I ‘w attitude ct the United BP, in relation to existing, con:- ll. w _ in the Far East is of the . "wr importance, the,tsituati6it re"- I -' consideration. The policy of Mt l trite, as consistently defined it any all along, has been luv: - door, equality of common-- _ " and, iruudent thereto, the MI "s.. oi the integrity of (‘hin- MB. ' . Russian troops are in . , in dedUnce oi agreements, " " presence has created no F" P rights in iavor of Russia. in “1002, Russia definitely agreed - y to "Acute Mam-hunt by . I, 1'08. Instead of doing so, q all largely increased the . _ other military occupation, ' herpes" and built [unifi- Steaniirne the United States, 'WP. Russian violations of solemn _ . and sticking to the letter at ""-'-n t, negotiated the Mam Rep" Herein] treaty with China I consuls accredited to that V - to the ports opened to if the tmatr. Russia sought in PN sizing ot this treaty at, ET." miied, tor the Chinese au- 1 'ttEt'- that by adopting it 'lr.tt, slam: an ally tor the l 'l . FM, ot their sovereignty in Bill Jim Jt appears tut I : et M" “was " possession " !eatso tor the yield at twist". An- - u or st last the Liao- ionic: $1,850.88 tirttte crop on o l BI 'p'at, it £32;le0! het was. Another 872840 All Lou! nuns. - . Ina. u .at. uni: I JV to tahe that trophy out Mlnnother '33540 on ll urns. Such I EQ] r. m the powers intone". returns were not tormertritoBsitM, -. , ' ‘ rid Watt, by an ngrcemem ibut have been made so by knowl- "> lush was a party, reitor- 93nd economy, tF . , the, integrity of China, . 'es, . - VWMsed by all parties! P"-"-.-"-. - , it, at China was again ttc-, The scratch ot "in may cause MP, - by all parties at the elosc ',the loss oi a. limit or even death when " t Invasion or the powers at ‘blood poisoning new“: from the id- Ir, Lathe Boxer outbreak. Rus- Ijury. All danger at will)†be ell-- A. Very constantly assured all applying Chtuubertain'al'ain Balm. 'rr-T, I that she claimed no sov- Itlrely avoided, however. by promptly ‘ .sttettuitt Manchuria; unly a 'applying Chamtterlain't, Pain Balm. E - ago she rcluscd to discuss (rt is an antiseptic and tutequalled.as E ‘ WWI Japan, on the score'tsquiek healing liniment tor cuts, Bl J'" a part of China, and none bruises and burns. For sale by all . .'.. 'In I agent conlercnce be- Aruggists. 1rk'lee, in Mnnchuria; uuly .1 . Mo she refused to discuss Ft with Japan, on the score “in! a part at China, and none " . In Inccnt cottterence be- "V Mr. Har, United States Sec- 3 r0. State. and t'ount'Cassini, ambusadot at Washington, JIM“ admitted that Manchuria “but! part oi the Chinese om- r, Nratt furthermore agreed be- 'tb BecreUry and the ambass- “at neither Russia nur any “have: than China, has politi- :gl distinguished from Uommer- C9iitsts therein. As a result at _ _ landing it was semi-Mic- , omm tinned States, is, E t, precisely the’ume as a; " The Washington Gor- . , . gtett mite that nun. F:. “I - under Russian ~,.,h whole or in van. and, Mi'",') be mum“ as to when Russ“ an..." ,ev- W [ waving? it reguds en- V - unto good um. tm " w, uni an “palate re r _ the we with Fa iti sgB.Htgthtittriuis new IE ‘a “that wu. "dit 7 ki can mt nation the . " . "tttl take. to“! Rul- - ‘8 ttrer tikeV ,rtil, in- I 'F.Ga.ll . q, im' - and ; “395' - .EaigFe1s'h' 'i,i'0 3‘ :." tk? . la} a Jib dpt4- m Mliiii u,e,hatr wron- H3†'et C" Ana don)! 1m OI MBV. _ietg,Muttsrrarstesett. Y's" that“. otattatttk = . , .0 two when. ttttttss- , 1m. thigh we con; (you _ â€has on». loaned tht- pe 51qu g good Magi. “It “the [our points on at-ia relaxed to yield to Ja- /,tC,ttutmtin the Manuela _ T Net-shuts, was Japan's allot attest] excluding from sovereign rights. over . " is to be remembered s'%rat, was in possession d T 7 or u least the Lsao- Jnsnk, at the Close of her .4 _ sctt.tttit, andtlgat Russia made known that the Unitrni _ramgard Chinese sovereignty in yd: as unquestioned, and does a: never has, acknowledged r on in that sovereignty. It "appears that Russia conveyed Satin assurances to the United tArhich she distinctly refused I; to Japan in the form of A I.†This is quite in line with in douNwdealing methods of hush: been " henna , may of summon " I during the put in , _ I mumptinn in 1908 b. tttMeV it via [lt P' DWI“; to look m ._ Mun: on» " liâ€! Wu. and ob- .1 ' _ tte cons-wan ,_ In! and when. TNG IN CANADA. within-t. OF THE WAR Rt. 'tlt. "" M in m [133 Wm. tth an! tltt "rt attMttt.. umâ€. ecu-c.» he the " l... m I! “M pip. ' (y... A I“. new thud-3M Mt im-P"'" at» am!!! not uy til! “cub no: mo, walked 30-901 tm rints “A“. Now It; Iuhh melon. to y-Pete"'"' inthe hunk tuba, - patches let. Fm by tut-eon m "Mtv- feet? in; over 3150 not an trout their to :“ginc: 'buco crop this yea "f my hare Gtbereu {done still better. 0.. an drew ti,- ion " 702.9) tor the yield ot harm-m. ht- , Liao- [iii? $1,850.88 ttirttte crop on 6 1 'rp,',',,,?: into. Another was,“ a um um. , out tat Mother $338,f0 " ll was. Such t',/e"r'vte)'/liTiiir"ii" were not tormsrtrriotrsitM, reeulem ibut have been made so by knowl- yis.tor- ’nnd economy. A I At the recent meeting ot maximal gunmen in thil city I circuit was 'omed cmbncing thirty town Ind flu. betm Toto-to um Montreal and aigtrt mum Toronto and Bar- m. The pins on tn. circuit Br.".-- ~Sunh. Petroha, mummy, cum, , Bt. â€many Bers lin, swam, Ridgetown, Shalom. LEM. PM“. Ieifuttdi own. My", Port Hope, fldhtmm, mm, Trenton. PM. .mnmqu. :UIM. 1elt,rg'tt: . â€an. et,".nllt ttMr, MR“). m, Wot, . 'trt'yt?i? c“ all. duh - ' “drills!†at but†to; gr aka“. ttto 30%“ but F. but an my not - as " W ahtiasthti, *“ ,. H Florence Shepherd. Sr. IV-Mar Wile. Alice Ballard, Clayton Elly, Alba Allemaug, Jr. I1r,--Eleanor Snyder F Grace Pattersof, Alfred Hummel, Ada Meyer, Bella Pantter, Clayton Kurschlnsky, Euclla Weber, Sr. Ib-Ada Martin, Bertie Meyer, a. Dora Rite, Florence HER. Alberta Scoble, Irvin Shepherd, Lewclh Snydu. 11in Hamel. Id; (Drama. In. Ora-am. Oscar Wife, Sync“. Weber. . Yul! "outs. all: wild} Inâ€? but .iasrrtlustiHr,ri' an†m but tutu!â€- W Arrq. and but. pound but. unclut- that Cunnin- ml - people. 1yf,'llt " m? 'Si' iiiiiii2 17"l at B') T . "4‘ '1.W.tti' _- "" we Tl', 1rA ", v'iiji,ii'? g na' 7, at? i'ctiii'lel "!,!ii5ii"i"ii'it _ iiat Men in mm. Lu ‘9?» Ha! IO M 'l'Gli tat ',9tt'dat5k'gjrt?,t;'tilt'th'llt 'ia"rT'. "r, .. _Ct',r- k M v tl' sides 21,25 sum-o: "‘31: when» “a... ttf 11thfA"ttrl,uttl'tt " “WM.“M Itttrtt Mtteot 'l.'t$"""td 011 sum: it named with I .cotr- “It“ ,. In. " my humid 6. G m _ . _ ' . .t .' i t tho mum. to A“ um um t.".'t'lf, .. TLV‘I-m ' nra.td, l sumplmu tst spirits Bmoant " o "@237 "e-. ot In 1. 1teftPlp,tr,'g, m C t re A "adH.C. " ' c y 0315 of a gultun per bud, and _"' 5min. au an tfgt,du'irl,'3ffte,'Lr'2t ot .4 207.qu â€(all ' . . 't I. I t I In“: EDITORIAL NOTE. 'r..i.&:m‘;m..m..q. MOM? II? CENTREVILLE â€hand: t. 1ririi2a7,"irA' During his long taunt-c in Feriin ‘he has nlwnyl taken: deep inter- (est in It! mankind and adulation“ mellue, and term! all member at ttterin- council. and or the school jho‘lot “my years, 1nd In: dun-u an. m to: several We“! as Aha knight responsible :m of Mt at m empow- Pe In. In" cl "an. in in: 'rttlt2'd * a“. d ' . artht: the f m tttef, J8 'tre you. I!li'iii'tl'tl! Lt m .- a... m vatt,, Inthe death of the late John A. Mackie, Berlin has lost its pioneer and must useful citizen, who had tak- en a. prominent part in the uphuild- ing of Bulls since its early days, He was-born in Dentermlirtc, Scot- land, on April 3rd, 1823, and receiv- 'cd his education m the schools cl that land. He emigrated to Canada in 18-13 and went into apprenticeship asa dry goods salesman in Hamil- ton. He came to Bridgeport where ho entered into partnership with the late Mr. Davidson, the firm being lknown as Davidson and Mythic. in 1852 Mr. Mackie withdrew and came If, Berlin. lie “societal himsell withtlie late Mr. Millar, lather ot Mr. A. Milla'r, K.C., in gator: sit- uakd when theme-en! municipal building; now and. When Berlin was itseorp6rated u nvlllage and W110“ Hill In him, he moved with old Victoria Block, when; he iconducled an extend": general store. The lnnlnu- was eurried' on until 1888 when the Vietoria Black In datmycd by tire. The present Miehie Block WIS crucial a in you: later and Mr. Mum mind mm active hmlnesa. On Petr. 3rd, "" be.“ appointed Mttistest' try Lord - and iii-chimed “the In mutated on minced-em mi nyothi justice Nth. - hwy: in: Ontario. "in decim- were“; M cur-cm ttttte desire to the: my. Arm may; 1tltr, at Pugh. ,MgeMtp,,AH, l. .. an, ramifm qtruit may» ‘1. 'lee In ftqteittttrs In†- my “Q;m9'-:wf; -' -.' Hriers.t--?dr. S.S. Dctweilcr, was in Walkerton last week on busincss........ Mr. Clcason Mussclman, formerly in the employ of J. Matcher, Preston, has purchased the milk outfit of Mr. D. Wisuuer, Blair, and will continue the business from his rasidence here. It is to be hoped that he will be suc- ccssiul, as thire is no doubt that-with sucha person as Mr. Mussclman. the business will certainly grow......... The old ham on the farm of Mr. S. S. Dclweilc'r here, caved in last week the snow accumuhuing on the root proving too much tor the serve- ture. The street railway is certainly hav- ing its share of trouble Ellis winter. Ash; is at present, the argc car being too large to enable it to pass being to luge to enable it to pass through the tunnels under the mam- moth snowdrilts. A large gang of extra men are engaged at present..-. N. Lu: ot Guelph spent Sundat at home-The luneral of Mrs. T. "r- -- V 'ru Board on re-organhing Btter the obtrehhldon’ new tt Int! cloud, " elected Mr. C. Eumpf, Pttt ' In. P. H. Bimr, Viee-Pruldom, who can the Director. to idem in Waterloo commute tho Executive Committee. The "porn were WHOM)“, “and. (ad the old Board M 91mm re’ elected, viz: Ham. 0 Klmpf, P. II. sum. Thin. sauna, Hon. hun- Mo Mullen, W. Vanuatu, Walter mm, L DM., ft. B. and"; P. Cofquhoun, got. Gordy, Mott. B. Manor, 090. D. Faber, Dr. Puke, Bum Benn, Tim. ow. - ' aw iiairiki,Wv. an deattt lanes bu a. "now I". in!“ only I“! Wt gunman -tiss.rttroatt_rs.Pd 9.31000 n my. pttiets_tiyhllt2tttrtuf.rttLtertht i!' 1ftttt "w, n ' "iiri"iiWigiii iEeierdii'.ii death my In a. ,'l.eW,e,', 2.. than an low, M musty II tn ll. IMMW . In! in me in thet mm! node. in boo-ml: 33.3.8900!- d that»: and n, the aboulun' um any as rum. ot a. alum. minus Amy»! on pot not. claws-t will!) in an ml notion bu Won been trailed by to! comm oeatmtlar sac, but thc lulu. o! " put an in we ab-Idnon’ section In mo" amount! “a - than on In Dual ttiott Lira u the company qmr "tyutttottor, Chain-l. . . _ . "'T'i'EB'E‘on or m In. human, Mr, tuna, and our m. mm, a.†Cugm, 11.9.. nu “(and to with and: "may Ild tttq Wat?!“ “my! ttgtd Via-Mm! - "" ttepttttttedc, _. L“ ._ ..;___4_ -- (Summary rumba an and. by ml authentic-I in diam ttre report, upsets! relay-nu his: and. to tho ammo-my was: wanton a! the coup-n: a no“ 1: In in. and mum; m, an“ pnnd pa m. to polhyholdcn, in very low mum: experience. in his! in- tents earning' and In my (“mutual my M. management and 10' u- pon-gum, which in loun- can gm .tut tel'; ' " u _ - n 01.3.9118 act-duel 'tttel-r. m , _ ll "tmtl MN I. “3.231;", a new. a ttttat a: your: o'c’mmv. "9etate 3mm nun-‘1.†hum-c -heNyser 1t'tg',a'"aurt-h""" M51430.» in)â€: tj40_eeeitt)ltill, --.-.. L k Lu. U. -iiriiiViiittriiiaaui 'in’éhiea n a. in? or out: no! _ on a. 'ttw, ge." ad the an] prom dummy». collima- u m"t'o"u,r -.-, A"... - A - -- .. - a. .,,A_ -_j ___l,-_ “IA_-AA_ -_‘.A OBITUARY FREEPORT I mammalian ;Pgute,.ut','N.Ttautt,tt.t ' 7'"! r. q . MCI, 1jr,tr:i'tl?t?trh',.'.'iitii,?dtlif “gag ‘Mmlo lanthanumâ€. (ti.ryettI8tlesl-CtkdCiittrfitii a?†1utttt'g'Tt'gtQpd,ieetyiSs "It. Inmxmmmm ttte i ',r29..ee.t'.et1ffmr F In “an! new; in?! iiauh ara i%F'rTi"4ok'% Yet 'att, Tdr, other war bl'h, gii'i','t,r.iih9j,eretgtlitll htt4,rr91titi,t2ML'ttgti'ifti' i!titt,'i,e?ifrfit,itti 'lsiititiii),ii'i'?i. iiiiii??iiiii iiiit;i1,'t?iiiliit. .7 __ j"riiEFGG -. w i%% - W... 2stYtvarttp. Pv'li,lWI'dr' 'g,Vtut $2 W‘r..:."*‘....‘:£:.a.."‘m:~" 'll'r'.'t"v.'rs','M't'Nl?gt my. 'Rhri Step., .'.g.rtrutyey'3.9ent Ihett! no. I mam-mï¬â€˜mm Iee.y8$9tgtyetyyitiaii I'm-um Dr. Ham’s GuteiriuiiGFrii-. gil “as...†“M f 'tUU',' mud ist,',',". er o a m: Ion. I; tetra the “length of te body in t n on mu: cu: named by 'd'l,'lu'rl in iiiieiii?2iiriii5,iiiil, minim. whoa the di mi 2iN'hf'Ngttt'e headwat- use. It in i'-i'ii),liii,'t,'i,1i-1,r,!li: in: mm int-Inch,“ made ttik, food ,isfiiCtiarsriGiti Trâ€, blood. It in not I mum. in; with: doom-lot my other “We. The whole trouble with Inch I mun generally lies in what in called I “week " stomach. The food he can does not nourish him because it is only my dim and animilnted. No men an be magm- than his stomach, because it the,,', 't',r,t,u,e, 11idggg,ttt igytioes e nutritio n t '1rengtts in III-3e {mm the food which is eaten; ' The mlachn'efd the whole bum in that he Pe, "tableta" of one not! or another to aid" his digestion. and in, dulges in bromides and other nerve dismal-ms, just to hold 1dmse1rttarether, and wooden why he seem to be getting Then'u many a successful business m who sits in his city office and let: his mind dip back to his boyhood any: on the (Inn. How good it felt to live! What u: appetite he had! How good everfthing hated I How sound his eep was How eagerly he rose with the ma and rated with him through the long day. And now he's a successful man. Bat he out't sleep. He doesn't wry his food. His stomach in weak, 18 new†are shaken, and he no more rises with the sun to race 1y against him. His vitality is low ans now and again his heart teem. to pgs, in his breast u if it would brea loose. That'n the prhePt,heeisl.toy.stscteee. . . . A number of the applicant: tor the petition at in! surgeon teel my much Mended at the actions,“ we Conservative bosses. Dr. Mott lost the position t the tinat vote} Ar six to seven. " claims to hivejpeerp shamelully treated mad (or that Yea- son be has ground his no and de- ctared war upon the guitty parties, on THE fanny. u You? ".55"; aitedjtefftilpt'i'lkei. .siUhitiL no 1 Mr. human“ out " m led Single Cami-Below Permian, J . “[1 by too and Ambition. but -Be Baden launch!!! ' Ctr-dmv new all his but“ m tererttta. In meat f." on appeal Tut you?“ View M Mn god qetttth.. yrdA. '.' - trom order a! on i HI. Wilm- wu qNttatttyqrtt In It Mp“ Bum In. mm hypn- . , tre4ntt - w 'mdtrsg aiiriViiii on 'l'e'L"l a! 'itiiie1iri',,'tlititii'itii?tii a",2,te,h w in mm otir he A “It. H t. "m†m The mum 3:... m» Num- 0... ol R, mun“ a" Ite, Ire, 01b a “no It. can“ t tgUp'tli'ttliti'dftPtite"llt, human-noon! tyttr'9trt9r. 'iiiiiUi'iirllllllk' tththlMJa W'mwaa’wfl I a C.,...", f Arts and Assessors Guides... 13.8I N. Nichollon, Stationery T...... 1.35 IStucbing & Smith ..-.M. _..'.. I.. 3.85 PM]. Becker & Co., w..... m........ 3.40 Jun & Ridden, ..r... .m.r.m ...... 31.10 ‘Hunt a Son, Printing, c....".. 59.20 chlegraph Pig. Co. ...... ..r.... 38.80 Brown 3:03., Municipal Cash Book, ......... .bm...... ......... ... 8.50 Bain Rood & Strtionery Co. General Fee, Cash Book,.... 10.00 ‘Chn. A. Schmidt, bookblnd- l lug, .'r".t.. ....r_... ......... "e'. T.75 "l luv: men agent may du- lame medicines [or staunch trouble. aad ma“mtlon,"~ In!) In. 8.'(tel- m, ot Dalian". low. "but nova badg- gnod 'rmt)t? tram say as from mwNQ'I staunch And Liv- u 1mm," For nutty in drug- "the we mg an aim mum Ontario Road AdBttetttUott and that he Roads and Bridges be u com- gttittee to attend mung. - _ FERD'WALTER. That no action be taken " present on theteotnrmtttietttiott fro Ctyugn. asking- Legisluure to 'SlilT in- spgstor to Perth was“. That the lollowlng accounts tri paid:-- cus. McNaught. "tuhtt; in _ sink hole, lull pay/...... " 14.00 Eco. Thompson, "pairing, ttoor, Shhtown bridge, h. ply, ......... -...:.. _........ .... 3..) Benthard Euhler, removing tee and snow on Edward, Bridge. ....rF... t..F.Fre. ...rrt.... 11.00 Tp. ‘Wilmot, a Cotrt of lum- bet tor planking trrtdtmtm townline, between Wtimot, .mdSouth Easlhope, ..r...... 9.33 EB. Better, tor bridge ro- ‘ pairs, .......’...............-......L1J:n W. R. PLUM. _ . Chairman. Committee Rooms, Court House, Berlin, Feb. $tlr, 1904. . At-thc ‘tast session of the County Council the Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges reported an [al- lows:- . FF iii' of "'iGiii'i'r,Geiiiiis'irtiirr' mined, . _ That the [allowing are paid:- . ' Jansen Bros., 60 Con†' UonsUNe Badges, ...r.. ... Judge Chisholm, Services " as Gov't Auditor, -.... .ve Vietorht Industrial School, tttaintetttuttxt Bid. Bishop John Funnel] & Co., hand, cans, can, '""". '..... ..q... The Municipal World, sub. tur County Council; ...... . ucriptlon tor County Coun- The Municipal World, Ballot It“ the bull-ea ot the pun-hue money be laid to Simeon Brunchâ€. {or the 29.1 mm mined to the Indu- trial Fun. " . was i T a Cancun tte tse,' JP"'U'tlt, Cm with at t Mr. - and It. Radiant he; "eqiat,eoatsrthtees to attend. ransom in up"! to we argue-no! n IConxnup‘iou "only“. _ Yon Contain-10mins“ (m, menu it -ttptf9httthtyqryts and an; up“ be jmed '.3iss' "rt 0W. _ Ttit na‘miou was. up my... puma» um on: Horse - WWII lug gun. ' "ut with: or the that an Timer, he and “31.16., as up mum. in nu Mcatl (an Inhale In. the County. as. tho rant-i in mm :35 to purrtrs" tuneup. . - That tin Warderr sign the, mum to.tho non. Clifford sum to: an itifeigratl1rtt ot - hum Naomi only. That the Clerk ha authorized to re- naw the . Imam-nee onus County building: and House ot Range. 'm Thu In. Santa be paid the sum ot " per weak until lurther noun, and that such grant be sent to Mr. McDonald, County Councillor, _ L r "rm V ' 4 v '_ gt,',lt sti,aii'li'it','tl,ttirf4'si took o cum Int-g, an) _tt.tsvtt- wltt - to tuba“: lat. scariest who: to: Cg», (gm. _ P.CA., Hume. Sign. 0016i Arabitar', to “can! and m. FOR STOHACI I .TROUBLES 0300003 HALL NEWS the toitowing accounts be H “Um A ot.C. ' 37.50 $49.38 3.25 3.40 31.10 59.20 38.80 44.10 M '00 ll ' sut- 8.80 " to Thy chunk-r of up mu: m" ‘ judged from Mr. [hunk album» Gem-roux to & lauit, ettartutrh, aw kind, always man‘s-ring NI poem Man and nle an! and» knee: or bin-entry a.†In and; whom ha remembered m ettgtrtagtt remitted an! Whig. Whtlr mama“ hi my of in anâ€. no will still he lope-hm! kindly by my pm ht Maxim when he ttettretaatd want a . 'tteitetrelth* m. _ 7 ' Asa â€We _ Inn he took a. ttre, inurmt in tte deveiptattesst ttt sum Island. whichwu his glue ot mi deuce. Ht tended [use um: 10," mm mention groatrtdtrtttn2h In: {tummy brought (fawn lungs. club. " pin; much". Ho vn an. mum: In comma!“ with death ttgh' commie: on “this“. During his residence In the United Slates hewu always. loyal friend ot Canada. He was“ ardent who cue or the movement ot com’mnch: union between Cumin and the Unit- ed States, nnd adduced meal“: In the prlndpul American cities in sup- port ot this policy, which he believ ed to to greatly in the interest o; his naive country. -- _ Tits was thus a good (that! h young Candi“: visiting Raw; Yor} in search ot 'empioyllut. and no Canadian mat to him who did um receive “vice ud’ml aasiAtast9i After he moved to New York his business I inure-t: developed which He was not a in" pitta“ in thq R. io, Dun Meruniile Agency. the -tttt- ‘lottunaie suit in which he wright L We declared I. partner bung decided ngninsi. him,. bun he derived . yer, lugc income from that concern. Out Bide of it he started mom than , score of dilterortt enterprisu, ION of which were successful Md other the. nurse. Among nicknames J:: promoicd were the Newfoundlanv. Mining Co., a, Cash. Reed- Co., l scheme to connect the Wlimm am Ohio Raitro,ad Railroad with State: Island, a. Buchanan! Kymnt Co., etc. His ambition knew no bounds. and lining the reputation of being . very successlul man his Mk rice and assistance were Sought in connection with a great many pro~ Jects ,ot dithered: kinds. While in Toronto Mr. mm Mot an “are part in public dun. l " sat tor one term In the City, Hz m as nldmmm um was hunk]: known maintains~ business comm-u ity, being“: prominent when 0 the Boyd of‘Tndc In if! adv-days who a boy, 1nd tkat ttMain" an» ploymentgu mommy with u, North America â€ugly". mm: ed by the Honolulu. liapt new. gall, who was hid cabin. mi mt- the printing 1nd...» it“ be him" the natal ttt the Tm. 010k? a new: mm,_,,iu “MINI b. came I. market few. new“ F. so interested {or none yen: in c" news stand on King “mtrwnt. EL 1860 he entered museum: or R.G. Dun & Co's' mere-mule my. w coming " agent. in wtiich pawl. he mtuleshitttselt so use!!! that by was sent to the cilia in New Yor. about 1880, when: he took In uni-p part in building up the tmiusd State. business of the Agency. . _ “rum .m- bs'tklttistaifatti an. that duh T ' 1W2: â€-Wsuu~ ,Vn,‘5_ Pr'"" " A 7li'i'u'h"9'i; at My In" t ' at. â€5 ball that! teal1t as» "tt ' on aim *0 " aâ€. atrdge “I! in! on his! “div tio.' to: with» than " vu re rum to no once! that!" anâ€. an "tneta oltho UM saw. whil- in his latter you: miMttrturti overtook him, 1nd ke new n u- mon helpless paralytic tttr “In: years 1nd Ill tNnttarr-tt by num- ous business revels“. v The knowing um W- in; a. Mo mm. ha In 15mm tte, Non. in In, MII. Dub“. Arestdetst a «a Gun Nod). Western Telegragtt Can-M. win. was manage, " not 1trtirmtr _ Mend in and... Bo my... “a two men associated In . lock] in) that one ot the euly mm» din tr Toronto, of which they were when used to to and the “th!“ka man Sporting Club.†_ Eustu: Wham 'ima" be!) at Chttrvttvitte, in Peel Count]. on Att In 21, 1834. no. can?» Tatum 1mmâ€: " A. mum!) burn or “not“. Thet rum». turned... toreratrtt tannin“ min “a in: but by m. WM that that“! way-tame mm: tNtttid an“. tne, yuan Mn - mm, , unity. which be thrtttett “1-†tom. ’ . an; ',fi9ih, 1-" May mm ' the mm, or the mmmtum _, to g has mark» tune hunter. tf,',', Ill "a 11mm upon-.0 _ a were to much mum kWh: " M", when an K. P. “an!†a. t T ' " V, F 5 L-lt "ttttther duties at W pro. ',dttetit would 1mm. that: an“; trite, why did the Torin (rm "" "to MM allow the price or _ “we, cheese, button an, cu m?! 1utdheiw ttttee it come that they :3 Wampum»; toder than A J _ 41m prod-cm 'h:sii'i'ii??i',iit, not: Ugh dunks; so 'tg an?» no "mphf' the am» (“not In Cumgwuij mun . _ r.", in! 'tllo farmer to believe that tttttttee. mm: on his products would-mm ..’ Illa price. while higher dtttte. at 7 1 torr good: would create mnnuhet’u-y ing comm _ which'rould Milt!» home market tor tlt I p, an“! i2'i't' ml um; do. “my wt “pm _ tettthtirptt4 the [Ma Sta“. s.", .2 A more /iitirr.)tiCiiiiFGiittr' 'rt?ttis.1rret' F!†be and» 'bttt.u-. F tTfit.'iiiiit 'igtifitirpii5Wiii"iiii' 7.114. rm: PARMEtt AND um: mam} -_ 'Vâ€"vrâ€" -_ m ..- - "I‘ I. SF Imld. Try "f'FaaikT'a'iraifN LIRBE‘ZEEGL _ 0:0. A. atoms. - __ FiiiisWiid iiC"71'TTi7iF"i PETER '""""""""ePi,iu(si an Chmittuam mm was. â€at no. _ an by an. unnamed; mm: Jf'" B. FISCHER, Moment; Wï¬ï¬ï¬deï¬ W, ,, "e----"- EFF _ 99-_-1l_ (lava l in an. IE “ii?“W habit-0w u I. an In M itit/il'it Mitzi-â€359533333 MWOOHH '""te g Elihm Undertaking mi ~uson these mmite. mararr"etit' hand together witNnseatt, _tlstrr,t',tf 'hacription. _ I . "“7731 Some people‘thim t1rme1rwttuhirttt but Cow Swans: Mum‘s; I fuck '0 announce to the mtikiav, of .41.! Twin-City um I am the ONLY Ox: ‘who he a. Cold'qunge I*ytt,tiatt therefore tho (My one who an Beware of The“ D," will an Wool ova an: I N M a In 1i1ti'fA1lt] jli,j')j,5i,ijrii)iliiit' Jii a: REXALL Prtteeytuirtts ire'irlee moré hat-z "I! 1181 mm. M" , L tur. was. _ , .3; “we.“ " ', n; ttether.. {m' 1 . an... . WWI-Janina; _ P.B.t'traesta.r-o. Tmm-u;.nq..m. ' "a-uve-oe.-..-. our-1w; " WW» “it “My CC“: ' t.st-i"ra" " dusts. of Immune" l at low-n1: current, may: _ LiftAcridom. and ai F T (Hm. nonu- [magma p _ _ ora' mummy, FiiUtttt than†Marine lnuurwco. _ _ L' " "s' eon-n! Incumnoo Agata, 'ATIILM . " ttttr, 1terrttettitiieyiiiiitb' ."t VF at uni beat Uumpdni-u. ., f '3 s" I. Wily“?! PM “Iii Bnekhemngh t 60;; Undertaken tad Embalmon. own-m a" “damn. 'BCCKBERROUGE & (.0915 .Jvhphona No. 239. It: “It " “20 808.17. if“): K. iaaiii7 _ “I I“ m m, .gï¬mmâ€"wgzï¬â€˜ lmitations. tTiiaraFtu'iC'%Tia'r'7a"GT.' - 512-. In! a... Jan.»- HOUSE- ' HOLD EYES "t AIME! tsly