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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Apr 1904, p. 3

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3w - m.m.a-N"-"et lt"r,,arPitmc MILLINERY ""qeP."'--e'-t" _ Hun-IQ." :1 highs-I. . mun In". _ mlTTANCE DEPARTIIEN-T. . Wynn be sent to all parts of the wor at tritrusg cost by our duh: and money orders. Bank drafts are absolutely safe and we guarantee that the money wtll be rel only to thuright party, . Travellers can purchese Circular Notes, which ctui be cashed every- where without charge.personal iden- tiiication or any kind of trouble. AVINGS DEPARTMENT. C The safest way to Invest your mom ey is to plve’lt in this department. The rate ot interest may seem mall when compared with tha romised by speculators but the in- come is at least certain. . Remember that the money is per Iectly safe and that you can get u when you want n. One dollar atrl upararls received. Interest added tw.ce a year. t E. HAINES. Agent, BERLIN. BANKOF HAMILTON - TIP . CAPITAL...... ......" 700000. nnsr................. 83.003 ooo, KEB'I'.... ....... ...... Udgvvv v--. HEAD OFFICE, Tomm‘o. A canard Banking Banner- van-- and " the “MERLIN BR Milli Wu of one dour an.a atrwarxtg, wolvedin the Savings Bank or on poem Deposit and highest ram of mm mowed. Drafts and Money Order! iuued on all points at Invest It“!- Specml Invention paid Lu ma mine-a of farmers and oat of Lon Cancun“. Blank Notes tor Rumors tal" supplied free on application. F. C. G. MINTY. Mum“. The IEolsons Bank. HIM) 01%me mourns“. Capital Authonmed B5 ooo.coa Fuel-Up Capital - $3,000,000 Run-Va Fund - $2: 853.0co Alanna. banking arm-nan done. Cd- - undo. 'irstu" humid varstatv In Alt Mot the llwnlnlon or any 91mm in th It“ mqhertrst'3" or Inmrvuv. nilowod tar -r"t""1t'""' Having“ Hank or would on!» Carter’s '3:de ', an summed ”than reest 'du-ur-ut-ie-tleft 'dtrsttyta6" Agatha-nubil- uwdl a I W - ot Btmttttr' Auithtorttsri'iitgrst* GiiiiGittoeiev-_ Glt q0ntt um: ”59mm. ”vim 0'0 “hold“ a. magnmmmn, NB! " J,'l'INL Sm T F, OANADIAN BANK OF GDMMERBE 55 RAYMOND gfmlill mums JOHN BITZEB. lncorpornua In "" Liver Pills. JACOB “savanna. Innu- Win"!- Babel HYPER?!“ A “any mm...” a imrttka-rt.,h'c mung;lev ant-m. 'uriti'cse.eii'eastMtCter. um Ingmar-Ii. "ttde tuba tab; rib-Oma- " ttrt-et at who, sad mu. man an. Wail- NII - O th. “W nl Lanna Mum-v. own an mm. 7 7 -- ‘2. " "iiott "i-r-tisis I” m ot mm. a: mu In“! ”a. ot Loki“ And-n1. OHM. W a!!!“ 0- 'ev “KW-1 Vin? Jud m" a “"52 Wt," _AAmrfaht'.e ed “PF. i',ltd,liCPt?r1tl'd'd'" no mun d Bt. Fur: Luthern Chum In W to exact & - my on the me now occupied by an old prions. on Kimt “mt. In. Rm. Thick a! It mm- M. has returned Iron. Vinita; " daughter. In. Jan Dom, Roch- am, when .you; Ila-gnu In arrived. Both no doing' we“. Mr. A. Wmloh In: patch!“ 00 houu owned by Mr. Chip. Bonny» ol'ebel Skeet, mm omit. his we as“. II‘ villain: valuation on Mar In. Mr. Pull P - received Apt- per trom Algeria, North Attic: an". by Mr. J. Stevenson, M Londom Ont, who is. palms" on the Sunny School excursion to the Holy Laad. The esxcurttiabtstts wen given n ton! welcome. Mr, C. Huclher of the Lion Brew- err is having phl- prepared (or; new once building adjacant to the brewery on King street. The new 0mm will be large and commod- ioul. mil building operations will be commenced " " early date. A petition is hung circulated to he prescnud to the Public School Board to instal a bell in the MA- gun Avrnue school tower. It is claimed that owing to the numerous s<hrml bells and whistcs, the bell and}; "mar saucy cannot be heard. in A meeting ot the High School Board was held on Tuesday even- ing at the Water comtniwsioner's ot.. tice . It was decided to erect the stage in the auditorium ot the Manual Training School. The trn- der of (lies. WoilhartX&Co.. for plumbing was aceepte . Principal J. Suddaby otthe Berlin Central School, was clrctrd Chair- man ot the Training Department at the annual mnvtnLion of the Ontar- io Educatioistti' Association held at Toronto this week. The Torcnto Star on Thursday contained an CX- ccl!cnt cut of Mr. Suddaby. A telegraphic message from Grand Rapids, wan received by Berlin friends on Wednesday announcing the sad and untimely death ot Mr. Chas, Herd, son ot Mr. Henry Heyd, ol that city, formerly of Berlin. The' deceased was about 21 yen: olage and his early demise comes " a sad surprise to his' many triends in Berlin. On Wednesday an employee in the filling department of D. Hitmer & L'o's lactory made a mistake in making his exit out Ma door by Walking through the elevator door. llc iell about eight lect, straining his back and fracturing one of his hips. The young man is doing nick ly at present, and expects to be around ina tew days.. The Allan Shoemaker Concrete Tile Company have been asked by "'hairman Collard of the Board of iWorks, to make an estimate of the host, oi putting ina concroio tile culvert sumciently large to carry the water of Schneider's C'reck scross quvn Strcyi, Bprlin, In the event of who proposition being adopted by the council, the roadway will be fill- rd up above the tile with earth, the full width of the street. The idea seems " good one, and would do away with the expense ot maintain; ing n plank ftoor on: bridge. ' Miss Nettie alum Mia. ' mania. tetly how any M! ,mitm may be ,erittattetstly and at ntlt pain: by tab i'll', Lydia a. " team's Vac- tugt,hl'.1 "Your. 1rosmxr--r had trmwrxttl tittttrtA' t seven (rum ly?! on cyvs, an " my men- nnsl 'iiiF?,ifir'ii'ir,i' unto!!! n . A of the loaf: Jlgte1%,' {a B. Pin Nun’s Vega- 0 ml. til only mod In qr! {on t my one was hm my " an at“ I l'ti'fl . bottle -rted n. M. on.“ We but - an “In " than my opinion a! he “is. I. not any ',', - In - -iiftei,i,ildr,ttd"hglt. f :ttir"eiit'2'?ii'eii'it I M... 7 _ ',iiiS-2titt4tgrattur"rj, nit-1 III t.R?.ittilh tgl,1.e'r,'i In iiyitiiiii,', Mum this»! in". - -. - 7'”? (1' I, ' “mummmmm: Mug-n I. mun-u up - - - - man-p to M. your. can,“ _ u o b j'dit,2at.."""""f'"t “4“”; sq m. T " W um In n a "use“. “a th- an”; ttt tho - hon-Icy mm, by-h' who“ '.-9rfi.'" baton Clark dull: “CW- 'rr. 'i. ... Sum“: sham. Att a. - b. in; one", Lind 'ttnt-tea" _ Town Cloth AM“ um um“, . . but nothing on mung-Al chu- I Mme: vu brought taint. " matter coma no u News “All - next Hunky. .--.-----e--i-ri===r.--=== In wanna Con-Mu an on Friar name- at out!“ with Item. Good 01mm $gots- Mm’ilg Co., an " In "W tummy nonunion Iu " 1“,. to he unwind " “I but. MB; on!» Tb‘l Council. The receipts " m vuu'orb can. during the I.“ ten by: In. broken sli previous, nicely, and yin 'ivTpCiiulvissrast Uni bl been standing lor was}! months pat. 'Gil wanna received an n ton-.'-- Flat rata, I 'M." Meter "we, “It" let-r not. m.» Speck], "" NARROW ESCAPE PM)! BROWN ' ING, Wilfrid, the tttre-rear-old-ann at Mr. uni Mrs. Joseph Bergen, Belle. vue Ave., had n nuto' - trom [ being drowned Thurman unetnool. I Whilts, playing with bill elder liner 1 he fell into the so" . Ina damn. which has s ruin-d box opening that I seemingly had been uncovered. The cistern container'. ttearly tour tert ot water, and khen-the lecithin. hnpp- cued hit Bister immaiintelr [an tor help. With me using-co olthe neighbors the little fellow was no cued, in the nick a time, u he to“ to the top ol the water. He m careiully attended to ad " be All right in a day at so. The regular monthly meeting ot the Orphunge Bond was held on Monday evening olthll week. Mr. As, Hallmun, the pnsldelt,'occnpl- ed the chair. "The mung in op- ened by Scripture reading And pul- "-"“ "J ‘4“'r‘~'* -"_" u . _ er. The Board was pleased Inhale lnvuxable reports, and‘ by the con- dition ot the hon. The Bond deth- ce to return their links, tor the liberal eontritntion' vhlch were re- mired during Much trom Mrs. Wen- dell Clemens, Mrs. L. San". Mrs. Geo. Rumpel, Mrs. Dnlel Selmeukcr, Mrs. Eph. Bricker, Mrs. LU. Bull.- haupt, Mayor Kraut. gnd others. PETER shun. Secretary. _ The doctor IMO/ed that as com- m$ttee had obtained I rate at $150 trom the G.T.R. for: - train to Berlin. This rate would ullov ttp main; at 100 pooplo and stop over privileges at Gilt and Guelph. The one: ott&e Grand Trunk wan considered very "gamble, all the ca1mltm wu unwound to com- lphste “augments tor the ”cun- ' At the monthly meeting yt the Ingersoll Board of Rule Int week, pr. Caettield reported on the progress made by We committee gunning tor the excursion to Berlin. He read a letter lrom Mr. Mills, President ot the Berlin Board, extending n cord- ial welcome to that town, And otter- ‘ing assistance In the we] of ar- ranging to show Alum through the lmany Morle- of but has. A 305307;; Emmi BxCUMrolr'. Enter honor roll ot “we! sv- ame tkhooi:- _ Division I. Je. lii.-Margaret " m, Con- sume Spence. Lone i'l'1tri.2lt' Eu. Rider, Loni-a m "at, " mot (iron. "td ”Edqu - hm”! (equal). Otto Ber, h- Br. n.--Tritrie 003” a! Ameta Klein, hand.) Hill: W. Knth munch. mm. Baftb, um- Itri"ot With M‘. 'Nt-o. Burp-d, Cnl UM. Otto h- unch. Mu Ml. up: Len, Welly t'gt'lft, In! Hap. mm n. __ _ -- PROPOSITION ARRANGED Jr. “Pm-u M. “In. um mm. m, (mu). - a. an“. luau. any. Ce " 9w, hpyyea.t18.1tleee- V. iiiFG,HiiGs, m.'m. tttrt; can: You. nah UM, rutrtthot. _,,A__._. 'Fiii" iiiSdtiii,"i Gaiu Fee t, Non 03:513. , km. 011'. Ian "rf; nu ' Maw. ' - m, dt, mm, the,» Juan. tharh' pm was. no.- , ' Bt%ghn iit _ - l gtqtciiiiiE?tif)i Lydon- W. r., 7m: , m V“ GiiTilteff " I“. m kaar. 'ii"ii'i"iklte. VIUI f um. llaTimi7iiirCGi'riiiiri" an...“ t(lhi'liCu"G'lroFTiiirai'dt nun! BROKE THE RECORD 'BERLIN OWHANAGE HONOR ROLL. Total ' “851 .01 Tb no and Min; at we nob-I .1 tin Young lie-‘1 Cid-tun ”album in held in we no- Q In“ "enirtg. The mm:- - "I 'ISI, we reports were null-t and Cour-dug. “a utr. unl o.thnsisartt ”walled tttr) on .3 scum. The maiden}, Mr, LL. Bmithnapt mgldcd. and that tho new denim. give . Mint mm "tttro past ycu's to“. VIM to cttamcterized u be- ing mm a: most. unifying In tho - otthe Association, Mr. AB. HumInun gave a aplen- did upon mm Religious Work mum. ‘hich wu vury active during the year. Mr. A. Zaphe HF 1e'.ef, thwart or the symluiu‘in te?e': will roportod that the Elam! ihierrrmlinle 1nd junior clus- iiiiiF, the Ingest in the history Irtt ' Aaaociatictt. Ahintribute G; mid to the "rviues rendered ibr tho Physic“! Burglar. Mr. FIA. Gourd”, who has made him-cl! m papal“ with the members. It was recommended that he be re-cn- gagedtor the next year. The Boy's iWork in report” upon by Mr. ilA. O1arke and wu nlso very cn- mush;- I Mr. F. Dunham reportcd Ln the achievements of the Membership Committee during tBe your. The membership at present was 322, the urge“ in the Associntion’s history, (In! the receipts trom membership {on unwind to $1,073, about $430 more than the preceding year. The work ot the Ladies' Auxiliary was up. “Viewed by Mrs. w.u. Beck- The Dinner: rubmiucd ' pru- po-Mon to wipe on all deficits by increasing the mortgage co the Hiding ttom $2,700 to $5,000 which In adopted by the meeting.. The defbei% were craved by the improve- ment- of: perrnanent.rh"act4T nude on the building. The sub- chptiou received during the vent ‘Im not up to we standard, but. the Directors have decided to hold up their end ot the flnancinx of the histitution during the ensuing n... The wiring directors, Messrs, L J. Br.ituupt E.P. Clement, RO. Lang, M.E. éhantz, were re-elected 1nd Mr. A.B. Mnsselman was elect- alto till the ucancv caused ay thedeuh ot the late Mr. C. Bitzcr. The extensive lmprwcmcms that have been under construction at [lor- lin's lighting plant for the last six months, ere nearing completion, and " is expected tint ina wrck 'or two the senior light and fuel will be manufactured by the large new engines purchased trom the Westiug- ‘ho'uu Engine Company, Piusbut; Mr. howleston, representative of theCompuiy, has been in town fur the put week inspecting the work, old this morning he started the or.- jnee. whidl were lound to work very "tutasttoritr, Light Commission will visit the plant, when the engines are in lull Methyl. _ A .. ' Th Commission held a very im- portant meeting Priday evening at which Mean. C.K. Hagedorn, S. J. William H.J. Bowman, C. H, Hill! use! luGr Knnz were pre Ttte munch] repor't for March she'd the reoelpts tor gas to be $1010.85 no! electricity 8212632. who. the tow 'receipts amottnted ,to “mun. The exp"enditeretr anon-tad to $4,031.08, ot 'hich "It" 1m [or “(punt con-truc- “on. auto: tho dame plant :5”. Cl. Datum maul 036,700 cubic M cl '" VII not! tor “gulls m and 801,810 [or luel pur- Y ILC.A. ANNUAL IEETI‘NU rim“ que - mums-I: _.- . _ -siiiriuiiidt, t Cam’s report - t". " In” that the work in Ir."",'; In t2h,2'l', 1"Pd,t,te of on. was , tot. m, $1100! -tetr. 3: Also 1tt'U"' .vumng ttttlt,'! . a room- Sh., H I=r,,', 1300 Incan- NEW ENGINES IN OPERATION Cm In" dl noun. 15. We: new! the Aer ot ”I. for“! mud "tttttte u it that but on - mm“ 5. than“ at Paru Bt. Rr., . “vi to qittsesd ttot In m. m an. Sub-m Inm- r; m ,"ti an“, Town- tseaadmtseBt a d Brunt a.» to be m- . ”a “I m~ an... and Mn tun-“-0 'iATiiTCoe his! n4 Merritt 'u mounting Tim:- 1','u""i7 to II!” N U’JIIJ Th Duh Puma school and: bald . new not.” on My My. tub - out-Ina Count-tuna to: the puma olj peq.rue it. uumt- In "It you nu. TU ..hon nonma- can; M -i-tr who Baud. . ta u an mm mm:- plwom in how much Ito-Mat an“ trrtuBemgd (also; "" The mum mt -.u-Trttr mps Payton. Panel. Dania. Herttelder, Hen, Links", has. " wtt. and lemma The Bond “duct Melongw' Aside upon I limit “to how much‘ mom be expended, ad with one or two Mum. the members irem determined that it than“ not use“ II! milk: on the door. Tak- ing-the total Wet. atta,UN, 000 the Public School rue ot six will: would munch $19,140.13“ Government All! County grunts will reach 81.850. end I Minna: at 872 trom Int year will make the total revenue tor 100! amounting 10820. 862. mm to It“? F, _ ‘ - - 'k, i'tt','rtirtatlllt3l _ , 'ehtgt Mt; . " * tttPd - ' In W _ that” it: - all cm ' m ' ”mm M mullet. can! and w ter, . 1.00.1 Priming, nations”, [no ortettirors, ”has. has. New: m1: The menus" proceeded to con- sider the uncontrollable expendi- tures at the year. out to their Bur- prise ‘dlscoverod that the Board would only have 3820 tor Sundries and repairs. The salaries ol tea19t- en and caretakers as tixcd at pre- sent nmoun‘lcd to $15,590; $310 was allutcd for extra teachers; 315010: Model School substitute; $350 (or other substitutes, and $150 tor Secretuy's story making a to- 'tal ot $16,455. T l The chairmen of the various school committees were counting on_m:\king (some needed improvements to their respective schools, but when it was iound that only $830 remained lor ‘sundries,and repairs, it was decid- Gt that no chairman be allowed to expend more than " tor necessary utensils, without the approval ot the entire Board. i Dr'. Lachntr reminded the members that Berlin has expended large sums ot money for school purposes, dur- ing the last two years, and it was timcto call 1 hit tor some time to come. Berlin has schools that are not excelled in any town or city in Canada: The ml old tuel was fixed a! 81.300; debentures $1.610; tree scub- blen, printing and stationery, $472; insurance, $75, and water 8100, mlking atotal ot 520.042 The chairman was.authorized in" inform Principal Suddaby thnt the, Board will be unable to consider,' any more increases ot salary that maybe applied tor by machcrs, and any teacher that may be dis- Batistied with his or her salary may resign..and their resignation will be regretfully accepted. The chairman reported that the kindergarten rooms in the Gourmand (Ave., and Agnes St. School: were over-crowded. In the tormer sixtecn pupils were sent home again, while in the latter txhool there were " pupils desiring instruction in the kindergarten, with accommodation tor 48. Chairman Pequegnat and the chairmen of the two schools lwere authorized to make the nec- essary arrangements tor the ia- struction ot the new pupils. m m waisted ortFrititry the vote olthe ntmyers on the by- law to raise $7,500 by debenture to pay " the detFefta of previous years and other exceptional expend- lturel was unusually small. There was an .pputut lack ol interesti- the try-law, md only those' rate. pare" who were convenient to the than.“ polling booths cut their Volta. _ It only required twelve minutes the before the result at the vote wu know- at the municip-l build- ing. Three wads gun maioritieqin {not ot tho by-hv. the North broke "an. and mm.» pm . "bann- thl ”my spin“; Altos-the: :00 mm were an in java: ot the 39:14am min-t. machete um on. - NM. Tu vote N" u lollIVI:- _ - _ _ _ Noni, ...... ... (Entr- -. ... En". - .... an“. ... ... . It“, ..... ....' Mm Sum J. - . . Iain I,.""','!,',,"., a"h'"ta'" fi, B. m Ex-tive out. PW, tra ' .C., . . on, tooth“ We will meet M 0 denim-l snout can an“ mum. too. on Wed-u“! "- at 1.030.! my cum ot "ters “II n 1.. o‘clock tor an mime In. sittt" " .mnumd macho . scheduled)! other 'tun min. 1.03. mm o. www.1'le Lug-e oletn . - mum) -t, .m In" [our emu. 'eqlr., to» -ttt. M to mun-1U“ .1, l.maco.. an“: Run-r an“ mun-I“ at _g.Y. mJ-m- Mu: an.” tofir'tti'rt6'qetr I My BI til _ INN“ ' iqN LT - _ "eq0 _. I .. r':'r'rr The Board adjourned at 10.10 ”’0th but; and the“ av- “we . - milk “W t a. Ind. and a '8lflt'klilt ! h p Ihtrrtt, wwgr+a "' "I103“! in but " J'DGI‘NT “SERVED BY-LAW CARRIED Pet iGik . if.“ - mm hul- un 'tste-aM, 81 " " " " ”MM.“ 1.4“.” 4N.% l .04.." “an" n an.» "t " to 'rtirsirdo,.,. _Iii,.,r?.,f,,?.s')t,lp,.l.,t,.Ailr,tjii'i Llilllfrjillilllt .....'."....WMWOI GU _ - --- I 9 EiV'The Mercantile Firé' Hardware, I -owtewteeteeeetNett'teht'weit?1' Eeouomieal Mutual fiNlosd)t Nu Anon m aia.lsoo ”00900.03 Amount " But . . 115.800 000 0 Government Dona-K _ “6.3%.“? to“ hunch.......... - bag ....._.a.. w.x.m.u0---- [our [will - - 9:0) - - Bunch“: - - - W.n.aannu - - - - 10!!! A not. - - - - 30mm»... P.1-ool.......... “Fiat-v.0. l..........m-... -tMe-..-tur-T-'--" KC., and C.P. Smith. for plainUh, one-ed nip-d. ad um-uppuled mom a“. report can not d. in or maul (any to; loss 'tMF- HIKE-i- M p,...".........-- an; "iiraa aT%brdt 'mm of mu): path at the land not nu- ma woman w we -. " I J.crc,e «I! 'ii:')?,.,') I 'vrrec.:E-' l ;"" , f I Nagy? F 1i.r2ssijatr.fsso A "ri, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOVT All Polish. Gnamteog by the Lamar & Lacuna:- wmcn Conan with Amt: of $16,306,638. TI. Candi-I Put - albedo-h" J,ttifiile2gtgT,t'arttA'etrf, haraaéq-ufiwcu‘utheuhfl L" wan ','"dhAra1't, Sh'3rat In OF TBs3ETLaTq- Orgmiud 1871. mm and Cash system uptight. " ind:- qidt. HM DOW doubt the but and Wilt term you“) or DIRECTOR! ik-Riu-Dry W 'Pe . INSURANCE COMP gnoorstoratod Mmb. Alfred Wright. Secret"! BUOKBERROUOH a CO. Stout, Tinware, Flaming tad Pipe. Fitting. Stun Post Ofriets. Plume 142, BERLIN. FACTORY LEAGUE - w _ 40 CENTS A ROD. BO INCHES HIGH HEAD OFFICE - WATERL00. ONT. a. J._llllu a tx?., a..." inuiiii-tttitt. In” IMAM you (an. an. . Ix; L.........-- . Pram": - v tee-Pro! . Hume - Search" - Imp rm:- And Glass. )hnutulurm at [Johan Drum .Boru Bunk: Co!» Hold Daemon sud wig. "'iHll, ' mile-t tum fence _ .rt [I] SAFETY £0!"le SING!“ MTHEM Dominiun Life Mamm Go. l PROSKIED IN 1903 The best rear in the Company's hm: Surplus Increased over 63 per cent. More than 60 per cent of you“: Income, added to An."- _ Average rate of Interest elm-i " per mm. Policies island on. Sound and Attractive Plum. Special ctarsiticsu'ort for Total Albumen. Writo to Head 0M or to tho Company‘s Agent: toe intonation. HEAD 0316!; INFERNO. OUT. Chm. Kama. Thou. "lulu-d. President. . Inn. m. PM Emu sunk at Annual. Wen-o than In I petition on "my our 1e"Lem" e'ePPe, WK,- (fitt2P,- TAdi that I. Tasty. woo: 9nd You? If you law not tried out not [in m I can. II. B. DIIEIIIIIB, SUPIEIE WALT" " MEATS _-__',," -trNtt. cm In? nun. 117,140.41 Pull!-

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