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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 24 Mar 1904, p. 2

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[‘3 Conant. Pumsnuam‘ 5: , FOR we JUVENILE . 0535:1033 " 1')r,meRosa GovemnleM'is reported with mum; g measmre,g9verriug gm; mud in liquor, by theroli- 51"!!! lim “The withdrawal of g and: {Maugham the proving hie-ado. am! we substitution of E iT u Hontrolled shape. n mm- , T; - “nth cities end town: irt who: at such than would be, -, " hr and: 1nd. Relating to this I var. Weekly Events, published a y ‘ -' "mu-bu follows. and M?? III good depict truth In , . our taatuarttmrr'mra:- F}: A nation in qrisrat in thumimlx 3“ - when of the Icy-Alums as (f ' ,6ethee the proposed legislation. ‘ " known: would mean Ihe " . - tot liquor trom the ttotetn. E: h ohm. mm the Utroom Is ,.Wm1mnmm be I a " ad without the license, g“ his! will in Illble join, or _ Kyg “In! or mu furnish it to M.dtttetrutti. . IE V , ' “mt mt , " $NBetaM6 i, -_ T gi -ttto am r2'ltt , A ‘N I." m iiiil ‘- ant-hi ',leTAtplll - tTMI a h sqt.t..ttt.t" ' L r ar; F x . . - .r 'i" i, Iti'i, - . . .11 = v. T .',tte---te"t.reft'?ttf. " ”may“: no.- It. on. In: fin.“ Igl- P" hymn-Ml “on system, under which the lad would be placed in the charge of a probation officer who' would visit the W and keep tally of the boy's ac- tions and conduct, encouraging and Vuning both him and his parents, and thus saving the child by kindly 4nthtmces from further wrong doing, These methods faithfully carried out, would not only save the expense of tmtitutionat care, but would also new the reclamation of many lads who are now drifting into asettlcd Lti new pt corporal midi- vs'jititts."orhoo? m' elm teh' up!“ extent he: Mud. Nut- ZVM that the who can 624 'u-et on "He showman- rod his“ Dillon. but Ethel Meth “It ”Beth him Mina," the ‘W is generally submitted battle! I treatment ot hon! sua- ISO or Maturation. Flogging in the British army was at cue time quite common, tot toe the last sixty yarn it has been almost entirely when and when tiled'wu o.'e 'tra than a comics! with the real tiogiutgs at a hundred years up. Prisoners . have been sentenced h‘recint years to serve a term in pol with a certain number oi lash- 'a, part when incarcerated and the lilacs ata stated time before the agitation ot their term at imprison- ment. This penalty is, however, only limping! on degraded, so called hu- man beings,' who have been found guilty ot criminal assault. The tte- port ol Neglected and Dependent Children ot Ontario tor 1903, says there is a steadily growing conv'uu tion on the part ol all who are inter- ested in the welfare of children that there should besome permission giv- en to magistrates and judges to order that youthful ottenders should be gin en a whipping rather than snbjectel to the usual criminal procedure of a conviction or committal to gaol. A case which occurred at London re- cently amply illustrates the point. A small boy between eight and nine years oi age, was arrested by a police omeer, charged with dam- aging a neighbor's property, was convicted and his parents sentenced ton tine of two dollars, was again nrrestcd for theft, pleaded guilty and was let on on suspended sentence. The little fellow, with a compan- ion, nbout the same age, next turned a switch in the railway yard, causing an engine and three cars to run off the track. He was brought before the magistrate and although there was no doubt. as to his guilt, was again let ott on suspended sentence, the magistrate declining to send him to an Industrial School on the ground that the municipality would have to Way two dollars a week for his mainten- ‘nnoe. Naturally this treatment is ml- ucating the boy in criminal ways, 'or “he has not throaglf it all, receiv- ed any punishment, there is nothing 'ola deterrent character in the ac- tion taken. The difficulty would pro- bably hare been got our to the hm- etit of all concerned had the magist- rate been empowered in the first " stance to order the boy to be per. cr- Ir whipped and returned to his home, _ tor the child has both a home and parents who profess to be willing to look alter him. This and similar cas- es occurring from time to time diam the importance of the proba- i PROPOSED LIQUOR LAW iq - WY’W".'* - ‘ mum-uh“- Autumnal Prom-bur. tight-no To use an 18th century phrase '.his "tttan “e'et.truc tale." Having hm pened in a small Virginian,tymt in the winter of 1901. it is . story very much of the present. Up to a shah. time Mo, Mrs. John E. Harmon ot Help Station, Ta., had n.o personal Inoivledga of the ram cuntm pro- perties of cumtmriainhr Cough Rem- edy." “but ohuutarr,"mhe an, "my baby tool! . drama] cold and atone “up. ”and she mold In" pneumonh, but one ot my neighbors told me ot how this randy had eur- ed her "tile boy mdl hem gisurg it to my baby " once and it soon cur. td her. I heartily than]: tho manho- tunrlol Chamberlain'. Cough Rall- edy tor pinch,“ greats are within my men. cum manna “too “(My «any to. much h m but. "ore all who“ this nlll mm and to mm at tras."-. " - I“ mum. THE OMAN. m SOUTH RICA. The Pretoria Hm stom- the. Sir “or! 't Emlyn“ bu ha - ””17 mm to“. m ot “Mom- h Btmtti an... m on. H!!- {alter-dad!!! pt - Md; SI: mnirtr.murard NH the Emu:- “to! 1002 um maven-mm urns-Imitlemmm - 1 'atggtt "u" 'TP,',' ‘m. . itSiiiiik"'i' _ nl att-ttgd. I Lord Woisley, in his "The Story ofa Soidier's Lite," which is his autobiography, pays ahigh tribute to the Canadians, who served under Aint in the first Riel rebellion, He describes the force in which it was constituted as "splendid material." The men, he says, are extremely handy and scit-reliant; in itsct,. when well trained, they cannot be beaten as fighting soldiers. lie testifles that their "officers accustomed in civil lite to think for themselves, their minds not dwarfed or trammelled by strict rules and regulations, were men ai- ter my own heart; and. tor the work before us, they were certainly the best possible material. In parenthesis may I say, that, if wisdom ruled our councils upon military muters-- it does so but seldom-- we should employ a Canadian division under their own officers in every serious war we undertake. Fortunate indeed, will be the Commander-in-Chief) shall have sucha military force ‘at his disposal in any war into tvhich England may beforced." = EM. _ MEWaNS'P. "" Q 2. ' in CT " gym.» calr ' lMllll ' xw‘w:-.-u~,y "at"-" Bl ik a. V’ih‘w ’ahaw a " __ A. - __, ' nah-Iona ,t'tt.ii'"g", a”. _ an but: g pan). mask a In“! and“ m undo! mayo! " ud - the "0th (a live up to this " Iorteit his lieu-e. Nommdar an, no - you; and“ 223mm: mew men druab-tltese, strictly untamed Would {em a great improxesnent. It may be said, too, that India is not a. solitary example of the success with which Britain rules the many and varied peoples under her govern- ment. She has learned the secret of good government, and her rule brings blessings upon the lands where her flag flies. . and good government. Until then the “hole of India never submitted to asingle ruler. For nearly a thou- sand years it was a perpetual bat- tlefield, and not since the invasion oi Alexander the Great have the people utjoyed such liberty or tranquility." TRIBUTE TO CANADIANS "No one can visit this country, no one can read its history or study its statistics, without admitting the success and recognizing the blessings ot British occupation. The govern- ment has had its ups and downs. There have been terrible blunders, and criminal mistakes which we are in danger of repeating in the Philip- pine Islands, but the record ot Brit- ish rule in India during the last half- century-since the Sepoy mutiny, which taught a. valuable lesson at an awful cost-has been an almost un- broken chapter of peace, progress, m mu: 0! Wat. E. Curtis,' the but. unveiling tslndia.-t, an the "Canadian American." " mwht ot a xevelniu to thou- sand: ot citizens on this can-m. The tsnstinted prune. winch he mm on British rule and tuttntrrirtmtiott il- that land will be‘rwl with wonder! by those who have been "euatoated t to httrriuitair, spoken ot as a An!- lciousJand grabber, . 'trreoit, true I seeker, "memo-ox ot “use neon pm. Her maguitieeut adminishuiop' in India is l thorough rebuke to all such views, Mr. Curtis is an Am-' crican, and not more hvoxablo to Britain than others, but he writes I we truth. as he see it. The [allowing IS a specimen:- Twould Spoil this Story to To" It In the Headlines. BLESSINGS OF BRITISH RULE _ READ IT THROUGH T' Visa t w- m u In -tsud g otttiil1'1,'icil?e AP. Can you rum mt . Atty lil- Hoa Doll“ mum it? ther I” um “Mini, " a M. 'i?lrdSi and tte"dr VIM in In". My“! I. ter, any aAts Int f,'lUtlht ht m nus him but "itht. L.- ‘mna my. Atrtt- rule large wealth only last: through two or three ' mentions; (herein wetting to this rule, but they Ire (a; heroine, it is not the wealthy class that WC need to teat In tart, it in only am amt dell otthe money in in few hands that my of the “uncut! Mean at we In Inactive. and u the we!“ I: ov- a 'hitting M on; te, mother. uremia mam. danger." I Mo lira}! 'aid, from that source: I I lave known men who curled on a large business and Who are not worth on much in actual wh or un- encumbered property as some of the men who worked tor them, and yet [when there is: dispute when these men it is coiled a war Irc- 'tween capital and labor, In itttiictstict ot prosperity, ind they land they are also on Indication, and I sure one, tint the prosperity ot the country is doomed. The prosperity ot lt country any stand a good deal, but [there is nothing that will bring that {prosperity to on end so quickly " a series of strikes. The great "ttgee My man“ the 'rmqertty ot the country is in. is burn a the labor mum, the with: ma. the nun who In: - proved than u can to“ '0m - line, and la n " but m h It In a “when. I n In new tttikregrr>t a: use in he! a! F I. H tte and mm edtdtle;," a no new States, but It b no no. me then any! - hate me. an angular- an. in animus! the m that ttts in m ”when... with Tmited States. ot'il in W constitution. and. in the goth, ao- ulot 1019th an n in not an. neither is n nae um m but minds, or the Mn ut people can. trom the msit educated, intelligent. and reload ot our populates. lost at the laden come 1mm what 'tts -Lnown u the common people. I Will the laborer and the mechanic strike they an n. van with their on: Iploycn, but not measuily a In: with capiul, tor the chancel no {than ten to one that we employer is not I uplklist. . I From the homes ot money, luxury, and idleness come but Tew business men or leaders ot men. I aways feel alittle ashamed ot the mm or wo- man who tells how smart their pare mu or totehthcrs were, or who tells about being brought up in the lap ot luxury wbcn'they themselves are the mum! of ”gimme (glee. wow um, Br. LOUIS, MO mu. "it.attgta. 1. as often as you will, you will ftnd the streak is still with you. The greater part. of the business of the country is in the hands of men who are self-made, and it will aiways bethe same,- lor business men “a born, not made, and so tar as'my ote servation goes, they are born ot poor parents. In reality the interests ot the em- ploye and the employer are in 'com- men, and there' should te no diner- ence between them. It your employer hasa streak of meanness in him, this is a [tee country, secure anoth- er position, but he sure tirst that the streak ol meanness is in him, and not in yourself, otherwise, change \u m5... v..- __--'" -".. ity many an employer works from 12 to 16 hours a, day and then goes to bed and cannot sleep lot worrying. 'about where the money is ‘coming from lor the next pay day. How many men have you known or read ot, who have supposed to have been worth anywhere from $100,000 to half a million, an! who after they had died were found to be worth nothing but the business they were running, and the business really" amounted to nothing, except in the hands of a long-headed husinrss man, such as this one was, and yet, there are thousands like this man, who are lurnishing . the brain power to keep hundreds of thousands at work. They are not capitalists, they are brain workers, anda fight against this sort of man by the labor unions cannot be, called a. tight between labor and capital, but as I have already said, alright between brain and brawn. it docs not dolor the union man or the employer to look upon his em- ployer ass. capitalist just because he is employing labor. He may look prosperous, but often he is obliged to look that way in order to be able to borrow sumcient money at the bulk to carry on his business. _ The average union man has gotten it into his head that he must work but eight hours allay, but that he ‘must have ten hours' pay for doing it. II he thinks at his employer at all it is to think that the employer en- joys a series of vacations commene- mg Irom the ibrst ot January ol each year and ending December 31, only to begin the next day, when In real- ity many an employer works from 12 tol6 hours a, day and then goes to bed and cannot sleep lot worrying. about where the money is ‘coming from lor the next pay day. How many men have you known or but WWQIW.I in “mm ulna-and" cry ”when". hhhho! 9,“ ot-oatttoatt_t9iturf . r"" 7"". ..'r- " . TC ‘ , _, Bi', " ‘ m; up PMtfttt H at. cg d 'IDO up, bad the an M In out: an at W “and without new. a. mah.mvumtokd.m the “helm tstMttw,andit mun-at. be borgotul an the men who lanai no " luxury to the Izuue ot we nation u the nu who ' .. M. his "all will. IQ - gem, out [at Briets,--Mrs. Zenr, rclict of the late Michael Zehr, died last Friday, and Wtut buried on the 14th inst... in the Amish Mennonite Cemetery in the presence ot a large nconrse' ot friends and relatives...... veral ot Waterioo‘s military oItici s spent u ten days hére on th bokout to obtain some ot our young people to enlist and go to Mttnp next in» non...... Widow Kreh or Listowel, died Int Friduy sud was taken to New Hamburg tor interment...... Mr. A. DeBul ot Roam. mayo! Mo tbs houn- hn receptly perch-M hat "a, Ind will in all likelihood. tous. After piles have existed for a long time, and passed through ditlerent stages, the auttering is intense, pain: aching, throbbing, tumors form, till ed to bursting with black blood, Symptoms Endiclting other trisutr-' les may appear to a thoroughly Pile sick person. Provided this section shall not ap- ply to any buildings new erected and used tor any or the purposes alorcsaid, so long “they continue to be used as at present. The locution, erection, construction or use ot any buildings in contraven- tion to any such by-tttw may. in ad- dition to any other remedy provided by law, be restrained by action. at the instance of the municipality pas- sing such by-law. " (B) To prevent, regulate, and con- trol the location, “action. and use ot buildings tor laundrics, butcher shops, stores, and mattutaetories. (A) To regulate and limit the dis- trtutce which buildings on resident“! streets shell be built trom the line ot the street in [rant thereol; such distance mu be varied upon dil- lerent parts ot the same street. The Manic-[pd Committee of the Legislature granted Toronto power to regulate the location at laundries, butcher stores, etc., but extended the rights tom tow-u uni cities, and increased the power so that n strut line on resident“! streets my be tttaittUitted. The clause adopted by the committee \ns advanced by Mr. A.G. McKay, and van as follows:- Councils. ot cities and towns, by a. twotbirds' vote ot all the members thereof, are hereby tuithorlzed and empowered to pass and entprce such by-hws u they mar deem exped- ient: - -eyeft dtiti ",t'rl't,atrg"t,gtti'.'2 $'lllkh'Cl';ll'idr"llu'll'lf,"U tut ad I Irt"ff U __. 'riiiik"titiiiiriiG _ “Mum tom-Itch. flr'liiit'ir,i'iit,1i9o,,lltilii?tiil, tt,t g'ta'ctrh'pg mus a” "riaGiaiiife" aaa __.._. M geetatist. womb Mitt',,',',,' a: on: the world. tlt1tht'rfd tgtrg,ee,'e hed 'lu'ArfG'l mm It“ IEEGIMI’S PILLS 8tiEM1lit'8 PILLS the In. on M . woo-lulu“. 8l'al'llltl',t MM hung "ivFriauraW-iaak - --. "We.“ iid I. t [All " 1b'lr.'.'t'g “In!“ dint“ "not '21'=.elrrg',ertgWttNt, Up- hMt.22gg'tg'ftNtr.f no“: " “3' clue-h 'rp4Boetyeooryitiisdi tlmtt.tst, '.',',trgMttriG, u.- - B..... ,E'yhtrhr4Tl'ir47. C' tr'mouB_-is.qrrk_ “whats-I-QIM 'l2tl'tgit'trde.rgtfxttt 'h-it-n-is-I. pun 'oh.b.Am 'r-r-tmr-ees. 'H-le-dr-r-ra-. Mu.“ _ hdhfidmbflhmu 8t"irirB--r-.a.reut RaitiA-rMea.b86a. my...» angst 'rbd-"ar_aee.aru Ink-huddnh-nhhu null-in 'hi.tumq4tqrc-id-..t.-, "om't---e-.Ba.tor- --.-bagEat cu phi-.- tttre-ae-re--' 01“!“ it (Ub~I‘-1 " "ro-tFreq-ttso-ua. 1'iUuT.u"l"a'l'l'.'l'ir.CS'TJrdl21'lll f--e.h-.erl_ri-- 11 BOON TO ONTARIO TOWNS THE WORST KIND WELLESLEY Oppomu ot Britain in this may, up the Ctdeago Cotnditat- Amertmrt, frequently has mule I Twin“ ot ttee' Illegal Minty to a. Union dtretstg the Civil War, and hub!“ 00‘ recount mum in“. the curly than unconn- IM. Now 1:53:an can; oi New 1m, mai- . m m- It. Guam - in m. In wild at: qtitbq" mm we.“ not I M III-II at h - all” 'gt'd,?,'tgt$Nt, " in!!!” It. itittttKa9ti'it- 1 n. pttsteetrtid qulwich m m- ‘mln Sunday School cuvnuon will be held on the “an ohm]. " it hopedtht brttat “In. the now - will be mild-nu, reduced to mile "In “an! 55 turn out in fun Ion-co. Mis 8mm raga-u " in- wum My MB. to we no- the at this "ret-thart. Ald. GNU. Christmas: of Hamlet is giving up bl: not. ”than more. within bu gutted onlorjuhou mum "an, hula; wound k tu- crativg politic- a traveller M . inhale ttrm. . 7 . “I have boon troubled tor "some limo withfsnalguuon and sour stom- ach," an Hrs. Sunk W. Curtis, of Lee, Mum, "and hue been taking Chomberlaln'l Stomach 1nd Liver Tablet. which have helped me very much " that new 1 on at may thing! that below Icon“ not." It you nanny trotttiles Mth' your “owl: why not New tablets. and get well t For ad. by outing- sigh. Whatever may be said ot the unsat- isfactory accommodation" Which bu been the direct result (Shim weather, but which has caused an‘a'lmost' un- calculablo amoupt 'ot lose and ini.. pediment of business, it may be said that the Grand Trunk Systa\ cues creditior the unless et- orts theymave made to keep, their ines open. The Wuerloo-Eirnira branch, particularly has caused them expense and delay. No sooner, had their men. alter hours ot overwork, and personal inconvenience, succeeded in opening a pqssage, than a trtssh storm would again render tttttth, im- possible. This was again the case last Wednesday. The train Iett herein (he aiternoon and it we: not till Sunday noon that the triumphant toottoot of the locomotive ‘was heard. Monday morning the south- ward journey was tupta"tsttdertaket' and regular service appeared to be insight. However, a ‘snow storm ioliowed and the (week is in the name blocked up condition. "CUC,"? FOR- ADISORDEBED STOMACH _ Mr. John Fries of Berlin, A son oi Michael Fries, while on: visit to his brother here, - xii ped and tell iiactuting one oi itduJ?,,'t1'l. Dr. Ull- tot attendedm the unity m the young man in aointt gavel! as may he expected. . _ _ _ The, iuel question is just " ttresent a very warm one in ourdiJUge, Stove coal . is completely sold out, and neither ot our deelera but on dry wood on hand. it the railway track is soon cleared and rennin: ore tn for a law days no one will stiller, but it another storm should come on soon, Elmira might yet feel the pinch ole. scarcity of fuel, that an many other piecesAhave felt very keenly this winter. However, v we have been very iortunate so tar, 9nd hope not to have trouble, when the mag up ot the winter is near. Our dea rs have done a very large trade in coal; people came {13 Jar as from Draytén and Mooreneld to get coal. ':ttst'itt-rarset -rr'iWiikTé "‘ Til" "" on. will be with do.“ _,io!r"ihl!8tltit1titl,.tit'i'!i "u" 2'u2tt, 'Att A d their may “on ‘a . 'ttd man. {my Plum; "' W- - __ - 2'diiteig't,Mt,'t',g IP., VUUI‘ In a: . oval" Su- dar...... Mug-Ir hates: h 'ter to“ In. than; C. Sch“. _ b. FioltsehHtter,Und It... V: 12h;- tom m m mam. 1min - swam. not Shaw: Cor-tn. .. on... Shh“ um imam wk. “In mu mm]. B. W 41.10:” Hip Tir uon In T-..:... Ed. m. J.W. ”W at new“! out: Iha- Plum-1pm ttttstd" I'm Mr. J“ IW new a u ......Gootp mummy. m hen oil-n MWH'nM Inni- tttha hide have" to hit {that to- an bcIun rel-nil; home. A number-oi nodal; hue taken mm "ttsetup. Mr. Ph. Wflacttaa moved tat his an house on Imrrett ntreeti Mr. Simon Schulz-[u to his km in Upper Woolwieatt Mr. nun Fear to his new house in Elmira, and Mt. A. Rogers, to the (gm M- ated by Aer. Per. The Mun HAIL-0,1 Guelph, who have been _ C ”in euutgotirtie work tor the 1t,',t"tSut,, yarn. are holdings series at betting: In the Elmin Methodist church. which will extend ovefthe preieut and the tot- lowing week. T nmnud AND THE urn-rm ' "W STATES. l Ewan. The Evening fun ot mum, No. n manna Ind m. "fdh'ir. "Ir. “J In. Em Mil al- otgate mu will Ming on - my. the m but. It. Bum Inn has Town-Hp (linden, ad valor my nu! . pt..- nc wash“ and m III C PM. this all “I 1"ged'.' ' " - war 'gg"tNSt,"tlu'd"l0, . _- Tb commit“, "pre-tttnt the Truth-cl at Trinity Hamlin, at! St. unaw- le Chum. not on My “In, “I cloud m In] t.ai-ttth. UNI the Pt than ot the funny that. aural) recovered tron his attack cl rhunnthm. Chunk-tuft .Pda Balm cutethim AM the a.» Mn in the town (Iona, Atrd.,r humid have mm. It: mm mu! m pm which an Mums and. I: aim not my an. In out It it cold by All W. The my trt at John Blond, wm‘be pan-m um. light; ( Steps ue being taken by nurses inToronto, to tom 1.3.9an l Eur a" Appointion. All page!" o] to cogniud Ontario training schools ere eligible tor membership uni on invitetion ot the Alumna Anode- tion of the Toronto Gene“! Hospital Training School, tor Nurses n meet- ing for emulation in to he held in, St. Georges Hall, on the taco-Id ot April, when favorable rete- can be secured on nilwnyn. The meeting will be addressed by Miss Denier. who is connected with the'orgnniar- tlon md examining work of the New York States Nurses’ Associntion. One ot the principal objects ot the newly- ionned Ontario Numes' Aesot-ielion will be the chaining of legislntion lot the "State Registration" oi tturs- es, or the recognition mad protec- tion by legislation ot gndunte Burr es in Ontario. f Silo. '."u'glet"atitt C mu In In? . holly-Ian “have was; an in,” St. WI Wt I”. {not In “and“ ”with If“ ucu ouch-J1! out but “by it show- an exam - some mu tsam ot ”at. the springs ot "Danny In - “lib In '-tt$trFattt,r, _ itrth. J1f,'ltet.s,', _ .. _ C _'d2"vid htitit'f, Moths-1mm It. Om. a], dt m mm b Jtr. amazon: to Nu York. in 'ttgt acumen Ipo- which he: sea to no had with; M7 . with his new. The m. which In "iptsUtaet to: tn It, lor- m'l library m M tWe, that Aouid be Watch (In. that ., All those who would at qttgte-e that pew: would be tough out; am. tdl W column“ In Nth.“ should be about”. All an to must have 810,000 lot than yous. spat from his “my, to do with u he saw Bt. His congregation is one of the wealthiest in New York, and he knows how to get manly out ot the rich to distribute may the ad. Chamberlain'. Cough Ramsay counter-cu any tendeqcy Sound pneumonia. It tiny: also and is pleasant to me. For ale by u! mun“. poor. St. (horse's, um a M big church, had no congregatio- vb be begun httmrtt6.-OManm Ex- change. '\ 'How can you hear it temkédz- "W- only ucold." and ' [out an later Inn that an m hon his bad: with monk. Thim It of such common oocmelco that scold, how, m Might, shoulgl not}: dtrregart- ONTARIO NURSES' ASSOCIA- TION. COLDS ARE DANGEROUS., With melting snow The street: o'erMw lit gentle spring Italiaas bold With prungpid _ 7 In gentle 3pm: The robin limp The cgocun tttrings, . In sumo thing. The man brings .. All mm M 'ttr. _ttt game I, . .-A%oegp P. in»... In senile spring The listless dude Feels lassitude “lame miss Solicit' gold. (We cum and scold). In “we spring. The Muck winds blow (And ankles show) Iri gentle spring, And vents his mow In English etude, IN GENTLE SPRING AW9tmTrtA3tr" WELL‘AGAIN. u-Ml‘- “and h y A compnpy chm)le on mttMer ot Wataloo Township lumen and gum-rm ot Dalia human perch”! . block at 10,000 men at JAM In the Quill phi-a, Auiniboil, This land is an“ on what is than n Rt Melton!“ Reserve, About 180 mile: north ot Regina, w Santana. The Humane Re- um limo! town- nllp arty In. “comm! to: by nun-m lung-u, nun. in '“at": lulu It: America It; as, aw a In: pun oi m NW. The an! n- m‘tylw lib oral 23.3%": $.55 “m: a an slim“. but. 'tt!'U't'h1lt , a...“ mm _'i6t'l'tfli't'i'itii1's's puxcmssn. up“ mans on .' NORTH'EST LAND. N trnEiim P8101? Duncan-Inna” In. at In; I" “Whit-"Ohm o! " Wm . IMAM “not 35 the Intent " 'rid, Tn ll. DIV" A3matthst, WAT ERLOO Rom BAgMatgr, AT 2h'a'iii'Siiii5 _i"Jiii,i)iriii'i5'ti7ir, I I! 1 acid. Try . =Alt""1'll eettim at ll. "BjT'TI 0 A. BOWUAN. Am. Wanda.“ My PETER F. 813811118111, " Ola-uh. on. JOHN 'STREBEL. season the" meals. Alwyn on hand together with meat. of any dewcription. . F.iiiriiiTiif. In. 13ttetdtMqq - T-hbta uni an; Bed by Job. Inwmcu, In“: loll B. FISCHER. Proprlotor. - - __ ___' -iittfaiiii% a%TaV7i'as7G" ‘7 nuns-aw n- u. tdtrt2NT. In ”an 'AtA'fgitgtz"stt'elLttétktWt libs-Ts Some ptoplo claim to all ""cr, Iii but COLD STORAGE tai/ia/ire/ to umoutce to lbo tritium of ther Thin-City that I m $9!)wa who has th Cold Storage pianist therefore thy only one who an mum-Ila Beware of WK mm. “3355- ms o'il'rhW.rh'getgt,tttuitettget, mum-u; an. ' man I‘m”. l“~n.h. q.- ' “M”. " 7 J.u_idb..asa- Att-n-th..- alum on“ -_ i s-q.--.. -.IF-.6.W-.. 1"i:rii,. - w- an... mm: - 1. ." Pee--.. n e 1eiiarroapa,gtmaa'i'., on gum Coup-w . A Buskhemngh t Gel, lAtiIlQl - _ at; was. of ill-anne- " at earn-In. tau.--,-' P Lifr,Artidesett .nd tGetgteai., _ g G's-n. Bauer lor 'teww.', trta' Liability. A'lal'nlri'drt," In inc lunar-poo. _. P' . "chief r and can ' l"d','l"l' tr,'.!:',,',)!,,')!,,!,',?,,,';',':,,.!?.',!,',',, mummy. Strebel’s HARNESS SHOP .v ' ' 1; if Citllr.rf'l1Tt"t,"tiitF! tbf"' nucxaznloucu a chm-1 Jf: , d .Mphono No. 'th . Imitations. tti?U'2iiit- ”an: m ONT

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