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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Mar 1904, p. 4

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L.yfotttc-f_ot.t, con Inn scarce at- a; .. In thelocgl ttunoriesc.. Fee The ' 1h“ tot-b north at the vtl1age in in W, m Md condiuon..,. In. M. Rush tit, h 1Gllh, uppe-dicms...... Mr. RI .‘ . Mu. at. w Hadl- . 1Pli4iA'lil. an III"... ltr. C. " out. Vin-3a. who huh-en I . ttt II mm... It. Sn. - II mmoMpln-n- if, fC.=1 tt'.ittittgJt?l,'t,ld ' WU“, - ... . Mu Com-gal ‘ = 'th tttttg vi'Vrey spent Sunday in licrlin _. . Evelyn Lackner is visiting with Iriends in Toronto, Edna. Oakes is visiting friends in Itertin-Miss Moran ol Beechvalc was the guest ot Emma Lackncr on sunday-Dir. James McKay who spent the past low months with David Donalds, lett this week lor the West PP'"" Miss Kate Weber, who has been clerk in J. Laidtaw's store for the past year and; half, left this werk forllcr home in Elmira. The many friends of Miss Weber are sorry to sen llCr take her departure from our midst. ......Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brick”. spent Saturday in 1Icidelberg-Niss Tanner or Allendale, who spent the past week visiting relatives here, left on Saturday for Listuucl and was accompanied by Hattie Ander- son. Fannie Ballard, and ML, and Mrs. N. Cunningham-Bliss Bow- man of West Montrose, isa visi- tor at Wm. Peterson‘s “Mr, and Mrs. Henry Spies of Flnradale. spent Saturday in our vil'agv.-rtcv. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt of tit. Jac- obs, were in the Village on Tuesday bt last week., . Mr. James Thomp- non, our cheese maker, is husv pre- paring his Factory and getting ready for spring-Mrs. Albert Ludwig is visiting her daughtvr in St Jacobs, " iressettt-tuTuy1 Alumna smut Saturday in Waterloo. Saturday in Waterloo. Briefs.-. Wheat is still and our farmers are M it away"...... There was no week for several days, hut did come a number “err ing a good supply home , Brielso- An cxrnllont germ delivered by the Rvv. Mr. l mater mt the Methodist Chum thy atternoon.-A Loud rvpl ttan of Wintcrhourne attends Bloomingdale Debating Sour! tsrGy evening last . .. The Y.' will hold aclosing concert I season on 25th inst-hfr. ltohmm is engaged as but Mr. Kelterborn, St. Jacobs, L mom The Sick-Mrs. John Duncan is very ill-Hugh Veitch, second Son ot Mr. W. Veitch, is very ill with pest-ia-Mr. John Sherifi's son " very sick-Mr. Wm. Clcnwps is manly sutterir.tg vwith J'nfumritauon “the bowels-Mr. new Millnrd amen his foot badly with hot wat- 1H. i' Brum.-- yrs,29et, Cnllewgy was h it“ neighborhood 1tokipx for light hum". Mr. A. Glennie met with had weldeni Int week in moving he MI newly purchased tarm near me. When wont opposite Mr. _ ' piece his load upset, burying In the mow. As no one heard _ Cries tor help, Mr. Glennie was pelted to rennin in the snow, ‘lou hour: when hit. Ross came (" tt-tgtartee. Personai.-Ephraim Britkoy and Le t'ii-.k-ue..teere..'. ”hm.“ no - " .~ " " not hum-M I 'dia-ee-tr-ot'. uni-naval up.- GirFsieritt is seri,ously IANNHEIK WINTERIX HAWKSVILLI‘ PLATTSVILLE -csc maker, is husv pre story and getting ready ..Mrs. Albert Ludwig i daughter in RI Jambs ”an. hind!“ . w I at Ml- ' 2 point IS renderer ag, and J. , A. Hall essays by r. J. Berg ommunity than The speakers on Messrs. David lman and on the 111 and F.. Rick- gun-I'll- )L'HN! T r t tor the Mr. Alfred butcher to s.for the ircrli capital wl' t Quar- y mem- Bergey subject “which 'tl the ty Sat h tl 41ick last " Personal.--" h. DeBus and [am- (i.l.y' moved to Wellesley on Friday,.,, ' in; E. Gaul was quietly married to iMiss Ida Jumit on Thursday last....... Mrs. E, Bennewies of Brodhagen, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. H. Maurer..,.,. Miss M. Kreuter, of Milverton is visiting at ho.ue, Mr. and Miss Stock, and Miss E. Yunghlut of Tavistock Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wett- lauter. m "In. In his drxtttg6 tt ' an“. all h ttn Wu“. “out mind!“ ot the than a when. mum. it "was. V . H. mama. «up mum I.“ aim was]: in: Cids but, South linking. to "l him with his unit. Ir: Jun. thick as! 01th Muwm Hr.. M tier. who has been ohm rich I“ tor about. {our weeks is an to U around again.....lr Olen J. Sui- hu opened a millinery department in hit store. which he has oqu.ipped with the latest styles In mthliier, An experienced milliner from .. no: don in st hand and iill In charge ot the department - time.., Mr. Levi Kerchner, of o Bumbag, has lately disposed ot hum end has now rented - duh“ house on “Goose St," owned by Mr. Chas. Kreutziger. This more adds anoiher resident to our burg... v-Mr. Adam Sattler, has purchased the tour acres of land and con- tents on it from Mr. William Bay- man o...hir. Albert Krpuber, one dt our prominent farmers, has pure chased a gasoline engine from Turk Bros, Merlin, and a satititactory day's uncxhidr? ias lately done with lt......:\ll hol rs of invitations to the larewell party on King St., to. night, should not neglect to wear the green ribbon and shamrock for this is St. Patrick's Day. . Obituary.--) regret to chrortlle the death of Mr. F. Pentz, who died at the House ot Refuge on Sunday morning. He leaves awifc, one an and three daughters to mourn Us loss. His last remains were interred in the Lutheran Cemetery on Wuhan day morning at 10 o'clock Iron tne residence or Mr. C. Rehbeig. it is stated that asyndicate of wcaltltX Americans have purchased Mount Popoeatepel, an extinct vol- cano in Mexico, nearly 18,000 feet above sen level, ior thelpurpose oi developing its supposed inexhaustible supply of sulphur. Popocatepel was at one time, a great many decades back, an active volcano, but for 'lu- ly two hundred years it has gi no indications of the smouldering forces that once moved it. During this protracted period a repose the accumulated deposits of sulphur in the capacious crater has become hard- ened on the surface, but from trial borings it has been found that the sulphure is still liquid at a depth of some sixty [net below its harden- ed surface. For nearly one hundred years considerable quantities of sul- phur have been laboriously carried by perms up out of the crater and down its snow-clad sides, and, after un- dergoing a (process of refining, is sold at about forty dollars a ‘ten lint the supply is utterly inadequate to meet home consumption, and thou- sands of tons of sulphur are being annually imported into the republic. The American engineers now propose to run a tunnel to tap the deposit of melted sulphur some six hundred leet below the mouth oi the crater. This tunnel WI” slant slightly upwards from its mouth, and will be lined with a. tireresisting wall, so that when completed a stream oi molten sulphur will llow out oi it into large basins dug out ot-the side of the mountain. Refining works will be mountain here cs' here established, Vanda cog-wheel railway will he built to connect the refinery shth the city ol Mexico. The adjourned case of forgery pre- [erred against John H. Thamcr will resume at the poli e court on Thurs- day morning Th o'clock. Crown Attorne; Bowlby, K.0., has subpoe- med a' .11. Clarke oHroronto, who was acting manager of tha Arr bank in 1901 um .13. Watherell, clerk in the Arr bank at that. time, who will Also produce the books. Government Detective Rogers will he on hand, as well as Chiet Inspector Cronhy, olthe Canndlnn Bank ot Commerce, who wllLloolr an“ the bank's inter- The people of Chiugo can now be buried on the instalment plan. A company ha been organized with 'itr, hate to but WA'" end the at. eul expenses paid in monthly in- stallments. For menace, it one " Mftq n 850 lumen! he 'tll 81 down end " em“ for wave month. At the time cl the had-I. Who last pen-um a pad. ml. the Monthly mum-u m m. nu, lit,' tttd t',tl'titt £23.: . In _ ll m. lo It a new "In an» we; a: rr.), tit-eat, an.“ in tt'i?iiie'i'ii(, Ttlt, bptr6 h 0- !!! m ' . an T "". _ - 7,” "' p. 7 l V an FUNERALS ON THE INSTAL- MiNT PLAN. ' iNlsa' XHAUSTIBLE SULPH UR MINE. ' “AMER HEIDELBERU ROSTOCK CASE "'""e "l rs: Tb mun-lino it. now than I: no“ it, - at no tmm mun-kn te, paid " per ft': Sl “loud tre aad um a m or and: an but on “by!” m.’Mmu . CstF la! Ind mm Town Clerk AM- tag Orangutan what was [lid in nth: tom and cities, at reported thnt Suntan! paid 83.50; St. can. win. $3.80 tor Ohourl; Woodstock, $150; Guelph $8.50. as I!!! ti' 'otik man. Th_ “may print“ c' in "unauth- tor an position ot , 'ee, was opened and tho ”It 10110th We" consider- _ In!» Luanda-m, Philip At.. _ “on C. Handwr, Robert G. V pF ' boon; Gustave Karenina, II: ' M.B. new, Albext mammal, Sunuel B. Fetch um August Hate]. The Board, mu u Imgthy discussion, unanimously " apt! to recommend Mr. P.K. Weber tor the position. The unount chub uy was not settled upon. Chairman Role. presided at the meeting one. Sprinkiing Corgtmibw tee, tt which tenders were' received tor the privileges at ndvertislng on the various sprinkling carts. The up- plicants see're the Cignrntaker's Un- ion and A. Weseloh & Co The Committee _decided to paint an? im- prove the carts at the expense ot the town. The Mayor auggqsted 'hat the town advertise itself as "The best town in Canada," The matter ot appbinting drivers for the various sprinklers we; left in the hands of the chairman. The report of High School In- spector John Seam, who visited the Berlin High School a few weeks ago, has been received by the local au- thorities, and is of a satisfactory character. . Under the head oi accommodation he classes the water closets, water supply, school grounds, teachers' pri- 'vate rooms, heating, ventilatign, as number one-the highest rating. The school buildings, caprooms, desks, blackboards and Jighting are given as 'the second grading, and'the class rooms, waiting rooms and halls, the third. Some of these branches, were at the previous inspection given a higher classification than this time, even though hnprovements have been made during the. interval. Under eiuiprhent, the inspector says, "The Science equipment is very good." In some respects the provision for teaching the prescribed course of study is insufficient, owing to the inadequacy of the stall The addition of a commercial specialist would en- able the principal to make proper provision tor all departments. He pronounces the division of duties among teachers as not satisfactory, but adds that under present condi-' tions the detect is unavoidable. The stall is all legally qualified for Collegiate Inititute standing; :1 com- mercial specialist must be appointed. The discipline is satisfactory. We character ot the teaching is gone into fully. Mathematics, classics. commer- cial drawing, reading, drill, are all classed as good. In reading, of 28 pu- pils examined, _25 are classed good, and 3 lair. "This is an unusually good record," he adds. The book- keeping sets and drawing he classes as very satisfactory. In concluding, he says, "I have great pleasure in com- mending the progressiveness of the Berlin board. The school will, lhope, be a collegiate institute belore the closing of the present year. ' Itake this opportunity ot cxpresg» ing my appreciation of the board's treatment of its late principal. He has well deserved its generos- ity. There has never been an tamer teacher, a better scholar, or a more worthy man. The board, I may add, is justified under the changed condi- tions, in expecting much from the new principal, who has well deserv- ed his promotion. ... Who; compleicrl the hew technical building will be the futest in the pro- Vince. A meeting oldie Property Com- mittee ot the * County Council was held on Tuesday “tumour and was attended by County Councillor! Rad- te: chairman, Séhaeiet, DeBun, and lulu: Laird. Councillor Plum Wu detained owing to o wreck near New Hamburg. Accounts amounting to 8248.03 were passed. The congest- iion ot St. Matthews' Luther" Church were given permission to use the Court room providing it my: for nickel and light. Itrttlrerrtert "to when no to; our. work when» A elm-In ol mambo" has been [and by the ontario brunch ot the Cattadiatt Mamtmeturera' Atmteigttiott arm-lag the Onurlo Gonnment'n ,wlnow baton the last-lune and lee a. mm ot m uncu- , to opp-nu. Than-Imm- . M tnth. who. to in- - In View a - tqt-to. an mu lad-hm. _ Bt. JM, II. It“ 2,'ttt an. Inn: an lam. In!” Witty “I F In $taHnq, -, "-""'-." - new. 01 "'PiPers"l.tR'd'ff,l'l The committee arose at Ifaty ed to recommend Mr. P.K. Weber so mum to-wn has been held liehle the position. The Amount ofsal- to my tor m whims tor Cili- r was not settled upon. “a by reuon ot injurie- Intel-ed _'uiion one of the highways ot the SPRINKLING' DEPARWENT. ‘town; and elm an the Corpora- litiou ehpul mates ”will grunt 'hAirnum Role, presided at the of 81,000 toward the expense: ot the 'tht ofthe sprinkling ComtrtiF nontlon new, were: other , tt which tenders were' received lpuxpom, end u it would beeheevy the privileges ot edvertising on .addltion to the burden oi nation, I various sprinkling carts. The Ip- "or 1904, it the and ruin: should be cents we‘re the Cignrrttaker's Un- levied in one yum Md , it is desir- ‘and A. Weuloh a Co Thelma toborrowthetttun 0187.500end mmittee .decided to paint an, im- extend the time tor puymeet thereon we the carts at the expense of town; period of twenty yeu‘s. The xtown. The Mayor suggtrted that ~vote will he tekm on Friday. April atown advertise it-sell as "The ir. it will require the sum ot 8576.- t town in Canada." The matter ot 57 to be raised each yen during painting drivers ior.tht various. {the 20 yang, PROPERTY COMMITT EL HIGH SCHOOL REPORT. It f? 7- w, 7 a», -3. t I .. MtM, fix?" Mligil I x n - . ra , n itl8tillllff It, ItMtttt "r' a, kid r _ ef tr,'j'itiiitt Stl " , an ' I , _ a. sum - u 'ah' w St taunt; mat um it an!“ In: out m. m a “In; “I Michal 'm In «W with tho man an at Chan: M Ericka n. “In. All a. Inc-ban enh- Con-nu were itt “mi-Mo. Mayor In.” and Min. Collud, Hunting, Gross, Wdor. IcKny. Mes Brine, Cram, Omaha“ and Rose. The by-luv union-l that "an wuu dMeit or “an.“ in ttte " wcu out: town, A part on» ulna having been can“ out from previou yous, and "chum bu been borrowed’ by the unpornlon from its mu;- und in paging in- terest u nix per cent. per haunt; " The annual report of Mr. J. B. King, Grand Secretary or the Indelw erdent Order of Oddfellows tor Otttur- io for 1903 has been issued, The past year was the best year in point ol increase in membership, decrees! by k " of members tor non-paymen ot dues cl ‘1 of increase in revenue and it. aceumulated funds, that the Orders in Ontario has ever had. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD- FELLOWS. . Mr. AW. Grindley, Agent of the Department of Agriculture in Great Britain, reports as iollows concern- mg the Bacon and Ham trade:- The prosperity has been general. Ntarly cmryone ot the 298 lodges re- ports a steady increase for the past year. and the. trightest ot prospects for the present year. This will be in- teresting iniurmation to the members (.1 the Order scattered throughout Ott.. tario, and also to its many friends, and wellwishnrs generally. There was in Ontario at the close of the year 298 Lodges, having a membership of 28,664 an increase dur- ing ttmyear of 1,964. During the year 2,811 members were sick,' 20,- 731 weeks and received as sick ‘bene Ms $57,716.72. The total paid out lor bent-Ins and relief aggregated the very large sum of $94,281.86, being an average of $258.22 tor,eactt day of 1903. The accumulated fund ot the lodge amounts to $1,172,824.53, and owing to judicious management of lodge finance, is.steadily and rapidly increasing. Canadian mild cured bacon_and hams are becoming very popular in Great Britain and are preferred to those imported from the United States, as they are leaner and there is always adcmund for lean cuts. Canadian packing houses should make a close study oi the various British markets and supply them with the cuts which are in demand by the con- sumor. BACON AND HAM TRADE 1903 There is still room for improvement IS regards packing cases-thee are often made of knotty lumber, badly nailed and no battens at ends (same a: American packers use) wh.ich give double nail bearings. Heavy split wood hoops should be used to bind round each end of the case and tor extra large cases an extra binder should be placed round the centre. Shippers ot these mild cured meats ' mun take “vantage ot the best means at transportation which ore now provided. Ship goods as little! ns possible to be sold on commission . and then only to reliable tlrtnq who will gee that they are wuehoused un- der proper conditions a regards mommies: and momentum. . Torouto. March 14.-Judging trom the number and the general chum: cube letters he he! received trom Bush“ Indy, Mr. Thom" South- vorlh ot the Provincial Depsrtment ol Immigtetlon Inn reached the op- inion that the minimum toe the min; anon will be greater “an ever, end that the people coming to the comm will is. Melly week- In. ot I non deatr"te clue. From Scotland “on Vim be e Inge In- thtnsostty ot “Name. will: from the um ot Jen artd than an Inge mm m eleo nth'; " the po’le of the Chanel In“ are my all We. " II em te may that thy qrtB6tt will- mamma- 'ot celluloid goods have 31m Metal aatadvartee at pun-m, with wobbly . " put an. M coming. a. to m mt -qAttr, which an I - vu. f cm, FARMERS COMING WORLD’S FAIR. sr. LOUIS APL. ar-Dec s, 1904 Ice muttd-300 ton: any. tmdk-rn tNrdetta-760 {not Ion). SPECIAL ONE WAY Excunston TICKETS " on “to 1daiir null) April 30th, Wu _ to [lipid in: Mont-nu, Colonic, Utah, British Col- ninth, Washington. Idlho, Oregon, California, am $34 25 to tt 00. Pullman Sleeper to Ottawa daily oom- menclng Sands.) lurch 6:11 and can titsuing dnrln notion of Parliament. Express 'lla, Bulb 5 20 p. m. will connect a ToronNJlth deeper for Ottawa, arriving 9 30 a. In. MOW...“ Returning sleeper will arrive " Toronto 0.50a m. SPECIAL SETTLE83 TRAISR Mt CANADIAN NORTH WEST w! b Colon!” Bleeping Car will leave Tor onto every Tawny during March pd April " 9 p. m. Puungen without live stock would “he the Paeitle Ex pron leaving Toronto " 1.46 p. m. Tickets, mundan- ttttd full lawnm- llm from Igento. Mrs. Jeiirey oi Stratlord, wh nus been visiting Waterloo friends this week, paid. short. visit to Galt friends beforé returning home. For tleUur, Pullman Reservations, Ind all taformation apply to was Jennie Godbold, 11Teytit at the Simpson Co., branch ot t Canada Furniture Mirturatsturers, ot Berlin, has been transferred to the Waterloo bunch. Mr, Geo. Wegcnast, mnnagu at' TC? Mutuu Lite, was I bnsinem Tiq. i r toToronto Thursday md Pts . On Thursdty evening while 'ta' city he attended the dedicntlm the Great Oran in the Metropol- itm ch. which is considered the the: organ in Cumin Tim mun re. cital was given by Mr. Edwin H. Letnare,' m celebutcd English or- mm. an! 17.3 grimly "rpreeiatsi. Alter the recital Mr. Vegan.“ V” A gum It the banquet. undated Mr. Lemuel by the organiata ante eitr. Card. m on lor the mating: ot um lag; Howler, men that“! at Mr. In. he» Honda. of William Bt. And Mr. Adam E. Cut- m. ol m. John. Raymund“. to an m In a. cum. Mandel} grunt; was”; Tun-“y. ‘Aml' Mr. Jas. S. Lockie returned to Newton Saturday alter spending a. tew days in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehting and lamily of Albert street have tor their new home in Flint, Mich., next week. About assure or the triends ot Miss Louisa Gehring tendered her a pleasant surprise at her home, Al- bert Sh, Friday evening. A very en- joytble evening was spent. 5th Perspnal and Soclal Mr. Prod Ken VII I huh-u m- itoe to tNN ad he!” “and“. Mr. mm in new” a poul- Mon m It. Gatt, W. Bertia, m. Helm ot mun» 3pm: g In Inn will In. any mm ttt Tm, H- “a. ll- Phrr- Mk Font-O. very plan-lily nun-Ind l but numb: ot In girl "I“ n '0!- Imlny evening but at "This“. that" atom at. a. who that Jar can. It. at In. 0.8. "not. Me. a! In. par, a 1'“ Id! 'a1'Mtr,'t m _wdth~lm(br- (“gt " “the!” a! My ”Ilium-lip!!! usokiriatittttrieb--. tho, min Its kind " You gobb'o tl on: upll (at u " an get them rad}. " better curtain- do wanted jolt at for than, unpla- im on the Mr and you "ir welcome to look than our. Price- run from 50. to 08.00 per tttir wd we have All tho bounce prion. Km: St: J. R, STRICKLAND, Agent. Waterloo. [his McCall’s $1.40. J" ieriidi; - - ,1 “which " Wound sum, ,_' "t"tl been able to meme the Udien ttttie' Fii ttit, I" Pr/dll',',' ttth'ttt,t'f fl'tt in V tt o an u an q , _ cr 3mg? "r?i'i I mu. m mm... In. AS. up. of Term, "It M 'rt,rtr."d Mn. - W- _ - These goods In att the latest product: of ttt Punch and German my up f9:_urto-dato igeiow will be found a “it of a few ofthe linen nail"; COME AND SEE, DOME! Ready to wear Blouses in: Mattie Cloth, lap Silk, Ppngee Silk, Tafetta and Lustre [all shades] In (Rom) Na, Haul-sol of " taeuit. Button. ll mum " the bola at let (other. It. Vim-kiln Good. Am to. T fix. mi. has»: In will“ a.tia. an: --erto u. - hunt-Inn mutt Mr. J.D. [cl-Inner! at one In Audio! to 73min -. II. In. m. u mm. on» human in in”. . m... - ot'mnmy I- WWI; [In lie-winter 'ttttri h cum ttt wanton mu 7 cel BI. White Igniiat Mattie ililijll, Fancy White Mjsrcsarised" '; l _/Cr",,"' White' and Coldred Piques I.",""?,':.",:',")' Flaked Linens . f3" White Linen Ginghams .. _ Flaked Irish Linens “ l Flaked Trails J3ottohChambra5rss&Ginghatrit' ShanTungPongee(Whitelinen) NOW M NEW 800113 annual-um.- mn. u 'tree.? Bricker a Diebel. fllillllM'8 lililrflflllllil LANG ms; &._'Co;. SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OF ‘EEESS' 6001B AND SUITINES . THIS 'WEEK. . V We opened our doom to the public but ibst. urdey, 'and the first. days bushes .V“ all that could be.wished for, Those who come were surprised b) see such bright and roomy premises and the mmy complimentary re- merke upon both More and stock were very pleasing. We thoroughly appreciate the gooi wishes which have been so freely ex- preesed and will do our but. to necure at. least a. ohm of the patrpnege of the people from the surrounding cannery In Well as from Berlin and Watarfoa . . . . . You will expect of com-so to sec here only the newcet goods, end ytu will not be dis. eppointed. We have selected for yOur choosing what we believe the nested. lot of things obtuineble and what. we know .59: carried infuhioo. Nothing will ‘pleeee no more then to have you’come and look. "our goods and you any elweye do this without being thesyon In" tobur. . . . . . “hoot be augmented. Mr. and In. Var. Count] m "ltd? A luv an in Toronto. t- . LII' than: my ”any: tr CM I Moi In Ind! m “an... vmmsnm “If a; on; t,et,ed. an Dill; 'GTC 7i'ii'ile"i7, Wuhtliao (II In. . a It'tt In. In In. In not. ‘5. . l “In ,0! lltht' . lt - anus. Dun. ithard In.Jnliolu - ILA. an”. Mr. Aline- Ichtyn. who . " tuck-5 htfll'r,L'l'lt"l 2t 190 _ , "I u. 'lttltt tr" _ ,. Vb t 1 " if};

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