Cd - w qts. r , . h l mu. on no: In loner-nuns {36330 'iAil " J’i oGSGNQQN mmmIn-p mu Bettr-te"d. I)" "e i?/j'i,a,,eat. Like Onion . anew mm 1113? rb TIt rrn'n rnnugh in “In Reeiswctthts "d a" trr the six lo be seated Pa (umfura. Francesca Ind done wondns. The window over. looking the stable-yard was titted wltb mister-id" rm: In octagon! leading: pm tat in on. light but. obscured tho m: Beneath. the window-seat had Inn widened and fnrnlsth plentiful- tr VI!) cushion: covered with rud-roie me. The whitewash which -dissd the BtiirtlttE-ttoard and frieze il REVEIISWOR’I‘H 06's!) $9533 SelPitMMiPiQtMB'u"atlMMbSSQ ' The draulmry "t-trirrmt; whim " a tttiid she had remix-r1? tr tn hrr Cath- pr in the muscuma and picture-galler- 458 of Italy slccd Francczcn in goon plead; the had a tame 'cr art, and nut" ileum: knowledge to attam the pietur- ‘uque. In “We more than a week sho give an "At home" in her "Gm," to which Mrs. Revetswcrah Davy. tho [no young men, and Henna; Uncan- from named. : "How an I sit on I broad oak win- Uow-out and play a lone and em- ;broidcr en a frame with a waH-mrer m: looks lite eighteen hundred and musty-nu?" we azkcd the man. an†Would be ca ubsunf an chroaism. 'I u: coon: has to be as Florentine and a; mine"! as tho price uh allow." ' With than. on; urott Mat the work- man would have agreed to anything: an h. Inward to be unusu Ily "titll- nt for an Engtsh wakman, be teit in In: her viewa, and mm, under her '6iveettoa, a most rrtecttse chimney- olooo. with a carved halustrnde ear- mrunted by a frame hr 3 piece of her) .own ttrpCStrr-worlt --a reproduction Iron: a mbwasptlper-prmt ot Burno ‘Jcnu'l "Circe.†showing the enchant- I'. In the act cf (Hugging the wine of no nl-ated mariners whore 8.115 are lpproachmg m her direction across I Mckgtound of ripplfrg ECT. l The draultnry art-1r. 13mg whim an a child she had retye'tvrti {r tn an fath- 8r in the muscuma an.) picture-galler- tteetuotUqt-ere b. itriiih,? $1.000 hi 1"l'llUWdlt ' has.“ hill. We do thnt to con- Ilttt.""""'uT""" dous- we I “um Inc nun me In (no same." It“ the old lady emplmuc JIT. "I cm In. It tn her eyes through all her am;- Fblllty. Don't tell we! I know the talizn nature. I rem! the â€yrs, and I know tr w the " mum " Ftutr n Hill “have. It 13. 'Ott, I {ox-give you, and " doesn't matter." and they then such you In the back who: ycu are not look- ing. That‘s ital an n11 aha world over. TMir. nue what that mum. An . mun. pm in a poison, "hy, h tN t.t"teltsPf,i,','; _ W, a“ I III _ - mum alone on mi iut'r,r'g2tz,T',',gtu"i'gp hummmmh-buu -m My of We and Magma“ - Nlt ww'mmm my. Wins-53; -- . Yet, on the day {trio-Ming Frrncesn'n request. {or a billiardroam for the boys and a “den" fer h r e". a par y ot workmen arrtw d from Pu bffon to like can: n measurements, and 'no ot them. who stated {Mr nip mmucutm I". to as): tor “is: Frantic; Revetsworzh, â€formed that young lady that he had come to take her order»: PR to paperlxq; . mom she wcuid tshow run. Prince. any worn very amiable and mug, oat 1 [cu you we nun-s pg. only she ls mo cunning to show ' Expramlng no tn 'prise, Miss Revers- 'worth examinad his {runs "I win- pets, Erased them an. and trdured an: to prpcure her N. (no: a certam poetry-vapor ct new designs when (IPI had seen In Landau. ttisthe1at-ttiSe mtorPormrtNetttodic4 and can cl " lb 'rs-it-tatt-ttttmrs disused kidnap. Remap: Du-Ju. "', 'ur-ttrr-hee-art-ttte. Why-lilo“ mummy; Thehu-ra.mqmoetqth.-tqt1t-rtnrtt nttrr'_Ar._titttmr-nott.ett,rxm-- inn-hunt. tad-'53:: ataGutssreisoekra-e M. an in a. lady nmnrylohuhh-admgth. lthnmlouo took. a†‘meu~w _.. “3 "I I I . ht _ _ - Many-zithmzim.d“h-nï¬wn 'atgtft.y'"e'""""'"""""""""'""'"'-'- sr' scr,i"tar--rhatrisst-" WM I‘h-U'I “in“? B . 112m". 'ifeg: it inun- 30 pills. so. ii ion-amid...†Elm-ea!!!“ For a Disease Germ "That Liquozono Can't mu 0We Offer $1,000 “Minna. I362 LOOK AT " “i "an. I. hum mason. our. For the fftt5rsitti; but. an vim: one-nth. no in" u wu as “a? rrpe.i""rrMy. m ' beauty od Mnoucl'l nun-d. an no k f t . on.) d nm the old-worn butane: MIMI“ Mr; Rod-van. " .. I 'Nto on hay In. Ida-rug]! 53%!5939 Noam than ma Bony nix-peeled. Pot heart raateeat such as little Betty .urruallr more. Consequently the had demanded Lin. Rercdsworttt's renn'ssion to "buy it few nice thing: for Betty," and the astonished old lady had perforce can. aenccd.‘ Betty. with "rtt-etom-eotcrM hoe and muslin mu. about her tittstt- ed taco. red roam at her trim waist. mu m all! necking. and the neat- an ot tackled lines on her feet, ma " vary pretty Bony indeed. And hm Franceâ€: mend her wisdom. Little min Ilannington was ovefsfaelmeq math smitten. arm the three young men were tttled with burly admiration [or was Raveisworih'n kirrerteats um mountain"! toward her (new. Betty made Ian; and even she was rot the ordinary Betty of every-day; life. but a dainty little tigure In a Tos-, sore mlk and muslin blpuse to match. Mia. Rtiorth was far too regal to {Row any violent contrast to he re- marked betwten her own handsome dress and the cheap gowns at common dld tteg, 1s",,t',Sl'f, gadget " 31': t In? ttte w ' F,i,yii'i'ii',,'i' an.“ t can: hell-0U? a,'2tath'trItlAtt'lr,'d,q. an. -dowtttrmsttt. Rhianna).- gtt.thp.u','ti1,,t2tehu',',t 'l.'t/igggtWg',,'lt, tedt',',,"; 'ro,,'tSrgl'ld,"'ll'.'"a'l're"lr, â€mm-ammu- ahty.-to.dtrtt... . .A- i!i'diliCiiii'yrahArth' mm: or beenâ€: brass, tired to on!- Cow’ng with red new. and a til-3‘! or what relied like rare "old royal" china, gave me ttuishtntetoueh" to m room, which, thus meditusvatised. was in perfect harmony with the pla- tareaque beauty of it: mistrucs, a, eled in I tea-sown ot her favorite Ver.- nctiaa-red. lilting closely to her line 'igure, Ind fastened at the waist with an enamencd can; our a loose tmnt at album, she did the honors " " limo reesptlon. Old Mrs. Revclsworth was unusually mbducd tn manner. She objected, it is true, to "atlcklng wall-:qzer on the ceiling" and "tming In the wlndow- panes with brtthen hottlso," nad she wanted to know why her niece wan "In faner-dress so early In the day." But Franciscan; calm graciouness algal-med her. and the girl'- manner towards the three young men was wrzvelatldn. For without ary err-rt, she (ambushed her, cell tra their llcge lady and then- queen --a poir.tron when It was easy enough for he: to canmc, as Victor was whol- ly and Dudley partly in love with her. and Heremou. although la-ithlnl to Bet. tr, was considerably dazzled by the charms ot her "pturuter-trierui." as In styled Francesca. "mg-mu" "j â€Kiwi-Ammun- ti-ire-dit-ith. In Mutt k-ss-ds-Lee,.")'."'?.?,.,.', Autumn†'iiii%"uri"i"G"ilp.ie10Mtt_tte txorrthltrshetpNr-oreyyr-the WWI-"l" msdeéwheghyd-IWW mmggï¬râ€"gzarz ariaai. " W" "" -- W -- ' 1: ram â€pare " rm cu stun, and (In sum: trtawrn ti:lcd up with tapi try-paper, Jshich no exactly rammthd ttre real thing tttat it Im necesnry to touch it to assure once?" of the ma- terial. A banned min-(r In I long and unrrcw tram. of mrwri cat hung on the wall, curtains " ell-gold bro- cade screened the window and the door, a massive roeking-ehsr, u mile, an embro'uterr-trame, and two curl- oully-shlpcd old-tub'oned seats, and. to an appearance of (lino-worn out. and two small tables of the tame. com. meted tbs turnltmr. with I. leopard- skin "In; on the d rk perched bards. 1nd I hanging-lamp ot oxodiud silver and red than "upended from the cell- ing, which was covered by a. dull-gold nagging. F ." Germ Dina... " “bulldog Bolus. iGiGuaa GG -- %riiiaui '"‘" tMit".' “I“ "taut turn 1.0.. and! was“ van-5.1% I. Milt out of the la'. nu: ttt,eaTg'gt,uetlha'lu.Tr= 3:00am at]: I (Lynn tgtth'tcitM'g c-m . ".ahoBrtadfrtmtutedttt- 'ht"fgttfl tifE9tqtith'tl, - I“ "chitin “Joined his, with ammo-yuan. no...†chum Ilium-.m- - "tt; rdrtt an no 'a'tffttlll _ than. aoeBottureoo snowstorm-om. C. --- _ -- 'c1Lyy11ttty9t_teetAafttt "A-F-e-t tret" 'Jtt',tta'S m 'reuqete by. 1 amphmutflflmg II will an Inn you†a I t.ru1et.,ttt.tStd Ltel'S I GaiiirGGiG 'hit 'irariariiifi'aaF in“ - "our!†"tseideeuiti/,Ga" n. Thisâ€: grav- - =il'l',t "mud-m. cum-van. ',u'rSht'htNl"a'.lhTltAt _ummmmmmaz Before her tea-para nrdd our has} team had extracted another cane-o- dor; from he: null. . "What boats ht" you, nut Harn- new" we Inquirer], In “00an tones. "I line been so buy loath. the? this room and max-mu my upco- try-plctnro and vii-Hing on my mother that I Bars not been on the Heer y". and here '" an in June!†“Bola!†{muted In. Revel-worn) manly. hat “will t ten boats tor? I hasn't ban is tuna" boat to: 'tkftr year." _ But then "on Dudley. obs-nut " to w". did not so: anything. On ml: Mention mammal, tor mltnnco, thJ his attention Wu being dint-clad by an exehmn of repute: between Bet.. ly and he: in": admirer, Mr eyu hind to catch n little incidem which did not escape bin Iunt‘n nuantlon. te-m 1 For Cetor, while Affecting to bend over hi: ecu-in and erttirattr examine the lute she held, contrived to titil, Into he: hind n tiny folded note and receive one from Pram In - I Al I mum lb. ya u marvel of Gannon. an. gnawed no on. one to mum an but “man! no not, Inc an went the length of Manually uny- lng her down-quits and “fun; honin- to u battt-etuur, which wan when Jam, when“ a mu. w†lion; the enun- u'r out n “and"? m’OI-L m 'run.rrTalrr ta" do “m5“ IETriTror" to mm Ma. nmzno th. in to In. Enron: net-en, a. 'ieaetriorattrrpee per daughter. Ind com hardly up“! " act without turret [on and 'ew,; has: In her 'treB. In)" column her “at Dudley mid not help Admir- Ityt Fiance-en'- coolnes- Ind faultâ€. Ironsur, up. was undoubudty In no edght, and her “all. manna. in her eirmttrtstttrt6c., was "may than. To mama'- beauty and know charm Dudley In - dive; In or. cry nerve ho “pouch†of hot prep} me, nor could ho by my and. " um keep his on: long mm from tt (not. Al to " brother’s G2h% Victor had been inntmud below†and. to d: Francesca Justice. her man-‘ ner to Victor was perfect-n lent, Id rar " Dudley Wu in . [tuition to ob, serve it. had gone out to her on" It»... and; partly wrong! "DWI! will I’ll. out?! through her mm of M» thon, and partly through b.7311“!- or Ftaneesca, Ibo sound to use in. 'tMPM'" Into In Inllmulon to! in chum which was likely to bi an did stronger on “count of that mum he put Nrth again! N. - 1 I in truth Fume-cl unarmed. my Med, Ind (“tinned Dudley. tn his hen-t ha m amply conscious that M did not me0 of her tad did not: when! belle" In her; In! pt. vhcn ho took him-elf to tut mad tried to an- Inn ht “clings, he could '" " (found- for M- on mum-L 7 J ~lunuy‘umhmr-un-u , 'h%iirrarari t' mu. m siil',ttt,t"'.Rt/e1tih',qtrtp,.rtl, 'd'l',1'1LaltQnWh' NettueettetMe.ittt-. f “IV-Luhnbuo Nt g"r."'i2."WL'iNe%' mu: ltd as... 'tt", 7w- " . I . . 11ii?,rte,'ehl'l'hl'ir7ti','g'it'.'iii'.-',ii a"2ot.1t'e'a'ig'3, -ettrut't+ What.“ "yetrrtittt-rivat agqv8vatett.trmesmrrbtiestRo. ".t$i.h0Atmtt' Ill mount-- who It"! trg wanna m .2. M5. '" Inâ€! m than. Mstturrq gut “rum, " tn"igi: w .1. a†the IWlh concur: than!" II, Pd.' . II bum In o'clock In. alum-town bristlin- t“ ‘Mnnlwuhuw- m'°"" ttt it; 112','tt"datSt'it u- 1'i'ltftit,ftfkt?ii. Jd,'AT/ ,3: am" t :tou '. .tosot" - - 1 _ A - ula-mu aha-30.11., Lam... “The pin In - no! â€orâ€! .0. am not»: in Inâ€: an» any. And, a: to uni-3hr but - n a. TPride In a. inâ€. now (an. no I". ma. tm 00. Mnaa. Into Mundholun It'd-titans» - "ii?i'xilyliFi an mug in! and poll 09 the to». hadn‘t It. -tnttinteaR. um 19119993321949 up†- - -- WWI.“ tt 'aut" "' h†at: 1... tan an attltetU an. - M/gn','.': ecu. 1.hlt%'%.rl 'i',l'i"iys a La. laud. .l mam In!" Alain?!» 8mm“ tel. tttr unlit. "t that win the for; respond-l Mean "A: than only . wavy um. um" tor inn-'1: I has " - - alarm ot t'te Wt - umd In my "murky." -'WiiFTrFitdiiVa'F icon k, 1n . MI- dsu when an." “In tho diploma» " mu. Bony. "mit Betty In Tattattittttetetr tond of erreFiiii3rrv. 'aH'"'. "a: an =e "a. a: ui.Hiec. In; - 3" Ppi"tg2 to. “mm.†m tn"gt'i! iiilii;i'i " 'utiiiiirhh5l ‘I am. and growing ham-1y ecu- tBhmn that It contain“ depths wholly. lanthanum. to Mm, and ttnt he could no loun- md to was: her itayttr- Idu. a. wad-red " It the morn. man- In in“. hunk: lea he». was the red minim no mica 11: Much In the bran bowl: on tho Dutchmen, man; the ttantkttrtN2t to. her wort-thum, and enmmr: " "lteatq glitchlnr nad'ehhpruo hte- ‘m may... spa ramming. {an}. Inked. “analyzed by tho perfume ct he Barr- Ind the mmzu‘ot he: runner, to the pins of ta, "try (n- Ilmned ",2i the mva.te1boartr9rero, Mth in pa to: Proms and exquisitely mum] "3srss. pouring the enchanted il'.? Into :3: manna: drinking-v03. B. "Watt hue for In. and I trlil Min“. mam. Ther are Jtest,ths am cl agn- "" - useful to You." Prompted by the Interest and ear ttN " to “It In all that concerned his mum, Dudley a†m: the hall, when, man: It. Cour. he caught mm 013 mu- Bitter of Charity, with than): pic-mt the, carrying o In" mm “mm out Mr III). I than bun-ot- mm. 1-1ch in! '.tr.'h'tg't, (I I. “In. Dd fll h". - In a In 'lti'ltihyitri', .... I L M can“ vod- to ttM',,tf,e,,t, no: lemma: nu "nm new to (at can. emu†"an no mm or am" can. .5. 2te. “In! detail?!- long. and "Am Md “was: for the g‘rl ta too..." " nttieeted; "but Francesca I odd In everything. Somehow, in MD of her sweet manner. and her mini-o tutu. and her noble and 1:1. mm devotion to that '1aipteresthvit Ind qtndttrbrqd om anther. I can't hunk of inseam u a good towns. Ind 1 mt to marry a good woman. 8tst that no hats ever g‘rea we the den an. m to be bud for thy asking. Ind "t, In spite of my mismut of her. M_rl" ttr" I felt ctrre-----" Pondering (Inn near the can Cos: If an room. In hind " cumin} vote) a an "it. Tttere ma been a rm: " {In hum-door he" . few Isl-mun hm, sud now Francnsra 1m nun-y» ml, descended from the sworn! Mor with that not-elm step of Berg, and: In ups-king In low bun-Ind km: " an. on. In the hall. l " he tttt sure. " thought was. that We“ in! not deNtreratiely Led to all. and than!" WIS not in very trut g In mu I. had met at the nude- I â€a. I I Nut 34. a! u “an I. qtmtteiii." ' .hhmmuntim In D with " my Mum b. - In M‘s, In In: _ Fan-ix an " can. - O I bum Ill cm In. =t't'lli' W‘ '° N" "" Fla. nrith In: and I“, m “not in hob» tluris% “0.30310. pod-n- " Q an)? over a 'JPBP. “c M pt ion. d he: “an - 2, I '10-: out. " 0109’ we" Numb- .I â€It not}! the you; mama ob. not. a no. r. the door dt Bye):- 1',tlltt", cloud â€on than; "and " M). who" ot the houubold “a†D you. 09 her, with the cit-mo- _ â€an“ tun- :0." but tt would mun Vnu at in d 15% "It luggage " but any - can htm. 11m. you: lath- tst at a " Mr " If " amid '" tte""""'""""""""'"' , "ttt tt In " â€omit-b} tr y, “a ie.. anq' a tennis without caning!“ Wed Victor. , . in rather bun that ?nccsel 'rt"trets " brother " " com- to; her â€only: to the boat- blllder'l; but he enul rt M‘ccrlumu be“ a "pressed In he: " the Mn rte no Nr-tet n M pain. lei, under the prance ot aludymg local paper use: he had purchased . plain; haw-toy: In Ind 1112! grand“! In rum,“ .- “a" ii ii Trim __ 6 rev iiitl?ati'iti an." new†on: t'Mhilu" in. Inn " you u. h N In. It. - Duh was .3193 tMt'; ll. NV“) "gHused. gin-red. "author“: In ad My u horn. .u up. I... .1 w tesrore in. a was ae' Itâ€. on: Input t" o In nun ttt-rturrcw. Ishnutaks (to 11:20 mm Iron Hunting; tut you Ind hotter Ind lam acme to start I can" Ind meet me at Wat'rl’oo n tinâ€. l wtit return brthe 5:38, and you can come back Inter. _ "P. R." I I" as. not. I‘ll tit Benn, Ind ran a (allows: Ulehte, Victor was revelling in {In _ “canary mum of I whole day - tn Funnier; society, tru et " mom" m walling alone in todt 11mg 'tfit "den" rum such time u M. sum up etsartred her (ta-germ GG waning-4'29: to attempt y in: - far u the Mu-gn'ld‘lng ",'l'ft' ( "H you will b. .024, 3nd rrpmistt not to was. me, lid to keep your own 'o'"'?'"'.?"" 'er spend tbs Qa;_wl§u We... a. m an“ th understand he: mamaooamo. iiTi, "r: W" - 3.9233511!- m - “In†"nun-In.“ signs-moans. tttttttS an honor-go 8).. hnd anâ€: be: cm at In. I q IN" high!†_ll may" - “(Va Iii-Ion I!!! It!“ “_I r- Vnu "I gm... of “In" aua- m It“. ' If tr 1137*!!! A black he. he. and . chain ot can In 30- â€.- " in: buck wuutbud. BI. ho emu n: mm gum, how, Dudhy may nun- ho not '10 you, mu In and nmsniud‘ her an. nun! But she want (I nuance-rum. a b redt. I, mm; any the ettatitpbie mu- m tteasirtg'.e ,tiuol III. was human an. - am We Immune before him. “my M te'T,g,e the Nr-ttPed cloak (ruling mm- her H " com- ' nm the stain u Ihl curled It upon _ my: hon- her arm. 1.58 tgluufy " The little Mster took the-money no l. Wuhan! I word no locompaniell Wtrn through the antes And ucrou tho "are. court- of the Palm to the su- Illenq, any with brillitutt-eolttred rttod dodendron. and budding reset. Hy near her won the award to when a “new: ( wooden- .bcnohas on n snssy dope um do: amending tree: overlook the rules-1 l er Itarttott at ttts "Lon: Wutery' Herd have for A few ehudren phyla; cu the! I man by the water's eds», and two I Iowan on t dlltnm, nest. they were uc, .tttutertr Hone, Ind here Dudley resov hugely turnedvnnd faced his cousin. _ "New I shall not have to deceive you any more!" she said, In accents orein- tenea mallet "mtt--r though}, I tear- ed you would n like mo tt you Elem" "It I knew rant?" "All that miserable old new. Oh. 'ttttft from! I haven't any past to '9t1rt?t's were: b'Iushlng about. It Isn't tht" I an! Tam you untrulhs sd much u that 1 ITsrts left allâ€: part ot the truth. For me 0mm. You have all than!) to eurpono that I am a single woman, when“ In mm 1 an a wid- 0'!†l "A widow '." _ -- Lrfei. Surely there ls nothlng'aajqn- -mrax1 Inlu‘ “931033021. 1 m (Wen. â€the. Wtcn an utter dud t In nearly an all Ina 100K“ nanny " bid a I do now. Fl"):- . very early In 1 ttad to‘vmk w support myself ind my mrnlyud mother, and before I in twenty. In the would. or In no- wl n Morn. when l was Mum with lone owns, I not e you; mm or than! an! own use. the .01: of " Inga ttgh with)“. tho fell In In" wk! can Minn-n, wuv nu u. a... n... (no " Inc an», Ind. by promise: at the splendid pantie: 1 should LIV. u iiii;rrciiaramooissarrrhuttt ereUr." w" Isaa A,“ -i'" "Did you lon Mm?" _ - . Wee-cl looked " mm MrrngeV. "Did I Ian Mm?" Ihl reputed no.» . â€tenant!†no. 111mm.) any “we wan ot IcvlttuAnd is In V's-7 Madman. Rum-I _ I in ma "you. my not»: m ditttoM- .uiuotorlH1had_to'ror8 In mm m an. â€an nut In! qu- rhp 10 Mom: -nrtem I. M I“ law. â€can" In?! tooth-I7 Mnmhommyut v- Icnt. "ii and " mm. Bun- can. - cub. Wanna. m an 1'etet",ttt,e'i't Thu no a... to “In. 1 I. VII I. m an My. " "- It. mod and looked any man qtajir'as.totttrmtuteett. m lion not, you with mir- tsoatkietttiuavi.atromnutotty, “which†unam- Icw â€has tun-gamma. -eRurm. 'hierr"txhn-the- “Hymn-n hum-Iran "can“ 'Vcrynolnyhb “union-o. lug-woman mm cont-mu m. l. mnmuannmuu-n 1"m%"thG'iriiaiHiitrTtiifC, “Scmethtug has hrppencd to m you. t am 'sure," she and. “You loch suite silky. Now, what I. It?†A 4"?- A-- M _Oa-_ AL- L-.4A A- L__ 4' "We can so after the boat, Immor- rum? he returned. "I want you to could with me now to the PnltuNs group“, when we at: have a quict tete m "with tte m - 15:17; [men In: that It. ‘ to an ter; tle 'ttotheq u an m contain The-tttgot-ra- at; can and? on. 3.11-- the clothu Ind dvpanod In Hannah, "as. having the cumin: Ilene togeth- ed. Then Francesca turned to Dudley with mud 0,0browl And Implant: ayes. "And ret you could H. to In. as you did on the subject!" M m mu. loan aâ€. "I 1trfeutt (at! In. “all W than III â€I. III It not: no" - “to ttt P233: "t ma mm." as to“ am!- 'xmcmthtmnmm mmMu;o-nmim -ituliuueorrt-1hlyPt.'t u must-0mm...“- which“ 'teth$tqt_otertttritph,stoter- “lint. Barmv-ueoollld wquymmzmwm mien 'iariaiiiiiuiuonit" 'ttpa'ti'2'flgt"glllglt'l't t2'he,ttt'gtf'"'r I. In!" 1km; ' __.. M-.. I "Why did you tell me all those Hes?“ to asked sternly. "It VII you I we! at ?tPttttt.lh1" - _"3"rc' neutered FY-ttgr-"" wad "Yea," she said 83213:; “I will not try to cxcum myaex. For mm reasons D was anxious that you :1qu not rem agnlzo me; and I though‘bdenxbl was the only way." _ "Ypur clevemtss was uutedf~hc re- turned coldly, "tor I never ,qplly he, (lewd you!" ."d could no my did not" Ill. gala amply. , ' Then she suddenly thrust forth her gland hand. as thouxh she Were rush- tttg from her some dlstuteful object.†""ttd"i2'r, m- fsiNil, .er" -shutt iiiiiii) 3393- Ritgiyyrt “vomit-“H human-thaw“... hmofhuhbnbcucud by in tif damn-shun; mwMmeN-n -itrPFdatstttseeno. M " - II E not? (mm lurvut’on. I learned vie one of nae“ â€have! In. mob. (out and tolloved him Io-la In» "tnslt you at.“ _ _ . “Then (he an“ at the music-ten “a. so - “My late hub-mfg brottvcr--a In“, oven men Mattias: and diasiratel than he. By your kindness that night ---ttttd you mare a total sinmgsr to me &tthoutrtt your likeness to my father In- isrested mo strarureir--1 was enabled to follow his can for a Halo distmcs; tut eventually my cabman mused bun and I had to return to my ledgnga tit-b my landlady, who had kindly cc. commuted me. I was without money or 1:65., ttf5romrhlr ditsheartened Jr the failure on my Mat trtoeai to my hm. Rtand'q family. when, " tho mere tteel dent looking than“ a newspaper to "ttwhether my one wanted agavernes. (or such thing: as I coulq um, 1 an? inn: Mergers“ Advertisement, and "mu to lasers. Simpson b Watt! ones The rest you know." m. TBg-tt."toe_tp. mnouhtm Mill†itriararttur-r-truti' work numb:- tir "19.10an "I wound. “communeâ€. "Glam 1-.anme r" " t" ?w.v-..wi Inuuhnuutollumm' Chump - . _-... -i- â€limb nun. mm an." on ma. {Not any 'dhuu but my mm m mun dt-fa-tut wool. at I - tut. t and - III - in! and a; pout. tr. 1 ml- new!†of ttte Raul-worn! 'qE2atgo-qlgtr the: in told no noth- ttur, and I Md hold I. mnmnnmuu with M- mm. W!!! I «no tg? Lon- don u {or weak: In. tt in with (by idea of "ding out my me husband'- nlaavu um mun. my pride by asking them to help me to I." PT ,"Not all. Why dld you decetvc may rr “I In: ashamed ot my mtrritage," no “swat-ed frankly. "I have piety. on] printed pront- ot It In my Masai. mm but ever sine. my husband left an I has gone back to my Maiden “In; I thought that my aunt ml. subject mo to ondlecu (me-tum: If also how my story, and that the would mob-My form a wholly Incorrect ghetd pajadicéd Tie1. at it. Don't mi chum I in Hahn?" 'Pon 1y. But why not hue to“ wt): toms?†I e'W Pt, e" nmca hung her head. “I thottght---I feared," she funeral. "htert Mo sometimes an: strung! mam: against Mdowir-iat you might uh mu Len K yo‘lm. And I {wanted you to Itktt me. m truth, the gimp)! “was! way in much, misc! by " side in the ienty Ibudow of the trees,she had told him her sad story, in I voice when music stirred a deep delight within him, had moved him to an intense sympathy. ihich. through the magnetism ot heg mar presume, can} merged into tram mane passion. I u. Of course ma was t widow: he mm" One guessed that Inch a woman would - have been Mend to remain na- Iwed till trv.-tsrM-tsreztr, and It mu "rtittmeteristle of the feeling which uh: hunted in him that In felt no romeo at inning that ahe had been amine! â€In wife. Jsttt rather ts.rertstttton A sum = In!“ I you)“ It man or he] lilo was now laid har- tor Mm. ‘ she Thta to wonderhmy beautiful. with the glow ot excitement itultntt the fairness ot her Ikm. and the You rays of the afternoon sun slanting tttr- Ber her broad lace hat and bringing on! the; red-gold lights In in Bott hair, that he caught his breath as he looked It her. A man. ho told himself. had at chance-0t judging Inch A woman fair. tr mm; Mr on; clear " I child's tad of true ttsrtpst-me-not color, halt If. Imprisoned. .. JiCirtfiT foJErE'cem am very. Very sorry tor you." , “sun 10:: mun mm?“ he an may. . . .30: In. in. fixed ortm, a U! be“, and he noted how. u I!» low. ‘uned her loin â€idembro'n- listen. I I-.--'.. br-au, _ on:- I. - BOVRII. Thanh new: continent in Blue Ribbon Tea. _ Ttteg6restthettredhmhtaattd mouthed: mm but] 'iaeit'qtrmrsttodtatm1 -t. _ Tumostd_ttdtrtgtuGvxsoitttertmpstrmtet Min-that‘s whyl! is so .. t aid unmade. /,li, Bloc_RibbuTnh . theaattt-aitu. Germinammb "U TO BE CONTINUED. /aGr Haunt- I 08315â€le WOLFEJI Mmmdhmm In! I I dummnmmmnmmmnu 'ilrsgtat'Ntmartd0ttmttrr. 'tm6aI-qtgg. l ttttnmattmrd1. min-humus. Aâ€. â€no; “do.“ Ill! Matty wut-too, J r‘ JOHN L WIDEMAN . has at Htryue. m l moo-Po“ on». at. Jacobo. OIL _ . S.''hlia'rA"'sst . i iii'i'iiili,'iii,iii.'i'.i..'aN" Ce.'edfi l 1.33% lf,l?ii?gfdtff,t5,'lttt, '/ iirh1kh'lbl2t/tgttt a“ V'WI‘ETJu q'm'“ . P. Chum. . It. I '.u A. HmRD _ fl Dentist. has" Ram all." an! Surgeons, D.D.S. Tm!» tmt segtyit"st, S! Pggt,7. practised. Ulla u: ' no r ' our m 'tXi."' 'L't'l'l1'fa batman Emma _ w lor 1nd. amount: _ t a VI. B.Wilklnson, LD.8., ILIJ " o. w. WELLS. D. D. a. m game». AT,', Tinit mug: 2min om undny lad day and. Thumysnd munch may!“ Hun. to Friday I p; m. ODONTU DIR " Nahum of new. The was. male-will!» aloud our, My M will a no". x-rur. rEjootricitr and M h F d " name med In tut their "110$!me th" i . uoell And treatment of chronic dim [ EBr " dinosa- “the Non. Ear “a " ' - 0. r, Gonna and "may to": at Tum ‘ Mi. of women. all forms ot net-l (ll-II... . Jim cola tub reulosln at lum- (ml? Me , gluzda. bone: and john, for-u Ma, 'ii. oomplunw. 'p.y,hr2geh Den . - Sid, Qt; We; as had 1'll'l, a. ‘ ‘ IN? ccmm ' sun uo r, I I I'm as. tyy Foe (who: infer-loun- 4 . 'hl -eH " THR mottaN x BAY um I',',',','?,'!,, THIRAPB one Lmnmlti: , Demons-human “Wanna. I '" __ -hiiiiitiirik" To... a it',,','."'.,',',,'",",,),',', (EMU "fi'l'Si,'ir', 1%'f; 01:... M'th'llt 'lr'lAth'g','t "" tNqngmtgttcBttttet. m "r'. x - Buy and Bloom]; _ "r In the diagnosis and trauma-At o _ out». - g..t..,liti.h'.'iteraraii" v _ "(II-r I 1i'hiaiiriiiit"gu1raat n w. L mun _ P Honor gull-:93} Torah UM cantata at . Gallon at ' 2mm.) and Amelia-In If Chm; st in disea as ofthe no»: and (hunt. “Luvr nglvanwthouaool an ' . meJa. D.8. -- _ QVV. WE t,'tir,iti'??tig'i5irlim'ttt. OMeo on Elm MW: PM in. ly lsliijJitilitittilhht 9.,B'UGEJB. B yummy». tWe Open Daily. Oftiet): Canadian Block. Balm. , G 1.39m ‘ILMB! “a MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL me'l'. DENTAL DR. in. am. his. 0-33