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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 18 Feb 1904, p. 6

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il: “In!“ Colic. Chole- ti, and um I”. i, “than?“ "M ,- h. 'ih'r.%t'tN=f. Mrmrrh_ _ ”mdeM f, In.” madman“ Biip5ll b" w.»- sh ' ‘é “as: QM” " , ‘ ' ”M‘- III betta - f“ ‘, an" a [up W. Th g. t in Inn any put at u- ' ' ' wm‘ into th country. '" but and can: mull, the (It howdy administered, more In talk or wank-inn ol "graft," at "t " I“ Amalie-1n: who go to r; In tartd-tunortat those who “I.” to tdtstit that Canadian - It amiable. The [mans North m Hound Police no model oi- m. chosen for their "moral rev cod" " well as tor their bravery New"; they enforce the law; lynching. rioting and whiteoppirrq, with which we are "tivted, in tln- known. ' The reason tur this happy hon. . The ream: tor this happy “lit-ion is not far to seek. Politics doc! not enter into the administration N the Provinct _ They are ruled by “mister attire Interior, whose my would ttutter greviuusly if he Le, te, prove eCtciettt, That is an Which, to be sure, that they or- *rthese things better in Canada Mun us; butthese is another I“: to the story. The Canadians oi theNortttwest harem; "tramps to as: with; no roving negro criminals; no mines with the scum of the earth which frequent the new camps. The settlers are the picked oi the vartlt, They mmprised last year nvarly CO,- 000 American tumors Irom our own Earth West, and the seitl'crs {mm England, Germany, t-icaiidinavla.'t, like the American settlers, ctre tht, genuine homesteaders who build C(th monwealths. So murit is in he said incidence of our lawlcss Montana and Colorado. and yet the incl nu mains, worth pondering, that Cau- ada hours how to enforce the law." Writing of Mr. Tartc's success In (warding oat Mr. Monk from the leadership of the Quebec Tory party, the' Toronto News, ,which seems to be posted in regard to the checkered career of the former Mmister of Pure lie Works, trays'.-- lie Works, says:- And while our neighbors lure Men . _ almost dazed at this development in p. rule does not find life worth Manitoba, the great grain tields (it living unless he is permitted to uc- millions and millions ot acres in the can! the centre oithe stage and dir- Northwest Territories have been on- 'tttt the performance. 110 has a "olicyieried and the intiux of settlers. not tor every day, aspeech iorvvery "only irom the tuned States. but hour, a task tor every-minute. Ardent also from Great. Britain, and the con- impetuous, enthusiastic and courage- ltincnt, has come in earnestly only u, out, he dominates by his very activ- (raise to a greater estimation our ity, descems to be carrying on resources and possibilities. great prejects by statecrait, when, There is more: The great adranta: “'- mutter of tact, he may be only es of mule raising in the Western. taking the mental and physical cxer- part ot the territories has led a Crea' else winch keeps him in good work- number ot Americans to cast their In; condition. llot and future weltare in these parts Because he talked a great "val, and [or the.put pose'ot producing meat, lived much on Pullmans, drvdgcs and “hick it is now admitted can be done ttteamtroats, many thousands of crhl-. as well a [ in their own country, if ElousJaeople honestly' honored that lnot gummy, _ MR. TARTE'S PLACE IN POLITICS. Because he talked a great dual, and lived much on Pulltnans, (hedges and trteamtroats, many thousands of cred- Itlous people honestly' belicsed that Mr. Tarte was the master of the Lib- eral Administration. They seemed to think that if he should go out the Government and the country would, goto ruin. Buthe went out, and not tong of the machinery was (“bylaw ed, asingle immigrant turned back to the border, or one puh'ir. 20- count dishonored. The truth w, the other Ministers were doing the work, while he was doing the pufrmg um discharging the steam. The Conservatism W press Sars:-. GAMEY A DEGRADING IN FLUENCE. Mr. Garney had his fling in the Home yesterday. As was to Mex- noted, his speech indicated the unit's motive, which appears to be one of revenge and not a desire to promote the interests of the party that elected him. It is probable that It. Gurney would not give a fig whet became of the Conservative par- ty so long as he could got even with Ron. J.R. Station, the Premier and thajudgcs, by wrecking the Ontario Government. How long the patience of the people will tolerate this man's strenuosity is amatMr of conjcc~ titre. While the man himself thinks ho ha a “use which warrants an un- relenting prosecution, his bitter wind tevengiul nature and the vigor "this retracted campaign against those “on he considers have wronged him, qtNtttot appeal [or any length of time, - large' section ot the people, Oahu: it wont Mr. Gamey in nor "all; much to the dignity ot the Rom. " tor hisown dignity he is in worrying much mom that. _ Charnherllain's Remedies. kin-lengths. also... .hwwmn‘. M'ohh Ida. Mike. Signatuhw . ”uninh- ot MM an in hit "edit in this rapt-ct, an...“ 5“. scum of the ca new camps. "I .ked ot the ear t year nearly 5 mm from cure the spttl'crs ir y. Scandinavi a' ' - "5 . IgE " " " _ ' te . J" ”5.3.552 I 'tttil-MIIB,' Murat I Q‘L- O Ie"r; ~42" iMirtii - Pd . rr " r . . 1.. y" TiRtig r i ill ‘ ‘31 st.lilChil, - i“ T 'r 2A1 . rev-u , ifaNG' v. - par, pa _ he“ , 't no (allow. “who” Jr, can. and than: tiitt'gtu'tl I”, Tttpta' “can. Amt-331%”. Baby o.. Tllr art cl Ebb lea. “strum. .W a In county. through m; hit-u «when! ' new". tbe mm. he has ”In” with“: med. there my, unis not, s strong. rugged "grut,"ur child. No mother should ever be “,0 go to “mount: tablets in the house." those who tma an t Baby's oartt"NNets from t Canadian 'dN't& in medicine, or " mu nous North writoto‘tha Dr. Williams' Medicine model or- Ctr, Brotlville, Out., the tablets. will ‘moral rc- be sent, by mail at M cents ' has. oadians of tramps to l criminals; sf the earth tuck F sniping,“ 1: " u now euneeded thet the part Cm inscuds to m at are St. LouisWorld’I Fair of 1004 willsur- pus everything which has heretofore been undertaken by.the Dominicn. There is not the dismal doubt but that our country wi _ beat the [rant in its display of our natural museum-- es, torestry, tisheries and pulp indus- uiesrwhen the matter ot aw-ts and prizes is discussed by the jury ot awards. Canada tor years has been plodding Alan; quietly'developinr, its strength and seemed rather small in the eyes of her neighbors to the south. With- in the past two or three years, how- ever, there isa tlvattge of aspect in the eyes ofthe public men and a change of lone in the American press. IMXENSE JIESOUWES 70? CAN ' “ ADA.: _ ‘ Our resources and possibilities are now being realized even to the ex- tent of their being a tactor in mm- petition with those of the Uuitud States. For years the United States have prided themselves on their great sources of wheat and meat supplies,' and the advantages ot their settlers' lands. The growth of Manitoba and the immense wheat crops oi that province in the last five or six yaks with the millions of acres carrying rich and fertile soil, still unbroken. have shown the possibility of a great grain producing country that would soon outrival and leave in the rear the great grain producing area oi the United States. T Mr. Hutchinson. Exposition Cort all Canadian exhibitors to frle their applications for space at Ottawa at once. Let us show the universe that missioner at Ottawa, has requested our country has achieved a position and status of which every Canadian has a good right to be proud. Mr. Geo. Laird, the n'ew Walden of the County of Waterloo is native ot Waterloo County, as well as the town of Galt, for which he sits as member oi the Council. He was borne in 185.1, and is therefore in his 31st year. He is the son oi the. late Geo. Laird. His education was re ccived in the public school, which he attended until twelve years oi ago, when he was apprenticed in a grocery store, continuing; the duties of clerk until 21 years of age, when he pur- chased a grocery business, which he carried on successfully tor la years. He retired from business in 1896, since which time he has followed the profession ot timutciat agent. In 1877 he was married to Miss Jennie, thee daughter of the late James Malcolm ot Inne'rkip., which union was blessed :by two sons. They are Mr. G. Gob ‘don Laird, who is ledgerk er ot the Winnipeg branch ot 'd'ni'i2 of Commerce, will Prank, nth-oiling the Gut couegiUé Institute. Mt. Laird flrst entered public We in 1880, be- ing elected 3 member ot the Town Council, uni in 18874-9 not a De puty Reeve ot the town; while Do- puty Reeve he Mao wind out on the County Comic“. Then can in 1001-02 be up elected County Cmnt- cillor, on“; January, me. on elm“ by minutia- to am the ma two your. In politics It in: Ret of the old school. all in o opted macro: necks. WATERLOO COUNTY'S w The Tororito News on Mon mined the following shnrt'sl Mr. George Laird, Warden o loo County:-- . General Manger (In: at the m- tun a New York Runway Inu- an than“ human on“. and Tune: but. N.Y,..ia to he conun- ed [no a electric up durtntt tic pug-G nu. ,m. on In "pesrtad - lulu: "We m in»; at” m, and an WV. a». h u at an a mound. blnnnm-u ch tatft " Arhttta-rqts! Jag! ELECTRICITY TO REPLACE _ STEAK. unday con- sketch ol ot Water- in! a. stomach and "I. I I!“ ARDEN |:"-' , 5.7 . 'tMt SE),?, , I , T in f": 'tnf, .r""" WW . a. and may. It"; “a”: Mute (my. t 6:! ”at I“. Ito tie 1. mung Al 1T1}? no (can I» Um be!!! mg um: “um. your "iFii' -a. at , WT Jr. "V tir'.tallg1teit11 (tttte, we dun 's a not it - W tre h 1M. Amman-N uh cunt to “it country till a. In: New wag“ was“ no and man Into a. - miss, uu . pro-uncut. Mum. . it also!!! (km on! u veritt . will Intuit. Mt,' 1ty,eet, no at: a an r to w an: who "at! on ”at A gnaw will" ”that! an Cot It Ae win nui- “My v" ban h‘Cavu A,'oss . W1. u. 1880. and can. tNutt.' It 1359; wu tor lcl yen: a gm 0' loaned. and then ‘1“ L. To- tonto. Dr. Byron - h was“: Orangemul, " ”you um! I Vanna pl ‘06. R. l l '1 I199,“ tu- Peter "," tttMttr. In mum-cam this city In yam.” si,ntEteU " My: Quintin “no Central P115... on rm of Manny. Cod-r - tied two Windsor triru-cttehe Bu- tlen and Carrie 're.ttrroi-S' “(My months.» . Cedar in A' um Inner- arte fellow. .Id did not mum the enormity of his crmw. pleading 'tttat in his ttrat marriage wu unhappy. he thought himself at [warty w wad, .glin to have A home. 'ru'trr,w.-m"_ In Inn.- St. Catharina. Pub. ".--A Int-I accident occurred yesterday morning us the Maine ot Stephen Mateo. Bess. tion loreman on the N. St. c. .nd T. Ry.. um mum being "in Jun. Stewart. ulna- ol Mrs. Anslee. lier clothing beetupo ignited Irom um slow. and the was so badly burned that Ibo died during the utter-00a. She was blind. The first package of Hem-Reid (the infallible Pile Cure) that we; put' out Went to: small town in. the State ot Nebraska. I ‘ It madctha cur'e of a base at piles that was e,otisfilercd hopeless. Thtrnet" spread', and although this wad only two yes“ ggo the demand prompted Dr. J.S. Leonbanlt of Lia- coln, Net. the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the World. . It will cure any case of piles. There is a mortth's treatment in each-box. Sold for one dollar with' atstshite guarantee. It is tor sale by druggists. Baltimore. TPetr 13.--No call Ill] be made tor outside nuisance to re- lieve ttte dlstressctrsituatiort induced by the any. " it is luund notvssarv later the munitipalitv wall that . Iona to mod! all needs. "Do you think you can” ever marry for money?" , "No. But I'm sure I could soon learn to love a girl who had A milhon or two."-1hicago Ttcror!Hcraid. Don't forget the old ‘man with the fish on his back. Far neatly thirty years he hasheen traveling around the world,'and isgsull traveling bringing heal and comfort whttievet he goes. . . To the Eonmmptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To “all weak and sick! children he gives, rich m5 strgNrt1tqnlrtgloodc, Té'thin Gd pale person: he gives new firm Rah and rich rd Hood. Children who first saw the old man. with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. ' He “and: (at Satttlt Eettub tt&ht god M oth-a load Ind a “all cot. troi h: lingtishman. visiting Lake Tahoe, an! n native it Ohm-c was In: good dug: in the bake. Oh, you, stranger." What kiml of fish do you catch Oh, " What tMt HOW IT SPREADS ‘IIH Mum] Luu Ah... tha mm l Um"! Fish. hrs Mranrger." iplioi' the largest tish Alt MetatTtf, - "rr. tlo " ' cm W} 1111'!" with - up”: wttoia not sum the: In! "of mm. It', i?',t'ei'tiraiii1 u- p!!! My a m mtetd lot _ ..COUI may all wings: emqW,'ahtt It - punts to lake. " prevent: my New] ot . cold to tau“ in Mm. was» hunt-"u" all-Mano: "paw-n. .Mbyo Dalton. It). ".-A unwary III-l junction “an“ =datr"dg'ty hm: an. _ _ . E on In ”day. The t. “QM-mud- Vom bringing‘ on I ”We than In“. mm in up paw-nun. out.“ ot the M). compo-non mun-t Pete". cl tho 1mm Typo“ a -. I. ”J my. lot . new "up schedule. Th0 com 9130 ruled that tho camped-j (on union. must not pay strike hono- i nu to thou who already luv. "“3 tor outer Mons than their "nl, use”, holding that we}: . step would ho tllcgil. Thin ofdll'. utop- plnx air-Luke bottom. I. laid to be without pnwdenv. In U). "arte. it not in an chantry. . ' Bt. Pokrsburx. Feb. 13.-'rtte NI- onl at M. K. ulclmelovsky, tho calo- brated critic and publish", who died Feb. to. took place here yesterday and - on. at the largest that has been - ttt St. 1'euuabyrtg in many yuan. Tho chur.ch when ill. I". do. can held cauld not be up pro-shed bonus: ul the demo crowd surrounding It, and 1ully 5,000 per- Iong udkod to tho Bolkoy Cemetery. tour mun. .vuy. singing tuncru dlr- 03. Tho cotBrs was borne by hand tho ullr- mum-c. Mr. trunk ford Bouts- Toronto. Fob. 13.-Mr. hunk Ford. who for arbout eighteen month! In! occupied the position of Sqllcuor to a: Ont-no 'rrestsury. has resigned to an"? the Wall-known law ttrm ot Mecarutr. Osler, Hogsktn ' Katalin. The Government has oncred me :p- polntmant to a legal mauled!“ ot high standing m the city. but his nuns In “New, pending “1:chth II. mum. Governmont'a Ila-traction. . to hovlnliul “molds. Toronto, Feb. la-Tho Lucian: lure sun. hull an hour yesterday. 0n- Iy one bill was introduced. it is an amendment. to tise'Etectton Act bv Mr. Murmur-mid of West. Elgin. its main provisions are: To disqualnv poisons trom upuolnimunt us elm:- tiou Omani: who ttavi, ever been reported or taunt] uu‘riiy ot corrupt. or Illegal nets at elections; to ex- tend the provisions ot the Personn- tiou Act In as to give jurlSdlCUuu to county and district judges to is- Buo warrants or summonses and to try persons arrested or prosecuted under that act; to extend the an to an municipalities and unorganized lcrritory in tho province; to “no turodietton to county and dMrtttcr judges in prosecutions tor corrupt pructims under the election laws. the defendant to have tie mum to clout to be committed tor "in bo- Iorc o. High Court judge without a jury. Mr. Ellber moved tor . intugn ot Correspondents. In connection with the appointment of William can“ u registrar ol Huron, Which had been kept vacant tor four and oh.“ wean. Ho MEI get an but tho pri- vate correspondence. V To Mr. Preston. the Attorrtev-Gen- eral (and that there had bqen com: plasma that the registrar ot Brant We: engaged in prtvrtto buincsl.’ The "trust"" and he was not now mm In tho Brant Milling‘ Cd. The Government in walnut "icurh it'll]: vanadium alarm ant-r In; [hm-nines: In competition With any" who have not (while alu- In "ply to “v. Mauve-om Anor- nay-General 6mm Bald it II! no: “In Government's duty to Interlcm In the matter ot tho discontinuance oi tho Kingston qttNtttt an undue not.“ people [tom King-ton tumu- mt action. . V _ Mr. Pom" god Dr. Hubs". "re told by Hon. It. ,latchl‘ord that " was expected tttat the Tcmlnumlnc and' Norman ontario, Runny would In punplctad by Dec. at. 1904. Th “on“ can net mile could Bot be sued mtUI the 'eeottd Im at run! had be” pm on. The to". wrro tatd up to the trrth an. and so mue- be born (mud. The {Ilium of Education Inform- " It. a!!! that an mums: on» gum Issued by an Ina-nu W ot Dunner. al an Euph- but bun IN by no mum-1.. and not out n row-emu tt metal can: mm. For an in ch "in their cinnamon. mama! mm and In an.“ -tet6$eq an. an. s. not. was ”H.001”. the Prui- Shh-d In, Mm. I. my“ In. any... (Altman no PFC-hr an the dampen: “grow”. or - um 'i t mun mama Wu“. 'P _ __ “Sci '"""hit.y- not. II: but "by“ Dr. Pvt. "um 2.016 "mm. m "and Ittrerety “Alas!” - Jt n bum in «and "no It out an!" eeqtairhti3terfp' I!“ 'ttt “It!“ Coll- ' lulu I, Ind. In“. “at. - “local. EEEF OUT OF BUSLVES‘L will! :m, 'ftttitiWruirprd. on not {a ttt '9tnteirnt - a! tin can; u win-loo. m mum u - Janina“, Q. vacuum 'ttere 2'i, :2. “m 'tteds" a V t u '0 may tamer; in C qrttt may. in: maniac mutant-1dr surge. in“ about mama». “his manly due " taro tireumd 'tic-rust, an apt-sedated “libero! mph Ibo in" merged to m Northwest during recent yum; second. to mm: that Inge an, her; hue tilted into the eitiis, to procure employment at high: not _ _ . Your petitioners will“ More pm that - may moat-It mint Md be given by your Gov- ernment toinducc good tum labor- ers to some to Onutio, knowing us to do that protltattle employment on be given to my number of matte Keogh who can be induced to come we. The reputation held by Dr. Williuns Pink Pills not only in Canada. but throughbut the whole world is one that .cannot. be equalled try anv oth- er medicine. No other medicine in the world ie so extensively. used as Dr. Williams Pink Pills, end this ex- tensive use is due solely to the ner- it,ol the. medicine. These pills are not a common purging medicine; they are a tsc4etttiiie blood builder and nerve restorer. Every dose helps to create, new rich red blood and this new blood reaches the root of the dis- eases and drives it trom the system. That is the whole were. ot the suc- Are Sure to Fall”! the Use of Dr Wil hunt Pink Pitts-Ther-Never Fail When Um! For Blood And Nave 1 tonb'er. cuss of this remarkable medicine. Thousands and thousands ttstity to the value of these pills, among them being Mrs. Robert. Gibbs. Petit Le meque, N.B., who says:--'" wish to thank you for the good re- suits obtained from the use of Dr. suns obtained trom the use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I,sttitered [tom Kidney trouble and the pains in the back Worc sometimes hard to Wd 1 used in all six boxes or the pil and the trouble has entirely disappear- ed. Iwould _tstrongiy advise others suiityrers fo usé your pills without pony." . .. .. r‘m-I- . Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure all blood and nerve troubles such as, rheumatism, neuralgia, anaemia. phr- tial paralysis. indigestion. ptrlpita- tion ol the heart and many omens. Sold by all medicine dealers or direct from the Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. at " cents ahox or six boxes tor $2.50.. ' A great boon will have been conic:- red upll mankind if the [allowing "reported discovery ola cure tor that dread disuse, consumption Froe- es true. Dr. CH. “has, of Monroe; Louisiaqm reports hnving discovered. the cure, which consists In the use oi cotton seed oil is adrink. The dis- covery. it is said, was accidentally made by a consumptlh negro employ ed in the Mouse all mill, who drank are“ quwutlc: oi the all tor husklncsl of the that When mm?- lned bv Dr. Him it M “W. that a," traces ot mammals ‘hul disappeared. ' ', h NEW CURE FOR CONSUMPTION msappcam. ' The treatttrettt, has been Jenni by physiclms ot Monroe, an man that in any one: a! t-ettlet+ ex- perimented with they luvs Ind the greatest success In act-ampllshlng cut- es, even in cum um. hue entered the last stage. Then cum have been submitted to New Orlml phy- sician by their brculren ' it Dionne. All! tug mm will be tried thot- ongllly. "to canon-need oil mm bu- ms agreed to tarnish a." ti. on me tor mums ot we: ot mm!- loll In no. un-w- urn-cl In. C . “MW-w". Winn! Feb. 12.-Annlhl¢ N. In" mortar! has fust ext-anal. and the gun-Mum no " "our tit a ma tb but. the culpriu. an ID m." tar on! with!!! “in my an Band” owning w.- . In; shat Ito-g mm “was hm .u this“: woman TI. an” $'d can I In - was tori-t. m.hw“3 mm ttut an» “awn...” M. m \ V W» “I ==; 2ttt,'o: 3&9 In. t2'rt'Alt a “WE aw’d‘m Ap, I L, k A PAGE LAWN FENCE ,Wudeu. H. J. BOWMAN. GOOD RESULTS GEO. LAIRD, Rtutit0 EN “UTE. Clerk In on!" to =zeedtatiiieiiiy, m (cu-mum!» an lud- 'rtl -- Whig-11w. 1::an took: t (album: pub: Ttthge'?,',:',',":' 'iriibithi" kra'.Gei""ikiiaMii9lirl, The C T _ l'Jl,'sl'l ,fimwmmmmmma mama quotation applied“. . chum-W use Irf, - "~" "riitiDuhii..."C.i".'.i/ _ ' tll'llt'dr'-"r','dt'pl',t mam-um.» “a“. .... 3,51; _ 18ttessetawir'reits and TI-N‘ln Dull, ”"2... "in . _ Olin-nich-Tdruuyh and r'ef.'thltlttt In}. ...,‘_. C'ttrotoerhtHtaih And for." Nolan. _ in . UhmuclpTO-Iowhl-ll .m sunbu- Wm. o.,"...."',' . Cal-mum my atl an... m. e-i-eil. ‘: Sous. taxman-d Law at Espi- Order." C .313 . . . . "i t 1w P. B --Tise Chronicle-Telegraph and and, II Ga6tii', In the bamnre of me veal tree to all new My ,mtr-teift 'le', The tendency otmedieal seine. is toward preventhe'meuuren. The best. thought at the worWis being given to the subject. " in easier and better to prevent than to cure. " has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one ot the moat anger- ous diseases that ttted'eal men hue to contend with, can be prevented by the use oi Chunbcrlnin'e Com Remedy. Pneumonin elven result- lromneold er from an nttnek ot in- Menu. (grip), unlit has been ttte served that this remedy countered: my tendency at these dinne- to. wud pneumonin. Thin he: been M. " proven in thounndn oi cues in which this remedy bu been need din. in; the great prevalence ot cold: ttttt grip in recent your. endear be tt iiednpon with implicit txmfideste.. Pneumonin oiten mite iron 5 very night cold. when no denser is u» prehended hutilit is suddenly die- covered that there is lever And dil- neulty in breathing and pains in the ‘chest, thenit it announced that the ipetient‘nu pneumonin. Be on th Lelee and at. name's Cough My.“ all .aBthe ah “contacted. '1th car-- “In “it" at muhu- _ Feerary, 10tyll1li":'_.,_'._",'"'_,,i,i',,, KING_STREET "And I wholg an]: at, low lot the ”Sonnet on Hope." cam." d M ' e t en. w mft yet and unit. I 'ctr. ot (out Mtdt love'oow far u good at turkey a! . gum-cut“ bur-Ann.- Lonn- "We In n can otlurd for that In: poem you wrote." an! the poa's wife. "Yei," he tidied. “Genius tor u can at Ind!" - A - - - A A Mk- TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. The Twin City’s Best clothing Stan Sees nu with a splendid w of Idea low M up "x. I b ' fine drew shim for men ord boys tor opt-n3 "it. y I" tll rurshpng the season somewhat, bat we 'tagtttttt Mp T, __ ' , shirts csme in. so we mun, otrsr than for sale. V Iqltii ut our window, and be turn to ”can moor twoot t tii . fore the beat of them are nil picked ouuu an m: colon: are BO “winning 'lat they sill be Mod up , - md we cannot not. any m of drum warm Ct'u, E5 shins as well made, perfect timing. nod . tt 0! many 'ii T I pomta in then- favor, We ciao any in about $1.30: "' variety of tto1Um--asl1 tho new“ otyh in no 'i,'.",',:',',-')'), idea in linen and rubberine. , " If you want. slurtag coll and use otmr--t" “autism yap on: tind something to satisfy yOuroelf. Remember we also have 0. lie. lot ot boys' ahirU, Illa " to 14.nt 50 and TSe etch. ' -,' Cl gym-mama "aiLtiiitFRAi.TL7.' §1§AUDER & 00., DAVID BEAN, ' judgment oi. melanin it. pounce to hotelier: and other; wa' rendered st Mantra] the other, “i. by tEr. Justice Trcnholm. h g up ot _ Tit. Windsor HMM Co. . .k In this union the ptatrsuit -tiu7". l ed the return ot two trunks and tho". I, contents. the whole and it 3360;? 3: brought by him to 'temdaatt'tt haul." y when helm! would wltl " in. f andrhildrmt. The pinto ty final I wu that tut Mm: Wt a) “,2. tnvelleta' Mange "I duly rx-Qurht-d I and it tho two trunk! rotated to; were brought than they use in!“ tnvellm' him. The 'P't,t _ Us; bad no knowledge otthesrt, a . was; not responsible tor. their n 18r ing. “smart round that n was , ', ed thnt while ptuintiit van 'iiiiirr" atthe hotel he Ind. trunk hm . there on Junnry M, 1902, ennui-b tug summer clothing, and Pt that wu nun by P'ttfetetp9ff.N t And 'er2','i,,'.t,rtdutl'."l','d the , ordinary mung I”. Idle: . “when“ in MPH"!!! “and “my in the one mt. Some time [maximum Mat, in“ ' the two huh VD. stolen pur ’storetoom. The ”climate: r' _ that“: mm was m mint than. "we ot thin a! which the plum“! M a howl-Ice. ", . {Under than airman-non tho h " 'ith? two trunk- mm b mum to 1'; mm“ mum In lam-c it! "u [maroon min-wan, All and“ mum-d to mumm- Mm content- ‘wlmn "to. ”to!“ 1‘5 my two hundred an as, W- to. who: with m. _ HOTEL MEN RESPONSIBLE 32121.1» ES

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