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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 24 Mar 1904, p. 5

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555* 'i5,9q.t..iq, m [ML-The Bath of ' . In. "tkt ottte late Henry m., . aNqttrrqd a the home at her ;-ci, ' In. She. Jam. on Pri- g " Duo-awn one ot the? , - Ery, .dbltrt mum-u ttavftrg lived I 35, mm-M‘Wyun.‘ 113,13 I . » . le. Hum. notary ot Fl 1lliil r “mum“: won. Co., , " ' u my.» mung" ot the _ . IT V 00.. M: with". .w _ " M r. . pp in. Won-.2- F. W Waterloo Woollen Mills no 'm slut hours per day " we F '10: {out an . week on RC- I ' _ M ttot balls Ole u nature 1" “tuna. They do not In- t dale do" u some ottter mm. ;~ forced to do. Rev. Alrvllcvkcr of Hespekr oc- cupied the pulpit otthe Evangelical Lhurch, Waterloo, Sunday morning, and lit-v. Silas Crtssman ot Mark- bam in the evening. Both gentlemen delivered thoughtful discourses. Miss A. Zeller becomes stenogrtt her tor Lang Bum, & Co; Miss E. Whiting slcnographer tor the Canada Furnltum M'i'r's., Limited. Both are studmts or the Berlin Business Colhtrre, Confirmation services will be held in st. John‘s Lutheran Church on Sunday. March 27th. In the morning " 10 o'clock the candidates will be examined and will beconfirmed in the alter-con at. three o'clock. The spring term ot the Berlin Bus- 'ind sadGli GGG' of Woodltook. has College open, TuesGr, April come. here very highly resonantl- s. Over 100 students have been in ut- ed. Ha “lume- his new duties, an undue: during the put six months. April lit. A tree catalog mny be had on appli- Tation 00th. Principul. W.D. Euler. FIRE 1N PLATTSVILLE. The build Churth wil summon will be a: will I20 l weather is Tie many kinds of ltr, John Oral. who “I operated upon u the kiln-Watch» Hospital sewn] M 130.“. pleased to see him b0t.0ts be out Again. He will “he I!!! woeh' nation below mum- tiretek. through tllrwss. Mr. Matthew Rt tat. resiticuts oi i' resident of Wiln known llarnughnut of the county, is At the Waterloo The many [ricnds of Mr. Oliver S. Marun were pleased to see him down town Wednesday, attcr being confin- ed to his house for several weeks through tllrwss. At the Watcrlnc next Sunny, Mr in the zrturmug or he . m Il'l TI. "u" wan Buy-o In... - 1‘0“. ot tts - ...." I!!! It " um not. can 1 and“. tarry. You an nun-v aeura" In. Ufa-u- tor dual vacuum! 'rrompb. tr and hint-q “MIMIC!“ in aceoedtd u.u-h girlie, holder. Dan ' “a mbhoul. " in cheap nad in tho naming of InXieLV slum: h worth ha cont. Full iunrrausticm fund-bed on w quail. - To amour Aisplay of Ru] Live Bum: Rabbits, Nut bud Euler 933' and Gamma German Eu'er Dyes. With I 50 package at our Gamma Bum Egg Dye. you can a lot 300 9gp, linking [0) colon 3nd dutgnl. Al” . tall hm. of puny-9 dyu for silk, wool ma comm ”may: Dn-ond Dr- rs, Tum-h Dre, Standard Dyes, Benn Dye: and Maypule Imp. ova. Ham's City Mg Store Ddutache Apotheke. Waterloo, A fme lot piueapples at remam tiug's. Mr. Ali. Devin. represented the local order of Chosen Friends at a meeting urine Grand Council held In Toronto, Wednesday. The many friends of Mr. Henry W. Roos were pleased to see him up town aga'n Thursday [or the first time since his last opt-mum. C'ocrt Enterprise No. 73, C.O.F. Waterloo, initiated eighteen new members last week. Another initia- tiun will Le held to-night. The many Roos were tou" agn time since We sas L' crockery puns! ing~ Inn tud Mr. Emil F'. Drum], formerly of Waterloo, has comttunccil a painting and daunting business in Guelph. Rtniew ruminations have been in progress in the Waterloo Central Sahel)! during the past few days. The annual spnng millinery open- ings in the aarious stores cl Water- E Local News. 04%? od.ut9tooo6oo W ooelo o00o9oe0f..o0 Mr gs in the ,.arious-stores of Water m will to held rn Friday and Sat. 1in ci this week. Mr. Ali. Devin. represented the COME AND BRING THE UHILDBEN Ilis s What tildin will INSURANCE, it in!“ my. yum). I iiiTiu. aitl how Iturh. one of the old- s oi i'lattsville, a former of Wilmot Tlr, and well- mghout the southernpart ty, is seriously ill. aterlno Methodist Church .13', Mr. Lavell will preach Mug on "The Amity ot subject, in the Waning will it Party Are You?" ing of the new Evangelical I be procceMd with this Plans and speciMations vurcd at ante and work runtmcnrml as soon as the D nrmuaed [momma Rugs b wing is puttil uhhcr shop at you money uses at Husen Hasetuiug's can )1 ti, and e m afew h at Hasen- ng a new present. on your lhrg's. choice I Mr. H. Scanner ot Elwin but I narrow - (tom Ming nation Ir Injured on swanky morning. While driving no. Berlin to " mloo, no um High School. [mm took ',NS'2t ts NOI- Lltt?, tl't"l"2"ut h. to the“ 7 an; an u as pro- 'lit', but": ttl . and ' Ix. mun. hm, Ix. onto the 'tru, n- 'tttl F In In“ lo to t b N- Itll' In “filth. , b.- magnum, _. Fire broke out. In Build Bro... tur. nature factory. n li o'clock. Wod- pm]. and" night, destroying the entire Ttman, ' (awry, Intercoms. and guard". Th. '31., ... loan in autumn! st "0,000. Sel- berth, gallon! than ttttt andt‘c m. lor shop wen My damaged. T.be “M Seibert “on has on. which VA! . " on time occupied by luau. [All Bucket a Dubai, ot “as and Coe- Tho I m scan, Wualao. M ... Mr. PL. Armstrong ot Woodstock has been appointed inspector [or the Wategloo Mutual Fire Inlurnnce Co., to uuccced Mr. Steven, who recently accepted another position, in Toronto. Mr. Armstrong, who‘hu been connected with the tirtn of Ormsby nnd Clnpp. gulch] the, we and madam Agent: olWoodItock. Miss Clan R. Miller, than" of Mr. And Mn. Goo. Inlet, HI’IVHII, Wu married to Mr. Wm. Leda. at New Humbug, otrWednemUr, tho 16th imtt. The ceremony w... perform- ed in Trinity Lutheran Church, New Ihnnburg, by Rev. H.P. Gruhn. The happy couple, who hue the but wish as of their may friends, will take up residence in New Hamburg. The Muses Knaclltel, who have been the popular drestunnkeri " Bricker a Dtebel‘s lor the past par undn hall. moved to Berlin on Thursday, where they will take charge of the dressmaking damn, ment of Lung Broa. and Co. They will be succeeded in Wlterloo this season by Mia Struser, who tanner- ly had charge ot this department at Bricker a Diebcl's. Up to Monday, the first Gr ot spring, the outlook was tor a late treshet. The routs in the country were as good as they had been All winter. The roadways were tttled with snow fence high, " the snowfall was avery heavy one. But rain tell freely during Monday night and the thaw on Tuesday and Wednesday ha a telling effect on the tmow- banks and strnms of water were running in every direction. The - may leave us earlier than we: an- ticipated but warm spring weather cannot come any too soon. The Young People's Alliance ol the Evangelical Church will render an Easter Cantata, entitled, “The Captive," on Monday evening, April, ith. A programme is being prepared, which will be ol 3 special chatter. The members ol the Alliance will be lssisted by Miss Hilda Merner, We- tr-rlnn'r favorite elocutiortitrt. All Are cordially invited to be present. No admission tee will be chased, but a silver collection tum. RUNAWAY. some mac-{human the 'taAat.trdltthteAtui,tu..tt' 2et'tl 'J,u".'=rieg.tttr, In . 'llh"a'lfl you car-dbl...“ thir nr.interot. hingeoduhpelo; " the - “as; ot tte {at Muh- Bud hall tn Bt. Susan's "Email My _ a drtata,- "Ruolvcd an than u night“! than tho sword." In In- by “I " nrmnivo side. lute" Chu. Cutie! ud Dough: Colquhoun won the " umna watch and Ludo: Rank and Arthur Vaio the neon" - cu. On Wednesday. March 23rd, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Erb, formerly well known throughout Waterloo Co., celebrated their golden wedding, in Halifax, N.S., where they now re side, Few people ever reach the half century mark otwedded life, look- INSPECTOR APPOINTED The regular weekly market Satur- day morning wasa rou.sing one, and much produce was disposed at. The attendance was very large, larger than it has been tor some time. The drop in the price or eggs lrom Me to lie a dozen, caused considerable excitement among the farmers. The supply was larger than it has been for the past few weeks but the de- mand was big. The prices asked tor first ranged from l5c to 20c, ed01- (h, but as scones the prices wet known nearly all had to sell st M. Enter sold at 18c and 20c e lb. Other produce was oitered in the usual quantities. No wood was ot- tered. TO PLAY. AT GALT The Waterloo Musical Society's band has accepted an engagement to play at the Galt Horse Show on Friday, June 3rd, 1904. They will give a band concert in the park in the owning. ing, soyoung and hale as Mr. 1nd Mrs. Erb. Their many friends wish them many happy returns ot the day. “000M!" -, “I M. um. who It!“ win In“ WANTED.-- Board in private fam- ily tor lady. Apply at Chronicle- Telegraph emce. at. r: A HT ls' R C A N T AT A THEI R GOLDEN WEDDING , _ 1m- uhuday ip I F ot III unis about ',t h. . Cunar- I": be: In " about “no , ' but; ‘Immy In. n 30%, h the Hammer. mum. The husband. only. M. and that dug]:- un mm. I n. my Iguana (fiend: of It". It. Cunt-n will and was“ -is- 'rorus.-F.M. Gibson. W.O. Weichel Mh W. Cur w, ECO. In?” sk. 20,- . Grits. .H. Snyden AW. Sumter, rm:......... - ........ .......t. r W. W , J.B. Snldel. IR. 13. Run, .....M .........'......... .e...rt..... I Tor1ery. Outreich. E. Hudke, We", ......... ...”..- ”...... ...."W.t. ... n J. Renal, A. Jana, sk. IV-Grits, - 4. Hergott, Gus. Ktrntr., WM. Me. " (MM, Crap. A. Brice. A. It. “or"! to! Moo N than. . Tom. Ttttim, no, Gm... " “Alar- . " toe “mum-.1. LAM” Il-ORGANIZED. __.___~... Th “MCQWM mt " the or NTEREST T0 LADIES. PM Pt', My "a.tstg for Oh - - ree,', thetr titqrt- The vi.“ ot Prat Dortmund to tatt huh, out. will. a. Wulpet H..." on Much tut, M “It and mum am will and“. lune-d Berlin "um - all ninth-h- _ "mm.dl country a mommy .. It. Ja. m m " ahlr- .1 mutt MGM. ttMe Hair, M" fl.“ M M' m ite "A, od M MINCE.“ itt P2 “- mum-o! MM. Prat. Dot- Pm-trt.-" m. w mmulmshmua and...“ _ M ”multista- +11% 0- m In “an, up [. . . -P..rq-r,38tar8tyttadnerridir. t. Cl . " , . M.. W t"Ae?9t II Att .- 7m, '. and um um' _ , 1., br' q “It a “in! M /N9t ...-u MI M, Ir. P, _ In _ 1'5 " tiFh" L). _ wr km. _ Jag!!! his; i tht April mm. it in proposed to hold the anal banquet. A commit- no was ”pointed to pupae the toast “It and other programmes. The lulle- oftba church kindly volunteer to look "ter the bill-oblate, a they did In." you. Both debate 1nd hunch proves to be very sum cousin! tthir. Huh. c...; m. At the meeting of the Social Unhrn in the Methodist Church Tuesday cv- ening, it mu decided to bald the last session of the lock Pnrliunent next Tuesday, rum ". The Immigntion am will bodehm nu the.Opposi- tion ue thotrght to has a good chance of detirttr the Government, BERLIN CURLERS DEFEATED Thm. nah cl Berlin curlers came to Wank» Wednesdny um In friendly - 'trftered detect " the hands et m Wuhtloo curlers by 15 slots. The m and If“): were:- SIXTY-TWO YEARS AGO. Mr. Henry Cream“. one M the oldest reside!" at St. onbs, says tut sixty-two years ago the Grand River froze seven weeks be- fore Christan and did not break open in spring until the middle of April. Feed for camp became very scum that winter, so much so that tumors were obliged to shovel through tour (on olnow to make A path to tho woods, when they cut down trees to Allow the mule to browse in the under bunches of the trees. VATERLOO gum. mm. ....... .'tqFt Mr. Henry Luft, who has been con- ducting . “king business in the stand lowly occupled by Mr. G, M. Hahn, [or some months, has sold the buslnese to Messrs. Conrad Swab- ing, a“ and Geo. Octal. These gentlemen will form n ptrrtrutrshlp, and will volume ttte business in the um. stud. They his possession ot the may on April M. It is to be hoped the! the new hrm will be giv- FINAL SESSION AND BANQUET Mr. F.H. Ulgwood, teacher in the Colloginte Institute, Kingston, and I brother ot Mr. Oliver Lingwood, Wntorloo, received word from Lon- don University, that he had been Awarded m degree ol B.A., in the ilrgt clue in classics, Anglo-Saxon, English literature and constitutional history. Only eve coloninl candidac- es were mum] and more than halt the English Candidnm gem plucked. _ a .m- vuuu". Aiititiuu, 'i'tr,'t H UM. N C“ an. Jam nta-u carom. "I'M lb. tunnel can“. p- at 0ND Down Mud.- ('m, M 1m " th- 'twr- ih but... 0“ Dov-roan Road, 5...“ you. It. C'agz_hir- t. g jun tum-hum. And in Th. death cl "arm, the two-year- old not ot Mr. Alex. Hothnan, And a grand-on of In. [Inc Hoitmatt,' or Wumloo, took place in Brannon! on land”, under peculiar and sad cir- can‘t-ace. he little know had been wanting from diphthcti; since Sat- urday mad cu being removed to the hospital He succumbed, however, on the Why, inhig hum”: arms. Mrs, Rom“, is low In the hospital with the nuns abuse. NEW BAKING “RM “0...va a In. I. 19““!!odlw tat-Kb» "tttpatty Mv. II. LAVELL AT STRAT~ FORD. internal-l 11:3qu that ha been de- livered um. en] go: lame time in tbat by In. Mini E. Lucile. Ba., in “Lib in lily-ion Pmtitett- tiarr," in m lecture room ot the Cantu] Methodist Church but even- ing. Ir. Luci] in . you; Inn, who has lived the greater part ot his lile in the penitentiary, his lather having been midst autumn [or B number ot ya“. H0 is a Burnt speaker, has pod locum“. Ability, which combined with t keen sense of hum-. or, luke- his: anomalies". lecturer. PASSES HARD EXAM A SAD DEATH 8W B-c-thte ot the moat Mltr. WA 0mm ”AI. . tair has at public pan-1m- . u'un. ..... m tll The politival campaign held in the Waterloo Skating rink Monday even- ing was one of the most interesting curling contests played in Waterloo this winter, whrn the Liberals of tin local club deluted the Conservatives members by the narrow margin ol 2 shots. The games were the closest um] most exciting played this wasqu In the only part ot the campaign it looked an if the Grits would be snowed under but they gradually ov- ertook than opitoatents. Brute and Jones counties were ra’thcr slow in getting in their returns but when the tittal count was made the Liberals were ahead and: heuty cheer was given. The opposing rinks were".-- Torietc--T. O'Donnell, C,A. Boehm, H... Koehler, J. llupelu. sk "tr 1hiu.-E. Zlnkum, Geo. Killer. o. B; 1toogk, Wm. Hogg, IR. 16. Another business has Been added to Watertuo's long list or mtutufaetorles, Namely that of the Waterloo-Show Case Co. The parti- es interested in the business are Mr. Geo. Scholar, late of Grand ilap- ids, Mich., a former Waterloo boy, and Mr. Jacob Dykstra, also of Grand Rapids. Both are experienced men in the manufacture of show cas- es. They have route?) the quarters above Ho8man's blacksmith shop, Ell) St., when they' will manuiac- ture show cases of - tk‘SCflP- tion, wall and prescription cases and all kinds of store lurntture. The Til- ent salesman, as the large mirror cases are called, are Wished in tptar- ter cut but, birch and other styles to suit the customer. The new ftrtn is now ready for business, and as their goods is just what is wanted in the olitrprlsing towns of this community, no doubt they will meet with success. LIBERALS WIN were ahead and: heuty cheer was given. The opposing rinks were".-- Torier-D.C. Kuntz, C, Fcirk, S, B. Bricker, E,P, Sragrnm, SK W-- tlrita.--A.K. Devin. Irt. Eons. J. e, Haight, FE. Hughes, sk. 15. A very successful “Birthday Party" was held in the Sunday School room ot ute.Watereoo Presbyterian Church on Wednesday honing. Tire basc- ment ol the church was taxed to its lull capacity to accommodate the crowd and the programme of music, readings, etc., followed by light re- lreshments was very much cnjoyed. The Woodward orchestra was pre- sent and played a Dumber of selections in tine style. The novel and ingenious idea ol those who had charge of the arrangements; sending with each invitation a tiny sack in which to place one cent ior each birthday celebrated by the rccipir nt proved quite practical, and netted the Ladies' Aid Society of the Church about seventy dollars. NEW FIRM FOR WATERLOO "a...“ T"'" t w WWII Fmgthh‘huylhh T . u.,' T Bmesthtuvgi.inoxpetssiv' hiiln t Saturday Bmerthi-g in gnxmnteed Brerythinguoorreest. March 25 Md 28. dontinuous Sales every day. BIRTHDAY PARTY MMhml SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! JOHN SCHONDELMAYER, J. Uffehmann. Curator-e in Mud from top to bottom with the latest and best new spring line. of shoes that money can buy. There in no my of getting around the not that our "ore is the proper plnce to buy your shoes. For qual- ity Md right prices we have them All beat Our com- pelitors all have to take to the woods in this proposition. Yours for best amen at lowest prides Oppnite Zlmmlman Home. Doit k met to tring us your repairs, OPENINO . Lana BBL; ogrartiMtr.ermtvd.'thet sum pun-way 31mm 1904 CANADIAN PAGIFIG make: they cal twice I; good. A sliver L'r'2,'E'/, a lifetime. Nothing else combines beam-y nrd urefu‘neas to and: a degree. The more: of our tuc- cou an tttyll1trg ot Silverware h that we pnmhue only from reliable, manufac- turers. We are not” for the linger Bros. 1847 knivcs, forks and epooul. . Wald-maker and Jevmller. Central Bloch For morn than ten years has our cog cure stood the test. Do not neglect; a cold nor " slight cough whe one bottle of Dr. Hoollnnd‘a Uonsump tion Cure will bring instant relief Price 25 and We and every bottle gum- anteed. Stores lirrlin & Wuterlu Phones 40 and BIG Open Sundays. A Silierladen Table FBEBLYN BUSINESS COLLEGE ’Iuclm- of Oman. Piano. Violin. and Bar. mo y; also of tMtrintr And tho Drona mode ot Dreaming. For (mm: app y to VERY SUCCESSFUL. ESPBH‘JG TERM AF,” to Dumber ul. In WORLD'S FAIR, 51.1.0018 against an 343.: among L..." = ir.. aces, Jhhtttirtimllht no not ion] with EWMTIOII Director of the Waterloo Muslcai Soclety’s tt tttd. Enter thiv, the [wading comm-*1- 12ml school in Westawu Untax-in. Finest cullvzo premiseu in the con-m y. More than 100 um- deuts rrgislered within the last six months. Our raduates get position”. 'lritlll'l bee. mmw'v' mm¥wrrr W. D. EULER. lh r. J. mum hing» on the but by “and!“ the OPENS APRIL (ml Btratford, Olaf. Till "not mnd- M “I BttiNM8, All! I“? (kt-Iota. h“. In but. an“ In MI. . . luv-ow. "i:'iiieii1id!iie'tit, - in “a a a." Fiucrtrsssor to Snydu's Drug Slow Wawrloo, Out, E. M. DEVITT. EYE'éF-i W-torloo Al U CROCKE‘RY fron THE BEST“ Our spring jack of Hg" Pan? has arrived. 'A'"iini, mortment. Select now. Raymo Bros’. Market Grocery, Berlin s'i, WALL PAPER ._ t 'T The grand any of Artistic Bat Creations Ibo" ie') ha s'llraued the intend. Ind oath-ism of our] T reach of Berlin. We havo demouotmted the faqt W 'pf: 'eot'd,g'ftttrtion of .tylt laden in this violinist ' , if: V . ' ,,,,,_ - - "-'""9' . / . Wehave been mldt'lneund timngninthilwook that, thin loam the best collection of atylhh Millinety that has ' T uhibiqu in Berlin. d a)“ ‘THE SPECIAL DISPLAY will be 'inviu a! to sand. We had hoped to make our first display of New Costa tie, nection with our Millinery Opening. They have arrived on M q the water And are expcte'd here my dq. "s.) 'Tbere will be I big range of the newest Ind but w Spring all personally selected abroad. m, I'm of the low Spring Julieta. The New Washing Kid Glows, Perth's lollnhlo In”. Easter always menu New Gloves as well as New Bonnets. Lt ing in gloves ever introduced will compare in point of N , _ will give the perfect satisfaction as Perrina New Wash Kid We have them in White, Tuscan, and Pearl Grey at 81.25 "rr ' Of course a. stock of Fuse, French 10d Gloves in Blah? Shpdes in Tans and Browns has not been neglected. ',; I.l.lllt..tlr, Spfiiig WE I your: Those winter uni-en hasVedrVaTiy iiiiii, "ici'; duty, for want Iomoxhing NEW and UP-TO-DATE o Wi;h Buyer 031510 days M iga't tim a to zucx’s SHOE HOME EASTER SHOES ARE HI ‘umuwww‘ w e)jb(iir,rl,fircll, , ,..,..I') I , l 'crf5Pfiik, J “MWMMWMWWV i' FISH! as": FISH! .H.ZICK - - - HAVE EASTER SHOES FOR EVERYBODY and woull like to mtl Arg ma IL Ware [in Holding Our tutor City Grocer and China Hall Sop 0311 advertisement in Banernfreuad. ' ta"ettltoekyra.treuasrosia- ua; 'lt,tt,t, M Bowls wail Dining Citbn aid 'late"""""'" bonuuw BOOK STORE THE EVER :53 Geo. Hasenfilug, ZICK’S SHOE HOME Y. sl, . RYAN a 00.3% Do the Neatest Repairing dainty and exclusive footwear styles bu new. “a IlLUIIIY OPEN!“ 8ttie Ymhpbnu, FIN Smoked H ad d y, _ and 'eCsl Bloaters. 47~III Just Arrived Fresh Sea Herring, Had- dock and Cod. Picklled Lake Hoping and Trout. - FreshjiL a ky, T r o u t Frozen. mask? a otyue in your too_e%t Pickled Sea Herring. tsontirumdall week in“! A carloadnf new CW Mt and with chtnnol stool all... am] bum“, romovablo but, etc. They are known I the but on the whim, my In comfort, quality and Mru. So. them before buying OI.- when " the Milly-m war-rooms, wank». . N. HAWKE, CHEAPER THAN THE RISE if Ann, WATIIIDO. Waterloo' J."' Eaten: or oourk in HERE I

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