3hr; . I’m Mtre - . . - tte We td- . . t. M M the “but at " » 1-" mended in f, Vito Imus lotus n will tr. H [Iterat- of china. Mull. by In: Sanderson ot .. bAee by lam. Scum, . ' have optimum the rest .t, 'e Wanna. I M' . ' . mm Mmrrutg.- A ' Rt), out. Fennere' Institute “"3 “the Twin Hall, on Sat- " . - Arth. There were two . "" ' ' “Moon and evening. The . '- , union was well attended, ' , bursting lumen: were dis- & . by “do speakers. Mr. Ander- . 1 one at the Farmers’ Institute " ' ‘ ' emaciated by the Govern- tl, spoke on live stock. Hr. L. a. ‘ o! Heylvule. gave an able I , - " and Mr. J.U. Hellman ut L . ' Dundee gave . very practical - f " a: "Preservation ot the For- " q At the evening session the Hall . tttind to qyernowing and speech- r, , Helen. Knowles, Hallman and . .. were listened to. with in- ' . t. That the turner and the far i; - I taunilr appreciate the good . done by the Institute is an: M _'"' judging trom the number who - present " the evening meet- g", ' .Muxic was furnished by the y , ' no Male Quartette. 22,3; -~ .--Mr. J. Huusherger pur- " " a six horse power gasoline ihvrIt'tpttr Ust week.......Mrs. D.W. ttil- , I and hmily and Miss Lulu tr, “spent. atew days visiting w ' Mend: in Elmira, last week..... Mr TNh' on "Libraries tur Public “’ ' Slasher of Tavistock, epent a y . days visiting at Mr. F. Weiek- T5 I..... Mr. J. Townsend is the " ' I ot Mr. A. Saunas. ', the House the othr'r day. Mr. Dry ‘5' mug was likely that the Pro IEt .=. would be divided into section B. . instructions buxivcn the farmer " te, which of the valuable timber " 1 mgrovr in each section. When a mother finds it necessary to site her little one medicine, it cannot. betoo careful as to W â€remedy employed. The sowalled, tt'soothittg" medicines always contain tttrg" opiates and these should er be given to a child. Strong, Mg: and harsh purgatives should â€be avoided. An ideal medicine myoung children is Baby's Own Exams, which cure all the minor ills (aieehi11hood,. and the mother has me t, unntee ot one of the [oremost an- (tlrt2' of Canada that this medicine icontains no-opiate. Milton L. Hersey {H.A" Sc., demonstrator in Chemis- Arr, McGill University says:-"I 3ioretry certify that Ihave made a Timeful analysis of pahy's Own Tab- at“ which I’ personally purchased in {hing store in Montreal and said cliit, r lysis has failed to detect the pre- ' -w oi any opiate or narcotic in . m." Analysis is proof, therefore . ms know that in giving their I Btte ones Baby's Own Tablets they " giving them an absolutely safe 'lt "cine. Sold by all druggists or B' led at 25c abox by writing the " I . Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- We, Ont :2va Departments oiAgriculture “I Forestry are already on the hot-out for seeds with which to be- the forestry experimentation at _ agricultgral farm at Guelph,oub- _ _ in Hon. John Dryden's speech bail-ms FOR FOREST NL’RSER\ 'r,"sjc 1904 meeting oi the Ontario .. T, issgciatjgn will be held " . a', i:ktitrt Monday and Tuesday . - “Inna “In, Some of ltr. q top- _ PutstttsAtterest inttle T 'uv. F ." Some Mmguished Canaan; 'r' an will deliver addresses. All ' interested in public libraries llvlm mattend. f tor discussion are ing, inOntario," "t T "Library and School," _ _ y' Public interest i oNTAmo LIBRARY ASSOCIA TION. it f'iNto alum educational services in a u “a Trinity Methodist , - win bullion 8nd†and 'IIN “and†Migrating and pro- , . new. A. layout, the elo- J ' 90th ot tral Methodist - " SWAIchthth limb-um “mamma- u'h‘h.m h “puma! ir. 7;; - , e was no no» It2llti'll Judd-cafe! mm, tI > in mm in which SiiEl" P.' no man my. “I. In 99 mug-g. Safety For Your, Children. V 'icr'uiiicuic ii. ' 'iirlt 7110.30» - .33 'iig2t 'oiieio w Pt: . W tos "11 Inma- E.. as. Bill-win abs-n:- re it Jun “an in the '" SEW " will In mm for P than it Russi- wins." a ‘ f alt-ho detaate, lasts. but“. and Tye, AWE! cam- .â€in: the arguments lui- M. mm that it the "Land vi Manon“. stamens _ T b “w" .. tttsttdtttt',f a “I. m um. thanâ€: you h, ... - u%lll'2 t,'il,h.tt4r'ie', 'r, L'Svimm mutual Daily Imus a ' ‘Library Co-operation , I 'How to ' ib philosophy; _ Our minds are, however, still clear- er when we come to coasidcr ques- tions of policy as between the two parties. There is on the surface less , than the usual titterence between e their attitudes. Yet there is a an. I ference of the most important sort. I The conservative party has frankly 1 thrown itself into the arms of Mr. t Tarte and of those manufacturers I who are agitating for an exclusive i tariff. One would think, by listening to the shouting, that these men had it all their own way in public opin- ion, but this is tar from being the case. A large proportion of the manufacturers do not want more protection than they have. They un- l ,derstand well that over-stimulation l produces new competition at home, _ after which the big money interests _ {gobble up the small, and there are ‘many who realize to themselves that ithey might be the gobbled and not _ ithe gobblers. There are many Con- t servatives, too, who do'not want tn- creased protection, except in the shape ot imperial protection. Yet it need not be said that this is not the policy that their party is advocat- ing, one which means to exclude Brit- ish goods alrng with the rest. liv- ery Board of Trade in the land has passed a unanimous resolution in la- ,vor of Mr. Chamberlain's policy. We doubt if any of these bodies had any ,distinct idea of what they were Tot- tingior. But certainly, " those votes imean anything, they mean a distinct 'rcottdrmmatiott of the Conservative gpolicy of increased protection. Mr. Chamberlain‘s policy, itit means any- thing, means that Canada must give Great Britain advantages which she has not given yet. Such a course is possible under the Liberal proposals, but is simply vetoed by the Conserv- ative movement for higher protection all round. Lastly, there are multitud- es, chiefly in the great body of com sulners, who form nine-tenths of the electorate, who think things are dear enough already, and who have pene- tration enough to see that increased protection cannot but make things dearer. Though, as Carlyle says, there are many tools in the world, there are still a great many people in Canada who, when they dean: that the things that they use are cheaper l in other countries than here, and that 1 they could be bought cheaper here, but for the duties, are capable of reasoning that it is the, duties which makes this country dearer to live in, T, anth the operation dt duties is to take money out of their pockets and putit into other peopte's. The pro lent demand tor higher duties cornea at an unfortunate time for two "CU. eonl. First. the country war war more prosperous, and even Mangers: , lecturer. have more ornament†_ cantill, and,eecond, thin;- worth"- ', er detirer,iusdthereUrer was a I tine wbm peoplewe less “no!!! , to. have price! added to.We think, . theretore, that in» latent!» truth . machine mus. bowl upon an l intellignt ot the rival oth" of , that†the party under who“ _ moderate potter, the . entry I.“ prospered normals!" . will “the “W. \ About 150 up Ives from 13 counties in 'la'lTae'i mm the noun-Ian and and hutm "te uu which "T county conduct: hue M 3 "31:41: at it Mr, m - the ' agt walk!“ a: th- at,†tr oit-it6' / m givarfthe - u, p.- . , hm It opuoul. um ' WI startd be “I! 's " if ’ m as? at T Ali mm A, DON'T LIKE THE N" ACT tthe people. with the ma- most people Sir Wilfrid Cie.'., iiiiii P"t it Tarid" f'iWi"?, 2.“ grinâ€. tN 2 “.3 a... an. tf. 'h'hr0f2ttt" gba-its. bio-“cl ,iitthtry' and 'i'iT"iu'"Fihiiyr'tttiee: d was» by an - gnu "iitiGVtAr.i-y'fN1et" itâ€... {may 1.3.:ka "ye ot Within? Con) Im- lody (or placing» grant. an! within my reach. locum mad! at too highly or a, too much tn, itsl, "not. How w who to“ this wut! 'st it and h. oortvirteod u I vu."- For Iale " 311 Magma. T 'tmee, DEATH or A NOTED ttteht, W. Jun- P. In, the “mentor ottlte I." ti“. I“. MIMI Isa}- dcutol am. died a New Hue», Com, new Mrd but, up! " yes“. new" shaped unmet»! but. hem; n we†workman. he only teem» mute-ted in (creams. The am who gun thick IU. Lee invented 1m NEW tor the American any. vheu it he been in we ever “we. lathe mantis an. Lee went into the mulmme at side whines. and sporting rUUs in Milwaukee), Ind inter had hits have» tions handled hy the Remington Ann: Company. . _ .nkt__, L.._.... M I The many triends ot John Blount, will be pleased to learn that helias entirely recovered trom his attack at rheumatism. Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him titer the best doctors in the town (Manon, Ind.,) had failed to give relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment guard: is plotter worth many times its cost. It is so'ul by all druggists. Representatives ot a large nurntirl of railways and stenmship compani-‘ es at a meeting held at the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, Wednesday, ar- ranged the rates they will charge to the St. Louis Fair during its du- ration. They agreed -to issue tickets good tor the season at 80 per cent, at double the one way firstuclass lair; tickets good tor thirty days at single fare and one third, and tick- ets tor 15 days at single first-class tare tor the round trip. Military par- ties engaged by the Exposition will be given a special rate of one can: a mile each way. Bands belonging to such parties will be permitted to go at the same rates. Stop-overs iwill be allowed on all tickets sold in ‘Canada. at any intermediate point in ltliis country and at Detroit and Chi- cage. The stop-over at the last nam- fii city is expected to bea big in- ducement to travellers, as it con- |tains a large number oi Canadians, The single lane tron Toronto is $10.20 " When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. PNVCI’DS 1vhtr; mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh tif say give them Scott's Emul- sion.' 1 It is like the penny in the 'tiutc'ti: it work? and . Jase there. is., something astonishing about it. - . " _ _ Scott’s Emulsion is elmply' a. milk lg yak“ cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. ' Children take to it naturally because they like the taste ;and themed, takes just as naturally to the children be. ‘eque it h in perfectly adapted tt,tttetrretists. ' ' - For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most â€aim treat- mt. _ ‘ I RATES TO ST. mes WELL AGAIN We will TN"',', 'dura.'. ' tllitct'ie 35%. Fe Le. , â€ti-.ï¬iï¬ï¬‚é _ .1 " ra . ~ D2E! . F' Imus _ c. p, ' ‘ " ' n . _ - ~ r ,ii!i;i'i!'itli'i'iiigii.,i_, I Jam um ‘ W - 'ifrwtutte...uthut Ar! - - m with. u " a _ _~-u . 1'h'T,f/1 a ' lil n iM Hun. cl Hem-vi, at“ ‘ IW but“. you. Show W†Mr. lull. mm mm the "th, ms. and since that hu to: “do! in Benin. Baue- her have. husband, III. In". .7 than may: old nuns. tow-on the â€may ot their numerous Mend: will be u- .mded. During In. Volta“. [HF deacon: Berlin the hu made many “Hench brtor kindly and humid lmspoamou. m olvhom will regret iher untimely demise. f n- u manna-um " In. I... an new we all: 133. m. up! gamupgu. and TUN-ral willie In“ on Wet! My morning a an o’clock new vial ban; mu the hou- And‘ the Zion [ganglion] Church attot, which the in uncut. took plan an the Lutheran cemetery, Heidelurg. A link over I. yen: no it was this journsl’e and duty to chronicle the death ot _ two of the We: ot Mr. D. Hussein“. Common ts't.) -Mra. Monet Shirk, an Elsi Elin- beth Muaaetman-whieei occurred within two weeks ot each other. To-day it is our all duty to record the death of Mrs. Funk Brubnchcr, eldest daughter of Mr. D. Musselmnn which took place at her husband's residence in Bridgeport, on Sunday evening " 8.30 o'clock. Thedoeeased tsuttered from pneumonia tor the past 10 duys, and during the put [on daysshe showed signs ot recovery. On Sunday ulternoon she took an un. accountable turn tor the worse, death ensuing a low hours later. She was in her Slat year, ad is survived by her husband and three children. -'ylte The luneral was held on Wed- dav afternoon at one o'elock from her late residence to the Mennonite Church, King attest east, Berlin, for service und interment. DEATH OF MRS. GE HL, GEHL.- At Freeport on Sunday the 28th inst., Mrs. Richard Gem, aged 74 years, 10 months, and 17 days. Mrs. Gehl was untried about. M years ago andhas been B resi- dent ot Waterloo Township ever since. The luneral took place on Wednesday last at 1.30 p. m. from her late residence to the Mennonite Cemetery, Breslau, tor interment. Death claimed another of Berlia's best known and respected citizens‘ in the person of Mr. Henry S. Boeh- met who passed away " his resi- dence at noon to-dar. The deceased has been in poor health tor nearly 2 months, but on Thursday-evening his relatives were gratilied at his greatly improved condition ol health and were confident that he would ro- cover. On Friday morning he took a sudden relapse and had a hem- orrhage followed by another on Erl- day evening. He gradually became Five until death came to his re- "iet. The deceased Was 67 years, 2 months and 7 days old, having mk- en a, prominent part in the upbuild- info! the town. The late Henry S. Boehmer, who died Saturday noon, was born on his lather's tarm near Berlin 0! Dec- ember 20th, 1836. His parents came to this.countrr trom Strasburg. Oer- many, and settled in this county, about 1830. The deceased remained on the farm until 38 years ago. when he came to Berlin ugd entered into the mercantile business in the cute ndian Block in the store now occupi- ed by Mum. Beck and Schcll. At- ter neural retsrs'trttsitte" the A.O. Boehmer Company was organized, at which he was Presidem " Mte time ot his death. He was tuso President ot the Dominion Tobie Company and Dirgetor oi the Berlin Piano Co., and the J.Y. Shut: & Son Co., button Minotaur: in Berlin pad Bungle: N.Y. The accessed Mrrnrir Ind great contldenee in the tum“ ot Ber- ty: and during his residence In this town he greeted out " has " wells: men! blocks. Ho MA a m dam in 1systtietrrryetii6, "GT w~¢wm and Toney, gonna: in 1m and PP. - l 9:; fi new ,matrtt-tit,igrfed, out to Ikr‘mn 03mm.» yho pMM him about 14 mm. Bythls t'it,'.'ttfr children were born, nunely. A who died IB. Nancy; AD. and 13.0.. of the A. o. Boehmr, Compaq; mm ot Pttitadetptria; MN. OJ. Nttrdharmett, Roehester, N.Y., And In. J. Appel, Dangle, N.Y. mums-l wu “an ‘mmcd to In. lug!“ am a! 'ragmr.tthte, Wit, who mtrTtoq Mm. The de-ed I: an survived my ' tetrtheiagtd lusts. My. Aug. tqt n6 Curls, tttue LC. Boei- ng: Co., Main“ “linen-at at W Wood aadGmtN., 2"ag'. LY, mu ' Co., lum- In. Mb. all In. your ' cl “MAM“. TI! l I Wu! In“ at IP «an M- ___ “1%.“; MRS. FRANK BRUBACHER an. I. B. K. new! HEN RY S. BOEHMER iiiiit "".'ihrci't", ii2lt2'g'fi."T,t o iririid 'eta-i Sun-an.“ w um. I» 'l'2ltt'S' Inn-wt. an». at. uni Q: a “lull In“ “my no. \ _ C new†in; word an hilly a» - muy Ill-ut- , Won pan. Poo: M. “at man, in» - a.“ In- ot Imb 'fur. at]. no ambition. “was and ' ion-O41]: much u - we â€not "won. or no Insult at mqt'rt" p.) . You mm Input DTOHIALTH laud-no "er-rits-tttthe"" ' It "r - P" RDA ---. mwmgnhgtmw ill "f;¢ LUsintgttrutbRedBlood '". Tttggtfgt all - .. mum 'ttgg' at ,t1-rbllrarr" " and steer..'""" dubhiqg rue-wanna . mat-:1 Ann-dew an†lukilitv “A ward that InirN cx- magnum qttotrd-lieatims.t, q N, , t l "I Mitts I wall “‘1. M " just on. “My up 'nymdo tuq.-ehi Dr. Witttama' PM Pills. That “I: will it“ You new uh, " new "In rub m. with“, mum elasticity to the luv, “0510' at health to the in chock; ther will 11-pin you with no: my Manly the m...) (one ot and and body. - _ Thau him- come: at the elv- iliaat we!!! W De. wuuum' PuthPilis It". not brought health and hope and hurl-nu to some ml, dettilitatod minim: per-on. " you lave“ not used no Jlli, your- all at your ndghbon and they will an you than statements m solemn truth. Mr. Chub Sumner. Corbet- rio, NM., I?!" “I Watt W! much run down and so weak! could hardly work. It reamed as though my Mood was little better than yaw. Ittb. ed several medicines, My Ittot nothing to help me until I began taking Dr. Willium’ Pink Pills. " Una simply astonishing how quickly these pills began to help me and how much new lite and vigor they put into me. lain a cook by protessipo, and the tact that I was able to cook I tor fifteen men last winter in the best prooi that the pills have made me as sound u ever Ivan." There is no mystery nbout the pow e; of Dr. William: Pink Pills to put new 's lite and . strength into you. Th'ey actually make new blood, and that is why they cure all blood dis- cues, like anaemia, indigestion, lchr and kidney troubles, headaches um bunches and the epoch] ailments of women. Through the blood Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills fwd and steady the nervw. strike at the root M nervous- ness, cure St. Vitus dance. tits,meur- algin, scigtica and partial paralysis, All these diseases spring lrom bad blood and disordered nerves. and they have all been. cured positively and permanently by Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine deal- ers " 50 cents a box or sie box- es tor $2.50 or by mail front the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Hamilton, Feb. M.-The arrest otl Wm. Hillis, who broke jail here a few weeks ago, while awaiting trial on several charges oi burglary, is a cause oi joy in police circles. Hillis was arrested in the post-oliice at Flint, Mich., yesterday alternoon by two detectives, who covered him With revolvers and ordered him to throw up his hands. Hillis‘ arrest is due to the clever work on the part of the Hamilton detectives, assisted by the Dudes and Gail: chiefs. The CN- caped burglar had relatives near Guelph, and also in Flint. Alter he moped he went toward Guelph, and was un'der cover for some time. Last week word was received that he was at Senna. and the police last no time in lorwarding photognphx and description to the tstteritt gt Flint, it being ,thought he was heading for that place. Inspector biennial: went to the Hichigm City int night for him, end sent word that Hilllis would not conuntto return until he had eonwlteil m ettorney. Hulls in wanted th Buhlo on nerious chases, and the Crown here may not We extrulition proceedings now. but diow the Hulda author- itiee to hue him. Severe] witnesses will hove to hunt to Flint it HEI- lis puts ape tight. . Hay can you hen: i‘ "19. only .eold." mt! iatet m that the In! W with walk. y comm W that an I‘M" ef.', 'e, nay unu- ’v- - -- t “It's only ueold." mt! I luv “ya hut lean that the ma Don hitt “with panama-h. This he! inch comm W that “whim an Ills“, - am " diamond- 're., Ctiaaitsertatar" Comh My mum any tasd0ner tonal pun-nah. n - car- ad is plunging w Me. For uh by MI am Reporter:--' company In†Sunbu- to!“ in aait to go H.- to we maul-chm oi mining and ce lent machinery. If; w. m. Chit, who!“ cud-d on I New. 'IX, an In.» Inputs! Block!“ you , unli- an. laud a. m. The hush; Pill?, than“, an hilly will†It. M the.. 00.. I. in but In- In». punt-My c... and .0 'e many rytAeytttrt a†ob ht- nun-u: â€up - m INDUSTRY FOR our COLDS HXLLIS l8 CAPTUBED ARE .pmonnous Gi, " tiqaerr, [', ‘ a. J“ " ' 'rcavssvaei'iid'iilt , $3.1» , iii ii - - 53 W21" 7'15"†' F M... l m ‘ J. u ... 0.0001; co " X ‘ $llr, l - trJl,'lltl'lr.s", H d 'ttM iiieir:rrtTii:Ell qtusmHeT.yyg9 w u -. 'e .. 1.?s'aiat Mick-Wand " . â€nah†, wat'." " , m .“ 'tGE ..........u»uu , tr 91" 8pe:tlt18fttrt.th - DI i......... 1 2197',‘ . tiig',ii,eftfie2ftttt,fpt'tt"atll',l' -f'" In, fC) - phroni+-Negii_T-te ............ " 71"}? - 8e:,'itl,ts',ttdtgfNgtrd It! ........ tit i'ri'iialll cum.»m..,u '?argthttftgr.::::y.: _ ,. "/s.". Mil" - . Cuh'muntmpnny all oedqm luk- mrmltteri' V: M, Bllg Not... Reginald latter or Expu- order to , '( 'r,' 's. DAVID BEAN, "Inâ€: ' 1Ifl!tel; DAVID BEAN, 'trtitl,-br"t,;s-.'ti.',f.af.j W1tedoo, P. S --The Chronicle-Telegraph and MIX], all with“ win " in the balance of the year free to all new seariieesttee Ar T One Dollar Each KING STREET The tarm upon which the Blooming- dale public school stands, out! which has been owned by the Rev. Merino Bowman for about " years, has been purchased by Mr. George Rem, oi Waterloo Township. Mr. Heist takes possession luenrly spring. It is reported that Mr. Emerson Bow- man who has worked the [arm for the past number ot years will leave shortly tor the northwest on n prov pecting tour, The farm was taken up when . lorest. by Jecob Snider of Pennsylvanin and has been owned ‘by his deseendtutta until purchased by Mr. Rem. Mrs, Merino Bowman is‘ n trtuurdtutgttter ol the original owner who otrtained his title to tlt? property trom the Crown. RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS A meeting ot the Retail Furniture Dulers Association at Cumin was held in Toronto last. weed which de. veloped Into; most important one. Some time Mo circulu: vote was by the mocha» to all its members {Manning than at . move to be It an, requesting manufacturer: " at! to only hon. No Gains. Tho myoc- Iu "rel-ma! pout anthem. The mum nppolnud the following diptrteta ones" to preside .m- II "It movement - .. 2 . 2,iiieiPjj.if'ttdi Hill, Pm- " Aid. 3.1!. smug". Guelph, Wu. . -aiia -Oittario, wt ot George- totrwe-J.r. Inn". Toronto; Pm!- h‘; J, Hoodlum Hamilton. Beer- “Irt'hé otuira, Hunted, Maettitrttt Provinces, Winnipeg and Vacant q.t.tle an agha- was no: op- pointed Tweed Pants The Twin city's Bast clothlng Store Made of good Tweed, well tailored. with a top pocket: and one hip pocket sewn with good linen thread. Some plain and some striped patterns S. SAUDER & CO,, F ARM SOLD. 76 MENS SINGLE t See our Windows. U] The Dominion Binder Twine Inspec- tor, Mr. .11.. Hum! ha concluded I tour ot inspection In the u twine new!“ In Cum. Mr. Hawk‘s ‘duty_ in to verily an Mum and: by she manhunt-n. ‘ A prisoner below the Queue can“ tor drunken-u will hollowed a treatment tor . “no drink and: and mm: Appoint“ tones that “a when minim. The pm“: mutant. tr-ttite " votk. about being nun-dd by, tto 'tttmn In thinningâ€. , USED PM“ YEARS mm 8000 RESULTS. In I. m n. In York. Ian- I. tn. m D. A KENDALL on. acme-ten ..-t main-um fun on it.t,lttg?iiiirr',2,,i'h1ii'itii tfit'iih'dt " I an. have Pt ml- both 1% n a.'Tatth. ia"ith'g,tN,t tttg'atgu,.', It“! you - m In. - WM . P. max. " " !ttt?xit'ltlt'iirSkP,F.it can. put. my! neg-35:2. " g. mar-.9: 'aTTaGlG7tTo7 - iiirif. "i;- iiiijiitSifif, _,asi,f/'l.a"e'ilstrt..% “wanna; .21 - iat..xasmaueas,ertoaatmttraus,vr. 333 it 'dh"..' 'dl 2:22;: 'a' ....... I†y.y.r.: " ‘....... ll! I?“ Ta-lt-el- bt Lima..." _ acre titiRLttt ©