Emmi: THAT 'coucu 'lei') at"1t _ , B P,et2t't tt'f.eStrir,iua Syrup of Linseed, Hem m _'" Chlorodyne will do it. a The but dart, gin: and. the hula 253 at F Mia’s (My Drug Stem 'totttselus Apotheke W W-WW oooe. IL B Ducting. um. I“ Interest you. Banish", Bargains, Bargains 3 Wildlang’a. Berlin. Potatoes are selling at Tie per ttgin Wnktloo at present. The many friends ot Mr. li.B. puer- ing are pleased tosce him able to be out again. W- oo4.00oo'.b00i.H. o0000 ' Mr. Mame Heckeqdom of Elmira 'er" to. his new home mar Uuugu and on Tuesday. "Farmers report the roads in the country to have costsiderably improv- ed during the past week. The Waterloo Broom and Brush Co., Limited, is still closed on au- (aunt at having no lucl. The annual matting of the Mutual Winter goodufa‘l deamiptiotss are being sold at daughter mica at Wthtfaag'er, Barlh. Lite will be held on Thursday, Ma 8rd, at the bead office Waterloo. Mr. Albert Wahn oi Hanover assisting Mr. EM. Drum dugin ,tock-taking at the City Drug Stu: "I‘ll many friends oi Mr. Jacob Conrad in, will bcpIeascd to learn that he is able to be out again. A good sized crowd witnessed the attracticn “Jetty from Kerry“ at the Town Hall, Waterloo, Saturday evening. M. WildfatrgU win. in this issue is crush your perusal. A’tucmzo bar- gain. tho last mammoth Bah: of the lemon. as Fosute nod Innis-m Agent-n. ' wusumo. on. The Mercanli annual mur'ung tread cam, March 'ith. The Street Railway an in operation an light running {use N the track open. Use a pin the tact tr Btlecloses _ " on page 0 Mr. HAN. Roos returned home on mutiny trom the Tmontn‘ (imam! Pippin“, where he was siuccessrfully operated upon about a month ago. English services wen Jda’i Lutheran Chun wing. The attuzmuxc qpite of the inclemcncy gr. .1111: new pipe organ oi the Waterloo Wadi“, Church has arrived and wiitU put into the Church next Mr " will be tardy ior use on Sun- by Feb. 28th. Leap year coming once in any than has one day Int' $yr you one more day to -9r's Leap Year Shoe Chant all“. in lat page. but nixed 10 cents per bushel abtto Union Mills Monday nmxninn I†realizing Ms per bushel. 1110 i in price is the result. of the Ja- ' sin war, . " 'te gym-attic exhibition and mn- _ - A, ', which the Waterloo Cadet ‘7 ti . ,htl you m the Town Hall on Total. Bettlrt--tt. Waterloo-110. M». q mu. minim to be. wry Monty for Interim-n shots. " a JIM: a well u a ttne cuter- ' iti ' . W oughtto so last. ' " -""t"" ,., 7 " m “may mum; them. 9mm. “mimosa m mis- ? 'tths not “range that so many pew F in buying their footwear of us. 1 trtr'tl learn the reason it you read Pr. ad. on lat page. Zieglcr's Ra- in». Conutiu’ Greatest Shoe Stun- h. an. Cm- ltDirszei.teta an; Elma 'tusiest Society Band V t Imslul concert on iihi,iii,i. The manner In F fir mo ‘vu tendered i Minuet: great credit on h3, P, mung“?! “133% â€kw , _ .u ' 'lftt, Pre may-Hm '," W MN! , We!“ a. 9" , F ' ','ttltttdqta RAYMO 31103., Local News. Jar Gnu w unmatully “on 8 " the Berlin-Wu;- l Tuuduy to: arm by Des. Hoiitt bt Guelph, lawmanâ€. m "It dttt ' tum be expect“ which (this um be plan! to D, Not Pat OE â€:an M Water da ir be 'ir to get of thd weattr Waterloo. ld ‘ld rtok at and " the cumin»- - oi-Mit/ MF.sqi 'at _ . .. “(3%de - I: â€a '?.1tititt an; tte “runaway 'l‘ . our“. _ mt. MRI-now than“, bib t'thuttlltfft"d"ile gnaw!†2td'pt'u'"t'eiil'Mar,it'd II "an ‘ul “a.†i-bynum Den PittlUer=ttegrt"t't mayo! Galt.0eattatgdanea- bingo“. 5"“ in ber hm- "t.Pe."t'tyte. . .. " 4 Au." , A ' , was: tth V _ ' i d la hold titl I h "shuns: to M, will I]. _ Mildlujlt at - un- Mr. Thaw m til baton-don uni at! Jun: New“ and. cum. ' Srt subscription may will in III I} out “I mdm will Mall“ In use“ nth: plan and "eNatst- Mon! us mun. . I Theodore Meyer, Ian ot In. loy- er, King St., north. died " the Bee- 1ia-Wauriuo hospital londsv Lucr- ‘noon, med 24 years. Deceased had Wheel: ll! tor about two week: with Iptte [ever and Wu moved to le, hospital Sztumay afternoon. He was unmmied and In? etnploro1 at Seagtam‘l distillery. He was . memberol Court Enurpzise, No. " C'.O.F. Waterloo. The tunenl took place on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. gettr, at 1.30 o'elcelt to St. John', Lutheran Church tor service thence to Mount, Hope cemetery ior inter- mom. WtNrED--gtmtrt boy " new“! clexk in Bonn Furnishing More. Apply puma-Hy to Glen, Wolfhard & Co., Berlin. WANTED-- Apprentice wanted. Boy flitecn or sixteen you: old, with tair English education, to learn printing. Apply " this omce. will el, years Ziegle public A CHALLENGE. The curlers at Club Furtsuhritt hereby challenge the winners, ot. _the Moore Cup tda friendly game to take place within the next ten days. Y.M. Berlet, Sec'r. LOSE IN SEMI-FINAL In the third draw at the Guelph bon- spiel the Waterloo curlers won from skip F.J. Barber of Georgetown by 18-12. In the semi-frm" games Tues- day afternoon against skip Minnie ot the Guelph Unions they lost in a closely contested game by IG-9. Wa- terloo were holders of the Sleeman trophy last year, but this year it re- CURLERS AT GUELPH One rink ot Waterloo Curlers is taking part in the bonspiel for the Slccman trophy and Guelph Tankard which opened at Guelph on Monday afternoon. In the afternoon in the first draw the Waterloo rink defeat» ed skip Grant ot Georgetown by 24- 7. In the evening in the second draw the Waterlooires won from skip' R. Mahoney of the Royal City Club by i6-11. The Waterloo rink is composed of Messrs. FIG. Hughes, S.B. Brick- er. Wm. “egg and E.F. Seagram, skip. WATERLOO DEFEATS BERLIN Four rinks at Berlin curlers played friendly matches with tour rinks ol Waterloo curlers at the Waterloo rink and three rinks of Waterlo curlers played at the Berlin rink at. the same ti,me Wednesday evening, Waterloo defeating their rivals on the round by 32 shots. The score was:- II "M. Snyder, skip J. Hespeier, skip W. Hogg, skip w'...,. F.U. Hughes, ship. LOST, On Monday, Feb. 29:11, our Great Leap Year Shoe Bate, mend and the best chance in {om mrswill belosl. Yes, lost lorcvur iegler's ads are contracts with the Ablic. Try'us. At Berlin. M. Schiedcl, Ikip J.J.A. Weir, slim C. Knnz, skip .rr.. trh. Bruce, skip G.B. Moogk, skip A. Jones, strip ... The Univmkty ot Toronto I: Tc puel toenail†mast-m In - mloo Kr their' local eliminate“ in mute. which Includ. m Maury. Junior. and an!“ gnu ln mo. org.- “11mm, Ind the inlet, " "tttttdi-te Ind m0! p.331! “I. My ot " Ills. not. .13.. " mm In in. who; but â€an" out. mum I 1Rst.rmr., an! arm VI to bail I and!†_ .' 1talll!hitllltt, "' A; - __A. I 0," 5.1.4, _. At P. Cover, skip, E. Haines, skip Forsyth, skip J. Sims, skip . OI Waterloo.-- Waterloo my Berlin 0d MtstetM, Imus-cant , wtttlhmtstrs6d0- new; ttthalt',,,'.""',',".'.,,", in. I min-3m,me ll 18 H 24 I3 " 15 " " 17 11 " _ nL’Vthn-ru†_ an 'ttttsee" in Toto-Io a bot-. In. I‘M“: " landing . In in}! itt_Nreo an»: _ . ‘Ilu Edith Nichol. MW‘ 'ot Mr. and In. John Nichol,~ Ill- _ w Av... ten 3mm" tor the Northwest. She will to wound on Monday in Winnipeg. In... to It. Bert Vestry: ot Regina, KIT. formuly at Bath. The trap" VMS canola will mum: locum hm inRoguu, N13. when her. Wen- ru hold. “wrath. with. in o hardware store. Th may irientll ot the bride md groom int-b Twin- City will extend to them hearty con- gnlulauom and tteat willie- lor I happy and prolpaom would lite. Mr. EM. Sumac“. manger oi the Mooslmln N.W.T. band! at the Con- adian Bank ot Commerce, formerly accountant. at the Ion] bunch. was renewing aeqttaintarte" in Waterloo Friday, while on his way home alter spending I vacation in Hull“, N, s. While in town Mr. Sounders was the guest of Mr. [3.0.0. Minty. Mr. Saunders returned to Mooslmln su- urday morning. - in. tti, - at new In “anâ€! _ 'tst-rs-Ice-f.. hi. “' â€as..." mum It. “In! In and moon uction with Jacob Um. _ I. M John Haul. II. we“. " has an! u. Me Haul Wk lath- â€Ila-(bu hockey lunch " out many non- mg. _ - Mi. Edward' Gran, eldest, son at Mr. Henry tlrott retains to Dundee. Minnesota, on Monday, utter spend- ing several months with relative: and friends inWAtetloo um Woolwich Townships. Mr. J. Octzel ot Waterloo bu cepted a position in the Mercury lice, Guelph, and lett to assume new duties Monday gaming. Mr. Andrew Weidestharmmer, manag- er of the "Bnuemlreund" len: Mon. day morning on a seven] days’ busi ness trip to ,Toronto. About a. score olthe friends o,' Miss Minnie Bechtel tendered her a pleasant surprise Saturday evening, at her home, Allan St., it being the occasion ot her birthday anniver- sary. A thoroughly enjoyuble time was spent. Mr. Lincoln Stealer. who has been spending .1 week at his home in Flo- radale, has resumed his duties with the Candi. Furniture Manufacturers Comp-Jay, Taterloe. .. AL _ Mrs. Specker. utter spending the past three months with her daughter Mrs. J. Conrad, has gone to Read- ing.Pa., from where she will ac- company Rev. and Mrs. WA. Sny- der to Wilmington, North Cnrolina, where Mr. Snyder has accepted a call. “it. Thomas Taylor, ot Toronto, is the guest at Mr. A.E. Sanderson, ot WATER COMMISSIONERS ME ET King St The Water Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting in the oMce ot the newly appointed Sec- retarrTreastsrer, Mr. J. M. Scully, Tuesday morning " 10 o'clock Present:-- Messrs. Dlebel, must, Mayor Ullelmnnn and the Secretary Treasurer. Accounts were passed amountingto $344.85. Astutemem was received from the Berlin Water Commissioners enclosing I cheque ior $19.12 in payment of wntet rum to 31st, Dec. 1808. A communication was received from The Canadian Casualty 1nd Boiler Insurance Cm, which Wu Md over untu the next muting. The chirmnn and mercury- truluter were nuthorlzed fo pur- chaqe a suluble cabinet for ttling the correspondence. The report of the auditors tor the yet! 1903 was re- ceived and adopted. Nearly one hundred undem- new The town ot Pull. Ontario, bed registered " the Bum: Eminent Col- In“ Bttelt . "an of mm a few lege trt,t tht laattour Ilium“ The yuitego u we hue now. There was meme 0 the collect V“ we! be the “l mill in the main business we- tore so pronounced " " patent end. tion a the town, and surrounding " the school ll "not!!!“ warm“ were pro-porou- merchmte end men- mun Ontarlo " I W In com- tincture“ doing human in more or merchl muon- [an sub-mun structures. They re Loemd um- new in m, I" conned mute old mill might burn gunm- which no manly mus-r- mu, m we“ pretty hot Wankel-amp .tattot for“. .- Located Mitts now mu m glam which an mummy unlit- puud mum" mm . Male! [on “In mm. It II " a- my]. ot . vim " "and.“ com- miratat stool "atattd mu_u._ New and.“ will In “DIM with the pow-nth. Vhiton welcome. Catalog muo- mnemo- to the W. ll). lulu. _ THE DWIWG WOOD-FILE m1“: M hue mm. man â€My!“ u o-ttrl-ah-tiM, "ml-E." -._%F.. ' -.-_ _---'" In» hind!“- neighborhood of mutmmalmm. Jgg"t?g'd'.'tr.t'rt'.'h' a! 'h'l'il a.†d - " 'ttdd", 'ee tl halt: t Ith-y, _ gt8gtMtrk','lt,'. iiiiiidbf111t7'iiiiiiiii? pe Q "alt, STILL THEY COME ae- or his Our Annual In 1810 Anon Erb built what is now known as Snider's mill. _ The mill was but asmall mi: then, but was Every important one, tor settlers came u couple ot days’ Journey in order to have their wheat ground into flour. RIP’S SUGGESTIONS. It was a, common thing tor farmers to drive nearly a whole day in order to real: this mill, their wheat was usually ground on the second day and they returned home with their grist on the third. While waiting tor their grist, they stayed at the mill or the store,-- (there wu little else to make up the settlement at that timey-They ate the lunches which their good wives had provided them with, and at night spread,their blankets on the Mor ot the mill basement, where n 1argelog was usually burning mer- rily iff the capacious rtreplarre. This old place, or atleast apat- tion at it may be seen at the mill at this late day. The old mill was the nucleus.around which dcvclopcd the Village otWaterloo. We are glad the mill was built. It was the beginning ot what is now a good town, a prosperous town, the enterprising town of Waterloo. The Cash. Shoe Store. In the course of time the old mill was not urge enough for the rapidly increasing business. Large additions were built, and " the original mill wean wooden structure, why not make the additions oi wood also ? This was done, and even within the recent years that young residents or Wuterloo well remember, a thought- less Cauncil (to use a N generous term) gave B permit for an immense wood- en addition in the heart of the town. This was a intal mistake and some day it may strike some of those coun~ cilion um way. While enterprising citizens were putting up substantial atom, business Mocks, and iactories, of stone and brick, and complying with the lay-inn, governing the ute- tr of the town in case ot an outbreak ot he, here was the old mill growing bigger and becoming more ot a source ot danger, n 3 mass ot kindling wood that would some dny burn an immense hole in the beat part oi the town. . , Glenn-uh" could buy the old “In; for sum or etgttt Wind dol- ht! “hollow“ ,rasothredto them toe no. more than that mum) and tax It Om. nun» old mm had bun than no any nun sad didat't bun, why an)!“ mu. then-01m Mt a m t mall at“ an burn an - pwtdly an night at with tt may ot M . human)â€. 1'.“ ya considerably our $100.â€. “will take Pain an! mum "on at: New no a: all! gnu tun. TAKE WARNING FROM PARIS J. Uftellrnann,, THE NEWER MILL mum's muons w ( _ J,r"rt, _ r, l p, -. v 'iiiiiti, x ‘61:}? "wk " m.!1i= War". [lt .. -.. " I . as f." M." 'f'iiiij:ut'!?l!?, 93W?!“ BellMlellt! .‘ “gaming. iiiuiiiiuTiayitt"iiii' A. " mum goolll hm ,arwd'hmotrto " ttev-es-ttUtes-troot-ttgoto" "humped: "â€1:qu blot! the rising mm::;:;:::::::;: In! mum Ind and m to be but! â€who do. Was I great success. tuw ghee: m now ntriving da .y. If pm need a ncw pair of sheen, ban is the place to I t the latest in fcotweu- at the low- 'trtpritNss:::::::::::..:: John Schondelmayer, New Arrivals of l ' " Clearing Sale Opposite Z'mmelmnn new. a tire breaks out, nothing will save that halt million ot property. It it happens to be from some other direc- tion the loss would bealmost as large. Purchase the mill and tear it down ot course. At New Years, the ratepayers by vote signified their willingness to buy the electric light and gas plants, and to operate them under municipal control. Mr. Snider sometime Mo, I be- lieve, expressed his willingness not only to sell the electric light plant, but the mill property " well. i The plan then would be for repres- entatives of the Board ot Trade or Town Council to get at the probable amount ot money required to pur- chase the whole mill including the electric light plant; add to this the estimated cost of the Gus Cumpany's property. A by-law to raise the amount of money required, Heel sure, would he carried after the plan had been thor- oughly discussed mud reasoned out by the ratepayers. WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT , The mill 7 alter being purchased, could be taken down anda large revenue derived from selling the tim- ber. , T The electric light plant could be removed to the Waterworks or some other suitable site. The present town square could then be extended its lull width, to the Grand Trunk Railway tracks on King street. This would leave the central por- tion of the town in a comparatively sale state as regards fire, and it would also mdke a. Me public square. On this square or rather parallelo- gram there would be room for a strip ot lawn thirty leet wide with shrubs and flower beds that Would go a long way toward making this one ol the prettiest towns in Canada. This is A serious mutter. this keep- ing the pig mill to burn down the town. Buy it and tear it down. Do " ndw I We regret having to um“. consid- enble sickness this week. Mr. Jub- ob Shunt is mu very low. Mr. Eu- gene Stalwart ta cottfstted to the house with: soreleg the multpl a bu] out with I knife. Mr. Con. Heimpel'u little daughur is, ma are slot tef “y. reeoverirtstrorn her recent m- ,t-,--Mrs. H. Rickey ii Mao report ed on the " mt. In consequence, he son. Mr. Chas. how of Bul- (do, u pull; Us home A visit this Brieh.-an" Minnie Scheueman ot Waterloo, mun Sud†at tho home other shut. In. G. Brbvh.-Mr. J. Ziatmtrgttaetter our -trttarter in visiting friend: In an hump-Hr. H. Schick: took . trip to than»! launch to donut a - at ton- " sold to Kidd Bun." at an to". 4.00an as an up In trg 10ch- ry a -t..-4htr loco aâ€? new In Main; & o I m "Mn. and! -an M vagina»: any 01“th any irltmvA runway nigh hm n. tt' 'v. N on. The Wu - no, hunting. m MM link“ Btm. t"ttte m muddy.“ out M, on In no. yt “It? SUOOEBBF'U'Ia. rumltmmynnh-c-l , Riiiitti1thliti Dar ,rl I†Sl" 'd2llt"1tltlt V Ouch: fiigru"dl2t1!r'rt"auis' not ho In. A Ar m “I. Alb! ERBSVILLE IL,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,'. iii i FISH! FISH! FISH I iflMarket Grocery. Berlin _' "e trrtirGrketriiouirdiAFi iiiik"iiirai 1 WWW'IRmdPï¬-nfldw MMerimnndcmndhn-Ido him. " " osodtsvkryaedwoeth mum-mung. my Show“. and "In! thtte, - h F - - ,1: Notamimsut1ttr-ir1otttink?tqorfetaedi, Wyouaqï¬suvingyonhwhflgbyhflng’a tthim, iatntremtireits= r-o/d/GHS/tGa','.' - WFohmu'ypdespu "allâ€. "'Mttttltlt link ‘ton but 'ltr Buck Arman 46 in. wido pun! luck th'chivlot G. B. RYAN & CG JJnSt Arrived For Boys and Girls Confirmation Shani We have just received some handsome Dress St for Confirmation purposes, all the tToe,fgtet.1 and low cut, patent leather, vici kid, box etc. Just the shoes the young lady or the young 'ruilt, will want for this most important event. '. J,ti, We would like to dress your bet for contirsnstttttit Every right style is here. _ _'ii'i', ALL PRICES l l l l l l t l ALL SIZES tr: E. H. ZICK - 47-h “It, wnmoo. Outdpnioaofoufwriuudholdkuuqnw . whom-min» nsarsrMortrahqVtettNet Inn]. L%Gii'iiul-doiwtuar-iteut4heyr _ aghrï¬rgvaWLI-Ymhwwm“ j, “M“W‘ E, N. HAWKE, Big will 'ii an be It in“ to by ml, now. Our “an a,N'd h,h'iih'i good. this Spring '0'" ood-sd to do on. our: - Eng wane! witty gndqndity m inatedt, 4sin.,rid_airaudottrtere Gama 'Nritrantmebrors'1lpayMot0r-F Cg ,ial PhyuHyei.estt-d Mer, - _ A. - s,ity Ih-BuetkAmrum 46 in. with pa. MM '3)“ sppg "td â€and 81.00. GUELPH l 1rrin.onarotthetnoosevi-hh+ttt-tti1etotm, "ttpeered. See tUh ttdrttrtueattyttt in Bummhound. A “than! new 0mm ail mm Wm: shuns! uni thou, she! has“, menus but, us. - no" it the M on the “In, Queuing In mutt, quality and style. 300 M boron bub. clu- whm ft no lung-Bunk vunooun, WW . Geo. Hasenflyg, Ella 1ldia Has Dropped ,._" MY SHOE HOME City Grocer and China Hall. We Do the Neatest Repairing BERLIN "Thu [Fading School The Berlin nun»..- Oonego In . 3"“ Idly becoming the loading 1,,'l,,f,,,fdltc/i,ii'i Ind 'tttsetuid-tnt-tttrg i?iii'iiri11 -tottt.ritt. " bytuMEU: G' ttr-i" nod mound of gttllr mined mum". With II h :30de, “km mum‘ lab now ttttarte", tlte 1tet PW“: Ple. Nir.. PHIL]? ~33 - lulu! 'ttetMg't n “I. ,,'gtty'kftiiir"a'ir','iet"1m, I. M. DIV!"- Mental.†Berlin Business College. w. 1).me Pt-nt. OWEN SOUND Waterlooi 75 FM" _ -