa Mum. niece of the late General Roger Hanson, C.S.A., wants even woman to know of the wonders accult- edt, by Lydia E. Pinkllam'q WWMML . . " DIAII Mu. Pts-.--, eunuch tell m- with Tll' and ink mm good I Lydia B. P thunk Tteh',',',',: ' Conrail! did for 'no.." [Cm the “uptown" mm 'llTiharil halt-do not! that hut,',", feeling. t ' would rho from I, ll the nor-Is. both. more and “a. when I went to had but butâ€. I all two We. . iaiki I. tram-1.x 'tN"dlh',tlr4 18th?, 1ltATi _ iaaa 'uiire, kuutadb-yoih and.“ dram-thaw“ -aiiir--rIrt-eetyPP {Gift i"; 'irGa,ad Jpn-cm my». humanist-o- buns-Ind I may no“ it You.“ tglM'ltt?,".tt ABA-I. I" In. I. Ml . - 2eee)rat','cat=tltf,WMltf new game“. aoisoat no BEAUTIFY TEE TO YN. the Five Pointa - WITH PAR ALYSlS “hull“.m â€a 'eot-tirib-trri-- 1trttirgitu'ftxgNr2t' hunch-mud i,ii7d5if churn-Imminent _ TWe W “In an n ,rorkuettto_tetrr.tq. atoeatuitv.eta-nrt_-t. A" .tatrwarqrutbsNtltt,V uguot.thoc'sMnotoaguM.e" mu can"; I lee! Above In“. VI- this in eo-tod the not will - manual.» ttsth'" i/'ai'i'istt'ttte'a),ttu “Wish-um u "a-tie-et-et-tttttri, use puke-zl- “an.“ and“ the Out-tudunlury "eviemtritlb.ina-tad_ob. inlaid". I" J. w. Bttttteatt all macs UIIOI. Raw. JM, M, when and by the Teacup. toe Us vb“ on Church union in Cash. all they enact from the 06cm org:- ot the Methodm Prom-tut (lurch ot the [and sum um in u".- ing winch oitett Brethren and Gourmand Church: at that _cottntrr:- _ p -- _ "For n union was will “new the destinies: ot the church in winning men to Christ. In encourag- ing the - and we working tom- es of the chunk. in “will; mil- tsion work at home ad "road, we stand committed in the [cu ot God. and to: no other. But such . upla- we believe God bu in store to! us. and it that be , none ot _ can imam to “andqu vgy." That the Ranger: have no liccnsc to so into 'ttrt “up: series with a team made up cttiefiy oi junior: was amply demonstrated at. Victoria Park, when Galt won its second srnior game, defeating the Berlin team by 3 goals to 0. And the Ber- lin boys did well to hold them down to that more tor the "il- tors' aggregate weight must have been fully 25 per com, greater than that of the Berlin an. With per- haps cue or two "muons, alt the Gull. mm were experienced senior players, whereas on the Berlin team there were cnly tour senior men, namely, Broun. in goal; Krueger, back; Cochrane, lull- back, and Sher- rill», lelt wing'." The rest oi the min were all too light tor senior com- pany and it is significant that ol "he team which represented the stu- siors last night. [our ere playing in (the junior series this yeat. CIA " " A ' Fir? clubs are represented in a new organization known as the Twin City Baseball. League which has been formed 1n dc: the following omcers:-- Hon. Pres.:- GM. DeBus and W. Schlieman. Prem-o. anhe. Vice-Prem-E. Tucker. Secretary.--]. Guggisberg. Those represented are the Quack- ngcks-ol Waterloo and the Sham- ricks, Beavers, Maple begin, and the Y.M.C.A. clubs of Berlin. A sched- ule will be drawn up at-t meeting to be held on Wednesday evening. At the Presbyterian mum M. tout o'clock on Wedneslhy Afternoon the wedding took place ot Mill Nellie Seymour to Mr. Will lite", Ion ot Mr. Fred Rims, Elgin "not, the ceremony being Conducted by Rev. W. A. Bradley. T he bridesmaid VII lies! Olive Graybili end the groom we: supported by Mr. Aime Heller. A!-, let the nuptiel Imoi Wu tied the bri- dal party retraired to the reeidelwe d the bride's mother on King street, west, and pertook of he wedding breakfast. The gifts to the bride included e number oi Mutual end costly pieces. l Mr: ind Mn. Km no spending their honeymoon in Toronto and oth- er 'caswrn poi M. Junie beam at mm mm' and seamen all We - placed, “M tte "rest u: mamas. inch “In“: an um stale and rti - u- m AW?" 'erritto WEAR". EREss--8EYMOUtt EUPTIALi. nu and [torn $10,000 to "5,000 tl the animal mullet- ot the world.‘ The only rtttttoeeem itt tttis comttry' ll owned by Mull-5 Brothers, and II on exhlbltlol In their rem-rink mumlc. This Inn ll use the lot- tunaoe o‘wnen ot no glides, vhlcll no and tor Ilka roruttr, all could m be - ntuyprlce. for the cue ol this reclu- III- ,nul- mull-g an an "sou m mull] built, and their “VII; Tl"d, on “Achy 'ttft, with ‘cul- , tr mm .Il '.'alrt,t, I M at m in my dub tr m: a. a. any . an!» is! “unmask-HEW. mmm.w.mmm “I mmmmma'nm iuF-u5ten.BohrBair"etyt lime aiiaartste-aetp' i,eiht,talutt,0pp.yi',lt _ m pun-Jutl- !r'5Agitiitar,,i'd?,i'lii'i- K- -dihett.t' u WONDERS OF THE 290 FOOTBALL. BASEBALL. - AWAY A III“! "ID! Tb fee, ot nub; ball: It I. lay: 3.0. Chuck an non- h; --ed the ham marine ot It. Gout-a Huck. youngest hush- tee cl 'Eia.G.HIreh,aadomt ot with that III-mu, to Dr. s. D. Sinai, ot Detroit, son ot Air. Peter Swatch ol (In-d Raids. Tin ceremony took place in the M oi I large number cl - 3nd Math?! u! the cen- tru‘ln. panics. and wu Impressive- ly â€normal by the celebntlw oi Solemn "ti, In! by Rev. Father, Willlun Ioeplcr, mind by Rev. Father A.J. Fischer,, deacon, um Rev. Fume: Theo..apeu, sub-deacon. The bride looked exceedingly prev ty and happy in I hudsome costume od white crepe de chant, And man "it, and carrying . prayer-book. Hat bridesmaid, Miss MinetU Lug, wu chumingly attired in tt beak tittet so": ot white Iiik, with a Inge picture hat and carried . bo- quet ot pink bridal roses. My groom Ill guy supported by his brother, Kr. B.R. Swatch, ot Grand Iup- ida. - non" 'at'l't,dgtd all d'ntt ttehett.rttdtaMrtlhoeat" bmttrgrarhatr. - "_ 1g'gnLt"Wtl'hh'm ii'iik1ih!iiii?k'ii'i'sE After the couclusicn otthe solenn service the bridal party and their immediate relatives were drivm to the home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MoU, King street, where a recep- tion was held and Ccngrutulatitns extended. A dainty and appropriate wedding breakfast was also partake" ot. The happy couple left on the 3.26 train tor their future home in Detroit lollowcd by the best 1wishes of their numerous lriends, The bride was one of Berlin's The bride Was one of Berlin's best known and popular yoing "la- dies, having tor several years been the emcicnt and ever-obliging book- keeper at the Waterworks oliice, where she won the election ot 1 large proportion oi the citizens. This was tingibly manilesled by the molly hendsome end costly gins oi which she was the recipient. The hushond ot her choice, Dr. Swanlck, is else well and lavorably known in Berlin, having, attended St. Jer- ome's College, of Whitb he is a gunman. He has established an ex- can» practice in Detroit, and his many Iritmis will txtcnd their con- Frtisuticns on this occasion At the provincial convention of the Knights or the Maccabees at Chat- and the following omcers were elect- ":-- Sound I The Light Commission Friday ev- ening intruded Chairmsn Inge- dorn to close I comma! with lKIooplor and Co., for 3.000 tone ot cod. " in decided to nerve amt-o! now» on All classic light. In" who an over I month In n- In.“ and it up accounts no not p.10 In " days they‘wm be phased In an - q‘u solicitor [or col- ilcctiol. . mcket.--J. Letterson, Pctcrboro The thrill annual convention w be held in Own Sound. Among the delegates were M NY. Weber, Mn. ILL. Janzcn, a Mr. um Semen, oi Berlln. WILL CONTRACT FOR 3,000 TONS )lACCABEES IN CONVENTIRN GmtLPtt PASTOR: FAVOR UNION II Guelph n I meeting Att the mauve: ot the Communa- at, Prmbrertan all Methodist. clutch, the lollovlng "loll-turn p, C..-W. M, McCleyout. cstrn.-S, W. Trulsler. LhutA?om.--W. R. Colby, London. R. K,--o. H. Tovuncnd, Owen "That the â€then uscmblcd con- 7'1; no†u they me with the Con- 'foom Emotional, Methodist tuuPPresbyter- tion In Minna†itt this city, luv- ‘w C m had W their cmMernuon an“ “I ttes', of 1: union M ot h the t no In. , Yin; [and n fun In.“ at.“ an we tel,', abbot, aah-it-tr- t in " fit/tttlt, . was. in la, a w. will . was " i a cl “of I â€an "o a. an a and my“ , nun d In a on†gun- as. - 1uiiei'ire." PM to 0. Iain." 1.†a. - [In 'Matti' "V O! ' " an†III-.9, I. Fl n F p ii.i'"tfititf'l,iti' 'IU "- u- um!!! F. K.-A. J. Cochran. qhap.-ueo. mach, Hamilton Phrr-Dr. Mitchell. Wallaceburg. tgergt.-- W.W. White. . M. A. A,-.0. Murray. lat M.0.0.-- Y.F. Weber, Berlin Md M. o. G.-- J.S. Font]. av Hair 'id -1 will Mr. and y , iilillltrt ro ilir9, ‘ 4; , we Mi. Th luau . 'tiota. boob-o t.Wllra%lw ur mum a human-nut =,cy'td to and. an my . ' at the matures-Inn! b being [mud to Illinois. " trtartu comm loam basins†u- unnum- owing to the limited wing. um " has gone 'ogrt ot hull-en with . muddle loll. but. bilkhb loo- .“ a. may“ it. - W an the may an m ttttftuty'u"rearbr.atue 3300 m. Fm. ".tsoqrt-h. let iota this you. " tummy! of help . Yur’ngo wanna! the you": trom raping tho lull 'c1"il ot their khan. ACREAGE 1900 ACRES GREAT- Berlin, Mar M.--Pretset" indica- tions. according to Hanging Dino- tor Mon at the Ontuio Bu- pt Company‘s factory at Berlin, “a that the acreage ttl been to beeul- tivated for that actor! this you will be " least 1300 new: greater than last yen. The seeding in now in lull swing And will probably be tinished inn week's time. lt in A significost fact that beet growcrs lor the, Berlin sup: factory get then mail trom over 330 post ome- es. This gives nn idea ot the great extent ot territory which is tributnry to the factory. A l The Image is nearly all in small lots, smh as can be easily controlled by the farmers without getting outside help. One great trouble during the first year WIS “but individunl [armors sowed too Imany acres with sugar beet seed and as a result could Int cultivate ithem ali because at the great scttr- icity ot labor, and they were handi- ‘capped also by lack ot knowledge as to the proper cultivation of the beats. The results were good, but ‘not such as hnd‘betn looked tor- ward to. This (act was detrimental Ito the lactory's interests in the sec- cnd year, lor it was ditlict1lt to to get other farmers to grow beets, but the second year was so succes- Mul that many who have not as yet grown sugar beets are going in- to it this year. I‘b Tm Vandal: uh‘ a: mom-u" .-rb-totA_uBes- ii; The experience gained by the tar- mers who have hem growing beets tor the past two years will result in the production ot beets ot a super- ior quality and greater production per acre, two mrtretttialt, to the suc- cess ot the industry. ior quality and greater production per new, two comm-ls to the suc- cess of the industry. "The prejudice against beet sugar," said Mr, Hagedoxn, "is being re- moved, and those who have used it have found it very satistactory. It could not be otherwise, as (hemi- cnl analysis at beet and cane sugar shows them to be identical." There is no fear that the industry will languish atrdt has in Michi- gnn, because of two wet seasons, tor land in Western Ontario is ot such a ngture that a wet season will not seriously aitect the crop, and it the summer is dry the nature of the beet itsell in dipping into the earth to: great depth to secure moisture Jadon amsn; m». auamqsunou pun development. SEAIONS GOT EIGHT MONTHS. Alexander Senmons pleaded guilty in the Toronto police court on Fri- day, to three charges ot theft, and: Ins sentenced to eight months in the Central Prison on each, the terms to run concurrently. There were tour charges, and the sums were as fol- lows: American News Agency, tio; Fletcher Manulacturing Company , l0; A. Roumegous, $25; and F. W. Fish- cr, t15. He issued checks tor these amounts without any lunds being in the bank to his credit. Seamons is the men who was nrrested in Berlin by High Constable Huber. i I: no Mtthodist Church school- nmn Friday evening the was» Not: granted their mint. Rev. C. ". Con-an. with . gold nick and chin. win a “all. â€reclaim ot his mien its. My up IT-rrp-tletter-ttt clan-1‘ WW MINI-ugmmJ in in not! Mtgea.t in o-tr-tttrt' ito than Murmanmonlr yirtGittitltfttetttAe'e: “that "Wu-Iconic“: in - I". A null room, " use. may W. Lt' uncut-I‘m u man'- Pr. - “India-pom, iltt9* “walnut-g Mp: itPve.t' lot-u.l!h¢n at .gun human-ox . mm“ " The new open cu No, [my " now running on the Pr?, B. ling. iiiFr'eFitiC',i?i"fCi 7.. or on!» any “was“. I Th. Inchin- but n M Pf oi - -dhttt 'm. . -ttr ot detqrin; Le"., my: normal. " tt pp. trf2 Oneal-W The new cngine. whk‘h has undergoing repairs n Goldiei Culloch's is “out. completed, will be In opention next week Fire destroyed . house owned by cure Bros., beside the laundry on Ptidar waning. Thu Ion haven: did not mom“ to much u the house III to be mu ttttMt. Tht market '13 well “tended this month; . Prices were shout the we a lat mire -, _ _ . part {out ya (in In July FiiiJriiiieto "a cm PRESTON. whiéh in: been " Goldie & Mc- completed, trnd LAMB 'lj'lilll(llili,l, 9 wires, uptight, Hardware, Show, This“, Plumbing nod Pipe Fitting. Stan Pal. Offiee. PM. 142, BERLIN. (The Mercantile Fire LPAINFU L RHEU MATISM. Rheumatism caused by an ae.'s in the blood. That is a medium truth every sullcrer from this trouble Ishould bear in mind. Lininients and Qutward applications cannot cure what is rooted in the blood-- the disease must be cured thrnugh the blood. That is the reason theuaur- ‘tism yields almost like magit to Dr. Williams Pink Pills. This new blood conquers the painlul poison, sweeps oat the aching acid, soothes the nerves, loosens the muscles and ban- ishes rheumatism. Mr. Robert Mor- rison, one ot the beat known and esteemed residents of Guelph, Mit.,'; gives striking‘ testimony to the truth of the statements made above, He sartc--"My trouble come grad- unlly and wu pronounced muscular rheumatism, uni was bated chiefir in my neck and . shoulders. I can hordly tell you how much I sitttered. I '33 cotulrted to my bed tor - ttttem months. A great runny mend: come to see me during that time uni I think I mi ate in saying that most I ot them Ind Very lew hopes tint , I Would' get better. I tried . great my remedies without my lutllg _ benefit. Then I tried Dr. Willluu' ' Pink Pills, and I an the-km to It! l tut t then. at these pills, and the mom running ot my wile I min on my lest. Iy ', Td in mu rmevht Ir. mat: in who. Ill now my T “I t H that t 0" M to I m: " T This Tumble is Caused by an Acid in the Blood, and Can Only be Cured Through the Blood. J. a. want: MW...» ll. “Mu-â€W . - - "V M pills hm and “on.“ ot m an - an at mull“. mun-sun, mun. Imam - M. ad the: undo u. - Ia: 10‘...“ hymn-diaman- II or "" brinait at80ootta I - tte l". - lot an try with: my. mum-r mm m;mu&h‘mngm I: r , .w.tte,t.aoemidriiteer-enrottt_. R" T tgd",":',',,-,',',':,',,'.?:',':"':,,,',',')',"."."',','., _ J, www.mwudm .uvcnuulaéti-I teomGmodandcomicthtem. “Achillcnnopw-K†"su-tsub-n-o-dau"---.,-"' o-leo-et-o-tata-Ma-S...-. ret-Orch-o-tsa.- couplqto with a W " to m nun-minivans; “uh-“MM" - m - o-e-r-reef-req, - “In; 7.3.76“ ___ - 3.3-4 an or W-oo.. MUM " SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - - - . DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV’T . - _ All Policies Guaranteed by the 1.0m: & LeePPe Invite» DIN - lth E. lawman. we Us ecu-uh. and. no“. Evening, on Alfred Wrurht. Seneca-y T. H. m aucxunnouou a oo., Ann-a. warm. INSURANCE COMPANY- ight, 14 inches-put. and WWW' V" doubt the beat and divulge-t farm le and; C,"' lt:! 40 CENTS A ROD. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO. ONT. BO INCHES HIGH Saharan Comm with Amt: of816,306,638. , DIN pg pooh!“ MI a. mu mum “and" from I“. mr Impound 1.75. " ot SAFETY EGIIIIOIY, “$8.. _ mram Daminiun Life Assumes Go. I "MP"" II 1008 l The best yur in the Company’s)â€, '""N"aiit" tta-ii-" - MCI "rumma- Imam-Inn IIEAD arms. 'rAmture, on. Car Kauai. no; Hull-P‘- Pro-Hunt. In. D-. m Inn-m an» at Amul- Surplus [me over a: per cent. More than 00 per cent of rear'. Income. added to Amt: Average rate of Interact. ' GAO per rent. Policies land a. Sound and Attrsetlvt Plum. ltd chums-Lion for Total A hing". Write to lie-dono- or to the Company's Agent- for . intohnatiott. “XML GGAdeit -1 T. a. run. Imm- 'waloo. Thom†'i'iEii)i'i,i'ii',ii'iigpgaTEW'at'" V 'rti"t"iiiiiitrjjliiiiigit.csi, womb. Vidh 'fkl),tj,t WATIBI " HOUSE- MOLD 'tt60,000.0tt 117,140.11 mh