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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Mar 1904, p. 2

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£71). Hon. J.E. Davis, Commission- . Fol Crown Lands, referred to this :13; inhil1bk speech on the bud- Rf, ' detatet in the Legislature the A “I. What he .sajd on that oc- , _eei ‘ hm efhetive answer to the WWW and silly assertions of " i “on that the Government _rm the timber manna ot _ y = than. and that. pr'acticOr all 'tht to been exhausted. A low 319-1113 High Contracting Parties , that neither of them will, with- /9 .eonsultirtg the other, enter into ' “to trrrangements with another to the prejudice of the inter- . than described. _ Treaty also provides for full J14. trunk communications in the cv- 'ttt ot difficulties arising. 3313M idea of the almost unlimit- f. extent and great value of the tim- . tesources of Ontario may be th) , A from a recent statement 'F., by Mr. Southworth, Detector Ill! .h Bureau ot Forestry. Calculat- " pp n basis of " pct thousand it: "eenmriders the revenue from ' Q loam alone to the province $tt" d bowmth $30,000,000 annually r.rr-.:,/9,--rt, in the above event any oth- " Power or Powers should join in {httmties against that ally, the oth- a: High Contracting Party will come a in assistance, and will conduct tne in common, and make peace in ' . _ l agreement with it. tut, expected to see,this amount in his life time. "F-iii' Contracting Parties, - mummy recognized the inde- , ' e h olChiln and Cores, declare ; Vesta beentireiy uninttueneed hgly aggressive tendencies in eitl" ', why. Having in view, howerrc, “spa-m interest or which those a Grant Britain relate priueipally aw, mm, while Japan, in addition W p.. interests' which she possesses BE'N ' is interested in a peculur tttr, politically, as well as com- r' i Sally, and industrially, in CUP ie" “High Contracting Parties ItF 'r8rei" that it will be admissible for 3*” of them to take such meah'tll'- . - be indispensable in order Ego? salt-guard those interests it “tuned either by the aggressive gm ot any other Power, or by {Minna- arising in China or Cor. is. And necessitating the intervention *dther ol the High Contracting EM“ tor the protection ot the liv.. y, and property at its subjects. ir2r-tt either Great Britain or Ja- if”. lathe defence of their respective Pints as above described should , involved in war with another $t'et the other High Contracting irartr will maintain a strict neut- ’M other Powers trom joining in Militias, against its ally. f e $8 Ie,8tttt m,‘dml '.": 'r, 0‘th cun- 1l8 F Mtttt M my We. Af~~'-. "law. b the comm ['. I l " out “In. TttF cT _ . JIM it Anglo-JW " -' ”“qu a Juan: , "I. “a the upon " u L but. up tmty, . - blame [or Menus I w “attic two Governmems, "t a hold] bra tie-Into unin- , Cd “tutu: quo and general pent .'9.. hr East, and being specially , ‘ l in maintaining the iruie. . ‘- and territorial integrity oi . Yuma of China and Caren. - ’ ll 'Iecuring equal opportunities l r ‘ countries tor the commerce iir, _ My of tll nations, agreed ' tttate"".-. M. Mr. Duis said. showed “than were still ten billion rm tr m DIM "landing on the J lands of Ontario, tttMtieient Ae tit twenty nah Balea at that tf “plan in December last. In . out)“: the Province will . may $75,000,000, and we . “would mount to n Inst It. " {he tttree Iromthe um- g; ttet-tr-iota to the B. V - "00,000 a yen, 5,. .thmld continu- tor tom “ “kid-0.11:. mm um mm g”? has.“ Gonna-yu- " so" an. n no my iltt vim a... ttne Mt!! [f/lr, u“ a“ .m - w: ' 1t9tt. M . '== T _ m'* BegMltf, _ 'r 's I” ONTARIO'S FOREST WEALTH. ANGLO AY'""""' Tm, . mud-gm: consul-got bus-gun‘s;- In. Duh ”I a! Inn-l - Berlin wlll have aaother'ehurch ad- ded to it: already long list. in the very near future. In Ituet the new un- gregation is Lairly well organized. It is composed olnbout 120 (mum. unrelenting about 350 persons, who will withdraw as member! trom St. Peter's Lutheran Church um organ- in " indtspew$mtt ' convention. This step in taken " . result, otcer. tall: dimcultiel that hvu mused n spilt in the large congregation at St. Peter's Church. The new consumption will be knownu the “£ch amends." and [or tn who in; VI“ likely a» can the Court Hana “their plus. ot Vault”. The ttmt Sunday School mm m congregation in ‘lleld human!” mar-con. m an tot- lovhgsmy th. Int public um mum h bell n “Benin Hal-n. mm of“. Win and will . - M M. Ila will Att out“ aw». II! and In my“. I, W. n I: "peete0, a. - m m- caption will in. an Idle My ot it - "If the members of the Trinity Methodist Church on Wednesday evening a reso- lution was passed culling upon the Dominion Parliamentrto pass an Act protecting the Lord's Day. Messrs. W.R. Wil inson, J. Hellman, and D. B. Musselman were elected to fill va- cancim on the Quarterly Board. ORGANIZING A NEW CHURCH Guelph Mereurr.--A meeting in connection with the (i.J.R. exten- sion to Goderich was held in I'll- mira yesterday, at which a feeling very [notable to the extension was expressed. The meeting was compo;- ed ol the ratepayers of Elmira and the surrounding country and was ad- dressed by Reeve Ratz, of Elmira, Mr. Warner, Mayor Hamilton, Mr. Wm, Bell, president of the G.J.R.,. and the secretary of the road, Mr. AH. Macdonald, K. C., and the reeve ol the township. The Guelph representatives were obliged to drive from Berlin to Elmira; one train had got to Berlin from Elmira but did not return. The meeting was well attended and seemed favorable to the extension. The accused, who was a cattle drawer, is alleged to have iorged a relative's name to notes ob- tained [mm the Canadian Bank oi Commerce at Ayr. The moneys to- talled between $2,000 and $3,000. Spokane, Wash., Feb, 26.-Provine- ial Detective Joseph E. Rodgers, of Toronto has come tor John Thames, who is wanted in Ayr on lorgerv charges. He has then here for two years working under an asalmcd name. Thamer has consented to re turn without extradition, and will be taken back at ottce. I can be otiained (at $1 at drug- gins. There are other causes. but no mat- ter what the cause og what the kind of piles, Dr. Leonhault’s Hem-Rom can be relied upon to cure-‘to stay" cured. A guarantee goes with each pack age containing a month‘s treatment. It'san internal remedy that te- moves the causes ot itching, blind, bleeding or suppurating piics. Followed by a reaction on account ofthe resinous, drying properties they contain. A prolilie cause ot piles is the use of cathartics and . gills of a drastic, Violent nature. A “my ham” be tra- Mr. aura: we a a. by not“. a Wtom and magnum Backward-g the your ad- hattu h hm with pro- motion. W. - In. no term, "Adiqaatq Prof-cunt." an: the Spectator declare: an proper calm in, "High Protection." These phas- es nu, hoiovor, both wrong. What thiseotattry vuu bun kind ot protection that doe-m mks cow. sumerr pnanore (or thing than their intrinsic market W. A kind at protection thatHouid increase the purchm‘nt power at; Dusk! . C of, wheat might also he worthy of Cote sideration as a moan! at increasing the wealth of this great wheat pro- ducing country. tin-uh '-rtttqgtrtst?9i't.t%' manual-nigh Bu!s, an: garb-mayhem»; go: mmmmdmmxu thn Nubia. duped-Aq- at the Prod-cc. em,i§§--un THE ELMIRA MEETING TIlAMER IN CUSTODY EDITORIAL NOTE. “hurl.“ PILLS AND FILES Poeite “a.” Ml anathema-mud um .tcrfre.t “.39”! ttyt “W In the crow-examination by Mr. Hence, In. Struck created cmttsld- enble amusement In her “tempts to get out at the tight place- the Cquw. nel Wu chewing her hto. tht one of then occasions In. Heine “(erred to the time they wen moving trom New Halibut; to Etmirn and were pecking their Wold Mustard MI a any " ' o'clock in the morning. Therm. Itouonvuch they had paid " man dealer with some other credlton vetted “a? the Stu-ch. This Ito" Mn Stream mach "eited and Ilen- the! tow gun-mu in that “an. kt In: My told her mun-o m - new: the - the. ammo - Animal but tu', In: ghuu " tat my. ttli H 'i'ttSillt a... In." my. ,ul: " tt This suit proved to be among the most interesting of the docket. Mrs, Philip Struck lived in Elmira and had an uncle end an aunt, Mr, and ‘Mrs. Chris. Trachsel aged about 80 years. and worth about $25,000 'dr- ing in New Hamburg, In July of 1898 Mrs. Struck went to New Ham- burg and she told the court that Mr. Trachsel promised her that ii she and her husband would come to New Hemburg he would remember them in his will. Mr. and Mrs. Struck moved to New Hemburg, and lived in the same house with Mr. and Mrs. Trach- sel until thelollowing June when they returned to Elmira. Mrs. Struck in her evidence told Hie Lordship that when they went there the house we: dirty and tilthy and not In tor any person toliveln. She cleaned it. .The old couple were in poor health, and the waited upon them, “tending to their ailntettta and also cooked all their meals. In M at 1902 Mrs. Trecxhel died, and E, months later Mr. Tribal penned away, end In. Struck “tended the tuneful. The will wuread end the 825,000 was equal- ly divided between the two surviving I children and In. Struck did not receive her expeeted membrane. Consequently the notion. - ___ After evidence had been taken his Lordship gave his verdict in favor ol the plaintiff in lull of their claim as given above, amounting virtually to $309, and the defendants to pay the costs. The dung claimed that the plain- till agreed subscribe tor one share in the Canadian S.L.'.&‘B, Associa- tion. Two months ‘alter the above al- rangement Thompson called upon the plaintitt with a View ot selling stock in the defendant company. The $100, oi stock in the Canadian S.L. & B. Association had not been purchased for the plaintiff and the latter in- structed the defendant to cancel her subscription for $100 of stock in the Canadian St. & B. Association, and then subkribed lor $300 of stock in the Canadian Tin Plate Decorating Co., Limited. The defendant also claimed that the plaintitr fully un- derstood the transaction and that there was no traud or misrepresenta- tion of any kind on the part oi Thompson, and the plaintitt held for along time the certiMate ot the Can- adian Tin Plate Decorating Co. Thompson also denied that he ever agreed to procure tor the plnintill 3 shares ot the capital stock ot the Canadian S.L. a B. Association. ? . ti I!" ' E 'a" g§r tl at 'IM, - ‘v'iSFEE, L=2h aewm A ”44.: " an FM ‘ " Ill-tlt £14,“ r p,tra -M. . ERSSSa - Fy Bt3llllW, ‘ IE - 'tlt) :31" . ' A," -. ' =r: T" an” 'lille/gl-l,, vre ' _ 5‘ a, . 'f' _ a ”the III “at ,om- Dull-n nut-er m IW~ Anal-me and Wu tad "q-trf b tar, or clan. to Irish the! on“ when“ I.” and be ml- tt Yolk can: been In! I my. anon-Mu to two hundred dollul, and - trim the-and 8100 hush. and In to- turn We“! unto receive three paid lip-hue. ot “Manchu The Cancun Sui-u ad Building " socintlon. 1th clumsithot Thomp- son converted the-tack into money or money's worth wd.did not pay the proud: nor the $100 in cash to the Canadian Amintion. Suite- quently Thump-on eeued to be . an agent olthe Association and became a shareholder and Becretary of the defendant Company and converted this snout into three lully paid up‘ shares in the Company, with thelull knowledge and consent ot the plun- tia. The tritAilt claimed n wheelie-i tion ot the certificate for the three shares end the removal oi her name as a shareholder from therbooks ot 1 the Company, and n declaration 'hat l the plaintii! never was Inwiully n1 shareholder in the Company. That the puiatii, be furnished with three fully paid-up shares of the capitnl stock a the Cnnadian Savings Loan end Building Association, bearing div- idends lrorn the.dnte at which such shares, should tirst belurnished to the ptaintili. In the alternative that the defendant be ordered to pay llle plaintiit the sum oit300 and interest thereon from November 13th. STRUCK v. TRACHSEL tlrid iaraua -- than “"1”” n. i'icii 2Giir'lli's"'a a. P. Mitt-“Lh- . III-us Mann- L'tti'iiiiiitiiiiiiiiitLtr, We lab-(WI VI.- att1tlh't1'it,llta1',tr.r,'t'latte MM conclusion oldie Alm- Thursday p.m., Hit Lordship ul'lt Justice mum: ”has n ma turn-lac on than who lard him ex- press him-cl! hm an Mo In con- nation yin tin Clan-a and Brink. It was agreed between the counsel ot Walter Littler, p1nintitt and the Berlin Acre”: Company. defendants, that ludgxnclt be directed upon the appeals; tot1owr--mrdgment tot the phhtIB for ma upon Ms claim-without colts. Judgment for the defendant.- tupthe counter-clam tor 863 without coo, And such )udgmant null bout on leaving n. Mince ot 3125 to be paid by the de- lcndutl to the plum"! within two week- ot an tttttta. lament Feb. 24th. . k -e - u an. '12tr.Wiht dtlrtau'2 ht can comm mm tlh-hrtestiy cone; Chaim "-eteiiTtirAt1e His Lordship dismissed the action without coats, intimating that up to the time that no evidence was given contradicting thnt the stove had been paid tor, he had thought he would give Mrs. Struck the verdict, but the stove was not paid tor. He told the puirttilhs to have promises put in writing. _ Herman Wuese and Herman Becker also gave evidena. The latter sold the stove to Street and had receiv- ed $5 in cash fot'it and a note tor the balance which had never been paid. . . Mr. Wm. Mill“, solicitor, of New Hamburg, stated that about a year ago Mrs. Strtk cane to him and told him tint she thought old Mr. Trgchsel got more money out oi her aunt's _ cs- tate, ot which hewas executor, than' he had ever “counted tor, and she thought she should be paid tor het services while living in the same house. Witness knew Trachsels and knew thatthey provided tor their own living. CB-Iahthh'! m MM!- "And' supposing I give her 32,000. that will he in line," jokingly remark elITis Lordship. Last year he received a letter from Mrs. Struck'I solicitor asking tor 8300, [allowed by a writ tor 8600, and then the statement of claim for $1,000. ChanuterIaiit's Remedies. CW' tub and 7' iii 'iauea "aar.- A. hi my. his. a an W's his ' Write for out [imam a - home Inning. The Gurney Foundry Co.. “no“ [ Toronto. CM. "o-h. sf M.Bauaura nth-gal “d an. tr,e.et""-'""'_ 'aMi'g"l'llu. huh . Ink) an of pm“ it 1',i.ttd2htttgrgthrtt2t hmh-o “In” '.aaittVarotm4thestt-ibv: 'p4,t'titttta'attt'.agt dtbceonlund. q TuBiitmtratiors-teoftt- mum-bombwmheh- gangs-has: nth-:- g CW] Wald“ . Ker LTah'lh'l'tflE THIS CASE SETTLED mum-abut.- Oxford Hot Water - Heater. me Ann-Inn‘- mac-unmet ”atom-um undo-.158. 9..--t0.9.t--h- h1mo16mM,” $lIAgUltt,t 21'MNNt'd twain“). In. umammmm. mm “and“ mum-n. mm alt-v W. in as 'ftglth'.Ur math-m“ "t.ao1adtoaartttdhtt. "In um um thin may and Mm.ndmlmolyeom dIMMy W62 immune?“ huh-u can nan-I- An on In. "may Tor-. Inn-ion. M. Stb.-PNmur MM: on his ttrat mucous-W In at. Home ot Common - " m. ... In [and with war- churn. m.trtme to A -ttotr, In mu the nun-at that than vu- no mu; In unmod- that am: Bri. mb and“ to mu and. - on an mun can: In tho "a: at B, can u: Int. Emu“: Landau Fob. Der-Th Par on.. -tt-H.otmrtAt.ttt.mrmor ”NI-hadn't). W Du- nmmcmlru(m) m ”mph-mutton It -tt"d.vto6ert In! M nun-mam. Gait. Feb. 24.--The tlritt of a ser- ies of homo and home notches be, tween Gow- O.H.A. team and Prem ton, the champions 01th. W.O.H.A. itttermediate took place here might with the home team winner: by 3 to 2. A: the more indium the play was even, Blackie in Preston's net, so“: this exhibition, mud Giilnrd In: the Itnl' on the torwud position, though the tam I" through us In" balanced. For Galt, Preston god Woe- son, on the towards, carried the hon- on. Preston looting all three goals, Linton, in goat, did good work. The return gun will be. played in Pres- ton Friday evening. 1 In giving " judgment in the Cle- mens and Bricker vs. Berlin cases. His Lordship held that it was the duty of the town to barricade all streets undergoing improvements, and particularly where the road-roller is in operation. - l The Spring Assizea coneluded on 1Thursda, nltemoon at the Court Houwntter “session lasting than: days. The last case disposed ot was that of “Kalb vs. Union Lllc Assurance Co.,- in which the plun- titt Koltr sought possession q of a room lormerly occupied by him when agent tor the defendant company. Af- ter hearing considerable evidence His Lordship dismissed the case without coats. Hitt Lordship rendered judg- ment in seven cases, one was decilod by jury And another was settled out ot court. V "Well, It 850 in preventing you (mm arriving than moment one olyou 1mm lorry. I'll give you until two o‘clock to ruck B settle- ment," Wu the Chtet Jutlce‘a tut- nouncemalt. 7 It In understood that Mr. Clement, K.C., has amend in bettaN ofthe town, “00 In asthma! of china. Mr. Scellan wuntljwo tor the plum tins, and to comprombe m. Clo- ment In: inerenaed " one! to 8050. Mr. Snell“ reinse- to accept the town's our. At the -1tmtiq'erthe stud-er a n. It“: anew today In: Locum naked hrs a! a; Olen-a n. Bulk ad m n. Bull: out: it they In! aghrod " annulus-n aato ch uncut at 'Sauer. tobs paid an. mums. _ Clement and Sedan [or the t'1rg,'l."' - up!“ that they Bot. avian,» Jon b-LW or} an eitttge my. the undo-n without: or tn I In"!!! of 'sosta,",inti- mtg! His Lorain». "How much It the amid-u bo- tvoen you,” “X " “an: 'Witty-dollars," my.“ r. Cle- ment, ' "We In" Mn ode! to the Nahum, ad so has the other pu- ty 3nd we no willing to up!“ the Menace," and It. Cmt. "We will not Mt ttte tow-'1 tti. My: In: Mr. 'trttT'Cit_tbitiort. w V 7 ~ w ii I ifi'i,'d. “at. tttat i "6tfettn 371...... .5. " , an“ - u - I‘M . can“ a as Mr. go! i . I- cum: (at at: M and tho-auto, In! at 8105 at it? my mum m m. data-mu at tho third paws “a. Clam.“ a Clan-rt In may V Jr. Inlay, K.C., And All. Phantom tor Island» at. Kan: and HU. sun: (or the third pang. PRESTON LOST AT GALT MAI. BY PREMIER 3AM THURSDAY AFTERNOON ' TOWN CASE AGAIN “I .- - M lawn chulnn own G.T.R. "r.u-"Nsver In All my who“ ex- pclncu did I when nything “In the pro-alt. True" Mu had cold day-,1,“ - Mn " tad It " wash can stretch bum. and I "Y M%':rAt,u','rte ( so “such. do..." I I0. In ,ehatt-rtltbe to no Grund'l‘rnk latches“: tl',t was. mcnmm “have In Wino“ It. Mttto Idohov, a. on]: menu. tttthe Gilt“. at -ethts not! will In". . union dolhn. no then some no- »MH ttt the mm do." an 'dtlltt ”I. n mi and... t “1 -rredlhaNMattqtqe on pi 3.1".“ _ h “an. db lune-I ', Sith." trrthtqtmreshr- Ar, h "Nntut has“. _ CW who... - 1! - his” an Wu'den Geo. Land and County Milan P. mm, J. Hanna, and m"; ' IN, I and m- - twp Cgtyml; vet. ' n- A resolution wu moved by Mr. Locum, Oxford County, "eonded by Mr. Human, akin; the Govern- ment!» pus mululon can“ for than“ and“ are: igt'theitt$erest at an good to“: momma“. Mm consider-Me dismtrtsion, a. thte ttd Mani-non Ill mm unw- um. The ndviuhiiity ot petitioning the Leghlnture u to the width oi the tires on vehicles curving been Joule loaned the subject on dink cuesion which wee opened by Mr. J. A. McDonald, ot Waterloo County. Mr. mud aid; greet runny wugonnwere ttttad with 3-inch and 81-iactt tires, but he did not greet- Ir tailor linking my iew on the sub- ject. The med: belong ta the “more and so do the wagon, so why should they be dictated to as to the width or their tires t He would diow I turner a reduction in etetute inhor tor using wide tires, however. An- other question on which the speaker felt more strongly wu that ot the width ot sleighe. There is no stand- ard width, u there is tor wagons, but the general run are 3 feet 2 inches wide. Mr. McDonald edvocnted making 3 stnnderd width, and dhrirtg it at 4 met 8 inches, the some n Wit- gone. This would nuke the vehicice‘ "ater, would be ot Advantage to com? ‘mercini travelers inthe carriage oi sample cases, and would generally be oi greater ndvuntnge then the present nurow sleigh. , Mr. Daniel Reid, Wentworth; Mr. Wiliiun Chmnon, Victoria; Mr. Hew- Ion. Simone; Mr. W.H. McMahon, ot Wenetead; Mr. Joseph Rogers, King; end w. Chu. Mohr, Cuieten, per- ticipeted in the diecunion. Opinions varied u to the nine oi wide tires, mine weaken chiming they were, dangerous on icy or my roads, and others contending tint it wee impin- Iihle to malntnin good mule without them. There when tem1irsg on the part of were] that this we. n no ter which should be left to Mum- tion, uy through the Fumen’ inni- tutee. end that communion Ihonid not be introduced. The animation [eve-Jed t cool tied at ‘uunimlty on an necessity tor leg- ilhtion to elm up a doubzlul point. in the section, end the motion we adopted. at. VII _rttset%tiat mic-cl ve m} P. Show: all Dr. Wood. Mt v! Vicious _ Us”, “or“: 'ttthet at W“ Iowan county col-ill- my] municipalities loom building ot kid'- under 800 not long. In action 611 A otthq (Io-nourish! luniclpoi Act studs, it is thought by many tint the entity Judge has to deal with ouch mm". and that agreement: would not be binding, which would In out ot com. Th object of the motion in to obtain “amendment to the section v T will ive ta county council: .34 mar intimation power tolled with bridg- u. and mite mm“ which ninll be binding on all parties, Iiihont relaxing the matter to the Call.) Judge. ... - _ Mat, of many, the we“, 'tth oupiod “adult. The Int, m. nae-Gad to the M“: Alter thy, mm at t). nip- Tou-to. hr. anus-sum] up his mm; a. “at ot “It Pro- vllu a! Mt hymn” a. “than "at 'tt.peodttrm a! th- Iu'n I: cutie! to In“. “a dealt with“. mil‘ At a; union ot the Vesta-1| Ontario Good M Axles-hum. Mr. Juno ara- T WOW.“ I IV]‘. "rllltt$ffttll, Retqe.et,,tt.athesogWestemprr , 'r, Trr, ‘W D9.e..ttpCB.ridtrea add I“ “59.2%.? GOOD ROADS THE USE OF WXDE TIRES Wide" fife? ASSOCIATION. M. “a. Winch-u; 0: Km)! Chub, Ton-0o. My oi sun», in mutual u mm will prob- "tr Ital.“ ttV,' Itt. 2t. M‘UM I,“ M P. III-J” was iiilai; 'eB.ttttt. to“ 'trqhitet hm The Elmln Mandi ot the ("and Trunk bu had tumbles of “a on. "all m, mm citizens ot our mm»; northan town have in an oltrom consummation with m g,'ff2tir, airteq Wane-day. on . " W- from Elma J,?' “mm: adrift . In- tm um mm at. Janna. who“ um numb“ Rm aw. 1mm on!” ha been In: t: 'rhiltuatts out bttt many!” Vail-eons. “no I- M In - leg can not to Bum M "ta, "In." ban- will!“ "tt ,"dud" can. ,"ttW, an. m “to gut a. on a new“ qretmraiiiot In“ his. hm teal; cull-l hm. the m A w. _ ra "an an arm- "dll,.' than» do monk; hr a ttmtg, Trunk “W. n In a“ '" = an: to helm a!" h tr bu It, up“. F mam mug; BADLY BLOCK unit. titsifiiiih. " 0|..st um'awâ€"w~“'@ Giiit?iii5.tiil a a u- " on; In Guadalu- MW Stall In. on: by Jon. 1'.va any" EliE,Eili Lam-z:-: .. season them, meas. Mug-i -iis Mud together with mm. ot 'stir, description. MI B. FISCHER. Proprietor. Some people claim to mlt " T but COLD 8101mm limp. Mt to announce to the ttitirsem, of the Twin-City that I am the thtLe an who bu . Cold Stony plum-And themfom the only one Who ‘al Rowan of WMMnHon no. ai'i11!tlltrp..lglt3ttr4it'pts;rts iiiiiiUT If .13”: 'GGT,a . Tit", 393:3; m a d. u. REXALL 'IATA'. TiudP"""rgtei anion-41.“ "l':,:?, TaefrNrtudi-i'i, hull-V“ "lj, manic-s, .. , Inn-M“ " V . tt,"fgL% “C 't " In“ - Ahab-ml. M '.t'li"a"'d"r'ati.i' “hum...” ,- Jun-MK... “m - i W '-rs'r"ii'jlllijl, ”mm ' 't,'ts? A, V w-. the. 1elhrertst.' _ ”A? tM _eemiqr*tIh-i. 5332“. 5 3.2. on. hon-In. T 'aiiti,'li?itfi I?“ l (1...). than". M223}?! "than . "11.: '_---- . .‘v f All aha-en of 'tt",t,"gettt'1 " lowest. current run-w ' uh.Aacidoot-nd t%ehese.ylqAi all". Boil-r hummus. Emm- ta'tr,W.1i!trr, PldaliV Btrodidii. w ___ JGiiG my in 'fdrtCt'h'2','gll'ffl Jim No. ’0. ttaT, " Tin-mow" arc' 'r.,,htltr2,,,,etaet.et Bnekbemngh t 00.; “maximum a co 1. tiii"itt'qis'st 1r,',t'r'ttititGt A'tlitt. mm~ua~' lmitations. HOUSE- HOLD 929351'9P-h-tme' MES Axum. Rtty,

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