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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Mar 1904, p. 5

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- WWII, or Br, a". an In. w . a. on! am. can u and" My. Fau1 azure “dun in o to" an [amp tr uni h'lrral apt!“ {I m: our-ll pull", holder. . DUN. '- without " u ch.» And with. and“ ot aoxiot, Mono hwy-g In! ye. que, Syrup of Unwed, Maurice throdyno will do it. The am done at": and. In mm 21: CURE THAT DOUGH Dunn's " Drug D macho Apotheke. onions oooo9 4- Mr. No .hccu add: J. um" The Waterlco Woollen mills dost-w down Friday morning on acroot cl u break in the valves ot the engine. The "Great IAms" and what was lelt of the Waterloo senior hockey dub played an interesting game at the rink Tuesday owning, the seniors manning by J-i. Mr. Justus Hotiman, the well- knusn team driver of Waterloo, was in New Hamburg Tuesday and put- tttused a iiue heavy draft horse, a. match to tus spotted gray, i Local News. f o90+o .yitsyo0usssssoss+ WM Mr. Alex. Leitch had the misfor- tune on Saturday to fall on the lee breaking a rib and injuring his side, The patient ts doing nicely un- der the care' of Dr. Armitage. I” "training a nu gnu "Haunt, ...- side. The patient Is doing nicely un-' Intemtlng “Fun. game' IT" derthe care' or Dr. Armitage. 513:? In title "ttlt',, :1th Firm; T , ,; ve ng w en " It: s o . Mr. llenry SY.): of “cum? Park Waterloo Curling Club defeated the hotel has purchased a fine, new piano, bachelors b six hots The lea _ trom Mr. Gustave Hamel and has in x ll ty dlf' . " phced it in Ns hotel for the enter- /ifJ'ui',1,,'Tdl)/'f tafnment F”? many patrcns. I Benedittts.--W. Wells, so and", There died m Glasgow, Leotland. J. Hespeler, F,0, Hughes, Bk.--". on Feb. 20, John MacLeish, provision Bachelors,-- A. Hergott. R. B. "YI'".": Deceased was known some, Home J. Hertel. WA. Bruce. ck il, what in Preston and Waterloo, where Benediets.-D. Kuntz, C. Snider, J. he had visited-Preston Progr"s. S. Lockie, A. Jones, A. 14. Owing to a break m $htt engine the Bachelors.-], McCorklngdalo, 3. customers of the Waterloo Con- A. Boehm, G. Killer, WM. '5 Butnersf Gics Ctr, had to do without Cabe, ak. lt. gas Monday meme The repairs I3enedicts,.-Gao. Moogk, w, Car- were completed during Monday night. thew, W. Hogg, J.B. Snlhr, tsk. iii. Mr. Jos, Fl. Seagtam's two race Bachelors-WO. Kreuger, C. Feick horsrs. Persistence and Merry Flag- C. Koehler, J. Haight, Bk. 17. land, have been entered for the Sara- ‘ Total, Benedicts "--Bschelors M. (on handicap which is run the first I Ana! the Saratoga meeting in A NEW INDUSTRY. Aqgust titat. i Mr. Geo. w. Woodward, Caroline The Waterloo Hockey Club closed St., showed the writer the other the season Very pleasantly Monday day what may bethe nucleus ot a cveging by holding anoysrer supper new industry tor this country and as the City llotcl, The boys did full will be ot interest to fruit growers justice to the tempting vUpds sen;- generally. It has been common to us- ed by Mine Host Hergott. swinte the growing or lemons with ...-., "-1 A..._ vi.- Ln. - ‘nmn- .- Mr. Alvin Scheitete, who lives sev- eraPmiles southwest at Waterloo had the misfortune on Tuesday afternoon to break his ankle. Ho and Mr. C. Hilliard were carrying bee! when Mr. Scheilele slipped and tell on the ice, with the "move result. Tam?“ son of Rev. OF. Salton. '" pl K Domin'lon Mqrttodist Church, Guam, tormetly pastor of ‘Vnwloo Methodist Church. .yu ' t under snow slide on he ' roof, Monday mretting up! ,. . In a precarious oondttiott. He is was and the outcomo in yet It I and” In. Geo. Wogcnut. At It. um- ot mun. mm e “was their side". you Hue“. ," _ giant " yarn. who van “in"! Ulla; from the root on his 14he has concussion of the it st than “condom. and m Wu] lot in mm. ‘Illylttudl ol Rang-d In. m “it to. I - r.. . . - "es ”any friends of Mr. Harry Duh. formerly ot the Chronicle stall, Waterloo, but latterly editor of the Bellevillc Ontuio, ‘will be pleased to learn at his appointment to the edi- torial stall ot the Ottawa Journal, And will wish him every success. Mr. Isaiah Hilbom. oi Pcntlanll, has sold his 57 acre {arm about lull wny between Elmira and Elan, to Mr. Daniel Esch, for t3,000. Mr. Hilborn. will also sell the tarm on hitch he limu‘he has bought: lull from Mr. Jesse Clemom, . near mun. . CAUGHT UNDER SNOW SLIDE Fa 'iIrdiLLio, 'rausutsed on tr m mu nu mm tc “animal's adv... about " “our“. will- has bean and 1 to " til Sung“. Conn: N; Sex; of out, 89,800; ' . . M. “.000; J. lulu-ALM' l?. Dewitt”: " Noah Hemmer of [humor has added to the stall of clerks at. 'th lay-'0 In; wan o' ive, mud an in it “I am. cm - nuditydun y. INSURANCE. F q.4.+9+ot0oeo - 'mag, MBATED D, Not Pat Off. is Hothnan, the well- driver of Waterloo, was burg Tuesday and put- Ie heavy draft horse, 3 spotted gray, . Leitch had the misfor- W tsterloo, more and 'aiu' tttpf, Jivino-km _ . Wall-ILA- Inn-l N-giaebt to - mu. (have “a. Ccutul Bvtooi nu. ‘uu maid. “TURDAY MARKET no Wot huh- u I: u tte main - “a a igtaPgdt a _ h - s pre 1t'utr "W. ma. non min-“ml a. not In tho ma- jority " ma um mind " Me, nation. Butter Ill sold a he . It. Ch.“ ot new “than“ us: In mint "ttand. No wood In clued. EASTER CNTATA The Young People's Alllnnu ot .he Evuphcal Church win rendhr Wt Sum out“... annual. "Tho Usptise," on land" ovsaing, hm, 4th. A programme it uh; would. which will In at . lpechl dunner. The members ofthe Alliance will be assumed by Mm mm llama. Fa-. terlm'e taeorite clouutlonlqt. All ure cordially invited to be pro-cm. No admission tee will be charged, m 'a silver Collection taken. TO ORGANIZE IN WELLESLEY, Capt. Bechtel, Limts, Hyde and Mucgk mad about u dun other mem- bers ot No.7 (Jammy. 20th Regi- ment, Waterloo, “tended . meeting in Wellesley Saturday evening. The meeting had been previously aunt (a tor by Sergeant Pressing ot Ira- texloo and was tor the purpose ot or- gunning a. company in Wellesley, A wilitary leeling prevails in the not- them village and some ofthe leading resident Are very etttttutsiaatic, The outlook is good And no doubt I company will be formed this summer. At e am“ meetihg ol the Water-t loo Town (‘ouncll held at two ‘Hock Tuesday afternoon the Ruhr aGlam: factory was sold to Mr. vtsiestthse ot Pt. Levis, for a good figure. Mr. Valentine biruls,himself by contract to instal new machinery. to employ thirtv hands from the start and " hands below the end ot the second yam. The Mor spece of the factory allows seventy the hand: and Mr. iV'alcntine expects to employ that many hands before the end at two years. He expects to. begin open- tions about June tat. . Mr. Vela- tine, who has had prectieel exper- ience, and is at present meager at e tuurisliing aha lectory in Pt. Lens, them, will no doubt meet (with success in his new enterprise. RAEHR FACTORY SOLE BENEDICTS WON. Mr. Geo. W. Woodward, Caroline St., showed the writer the other day what may be the nucleus ot s new industry tor this country and will be oi interest to trait growers generally. It has been common to ss- sociate the growing of lemons with tropical countries, but 1: lemon tree in the possession at this gentleman proves that this supposedly tender plant can be brought through a moat rigorous northern winter it properly cared tor. About a year ago. Mr. Woodward purchased . lemon tree, which he has carefully nurtured, tak- ing it into the house when the frost: of winter came on, with the result that it is now over five ieet high, quite healthy, 3nd contains blotr- soms. fruit partly developed end one lemon lully grown, measuring over ' inches in circumference one way and " inches the other, just such 1 sine as prudent housewives like to buy. There is no immediate danger '0! Mr. Woodward becoming a. serious eompe- Ititor ot Southern growers; howqer. The Lat ttt the lulu in the Ju- ou: Cup {and wu plum! ll ttte Inkloo r at Timmy "min. be llow mg Berlin lnbermedlnhl ad Waterloo, .my team. aad m wonky Waterloo by O in to 8, tmt " Berlin detected “an” on Trashy ovum: by I gods to 4, Berlin with round “I an Joe -tCtqttrt1gua1sto10.Urt qTu ain‘- mo wu a full :1!“th I - and m ulwnarloo l. a}: WON THE JANSEN CUP the itnatertttm.-diis “molt; '.rltt_tt--to In km ot up". animal. Aloud as“ m tit than-.11.“ - I Bqrtu.-4Hat,Be-r, ”can- [has magnum m, 0'th Itat In". an Icon his; H II “out. ttear I. LII. and ttt I” am period. Soon “it pity num- " “who madam not! H and " load callus Cup would to. all: Me. But “I. [out chow the he! or “this; ti this halt, and “at m. but to Icon, ad wk- M van ulld my had ”on! In an, M mug god Ho. and , may. ttre, n!!! I“ In". I". - - -... Wm“ m; in». a loan; can, “can; 'ee-ro., c, Root. R. In. but“. all Y.“ ammonia-k In"? inhuman 't'dlg' i Ih m" Ia V ' "Pl atlt ttt,rr0tr%i' it w , 'A-tee.. at. a!» put, I“:- "rdf, I. e- W m - EM" new. “HUI cl hh-| an we. . can you. in” We“! who . It“! It ”II Intact. at ll- BMW. ot W. The low Chunk In Web old mum-n1 de toraut tart you an new mu in and], Anton!" ”may. Ttte when new 'dt on“ in- stall“ by lie-In. E Ind Lye a Son ot Tomato, "o wack- ego, alum "tsag [an Inn" tn the choir [on and chuck service: and It. decal-sum humanize perhct- ly with the but“)! decoration- ot theehareh. The in an entire " oem ot “when; we colon ore chute and the announce ot the church on arm WBlt the yubject of myth (month comment. by winners, who In! not. seen the Interior ot the twin line. In renovation. but "emu; the hudlome editiee In crowded to in ammo-t capacity t music Iona ot Wuterloo and “in. Row: ot chain were pinned in an Hula And consider-bl. up.“ in the “joining Sunny School room I” ulilludlor the mommodation od the In.» number present. So ttr-tttlen. vu we attention of she gunman! “Home during the rendi- no. ottttn mm pole! that the will; of the clock on the val]. dur- ‘tho pinniulmo pauses, could be hard distinctly over ttid Inge nu- Mum. l The programme won one ot rare excellence. Many in this vicinity are pnrticulorly intereeted in Mr. Vogl. become he ll one ot the old Water- loo County boys, having been brought ug in the villnge ot Elmira. The love >0! mini- was inborn in him, With- out nay ot the smiled advantages oi eorly lite, he rose stead- ur by hi- own native obility and "iotermittBtion and perseverance to tttttforemost rank oi musicians in thin country. The Mendelssohn choir ot which he in conductor is universal- ly concede! who the finest mixed chorus on the continent, it not in the world. A: organist, he also ranks mug the best. The numbers in the prognmme int night were varied, and well ealeulated to give scope to hie cnpecity on solo performer, on he answered the rfquirements oi the coho edmirobiy. H it pioying is elm, slurp end crisp, peddling light end - um he treated his subject: with intelligence ond clear understnnding. Hie pinying through- out was characterized by unusuel brillimcy, bringing out the lull, rich Mr. PM. Wagonut. u old Water- loo boy, storms: member ofthe choir. new tenor loloist and choir- mutor oi Central Methodist Church, Woodstock, contributed two 3010: and ' tenor oblipto in In anthem by the choir. He In: great hvorite with that!» audiences and sustained his high reputation last night hv his splendid rqgdition oi "O Divine Re- deemer," by Gounod and "dust us I An." In tesponso ton encore he pun putriotic sang with urim at atsandort tut provoked a storm fol applause. Mis- Elm: Snider contributed the septum solo “I know that my Re- loom" llveth." in a very pleasing mallet. Her enunciulon was hum less, he: interpretation sympathetic. Tho choir‘undex the leadership ot Miss Bean an; two numbers in ex- oeHuO atyla. treMe Btar.--Rtrv. Samuel Car- ruunre, pastor of Dovercourt Road Presbyterian Church, in seriously ill at " rdbidenee, 005 Dovercourt road. The minute: went to Great Britain -stly tor the beaent ot his health, being given leave ot absence by his _ .ngreption. no - Unnamed back him. on mourn ot the severe illness ethi- wlle, and now he is in much were. health than at the time at his departure. Today it ll feared by her ptrylrle and lrlendu that Mrs. Car- ruthen may not recover, but. her hus.. hund’l we in considered to be more aqua-nu. Hr. Carruthers was put-or ofthe Waterloo Presbyterian Church in "". Their many Waterloo ltleedl will regret to leern ot their like». FORMER WATERLOO P ASTOR ILL. The points curling “me- were 'larsd .II a. Wlmloo rink on Mon- d.rqraning “in. Kalli", Mr. W. M. lcCho W proud holder otthe In DI. dolutchello mean! for the you!“ yen. bending the In ol truth" qrtth " Ihou. n. tee m "All good condition all tovudl no has " I“ vary 'ilBetslt to not. . "in. Tho hm number ot points that alumni gun, thedstaik d not. his; Mu, oHour shots I! at , “I 't'gttii1l1itt 2t fit! a“. gut ' dup In. ',7s"A mar h. was. draw. tM- - .14 clipping the W. Th m mu 'ttlt-.- ll. - ti'l. Ho“ M, C. - n D. can (no. A. Duo. It, in. V“. il, than N M, I). “in, A. tNe- " P. I Glut I. .11. “I. Mn It, " , 3.). m. u, 0. ru, .03. In: tt,W. . " 0.. Tttthe t . " " - u . . H’CABB WON THE MEDAL It. 0.5m ti-tete 0! ttga'Nttl'rg'Jeg'd"tttt mumMMtt "iiriliik iiii:iiui - tmotties at tile handsome new or- A: You 800 It Today - med With New Arrival: of SW Goods, h UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT "Owing to the great success or this 'mtertainment and the numerous rc- questa that have been made," said the chairman arthe Cadets Uymn n- tie Concert last evenuB, "it has b'vn decided to largely repeat it on Sat- utduy evening. Admission ten cents, t The Cadets were assisted by Miss Moore and Miss Breithaupt, who sang Mautilully and were deservedly elected; by Mr. Boyd Sylvester who (no two excellent comet solos, and .by the whole Woodward Orchestra, whose playing last evening added to their reputation as a nne musical combinntlm. The Waterloo Cadets Delight a Large Audience With Their Wonderful Feats The interest, however, centred mainly in the Cadets, They are com- posed of some two dozai lads at irunr ten to fifteen years of age, who mcet regularly in the Lecture Room oi the Malia?“ Church nor gymnastic and other raining. They looked very pat- tr in their blue and white uniforms, and when they started on their dri- 'lerent exercises they nearly took the breath ot the audience away. In the dumb-bell, club, and floor drills they showed a remarkable precision, the result ot careful training and haul drill. Agility, skill and nerve were predominant in the difficult teats an the mattress. Jumping. diving, hand- springs, twisting, turning, and tumb. ling, followed in quick succession. Now they looked like colts, now like arts, now like monkeys, and sum-- times like smell elephants. The formation of the different lv- ing pyramids was really a difficult ncrohatic [eat which was, at the “me time, very amusing and inter. estingior the audience. In the purnilcl bu Work the Ca- dets did some very tine work, and their performance was followed by An exhibition on the bars given by Mr. Dotrcilcr and Mr. Sovereign ct the Y.M.C.A. Perlia, which was real- ly wonderful, gaming what could he done try a high combination of skill, strength Ind nerve. Some ot the indies in the audicn'c looked I trim, union on the cadets, in pairs-este on the other's should": we onto wrestle, but there were no widen“. The endutNtce and - combined with octane show . this content, a ulna in their gun- u. m rally remuhble. AltogetlF ar tin-concertw a most magnum d m. Oren credit in due Mr. Eldon Detwdlor, who ll etrgaged by the Culetou Vainer. Their work - that MI work m well done lam war. Lt.-Col. Am “an WI, on. up Iron am to preside at mule: vary "beient chnirmu. Rev. A.E. have“ wu and on ter Mu mfh were an cloning ta; Retold the ”not. at the “on. at mid that any boy could MI m'ould eon-Ill to than tul- -. 1.-Beeh oad" mu- u t “In“. ashram obedient of "dgra. no “and all who but u- “ no. qtteetBttmtegtt. Thu " Wyn p91. Wily 'ee no Watch» Young wn- Clot- dOhI “A. Hana" to u lug -eet m Ctty Mull - ‘WM 'tthd '0“ Th cu" Ntteet an Gymnastic mu.- m mm tn m mu loo Town Hall sunny mm. 1 Hr Mi in "can. The Cash Shoe Store. JOHN SCHONDELMAYER, J. Ufhthmann,, WE hsve every lesson to be gainful to the Puretuusing Public for the hearty support. In have received in response to our efforts to make this store the poprNr unding plans, for the muses. Our efforts to ret sin the ttonfidtsnms of the public sud to msintain the lead in the shoe business of Waterloo will be re-doubled this year. We want. to sell you your shoes. If you do not trade with up, WHY NOT? : '. I ' t mu'nhi it ottir "trare Duh. CammI-Huainghu. ENQ'BW 3%.um.m ".tt'. Luteotto--tt-dhmoottr" percentvomabhtoullyonthogoodnuold pru-rgtsod-txmtrtttUFttteeising market::::: ..tttttt In, mum nd a)». not to be hand will.“ 0b. Don't forget to brirtghs your "palm, Oppome Zimmerman Home. The Leading School The Berlin Bushman College ls rap idly becoming the leading commercial and shoxthaud typowliuug school in Wooten: Ontario. It In tstaetieal,pro- you!“ and has n "att of opeoitsl1y trt0trdia.trittttore. With its hundred students, it is now ambushed In it: new quarters, the fftteqt Basin". Coll.. irge promise: in Canada. Cnnlo; free. Teacher of Organ. Pano, Violin und Rar. mo y; also at l using and the prone mode of breathing. For 1mm app y to VERY SUCCESSFUL- For more than tum yen-a has our cog cure stood the test. Do not neglect a cold nor a slight cough whe one bottle of Dr. Hoofhstad'. Consump tion Cum will bring instant. relief Price as and tot, and every bottle gum unwed. A,. t XWCDCMB, Stores t Berlin & Waterloo. Phonisa 49 and 210 Open Sunday's. (2i1'i'itsiff'tsitittifip,, l quzlinmuestion of tha lltr, ' . oat"d of“; iiWiFauih>Ciiit if: -73” - - b no. u an Silver Wntch Boxes. 'Gnn um Olga Canon. Pun Kuhn, Fenian Pm Ind unnum- Honk cm- In have ttt gel}! qd 't1orr, tn pink: and ”mad wit, you'd; MM (III-Wu km 1904 "dlntrgA'tafilNNd."d'N BAHAMA" 2lilWil Mull but u m m. m. WORLDS FAIR. ST.LOUIS CEI. cr. RODS, Sh'fie"ti'ifa'tEtfMe.' sue. Dlroctor of the Waterloo Musical Society’s B out. AUe%tg'ltgh8tt W.J’. ELLJO'I‘T, Principal HM enrolled as many students during the last tive months u it enrolled last your in ten months. Eater now. Free Catalogue. Berlin Business College, W. D. EULER, Principal. Attend the Beau-It Pays mum-mar at! am. Successor to Snyder's Drug Store - _ -- 1vaterloo, Ont. Strntlord, Ont. E. M. DEVI'IT. A. Um, .H 333$ I“ Elam“ AND sun " tl. B. Rrhit"dn) mum AND SATURDAY, MAB '. om 100 New Spring 2km: hi St and Dead Length at 'ully one-th r than regular prices. . Thu. mun-Mmummmuw Mull! oldies-mm. b'o.eetmdso.itMt8 tmgthettaisttttnta thorough knowledge or the "and; woman-twat. 1tt,ttt,2erg,thx-t1,,rttg.tgtttarq, about them, wt duty: found in ready-town! M , :-l :1; Woqtsetft_pHt-irtsttoourwerraiotttto ' an be and by buyin your spring skin hm Friday and $7.60 SKIRTS FOR “05 ,," 18sklru-oetasdoty1a. inbluh 3nd “and tweak; * Vanni-nu 090., regular Idling prim 7.50 Friday and sand. 29 skirt. instep longth and dru- skirts My ivoodl and I, stylishly made. Assorted Putoma, mull: price 7.00 n1heii" Baud-y 450. '/'/,is' use mm. for $2.69. $6.00 skirts for "" moo-Mt: " iMarket Grocery. Berlin 7.75 " 5.00, 9.00 " 0.75. 10.00 " - - - t We vane you to use the skirt: and note the prion. They will "V with more panama than we could pouihlydo. _ _ A g ' Pmscss all the lymlily and elegance of a $6.00 shcc---thcy are made by the very best skilled workmen-yet we sell them for only $5.00 They tit the foot so perfectly without a pinch or a. hind anywlv re that the man wearing Crosset's dislikes to take them off. The stock The style. The workmanship is absolutely correct. .. I l t t OUR MEN’S $5.00 CROSSETT gagsgyri woman E.H.ZICK - - ..' Our spring stock of Wall Paper has unwed. A fine usohment. Select now. WALL PAPER Raymo Bros’. CROCKERY QMWWWMW' éFlSH! FISH! FISH! emuuwmuw i? G. B. RYAN & CO. "l2.tT,ratgttrtg2rntlt'rtt2i;': M FtMtd' manna“... A and ftrtgC2tt2,t1ta/,tTu'lth,dtllut Iowa-inn. BOOK STORE 2icK'S SHOE HOME ZICK’S SHOE HOME $7.00 SKIRTS FOR “.50 Do the Neatest Repairing. BERLIN. You-tom Fai Smoked Haddy, and sr-r. Bloatera. Must Arrived 47-h Fresh Sea Herring, Bib dock and Cod. Pieklled Lake Herring and Trout FreshHL a ky T r o n ' Frozen. E. N. HAWKE, Pickled Sea Herring, A 4ttbrltmd of new Cam In and with ohms! - - new“ Inuit», remonbk but. on. Theym known a the but on the main, will); In cosh", quality and Mru. Me am bolero buying - when " an Nancy-Mn wunoomc, Watch». um, wu'nmq. Waterloo , m! It" W

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