, U.A.h. uuelpn; MOtrNM5 3:12;; [Whom Robson, and t; . Halt Drum- Gk In. 'ut'it,'%etl','t,'dT.t _ M Iron the neighbor- The bride looked very handsome m her neat white silk attire, while in her hand she carried a shower bo- qttet oi roses. She was assistcdhy her sister, Lillian who was tittingly dressed in organdic, while the groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. McNally, ot Gait. _ ,Allcr the happy couple were congratulated and had received the many good wishes of their friends, all retired to the din- ing room, where the ladies had wcll "ranged a luscious spread where- with the guests did satisfy the na- tural desires oi the temporal mam 77in: bride's table wns Waited upon try Miss Nellie Robson and Mr. w. Krupp, while the others were well looked titer by five ladies robed in white and an equal number of gent- lumen clad in black. .,....The presents received were both handsome and costly and bespoke the high esteem In which the contracting Mrties are held in the minds of their lriemls. tlo groom's gift to the bride was Claiborne silver tea set, while the kide’n sin to the groom mu m u- tte um. clock mounted on the ot cherub. 'lt'.- Mo. 0. Hemmer, Brulau; . and Mrs. Brown, Planning Mr. " _ In. Ede; Mr. and mm. llollin- t Dr. Jean Htrll ud Miss Wil- r Woodstock; Ant. Hull 5nd . New Dundee; Mr. Pickett, 'lllltk,, OAS. Guelph; Elam A“; the numeroul guest- pre- 'F." homu Minn- msre:--dotrpets At-us, and kmily, Berlin; Mr. The lesson which should be 1 ed from the foregoing very tiPl remarks is that one of the tirst oerns in any community, should insure for all childrens a hum: moral home lilo. Mother love clean environments are two of great essentials of childhood upon them rests the happiness stability ol civilized existence, thing that would rob a child these rights must necessarily wrong and hurtful. day, Apnl 6th, wlwn their daughter Jean was united in marriage to Mr Herbert IIalimaa by:-- "That sliver link, the silken tie; Which heart to heart and mind tc mind, In body and in soul can bind." _ g r“‘2v"*<"'A , Q ' 'u-lwwgi , 41M. " my a?! an re, ‘ y", 'BIN Eh' Et , ','6it" hr“ A.‘ IB, - “3- , 'F “ I . " Li - h ‘ MF", {if _ v _ _'.u, Los tt - g . m N " , C"., in f, " l _ â€â€œ11â€. W . â€Vigil.“ to out I w. V t. My. ll lone law cts lliEat. author's Imam nu drink" , input- m Iodtothc mm liB all“; ll noun-r n strict l " Ei _ wynnlhulc stttrparent hat “not“ uncomlorhble tor a "iibrots boy, and in many instance: - "mum, ul religion or morality " "to“: In: encouraged tht CHM to do wrong in hula thingll -til [Alluring and deceit have be home eottilrmed hams. It is very ran not that children go tstray when, labile", cleanliness, and harmun, wen“: in the home, and where thl children have broken the law, n n “all! the parents who should b1 required to pay the penalty tt Mr Keno further remarks, "Ut Is a mat [ at ot pleaaartstsle surpnse to not: how quickly children leave on bad hasn‘t: when they come to the Shelter. During the first day they then nuke use at very bad words and expressions, but the other chil- dren express such astonishment, and they nre so gently reasoned with and, admoaurNsd, that, the offence is "rely, it ever, repeated, This has Men so, even ttt cases where children have been accustomed tora long time, to hearing and usmg rough language. Good surroundings and good intiuences have a wonderful power over young minds, especially when accompanied by a kindr,ess that they can understand and apprec- tate." ' The beautiful villa of Mr. and Mrs Walter Robson near Washington, wal the secne of unusual stir on Wednes In body and in soul can bind." Although the weather man, in his etherial observations had failed to predict an ideal day, the numerous invited guests to the numbor oi about. ninety did not fail m iulfrlling asm-ial pledge by honoring their host and hostess with their presence, and thus show the respect that their daughter commanded among her friends and associates. While the pi- no pealed Forth the symphonic! notes ofthe wedding march und, the able direction ot Prof. Edy the bridal party appeared and tot 33.118“ positions In the spatlul awing room under a gorgeous 0 H5169!) arch, which was artistkall decorated with 1tastcr.lilics. burn the interval of silence which fulluv ed, Rev. Mr. Hollinrakc, assistcd t Rev. Mnllall, very emcierstly pe formed the ceremony and by the 1) Nine invocation tied "the knot which made Mr. and Mrs. llulhum co-partners to share ouch uth-r joys and we trust, iew sorrow; through life. I. ad Mo. Hallman were 1:- Jo the mum by the ' when mid-t showers 'ia' marked for Toronto, is muslin-dug n It. i. ‘ tau-Q - â€my _ ll Airdrie, Albedo. Jolt-I Hanan. no can mt you In law an rm “on. I m " ittEilt1at1 truel " HAPPILY WEDDED. ht Ive a wonderful minds, especially by a kindness tand and apprec- of the od and _s and learn nstbl nder ally ring Di be The use d Scott's Emulsion It once. has, in thousands of use. turned the Hun: in m d new. . Neglected“) . does .a 10 days' wedding tourto St.- Cat,hartnes, Niagara Falls, and other points east and will. in the near tu- ture, take up housekeepimt on the farm at Mr. George Martitr, The ice hns moved on the (â€and River without doing much damage, The Cullen: of our burg were anticipat- ing "ods this spring owing to the 'immense lot of winter snow, but thcir (ears were groundless, as we m not. have muth mote of a fresh- ill than we usually have every 'spring. At thefaintest Ins icion of g'gtrtt,'utt a goal: oi Scott’s Em Ian and begin mum-dosed. Prompt we at Scott's Emul. dutch-5&1“ dim while it palily, which ttre running day and night with two sets ofmcn. There is a ready sale tor all lumber that can be turned out. Our village In still progressing-.. Mr. V.N. John- People are lanai? that con. sumption is a ra e disease It is neglectcxll consumption that in so often incurable. more or less stock', Cattle have consumed anoxtra amount ot food this season thus leaving ranchers and others short of feed, especially the Galacian (Kim) who have no teed but hay, and that in many cases is entirely used upâ€... We haw tttree saw miâ€: in an: murdci- The on]! kind of consump- Son to ear is "neglected amsurnfion." lor this C'csniurenctt year . Mr, N, “W in} given up work on the B. A I ine, Mrs, Clara Missourian, Miss Ethel and Master Arthur Mus- sclman, all oi Berlin were visitors at the tormer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. otoerholtzer over Easter holidays. l.....Miss Emma ind Master Herman Farrow ma Mr. Will “legend were in Berlin on Monday evening to at- tend the Missionary social in the t'hurch tit. (â€.15. L'liurth, under the auspices oi the, Y.P.S.C'.E. Rev. M. I. Conilurt the former pastor of the church was present, and ad- dressed the audience on the subju't: which he has charge. Rev. Mr. Com- 1ort IS doing a. noble work inthe Toronto Mission, of LE. Church, oi city, building up ’mission which will no doubt don great work for mankind. We wish him ai) success. H March 2111). Notre;,- The weather unntnlurs cold and very stormy. Last Sunday a Llinanl began about 12 o'clock. noon, and proved to be 'he worst oi the season†Oldest set- tlers say they never saw anything of the hind mcqual it. To-day an- other violent storm has set in so 'that Ontario is not alone in having seven storms this winter. The A- tromcly cold weather this season has had: bad ctiect on cattle and asa result a number are losing more or loss stock. Cattle have I Briets.-Mrs. White who has both a esident at this place to: the In“ low :ean, has mortd her househottt ci- acts to Draw Falls, where she will now reside. She is mompanicd W it! daughter, Mrs. A.U. Gibson, whose husband hu charge a! . gang of mcn at works at Demw Falls _ NrV Mr. SS, Detweiler is ro- Jovntmg and repairing the house late- ly vacated by Mrs White, getting it in readiness for its next occu- puts. Mr. and Mrs. Knudstn will move mm this house in an neat lutuie. We welcome them to our midst qrvv Mr. Await (iimbcl has re- tamed to the Queen Ctty, where he holds a goud position with tre R. Simpson Co., alter a few days stay with his parents here. it came up from the city' to attcru the wedding ot his brother, Jacob, at which he. was one at the groomsmrn The Misses Weaver. and Mr, SS Det- weiler have rcturucd from FChersk- ton, where they were attending the annual Conference of the L ll, Church. Mr. Dudgecn will now have sole charge of t'etttreville thumb, ior this Conlutenco you . Mr, N. “M hal given up work un the B. _.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob (lmbel are kept very busy receiving the heart- iest congratulations of their rtumer- ous friends on the important step in life which they have but recently taken. They 111% Just returned from ’- TI (itiitd't"t'ft Jul ’0' h J build H Eb am In I In dumb: all " “than w anâ€). b» an (in. up jointly In. "as to won. “I. an: an the at» cm “to " "ru:- M m In?!“ a the swing. M at In“. lam mph; out. And the Links on every hum fete sun to Deep and lwiud to am; am by I“. thertrtmtdosd No In“. Hal in latte an: through me, But when they reach-l the going summit; . ' “tenth: world u wise u ever. an: . 'Behold the alumnus knight," But It new: hum be: mhispu, Shun she urged him to the height consumption IIOSSHL'RN, MAN F RE EPORT ' position with the It. alter a few days stay nts here. it came up _ to attcru the wedding Pr, Jacob, at which he £38 {in It is of much importance to the country, as well IS to individual theat growers, that that conditions be overcome. It iy clear that am larmcrs who He careless about. keeping their wed pare no willing to puy {any prices for 'meen- ty (mi fifty bushel lots at Lure seed ot wine“, out: nid bu y. But the supply ot high on.“ seedl- limited. Although the demand tor it in great, bot little am ha been ‘mde by inn-nanny met the de- mand, Appeal' have been nude to ‘the Dominion Downtime“ o! Agricul- ‘mre, to "tattiah rams. " mrtorttt points may. IT?", at growing ‘pure med ol . t, AM othereer- aid, for aluminum to tux-nan u an Moi Induction. The. would mull . lap up.- ud won-ll in 'titiaiideaPii, Inn-en no - a h lie-I‘m. in. J " - "'tt" l in i " h. " T . I IMP. H. - _b#' - ‘nrvr-éo " , 11.. T ' -. » - ff: j _ n'†-2.“ f .. 5'in ‘3" - d-~ ' ‘ww at, _, .fv'w‘?’ - 9.13 w._r.3'a. IEM =3 '3, u Ft u,» , , , ' i, ' , . ' , n Ral Elk' _ l '" AME- w'.,' 'sV 'liiliii'iil,l,iii ue. wan-.- MP, " 7:. = , -tttt+ h I!“ it Was. druid-L _ all cm. a an II a all no “at loan“ with C.N.R. b “and to lanthanum m. we -vill Mn u At “any. in the mu. Mun, Your cumul- elt would is pleased tom “and will my cl m ANN. orotetts- iou who no desirous .4 spam; in in: la vets ._rFV We are sorry to chronicle the death ot one at our most highly esteemed young men m. Mr. Morgan Taylor, on Much 15th. The margin: will he interred in Rossini": cemetery ttt the 11th, mm. The pannts have the beartielt sympathy at lriondl. in this com- munity.-. Mm. Jasper Stun; is dangerously ill and very slight hop- es Bre enterttrined tor her recovery. “MS Cruahstuudts, has be“ con- fated to his house torn tew an: with I levere cold .., The telephone service between Ronhurn and ket- loe, Solggxith and Birtle is a great convenience to the people here. 0. TANNER. Red Fiie is the'standard variety and the hardiest wheat grown in Western Canada. It will survive late spring frosts that are sulriciently severe to kill out most other var- ieties.1ta milling qualities are not excelled. Preston wheat isa bearded up iety that has grown in tay- our among farmers in districts, where Red File 'has tregurntly been injured by early most. It is from two m five days earlier than the Red Fife. ll the weather be unfav- orable at the time when ripening takes place it may ripen even ten days earlier than .the latter Far- iety. Some Canadian miners claim to have made careful milling tests at Preston wheat and openly condemn it as much inferior to the Red Fife. Results of tests carried an un- der the direction of Dr. Saunders, who originated the variety, indicate that it is only slightly inferior to the Red File. The comparative productivcness of varieties diner with localities and conditions olsoil and climate. Again there mar hequite as much diner- ence between two strains of needs ofthe same variety as between two distinct sorts, so far as their cap- acity to give a yield of grain is cont-erned. Whatever varieties ere sel- ected, they should be grown separ- ately and each kept reasonably pure On amount " careless prac- Utes, in the mutter of seed selec- tion, mixtures ol undesirable sorts have increased in the sundnd wheat of the west. Chetre impurities consist chiefly of earlier maturing varieties' that shell more readily than the Red Fife, thus having I Inger proportion of seed from them to come as "vohmteer wheat," in the next succeeding crop, where it must tind a urarket, But the high standard oi excell- "we ' alreuiy been appIn-iably lowered through the introduction of wheat of inferior mill In; mum}: Through carelessness thcse lllthXr- cs ‘re allowui to yearly Increase while in other districts mferior var- ieties have been grown, that deprec- iate the value of the total crop. The advantage ot growing only unmixed wheat may he judged from the difference in price between "No. 1 Hard," and the next two grades, as this difference is most commonly due to the prevalence oi somstar- chy’ grants in the lower grades. "No. 1 Hard," invariably has . high percentage of translucent grains in- dicating a high percentage of a good quality of gluten, as it is the 'quality quite as much as the quantity ot the gluten that lends val- ue to the superior wheat. Western when has an enviable re- putation in loreign Countries, uys Mr. G.H. Clark, Chiet olthe Seed Division, Ottawa. It is _ in demand for American milling centres, as well as those of England and Scotland. because it is rich in gluten of exceedingly good quality. The crop of Western Canada trn years hence will reach, it is estimated, Mm millions of bushels. In view of the rapidly increasing production it isirnporUrit that its presmt good reputation bemaintained or Humm- oi in order that it may continue to grow' in favor iuiorciga countries, where it must tind a market '?l'h"eRrtrsthr" tty 1ttetliiiiiikit.. y ...V A "u.' _ _ n- rung-r " = aa, at in: PI' ' aalatd m - a [no mm “on. with bound-u to: up mt..." Ste 0.0.], - and!“ a porn hm. an at you". ttt ."'ta M UNI In†and M41. WHEAT GROWING IN WESTERN KJANADA. F The (III-Hon ot and up: und his mum: was min-mm and. A mum m um.“ Wt can. PM Cumulus a runny dstie, and up the Inca- I", ttt lung and Sign m1.» ltvu deadedtqtse*ttts.settorrd and hug-cl in Ian-tho In one nuts. and: Wm. â€bulb “an“! we Th monthly meeting ot the twin-City Retail WW Assoc- htion MU at tho RICA. rooms on load" evening in well “MM- ed. The new President, W. A. - lol, my!“ the chair. ad in " gr ponhu mm: um " up man out: haunt mm on Mg by In fellow-mu. . He served many years on the Town Council, end occupied the May- or's chair tor two terms. He noted on the County Council for eight yeus. and woe warden of the Coun- ty of Weterloo. He was a member ot the Public School Board for many years. and (or the past eight year: we: chairman of that body: He has been n member of the (hit Hoe- MI Trust since its formation in l . The post of chnirmu ot the Hangman. Committee ot Gemini PreArterian Church he held tor my yarn, and was lifelong mama: _ of a. chum, A widow, one}, end tour hughten an". him. Gait, (tll 11.-Atottert tillholm, one ol t e best known citizens oi Gait, died this afternoon alter an extended illness, Mr. Gilholm was born within a low miles of the town 71 years ago. Entering early into the lumbering business, he became assoc- iated with building interests, and latterlv devoted his whole time to the building of houses and the care olhis numerous residential proper- ties, in which class ot real estate he was the largest owner in Gait. hu- ing over one hundred houses, many of which he built. The Young 1mople's Society of St. Ptutl's Lutheran Church will etrl- ehtah the seventh anniversary of its organization by holding an open mtcrtajnment on the evening ot April 22nd. The village council met in sper- ial session on Tuesday evening and instructed the clerk to prepare a by-law tor the granting of 53,000 to- wards buying the right,, of way for the Guelph-Croderich extension of Hip Mr. J.B. Drake, who has boon work inglor the past fivemonths with Mr. Duncan, one at Toronto's lud- ing dryguo# men, returned last week to take his old position with Mr. R. Brown at Floradale, His many friends at Floradalc gave mm a hearty welcome. EE -WARDEN GILHOL M DEAD MERGE ANTS' ASSOCIATION. . The Gurney Foundry Co.. “and Mann-n.1, Win-“’0‘. Vancouver fish-kw thud!- "qi.eramr. 'tMt2"d.1ts Manama-Ink.- on“ r,,'JgNurtt,t't,"l I w an: ,edtleuurx2rd tttn .htdrl’nm.nd&- och- 'i'lu'.rd'ig'2hr'L'ru'lltll%' mvhnyumgeubl Oxford El o t Wat e r Heater Wlmdholcm. - Tu-many-ill-tyi' M View the m I! imtroa-d in. an firetot n the m and is thrown by a dhphu‘n from (h. In: towards the from of the in. dumb" And then Fla our the art-a ot the humid action; Thunhe coldest an“? . up“ “kept on outside ofhea "2M- inxthendhqnolhutigm ecelUr. Write for out booklet on bone hiking. Tomnto. Claud- ELMIRA g1: W Tomlin if: 1008. ' tir, " tte', nd Inlmml mum].- mu. 1 --Ctrried. Moved try J.S. Huh], seconded by Adam launch. that the Township Engineer be a! In hereby instch ed and unmarked to pribre plans and Immunoa- tor Cone-toga 'ttd â€turban: (Cum Riser), bridges, and tho Clark a and l In hereby in- nmgted. to Martha tor Milan In the "Cour-M M," The Aime tor, nothing I» to expire until age to disk on road George Allen. for Joseph Heimpel, . "any Doerbecker {ace in 1903, Moved in amendment, try Sol. Koch, seconded by J.J.Wilkinwn, that In regard to the petition of U. D. Bowman and 61 others, praying tor the Council to pass a ky-Ive to take a vote on the advisability of raising 87,000 by way uia bonus In aid oi the Guelph Junction Rail- Way Co., to buy the right ol way through the Township that we lake no action on said petition.-Lost. The Reeve gave his casting Vote in lavor of the original motion. Moved by J.J. Wilkinson, seconded by by Adam Mattusch that the bonds claw taiwollcctors (or the year1904, and their surctics. as presented, be tuscepted.-C'arrirrd. Moved by Sol. Koch, seconded by J.S. Kuhl, that by-law No. 510, be read a. third titae and passed.--- Curried. "ttoved by J.J. Wilkinson, seconded by Adam Mattusch, that the follow- ing accounts he paid and that the Reeve grant his order for tttsame: A.A. Simmons, tor work on bridge It Anon Weber's “use; Joseph Bsherr, tor lure], Daniel Holman, tor damage Aha Etry, for Limb: on said of way through the Township be granted, on the condition that the petitioners prepare a by-law and present the same to this council at next session of eduncil, said by-law to contain certain conditions in rc- gard to location ot stations 1nd other stipulations. Moved by Sol. Koch. seconded by .13. F+ that this council do now "itmm'torrtetaetn ntat. Jae- ','lr,h2,tt', the In, My at nah-“I WK an. 1eftlt,t,'t to.M M mm ’ at8ta, . T Tb Coda! t “if†Moved try Adam Manusuh second- ed by Julia S, Kuhl, that whereas a petition has hem presented by LED Havana and _ 6'1 when asking the Council to submit a By-Law to the ratepayers of a portion ot the Town.. ship dt Woolwich including all that poruott.east oi the Grand River and north oMhe C%nestogo River to raise tt,000 J a bonus to' aid the Guelph Junction Railwny to buy the right Mr. CD. Bowman presented a re- tition signed by Nurse" and b1 oth as. asking (an br-law to be sub- mitted to the ratepayers on that portion oithe tomrsmp north ul the Conmgo Iver and east of AM Grand River to grant, a bonus oi $7,000 to aid the Guelpsr Junction Railway Co., " the purchase ci right ot way through the Tommi]! otWoolwich. Mr. J.Wmuot, presented a pp- tition signed by nimscll ahd 142 others opposing the submission of l By-Luv to aid the atomsaid rail- way company. The Council adjuurned for one " noon. The council met agnzn the members present. , A Man mind to! I . "'.t'g'itgl 'l't'tifttg le mu T M s. Ma r MW at than .w w» " to In." Conny “Sean an“ of tho-loom at Tttmt than M vtlugca, no when in uk- on“: In». A Immu- up remind In. John J. Boll-I a! ton: one“ akin. to ttam that: “at“: In!!!) M6. “on road disisict. No. " and Inâ€; trn' (mum lot-30d 01 the town cumin; " Lau rem nom'. an and continue“ to Wet-cam; mt New Gaunu_ road. _ land by John B. Kalil, new by Sol. Koo; In! the council bed comma“ OHM whole to men A, column»: “on the council a! lie Township ot Wuwloo So Molina n proposed new toad to be opened in mtard tone pinion presented by Mr. Doert_,-Carrieti. loud by Adam Hannah. second- od try, aol. Koch, that by-law No. 510 to -tttrt {hoe-weal To!!!» ship oak-en tor m year 1904, be :3: u out ad second tune.--c'- Moved by J.J. Wilkinson, seconded by J.S. hull. that the petition ot John J. Brohman And omen be granted, and that :ncw road divis- ion be opened as No.91 commenc- ing at the easterly . “nit ot m.- divislon No. a and continue an to the Welsenbnrg and New Germany roud.--C'arried. in.“ . â€I ,v c, ', t . whoâ€. a: I.“ h an! n: with“ g! m â€no“ luau m and aatt _ ve . due oeatget J“: 1t!tl'i,?t., "iti'fftr4il,i, ttt tM,. W ad Oahu . . hm: gotttt L. mum. u Jugs-LAWN TORI, gravel on ' do. ' during! to 53 t 74.00 $98.85 J2 2.00 2.40 hour All " " .AWN F' "There is a possibility that there mar be dimeulties with our high voltage transmission. but the Tar- onto Electric Light Cot-Pu! no praviding tor such coniingenciu by inereasing our shim pom plum. We ue installing two 1.500 hone- pe'er steam Gun-bins ot the “but mm. and will u may n my time to take up the load should tto supply of power iron the Fullshil. The Tommie Electric Light Com- M. which now argue: ull he Indl manufacturer: the city. the and 113mm,. and the Mm all animus! ugh-mg; will petrtrabtr commie to is no “in“. mini of Niagara Pulls pent. “(on [no "Itdoes seem so on its face," tfr. Wright frankly replitse, "but Winn you,thornui:hly consider the sit- uation you will see that the Tor- onto Power Company is upon ttMir. iertnt basis. You see the sy.sttsm ot transmission which supplies Bunnie was the first oi such systems, and they were to all inlenis and pup poses experimenting with the entire scheme of generation and transmis- sion, We come in alter the scheme has passed the experimental am and hencht hy all their eInm and experiences. The difticunr the] are having now, in all probability arises trom their old plant. They cannot forever be changing line sretem of transmission to keep up with the de- vehzopment oi electlml Matting, whereas we start right in VIII I proven system. thus! Mr. J.J. Wright, Gennl Manager at the Tommi. Elect-tic Light Com- my, and one ot the directors of the new power company, however, does not view the situation with tut- due alum. That such contingencies have been thoroughly considered and steps taken to meet them behre thay are met lace to tace Was plain- ly widowed by Mr. Wright‘s reply to an inquiry cm the subject. "Doesn't the ram um the sumo Street Railway Company is discard- ing Niagara. Power, as unsatisiab tpry constitute a hard blow tonic scheme of transmission to Toronto for use by our manufacturers and railway and lighting systems}? Mr. Wright was asked. io manutacturers who an building upona supply of power trum NU- glrn Falls during the next few years Citizens morally are intu- ested, too, [critic Torrrtto Power Company, which is bringing power to the city, will supply the Town- to Railway' Company with power and will operate the street, busi- ness and residmtlal'lighting us- was. The urival of the news hora that the BufUlo Street Railway Com- pany had, owing to the misatfslnc- tory nature of the power uple w them from Niagara Falls, decid- ed to instnl . 16,000 horse power steam plan; and operate their ser- vice by el tririty scanned in Bui- taio, is causing much apprehension, smug Toronto and Women-Ontar- Mn stock ot MB lulu It We. 2 pica we, butts, planning as 04' 00 ' to to 0090: " 40,: Ilka um. bout with oeMth. on you; toll nub tad Mum ad was; nun. m print. 2 " to 5 00 pl! an. now an at! Otbikte an“. All also titte no“! 75 tod 00per on“. Bers' 3 plm In!“ new had I but. rage. Bleak and bla- Imudn. tks. and Md Horned an", Ibo now- eqnh-du,1nnt an“ -ho boy. a. Wombat». prion 350 to output In“, the. " In " Imus: MID. ' Black or Nu mateatqd cm lot 4 00 to 5 00 pot lit. . In" an Iron! "In. in show lines. KING STREET faulthlrddbhua-korm to ',".r . ".4. It 'otti'rg I. ttlt Avl.%lrvtt NEW SUITS NIAGARA FALLS POWER PAIL! BOYS' SUITS §JD§AU DER & CO,, a. a. "an: my - an. ('l‘orogb mar.) With I View lnrther ft, moonngo at prod-Kors and more general II. at need oitho best quality, on monument we: nude in the spring M1303, Inviting lumen. who In" been giving some special Attention totho growing at seed grain. to unite udlorm unname- intion ot need growers. Ruler gov- erning the unocintion nod struck udn ot pollution lor pedigreed bed will he controlled by no ttd- vhory board comm ot represrn- have men trom the various branch annotations. There are now thirty- tive seed grower: who no moniker: ot the Western Canada Association. Their work in supervised end in- spectd Ary u superintendent. Records as kept ottho amount uni pedi- gree ot need produced by them. “wording to. the rules of the As. :mention, dthh member is required ' nge A det1rtlte guarantee as to ‘tho purity, vitality, and ireedom irom needs of noxious weeds, with ,nll Iota ot need sold by him.Tho association eertilkate will show the My†ot the Beed-ttte number ot consecutive your during which hand selection has bean followed. Farmers ot Western Cumin, who lave forms that are free irom nox- ious weeds and otherwise suitedto growing good seed ot wheat, oats, rye, barley, and other grain, no invited to become member: ot the association and make seed growing a. speck! induntry in their tarm op- erationa. They, my commence by sowing a plot in the coining spring with the best ohtnlnnhle need. There will hon ready market for nil the need that can be produc- aby memhen. " prices that will my “some†lortb extra troo- ble in product; it. There It Pe'. Soul Wm, type-ted In the Pollen Comet, W with a lunch loe many pond was by- luv. A h. w" inâ€, which. vi“ miata, mot-tel to 827.40. This lath. an: tutu-ha out. bard-Iv huh; his: brain within the know- ledge qtthe polka, till the tom- nnuvdy in", he VII intended to no" to tot-inte that the - tumu- Inn to - the ly-Iuv. G' Gaa oeriind tor 73,000 bush- " 0! led what none. Amelia; hmmlovl “Ilium human: man. ‘Vo out. lawn, mill.“ qtr mien ditBmdty in than“. lot. ' storm 'aight, hornet, h- terrupt tto entice, nad " would not do to have the city without pow- er or light ter even a. short. was. knee our preparations." Biz-o " " 35 it“ in; m Udall-d “a '04.... Iefyt!errrtti pg _-_ 1ltrltT,tpttrdtttt1'ptt men-plund- a“ " " luv-auto.“ my...“ tin-â€MM trtrBtstrt'- "t4th.t+r-ao.aaeets.oiii' to In" 01mm "its mm m In 130it-it. _ Two unto ot wring I» mm '33. an humus. Conant-Oahu. - will no! Illa! Toronto to disrtrnt. t%9rentdar, Henry Fox. m Owen [IE 'ce',', "and ',iiii?,ii'titiitit 0‘ l ',,1t11'?,uttrd'g', mud n on", pants.†In a.†- “I. m 'ttttl. r“? your!!! sons 's/ LONG eaat'ra' i' BROKE CIGARETTE BY- LAW. SEED GROWERS' ASSOC- IATION. MEN’S SUITS BERLIN a: br, F",