_ ____.__ foey elmmil «in Te Bhag 00 . y _ t thhets rigee, _â€"Carter‘sâ€" â€" Little Liver Pills. BERLIN SRAXCH. RZMITTANCE DEPARTMENT. Monsy can be sent to al! parts of the world at trifling cost by our drafts and money ord=rs. . _ â€"Bank drafts are absolutely safe and we guaranzee that the money will be paid only to the righ: party. BANK OF HAMILTON s dus 420 E " 1 Travellers can purchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed everyâ€" where without charge,personal idenâ€" tification or any kind of treu sle. AVINGS DEPARTMENT. The safest way to invest your mon ey is to plac#it in this department. The rate of interest may seem small when compared with tha romised by speculators but the inâ€" come is at least certain. Remember that the money is per fectiy sate aud tuat you can get it when you waut it. s Oue doilar and upwards received. Interest added twice a year, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. & generai Banking Business transâ€" acted at the s WATERLOO 6RANOHA fâ€h“populnnvbgmhinu an the market. A perfect machine e n inss A complete set of attachâ€" with every machine. Call old stand. CAPITAL...... ...... 88 700,000, REST................. $3,000,000, Deposits of one douar an* aowards sceived in the Savings Bank or on pesial Deposit and highest rates of interest allowed. Drafta and Money Orders issued on l points at lowest rates. . Special attention paid to the businsss of farmers and out of town eustomara. | Blank Notes for tarmers sales supplied free on application. F. C G. MiNTY,. Maxacger. THE CANADIAN BANK HEAD OFFICEK, MONTREAL Capital Authorized $5000,000 Paidâ€"Up Capital â€" $3,000,000 Rassrve Fund â€" $23,850,000 A gonera. banking business done. Colâ€" ectidhs made, drafte issued payable in all parts of the Dominion or auy place in th aâ€"l4 ‘iligheat rates ~f interost allowed for monsy lapr«ited in Savings Baok or special The Molsons Bank. epouts SummeR MilusrY ... the tailor, the only agent in Tho MISSES FEARENBACH, T. E. HAINES, Agent, BERLIN Must Boar 8.gnature of GURE §1CK HEADACHE bee Facâ€"Shnfie Wrapper Betow. _ RAYMOND 8SEWING MACHINES OF COMMERCE JOHN RITZEB, BERLIN Next to Smyth Bios. Store. We are showing beautifal Lace, Hair, Tuscan, Baâ€" tiste, Chifft:o, â€"HATSâ€" dainty airy creations, exâ€" quisitely trimmed ia the very latest Paris and Now York modes. A showirg that will delight all lovers of beautifal millinery..... Incorporated in 1855. JACOB HESPELER, Managor Waterioo Branch *3 * WLTERLOO | now 1 feel Brethren Church u.:'ledu-hl‘ ev= % . A. ‘-fl- Ezra Mabn, aged about tenm, fell while playing near his home at Benâ€" ton and â€" Almaâ€"streets on Thursday evening and. . broke his arm above the elbow besides dislocating it at the elbow. He was attended by Dr. Lackner. At â€"a> meeting of the Financial, DIRECTORS OF Y.MC@. .. < Board.. of the . Aima *Street United | ELECT NEW â€"OFPICERS, A great â€" deal of horse Jealing is being done in Berlin taese divs. Mf. Dilman Kolb alone disposed of eleven horses, getting $2,036 tor them. Sevâ€" eral of them went to ‘Hamilon and the rest were purchased by farmers about Berlin. Andrew Kemnler died at his home Bueche street on Thursday from the effects _ of a stroke of apoplexy, which he suffered four days previousâ€" ly. Deceased was a laborer, fiftyâ€" five. years of ago, and was a memâ€" ber of St. Mary‘s R.C. Church. tund he will conduct the confirmaâ€" tion services in Berlin. Judge Chisholm has banded down. his judgment in the action for damâ€" ages â€" brought _ by Lehman Shirk, against the town of Berlin in cenâ€" nection with the sewer farm. The complainant is given $183 famages, and the town will have to bear the cost of the action. Mrs. Elizabeth Aldrich Young, of Fordwich died in Berlin on Thursday at the residence of her sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. John Asmussen, 8 Albert street, alter an illness of six months ffom softening of the brain. Deceased had come to Berlin on a visit. She was in her 53rd year. The body will be taken to Fordwich toâ€"morrow where the funeral will take place. Representatives of the Board of Trade and the Trades and Labor Council held a conference on Friday evening in the Council Chamber, when the pending action to quash the $10,000 Welleslicy Railway bonâ€" us byâ€"law was discussed. The meetâ€" ing was _ called _ by the Board of Trade _ Council to see if an agree ment could be arrived at to have the Trades & Labor Council drop the action, but the mission was a . failâ€" ure. Superintendent Cone reported _ at Friday night‘s mecting of the Light Commission that the crecting enginâ€" eer of the Economical Gas Apparaâ€" tus Construction Company had arâ€" rived on the 3rd, and was at work with a gang of men fitting up the condenser house. He expected to start on the _ retort benckes on Tuesday next. Everything in connection with the gew work was progressing faâ€" vorably. The superintendent reported also that the work of replacing the wires â€" on King strcet would be completed by toâ€"night. Only one of the aldermen ‘utaed ep at the _ meeting of the fremen en Wednesday night in acceptance of the invitation extended to them by Chief Seibert onâ€" Tuesday night. "lat was Alderman Harttung. It was decided to _ add Robert _ Marshall to the strength of the Lrigade during the illâ€" ness of Mr. Kochn and it is probâ€" able that in the event of Mr. Koehn resuming his duties on the brigade, Mr. Marshall will be kept also. It is thought that the ratification of the council will be given when the occasion presents itself. The fumeral took place on Thursâ€" day of the late Martha Newstead, relict _ of the â€" late John Newstead. She died on Tuesday at hetr home in the Beasley Block near Roseville at the advanced age of 80 years and much sickness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. feilu .‘fnm y .':fl'. so man 8, Mrs. P:khn- hldkm{h":':.e:f girls the limit of their endurance now« adays in our public schools and seminâ€" I«Mn'g‘h allowed to interfere with fooin ie iomarsin haven ib physical Q!H:mflï¬..&'_‘“ years to recover the lost â€" often it is never recovered. m Nothing is allowed to interfere with "Dein Mus. PorkBAax:â€"I a'-mmmsh‘um of ol 1t section. how |â€" 1t ~will be earnestly hoped that wonâ€" | the place â€" will not be discontinued M# | on "account of some differences o £95~ |opinion regarding business ethics. > Officers tor the ensuing year were elected as follows at the mfl the Y,M.C.A. directors on y I‘resident.â€"R. D. Lang. < Viceâ€"Pres.â€"N.B.. Detweiler. Treasurer.â€"A.B. Musselman. Cort. Rec‘y.â€"A. Jansen. wha Mb Shaktn OB Hage \ ng, ts, C.K. H!rlfl- Financial Committeeâ€" A. B. Musâ€" selman, A.L. Breithaupt, J. Kauâ€" In the 1.0.0.F. Hall on Wednesday evening the Daughters of Rebekah held an initiation meeting at which twenty Rebekabs from Preston and another score .. from Waterloo were present. They were delighted with the manner in which the degree team inâ€" itiated the four candidates for memâ€" bership _ who _ presented themselves. Two names were proposed for initiaâ€" tion at the next meeting. The Presâ€" ton visitors saidthey wouldâ€"be hayâ€" ing a similar meeting in the near future and would invite the. Betlin and Waterloo Daughters to be preâ€" sent. DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH INITIATION MEETING CASE OF GREENE V3 After the meeting last evening reâ€" freshments were served. Before Idington, J. Re Atlas Loan Co.,; Green‘s case.â€" Judgment (L.) on appeal by A.S. Green from order of Masterâ€"inâ€"Ordinâ€" ary placing appellant on the list of contributories in the winding up _ of the company. Order made referring the matter back to the master . to consider the facts that were noticed for the first time upon the argument of the appeal in relation to _ the amount of the unpaid stock, in reâ€" spect to which the appellant is to be made a contributory. If the liâ€" quidator is willing to reduce _ the amount for which the contributory is _ liable to threeâ€"filths of the 62 shares left after assignment of 38 shares, and thus confirm that apâ€" parently irregular transfer as . a transfer of 38 partly paid shares as il paid up, an order nfay go &ccordâ€" ingly. E.A. DuVerney for appeliant. W.H. Hunter, for liquidator. Lawrence Keyes, a lad of 9 or 10 years, told a remarkable story after being put off the train from. the west on Saturday evening. The conductor had put him offff because he had no ticket. To High Constable Huber, who was called, the boy said his faâ€" ther was a farmer living about four miles from Clinton and that last Tuesday evening while playing near his home, a man took him into his buggy and against his will, drove him away. His father came after him but the man chased him back. _ The boy said also that when near Clinton the man tied him to a tree where he remained all night until at last he managed to wortk himself free. Then he got on the train and went to Stratford where he was put off. But be got on another train coming east. He added that he had had nothing to eat all day Saturday. YOUNG LAD RAN AWAY High Constable Huber searched the lad‘s pockets and found the card of a Stratford solicitor named Keyes with whom he communicated by telephous learning that the boy was the soliciâ€" tor‘s son and that he had run away from home. The runaway was sent back to Stratford by the next train. A commotion was caused in local commercial circles late on MonJay morning© when the doors of McColi‘s store closed, and the anno mâ€"ement was posted that Stevens Ens. & Co., of Chicago, were in posssision. In this instance the adjusters ire unâ€" derstood to have been called in to seitie differences betwoon the lccal firm and Chicago parties, Lbui a m.cre definite statement could not be seâ€" cured from either this firm or Stevâ€" ens Bros. & Co., their Chicago reâ€" presentatives, who arrived in the morning and _ took charge of the stock. The store was enjoying a splendid trade, and many custometrs turned away . wondcring after shakâ€" ing the doors and endcavorig to ‘lolve the mystery by peering in or reading ‘the notice re"~rred to. Mr. Bates, Stevens irtos. & Co‘s representative, explained thai he was not in a position to say much at the presert _ stage of the adjusiment, which, . he said, was in progress, which would necessitate the sale of the stock at a -ullu.m.c- Thursday, May 12. He the sale â€" would _ be gratifying to the firms who are .W as well as the buying public, _ _ _ While, as stated official informaâ€" tion is not forthcoming, it is believ= ed that the intervention of the adâ€" justers is due to one variety of disâ€" agreements that ‘arise between a h.mhn:flvdylhuh firm and its connections. W.R. McColl‘s business has . beâ€" come recognized as one of the leadâ€" oal and Pervonal iteme. BIG STORE CLOSED. ATLAS LOANX CO FROM HOME Div. I. Central Schoolf _‘ Nettic Zuelsdort. Dorothy Wahn. Ruby Dover. Lindsay Laird. Orkney Cressman. Harold T!ling. Vernon Shantz. ) Dorothy Pearscn. John Weseloh. Sidney Zinkann. h Florence Cook and Vera Uttley, equal. â€" Rosa Breithaupt. Mr. Ernest Sovereign, who has been in Berlin since last September as physical director at the Y.M.C. A., left Thursday, having resigocd position to assume a more remuneraâ€" tive one as director of the gymnasâ€" jum in the association at Geneva N. sUDDEN DEATH OF On Wednesday evening he was givâ€" en a farewell supper at the Y.M.C. A., about forty of the association members being present, and _ was presented with a handsome case of brushes. Mr. James C. Jaimet made the presentation after a speech in which he told of the good work acâ€" complished by Mr. Sovereign during his short stay in Berlin. The memâ€" bers were sorry to lose him, but glad to know that he was bettering himself by the move. Mr. Sovereign, in his reply, after expressing his apâ€" preciation said he would always have a warm spot in his heart for Berlin The supper was provided by the everâ€"obliging Women‘s Auxiliary. Death has ‘with painful suddenness carried off Mr. Edward C. Haines, the wellâ€"known young druggist, of 374 Queen strect west, Toronto, Mr. Haines, who was very popular in the neighborhood, and only 29, years of age, complained on Friday last of what he thought was rheumatism. He grew rapidly worse, and though he was removed to the Nurses‘ Home on Simcoe street, where he had three nurses tending him, and the attenâ€" tions of Dr. Temple, Dr. Caven and other physicians, he could not be savâ€" ed from the severe attack of nneumoâ€" nia which had seized him, and at 8.30 Thursday morning he expired. Mr. Haines was unmarried. . He was a son of Mr. E.H. Haines, of Owen _ Sound, the _ weliâ€"kn« porter of raceâ€"horses, â€" One of his brothers, Mr. W.H. Haines, of 98 1â€"2 Denison avenue, is manager of A. A. Mackay‘s departmental store; another T.E. Haines, is manager of the Bank of Hamilton, at Berlin, and a third, F. M. Haines, is teller in the Bank of Hamilton,. at Winnipeg. Mr. E. C. Haines was a Mason and a memâ€" ber of the Liederkranz Club. Mr, T.E. Haines went to Toronto Thursday evening. and its Y.M.C.A. Specches _ were made by Messrs. C.K. Hagedotn, A. A. Eby, Mortimer Walker, August Zaphe and Secretary Elliott. ABLBE ADDRESS ON NORTHWEST Rev. A.W. Vining, a Baptist mig. NC SSLICYCS® GIBEIPMIMNG DDWT OM â€" PW sionary in the Canadian west, gave M&rch and in the firing line. an able and eloquent address in the By Order, King street Baptist Church on Wedâ€"‘ W. M. KERR, Major, nesday â€" evening on the ‘Northwest Acting Adjutant. w Commercially.‘‘ He told of the difâ€" mumunosmsrus emmesmmereiing ‘ ferent clements making up the popâ€"| + ulation in the West. Almost evetyi The Numeral Series. country in the world was representâ€"; "Mr, Punch" has been investiga ed. In 1877 Winnipeg had a populaâ€" the question of literary -uceun-,':: tion of 600, toâ€"day it had 71,000 inâ€" he has arrived st the surprisingly novel habitants and by 1905, would have| comclusion that much depends on the 100,000. _| name of the book. He believes, for in m h i suee SBs Momnks 4LaF Mu Wiliam muis much af This Of . 4 tch of the Deputy x or you will soon be [ Mizisicr of Laiee T + ‘;‘ hair The of Labor, which | ;: The fail. E bas been in eristence:now for nearâ€" ‘w* gor, 1 [ Iy tour years, was the last created of ing ~stop, the hair wi the departments of the civil service, e & and its deputy head, W.L, Mackenzic King, is the youngest administrative m or offiger: in the service. The Postmaster General, _ Bir William Mulock, â€" to io whose interest in the welfare of the ‘:f.'n' ::g l::k::‘ip;hls :: industrial classes the department owâ€" k _ g He â€" said that it oneâ€"sixth of the wheatâ€"growing territory was under wheat and only produced half . a crop, it would take a train of forâ€" ty cars, . each holding 1,000 bushels th‘ out of Winnipeg daily for 365 ys in the Yeéar to carry it out. Enâ€" ough grain could be grown in the Canadian Northwest to feed the world. Speaking of the Doukhobors, he said he knew of no people who learned the English language so rapâ€" idly. The speaker dwelt on the need Jor missionary effort amongst these and the other foreign races in the west. More men were needed to carâ€" Thick Hair ry on this work. There was no sooâ€" iety which contributed so much . acâ€" cording . to strength as the Baptist Chuttch towards missionary work in â€â€˜lï¬â€ï¬dwmbuflznm lence which crowded the k RAISED FORTY DOLLARS FOR THE HOSPITAL, grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it ri;h? HONOR ROLL FOR APRIL FAREWELL SUPPER \iked fit saly ogs bhiere for EDWARD HAINES 0. AYVER C0., 17 es its existence, is also Minister of Labor, but the Post Office and Laâ€" bor Departments have otherwise no connection with each other. King was bornon Deâ€" cember 17th, 1874, He is an honor graduate of Arts ‘and .Law of the University of Toronto, and has a deâ€" flu from Harvard University, where spent three years as Fellow in Political Economy. He was also Felâ€" low in Politicat Economy for cne year~ at the University of Chicago, alter graduating from Toronto. Prior to his acceptance of his present posâ€" ition, Mr. King spent a year in England and Europe, studying social and industrial conditions, as a traâ€" velling Fellow of Harvard. He reâ€" signed an appointment as instructor, in political economy on the Harvard staff to return to Canada. | 10. All ranks are recommended to study carefully part 5, Combined Training 1902, and toendeavor . as | far as possible tqs“:rry out the prinâ€" ciples there laid d@own, maifftaining the strictest discipline both on the march and in the firing line. As deputy minister of labor, Mr. King ~has had the work of organizaâ€" tion of the new department, and has intervend successfully as Government conciliator in the settlement of sevâ€" eral of the largest strikes in the Domâ€" inion during that past three years, In 1897 he was commissioned by the Government to investigate the allegâ€" ?d existence of the sweating system in Canada in connection with Governâ€" ment contract work, and his report to Parliament on the subject has been made the basis of important and farâ€"reaching _ reforms. During _ the spring of last year he was secretary of the Royal Commission, appointed, to inquire into industrial disputes in the Province of British Columbia. 3. The order of dress will be Drill Order, with haversacks and waterâ€" bottles, the northern companies in white helmets, and the southern comâ€" panies in blue forage caps. j 1. The regiment will mobilize for a Ficld Day on May 24th, and for this purpdse will be divided, into two sections, a northern force, consisting of A. C. F. G. & H. Companie, the remaining companies B, D, and E. with the G. C. I. Cadets farming a southern force. 6. The general idea of the proposâ€" ed manoeuvres is as follows : An inâ€" vading army (bluc) advancing in a northwesterly direction is encamped on the evening of May 23rd above Preston Springs. The advance guard of an opposing force (red) which is moving to meet the blue force has reached Berlin at 9.30 a.m., on May 24th. 7. The afficer in command of each force will be furnished with the specâ€" ial idea and map of the ground at a later date in time to allow him to make the necessary disposition of his troops. WILL MOBLLIZE FOR FIELD DaY 2. The northern force wilf concenâ€" trate at Berlin, and the skuthern force at Preston Springs, the various companies of each parading at their own headquarters‘ in time to allow them to reach these coocentration points by 9 a.m. 4. Twenty rounds of blank nition per man will be issued. 5. Each man will provide‘ with a lunch and cup to be in his haversack and hot col be served after the "ceas sounds. Headquarters, Galt, May 6. Regimental orders by Lieut.â€" Col. Acheson, commanding 29th Waterloo Regiment. 7. â€" The regimental medical will make arrangements for er bearers and for attending casualties of each force. 9. Officers commanding companâ€" ies will each appoint acting nonâ€"comâ€" missioned officers tor the day. stance, that Mr. Klplln’ owes much of his fame to his habit of including a nuâ€" meral in the titles of his volumes, Hay» ing the welfare of authors and gblhb ers at heart, "Mfr. Punch" selects the fob lowing titles from his Christmas am nouncement list, as an aid to finding suitable names: U T â€""Corn, professor," the grizsled old darmer, who knew the learned gentle= man by sight, replied. > bre yoo feeding it n%u dryt" know it Teed it wet m%ï¬ now it you feed it wet _'f-'r? m(hn-" By J. Pierpont "The Beven Diais" By Big Ben: _ "The Nine Helma" By W. W. Jacobe. "The Hundred Best COooks." By Liout~ Colonal Newnham Davis _ _ _ _ "The Two Too Solid Flesh: a Vege tarian Romance." By G. Bernard Shaw. ‘"The Three Bridges." By the Inventor "What are you feeding to those hogs, my friend?" the profestot asked | _/ _"he Three Hundred and Sixtyâ€"Are ng: By Zadkicl _ "The Thousand and ONs Knights." By vide himself ) becarried t coffee will cease / fire" officers stretchâ€" to the ammu 9 wires, upright, 14 inches apart. â€"H ird Docarbon Steelâ€" Wire without doubt the best and strongest farm fence made e Te Writing to the fruit division, Ottaâ€" wa, Mr. A. W. Orindley, inspector of the Department of Agriculture in Great | Britain, quotes as follows from a letâ€" ter received from a firm of fruit imâ€" I porters: "If your department, through a circular, could iyluce nhi;gnn to use some common serwe in sending apples, you would do them much z‘ood finanâ€" clally. For instance, yester am Tuâ€" nisian was cleared up, the bolk having been llzud of earlier in the week, and in catalogues there were over 1 under ro barrels each (we two and three ), of varieties. We do not know of ‘mwlcn so much money is being_willully thrown away." LAMB FENGOB GEO. E. POTTER, Eardware, Stoves, Tinware, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting. Store % Post Office. TPhone 142, BERLIN. |: * ad Not Aesets iet Jan.19200 $300.000.00 Amount at Risk | â€" â€" $15,300,000 0 Government Doposit $36,800,00 JoH® FRENE®LL â€" â€" â€" _ Presidon Gron â€" â€" _ â€"â€" Viceâ€"Pree Huso Krax® â€" â€" 0 â€" 0 â€" Manage W. H. Somarz â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Secretar; Jouw A Roos â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" Insp BOARD OF DIRECTORS "OUD â€" FORNOIL..+â€"«1+2+ 11200 se 5y se e . BAFIR W. H. Bowiby, Q. C.. He KubH..«. .+o« rxccrtcerrecrcrrse s« ve+ ++ â€"B@eHE J, A. MAOK1OJ.P .......«««««««........ ... . Borlin H. 1 JARROG..... ... ...â€".. «.. ««. «.. ... BOrlip Hon. 9. Metmer...............s........... Borlin P,IJROODIsa» «on sa us ses s inns e e + OePWBOG: : reres erseres usoerteres Frank Turner, C. E....................Toronto @e0, Pattinson.......... ... .... .~.. ... .Presto J . £. Seagram M P............._._W terioo Reqvomigal Matual Fire Jus.0o. l JL :ï¬â€˜/ /eryn â€"â€"â€"iA Midnigh Loak @ _ f7 â€"â€" §E "‘v'."( tA > is annoying, but so is a leak 3 ,{% «z U ’5’ B â€:\E;f-d at any lime. Plumbing can‘t 9 % i . â€"tp â€" NX ‘ifle last forever, no m.l'l.!.t.er how l j y A snec + Th #2 good it has been. he water j i 34â€" \/’;» l &, t pipes,‘ faucets, drains &c, sn ‘]"" > J should be eaamined periodiâ€" a S L___ in ’{Iq W | MJ â€" cally by an experienced hss 2 'u} ¢ /R plumber and such work as â€" ,,-;""If; B q l needs attention entrusted D 25Bz l Wl jla [‘ l him for repair. % ~â€"2 E/ -.‘i‘J\ E[ ‘g / i Give us â€" charge of the â€"â€" 4Mb ‘e }i';’w | Plumbing in your house, you g§h 47 'Ex\ qi\m â€" Will fiod the Diily smalles thea «pflï¬ e 5 11 usual and the work well done» sR / Y n ‘ t â€"=â€"â€"â€"<â€"z/2â€" CGonrad Br0oS., i Hiwdware, Stoves, Pa uis, Oi‘s and Glass, Manufacturers of Dobtbin Drume, e â€" Regarding this point, Mr. wict n She for it spgom cetmognth wn October 2$, in which there were 30 nfln’:‘h a lot t::mu hmlts'.n:d says no pay es tor these :m. and mm. n:c per loses :wfly every tinve, The estab> ©#060000090000090+000» d000+¢ @dBrd+d+rere 48404 esgegcesenen cacde coce Mutual and Cash Systems British Object to Mixed$Lots R. J. NEAL & CO., A. K. ROESCH The Mercantile Fire SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL: = = â€" â€" $250,000.00 DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV‘T = â€" 117,140.41 All Policies Guaranteed by the Loxpox® & LaxcasHIRE® Fiz® Inâ€" sURAXNCE CoMPAXY with Assets of $16,306,638. Altred Wright, Secretary T. H. Hall, Inspector, BUCKBERROUGH & CO., Agents, Waterloo. ‘Phone 242. OoF BERLIN. Organized 1871. INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1875. ¢oâ€"operhtive HEAD OFHICE â€" WATERLOO, ONT. 40 CENTS A ROD. 50 INCHES HIGH Write for illustrated booklet. You‘ll find it interesting from cover to cover. ~ MYERS ROYAL SPICE CO. Rie,. _ Nisgara Fails, Ont. & N.Y, _ _4 It fones the stomachâ€"regulates the ......... Torontc «... .. .. Hespolo) SOLD EVERYWWHERE Your .. Bork . Boriin. waut to Domini n Life Assurance Co. PROSPERED IN 1903 ] The bist year in the Company‘s history Surplus Increased over 63 per cent. More than 60.per cent ®f year‘s Income, added to Assets, Average rate of Interest earned 5.10 per cent. Policies issued on . Sound and Attractive Planm HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. ols . * ioi Fred Haistead. Supt, of Agencies MUNN £ Co,serBm0m d Srvencant oo ofmien, froom bather ab enlation of s;;:cm classification _ for Total Abstainers. Write to Head Office or to the Company‘s Agentse for information. is annoying, but so is a leak at any time, Plumbing can‘t last forever, no matter how good it has been. ‘The water pipes,‘ faucets, drains &c. should be examined periodiâ€" cally _ by an experienced plumber and such work as needs attention entrusted #p him for repair. m Give us â€" charge of the Plumbing in your house, m will find the bills smaller t usual and the work well done» SAFETY ECONOMY, SUCCESS AAARAR0THERAA® Pomie t e dn mor 1:’.“‘ Waterloo.