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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Apr 1904, p. 1

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," Troubllleand 'tCf'; Ihr diaphy win sari-thaw Ma and agmei-t 'iifAyein hudm. Tho prion we also “qua-u " d:- w Nthnh-qondw-me-Idw 1‘ mhdtdlm ' .gi- _ .' _":':,').,),: Mrs. G. Steytttttttttttl. _ A ‘- F _ " uvmmmgmwfifl-fimfln rlara' r"Gi"iiirii'iaaFF.Gfi. and m up“. u ”an -- who: and“ Ilium-j- nlns- now“. 'ggst Mb- In and. "tth a. "ninth-IMF“ menu-u Ivan- ”chanson-And- Mh",tr,t,'r, auto; ttttge, h'trl'dt, thi'T,au'lTr11 and." tlt . i tqB.s4tas. "DWI t1tpt'-mtr idiliri'iiicgii?iiiiteNrfth'id . b Xunudtowlyonvtg.mmdtmw. “an tram that than in no gawk In [Cauchy so fro-sh, In rig-m. '0 gm not w it um 'teomp No-ur. pot-pl. rill not. buy otd phi. s'ylunm too and It In only with ml: n largo that!!! and Ouch up tam-duo In “I; that we can mum-u. we do not hot. yaw tn In". The [ooh sl- I... forrouri- din-rump“: Mun-Myoumbounjudp. If you are not a regular putt-outta us and you will be convinced.---All departments are fined with new stuff. ira,uvw,ssss,asta,uuim and now. Furnishing; sum?» luv. oasa,BEltLW LAST SEASON THE LARGEST IN (l'lllil HISTBBY (Ill THE mu You no cordially invitasdno “pend the found opening and du. tl', of spring init1inory " the Old Bali-.1119 Killian, PM of Mrs. Swan-30'; kaw,w Friday and Saturday, March 25, M. m and A - “on: "." . ; tgut""" Poultry Netting PETER HYMMEN Maul-an on "m. " " WESELOH & cu, Berlip, AN JlllilIlillI))lll TRADE T0 TAKE 4Mlil (ll! ra-mW""--" " Bull Chap Money Saved l, i). BOMBER 00., 0F BEKLIN, l,iiiil'l",it. We have bought a. large stock of the following also: of Poultry Netting and will give our customers es- pecially low prices by the roll. 2 inch mesh, It, 18, " 30, M, 42, 48, 60, and " ins. wide. 1 inch mesh, l2, 18, " and 80 ion. wide. i mesh, IX, 15, 19 no 60 Ins. - We have still It little No. 9 Galvanised (Jail Spring nodBarb d Wire at prices quoted last week. MILLINERY OPENING md, 0er Idlin- 'ttav/tg, 1.54% Plan. MA that " by how‘s: your spring Natl: cl Ill. Cutrtrtrtoe who In" bull “in; with u t!" m um we must "In: for Mir man-y - than in an" My new In mum-I bu mfg; . Thu . tumor weak. Wu has tin 'tttegr we and. w. Much; an. for tho men of good "we and modern: 'ttqbMt.-'r" hunch: than Inn the Men that we hm. your 3000 " many- and "mm m. 0100 pun rtettt up to $400 hutt"trrado pun --," “link ma In“ than: good Judg- month our .esietvirtrt "N w to want yvnr opinion. Will - you to gin unIIook. Boy! hum put: too at an m 31.00. . 'ii7"ir'7oiii.' iii 1"iiiiiGiiN, Eeify Et WANTED u- If. - h 'hi..... P.C. Ladl- a! - H My In at. M...” bun I” - ta My!» (an. hr - In mummlt. than “it; and - “In!“ a. turd d “on Win. In. CI... $htglt in lack In, hm Id. In. -, (I. Elit- the“ mils). in nil-hon ban. in!” - In an“! day: In this village. at. In- I knily at “to; null m. I. extend to It. um -Iln. humour syn-nu]. in the board their - - home [at with tr- am; the hunt cl htyattthtsr h;§'m_HIgu_n. ...... J. ”All” a! Burt-aM. spent load” In a. up... Tho hominid and: out: hu Jon Brick: In - by action on smut“ am“... but he} an alarming; you; wanna punhued the hoI-e and by Ma. McAtiiatar......Amsuqe little whit I. with-n mum ans-huh,“ lumen were new dating luv [on w the mm with 'tatgM, will. but rear “this than quite: “like! had their young. and my“: in the you“. thesly when were held In the Eugenia] Clutch bu so» day and Sunny. Rev. IL. Wing, Presiding Bide! to! the norm din- ulct ot the C'aradn Canine-cc. preached both morning ad swing on sunny. He peearhed an eloquent sermon in English in tho evening to . large conception. LS. Coeseert.--Ttte concert under the “spices ot the Literary and De bating Society will be held on Fri- day evening, April "th. A good [my gramme is boil; We! and no pdmwill be ”Anatomic it . success. lie-p yum" prepared to spend . plea-Ii evening.“ will be held In the new schoolhouse uni the doom will In opal " 1.”. Corneal-t begins It 0. lion Mat an Notas.-au. “no no". In bought. the homo n "new occupSed by Mr. Solomon Etty trom E. w. B. Snider. He will not. occupy it for tome time yet. n he I: Wilma; to give Mr. Etry ample time to look pound tor another puce....Mr. Chas. Heinrich, but: cardee " the Pelt tac- wry moved his umlly to our vil- use from limbo on Monday......-. Mr. George Oberholuer, dripping clerk and “sorter ah the Felt tac- tory, Also moved wont vllhge trom Berlin unload". We heartily, welcome than u emul- to our em “uprising villge... ....Rev J.A. Schmidt lave- ouWedneeday tor Sebringville when he will attend the ennui session ot the Cum]: _Con- ‘ierenoe which is being held there this week...... We had h decidedly cold uve thir week. On "idar we had smaller old time hliuud and about ten inche- ot the mutilul whim - tett during the any. We trust that we hue Md enough at when artd m “My W‘ Iorward to “The Good Old Sun- mer Time." PerarmaU.-.Mi" Edith GUM“- tumed iron: Toronto on lanky. where Ihe we! laying with her sister. Mrs. N.S. -.-.Mr. and Mm. Kellerhorn srpertt Seattle] uni Sunday with mm In Wallaby..." Mr. and In. Sylvester Good “and ed the (were! ot In. Good" new er, Obs. Schumann, hold " Men lat -e.o..M-. has! Good and Norm Bolling-r ot ,tataetoo 1pm. Sway and: rap-nun homes hete......lr. J.P. and. cl Berlin, re- presenting a. Coe-dem" School ot Suntan. pi! . mu will: um. In. Charles Dana. la" Sunday. . "luioi.tarrryrhrtmetiet! stood oattm 81.”. can. aeaamroeBe.tht-thtt,yd In close new” ttt “I “In ot wh‘wnomuilm “no! gingham mul- - ter,irttetr.i+taa'stPlit W hud- “.Is.1'o- Immwh mm “up!“ WMOM Irma-MOI'IH'D" arAtomytttefe_P, In. ‘nu-un‘I-Mne's'lvjr MIMI. I get, - - “I -......au" null. We! Dal-0mm at d In. I.” In. III .i-a.otwmrr'eh h" M 1tttg9, III- on. tot-I'- 4. Ina-.11.”. In! BY. JACOBS. NEWER Wu... i-hvor.mltothn" ham artrra may. but an In doubts. uh WM they w ' _6eMmt q - grow: by "Wu ntmnrbeetgrs"rer, Mr. 111. Luz"... Mr. and In. onb GtrttMI Mu Ma. up housekeeping on (he law of Mr. (loo. Martin, hon“ Syd. 1 Hill Fu’m......Mbl 5.10mi. Houuerger of Ummville It! the use“ at Menus here on Sunday... The citizen: olthis but; If" in ma: ”all exciting time- geningln their supply ot sum Wood. which the spring tram ot thi Grand River never kiln to can} bute “those who work tor " with pole and hook, trnd Ind " oath: shore. One clout resident. had sue» Deeded in booking to a large pica: of Midge timber, up nu: the Cedas hank, in " it was 'usoeitrtt to pull " on shore " my spot, ow- in; to the height ohm bank, um homing reluctant to M with it, he wisely or unwind] ,tipeed around it n [use chain. and lut- cued “to 1 small cedar tree, 1nd congntulating ttirtuselt tut he had been“: lucky " to at” umber, but the tates were againdt hi”; " u mm. time utter he] . to his surpris'c and chagrin, t this his timber, which being ried Ind swirled in the ever I cunent. which the River htd "Dis time. it had sumded m brain; on this cedar tree to which it we dhtaetted, nd tree, timber, chain Q4 BL!!!“ down the turbid wnurCirets Riv,- at Grand PerBomu.--llEr. Joseph S. Schutz. ol Bulhlo, visited relatives in our village last. week.,....Mr. Gem L. Lmkner was a business visitor . G Berlin last suntan... Mr, J.A. Schroder. Elmira, wns d business visitor to our village last Thurs- day"... Mr. Abs. Eby spent last Monduv in Berlin on business,..i.. Mr. Manon Snider oi Hnmllton is at present stating with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snider. Notes.--" Abs. Eby, contractor. has received the contacts tor one church And three tschoolltousea, and gnumber of "sidencetc-Mr. Phil- ip Bominyr the rpm“ shoemak- er, is dig a goo trade in his line. He has also secured the ngency again [or the {Mucus Berlin Racycle. "WEI, J t on, Merchant, Tailor, is kept very busy in making ttrt sty- lish F And tsp-to-date clothing....., An “attainment at the Floradale Ev- angelical Sunday School, and the Young Peopie'ts Society in mum tion with the Church will te held onMotttur, April the 25th, " 8 pm. Mp. A good programme has hem provided. "Hie proceeds will be unwind tovudl . new harm tor the church. A silver collection will be am at the door. All are wel- come. Ntrte-.A ‘lootbnll meeting was held In the (Mule House last week and It In decided to torm A league oltho lurk-ville, Went-icy and Cronin“ club. Home and home out!!! In played tor . trophy. Follow not). oneera:--Pretr.--- Jno. R. Clapton, CW; Vice P-g.., Kerr, Walled”; Bee.-. Treaa.-Httgtt -lchlluch. 'uqrkeq- vtne......W. [than More In! a wood'bee 1.»de M. and mu. cvalu may - nahted * crowd 0(1an ,WW- _ "Faun" - ill-hie is...“ in} an Lynn sun ”an Sunday tn nui- m"... um. Mat In tpeatdinq Mimi-m Pt-i.-..-. It. Ittttott Muns- " 1mm [ton ttvo‘wuh vil- " to - h Pamlvuh. no occupied in on pulpit dtthe U. mm 'ratrtsir nonm.‘....lr. all In. I.” Bulk! span tur. nk] All My Int win uh- “V. In Elm”... II. R. m.twood yd! I I’ll. with “an!” on in man-I Iro- Ton-hum M a - with it tttqv h: -..... III- Jodi “than n- uns! In: “and. ' U h. a b: “Mr-III gt. o! Id- ' _ 1h. 'rahtil.t A WC, 1 CROSSHILL FLORADALE BLOOIINODALE. a“! the Rank Poison in Grated when Food M.... Does Not Digest. and That " Mr, When Sickness Commences. 'in tt the man or woman who does not. leal rlgltt, will " once look to tttt putting the stomach right they will Ir!. strike that tight ur-levers-y Idle. " !N """ . "El “" - "".r . I ..ggr lrElmte, :1.- a It " iillilljillt)i Ji v r, . CI 09‘ lb. m. “A. “no II will tto n,- in: .1. tho u‘u w: am “has. an amt-mm was In: - I'm. Mr. I. lulu, K. C,,_d Mr.huarti1taas,aliot M tu. I. man no - an hr thin but! u 8100. In. Och-Inn- " - the Mte u "00.....Mr.w. It who had his -<rotess 8 I no in WWI: humanly. Dr. Nun-o! 11““me Menage elm ttMe...... The us but "e In “in: made try our terry boat are“ theme: GUY, viz, at 6.30, junip- tgattig all: tor. Our oars- sad 8.30 mm. and 2.30 sud" 4.30 p. NL, “Infill! would trip. tun- at: m ”in; “no expat with a. but...” all“ in Iona: trom college, Inning completed her cont-0...... It. ILL. lemon has built ' ”may “when in the north side ot MI houtre.-Mr. Otto Koch, had his hon-e se-shi/i-Mr. sauna moved into Mr. Cole's house’ this W. W... ”9..., ........ w.-- ._V_ ve" putting the stomach right they will ' strike the. right. key-Heel-y ache. aa, and everrpain Isa cry ol poison, .493? too much otwhich hats bun made ' n the process oi couvertlng tcod ' 'l-fag into nutriment. It may be the back- . ' l, . ache or sldwhe ot the kldncyn tel. = ' . . "W‘s? ling they are overtaxed and cannot w' . filter the poitron--It may be weight 3:! an: or distress., in the stomach that This is at ‘ 's'A - tella of fermentation and decompos- ‘ on for the mph. at1aee where “my in i . ition instead ol digestion-lt may - V - . .94? \‘ be headache, dull, depressed, which welcome and treated well. tea not a store for tttiliittaatgeq . Eh cells poison has reached the ttuid, _ 'a ~whlch surrounds the brain cells. The not the poverty Men. It's tk m a: tirtst cause in the "tmr-ack at gas- _ "rr uric juice to propérly digest. Anti- m5“ Pill, the Great System Treatment, _ g lxa new discovery, which so acts, FOR " V. lnn'the mucous membrane or the -- g stomach, a natural supply ol gas- _ v.', trio juice is assured. To prove the -r" -r-,'i4] wonderful action or Anti-Pill, you ,' _ . T T3, In“ have a tree trial bottle by ad- o..,-,,-'.,,,"---,-------'-----":' dressing Wllson-Fylo Co., Niagara . T {,3 t. . . T " run. Ort _ - an - - n dih- - n - up... 5..-..‘5 The men looking altericreuge‘lor the Ontario Sugar Company are meeting with success. On Saturday one of them done succeeded in get- ting contracts (or torty-two acres. The turn or Jaeots Foerster, con- taining " notes. " miles west of Erbsville was sold by auction sale last Frill" for $5,000. ' The Popular Boot and Shoe Store his Shoes in Correet‘Stylas mmummm PM! Bid, m Coit, VIII, It: In mm - ggttttrattt2tt,8plt I, _ 'l'llt1"r,'ll,"21 11vfiur'" ttt0,u0,8.00,u0ttt8li00 turban-n- ho on who at. “no In I mud. - all 1httltlN' an an In iiasU -"e"e V tte. saw-um in an. anal If mi m lulldlnx Bull tht P. POISON E D 190+ we FC', .9.“ !lr.ii'2'cs'il'i ,rernrethe-tirt-thqah--uet_orr,.tM6 b, handy“. Mdmwwmmuxwym .. QUALITY, YES; IT’S AMAzllhl9,i,'_iji:'i,',: TC SEE SUCH EXCELLENCE Ill CLOTHING MII HEN All! IBtt At such moderate pries- md so much tre tmr-ttutter- that m ‘_, 1orallr-eteamts that do not patina bad onds-8itk trewimt.-duytets ' 'r:"' ing that shows inflnitrt care. It would not. be thin store if you did not , " the very best clothing to be had in the market. for the lean out . fay on your part. . ' . . . . . . f THESE MENS SUITS AT SURPRISE PRICES " m Lingual: lull. for onrydny wen In . no“. strive or broken check. Thur ammumuulwun\you.u ' l 8706 "tttt This hon. of "as mm autumn _rsotrbF, well made. well In“!!! i Mac: n30?“ Sign of the Gold Star, KING BT.; BERLIN magma: sttesatoo-tttG-ereetatea"e1 mulhbdlmnul-ulnnm (hrdonh'lotth 2ttt.Cteh _ Yi. 5:11an i1tutt.t'itli'te?1',i! _)"-,,, 'iviitiie'iiii'ii!?i 'or_tttirttr,tntrdMh. :"5, ingtsttiu- hummus-Hy Jodi-M N itwuodyngyurqo. We all how f' tmai-idoeiautineie-ni-ithdora. . Giothin '. It. MACKLIN’E m1. . m of an mm fires suy Ott Door amen-l men. _ .rt Weichal’s Whekly Store lows On sale this week-70 dozen men's ttne Silk . Ties, in plur, knot, four-in-hand, flowing end, . Valued at 5ou, Going at 25c. THE PEOPLE'S , ;WILD.FANG§§ Opposxt. the Waiper Home, Bedht PRICE, $10 no tt"tehW, 'tttgrit,', an tt mm; Clue. 'lt2,1,"'t'al'h"l'tl t u. 81 ' on 's1tglrat't'2 'armt'd'l'L'= amt for t.ht pr)“. “:11“:un to - a um. form. - than": n u much mum on];I Afmnorlikuumm thing mind the an: In - working order. On. of mm worrie- nbontu plus It. you BamDttorBantme. Thom inhomlhnurthu will” WWW! In for h I! mkrmmm whom- ount; lthumollolhrluc- up. Mound an. M. STYLE, numb-o ooetat8rrqr “Mutton-ooh po-mn , mum“ at w “WWII!“ THE 1 IT i. mama‘s-nun BERLIN '.' FIT;

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