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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 24 Mar 1904, p. 4

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Id, - No. Sto comprise lots No. 1,2,3 , _ .I,7,B,9,10 um! 11 of cons. 10,11 ' to, at " of wane": section, al , m ll, ot 00119.10, 11.nnd 12 'sir-it-into.. i' No. I toenmprlle I" the Iota ot V m on. And Iota No. 12.13. and d ”in. , cum action and 'to. 33.10.11, at: 12 ot con. 1, I A! I. 'rstem nation. ' L303! town-I ttsts No. 1,2,3, w, atom, 1.1.83, and b, _ win. _. - a. mud in up. cm- "otota ot con. 11,12 .180 lots No. 13 ti,ei'i'rsl, and 23, when: section also 1 union 13 um 14 west: Ranker!) section also lots 12 of can- IIIIIOI: 13 md 14 western smtion. tNt.. a to comprise all the lots of km. tth, and 8th, concessions and frui- No. 83.10.11. and 12 of the sch ”m: con. eaatertt section. Ion A, lbts No. 1,2,3,t,5,6, and ll, ot concessions No. 8 w. Eaten section. Polling subdivisions:--) 1 b comprise Lots, No. 1, 2,3,i,5, and l ot concession A, and lots No. 1,2,3 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and It of can, 2, and also lots No. 1,2,3,4,5,0,7,8.9dl am parts of 12, and 13, in the 2rd, 4th mam: eotteegsions, eastern section q No. 2, to comprise lots No. 7,8,9 10,nMN3,14,15, 1nd 16, of concess‘ No. 3, to comprise lots N "Air,21s22,23, Ind 24 of con let, Jos. Haws, Heimbuch, Jos. ilu udder. John Moch Ite, Jos. Zchrt . . Madden, Adam l ties P. I'halmvrs, J Fence viewers:-.] E. Hergott, II. Diss Hastings, H. Morlqu Jno, McGoey, J.A. Miller, P. Brenner Knight. Neeh, J. .111. Farrel hardt, C. Gies. Pound liccpersr-Alr Simon Kioswcttor, .r. Schweitzer,Geo. Fo han, M. Karlcy, Alex. Schaub. R. Crooks. S. Duench, A. J Henry Beckner, Martinsnn, L. Pr J.L. mum, It. G Byron, G. Isley, derson, D. Axt, Meyer, Alex. ('ra Kochcl, H.Pom 5T???” "a. tummy». I mt an.~'a£'M. In!» -tihtiri. g?“ JiiJJiii,iiii1uaeil"th lt" , ' "Wu l Egan. (tt,,"itiriiat:ir,t: mmvrs continence. ' g . V -.. . t _ L%qhL1rflff.11'11' Th mull gal-mm " ll. Nnn D” bytt J.B. Campbell, J.ll. Carnphe Frame, .18. Meyer, Pius llol Brenner, V. llalm, C. Sclv.vr Otterbein, C. Frey, Frazlr John Reidel, John Adam, N rich, J. Nurse, C. Tanner, P inger. John Forwell, L. Havel Dietrich, C. bissiraugh, G. Dir er, W. Leaper, Jacob Bricker Wilkinson, Henry Wahl, Win, The Council “on! into ctrturrtittee w the whole on hy-laws Nos. 515, Glo, and 547, with Mr. Kerr, chairman ot said committee, and reported as follows, virc-Pathmasters,--ltoad dis follows.- Pathmasters,--Road Div. Nos, Ito 98 tit order-dos, Leis, P. Lichty, Jonas Boshart, Jus. ller, gott, -Peter Oumann, John S‘aehlc, Jos. Roth, Henry Berscht, Andrew Heipel, Conrad Quehi, Andrew IJie. bold, Paul Keiswetter, Mr. Zimmcr' man, Jacob Heimpel. JM. Ziegler, J. Kuntz, Geo. ll. Huvhn. D. Schmidt, Ph. n tor the appol and fence vie Wellesley for read a first rind. H. Schicklet, 64 loads of gravel, half par, -Carn'ed. It wal moved by JR. 'ich ended by A P. Dammcier, th law No. --ior the appuintu pathmasters for the yearl now read a tirst and second Carried. Moved by A. Home], scum: A.P. Darnnwier, that by-law to provide ior thcdirixion k township of Wellesley into sutedivisions and estalrlishirc ing places therein be now tirst and secnml time -Carcui Moved by ILJ. Kerr, scum AP. Dammmer. that by-law ening road, halt pay, Dr. G. Moore, vaccine, Mun. World, 6 sunscriptions Dr. McEachern, tormarme,, G. Schearer, conorcte pipe account, road, R. Johnston, diging ditch, hall pay, A. Nichol, plowing and on Communications, bills. and It counts were disposed oits ioilows:- lt wu moved by R.J. Kerr, second ed by A. Heipel, that the following 'awount: be paid, ad that the reeve up ordera lor the same: Wm. Inning, team md man ' 'Br mini con-cu not. pursuant to adjournment on Monday, the 7th. 'srrtt Inch, "tre, st 10 o'clock, t. In. All the members were mell. the we in the chair. Minutes of the previous useehng were read and ad- opted. opening road, Bert Muttat, teatuin and fixiug culvert Goo. McWilliams, i. 0.1::le I Munch HO". Not 'td-eq-rr-et?'".- f '-t_or an. I. - h Ova-t hunch-MM an. 'h-tadv-abt-B.-'-- -M-ciu Frcolmr n 1 i. Forrest son, D. Tr, Alex :bcl, ll. Lcnhurd, WELL ESLEY R. (TOURS. viewers-dos tnoted-hr A. mtpet, no I!“ IM' ore" ft My, D, Wray, S hxt, Aim. (“bin Crawiord, r'. r maid In can unm- nu try In": new . carted try an new , “I, MC. and Mt, at In! an a mum. R.J. Kerr, so jer, that by-la ntment of pm twors, in the t the year 1901 and second t AUVERTISI” Marti: DB owcll, All Kyle rb ,5,0,7.R,9.ll am in the 2rd, 4th eastern section Ch W II 13,14 14,15 Jr I) stone RR on vol I . McF mphell Bacchlcr L Divionl ll Iii hell 1m bichty, l that Intment lcr ti Mr K rl H and 16,17 Hel Schmidt H Id 7,8,9,10, 9. and and, l Frank F Ale It d: ,ert B l4 " Diet Dent. h Tt It He )l nor Jno San " " rh w ll tl h 00 o 5t tt There will ”out" be who lin- nwoumnent man put: ot lord hi- ermen thet 'dl, "and to be per- mitted to na- the Grand the: this you. my new ho was deprived, owing to we dam otdtte memo SIM“ hrttt, 'tt,"S'tgf w - ttNifty It 1t'rfiSlt M- an. tumult ._..Mistg At Springer, has returned from an extended visit to Hamilton, She also visited Rev. and Mrs. Bak.. at at Abingdon--. The oyster suppcl’ to be held at Wech Ellls’ Hespeler, did not matetinllze. as only two up poured, owing to the bad Mate of the roads. Another will be held in the near future to mahe up for the loss..._.0neoi Wstetloo Township‘- oldest uul mot: respected moms passed ”my on Sound”. the 9th lust. “2 pm. lathe m ot In. Ellll. m cam is! ma birthday About “in with Briets.--hir. Hem Kaufman has moved some of his Knusehold (Reds to his new home in Kossuth., Tr Mr. Kaufmann purchased the home at Mr. A. Beechy where Mr. Beechy carried on a grocery, boot 1nd shoe Btore.. burger, visited at Jun. Sanders on the fth inst...” Mr. Roy Flrly and family left for Arnand, Man., on the 5th inst. We wish them a saielour. my. ”The Misses Hazel and Vera Springer, spent lots of time on a tulmggan and had a jolly time, equal nowhct outside ot Montreal. Miss Hazel is an expert on a. toboggam. .r. The Misses Hazel and Emma Spring- er left Monday, the 4th inst, lor Berlin, the former to her home, the latter to till a position with the Misses Fehrenbach for the season. helper Il ft Barkey and s. Brown, The delegates to the New Menno- 'ute Conference, which concluded on Sunday, returned to their hoiues on Monday fnd to-day, to meet again m Stuutiville, Ont., in March oi t905. The Stationing Committee re- ported the following allotments to the various circuits and missions:- Aylmer Mission.-A. Lockle, C. N. Good, helper. Berlirv-S. Eby, Breslpc-S. Cressman, H, Geiher, ilethel uussmn, Toronto. S. Goudie, helper. "cthel.--C. Raymer, A. Geiger, helper. Bright Mission-E. Bolwell. Collingwood-VA. Sider. Durnnch Mission-S. Frctz. Didshury- H.S. Cressman. Iu'lmwood--C', Knuth, H. Stoutrer, helper. Eby. (Guelph Mission-lt. IIespeler.--M, Bricker helper. Kilsyth Misscn-C.R. wife tihas Dr. Hist Etry Bark Eby, 11.3. Mailman, N. Detwetler C'. Raymer, S. Goudié, S. Cressman D, Fun, J. McNally, J.A. Sider U.N. Good, OJ". Krauth, bi. Steven. piper, H. Huntington, C'.R. Miller J. Hall, J. Clark, A.G. boner, J Bolwell, M. Bricker, G. Chambers, S H. Fretr., W. Brown, W. lush. The lay delegates are: J. Weaver, J. Troup, W. Rennie, M. Bock, J.B. Shaun, M. Dewitt, S. Pannebeckor. Dr. Moyer, A. Watson, J. Bowers, A msey, J, Wyant, J. Danningtun, u, Etry, J. Tipping, o. Pannetrecker, w. lies. H. Guudy, ox, Stayuer, is the chairman. Rev. (LN, Good is contex- ante secretary and his assistant is Rev. s. Goudy, of Toronto. The min- tsters oi the conference present are: Revds. H. Guudie, P. Cover, S. Etsy, M. Bowman, M. Weber, P. Gieger, A. Eby, 11.3. Mailman, N. Detwesler, C'. Raymer, S. Goudié, S. Cressman, D, Fun, J. McNally, J.A. Sider. The business on Thursday and Fri- day was confined almost entirely in hearing and receiving reports (tom the various churches and missions m the Conference, aswell as reports of ditierent branches of the work. " My th- mun-tam brunch mud to the Uta-brace that n tttit" but been M can... up on the General Coatierence, “an that: this rear, to elect a Bishop, In mu preside over the denun- Iion oluu live commence: in Am- erica. Up to the present the church has had no other represenung the whole denomination as is the use in mpst other denominations. The re- port was received with enthusiasm. at at his" was»: _at.et a tttni.- U a...“ Even u L In“ ”It! ot member; and ad. lna-h ot the church 'ia-ii' " "am m mu. tet' in Christ on.“ ttt Ball on hunky. m '., Thu-Moat. m an m “gunman m 'omirxtaimBstiott on unmet St, M Ht M M cott Jiiesion--W. Br, toulisille-R. Ette 'key, helper. inelatui--A.G. Dover xst End srkhatn-rkh Fidler. nryhoro Mission-E. Sievenpiper. milnulin Mission-ll'. Gugins. in. lilgin Mission-D. Britten and ntrydale--1. Clark rmyGlc--1. cu u Mr Get -Mr. Bernhardt C0NESTOGO lated hull. KOSSUTH tun‘s R\C n-W. Brown. t. Ettcringlor Mission , Town to-- for whit? hnsinn a. n-W. Ir rli Clark, 1 calf 'ccntly . the g: bull tt Ball Chambers. F. Gallettly Miller 'ober, S. Etsy P. Gieger, A N. Detwetler S, Cressman J.A. Sider h, bi. Steven C'.R. Miller SA. Moycr rtcd stock mt of Well- Mr, Meyer long price, Snydcn Stras m Not may cattle no led here this Berlin. winter. Sen-city ot feed und high BAtLK0WsEI..-. In Berlin, Tawny der prtltirtttiott, um nut u?” still lurch 13nd. at humid-um. on price‘ol about“: m the camel. The sung. m., In. View“. mu- methodl mind to tan: are vat- lovukl, It', " nun. 1y mum“ to that olh Ontario Roma "ridge- In “Potato. on (Amer. Opal lot. with M uni huh tst, by Ree. Mr. 'ttWh wind prod MI m pretrWd with u St. 8mm church, m:- ’U. mks "than mung..m. than“. Theodore hing. wean mun “ataxia” gag” org. SN'.", want oi m," tEtitt' tum. ,too I .m. t')l'aAll"e'rutrlltd"n)'i'l', M S'l'l1tt'l2alrJMi'll'nt/,"t V Pt an: all! ',tr,tt Mr. A.L. 30'... . r4, all: lull-Ili- I“. up; Mitt M, I“... ‘ ',iiiiliriiifiii'ti'5i'i'ii' 'sl igl ‘ '1tltkid I - " MM We raise the AhorthorG, which my to Mr. end Mrtt. Dan Creams]. . father has raised tor at least thirty _ dtuahter. years. There are fitty head at pres- , ent. Though the past year hes been MARRIAGES' an “all" year owing to ehnormel wet HARTWICK- OTT.- In Berlin, on and cold yet our surplus stock has Tue-day, March and. IBM, by Rev. found a ready market at good prices. W. c, Home, Mr. Charles Hen- Somehow the Westerner has un- wick to In" inma- C. Ott, both quencheble en‘hullum else it cer- oi Berlin. talnly would be quenched alter the "eEIrsENER-. HAMACttER.-. In continuous t1oods ofthe put xenon. Berlin, on "Tumdur, much "tut, We look hopefully into the future. gt 4 o'ettrek, hymn. WA. Schulz. The winter was dry. At present just of VeterIoo. Mr. George lei-net. treeee of new ere to be (mud. to Miss Phoebe Ember, both ol Not men] nettle ere ted here thin Berlin. mous herd, because ot having charge of It for nearly a year previous. The people of this community con- sist of different nationalities. The Scandinavians and Germans are in the majority. The Englishman was prominent among the pioneers, Our own home was improved and owned by a John Bull. Joining our farm is the famous Wavertrce Stock Farm, whirl: was started bv amillionairc of Liverpool, a provision merchant named Paul. The farm consists of some 8,000 acres, and is famous for its Galloway cattle. In 180ik " the International Live Stock Exposition, the "IVavertrce Golloways swept the majority of premiums. Your corru- pondent felt an interest in this in.. the various denominatirms are rpprei- ented. Many school hoses in the mummy are used as places of wor- ship. Whrm the country gets older we will possibly have all the churches necessary. A glimpse of local conditions ere lolost. Railroad facilities ate good. Dandru- is on a branch of the North- wcslern line, and Kinbrac, two miles southwest onthe Milwaukee, C.M., & Si. P. Both roads are large and important, systems and run among the best trains entering Chicago. Religion is strongly intrrn?hed among our people, settlers Rom Northern Europe and New England bringing their Bible and Rituals with them. Human nature here, as eltre- where, disagrees, and consequently the various denominations are reprei- Education is carefully looked al- ter, and wisely and liberally admin- istered. I know of no country where money is spent so lavishly on the school buildings as in our villages and towns. Our county seat, Window, with a population ot about 2,060, has a school-house costing over $30,- (ml) with a kindergarten in another building, Teachers get good wages. The amount yearly expended is over $1,000,000; and the school lunds amount to $20,000,000, which with the exception oi New York State is the Iargcst in the Union. The extreme north is for the most part rocky and barren and unfit for cultivation. This state has produced In ode fear over 55,000,000 hushesl of wheat; oats 52,000,0t0 bushels, corn 30,000,000 bushels; barley 12,000. 000 bushels. It is prolific also in tiax, buckwheat, rye, potatoes, and many varieties of apples, grapes, strawberries and other fruits. Only one-iourth of the tillable soil is un- der cultivation, and vast areas still invite the immigrant. Since about 1875 the exclusive raising, of wheat gave place to a. more diversified farming, with a larger attention to stock raising. In 1890 Minnesota had 316,000 horses, 771,000 cattle, 275,- 000 sheep, and 410,000 swine. In a single year the product of butter had exceeded 15,000,000 pounds, and that oiclieese, 1,500,000 pounds. . Hall of Minnesota is under ‘ the shadow of the forest, and lumbering is one of the staple industries, which can also be said about mining. Education is carefully looked al- ter, and wisely and liberally admin- istered. I know of no country where money is spent so lavishly on the school buildings as in our villages 000 bushels. I flax, buckwheat many varieties strawberries a: The sod of southern and central Minnesota Itity deep grayish brown, or black sandy loam, from in to five feet deep, rich in organ matter and stimulating mineral salts, and endowed with untiring durability. The extreme north is for My: most The climate we think is delightiul. -Maury praised "the ttteel-tttue night. skies ot Minute“ so brilliant and lovely." The summer resembles that of Philadelphia, as to its hot days, but the nights are cool and refresh- "Ig. The winters are severe, or“ with a dry and bracing air which en- ables people to, bear their rigors with eousiort.Pructor Knott said that "the winters ot Duluth trout the smoke- stacks on the locomotives." The snowfall at Dundee is comparatively light, most coming in February and March, followed by a rapid change In the tlowers d spring. my; ner'buu mink- M an. “no it” no a! bun“ ’0 you‘: tad-n. lint-0h but... In "" be: ”with la la- than 4.. 000. h In nun my. "tit u: "tto it in on: 1,000.0“. It com a an ot in: 83,000 "a" mild, mm), In and-Min; puta. Tinctu- trtud loath are rolling pains, beautiful with Ila-hing Mat, and In- very lacuna. In the eaten pan of this prune country we lung strip ot the Big Woods covering 5,000 Iquue miles' run trom tit, Cloud to Le Sueur, where it crosses the Emma: ta River, at! sends hunches to- wards Faribault, and Monuto. This great belt at hamwaod timber is one of the most. valuable deciduous [meats in the West. , ,n-u Ian-q "at? . a an“. . I- T .5 "eta, at a. _. - hg laugh“ out a "was T Wgtaloo ‘d Ham]: , M, MW‘ all invigorated. tad out w I” n bean] than}: you no Ul with when it In: pr good (onus to mini. . t-tirquaiirrrt-tt wmeu-tynq. NENT 'inand- At Platteville, March 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Band, a Sion. _ McDonald-. At Plattsvlllc, March the I 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Donald, a daughter, l.yi;'ni'l"r'.u-'d't Hamilton, March '0th, I to Mr. and Mrs. “lo. Manger, a daughter. Berlet-. In New Hamburg, March the _ 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ber- let a son. Bueschleme,--rn North Easthope, on March 91h, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bucchlcn, a son. Uressman.-1n Wilmot, Mag, 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Urias Ssman, of a son. Munn-- At Forest Farm, Assa., on March 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.A, Munn, (nee Martha Anthcs,) awn. Loekinp- In Galt, March luth, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Locking, a (laughter. . i Freeman-Near Conestoga, March the} 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Freeman, a daughta. Halls-- In Elem, March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halls, a son. Plynn-- At IIespeler, March 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, a son. Philhr- In am, March 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philip, a son. Wirssehirtg-- In Preston, March lst, to Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Wirsching, a 1 daughter. Flynn- In Waterloo, March 12th, to Mr, :nd Mrs. John Flynn, ahugh-r I ter. 'rtsrfor-u In Waterloo, pinch 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison Tny- lor, . son. , ' Jouer--lrt Waterloo, Much 22nd. to Mr.iitttl Mm. Arthur Jones,_ .1 Con. . . Creturrmut.-Irt Woolwich, March 1m. to Mr. uni In. Dan Grumman, l . dtuattter, l i It is estimated in Toronto railway titties, that the Cost of the Grand lTrunk and Canadian Pacific Rail- [ways, from snow, sleet and ice this Winter, will reach the enormous sum :of five mutton dollars. This, d lcoursc, will include loss in rescuing l Mr. Chas. Halter, Itotelkeepet, New Germany, who has been laid up since Christmas, with rheumatism, is able to sit up. _ ment lent by baldness isa simple matter when you consider the pertecs tion of modern art in the making ot Wigs and Toupees. The visit ol Prot. Dorenwood oi Toronto to Berlin on March Slst, when he will beat the Walper House, renders it possible for any who wish to consult him to do so at his private apartments retain- ed at the hotel for this purpose. De- monstration given to show/the per- tect naturnlness of his Wigs, and Toupees. Do not miss this opportun- ity. Remember the days and dates. i This isa vital question with hun, dreds of men who are bald or partial, ly so, How to overcome the Jisfiggre ment lent by baldness isa simple Notes.- Quite a number tram here 'attended the N. Mennonite Confer- ttice in Berlin last week,..., The Ev- pngelicxls held their quarterly ser- vices on Sunday Evening. THE QUESTION OF' BALDNESS lin last week....., Mr. And In. Jote eph Perrin and daughter Alice spent Thursday in Berlin..:, Ills: Mina Rank and Mr. L. Hullmu spent Sunday in the vine-SU. Elmer Reid of Berlin spent Sundgy In our burg...,,. Mr. Jim. Swan wd Mr. Hall of Arr spent Sunday in the Vil- lage.‘..qu. Albert Licht and Louis Licht of Gait spent Sunday under the parental roof. , Pmonalplr Ben Snyder of In- tin spent shy was: the maul roat.... _ Mrs. Norman Swat in vu- itirtq her'mother in Berlin, Mr. Edwin Perrin'ot um i at home at. present J.., Mrs. Bun". Snyder, spout alew days ot [an week with her daughter in 1reapeler-. Mrs. E. W. Detweiler neat a tew days in Bar- I and dan- Iah. l 'tttsalt ti) C in ' " 1tug. In... _ - pro: 313.- _ l '.t I.,' " Ite. iyiii,r,ttiriCiie VA . 'tutr. Quite n “hi“. can“; O31 Ute -ttiatatsu- - i) 2 has. But a. to“ .0 to" “i plenum. new. run which Haw-0' munch the put what. Mr talks are well and an all“ with lbw nerota. “an“ you tor tho spam in Four nimble p.1, I "mil; Your: r-tttdiy, , EDWIN GEOFF. Dundee, man. and: tour, nu and“, in Near Coneskgo, March the Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ROSBVILLE. BIRTHS Wilcox-la out, Inch 12th, Mart Wilcox, aged it years, 2 months, md " due. ' hgtaeb.- In_Woolvlch, March 131,11, Club, Intuit ought“ of Mr. And l Mrs. B. lane], used a month. 'Yet-la Lisbon, Much mm, Hula _ Kreh. tell". oltheJate M, LLLL ( Rut, wed " yarn, a aionth. and " an". ' Behr- In Welhcley Tp., Much mu. Mrs. Zehr, reliet (I the late M. “I. P_ttttr- m out. but t8%, "up. all Arum Hannah» no. at I...“ In w, Planting. up! _ ' mm. sic-n. , Inna-mu M true, that mi. wmu- Moll. In. ot aux”. up!" no .. "llt"tg At my max“ _ _ a hr Mun. , . i,' l A - .. . - ' In. an.“ Itt 'f'itstii'iiit ,"lattdtait; 'dt)c,?l ton, Lethe olMilvcrton, to Miss Blanche Ferris of Galt. Hahn-Mill.. In Wellesley, Feb. the 24th, hymn ll. Petschke, John G. Hahn oi Heidelberg, to Emma Millar of Wellety. Ievitt--narker-- t . Williamsburg, qn March 16th, by Rev. D.B. Sherk, of Berlin, Ephraim Devin, of Mann- heim, to Tillie Becker, of Williams- burg. Van Evert-Siam-- At Galt, Mar. 16th, by Rev. Dr. King. J. Walter VanEvery to Bella Schram. Mussehnaas-Reichert- At Berlin, om March 16th, 1904, by the Rev. A. R.Springer. John L. Musselman, of Bloomingdale, Unt.,‘to Mary M. Reichert of Bridgeport, Ont. . Loehr--Miller- On March 16th, at; New Hgmburg, by the Rev. H. F. l Gruhn, Wm: Loch: of New Ham- tnag, to ' Rosalinda Miller, ot Haywlllc. Hieks-Tomkins-. In Toronto, March [ 'ith, by Rev. J. A. Turnbull, LL. D., Miss Pulling M, Tomklns, ot Elem, to Wm. H. Hicks.'ol Havel- er. thsurusr-Hiugaerirter-. In St. Jacobs by Rev. Mr. Wink3er, Hugo tull- _httt of Ptto- to Mary "ungua- aer ot Arm. ' For tickets, Pullman Itstrervationv, and all itatormation apply to Returning sleeper will In!" at Ton-to 0.50 a In. SPECIAL SETTLERS TRAINS to MtWtlAd, NORTH WEST w! h st Sleeping Car will loam Tor auto every Tuesday daring March and April at 9 p. m. Passengers without live stock should take the PaeiM Ex pron louing Toronto at i.45 p. m. “he“, r-atioua and {all Informa- ticn from mum. lee Plans-ax) tone duly. Sunken t2ardemr-.-750 foot Ion). SPECIAL ONE WAY EXCURSION TICKETS on min daily until April 30th, 1904 tn points is Manta“, Col-two, Utah, British Col. umbia, Wturhiugtort, Idulo, Oregon, California, rates $34 25 to " I 60. Pullman Sleeper to Oatawa daily oom- menclng Sunday March tr.h and con- tlnulng during session of Pullament. Express leaving Bull!) 620 p. m. will connect at Toronto with deeper for Ottawa, arriving 9.30 mm. WORLD'S FAIR. ST. LOUIS APL. 3p--Dec I, 1904 b . mgmmo si,ili',,r,',2?,lili'lllili8rli,.jNliNr SPRING HATS J. R. STRICKLAND, Ktng St. It better anti. no wanted}: ark foe then. apples ttn the combat tad you one welcome to look them our. Price! run from Mk to 88.tt0 per pair and we have tll the have“ when. You gobb'o 11.” Ipu test In I. an gay menu-ad). in MI lay an. Ut will t Nor-annulu- Cue. ltiu “‘11“:qu and Itt2flttdegtt In view (Mimi-.- m "I“ 175 In! at McGoll’s CURTAINS ll _ $1.40. DE ATHS. Agent, Waterloo. Prof. nonmnd, OF tom. the than“ an: Good- Anus In All” . It can!" ttr MM. Witt be at 'rht'Ft'tl'tr a f ','2"i"L"2l um All In. . am,l,,t8BtwaaeNM'mtttgtdr" A"'ati'taerptr4tt'a1tytt,.t, BRICKER & DIEBEL NOW Alll NEW GOODS LANG Bins. " t .005 -llli1lllllil1lliil1lfil1llpijl tyl'lllillilll SEE nun spam mspmw DRESS 60am AND 811111338 ms WEEK. _ You will expect of course to see here only the newest goods, and ycu will not be dis. appointed. We have selected for your choosing what we believe the mates: lot of things obtainable and what we know are carried in fashion. Nothing will pleas, us more then to have you can, and look "our goods and you may shun Ho thin .trithout {going that you luv. to Imp, . . o, . . ed to he present at/this Inn-at showing af Twin City are cordially imit- W ad the *; mph-ea so. may upon both-lou- Am! Mk ','fdr,,T 31mm V. among“, amt-aim the good 'rtiiat whieh hate bun no holy ox- pnnodndwindoqnhn to my. st least a share of the patronage of the peoplu from the surrounding couuury as well as from Berlin and Waterlo y, . . . . . URDAY, [ARCH . 25tlr. and place on FRIDAY Mn im- 26th. . The ladies iifthe Our limnory open“ '}'takeg We opened our doors to the public last. Sst. urday, and the first days business we! all that could be wished for. Thou who came were surprised b, In" such hriuht and roomy Duh-w &ttl'At't =0 '. ' i: 25 'fti'itt,ee2iet'tiir"t ha. Inn-E1373"... (arm “a a:

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