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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Mar 1904, p. 4

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Mfr, greed Rock Mill do well to al- IN. - the trale,,....Mr. John Hill at- iT/ l = the spring horse show in To- 53' 1‘ at. week where he purchnscd I 'A, lot ot pure bred registered n _ draught mares coming two and = -. yenn old, one being in foal " _ ‘l. NeQm......Th‘c storm ot last X 1'qu , more. f8ttt the old , thol our woollen mills , E on: And o'ing to .this ' uh uh ”until! until the _% = it out up. It is understood ll ll will be pin " on Wednesday ' , M. The intention '1: to er- - I a! kick this gamma”... Mr. . "t.qrarteeattrGer and inmi'y 'rtaktti. mum-x to more to ' ”week when he has t *1 hm......0ur Luann Sax - at: large hunter ot w "m "In MI- m 'reepah'te ' " 'i1'Nett III practicing lot - , ”than th-tth. It I 'i'ltWt cm gin: you! P,irtm.--m understand that Mr. sulfa Campbell will Mor some _ tint _ i ot pan: bred shorthorns No by public auction on March r Anyone wishing to invest in T Perqsonai.-ar. Edwin Stroute is making 'teparation ior his trip to ',Aitrertav--Mr. M. Mailman visited tttends in Berlin on Sunday......Mr. S. Quinlan, spent Sunday under the mm! fool. . obltuarr-The sad news of th: “death ot Mr. Jacob Berger on Mun- day evening, Feb. 29th, was received with regret here. Deceased was 3. years and 6 months of age, and lave: awidow and 8children. Mr. Betsey was born in Montgomery, Pennsylvania, and emigrated to this country; number of years ago. He lulu active and industrious man in layering” days, his occupation be- if principally farming. He was a thiul and devoted member ut the 'lumonite Church. the funeral took 'staes on Thursday, March 3rd, Put *owing to the severe cold andstunuy weather the - attendance was not very large. Mr. A. Cressmnn and Mr. N. Stunner, conducted the services, alto. stall the remains were taken to the Latachar cemetery fur interment. The sympathy of the entire commun- ity is extended to the bereaved wid- low and family. “ gt" “a _ ' ' .llti' JSei,t"tg' T " I Bi" y x " qr'tron. In. a. q“ ~ he an“ In: h?tt' in . but m" all halve-aim .- of Mrriuiiautiririi, ;- “In parents“ bexr$tge. at ”hunt: a vacuumi- :_m are}... a teacher to and” Em. tor a period ot Jen van, who the mum at mu tor Jamie, and with her cultural Joke I 7,78 ‘UIIYI a great aid at the .Mr. Hutu entered the~honde ot Hutu-coy "oat " months ago with 1 ' Mr.Jra Weber, the happy cottpUi, “at up a cottunodiotttt home in Ber- lin when they resided up to the than! her death, which took place ‘n Sunday evening, Ugh. 28th. The funeral was held the following Wed- nesday, when the remains were taken to Mon Church, where an appropriate tumor: was given by Rev. Kneclttel, “m by Rev. Wagner, Berlin, and rm. Schmidt, St. Jacobs, attirr which the remains Vere taken to the Heidelhurg Lutheran Cemetery for _ interment, where Rev. Petschke ot- Iciated. A special memorial sermon wu also held in the Lumen" Church on Sunday. The sympathy oi the entire community go out in uu- i limited measure to the mourners in 1 their bereavement. Lia't; 21ttfttlt 1tiit ...... r. s'.NlNttil a! ”will. “WHILE WELLESLEY MANNHEIM In a. 1?ttiiidui t, 'tatt/tit', ‘2 {1-3 'ihm, a no llAYSVlLLE HEIDELBUBG J. wagon olyu-n.A It“ Il'at'lau £9.11“- yuml t-i-r-',N' -. IlhTdd"Wl'l2"d'ft'tilLt', "-t_tottete-,rb, “In“ Death ot mm. Gehl.--The death oc- cyrred on Suturdar, Feb. 27th or one of this commurtitr's most hfghly respected and weleown citizens in the pcnon ot MyJUéhud Och]. new Rebeca Thom“. It her home 'Riv- ertsank." Deanna. who was in hat Nth rear, had been ill tor a few months, summing from hurt disease, and droptrri at] m death 7“ not unexpected. The late Hrs. out, who _ ha been gmtdmt ot thin neighbor- hood tor may reds, um we" nd‘ widely ham: (or he! may stim- Ahlo trut- of Mum, than“ ot heart, and than“ mm. by which It. nave. toe no" the m on 11;.an d Mada, In If: btttP,gt, let noun Me _ mm a annual grud- clmm. at. can tttst .'1ttttt in Ptgttgtrt'dl,',t9h % 'tad" 'eat. «an “* 3 _ . C' . V = 'ttdt m " , ti, ah , _ _ _ LY (r _ , I 4, 'il-tet.'.!'.,, Tl " ., ‘11.? PPL "22t q .' :.-;'-“ --.. um.» Bi . ed on or before the 15th day or Nov, . ember. A very marked feature of tin existing good Will and the unani mous desire at all to see the enter. prise pushed, is the uttering of every- one to do gratis work and teaming, which will greatly cut down the ma . tual cost, which will be in the neigh- - hurhood (f $3,000. This fine build- I . ' b mg will greatly add to our enterpriss f ing and prosperous little village on! 1 also bea convenience too great many as well as a comiort, -An Ln- usual occurrence for this season ct [the year was the thunder storm, 'which passed "over this section on ISunday morning. This was followed ic? M: May by the most severe storm ol the winter, which was also accom- panied by thunder and lightning, This storm succeeded in tying up the rail- way tramc Worse than any prexious lstorms. We trust, however, the coin- pony will pluck up courage and try I'?),': more to get things in running order-Mr. John Willoughby Ms s.-ld his farm near Crowanstown to his son, Newman, who has again mid it to Mr. Otto Nichol oi Gowatur. 'town. We learn Mr. John Willough- by intends removing to Palmerston, where he will spend the evening of his life, in the way of a well-earned rest Mr. John Ruppel has bought the farm formerly owned by Mr, Funk Walker, ot the 6th cotttt..,...Mr. Hy. Shaver is moving his stock and im- plernenu to: place in the vicinity 1ol Linwaod where hetormerly. lived. ......Mr. Wm. Turnbull, Gowtrttgtrttrrt, intends building a handsome brick residence this summer. This will he another marked improvement to our ulmdy tstFterdate concession. Hill of Listowel. The building is in heat white brick wuh furnace beau ing, and is clhidcd into alecture room and auditorium, to be complet- WALLACE. Items or Interest.-) meeting of the trustee board of the Mt. Plus- cnt Methodist Church was held on Saturday last, " which it was de- tidcd to build a new church in the 1illage this summer. The contract was awarded to Messrs. Parry and I Lecture). P. Mariner, who has ;been so successful in delivering loc- tures on Switzerland, throughout the country, has decided to hold a lec- ture in the Town Hall next Tuesday night . It ttill no doubt be interest, ing witty and spicy. He will be accompanied by the New Hamburg Male otartette,Nho will assist him in giving a good evening's entertain- ment. We teel sure that a good programme will be given. Briets_--The new smoke stock was put in place today and the woollen mills will be in lull operation Wed- ‘nesdsy. Bonus Carried.-) electric vall- way bonus by-law was voted upon Tuesday in North Easthope and re. sulted as to1lowrc.-62 tor and " against. leaving a majorltry ot 37 tor the bonus. . The otAtttea.-.tt I: hundred Ah" it th- tmttt ot the at!!!” striking kirk-ville, the ton will In the lur- thee - by maul aw mm!- es. We eoatHeutlr, expect to no "In null: in annual: hero by we run. 0m let the, mills com andtheyest trill lollov. A better I“. own! not ‘be dmlrtn......Tto ounook [or the lat- el la bad. Anothu cunning old M- low was pulled in last we“ br our all“: tutntartten......At [can one nt our young men la exceedingly anxious tor warm weather. He bu had his an: m "a ta Chum." ='> P. - 3%.“, 4,: MO!.?, "Si :11". - T y" _ mafia aa WN. New .i (tKi, “.t...ww rd.rLiMitti"lfir' f:"""TTye'rgr.e'TT-.r' _ _. 1' , y . J, ‘5. F . ", - "WA an Met am; no. Huh-1b nil! we. a and " but. -eqhe ”may!” a In W hm ""i diMriot, mm. Bmuu.»a- wtqhn tr.ite+ a new. tt-ttq. “ganja. -hm ”vi-“1m 'm t5letc-W.C'.Heib'trtie te n. uhlhhn'unbn a: covering has n "u" ot mama. a. 3W0... ' in.“ “MI: Aug. Schum- um. My. - nine M August, is down with c avers 'tttMy Knows-The new Us! at ot magnum ot [In up. We no home cl It. Ba. Snyder. by an to report nun mo on a In" Lulu' Aid, VII - on: nyto "corerr.-Nrr. H. Ericka! ud noes-kl.“ Elliott a mu on the lick list. Mr. Jacob Linton! rum sun. of Miatt %haarr In “to reported very low. lung mum-m to” tow an! FREEPORT. WELLESLEY if) sttttte loan ttt It. and In. Mama“ at.” “a. It. ho. saw-um, pm- _ttt+retttit.taeist noun-Md Human-hummus: 3rey, an mum-I 'Ai2edit'i"ieiiii3iiari _ Ctiete'eeiet-irtib'. P-i.-36rB. J. Colon-a in TiN mu m in “hummus L. gm gym a. tart two m In - Annuul Meettng.-s mun] meet- htg or .tho Buttock 8m}. Company. wu hold “who to" In" on Fri- dty "out". The Idiom; clout were melon-M by accumulon‘~ Pru. J. Wingetcldc. ther-Nas.-- J. Kraut». Attditoeq-A3. MI. and H.. was. They no pull; . div- mm ot ' put an". Jiirirraau% KEEN; di'i'lti; ,“Tgudgy JIM Tteyiar evenings. --. - '""'"""'" mums» C..%rr. A. Malta. ot Zorn. ll vil- mng with Mr. H. Sohlouhnuer....,.... m. w. Ynngblut or Wytt hm spent I few d”: with w. H. wane». Notes.-Reviml meetings no being held in the Median“ Chhrch " pm tef-Eldtr 8. Toman ot Delhi. Callaway ot Guelph were the guests of Mr. md Mrs. J.A. Durrant on Sunday.....,Mlss Dllgleish ot St. Thomas ts visiting " Mr. W. Vietch's-Mr. M. Millard in, who has been sunning with sciatica is again able to be around-hers. M. Durant who has been enacting with sciatica for the past. two weeks in slowly improviag.--Misa mum MU- lard in spending thawed: at Mr. Sheppard's. Bloemlngdale. - Notes-Mr, and Mrs. W. Veitch, entertained the young people of Win- terhourne and surrounding country on Tuesday evening to. "Leap Year," party. The evening was spent in dancing and the jingle oi sleigh hells in the early morning told their own story of the good time that had been spent-Mr. J.A. MeDougall, sold his farm last week consisting ot one hundred acres to Mr. C.Lasby, son ot the late Sylvester Lashy for the sum of five thousand doNrs.....,,.. Mr. CM, Lundy who has beeti.tlring on the (NPR. line between Gait and Berlin is home recruiting with a. broken arm.-Mr. J. Mackie has late ly been presented with I C.C. badge, by the sheriil ot the county. _ "Persomu.-gtr. and Mrs: J. -H. Rawson, acgqmpgqicd by Miss Etta Literary Meetittg.--The Literary meeting which was held on Pls evening in the lecture room was no very well attended. The subject de. bated was "Resolved that the si- city ot tarm labor, is detrimenta, to the farming pursuits of Ontario." The decision was given in favor oi the affirmative. A public meeting will be held.0n March 18th, and the closing concert 3 week later. Inn Snyder. Scalar IV.- qurencg Shepherd. May Win. 3911.. Puller. Allted Human]. Clutch Kunchlnsky Euelll Weber. Junior IU.-. . Grace Paterson. _ Ada Meyer. Eleanor Snyder. Floyd Shepherd. Harvey Bonn-n. Irene Bunsen-n. Walter Bowman. Senior IH.-. Emuu McAllister. Alice Redford. Clayton Eby. Alba Allenurng. Senior Il.-- Ada Martin. Ida. Cressmuz. Irvin Shepherd. Alberta Scohle. Mina llummel. Iven Cressman. Bertie Meyer. Luella Snyder., Oscar Wile. Synetta Weber.. Floreucc Hull. Dora Wile. ttqrort.-he invert lot tie ua division ot the Ochoa! tor Fem-writ u toltmrtcu- Pitttt.-- [Lam qrBattt. on! 1 In: " an ”Am-lam. in V In! "chm“ I. W ot 1haur. bouno lath. and ot It. mum Shepherd this 'rm.......nsrmn" In! nockonqn In an vicinity but been form-ah In mum. Dr. Inga, V. B., to but: hue. W- - tor him A lug. and min! ”the. NWw-‘Th cock] Add n a; home et W.“. by the Laud Aid, vu Wat-m, and MW“ _ mm at L.B. labia-no - “in at ". Mann Book” " it HI 0- kw. an my Int. punch.- to " - “a JIM, harming; may In”. In! tp, dob-h 0| on;- ' . In mu logic" 'l;hlNar'c,,t society. BERLIN'B MARE" .‘o it... B._rtttts, ik dieing WINTERBOURN E CROSSHILL ROSTOCK the an.” s spent in sleigh bells their own a that had new” that. I. In! lino-rm haunt-Jan. " m. Mao-m. 0. Ref... . In (ttttgit'.'. _ 1.. In Vb.- .m. M. 'ere-r-gat. has. a“ I ap. ,'. ‘u "P, , The and meeting ot the Intel’- I100 Musical Beauty wu hold in their Aalt, Kmu'l Block. on IRMA] new ‘Ing. An act!" Ina-hone! "in band were ml and do» than“ was takm tn the "may. The band h n plus-Mn . any pram mutation and the no.” me m ttrtttm men-- an my his». The Mom m wan wry km and m mom! m Incl an inn. Th. haunt - I mi- II-I ulna alt-l: " “not duel-u- nun-l "ttttF.'-. WATERLOO IUSICAL SOCIETY T.R. Earl, Superintendent. Toron- to; 0.0. Mills, Toronto; J.S. Hills, ‘Tofonto; an. Slpprell, so John, N.B.,; Duncan Stuart. Btrattord; S. Burton. Belleville; C.E. Gérmun, London; A.J. Chisholm, Owen Bound P.A. MeArttnrr, Hopoville; J, M. Muir, Vomit Crunchy, Wood- stock; J.H. Handball, Brampton; WM. Stanza, Ottawa; AAI. Fewer- ly, Cornwall; A.B. Coyle, Manual; J.W. Mooney, Ottawa; .110. Tnylot. Toronto, SA. Sylvan, Toronto, 0. R. Clam», Woodstock; Geo. Chum, Guelph; RH. Hammad; Brmhrd; E.W.P. Joan, Brannon; Mr. Mo. Dould, London; LE. Wat. Brant- tord; C.B. Linton, Hamilton; J. W. Gregor, Cam The Directors present were Mrssrs. Rom. Melvin, President, Guelph; Al- lred Hoskin, K.C., ls: Vice-Presi- ident, Toronto; Hon. Mr. Justice (Britton, and VictsPresidtnt, Toron- 10; Francis C. Bruce, M.P., Homil- ton; J. Kerr Fishn, B.A., Toronto; EXP. Clement, K.C., Berlin; w. J. Kidd, BA., Ottawa; Geo. A. Som-" erville, London, ud Wm. Snider, at Waterloo, The general agettta prev ent were."-- ' The 34th annual meeting of Tilt Mutual Lila Assurance Co., of Carr ada was held Thursday afternoon at one o’clock in the Board Room, of its head omee, Waterloo, and was attended bras la.rge number ol general and local agents as well as by . number ot local policy holders. The usual reports were submitted, and discussed with interest and en- thusiasm. The company has had a very prosperous year md all present were exceedingly well pleased with the prospects ot business tor the current year. MUTUAL LIFE ANNUAL MEET- ING. _ '9. Selection ..q.r..F. ..F.q.... .....; Cadets. _ Lt.-Col. Acheson oi the Mth Bat- ‘tallon will take the chair " eight o'clock. The following will take part in the gymnastic work. Chas. Beatty. Nbert Dish, Stanley Devin. Chum. Dobbin, Will Dobbin, Ed at Frank, Frank Hilliard, Adolph lawn, H. Moogk, Elwell Reade, Arthur Roos, Oliver Shelly, Clarence Snider. Will Utrelmann, Orley Uttelrrtatut, Walter Unelmann, Lyman Wells, glue Eldon Detreiler, (Leader), E. Sovereign. l I Tho programme foe Ute can that. rcctt in the was!” Ton Halt, on “and” evening in u tttli-:-, _ PART l, - I. Selection - The Woodward 0r- 2. Dumb-bell. ...... ...... p..... emu. 8. Cornet Solo .rMt.pord Brlvester 4. Elementary Inch ...... FFT Onion 5. Vocal Solo ,.. Mina D. Moore. 6- India Club- C........ b........ nag“. 1. Solo L.'.',, ...... Min magnum. 8. Elementary Funnels "e'. Cadltld 0. Solo 5......- ...... at 10. Advuwod Purina: ..rrw. Hess". ""v E. Dotwellcr Ind E. Sovereign. PART tt. W. ttseg) Mu Uik -i" by "Emu, mule ."anm' reply, thatutttg the donor: MM: kind word- nd mum! in. _ _ “v"‘mf ii =5 - 'E-' - m ditto," '. d it W Ht.” qrttr' I not": w. t .msrt, B-ttgi"." #ettt of was. h‘hm‘l‘h lulu [It Wand-.15 1:21 on. wt tesistitut cum-y. mounted in; “about w. . M. ‘lulr ot 'nktloo, “t olden “an ot the WY. in: mi. I”. In.“ Wan-Metal: and “may unto-Ion mutton: 1 "tating mu. - ud m We. Amber otthe other 5811-- the made brie! “am. Mr, Selection ...... ...... Tue Orchestra. Floor Drill ...... ...... ...... Cadets. Flute Solo ...... ... Mr. F. [luaghm Ome- .....rp.. ..__..... ..9.mFr.. Cadets. Selection ..F...... .F.... The Orchestra Pick-whack Wrestling ... Cadets. Cornet Solo '...» Mr. B, Sylvester Advanced Mat and Pyramids F...... VII. THE CADET CONCERT the Those Present HIM Cadets mmiu ot mg m " by I mule chair a! tnresttr-am voice-mud 'Ill “ills?! inspiring. The Tla",' if 'rmehad V. m. ElllLt U"C'lltt pm’ in or a. Camila "thera. Synod. who tn an uncanny clever and -tteqIrttht ‘MM'UV' and». (bean. van a- (',',i'i'l'i,iil3ji,iiit,iia, - 5... an... . ”E‘s-.3. an. .., I.“ . "ar,, Ptat A. 'hiiii'ii “4AM” . and». at at“; ' ., an 'lur:tddri tt ltth'i) In a 'ttr. The ttest public ”where! the new M. mtmm' Lutheran church ware held In ttte venison: unim- lnm on Sunday am And .mtrirt. with. hm hull wall” to m that and” " both services, my ml. half compiled to M thrttttqbtsatt. x. nanny" o! ‘thuw Won m nth-lu- t MS and the "ar ”with r m - a] lot mm onto up)“ _ _ l ran. nw 8T.‘IA1TIIWI Lore. wraxmu comment” AT 31mm boys and the encimcy ol the" W.M.S. band at the present time mane-1o his ability as Icondnctot. An amusement And recruiglnz con- mltteo was Appointed composed ot {can J. 11mm. P. 11mm, M... m a, . l - -- rm... ii. arm. C%'"T Roos. [ Hearty votes or tuttka were ten- dcred to madman! Philp, the om- cm and Mdsmen. Bandmutcr Philp is very popular with the band (lichens flommituo-auror Unet- mun, Wm. Hogg, J.B. Snider, W. H. menu, A. Bauer. C. Wocller, A. 1hyu'lenhatruner, P. Keil, Chum: Feick; E. 1serierttoiu, tha. Bruce, and 000. Killer. _ Honorary CommittlMessm. C. W. Schiedel, F. Halstead, S. Shep- pard and J. S. Lottie. The above hare been very enthusinstic workers tor the band, but owing to removal trom town or praising duties are un- able fo do active work. For “ebb, Panama Rueruu ms In! all information apply to . Choice of routes 3nd Mop over privileges " principal points. GRAND TRUNK TRAINS MAKE DIRECT CONNECTION AT CRI CAGO WITH ALL BAILWAYS FOR THE FAHOUS WINTER RESORTS. One Way and Round Trip Tourists Tickets are on Sale Daily. -' . April p-Det. m. rm Party mound borne-power 11an ad " Exhibition nu. Turblno on gino‘ 8,000 tamper". CALIF ORNIA, MEXICO, ,Hoggoggry Conunittg; World’s hir, St. Louis, I'm J. R. STRICKLAND, Atrrmt,:Watertoo. hi? I: p .1) an: laam . dz £th a: big-u. it: any» {in h albeitna samba-d mmm- ot ttre pm- lawn " yud i; M in the box. The WOOZ”. 2.50 and 8.00 each. Bat M.“ ed wing. aaa* n. “Moi-UIIW Ff-c' r1'ie,te I ‘5 _ , no. " power. " "rrt1'onlroAl Bricker 8: Diebel. n; t. in!" Vazu' YEW; dt"d til-JUN" "Us. I. _ at 1"dhTaSll"d'l, .10: may "t'dth'lt1Mtpf. vu no. Jim-noted“ iiiiikili'irgt and qt: Gatt Rrpoetrrw--DO cum vital I'M "Mm to Sunni Huang. 'ttttT. Pet.ntt,rttra M9 mm id when [romeo-q e',ttt2tMttt,uttgrLtttttr.i "asfo0dtqBttimatAtatter that. "tuaiattt ”HI-dunno. I. (ry'ttnt lunar-.11. midi-h h running. Atom i o'dod _ Ctr-mu» 'u1'l'l'l'.'ltril,1 a! 1trP2ttrt2"tteett 10-... A h mm: tei in.“ mum howl." nun-manna In luau-1r EprpmlI-ynn. v" .! DEATH op SAMUIL [ACME Ready to wear Blouses in: Mattie cum, Jap Silk, Pongee Silk, Tafetta and Lustre tatt eludes] . _ l French‘and Guzman mm tttit/iii/itll, Belowwii1tteretuetdatt,toeatimoittLt may: - thawing. _ N Wreath ttttttiq 'r, ugh. to Mama. .1“? l ' man. “an (MI! tl'iU" of Fancy Editing: ind a On account of tenant daisy: in connection with railway mm some of cm- dominant. if” not u oomph“ by the show date, but we iriil show u very Inc new line a! Dr.- Goods. Suitin ' can Goode Linons, uaw aniahinp, Re nay-gm Comb. such a Skirts, Suits, Bloc-ennui Whitman. nnd V. will tneiad totr-mteoome,it only ton-nth. new atom LANG BROS. a 130., when we etrdislly inviro d] to com and nonunion and stock. " will tie opin and that we in! {a EEy-Z) iiiii' the public on Saturday, larch 12th, 1904, "I? hereby beg to inform the public that our Mom 1-3" " _ -nA oL_L -- ._:n L- ___4j _ White English Mama . _.' . 34% Fancy White MermiiiUd _ 1ii(ij,,rsiii., White and Colored Pit1uaiircji',isiiii'ti', Flaked Linens ' V . '/s!),_i,,l'i' White Linen thigharmr :1 Flaked Irish Linens . 'ji), Flaked Vans _ r.-...,,-;"-:-:",,',,, ScotchChambrays&Gingh3fi§§ff ShanT antrPontree(wNt;e linen)? itt 1-- maxim-hm a. Ptrltt_mrriasihmi.-mria- “mum-ulna Knox ffite-fiiua'iFiu"arG 1"“ “bl biiiiG% "' tllutgt,t, an; a: 1l'lat r. . . ' m lunch" Nat, ' Bo mutun‘hhhnd unen- huln. ma sum-n. I. ma, “VI-ll New”... "I his John - we... t.tttatt3ttiheiii25hiii.: I. '"'" 1... _erhertri9ieui"i'rriiii' th"tttt-tettttiiiiei. J". le, Irwin-n. We

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