4?,‘13mtlu. mun-inch 4w such I “mt-eon!†. Iiliil would mum as... n t . ', ' a. contemporary an. in g lhit,r," , something more handsome: r hr better and higher than u!- _ i 4% st the pout It means 'l, ti - olcleu uni right ponci- f " ag to methods. It may 3 t I, 100 lacs] political control over l tt" 'methods. which has been ,', l.' detartad trom, it not' entire- J " . ' , by both political par- ', r 'Es,, recent yam, and to the dis- l Bh mi disgrace oi both parties. 1 r' ffmtedhis much needed chug. I il , to radio the lmtinl Mort success‘ 1 ll ' Fri-u honor that has fallen to i RI 19% or the Liberals of North ox- l ff. he by their candidate himsell, 4 t't't Oxlord Reformers "took oc- 'tl ' Pr the hand" to successfully . r 4". long cherished principle of 'J, 4 " 4 Libernlism, viz; local con- Etjiii Lime locnl "airs, in political , i 4 'ment lust as in public legislr . i. This is the true meaning of -% , Oxford’s verdict. ,i mny we not ask all good men Mt, iota in promoting this new Ox- 1 ' movement , Why not ? Both par- 3 line been cursed in recent years a the harnacles, pirates, and out- J" ti political brigands, who have ia- - = - and disgraced many constitu- 'iii' , , during tryerelectiorts and other - won, Provincial and Dominion.1 BrrP time (or a Cttarige-a r::te,,-s) Itp, ’both sides. And now is the time) B.tt bring this about. Premier Ross 4'4?4_ “ready declared his wish to see P., 4 Oxlord movement become general '.tialt the constituencies. Won't Mr. ' “may alto join in this movement ? Ell! he: often (lechimed loudly 3;; P, l the outside Reform iii-chine; f" Mnot now give practical prool Eg" C I“ .sincetity by withdrawing for- 1 , _ Iron active operation the Whit- if" We. which has brought du- . _ to hits lollowers in North Ox- ' . and,' which even where victory 'de by its nefarious opera- M lnm dways bring discredit to g , m in the and t 'iiet? Dominion Government's ap- w3 - ot former Patron leatistr It FA " ' to N Inspector of Binder 'lrt,8), " " WM provoked considerable MI 'N' - much!!! from the Opposi- . B: lid: at the time ot his 'otmiut- Il' it last yen has already proved 'B"ti, .8 IFiae move and a great boon :33: i “Imus, who areJn thls way IIE, , - trom the impositions of un- "' u can manufacturers. E31 PROTECTION TO FARM- . . ERS. 3’? “a: blnding twine was put on the 'iii' list, it was said the American â€I would dump all their interior ' miner; and instances were cit- " who In"! said to contain M. rally contained only 400, _ Canadian buyer Inning been ‘ l. taunt extent. To prevent , t _ ot this kind, it was enacted I _ All hinder twine should, under 1"“! ol26 cents per bail, bear 9:,“ I‘m the number ot feet per 4 V II sch bait, “d if the set-ml " b m not ngree with the tn Bg- - , “a a tive per out. "mit-- ' - do.“ be “Able to a Me your“ to tgg per ball. _ , 'te. Iureoek In". to work before Il F e . In launch. m: the Terri- - _ In Beirard twelve Iota of Am- . " UNI Canadian twine. the up- . Pt, M“I ttotHhe deals! tenth-1 ,, t " ' Old- more lmpartmt It)", . ' Wm rem-n com mam ttt i ‘ lite 173.000 Monte 'tttttt and twins My grade, v , M-ue ,mitid hut in- , _ den gm mm. mm... _."h “at“ mun-.4. on I ' , do" I). l Camila = tre Incu- h In. nu. it It'll-a- ttr_taetteq li? - Inc " â€In: Et8 'A'" W I m- Wat [ktieiiitFaait, "5 U1 0! can». qttA w . . I build. gu- Iowmk FN' , 001W ' tin-l! ll1lilt w , article on the It , a In North one“. no lt? m m. which our , _ "In to u "m an non-mt," no which n I“ In ot " political crud! illw anon!) nova- amt. shoxtrlecgth twine upon the Can to $115,000. Mr. “your: - “My no!“ no" - tun h - - M'O'P'E'" and“ “:9 _ ' 'dFtioq.4ttwree. 'tttttttll/l/dll/llc?'; d â€that irtpiStr - - was" “on“ ttehamd hint Paine may pmtdet: "0 anM.s- 3:33 P * ','dt re 'rn, - Tank my tt vu a. ilk-I. ot 38 bang-Ix ta put “I Illa use tlo tttot64et, ad on. to the Pair. Tbis Lt-ee-tt vu hunted In 5 contract In“ Ir "no the continent at Cum atid the (“and Trunk Rummy Compuy. and untied orturtiameat at in In! mum] George Keenan, the well-known Si- berian traveller and author, is or the opinion that should the troubles in: the Far East develop into active hos- ‘ tilities Japan would be greatly trid- ' ed in her campaign by the poor Man- cial standing ot Russia. At the first glance, Russia, he says, in a contri- bution to the "Outlook," would ap- pear to be much stronger than she ( actually is. Her credit is good, and her bonds recommend themselves to. prudent investors, but after all, Mr. f ', Keenan urges her financial capacity is l proportionate to the state of the in-l, dustrial prosperity oi her people. l Under the regime which obtains Jn ( the Czar's dominions. few are ready '; We dispute' that the economic coruii- 1 tion ot the average Russian peasant' is pitiable. In spite ot the injustice and tyranny ot the Russian system ot government, and ot the depravity, ttttrt is mtaneislty, other people, there is little that can be urged against the ellectiveness oi the env- age hosts of the Czar. The prospects ot war in the Far East depict no more than an appalling loss ol hum- an lite, and horrible exhibitions oi the atrocity and savagery in which none but the wretched conscripts oi Rus- sia could indulge. Surely the day is l near when civilized countries may in- lstruct their less torturing brethren' in the arts and enjoyment " pence. jury. All danger ot this may be en- applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. tirely avoided, however, by promptly upplying Chamberlain's Pun Balm. It is an antiseptic and unequaled as aquich healing liniment tor cuts. Jrruises and burns. For sale by " idfuwltl. The Ictatch ot npin may cause the losl ot a limb or even death when Mood poisoning results trom the in- ;..... Alt dunner nlthis mar be en- Strutlord, Feb. 4.- With _ snow- plows backed by two and sometimes three engines, working on every line and between two and three hundred men armed with shovelsas auxilia- lel to the plows ln bad spots, the _ Guild Trunk Rnilwny is making :3 strong tight to overcome the blockade in this district. It is said that no- there itt the mow BO deep end badly drifted " “00nd Strattord ad the ‘nelghboring town. This is not hard (ii' believe even alter n glance no tur- thee than the local yards. All through their Inge use there in a variable lobyrinth of tucks. 3nd on dther aide ot those constantly in use new has been ruined new feet high, at“ the was - to be tanned , try . I‘work ot ends. Soon lube condition ever slur . large In; of non worked mu! an loading - can to it Can m malty at 4.: - my . you he! hip 'b-A at. M We in trt an in! 11a um unjust m Index to win In met with uncut at the line- one! we. not“, â€on,“ have“. m Tachymknu "aUiiGmo-Vttetupb"r- -e,tate, and the uncut-aw iiiiHiritei-.i.yyyt1? 'iGTiGiideteooyeer1?.Lt- 'jiiflf,tqg'.'a%tt trim ' Atdt'at Fi2dil11i'r'il, "my . IS “than†qteeh, {mu-mum‘s.» A BAthAY’S GREAT FI0RT, EDITORIAL NOTE. to to M1.“ ' . . c"d'i'itiiii5 . an n I' C 7 at wry ru- - t h not): - ataqgtb 'e M“. in . t,fSrral'd'lt tat ttir-tpt- at new that we: Ttt slo- ol hi. Mt. mm. led. ‘an trot 't,',r.t,tt not a “with. 'irom my ir, but. it not in the at a Mandi“. In m protection at - ot all to be other . hwy“. inn I phantom in ma Inna; in the cyan trt In â€you“; the jour- .t. . “A ___ ." tl - - ._,â€_,,, “A: Mr. M an. the mo- who“ “yolk but]: to cum- Hm no - “mochaâ€. In: own opinion that . - I‘M be Iona to tha ho] pronto- uni do. turt qualttr Minn]! Nur m pursue ttatioeatioes,i' Mum to be condemncdaIvould Museum under nightm- circumnucu. ‘Not Str",',': is it with tho toumatttt. "tutt must be remembered that the journlist possesse- I greater and wider iitfiumrce than any om nun- w ot society. Especially so in this, in a county such " nun, possessing representative institutions. Our con- - . ., A.‘:_-I.. -., FSP"'"""""-'- V", ammo“ powerâ€: Itttiter, repreSr mud by the PulhnIcnt and press. “Amp an. ot was man, who, asked to provide the best thing in the world tor e hanqueh. brought forth ewngue. end the approprhwnesa ot Ithe mention is not In to seek. Ton- ‘guus build reputuions, dune hat piness and crest. goodness. The next guy, being asked to “may a. second ibanquet, where the worst thing in i't'iT,"iii'id should he represented, ugnin there were tongues. And that _ M -----___ -.. LlnaO r... the night“ "tsqri'rticatiort great journal may really Times bu both made a: Governments. Though I u Lo! Thul my journalism increase in in- thtenoe, and every class in the com- munity rap the benefit." Some ot the post eminent physic- ians declare with emphasis that tight gloves, shoes, and clothing have - - - __BA, -_J a "W""" T"'-""' -___ . V, * tendency to cause colds and g great deal ot Sutter-trig during the win her, no matter how warmly a per non my be clad. One of them says: "Tight shoes on one's tect will ar- rest the circulation, end while oi course, the loot might not freeze, it hasno chance toget warm, and thus invites cold, with a good possibil- ity ot pneumonia stepping into charge up more trouble to the iight ihoes. The same thing is true, thought in a lesser degree, of tight gloves on the hands, and B tight col- lar is apt, to cause: cold in the head by interfering with the veins in the discharge oi their-duties. Shoes and gloves that he snugly ought to he worn in the winter, but than that are tight or: absolutely dangerous, extremely no, because the general public known so little about it." OPPOSED TO 'reE HOME WORK On Friday when interviewed by the Toronto Star, Mr. John Millar, De- puty lllnlster ol Education, talked on the proposal to Ihorten the hours at the pupil in school. "I am quite in aympnthy with the proposnl, so far as it applies to young children, but I behave the molt pruning need r- the sbolltlon Almost entirely ol home work. It is I.rdlr the thing tint when children an kept buy llve bout any they should be taxed with Islam " night. The client ll to null. school lilo my" mm“ of charm. Flu lawn a any n school Md - and.“ tor ‘11)â€!!qu " nun. M ls um. Into! plating [on ruino- 2, ot who! Inn in. so may "" ext-Illa It by thigh- hcol MOM." _ TIGHT CLOTHES AND COLDS Th- orns-Icy Etttertrriw get: " the to4h"ring good an; at the mac otttte nllwnyu. n --"The pu- mp: on no Moon tun. not“, In†"It look! out tor their re - window- " the engine drew 1 I an Walt); lull. "WI-v- an: In to "he . te-thr. "o.. a Q. ID." in it. cud-e- . in! m. Aph a. an“: M M ll 3 Me" It RAILWAY JOKES 'ti'ii?','llf/ -..,~ T _ r. " Ji _ itiyi!iii'ir4' itrt' t Yr' M ... " b ', A SN bl! " _ P2t - m "In . If new“ mud . lrurtd W chant. and “1.3“,de “can“. Bantam b when eouaty. at Buddy “pink. " upon . am a in» on the pound. at {All a the am named mum lot the month tteiag as hei- u. “in the Int. 28} Inâ€. 1 WELLAND TAKES THE PALM. Wmuztb' I t '2 kn. nun-u. m t.itE,i.iiiil?" 's, N O W in I“ . Hoh- m, . all cl uni! " have. but“. tt 1119:0603.th - It", with. #J am 5' tom conduct 40tttr*estrtN0't a» ground. Th: '10le In - ihr 11..on In been -iatir hairy. Lon- don report- .. tt " Inches [all during J “nary, and n depth of " {new ul ( the ground; Pins, " tut-ha (all; ball the spoils of modem: weenie: ten only " inches on the ground " tho and of “at month; Stnuotq In a observer We tired ot mum; the all, " it snowed every My. Al. tou, Poet county. tall 30 inettea, (MM! , met; Georgetown, [all " in. chel, depth " tel In Toronto the [all was " inc es. but only " ue cheu terminal. In an eastern part of the Provinc- the mowhll wu heavy. tn lpotl. Arden, neat Kingston. re- port. . l3" of " inches. with 30 New on the ground on the 3Irt. At Peterhoto‘ " inches [on an! 24 in- ches remained; Port Hope reports that " inches ’01 snow covered the ground " the end at the month. SNOW OP PHENOMENAL DEPTH. -- The “snow" nun at the Observe- tory stun that the depth of now in many localities is owing, not so much to the heavy snowfall during the month " to the accumulation at now item the eerly part ot the win- ur, cased by the Ibsence of min and thaws. The preponderance ot high winds elso caused serious drifts. greatly hampering railway and all Mmis of wave]. AS stated above, the tenth ranges trom 16 inches to " inches in Ontario; in Quebcc it is ‘about 28 inches, and in the Mari- {time Provinces up to 30 inches. Ali druggists guarantee every bot- tle ot Ctuuntreruin's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied me: using two- thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for In Hippo coughs, colds ctoup and whooping cough and is pleasant and sate to tlke. It prevents any tendenéy of A cold to result in pneumonia. The extensive and comprehensive ex- hibit which the Grand Trunk Ry. system are arranging tor the World's Fair, held at St. Louis during 1904, is now in course ot prepnration. The proposed pavilion which it is the in- tention ot erecting is one combining beauty, elegance and artistic merit, and the designs submitted to the Ex- position authorities were greatly ad- mired nnd accepted. The pavilion will be erected tn the "Fish and Game†Building incing on three ais- les, will be of Corinthian and Doric architectural style, etntsellishmenttt with emblematic designs at fssh and game, md it is claimed will be one or the handsome“ Itructures at the Exposition. Cumin: haunts will he the predominating [attire of the hum: - . .. . . -rrie"auunmou, mines that form the mun picture of this "World's Ptsir,"-ie Foreign, â€31 fu" my- um, -.- "no... - _.-_.Y --- my end the “rum". tMidway-s Fre It the present time much further ad- vmced before the opening day ttran the building: ot any other of the great exposition: that have been held in the put; in tact, the inst-allition ot exhibit in now been proceeded with in many of the buildings. A One good teature ot St. Louis . the Union Hutton; men being this one, " train: from trlt poinUk will: the exception ot excursion train; from ndistnnoe ot one or two hun- dred miles of St. Louls will arrive, and leave Iron we on depot, and as tho “reel. tar llna pm the union “than will hue no trouble la mm; tux hotel: or bonding but: without dtttiextttr um curly " at atrial. People who [me new (he grounds mm In! “the marvel “who m1;- nlhgdo'ol this comm! “dunking and do not hesitate In tormittt the opinion ttt.tttxrilibe We M m term an 1mm“, alumni al, and manna! pom ohm, as: h world in out .311. . GRAND TRUNK AT WORLD'S FAIR. Tu “and ad 'l'c"'g't'gtlh' have “My “a!“ t intention old-m- ' ml hue mph?“ - mum-1. lot Bt. Lab am a. "Wank M." RU'fttlu'd't'gt .mtm '0‘ & Ila-M“ 0011‘“ ML‘.E “m YOU TAKE NO CHANCES 39:11 Its..." a my "e, "I Ttttet Minnow-db! "MI-“I 'rs. " .13», " MEI _.. $iirilAE3, '8llllEeallll h% "uia " mg“ I 1Ei 1 " . -" M? l © V 4.95% a? E'Mt! , 'eCabiistbtWa' "ma C" [Int-e r C', _ tACP" 6"â€? _ '..ttqyep,.tf, valid-es - [ d. IEttiiWe up; can t , tgihiahlal'l, t. an; d man a Fiii!e (a: m Ull ttl 84,000 " What “in“. (which but man on» “it in: W b u emu» mum-tn“ the We M o. said “we“ “to applied was laid purpose. saltp no a“. ' WHEREAS it is cesium. to issue- ttie sud debentures " one time e-nl tc nuke the principal at we n Idem ropayehle dunug the pet- iod d ,twenty years, new; the but- "my ot the laid debtmum um "any In†being of such respective : Inn-ulna that the aggn‘gate amount [metals incur: year tor principal an! interest wrespxt ol said gem. Eli "CGriieirtr"irNiisil" mm in “a mom no mum in’each‘ dt ttr.. other ttu.tmn years ot add par- tod. AND WHEREAS ithril1 require as sum ot $307.31 to be mm my many tre special rate on a.“ the (no this. propeny In the said Mums!- tty toe purirsgtlte nu! debt And hr are-t. . _ AND WHEREAS the uncut (with: my te [name Nopcny of the said Municipality Account); Io the Inc. to- vised assessment not! ot the uh. Mumcipnlity is the sum ist $1Attrc Mit. AND WHEREAS the amount I" the existing debemuxc debt oi the aid municipality 7 is b144,luio'rs, Wham! no sum tur priucipat qr tnas' est is in urea. ' THEREFORE the Municipu Com. cil oi the Townot Waterloo any» 1: tollowB'.- i.--A bonus or gilt oi $4,000 mu (or the purposa mermaid be gnaw. (when. to the conditions harem-nu“ contained) by thy (imputation _ol ut Town at t human to 'me mm... “amnion, Wellesley. and Lao Hu. on Railway Company, annular brat pvrpoae ol raising the said sum their ty debenture: of the said Town m Waterlm to the amount 01.84.“ skull be issued which “in debentun . shall bell interest at the rate of fur aud one halt per u-utuxr per tuuur-, payable yearly. and winch said do betttttten sin.“ be jigned by the In; or Ci the said Town of Waterloo an by the Treasure: thereof, and u. (:1ch shall attach thereto the co. lpornte ml otthe and Mumu 2.-That the said debentures an." be issued on sugh 3 Jay within um year item the Wills ot tl . Lats as the Municipal Council ol the in? Town shall by resolution, (16 be mime, and shall be paynble at lin oiticc of the Treasurer of the and Town on the anniversary ot the day no determined, one tn each year dur- ing the term ot Twenty years trom - - . . n. n; "_.-" “'3 ---- n-7,, ,, _ _ the issue thereof, and shall be dated on the day ot issue thereof, and easel be for the sum ot 8307 51, the aggre- gate amount. [my-Me in can "ruse um Twenty year: hr sh! trtitteipsl and intérest in respect of the debt hereby created. 3.--During the currency ot the aid dcbmtures there shalt be niced un- mmlly by special rate on til the rumble property in the said Town of Waterloo the sum of $307.51 tor the purpose ot pnying the mount due in each at the aid your: tor principal indium trumps“ "tttte aid am. i-c’l‘lle said dcbentutas shall not be issued untilthe Town ol Berlin {lull but. artalir mud n by-lsw 313mm; sid t,o the said company by way dt bonus or gift, to the mount ‘0! not. ins than 810,000 and the said ibmus ot $4,000 “on the Town ot. 'P/a- 1 who shall not not shah my portion l them! be pdd to the said company unless sud mu the Mid Company - s bonus for the construc- ttatt oi uni nilwny of st ' $10, our immune and Towttot Bertin, nu sun and Conway and" aid bums ot 84,000 or any portion “are of, until it mu can completed its said rsllwsy tram the Town ot Wa- terloo w the Villas olWellaslqy. will: accommodation And equipmént. tor both WI and height Home, no! sin" the slid Company receive the antimon- of 84,000 or sny part them»! until " sun luvs accused um: its Corpus; mi so - mom urns tbs'ssld T089 ot mm: “his.“ or hid Compsâ€. in sum-sou in "e, mummi- Ir maintain laid “may. and to, ml and opt-to a In“ tout pun-- ‘0: tum -tt,rar on aid Rul- my lumen Town of Waterloo mm the VIN-p ol Wells-u, at to gut sch-duh. “no on up}: luwhl , (Sunny- car-pun) tl an "it: an aâ€! an A" on uul- 11m In: an an vmuge â€an" pr 'teel-ttl, we tum-gt the Town ttd Idaho in the Ton cl Bull: an -M'" shun itch-med um nu tdm â€an; at M. an“ for enrtrirtr pt"'- mm Iro- n! {an Il1.q? of 'te iiiT7iCiiiiFi iiate nth to "I Tmol m. - . '-tto â€an“: oi "yawn hill muti- nhllh to“! to who“! magnolia-nah». 'tttrenee h . tiiltyteele new: -A. A It,P11, 'tteh LEtd an; my strategy.".',,',',, at mam-cu not. By a! saw. [ 1.4mm ,ertetott'hcayttt.,.)..ii' Mu at tho free. at It who hulk - an $14.! -br haiku m to “I - ' 1W Act "" on WI fy.! mac-nth an M â€all†Alt. '1001 hon an hour ot It. 0'“. tumble-non In“! W how: "s" u’rlod; In an that†cl II. an“ any aadttteNam.artdlrrtho Ds paw Bantam; omcu Wu:- trpeciBed that into .r.- 1.45.33 'iirauw-,Wri my duct and rows Mo war-Ion an no it) of m In! - and. _ For the North In! (pom-1 gar divisions Nos. t an sum-a) u Hyman Hull King St ' In. PM Ji. Rhos Deputy mum-g oer., For the But I.“ (rolling with Mum: hot. 3 a! 6 who†Q wir liuu Hun" ()QO Shot, . In. Ilo6tt Deputy “Mum“ 0M. For mSouth In! (pom-g cub division. Not. ' and O mind) At the 'omce elm Cum Woo“. Ink. Hut; St., w. Comm! lino-nun A Deputy Returning OtNxa. Fur the Wen Wad (wills. mm» Mon Not. 1 In“ mind) " the on. Council Chum lg an lull-I. “was. Mr. Chun- A. [W thr puiy Kunming Wm. 8.-Ttrp um um unhi- and! mm sum up usually-I alum gum tor mu at the Lona! the sateen"! " we hour .1 Ionkuw. tt.--'t'tmt the Maror ot a. use tom. shut â€and u me an Cour LII Lumber on um [June-sum a] m Feluuary law at. 'ttst" can“ Puar. bo.,, WI. awn“. w “an 9 ua, vulva [Scum places mu My my mu. “mum; up 0| we vau- Pt e» um tun lawman mm... 1419 plenum gnu-(um mun my new]; on oeeo""' um t'""IP' m mu lay-Luv “uncanny. l Emu!) yum nun the “In“; Hm: “upwel- u M Lou ma wu- oel' Lt we [own at “menu: an-.. my It! ....,.... ...... “In. IOTIUE. Te he notice “as the laughs; In " we to†all Prop" (II-uh, “mu. nu been than um: own-um.- L104 an. wnwu mu 0- muy pun». by we inqu unwell on we var po'auou at an Iowa on nuance m we even at nu: want a: I,“ am: tor: new; 00W macho um one than“: hum um vacuum»: new; u. mu hummus â€AWNI- u.;wa';-upu Inch nun [mum-nun ut- u, on um btvuusr-tutrb my qt Jun- may A.u um. um than " “than: any and pm than [or mm; um mm talcum: an was trut no lulu. A. B. M51113. _ Newspapers an! my. who an acting up such u row “out “may nuns not. mum“; on sensual. time mung mo put new ween: scan w “as“ the [IBI- um. um an nun per- mys we come“ and shown.“ vul- at! ever unnamed since runways new torn in but“. There have - my - um- ot snow and no»: up: at an! no roman we mumukuol, In“: no result an mare is 9. grettor - ot saw an me ground than an new we. tor many yum. In mm path at that- em Datum, . will ot tram In so nine ' at - u tapering. The pow. Win: and unis: muo- ~hm. The oiucatutr " Us. “I. m at- ways unions to give the Inn and ‘mon oqsiar lemo- podium. at u lar uni. cutan- cum... unnu- ‘L'oxumo m locum-l an mane-a. ham was very well. 'smtttiderutq an unprecedented mun-mun in we (on: otcom we no! um any have in to contend gun. P001110 have Mun... Io accustomed during not“ you- w luxuriously equipped “an an. an; sharp on who-tum time, tha, when under adverse conditions. we. 43 has mauled ms winter, “on 'in momma I mm wait " m point ot emhuhuol at - I. imam; their amt-um. My I ‘eomc ultra-cubic eritieB, all m itttit? 01th rsihrar, " an do mun batsmen. “to“. mom -tl,r bland. on all“: no!» pun- 3.an. w pl: by not running an. on an. In In. a: wry $ttttgtet ml. " a. with In: on no“. tt W only tiii?, _ a W. m ' _ . l M IE? lust tttgt 'tit-tbt . , or†tarrMq bk 'lgINtlii?it? irii'i' N T ts e v N- 4,-“1’4 ‘, = _ , a"; g -‘ -iRiE .m‘xr' “we: ii mi “at such mum- â€use: tum un “I. b '" tttrough at all. The (“All m service hum-AIM. wttat m! RAILWAYS AND STORES. Tiiiiak iii. iotrst It" ,tortsei'tttt.eerr. up “magnum.†It: um ot ttttq W" mum-nun ot m min“ as: In“. Luz-nun, Nam an any at b‘ehluuy, Ann, - o‘clock in an " an MIAMI an l a mum II mot, /i' " , um um: and, mm'fl; _ “30.83.11. A 17;; mtasaror' Gu-. f». _ Some pooph: china to â€Kunming m Cow summon Mum. 1 buy new IAP we mun-mo. tho rum-Um, mm. 1 am mug»! {)qu who has as com aways pa.u1.,ul.gi ‘mmwn we only one mm a... Btttttare of man than meets. upâ€; "gr" and 'qpsutetr mu: mun-m “if descnpuw "pi' Jon I. inseam. Program, Mr. B. B. Dustin, Martin on, In“ Marus, up to "not In. hummu- gunmen so: than pharm- “.an m pm you nud' vim than on. and ntl A Happy New Yon}: City Meat Market By "ttat manual: to bovine-- a Whooping none but "an be“ a! nun hunches mom than out to plan NI mm] mam; unwind. you. Thu It. Dueling stup- as was: to all pm. of the Dominion no“. volume- for his undo Ind m and) harm-Mm that " - "I: Inn-tum “I!“ u. _.. 3rU 'r"-. yo. . 1-... _ ""btll_t-. -. 131% “Carlyn...“ ' ,.;A nan-m fanny... ‘ Ina-duh: M (“and in. wnlmr-m‘mmag m l /y E 1-. his. “Mull-l J,*.é - â€L In»... _ "'i LT. me, hm. _ ‘3. h. - I ("om-I '. n m I?“ I)“. a mW, o a coma. - oi'WN'ff,'d'dii'a'lep),l'4.rt'ahr'"ktj. Jinan-an not "iqettsa an m I“. My am' “can.“ ..n.ua,vn'ra. an; wwu’d. . My I“ M RITE“ F, Built/“LII. at. cm“- - Guelph Herald.-" may mm m an: my ol an“ 31.1.. Balms, a. A., chunk! ot It. It“. “My. oi um any, Vim be pumped to ma on he: pronoun w m gunm- cl My [amend a “I. newâ€, CA, not-nu. Mm mum ha 9.- our mud wtut um Animation M Luau! nut. and In - mun-nay». mu pronoun: van a. can“ ot Rater m.‘ with an, on“ w 506 mum-1. at In Allqu. “a It I!“ m in Man - non-n nun the “any at Mth"' m h I“ all My, an ll a. and nu - W‘ a an. I'ht"ht. that m‘ m nub. a.“ . a; him oi I“ '/llSrutltlll, any than». at a; 'klti"iir, ttdi-ut Immune Am 'Imm . "r, Buokbemugh l 00.. “i 7“??me V - if t ieus..- F tr,lt'irfiil,tsi'i'ii'?,,' 'iiiiiii:i5) has. Bods: moo, - ted Mommy. Fidelity 'tdt'lthTi' [ulna hum. - " sSrr, F -TrG; ".375. “at. tmeiit "l2h32'lh"d,'d'tde'l,"l. . _ NW. Ho. MA . _ "I In. at. gun! mm. QUCXBEIBOUG B k ('0 M, All dunes of mite“! m 370mm vaotiitd. ALKA'S LADY PRLNLLPAL II. I. WIRING. _ any MEAT {amt Imitations. uuusa “OLD "HHS, Axum; w eat E? t