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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Mar 1904, p. 1

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fspmuc $2; nouns and save your abm a in wearing rubbeo Mont of Ibo NW“ an“: damn: win!" con be "we! to wet 1m. .,..Wo have I A [£3803 " HERA“! THE NEW PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH “no "o" of ro't be" in every ',ir.' Bad styln mnde of good ttats1tty vu'dm’ 3nd ottr pump: can- not but mmt, "i u C'.otttns,8liosq,fT v Eclearing Sale 'oar Ippuw “PITTSBURGH ikiriii" FENGES - ROD GUARANTEED PERFEC'I‘. The DURABLE Fence, u. None so STRONG. i .. All large wires. _ "ttt EFFICIENCY. OWEST COST. _ No Wraps to hold (5 Moisture q " and cause . Rust. _ but“! man no». lo Mtt an 10: may a any... A. WESELOH'& co., Berlin. ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND TMMI FENCING. TIE "Lt ELEGTIIGALLY Will!!! FEIBE.‘ Q" Wow-swaying}! COMPANY, OF BERLIN, LIMITED. Whit,, thou ruthriu "any got junk wut I. would Hm vim we wk of that Now Spring 00nd. tet u. new bs thinking of them jun: the an“ snipmeu'l hum been deliyod monk“ and while ngmu. “My linen hue shady been placed in stock "' the but in to arrive. Perhaps tho that thing you will think of in the Now Dru- Btatr, of tho-m we will show the tin-st range "er thorn in Berlin, than Again the triees " thick we all mun will make i: tlsublr inure-ting . . . . . t%ehdl,Vi?, fit rhiTtar'1tiru"G t . ww- "'a.'. a... Etiiiiii5iii.ffluttttt This season is in chsrga of MN! McKinnon who comes to us highly recommended and we would advise iuuuding patrons to nature ter rervicea ur'y. Our prices wi 1 be moderate. THE DRESSMAKING BOT. C oh and 0 :9 Price. M may Bock it Not &stistied. Waterloo County's Greatest Store. ,muurormen-otreu", and! - wwwumon. mi- ”Inch-0- runaway-rm nip-t ts,Catts Ind new; Furnishings. Next to Poqt ott1ms,BERLIN if; r1mrrtqP. feu,',','MN,'a and Poultry N Was. on D " 1h"llh%6'i EX.M¥EFLL_.. - rr-r-r-r-tiii-cr . Boehmer m: Inna" m (m wk.) . Steuernagol’s i 3"!" T, , in. g i. ....25o., In”. I'",') quality dz. ll to 2 35° . ..Woman’c 2nd “mm, 2 12 to 7 E9:., Men's 2min“- my 6 to It Mo., new lame can. .narrow we "1an size. 10 to 12 . ara. We have lever-l Kin o- of 3202119“! RUBBIRB as tho fol1owiae nth, can Chlldronl’ 2nd (110"; lilo 0 'tP! [ridi'il.ee,ir Neighboré two-line use all! vile.- wee - oi e - “kin." ee- wionii " the ttd'hutlet', 3rd oldest ”he. to Enhance Bock. who ll ob. enli- de-t ot our ygle,etieeer, " ion: o'clock an: tb out sue-tun the nun-bur at about» and annual, - Clue Woods, ‘oonunencd to pley the voiding much. Justin the Anal have m struck, the bridal party cure! the specious um hudeomely Ttgf, puior. During the mule-I 1' t, which lolioved. Rev. Mr. Miner. very "tierrly end ably peetormrd the important ceremony. The bride wen nbly misled try Mia A. Brick- er, while the groom we: “tended by Mr. W. Knapp. Alter the cen- mony the Mead: and minivan very lie-July pve It. and hire. Bock " the compliment. uni beet wishes which ere customm on such OF, casionl, alter vhich the newly veil-i ded coup‘le end their most intimate lriends took up their pieces in A most beautiful dining room, and pertook ot a very tastily prepared dinner. The numerous beautitttt and nimble pro- sente which they received chow: the high position that they held among their circle ot iriendl in the neigh- borhood. The evening Wu spent in singing and social conversation. Al the young couple take up their reli- deuce north ot the village the best wishes ol the community ere theirs tor a happy end prolperoue luture Bush-nu thhad‘b I... r 'U.and In. cut-up sum. Brietr-Mr. Noah Shanta. has rent- ed his (arm tor . term at three years to Mr, Guvln, Buthour. and will have t we of atoeh uni impie ments on Thursday ot this week........ Mr. D, Tumor Intends having I ah of ms stock ad tarm on the “at. inst. He will move his - out Went. We are sorry to lou Mr. Tn- ner and family trom our neighbor- 1:33;: IsirT." duber itteaded tie lun- eul of her mother, Mrs. Mt. ml Wellesley, on Monday. -. "rural-c}, w .mq%P-r. per-L-an" Lucy Schmidt ot Wellesley is whiting her liner. Hrs. Ti!ley......lliss J. Petch in visiting [Hands in Liston! And aoderieh...r.. Miss Blanche Ferris, riormer Cross- hill girl, was quietly "narried 'on Saturday It her mother's home in (“It to Mr. Milton both ot Mllver: ton. They will residelu Milverton. We extend hearty congratulntions, Death ot John Herkier.--The death at John Heckler took plspe st his residence in St. Clements on Friday the llth inst. Death was caused by heart failure and he had only ten minutes before his death whiten ot ahearty dinner, and his sudden de- parture come entirely unexpected. ‘ He was " years of Me, and de- spite his age wee sbleto do his nee- erssry work to the lat. He In: born in Germany and wss one at the "earliest immigrate to this section. Two sons end one daughter eur- vive him, viz; wmum It Illvsukee, Wis. end Edwerd and Cine being both in St. Ciemmts. The funersi took piece on Maude! 14th inst, end was conducted try Rev. Theo. Spetz, St. Jerome's College, Berlin. nephew ot deceased. minted try Revs. H. Aeymuu. St. Again, end Rev. Mr. Helm, m. Clements. The lune“! ser- mon wee delivered by Rev. Aeylmns. We extend to the bereaved [willy and routines our proiound sympethy in their unexpected hex-enamel“. March 8.-rto winter he been very thte and we hue just would! now to mute good muting. [cheery we! somewhat. chilly. ‘buteot Wee-f Ole. We g,trli!'t with the? unor- mute people mum who have been elmoei traded in new ell vh- Aer. Come to may Aim. to the white man's paradise, end cum IW. We hue mundane olvoel and " mum-mm. new” ot cod. TU Inter sell! " " ital “mah- ee, with dry porch: wood can he boughzlntovn at8taioad, new doee his orrtetfhtg m mun he cum unread use can . loud. The fuel quinte- - e ecu-lone Nu; the” cm by meanings... . beams-cm. ”meoooomw tgggthttxnt1.tlrl'i'g M dam-“Minnelli!- trite tmm M in W 'dtisa., low rum-5 y- 'etttelle """" ._.- -- WW w cnim, new Mm h I“. ht no "no! am his...“ g plan-twill.- - " than. new In!" hm‘ at, 'l'; mm“ Ttatt " thnt '- an nu- arty. "I" in!“ m.- III “I w an- iiiiiriiEiiiet1rreeee nonuto: 01339119 mm- LACOMBE, N,W,T, ST. CLEMENTS chossmu. “WWW nib m in ”who. put! 1mm PM Jun. annuity it” I. in m not and n III in an by has? . . Ut I. m burr many. lb not to Ring. on hii nun to n stun in MtSStrtt "he. rancher and I Cly at his Minn, NI ”Eleni to by include 11,000 M. Tho Gov- eun-t st wmmm heard of Mr, Juan and not himu . Commir - to the Paris Exposition. tt is; Stun Commissioner iur Nehru ate the St. Louis Exposition. He is " Bo Vierl’ralident oi the Suit-who- Inn Valley a moon. Lona Com- pany. and thereby hangs n tale. The poor boy oithe neuritic. who In: on immigrant muse". in now in a position to benelit Cunda by his experience and work, though a natur- alized citizen oi the United States, He in! invested largely in our North vat lands, nod It the present time is piloting some of his iellow-citiz- en, who ere trained miners, to the Mennonite Reserve on the Cunadiw F Earthen Railway. From poor boy] to eaptulut, trom immigrant to promoter ot emigration, in a short I an yum-that terms a romame, dues " not? I And Mr. Jacob Y. Shaun, who hauled young .11an on his tarm in Berlin on the arrival of the Russian Mennonite, is ttrday at the age of M, still doing cplonizatlo. work in tho Northwest, a wonderful old man Ind . good Canodlm. John M. McCallum of Shakespeare, spent SUurday and Sunday with [duds on the Huron Road...... Miss Ruby Lennox of New Ontario is ' the gang ot Mrs. J. Zimmerman, Huron BL0OM1NGDALE. The ladies ot Bloomingdflc win give a literary and musical enter- tginmeut in the King Edward Hall on Saturday evening at this week. L. S. Notea.--The debate between the Bridgeport and Bloomingdale Societies was witnessed by a lull home last tutttrtiar.night. The de. tata, “Resolved tun the ltanchlse should be extended to womea," was mwnlded to the affirmative. which was upheld by Messrs. Ms. Sni- dtr, RA. Snider, and R.E. Clemens. The next meeting will he held oh the 28th inst.-The thaw of last week spoiled tunic on the river. Happily Wedded.- At the parson- age on March 9th. by Ref." 0. N. Good, Mr. Martin 'Woolner of Ald- borough Tp., Elgin codnty. to Miss Lillie Heipel of near Breslau. Con- gntulations. Briett..-Mr. W. Clemens has pur- chased the larm ol Mr. E. Martin, and will take possession shortly. Mr. biratin has N purchased a term near Conestoga. -Mr. Jas. Ellis, Guelph, "ippesd a. car ol prime cattle lrom hue lutvweek. being the first ship- ‘mtnt ot the treason-The town clerk took nbuslnws trip to Berlin last Batardar.....The storm ol yesterday brought in Another consignment ot the beautiful now. However, we are get- ting ulodto it now. Misty enquiries have been made by ammo lumen regarding the treat- ment of smut. in oats. Experiments have bell Conducted at the college in order to “vermin the moat clicetual remune- which can be used for this not Two varieties of out: were sel- ected In the spun; at 1002. and :span In the wring ot 1803, and unit Iona ample-u Rom each uriety were 3!th to lpeclel crewman: with no object at killing the Ivor- . o! mutt ”in; to the stein. The "do“ mm“ yen u tolhtwtr. 1.-h-itttt in Hot 'Water.-- For WI haunt, a. sun: In: placed In. hug, which vu thm immersed I, "k! " “on 115 degree- F. [Soon “hands " in - in “.3,th wu mt st u temper-.- m Mmllougmmdluoe no P. IBS pm was ecu-aim"! m Allin “loved to remain peanut so” mod ot Mum um... tum an - out on I“ Imb der, VIII" it V“ Gra madly. __ _ - _ t-mrms_ in Blue-tone tgoiu-l “on ot The 3Eimnas.-.Por No. t, mt. a strong solution Wu w by dissolving 000 pound ot Cm sunn- (Sh-um) Itt one tet' of nun-M than immerstntt can no. We: layper- Iol a! In aha... apt-m tn am thtltr - for mm Hun-In all trut- nt, ch We Mtttt%tttt u: - by dt-tet" at you! at at thqdh" hit ’15. or VIM, do. an- up. M h an “I: an pilot d " M m..- h “at M " TREATMENT FOR SMUT IN OATS. HAYSVILLE BRESLAU a b “I “I“! "in I a iiii1f'ht? In and!“ "i'is'FiaeiataBttAgtP-dttrt ,mto) 4'30th ot $sosiittKe$roett.i-rMeitse- can; “amino-Hal 'etaethotetemattairvtong+' at Una. maths-dosh":- itr-dinthe-ttrtio.$ttetir- hold-mu. T ‘l.-8|chhlh; um Mud m autt.-.m. nu Mtdat loud)- '" poured bto '.ethl'l'.'tt" Tic at. m “- Id ,rtttr am Mon and my “In“ " 09 au- Iu thoroughly m ‘90an -4ho - cl out 01-“ variety I” m an- mm: ham ammonium“ m urban autumn might. be owned. man [all ot oat. 01 not vuicty were. thereto" and tor this aperi- man. Alter in trauma: had been completed B law hours. the out were est-chilly so“ on IOWA“ plots. m the oata were wall; into heat, they were examined frequently, and MI untitled had: were removed in: casually eon-m mm 'le to by The [allowing table gives tl to- Gf menus. ot Imutted heads (ot on: iron: each treatment. 1 Trauma“, Pt'. Ly-ret. Water F_...rp._ ...Fe"'". ..r___-". n _8.--Bluestotte, 5 minutes ....F. .VF 1.3 ',8v-8luestyrne, 12 hours, ...FFt .r_._. .15 iy-t,',let1tyy.t sprinkled. 'cr... mm._r. 1.4 6.-Poussium Sulphido, 2 hrs. .. 1.7 li,epj,y,s,y//,t,: 20 min, ..rr.. .rr_"". .0 7.--Formalin, sprinkled, -r-.'. .. __. .II 8.--Untreated, ..... _.. .-..F_.v. t_.""'"." 4.7 l, The smut in oats wry lmqucntly causes agreat, reduction in the yield In! grain. The treatments with hut .water, formalin, and immersion in bluestone‘or twelve hours have giv- Im the best results at the College. The lormalin Isa. clear liquid, which an'be obtained trum almost any drugstore. Thenreatrmmt with form- alin is easily performed. compara- tively cheap, and very ettectual. Harmer: woulddo well to treat Illicit oats belore sowing in the "spring. - =rwrT_r'» , Itthis annual report upon the luna- ;tic and idiot asylums of the Province I ‘which was laid upon the table oi the Legislature ‘a low days ago. In- spector R. Christie makes some in- teresting observations on the causes; oi Insanity. He says: “One ot' the popular opinions oi the present J.aT ppears to be that the vast increase of insanity is due to over-taxed encr- gies, in consequence of the intense competition prevailing in almost cv- ery profession, business: or employ-' ment. There maybe individual cases to he "credited to unmeasured at torts tor the attainments of objects which in themselves are legitimate, but the asylum statistics do not show that any considerable proportion of eir population is composed oi pa.- tients ot this class. The large mass iot those registered is composed of those who are not possessed of that (intellectual calibre which would 4award them any prominent place or 'position in society, but it is evident 'are drawn trom a degenerate class, whose mentality is of a low order, having no will power to resist or cv- I ercome the evils which beset them.' and which lead them to abandon the Hobservance ot such moral and phr'i- cal laws, as Would protect them 'against the inroads ot mental de- ) (ii'iiiii.iifir: It, then, the abandonment ' loi such moral and natural laws as should govern and rcstrnin in the Igroundwork oi degeneration and in. r- ial depravity which leads to excess. Poth physically and mentally, it is [beyond question, the main reason tor r |the prevalence oi this great scourge, . and it is clear that " the evil is to r be thoroughly combated it must be t by the observance ot a higher ethical code than that which has prertilml, ' and " isthe duty oi all philanthropic _ agencies to pronounce {emphatically , against the immoral and destructive , ‘iniiuenm whichiue e :ause a and cox-timing to s" ”a“ 5 much distress and e ociety at - lingo." ' .1‘ , Ont. Agricultural College Guelph, Ont. J.J. named: ot TtMyrtStrrs" m "signed.' his bushels, the McIntosh New"! Wdru, to that town, This industry In: the one ot the recent can aluminum! there, and mu very pmpuoul; but the [rut amount at- Mt', In machinery. ates, has lately dit-ed hint, Mr. Intonh bu rel- - to Fun, when he bu Ie-x MIMI good ttooo'" The Tlllsnn- )8: council lit low ettd-oring in ‘mn I new Matty. and ue in mmm um: levenl parties Mth ttat and In View. In. Muck Sentinel-Ruin! - an ttti manger ot the Bell “on. Conway ot cm my is mm; with houlqunrtln to an an m‘ telephone facilities, Inu- - slum-owl by the have!“ a! n In "sum whereby the rtqihttt eit ttm Nil would be rendered mec- - and “a canal oftietr lull‘ my nil! the lever. tt - at ',fi'i?ii?t? including = IQ. “nuns” ot ttO' by. - u man Ivor-hie It: , " h View ttf the (my Nttk- at 1'tttyrte"tt 1El2 __ _ ”in. WW2. 'tey/tti, AUSES OF lNSANlTY tut? so. qrtet.ete C.A. ZAVITZ be tr, thing" than mm _ h- heads I CASH ON LY co , 1.3 --.- _3 ---" .u ' L? .0 ( ‘0 4.7 . - tlv f rt,,::,;,).,,).,.:,"',;':');',",'-'?,"')',","', P' sale; mum -"trrttrlto."aaeeqet Tarytmr t'fdi'ggt'l'. “all. thing, Illu- r," noun-mm!- ,tyteg,tt,ttilltt Iq, ttst-ed-Athi-Ute-yy-try!' at ttite':,' Mumm_Yo-dlmnhun£* _ l “In“; immoral” . - 'r?Jil . 81nd "teta-tht-e........'" s' 'ri 812;“ "rt.in-t*1.0tUK..'.NN. x E I 31-2ynd msttat-etht.S6 knuw . K P, ar'-'.rsrd "rtatttrrogth1.S8 Are....Ltli . , omsundmaotratmoiti-eryterttter-e-Y-ur 15.00. “.0110. 1 GOLD DISCO‘ -l Ewuwmu “W0 4:; - “WW” " i Bl . , cenmmmu m = .m“! 't SHOES g ZlEGLERS’ u. emu Jur‘apactmm Contact»; m. m. of the mu- m an no: am much, but the run)- hsu to. van was, ttgllg,,tt on: no: ttl'Gi'i"i"i'eGFiiGrgr-e"""'i'""'"""tt prion. 'er. and an m was. , " bn’t target that we can lobk vhf ”Vt-.3} -ar. ‘ I. *a-r before, Ilardwarolnmm It " a _ {VIM . mm mum. Yott sumo-1h.“ . " “31,". , C ”who!“ when In mu ' _~g,-;. of L5 a"! M" " . A-,' 'tKTM' m it,gii"u want a CHURN call !4‘“. "v?1t"!ht'fcLr'i,N BOYS MII MISSESE sttiot_uingstttaitprltrtr. “mammal-m and you ean't go SMYTH BROS. 'ri,'_,-,ia': 36mm: mummy up!» as. m M. " Rum: “out, em at“ moi. 1.3113:me 11 leford Axel, maln- tl M 820. O Wound Vale Axon, ”TIN " new 890. 29 1tttl Ana, mm ' m “It. ’ _ , A can Am, regular 850 m 079. " BI.“ Prince Ann, mum “can! 610. . ,iirfiiCA-stptur76ttt,1t q ' o", A a Cold t,5,r!lr'lti!,d',iriiil?,ti m 020 , " _ F Man Min, m . , "at. Bunion. r $51. . , - t t All m mm .nd swing- at; - ' .' , _ so. "' (knuc- Mlmm "In“, "gttarittigtttt tui,i,t,i,tt.tttt' " _ , n21. ‘J‘Adnluva 1llhgolltel's Weekly Store News This is a Busy Week. To, are husy this week opening oat NEW GOO DB as mud 206101 stiff hats ranging from................1.25 to &00 Gl do: so". hats ranging from.... .... .... .... .50 to TOO Itodoz ties ranging at..... _... ....t. ........ 15, 25&50 50 doz stiff hosom shirts mug-s from. . . . . . . . ... .75 to l.% 75 doz soft bosom shirts range from. . . . . . . . .. Aft to 2.00 Cttdra caps ranging from.........'.... .... .... .10 to 1.00 8200 worth of Llothim: in'hoyu, wmths nnd mens', price ranges from,. . . m... . .2.00 to 1500. they are beauties too. 00 youth "oniiemmuon suits. in sot-3e and worsted double or single breasted price from 4.50 to 8.00 the sizes are now cumplets-we are now ready to show one of the mos} comploto Mock of furnishings and clothing.. . . .... . ”INSPECT OUR tBa?CDCi----r-" - SIGN OF mm GOLD STAR. KENG=ll.s, ci,-, - , BERLIN, P. B.--The isTesjiiizii.rrt,,i,te, Jt our Oval-cot". Beaten, Under. wear. Winter (up, Toques will be sold out " vidiealouatr low prices. T 6dr Llst For Thitg Week: SPRING LACE CURTAINS Lg Phone 179 CHEAP CASE 23 and 25, South Side King Street, Berlin. Agent; fur-Mesa: a. Bars k Ford's Puquetry Floating. . We! FUR - ZWILDFANG SAMPLE CURTAINS IN BERLIN. OUR FEBRUARY ' openingwout. NEW GOODS as CHEAP CASH 370m folk”?! &00 300 - & 60 L8

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