#1 m. bi': There is a great loss in farm-rear- , ' chickens, caused by the mother EI " having her liberty. The hon lk? (its through the wet grass; the ' '. F. ens follow her and become vhii.r- ‘u and the weaker ones die. Thi , loss Rh . be prevented by confining the ‘h- I ina brood coop. It is mom- 5 grtistactory to haven large brood "MOP that will bea shelter during Mr. lament weather. A packing in F: cf it w- or tour feet, each dinnmm, in . 1 ‘ ctoo large. The CUW'l" of the g can ' be used lor the floor. Th, is? , is reversed (open end on the . d), and an opening one [out E is made across one side ottlio =1" against the open end. Two one HT - by two inch cleats are nailed on 3, '. two ends ot the box at the mg: m r, the cover or floor is rc- MPP! maize so thatit will slide "at tltl1 these cleats. This allows the "_ “to be removed tor cleaning. Ttw - l should be covered with tar pa- it f", to make it water-tight, and gi Mer, wr should bea 10 by 14 inch E u ot glass in the front. This , 'h"'8lmlt * 'lt3tal 'il" "~ 0‘1". - . h; M. l - fly?!" l ' 1.1:“ ME, ‘ i5'iPiiii,iiei5 MI ot a: "in nu- q ‘ I , the and a! chitin: " ' kits!- wu mum»- Cd _ “new“ at the ma tter ‘ 1 l- cum. no poultry "- _ . Ahef.t to tHeat Britain " . A? $100,518, A null Propor- g " “AMA!“ imported by x Home! Country. Itt. august. . d poultry wu exported Iron: n} r , new“). Runes and the " 8m... Each ut than coun- w h' F mm aver ",0tt0,000 worth. 3‘- te gunman“ policy on the " E5 ot our lumen to neglect this ‘ '5 . try, when their is an unman- ii V Imam tor poultry; inlormtlon an, ' "gnaw any branch at the " w x can ballad gratis, and the 'gg . is a profitable one. . ' rq should bea 10 by 14 mil m ot glass in the irnnt. This 3' ' should slide in cleats for ven- is“ tton. Jn front ot the one that rrp- “n at the ground there should be , h' to 15 inches high covered with W , two inches apart. The lien ., l l " gout Into the lath crate to he - y, and watered; the chickens run ME wghthe laths. This form oitmop, 4, house safely one hen and thirty [ " -.. The number of Coops is I ltl reduced. The Wand chickens . l he placed in grass field, l a will reduce the mortality due Ir:, dictum being rearedpn in- I rr > {round around tarm buildings. -3, r l _ qt we: hare been report il the Poultry Division of chick- Jud turkey: dying Muse of 7 on ground previously intest- , P. W (owls. tF _ Yours“?! truly. G il w.A. ominous! "ttttttins hens should not be allowed to ‘cuver a multitude ot things, and Aateh chickens in any pi, e the: have great expansive powers, as 150°“: tttrout “19 farm buildings. The most of us, know who endeavor to gm boxes should be made with- Ikeep an expense account. out]. floor ud.placed around the l On the other side writes the man- M ol the pen. Two or three shor- ager of a 'business frsm, who says he :dlull ot earth should be thrown lll- has lived in the married state on beach nest box and ahollow space less than ti,000. A clerk in a big slumped out lor the eggs; the earth departmental cantrlhutes his experi- Ihould be covered sparingly with ience, and says he has been married 'Tttstr. Aboard is required in front 'two years on less than $900 a year, “attire nest to totWte the hen at will. land has never regretted it. But he 'tits neat will give outdoor cotuli- has the right “kind ofa wile." Be, “on: in an indoor pen. The sitting More he asked her to marry him he hit should be thoroughly dusted jknew that she could cook and did with sulphur to kill the vermin. All not spend money foolishly He has “them should be ted on whole grain 'a five-room tut, doesn't "skimp," road grit, and watered at one time. ‘carries life insurance, had bought a Ttte hens should be placed on the Ipiano and entertains his friends. masts and closed in when they fin-f Yet among the the wires there is iahdeeding. It is advisable to start a suspicious similiarity oi opinion. men] hens together. The infertile One says: "I do not care to tell the >qgs can then be tested out on the (story ot our struggles." Naturally, linth day and one or more of the 'the pinch in the household is felt “has reset. !most by the women. Tt will my aims)“ every tamer unproven ttoch below the Bea- _ .14 breeding begins. The old {owls tiid be killed. There isa great- ,_ intranet! protit in breeding trom e y-type specimens rather than the common barnyard stock. It _ ' â€alarms to select the eggs tor E " Iron; a breeding pen ot the - tenor twelve hens and one â€as! rather than trom the larger Thu ot laying hens on the farm. I general rule, the eggs that arc ted on the bum are the eggs the poorer layers. A utility- pe Plymouth Rock cochcrel should , bought and placed at the head oft? breeding pen. A great improve» Em will be noticed in any tlock ul “fowl: by crussmg with the Ply- and! Rock. 5:31†eggs for hatching should be hm inn cool place, in] to so do 32093,) The chickens should not in hatched later than the middle u June. May-hatched chickens are pre “tile. It is quite possible in; al Deanery farmer to increase th number of chickens reared With L: file extn labor. “.80 SCHOOL INSPECTORS h. It. Matt's Bill now be- t'. the Leg-inure to increase the tin of County Public WI, mm! which will h “no law, eotttemptstes In L duWWpereeuu. ova LI .1 ith, when an pram "r In Ind. 11.. Ina-lurch: h' r A 01th - ammu- " - m autumn giv- . "ttera, will. 'mrtnttersot . human. I. new a no " - - on man lit C ‘Wu mom A ' - l m. A Mr iii In lot was: a- It!8tter. tt& tu'. t r If†'diNt,t Mt Slamming a an pgâ€. fancy Division. do“ no. r an ol and“ [ml-Mm. oololthh Publication Clerk will all: Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and ives appetite for ordinary good. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long " sickness lasts and do good all the time. '_ There's new strength and flesh in every dose. i C ‘w We will I. (In! t “It... [i -D_'- gnu-.90; sou-u- It makes new flesh and gives pew life to the weak system. . .To stop the continued lass of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means-long sickness, A despatch from Brantford. is to the eftcct that the waste lands, known as the willows, whore Irene Cole was murdered, will be cleared by the City Council. The Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Council hos bcrn empowered tojpro- rec-d with the work, and in all pro- bahility it will be completed early in the spring. The residents m tho sec- tio strongly approve of the action. porous town in Canada. It has the The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. Aprolfos ot the edict ot contain bank: to the duct that their empior- es shill not marry on s “In†less than $1,000 a year, the Chicago Tri- bums has collected opinions " to the possibility ol living on that nun. With prices rising in Berlin the can or living here can be little less than irrthatAhster" city, “d th-rits- tion in estimates may be‘lound in- teresling. . . One lady mink; it impossible tii live "in a respectable neighborhood' on less than $1,500. Thls is her es- timate:- Rent.and fuel, ' 360.0( Light and cooking gal 36.0( Groceries, 270.0t Meat, 100.0t Milk, 60.0f Total, rer't'_" Frq_rPPN .o T..__. $1,373 Another correspondent makes the laundry billi3100 a year, but thinks $1,350 the lowest possible income for anyone in "a good neighborhood." lncidenlals, accidentals, and sundries cover a multitude of things, and have great expansive powers, as most M us, know who endeavor to keep an expense account. On the other side writes the man- ager or a ‘husiness firm. who says he has lived in the married state on less than $1,000. A clerk in a big departmental ecntrlbutes his experi- ence, and says he has been married two years on less than $900 a year, and has never regretted it. But he has the right "kind ofa wile." Be- fore he asked her to marry him he knew that she could cook and did not spend money foolishly. He has knew that she could cook and did not spend money foolishly. He has afive-room flat, doesut't "skimp," carries lite insurance, had bought a piano and entertains his friends. Yet among the the wives there is a suspicious similiarity oi opinion. One says: "I do not care to tell the Baby'- thm m - all“ “on "ttr,"",'; W. mun “an. , was!“ n “in; tim., Ind II, colds. and cum worms. " M Mancun- otthe minor ailment. cl childhood which the train- will not can. Bold try drunk“ or my be mu Me I box by trim; dimet to or. 3n. F e an. I - {I = tttift w.- lit'.? . an: aux-y“! a M " ttrLtT - 0" ' bu _ .1 um um F co... 1“ WI “I iii, an with to: m in guinea r',' in.†children ad would taco-mud than to mother: who Java trunnion some babies." I iGG' man-in; Co., Brockwille, on MARRYINO ON JUST A THOU- BAND A YEAR. Clothing, Car Faro, lncidentals WlLLOWh' TO Br sundry RU rji'9'1i CLEARED 360.00 36.00 270.00 100.00 60.00 75.00 12.00 300.00 60,00 100.00 I Wedding.-) very pretty wedding was celebnted at the home of Mr. ‘md Mm. Meander Wilson at the on Jim), when their daughter Minnie M. an: htppily joined In matrimony to Mr. John F. "cum, . prosperous Jamel- otthe same place. Ovin; to the tie-up on the unto-d: may at “the guests were unable to In pm cut. howuer. may from the our- toundlng comma!†VIM the hm "at. In: New ot Pulm- m. main ot the grortett,.ptarsd bum ma, Rm. L. Wk“. 'eettrratV may. Hanson tad m [mutt - to the m I: “I“ the k“. h ‘hld. “may†not Mr Ian- pmn ito m an Ilka“. at cm Mingus use Ion- ' will . m m “in. F .. l l The mm: tit Dnlontol IHR, 'mmttolunththmh his. '09.me In: FiaiCa"iae-s,ttt.m- ......MessrB. ROM. Crooks and Roy Patterson ot Linwood, “ended the Innonl of Mr. Arthur traumaâ€... Miss M. Greenwood, Dd , in Titt- iUng with her cousin, the Misses Alexander, Iota few ween“... Mr. David Zurbing, and All-n Cook ot North Euthope spent tstew days with acquaintances in this section last. weak. ' Items of Interest.-Owing to {he very poor mail service during the past month and none at all tor or- era week, we have not been ahlc {to report as regularly as we wished to. We think, however, this state of atiairs will be remedied with the coming spring......Aiter a' long sis months ot intense pain, Mr. Arth- ur Farncombe was relieved by the hand ot death on Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, During the week previous to his death, strong hopes were en- tertained tor his recovery, but they soon vanished when he rapidly sank lower, having complained of trouble with his heart. The funeral lurk place on Tuesday afternoon, which was largely attended considering the poor state ot the roads. The re- mains were interred in Mt. Pleasant, Cemetery, Rev. L. Bartlett conduct- ing the funeral services, preaching a very appropriate sermon. The bereav- ed family have the sympathy oi the community in this their hour of snr- row. The deceased was in his 26th year......Mr. Adam Arnold has moved into the house owned by Mr. Rich- ard Sheppard near Gowanstown. Mr. J. Campbell has moved onto the tarm formerly owned by Mr. Arnold. ......Mr. Robert Torrance has nought the 50 acre farm formerly owned hy Mr. Henry Stever....,.Mr. J. Kinsman has movkd to his farm in Mary- borough, formerly owned by Mr. J, Rhiem. Personal.-The many friends ot Mr. Robert Turnbull were glad lo see him in the vicinity, the place of his former home. Mr. Turnbull is tarm- ing ncar Hartney, Mum, He says he prefers the West to Ihttario, especial- ly this winter, as the snow out there when he left. was only stubble high. He says that during shrtwleve years of absence this section has under- gone may dim in every reyptct. or more than enough to supply Eng- lmd with all that she at present buys outside oithe colonial. Such u crop will come, all to move it, more ruilways‘are necessary. “In tourteett yea: the love“- wheat. crop we hue had is ulna bushels to the acne. Now, unppone um. only anemia! ot this unble land or M,- 000,000 new: itt put under when in In yem' lime. a it will to, it can easily be seen that even " the low- est crop avenge the yield will be “out 342,000,000 bushels at when -civtriGA don" not the esp- .clty cl (In manhunt. I have Igu- ed that, “alum (A may: tho "It bu been and that the G.T.P. will run through I barren country. Such Lia not true, as it will run through a better country than the C. P. R., and should be protltaMe Irom the start. I think the Grand Trunk Iucitie, project will go down as we of the best 'steps ever taken tor Can- adian development." ' " r . T I _“ _ -;. I 1gl!!fatil'J,l C-T " - 2t'"adNlti fl V . at a... and ‘ to _ you!†'ur, -t, lot“ 101‘!- tIo _ m to m Iii but tut†and “with “a pm " will cm - . putt. “Ev-nut] in thin man: Crud rm Pun». and, when. lam not. an“ this to: political el- tect, but mic at": We no hampered out than gov tor prop" railway utilities to move on crop! amt what nu tthe Ihcn the crop have . lncreued an or ten-lout, as they surely will memo. ‘0 land How often you hear it remarked:-- “lt's only acold." and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that scold, how- ever slight, should not be disregard- ed. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It always cures and is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. an“ Tu" -'iiiaikr,ioir mes, w! ot which, 115,000,000 m, hunk COLDS ARE DANGEROUS WALLACE Osmium anâ€. m Ilka-cami- Manhunt ttet-qty-ltr'-, my m magic“ is mow“, the op- mtlon should mum wrht, and tho slave be artfully turned ‘hcl'vudu Mum-ml jam Jubilant. “Valhalla " - m I 'tttht lit) the up at hm Its“. It """‘ Mllft, â€W" In “It. luau-nua- Aqbqe I'll- _ Time I: I wrong we! end e right I'" to put on alone, eeye tho.“0en- Momentus," To lam the right way. “to! n experienced Ida'ounn, while she tries 1 pair on A one- Mrs-e.'",- she will em pun ths glove on the {out new more new; cutie me. She Vern elevly numb. end not In“! the M In My mu to m he! done eh tum tt " the "In. Admiral Walker, the President. of the new United States Canal Com- mission of seven men, says that at least eight years will be consumed in "scratching dirt," alter the shovel has begun to operate in Panama. it will, be several years before even this can take place. The Commissioners must flrst come together, shake hands and get acquainted, rent an office, employ clerks, and talk "airs over. They must exchange such opinions as they have, then go to the spot and look over the ground and plan what ought to bedone. Then they must adopt and enforce vigorous measures ot ' sanitation and water-supp‘y, which will take two or three years, Then they must decide where the artificial lake shall be, its level, how many locks shall be built, how the torrential charges can be made to behave. and how the Culebra can be got out ot the way or surmounted. When they have decided upon the plan they must advertise for contracts. and enter upon the work. The ruins must be cleared away. the machin- ery invented, manufactured, and deliv- ered and an army ot men must he brought from somewhere who are willingto work. How many hundreds of millions ot dollars? How many thousands ot deaths? How many de- cades at years? But some progress has been made, for the Attomcy- General has decided that the Canal Company can (In a good title. Burn; but you 1.001 an. ttt rdl'ly he mm tn the Do- minion. Tn - all!†can†Hate $2,400,000 - than in ms, The net earttire were . mm our 818,000,000 compared with $30,000,- 000 in 1002. There we" 22,000,000 was carried, an More.†ot ov- er 0 million. ud_ I In", and tho freight increased 5,000,000 tons. Be snia this, the electric l’lllel eun- ed $7,233,000. tt In 591.:er we 'utr- ing time. The Gait Reporter says editorial- iy:-Ut seems to be the beliel of a number ot the property owners oi Berlin that in rokoning the per- centage in the summing up of the re- turns in the recent Electric Railway 2elr, the Town Clerk acted wrong- full in taking into account the ratepayers (property owners) only, They declare that the votes cast es- tab,ish the proper basis; that is, that a ratepayer with five votes scatter- ed over the wards should count’ as live Qatepayers in the percentage col- umn. Holding this View, they charge that a [rand has been committed, and threaten the Council with a law suit. The point at issue was cleared up in Galt tour years ago, and the Ber- lin protesters will do well to pause before throwing their money away in lawing. The Statutes make it clear that the Clerk of a. municipality must in the summing utrot the vot- es recorded in a money By-Law de- termine the standing of the same by eliminating all duplicate votes in cal- cuiating the percentage required to carry the same. The law giving the ratepayer a vote in every ward in which he holds property has not been repeated, and while it remains on the Statutes no other conclusion can be arrived " than that the procedure adopted in Salt and just lollowed by Berlin is the proper one. As a mat ter of fact, it is unassnilable from a legal point of new. The Berlin pro- testers will fund this out to their cost it they carry the matter into the courts. Te, 'a""“ "3., v tly. . c. f,'.'Itrtt a. "iiiiiiiiiiill but an: - Tihn . “" In! an M's -r#a'ad t In. at, - nu can a.» an. m. m up can; than. an" n was.“ â€We W ttttr, an out 4 which by. always in. “do! “It. "Mum debt - ama! being paid out oi cumin. Ir- vuml it it" be an an than.†â€0|qu have been put to good an. With I mm" Uovenunnu h POW- cr than would hue been lea to no thud: .003me In]. At the mama the Government has heal moat liberal in aiding the deval- opment ot the country thtouu the in. use! the public lands. Eta-Hwy A POINT 1N MONEY BY-LAWS TO PUT ON A GLOVE THE PANAMA CANAL 'b Md, M7. Ai, a blllllrll Jt whirh '. They I pnssi- Ilde the tt Th touching one." Nippon- “ about» _ P_t.-..A. Mich. In “on Flaw-l... 1mm. an M-Pt-aa. a“. TMMLI. WI. (Average attendance. 15 23 ?,tt1ty 5 >1, Section: formed, 5 7 - Membership. I 24 tld I .1110 report was well received. und "he members, in "audition ot the Secretary’- cervieen, unanimously voted him . bonus ot "s, .irf Addi- _titt. tohitr aaurr. newton-to theWtrtfott of once"; yrs-Men II": New! his resign-- “an n We. Mum Mn 'ttttrt- m 000! "ttar, at. public chr- W. The t-rsMee we Imam In Mun. - many new: otetdrvva1, S'atht11 It. It"! “a! M.ztlg" in in â€Mon othie ninth m tlt Al» -tt%utn In. “I mgr , ttro n2!- 'tb. _ ' _ s', . _. Societuy SA. Hmbucher, submitt- ed at interesting report; in which he and. the following comparisons:- 1902-03 1903-01 . Anna Attendance. " 23 The annual meeting oi the Twin- City Retail Merchants' Association WIS held in the paler: of the Anni ket Hotel, Waterloo, on Friday w ening. President C.H. Mills, pram ed, and in; brief and interesting manner reviewed the work perform- ed by the Associution, during the rear, which was very encouraging and sntilying. The interest taken in the ,eotk of the organizatu".1 was m- eaning, and general harmony ex- " mung the retail mounts o' the Twin-City. Treasurer LR. Clarke reported a. handsome misuse In hi. hands. No one can be blind to the enor- mous strides in progress made, the immense reforms she has (Rooted and the powerful nation she has convert- ed herself into during the last quar- ter eta century. The result is the creation on; power in the Eastern was that must in future be always taken into consideration by Western statesmen. 3 than in: coated to you that you nod I new†,. 'nor-t not u all no «you; men, but u an? in you no": couched-hot the would “trend tax oi lite. Inlet mu We team? Vot- ry were one: out. "ass noxk, but tony knot n not-lint, iii-n Brrttrtoatr-s symptom ot na- von- exhaustion. Other symptoms no nervous headache, morning lul- neu, that nuke- " dillcult to get out of bed; A we“ feeling in the M, indigestion; ttretttttmsttetts al- ter digit exertion; Irritable temp- er-perups some nerve pain, Inch u nailing“; males orltierpTittt pi'x- nlysll. Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills, in medicine for men, not directly a“ onthe source M discomfort. They restore manly vigor and energy, im- prove the appetite and tone up the nerves and the whole system. Mr, Neil H. McDonald, Estmerc, N.B,, is one ot the many men who has proved the value of Dr.Williarmr' Pink Pills He says: "I am glad to be nble to say that I have lound Dr. Williams' Pink Pills allthat is claimed of them. I was completely run down; my appetite was poor, and l suitered much from severe headaches. Doc- tors medicines did not give me the ‘needed relief, so I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I used on- ly 3 law boxes when my former health returned, and now , feel like anew mam" Lord Wolseley writing in the "Cor mopolitan" in 1895 said:-- When! visited Yeddo and the ports cl Ja- pan in the winter of 186mm the country was ruled upon the most exclusive Japanese methods. The r00- ple were held in subjecticn by a hereditary nobility who ruled them with arod of iron. They mire then tar behind China in all matters con- nected with sea power, lor in order to prevent any communication with loreign places, all Japanese junks, were, in accordance with the law, constructed with low, open stems, so that they dared not venture be- yond a few miles from shore. RETAIL MERCHANTS’ ANNUAL MEETING. x W "’ T W um‘ ( . - and tin-bull bin-hon tho-sh the “a hm but I") to!) Wt1hl Be. who Mr.Bitter, when V" bt.t turiaFidi' y . ' can“. ttPat lint urns-:- are: â€:WQWLWIH' J',',,- . "e, . “II. - Lm tamer; the rm‘ has! an. Bali- "rd 01M. In ado! a. “at. nt Waning-“01W. He is. we bo- Beee, I Wu by birth rid that M Alone should give him sumo- thing of. landing in this to". Weak, nervous, broken down men--- and women, too-will find new health and happiness inn fair use, of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Be sure that you get the genuine with the lull name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" printed on the wrap- per sround.every box. Sold by med- icine dealers or amt by mail " 50 cents tr' box, or six boxes tor 82150, by writing The Dr. Williams" Medi- cine cu, Brockailie, Ont. ' Samethingtttat will Banish War " and Brace up the System. MEDICINE FOR MEN RISE OF JAPAN it" ada. Fifty million dollars, ($50,000,000, is the cost of this great Exposition. Over 500 distinct buildings. Almost every Foreign nation has a. pavilion, wd each State a,club house. Can- ada's building is finished and the Grand Trunk will have a tine exhi- bit. Fifteen of the buildings are giants as shown by the dimensions: " will fdoubt bethe last Great Exposi- ion held in America iota long. time. it will is worth n year’s ed- ucntion to your Son or daughter to visit. The Grand Trunk have grung- ed to allow ztopoms " Any Con- adian station and " Detroit ind Chicago on the excursion tickets, which will he 'placed on sale April as», “continue tor the season. Fifteen day tickets will be sold " Single Pare. Thirty day ticket- " Fun and one-'rhrrd, ma good un- til Dec. 15th " super cent. on double One Way rates. _ Full inmmu'on on Application to Grand Trunk Agents, or J.D. Me- The Secretary was "instructed to have the various sections reorganized for the year at as early 3, date as possible. The many friends of John mount, will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism. Chamberlain‘s Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Manon, Ind.,) had failed to glue relief. The prompt relic! trom pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its cost. lt is sold by all druggists. WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO secretarr.-S.A. Brubacher. The question of holding a mer- chants' dinner was discussed, but no actionavas taken. KING STREET Rain Boats I 75 2 o, 225 2,50. 275. 300. 350 500, 600, 1000, 'tzoo. Wet Weather Goods - - - Umbrellas Became " the great mammal nude m the man»! stun otMrit-rst coats and in the matoxhl used, tbov have become I DFOOOIII‘V and I'M Item in the wudrobecf rho Twentieth Comury. With tba all)! new; just ahead you ought to think twice More passing than "tt can p} ltoducavl Prion. We clear "oe" " mainly a. the mum MOM an. In inn’: a question of tyrotlt .0 much now no manna mom for Ill in new goods that no coming. The» no mnrkol for q not telling. , _ 50, 75c no, I " 1.50, 2 oo, 2 50, $3 00 The Twin City’s Best clothing Store §3§AUDER & CO., WELL AGAIN GHEAP ll muhi, BEAN, I Cranky & Htntter, G. in Indian:- pom, will begin an unsung!“ My: In Chicago next. Sunday uni ,rhl not return hometo m, Thomas. until April. Donald, District Funny: Am Toronto. Mr. Peter Jmscn MEI-1TH In: been Appointed issuer of mutt-n licenses, the otha, ham-g unwar- ant Mate the that]? ot ttre Inc Rom. Jackson. . . ‘> x / - LW'-' m Lriiihi'iddicr F.Fe ‘h-u- -~ in... De a. , WEN" me. . n." LIEKM Kudl‘u 'd',tiA'!t.'tg no Vina. J,1itdt'rS't,tprotttml',t.'lr,tdi't2ale it all "can: nasal-rot grunt. “an". --. “.0..- _ --. - . L» _--- " A. - it -xee',retttr-d foe VII...““ dab." in? ,)rilislt"e,'i'i'ifi?rrid18 I In 'M%tltldt Ea WW: F 3-75! 3:357, Th I o! In upon rat, not pe'2ggtift', from Ill be. h t,W.,tift As l 113M: r,'Td'T?'.2,'st " but I‘m ' All: '01: II "a 'n n F in. £533.5- on th- 's'l2Jistit1,"oo'i' no. C tm. 3. t. KEIDALI. 60.. EMIUIO PAL“. W. "sa' f: Vin: Rm nan. amp, 'crAle,') "iil sor','teP'e1',"s,u'l'. â€In 'Gufuur, Whom-H "V '7 GGaiCtiiiGeVd ptient of fourth. may DR. TK J. KENDALL Cth. The Old Reliable Remedy FOB' GOOD FOR EVERYTHING» rm-er) H. W. UM w“...- P.'gr.' A )‘I la)" It Y.,',".'..'.".'.'.'. cs sawduu Pl', "C.'.".'.."..'.' tit Indium... _ ........... I"! c.......-.__1m I, Publhhor. Waterloo, Ont- BERLIN