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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Jun 1904, p. 2

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. ' _ "V' _ _=? . u! an.“ rer, .1. . i:" 'r. T 1 ,. v. gym 'r, 1-:3' . ii'. :53} 's,Y,C' , & in 2' it A I r Q 'd=il 0‘ _ I: c. . 2. I IC a?“ I I ' g- N' ac; (liriiii?lFiig =-' " IT; and - with“ on! t. 'e7a'd'; ', and]. th‘m new: " ' q Cl ‘not 'c88t'rs1rr= on an _ bin. "tkT", ulud. tantamoun- Yi"; '___ no uh mum»... in hm. n L'sdrd the Bommissiul tn quite an Fa, “and“ position .3 In as con- Iii man are cmccrnod. Judge Tau. = decision WEll xequ‘nea than in or. Ir?,', Io: the ,award 'Y the auburn 5- lot hgtud ot the guitar gun to bn.iegal, n must cum-l .wuonl, which " does gust. This Wu; throws the whole seweg’ Ian problem somewhat into a state d collusion. holding the cumis-l lion in suspense, and thus prevcut-‘ h. thrtts, st least lot the present, from going on with the new” work. .Whu the next move‘ will he is b-omcylhat problematic, but it. is "Many high time that .. but sol- !!in ot this vexed problem be at- 'rivat at. Those interested most .in tho sturiBcsWP ot the Berhn sew- .” are residents along Schneider's ‘ka. lulu “him the diMharscs _1titT the sewer lam: empty It " “we wonder that these palms an: gallons to see some action when by the sewer commission to trut the same ol the town so as to do ni‘ay with that which heretofore has been a source of lltlgutlur. Thrrc should be no legal technicalities at lowed to obstruct immediate action on the pull. ol the commas“ II Creek, into trom the sew Trum wonder unions to SCN The Tories are saying '0overnmeut ' in the langua Mail and Empire, is "pla the hands ot the Yanluw i combine," by terasing, to in duty on bimiers,'tuowers am us. Well, the duty on them was onu- thirty-fsve per c reduced it to twenty por George E. Foster, in 1x12 Was he too, playing i hands oi the Yankvc comb no means. He said in] speech on that occitsit n March 37; 1891, that would "have the rim cheaptning, one of the ot cxpmdllurc to MW has been subjected grain-growing districts reason, and none " have kept the duty the Tories then put it The Tories worms to be astou- ishai, too, 1hat the Government does not tax lumber. The lumbcrmcn of British Columbia desire such a tax, which, however, would be a .'it'r- ious burden on me Northwest sct- Mer. How docs lumber some to be tree? Mr. Foster abolished the duty ot twenty per cent Some one has sum nun L that, at present, all that pal Canada north of the Hi. Lawn the ouao l and Lake Fv.rvrior, asistst of little more that the I bed at the Canadian Pacific l way; It the (nnrmolm spares to north are, as the Ibries say, 'wurth opening, the future of Dominion is not bright. li, m other hand, they contain anyl like the potential wealth which G. T. R. surveyors prlilcss to tound., the sooner they arc hn within the mach of a market better for all concvrned, more ticularly fur the older ptovi which ol late have been al standing still. LUMBER The numerous lricnds this minty of Prof, J', of Hamilton, will be that that gentleman trom his recent severe ently to be out attain. Who-we 10in in the rush and bustle ot I!!! buy world, manning our easy-31e- “up? our systems. mn of mm Ina-Ally pub). of mil»: 2U'G'14 of bodily numb and than: Than per- - tttq been): brash down, and we um doomed to 1,o,t,th1d", of pain Ind awn-ion. Our w m. In damn-d. tgttttetteitlutEtMtrr "I“! In Ya In the lush awful”! iiLar-ho-ayaniris3-rt “mm-mm BEEOHAM’S " PILLS OUR HUGE BACK COUNTRY. rum IMPLE- MENTS. ach of a market tht I conccrried, more pat the older provinces late have Men annoy of thc largest it to which the tar: 'cc-ted, especially saying “in he 1aoguage' ', is "playin 'Yankee imp ing to inc": the "tritrav-', - must contain. In Auto. on Stands] a not. This 4Usetrati m - detea whole sewn; 'ms to two. Al and 1 '-t, .. -0-.. tons were tePeee in 1894 Lee implement to inctuaso tht rs and harvest these articles her, Libr; u:cactly wl (II Ihe cer, oi in Berlin and W. Baumann, glad to learn has recovered illness sumci, with tr n1 .reaUY “h ll ho Mr., Fees. th th l' t ll have an“ to!" out 1” iPihlrrggn'tl'h'hl' b “you" n. “no!” Bao tGiiiuudtuietwtpf uae-inter' M tp"' Ill‘ R. schunM VIII "" only purers who Ind no anon scored ngaistat, them. i Acton's seven runs was: due large- ly totho tact autmyhad an 'sgle hits. The hole in Ctsrl Schill- ing's bat must have been plugged up lo: he hit the sphere for two [ has! in this match. The tatuthrted 'iscore is as to1lows.-- Uta-i?“ - - F y do“ km to PM - m. 411*“ - a. my. Cont-blot cells“ M may: m an on Mt his: - who"! bat [0W - tttm "tirq they m was told an View my, - "sheared him. _ 1h the the the BERLIN LO ot h Batty. tib' _... “hum, " . Tripp, c _ E. Ryder, 2!) Organ, P-- Lawson, Ib,. Oram, (LN. N. Ryder, ci McIntosh, ri. A htorttcfielt, l' Mammy, c.. .._ MrCraney, 2l Whitney, 3tr c. Schilling, Englert, ct... Martin, rim. Gross, ss ...r W. Schilling CANADIAN LE Waterloo Acton .. Galt . .. Guelph Berlin . Preston Mr. John (mum-r will he am those who will have horses um at the New Hamburg Driving ll Association's annual raw "wet The prospects are bright for June seventh, eighth and Hi most successful meet the Associa has ever had. SHOULD CLEAN Tin cans, ashes, paper and rubbish of almost every descriptiou in the yards hthind the King Street stores brought forth a protest from the Board of Health at their meeting on Saturday night and the merchants are askui lo remedy this evil. Inspector Orr reported having visit- ed the slaughter houses and all but two were in first-class condition. . Inspector Orr rcpur ed the slaughter how. two werc in tirst-clas Dr, Hichn, M, H. o, there were no contag town. There are mote exclusive Euro- pean novelties in the great program oi Ringling Brothers’ World's Great- est Shows this season than was ever before gathered in a circus per- formance in this country. The most sensational riding aetstever perform- ed are to be seen at each periorm- ante in the unique feats ol the tour F.idrcds. Three riders have astonish- ed Cr all liurope‘by their egtraorditt- ary equestrianisrrc Four people jump: iing lrom the ground to a runningl horse's back at exactly the Sank“ ,time, jumping backward at the same ‘ instant to the same tlying position, _ side somersaulting over two fleet- ing horses, and executing difficult 'acroitatic teats while all tour are t n the bark of a speeding horse, are MW- eral of the deeds that they accomp- ish that were never done before. The tour Eldreds are without ll peer in ithe whole world in sensational bare- (back riding. The tour Bedinis, Par- ‘isian idols, are also in the high class, and making their first appearance there with Ringling Bros. They intro- duce riding and leaping dogs in their Enovel and hazardous acts. The six tilinserettis, who turn triple somer- suilts from doulder to shoulder, gm acrobat. M European celebrity. The Tasmania troupe, the Sight Colini- tClaronn ml the Do11ard troupe pre- sent their npedoitiu here tor the It',': time Ind hove ereated . mn- tton. To bring than "an: to the . _ - -- " o JAIL defeated Preston by t thrce in a Canadian Ling! "eturday. country " ”OM progressive policy In _ oUEu'H STRICT- ":on We“ union M may as itft,'fi'r' tn-E-at" ' - " 'tsttqrtr-t _ _ ---. “4A-- “Ad um by HP. noon. W“ n In. cm. W “m and mm ot up Guelph 9mm ot w. WM and. M “" mm tse6int Mmrtei “L .3 L'ROI’EAN NOVELTIE IH- u- U“-"r--~ ., - ania troupe, the eight Colini- ns and the DolUrd troupe pre- their Opt-chitin here tor the time 1nd lave created . sensu- To bring that nuns to an: n " ”other oviduct: of the who policy ol Wing Brom- on Bautday the Bertin H m deteated " - l. Al usual Btrlirrtr er- too numerous. -riett, 1 w. sauna; wen the us who ttad no “to” ' oq6gvtprl, 4&0.“ !.Mucm , ”one. Sunday "I you‘d-U. m.mstt bag “My Wu - iraa-.rittisrre . w Polk» may BERLIN ACTON ll human out! HE), reported that contagious diseases in IGUE STANDING UP BACK YARDS paper and rubbish " 0 Moors, can!!! an M and for ttw and ninth. Association " " R.HE It It 0 ll " Bertin uncut! I'ark 0 " 1000 1000' 666 333 000 000 runs game () Th will will on“ I: ' to July an "eu-., u will an»; at 'earueat M dy, ammo N30” fre. 0 Iv. - r: "'etFe ,,m “r. (thyte an at an. I. u. 33-- 0k tH, -atd mum. at Mttt unnu- Lulu-u at '" oepuuunz I Ss,iSt."utfl'"ti rd college. with! w " ot was“! tum“ in tttq vulou which or the coma. Tu W was“. irsttiod on a. and! d “I Ont-no Agd- aGitrdfo-rt.r_ " the electric “mi all-3y. The m vi” to My luv than. 131de 'stty We”, lu- tum All inbound work, the no puns; ot NM Study counties: uni counc- ol "all; in iuustrMiem ut the numb aha-II._ A mm giving Mm Idealism tful had by Bprlteatimt to Dr. W. H. willow. Dean of the InatitaU. Miss months may. to is nncwmg ”quantum In Preston. A [use party ot Boriin'ncs held . dance at ldylwild park Suntan evening. A with. -Joe Kenning ot Mirhigw. has} retumcd homo utter visiting his (wily in tor". -- fl "iurTG' iiisre. McCullough at Berlin spent Sunday " the Mineral Swing Hotel Del Monte. A _ .. n7,___-, up.“ --9ee-e - -- The Misses. Oetschlager, Rumpel and Mr. ELI). Mekeliar ol Berlin, spent Sunday in town. A petiticn is being largely signed asking the mayor to proclaim Wed- nesday, Aug. third as a civic holl- day. . " The town council in a body, were driven around town on Saturday af- ternoon to witness the improvements that have bun made and are undcr wny. - . . . .-,, . n-;.. ml The mauv friend; of Mr. A Rein- er, who had the nuslortunc of tall- ing oria sratiold some tune ago, injuring his head, Will be ploastd to learn that he was able to resume his duties on Monday. The marriage ot Mr. Johnston to Carrie Hither was celebrated Tues- day. night. Rev. C. Cook perturde the ceremony and Charles Johnston, and Ella [Hiker were the attend- ants. Dr. E the men A very pretty ramming was ized at the Prcstrn lt.C. Ch Father Hnglert Wrdmmluy l at 9.30 o'clock, tttten Miss Marshall, of Donn, became th of Mr. Edward Bow oi I The bride, who war ttra guwned, was 1yrgclf, I; Maude Marshall 0 Dean, M H. Lang at the same plao H. Lang at the same placc groomsman. At the mndusim the :ccumony the wedding drove to Dunn. “new a w dinner home. l E. Lady ot Portage la Prair- is renewing acquaintances in At . recent fraternity dinner Johr Kendrick Bangs Md this aim}; as one ot hia gentle-l txpeiOacea, says the New Y.or “Tuna": "At the time I was running for mayol of Yonkers I an I laborer digging in I trench, and I thought I would try ta mph": his vote. I wen! up to him and and: . T " ‘Hello, PIH' “He loukcd It me wlthout recognizin; me, and and: 'Good mornin', Bor.' - "inid’ic he I one day um naked him it he had made . his mind how In would vote It the Election. "'0i dou't know, not; but Can thing is lune, Oi'l1 not Vote for that dabm luk Bugs! 'l't1T - "We ,' add he, 'ho’s I null and I roostexcnt and I dood.' N explained to him u best I could that Mr. Bun no none ot mm thin? and, even i? fa Wm, it was became t couldn’t help it. I invited him to com! and but I drink with me; he tsecepted, and, after raving “ken two or ihret drinks, In hump u? Yriendly. While In In: In a seeming; ttiUbls mood I contend an 1 van rugs. _ In. Bro---ott, what lovely wed. ding intents! Such beautiful sliver. we ml and rare china I Wasn't it the to ml can t _ In t'ir'i'ifi,ri"it,vutzi, we a. to r In on In. 57%,._‘.. m One or Suzi Valium] Expenencss. '"krcrii,77a-Ti; ,w... In Item I On [a ulill',l'lCilkl'r1'v"l'/ Mrs iiaicraiia; The." e" It; may}: N911}? 'ti"Vioii, W u arerTdtm - it c tlt',', dlllkt lgd u the 1l'A'l,',1 ”an warm!“ h't,g'g'dg Is“: an Ng,; H I come mm ID. t'Mett -tribtrted up jog: P. Hollmu. [an on th three visit to ulna":- tn 00:- Dui'i'-hl A RSI I A LI lair" the Wedding part ( Dunn. “here a wcddin was served at the bride' PRESTON. Taaa ,GariiG IHtsPELEit than m" with a»; solvin- L'hurnh by y manning sh' Lillian uh st: n. inley Miss ? Mr, was of Hum-.wuilllf- Windy-M Winn-Ian‘s“ innu- m" ". ", H _ lr/ as} 'gte'e.ft9bry.ryrtll?P" . r'btrii At; - "V l airrsit"'-U' s', I m w _ ait y '. . a full'.' ”null! T ri _ 'h _ In Ilka-3.. ttutr. ="tN'tf1'l', 'iilii'ii iii,dleiEi'iii'f,i'.i' t"'YiAi bonus! Inch. Tho an: in! up: ihlkttiNtt ”an. 'lad'l 'grtcreueis terdu's mmém?£%mfi uw‘m' win-lotto. guru: 'ih'1125. "J B-"l 'faT2'd1 . tsu'Mthutsttrl'"2't'ltll but. u we uni m In !i'iii,i, I Ball-V1118 Mi, Ttff,, - tti'ity1,t1'h1he'r'irt #,ttt and. lbw r] to in I t "l', mm mm“ lt i',?,l's!iiiiiiii? . t'y, that A" l that occ . A 3M n in" _ot - “V to ttt ' Brad lorxOriar "p2'a In: amtehsusq . .kmhuwrh! Iain” . m‘Jm Pay . 'm - b-nll t',,,fl"lrag.hf,i' " - trin 'cti1ii " 'AT,c',t at”. mu, about u ml Ight [ton to b... “a” unman- ml Am”... ad 'tta,' Sl to ancthm-‘Iaum box a! "In . 'm. tho mun. B: - ',,tt'fa"'"Ag,rd ere oad to- Zuchu on the I/tSee,'" hill " “3“,, Y . ,.. '- - - u- ._--..__ __-_ -- - tam, bar mum- ". all mum“. III. we: M." 01‘:de " m, pod and on Saturday 0min. At her homo on Band“ “MC - loan m l Toronto, MBr tttt.-At 8 debated Saturday night. the Rumba Riva- cldlnod Another victim. Tho "tat me In tho which and by an». AM Moore, . trnuler, living " " - My: avenue, [on his “to. no, with u companion,' when and» could not be MW, went out tor I moo ride shortly the! 6 o'clock, and when a short. Mums Ibo" Nana's Hotel, in coma mn- w _the unbe was upset and Moore was drowned before hi. commas could render him aid. Young Moor. I“ only M. Milan!" m mm, N. Y., May 80.--Dr. George w. Grlmth, Ph.h., tor 3'9". yearn iiisiiiTGiaiG"ot _ um um. sjutuio salmon, In drowned Euturday in Hound‘s. Lain-Rig the Adirondackl. nan his amp. while rowing. H. W... u: “pt". swimmer and opt-man. but being caught in a nun]! wu over" come. Dr. Grimm wu one ttt tho but known educators In the State. H. was 50 years of up. um. and": yin-ma. New York, my 80.-Two mm- brukm employed on Pier 18, North Biver, were ottaehed by av. man in Jersey City Sum-day night, - . n . - A... no um. u. “M“, V..- . - - sad one. Dominic Bokopoaki. 28 you.“ old. was killed. .Hia compul- lon Wu batten but no.t seriously m- iured. Edward GrMin was mated. Explode. nn- - May-ville. Mo., lily 80.--Threq men were killed, one animal] Ind novel-.1 bruised in an explosion in . ston- qunrry non: hare Sum-day. Toronto, May to.-Mreather tln., track (an, were the satisfactory con- ditions at. the Woodbine Park Satur- day, the seventh Qty of the Ontario Jockey Club's with; mung. The record; ' ‘Ftrst naee--t mile, ty-year-olds and over. 1 Cantnloupe, 2 Lonnie. 3 Geo. Perry. Time, 1.15. Second Itaexr--t mile, 2-year-old tli- licl. 1 Como, 2 Misti“. 8 Mile Karl. Time, 1.02. , mun-mu... - "GdriGuru V '1. M. a“ n. u ' m‘ Albanian-“l“ “ - Eitiiriia'ee2f 71-16 miles, Vulley Farm Handicap. B-yuhold‘s. 1 B. Dream, 2 Elliott, 3 B. Arabia. Time, 1.48. -il,urth Rate-l mile Steeplechase. 1 F. David 3 Bedlifitrton. Time. 4.56 u own” w." “m, 7 Fifth 'hTiii,Vi miles, Woodstock Plate, 3-yonr-olds. 1 Fort Hunter, 2 Spring. ft Judge. Time, I.55t. A - - - 'B, ”7.1L- o....'...., .V,,....,., ‘. .. """ie" _ Sixth Race-t mile, maiden, B-year- old: and up. I Fumilv Man, 2 Pa.- nclla, 3 Tom O'Duy. Time, LTO. Seventh Haeo---4 mile, Fversr-oldt, and up. 1 Dynasty, 2 Mixer, 3 I. Greque. Time, 1.15}. Butler, Pa., May M.-col. M. B. Quay. senior Senator Jor Prnnuyl- vunia. passed away Saturday Mun- un illnm more or in: pcrailtem tor the inst. year, and which the doctorl diagnosed as chronic gastritio. Col. Quay. in healih, was n great enter, Ind his troubles in later years dated from overdrnughts on his vital Byte mm due to heavy eating, smoking 3nd the great narvous strains which he underwent, Sonulur Quay cole- brleed his 70th birthday last (all. _ Princess Alice of Albany. [on m: oairet 'as',: ME and...“ for 2,t"T, 1;.ng my p o ox thin both-twig“ turned 09t- m in order to ._§nccv\:d_ Luv- Itt “Inn III "Int! W . 'reii'- V - _ Dandy d-Oohutg. the lbw: would also hunt I may in the ham vim awry vantage In one. that at whining come shred ot pm and lib-1y. What with Teuton court M'g,t,1 and um heavy, 1lleg',e,,i,'a " enroll“ “mu-h, the Prim». won] has had to sup mu htr own tN1t: nliLy Ind he qua; subservient to " a, “curb-luv and the many regulation. ("and for your“ at Gonna when. "tJai',"',':,?"",",,",',-,,.':')',',',""):',',"')': with PHI-n loaning.“ Teu,.)." Alum-mph“! .r'iiiuiiriin. "iriGiiarArra mGarra. l mental mud. kt,Tll', mm her to rank: in the bird at her birth. King Edward Ill well but been and on hon-II. a! Ul mm. as fh'l ndvlwl all. In the hunch M t,',itgr1,t'1teg “I. U Mr “tab! see tlt and! e on m- Mbflngm ut a . tert -it. d Oral 'lf2'llt ". 9‘- ol All. ' vb ho m Jtatl.3'lp 0- tiihilh','irti'ii @w"“fi=~3~*-’“ _ T . 'ttB'" m H but “Humanoi- ill 'MN', H 9rtAt"' " 'l'll'lA%lll7 mole 0.J.C. SPIINO RACES. Ml! of senator our te-2 miles, Tallyho 1 F. David, 2 Burmsp. l Ill uni-o all nim- Mm If. on“ no. N . -el, I! I“. 'rlttA I - "I Sth"h' - 'ttilroll'dll AT, '"a. We“. ....... who GiiaTHiai int e I mztam 2gT'22l'tlr'lll my» a}!!! ,qqpatetet.t, 'B. - “in; Summit trtratrd it out! mm». M ”Dunbar. l I',n'2'tMu'lht Slhh"A1,t “an...” f,,',' on: that A1: * y Ill! ‘u " a ttr to all -.. gaff-ft m’ . Ink. in IN the [on ad cl be W, all In“. - "TaaiiuitiTet.titttr, than irhe at. nothing, but who» qttersdsrt" (can u mm, mm In comp-n! do gtr% I- - 2tt'tAT,G'i tbd ht. van-I” My»; Manna-n, a: WP“ m» 71-- let? FiiViiitFii" h. we Inn And will than in ”I 'ICE to “M M 2".u In; 2'l'h a but!!!“ W “a - - wbes.ttrutt,1d.tee, ' 'reel', .5. "rain. in: sttstgtrtg. A m; “1' in was lunar " that - muHVMMI tttwtf, "iriik,al"irhieh.uurmfardH lb Man. ll ' med, an an my rrisiir?,i1'ariii':'r',rt, u ii1,fii'ii they pl out the showy, M101 g rh who all M-ttr and sing when mfg. um! they at. nothing in quieter boas who, peiuM pone" batter - and 'p,g,tlt8t."'4 “$1..“ “$23." on poor men who whispu sumac-nee! hto (in an of (In. - womnn." and write att. tr latter- to Mr, could be“ the godde- Jonathan thetk learnt, til-d Ming my “I! - .M'WF.K.r.. Mr.'-'- .v- mn and to crowds of “a, iris,', it tho deluded 'g'.',',?.,,",,, ginkgo)”, - _ mimicking than to I whole too-um“ of other women. they T mold mm their .dmimtiot tor The at of the 'nnn’n women" out this in linking each mu believe that he in the one pertiminr nun, her nub i at mum and dearest Mud. Thin! involves I cert-in amount of hypocrisy. I tq other women there it I note of hi” nes- in every tone of tho “mnn'e wo. man." Women know one "when to the core. They read one%sothar try Fl tuition, while mam has to loom than by l the painful method of prod-loo! expor- ence. But sooner or later, and: Li',')",,',") man fimU out (he “more wnm-n’! and _ quit. her. That. h her puniiamon't and the other womex'. vindication, OM by one the men that hung about. her how. F their eyes opened. Bomeiimel an. open I ation is painiul to them. sometimes it in a triliing incident in their lives. They‘ TO their several wan. when out! marry . the girls that the "matthr woman" has snuhlml and derided. And when sh. no: Unix-tr drnwing nmr and herselt still unwed, the “man's womno" often mur- riee some silly " in a hurry, before he l hns had time to think, and retire- from the tleld amid laughter. _ ' - Needed I Clings I When the tired. nun entered the oif1ee lay! the Philadel his "Ledger," he told the doctor he dig) not know what lilozl him, bat he needed 1rratmtutt; he wu pretty well worn out. -. n n . “A A_ kl. __A _‘.._n - “of - your bortr- 'g,',.".'", tv, qmritsAt up tut. Just mr. Wm huh-I a you " in" to walk mote By the "a, ,rttat u your busing-P "I'm . Mar-m." new: - the WU“. _ritutst"iF')Riirirn' their merits. {The International Dictionary‘ Imam . greater dtstirtetioiiyrpon its merits and is in iii') gertemlusethanerothe work of it: kind ht the English hum: i a.s.-aas.rusoeos'rt www.mnm-I'd _ xlIHWI-wm‘l 't'='h'f'llrlb"llT17rl'iF'; 'iitiii'i1i?riii', I awe-amino .Amh Mun-wit nut-mall 1ttt (lttBlllllillt iaaaaa I‘m o-toe-et-t "y, n = Fret, "I. 'lhrll tge,t2,t a won-nu. m “an my I!» ntse ,esru* [jlririir'iiPiltii, F’ieimmt‘imm DURING!!!” -rl..hlt -oeatrtttttitetrrrt"rrVthtme MTEBLUI} MUTUAL may: lthhAMl COIPMW INCORPORATED [N G”. row mu ttttt December '02 842680847. . w; . ERuoo - . 110mm 11%.}: nouns! PRICKI q.t-tgrtr-'im' a. d nutr- nw. 1)!!!an "...mr. . I I "mm‘nwm nap-Inn. sum-unm- speparGrtdi'ruotAtroir-httfyr'tti1,i Giruatsrooi-ahmrCttmtiod. ", batsratt-rrtrts-.'httoee-. JAMES SCOTT'S Guelph, May t8th.--A death occurr- el In this city lull ‘momlng.\_lplch will“ . Milled! “the no pk of the Township ol Pusllncl. It. Junel Scott. [he Hm. on 1» M road, than In nun ted" M. frrtt P. 00mm; m- o,,a,a,,,,.,,,,,ll,fff,,i,,ltS,tt,,,,S. f'-"')"')',"',"' morning with his the", His- Scott. A. be but bulking up no Bteeet it met "not Hood, and complain- odto him ot lull-g but. Mal" Hood too) him to Dr. Lind-Ari ot- tt The mm us out on Me. tt m m M an... ta. a ti when. II- M m n SIU", sh loot a! pint no and fr'- In pram at ii'ii1tr'qFtli.'ir', ”out Adm by a. In " Mt mm: m- N ietg'ytenlBt ”I. - , .. “y. l BOARD or DIRECTORS. the. Man. II... “I” Dr. J. u. want. " wuzmn Hum-r. ht. " 000. but». In" ' J. I. Widow-l. BN.. m. 1.90- Alhn Roma. liq“ Pm P. " may Plum. than» Body. In. Gulli- hnu “Mun. M. .4.- OFFICERS 1 - Ramun, Pt-trt-tt Wm. Guilder. View?!“ ml: any». Wu. J, L. Agni-5mg. km. E. P. Churn-I “'0 ur. new “mummmamw 'rFiiiiiiiii"iirii"iii - f JOHN STREBEL Stu-abor- HARNESS SHOE BUCKBERBOUGB Ac co 'Y, 'GOLB ausr it Hues. aratne. fin-M and t-aoiie o,h'iii'i makes light tho labors of washing. Tum sh day into play day. Better than any Soap and an" madca- T Mada only by TH: u. E. FAIRBANK comm. a In?“ thstem am. umd- ' _ _ ulllltl SUDDEN DEATH Ann's ON" an: FM" EiiiiF.siiuo' ia.-iiBi " Beware ‘of Some people claim io aeli naming bubCow aroma: Mum I beg to announce to the citizens of the Twin-City that I am the ONLY thm who has n Cold Storage plant,md therefore the only one who can nelson these urn-Ma. Always on tsand together with meat: ol evcly ‘dan iption. ' Jaw I mourn. Proprietor. Economical Minimum“. -ii.ioi-------q ‘~A~7----‘-~ YegetaNe,tiver pills. T I: vhathcy are. They ee conulpatlon. baton: sick-hcndnche._ - at. General lunar-no. Axon”, "an” - out. Buckberrcngh , 00., a love-t. curm‘ rntee-- Mire, Life,AN:ldem. Ind Ethan-J’hh (III-v. Boiler Immune. hplo‘r om' L'ashiliry, Fidelity Bah-M Murine lawn-Inge. _ - _ _ -i; Cr} - GGAiiitie aide-mung out bad = Compankt. cram. '"e.eey'". Immmw All J9me- ot -mmette.rEted “m or Bum:- Turpin-o No. an Imitati'ons. gravunuuw --iret" “‘0 Ian. M .3".- - - .m- .m- MI

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