tE - -iril -" , Ei . " il" G ‘ . HP, .i- _ a " .21.". - I J) u' " ___. TP! at.y.ts a his! alibi-m. Th- IllM U tut-what mo- " Out. m and I: “in“. EI gluon: .wttm. mum - . [ 090ml out loud IF 'riilrerti- no able ad .t, m u Iona". an it Bh1 - ttn hum it conveys ‘ TF will hint/ed - . pm come-u i-- . , m Itch. the loot] Liberals h '.“IJ “videos “My met the ' - ot that: manna. They - Inn was: mule and eu- " all†tttq amply: with tar Bht sum and determination to j; 1 they would hue done had l 1 1 tggtgtttt been handed over to 1 " . Then, too, the enemy an an: aid-the enemy that ( ttr w and you: under the vo- 1 w ot Mr. Whitney has My, v u g loudly against mach- 'Roll, - in panics, proved ttts . . 1 ud demonstrated its fatal .. a try setting up ur the wry ', d “hafnium Its own most of- Ii’vpolhical machine and under 0M8â€! ot the chiet tmutiuist, “ _ . pat psrtormanees have been so 1tt' and netuioun as to being ‘ = ' tohis party and to the _ - and such discredit to him- ' II to lead, for a tune at least, 53 expulsion from the Conserva- mice. Nut that Mr. Rummy "h" . 'a speech in Woodstock on . r night, says the London Ad- I ' mind the climax if inde- , » ’8. may be excused [Nun - M things about the in gm fuhciple that no rogue e'er f “M draw with good opin- :_ 'ith. taw, but his tolerance to if, T Fulconbtidge's lamily " #Md he made only by a man ' I A ths ordinary Innincts of min- . “Inky. Eva ncrixhinal may . "I “Weâ€: tor woman- in. regard tor the nanny " , ot done-no life, but r 'w to in" no qualities " ‘ Wyn! taped. Un- - - i won many Ion to " M and live been dis- , 9"“th nu Mr. ray ‘ ' a - an 'tot to nppour . judo:- can him, but , ‘unp mummy lot ' QB ateent-, no [003†" any Worse than those who I“ him. On the contrary, he rgt"IL better. The Beattie- tu, jar Beauties, “alums, rm, who, at least with Mr. ’I concurrence, sent the ma- lhto North oxford are them- tr notoriously machine politi- Ii. Mr. Birmingham is merely _-.' “the! servant. His pres- £13; with Mr. Gurney was an d to North Oxtord, and insular r local Conservative organiza- ytp responsible tor bringing them 5: it but brought deep discredit t. Politics have come to a b, pus when respectable members t party. who a few weeks ago ' to meet Mr. Gamay, whom I disowned alter his tiight ( lo, turn around and welcome .10 North Oxford. and introduce 7 to the electors here. The sub- ): a distasteful one to us and West we shall never have reason Imtfr to it again. We are tulle that many of those who sup- Hr. Butler now deeply regret Iaittor Mr. Gamer or the Birm- machine was brought here. ' Murals, too, regret it, not be- Mr presence helped the 1'ou- , we new. but because they like you dsstmtcr prevail in a political m Oxtord then, has just wit- I the results of two dlalnev ' opposite plans ot political in. The Liberals have Sllmess- !' hallowed the tndltions ot the bit than some by. They have “I own fighting under their Ion] ofiicers, and they have I 4.110 enemy, horse, loot. and tpdlr, local Conservatives themselves for the time I, lung handed me: the control 'Mlld ot outside political brig- , who have broughl. to them not human defeat but deep _ T disgrace. The lesson to bam who! is too obvious to re- all» .. should dwell upon it. [NOT ESCAPE RESPON sxaan-v. LY mu AGENT h- - my ml, "Mf,andmtlto ro- m an Quincy‘s LI!†In," in " lot in; his - him "3tRNb- "et an - . I.) â€plan in at cm my 'tie " R tTrtri"FOt'iid Gttsims. _ ' m lor 'rnuxntimm . LII the tr um. 3.00M " ‘. " T _ a 1tIrEa; 2 ' " . 're C! P, '. "‘-' a ~12. _ , “I“, i. a , ot hula. Gtvo' up um. on a oar-ttW don out: hum. I“ you will has, 0- voll. In, Robert “an, Sign. (it, by prov- " a. truth at that luau-m uni uni-“I find Babr's Own Tum- m be“ and] tor indigestion and nothing "Dublin." The Tstriets cost 26 can! A box, And my be bad from a; ""' 2nCaViarmt, n. with mun Co., Brockvim The “at: own-Amie“ "rr.-m) tonal-bu will “on tor ova . wet. and Hon. G. I. no. noun-to h. nu compleu command ortho helm ot um: u be ever Wu. We now much ot the 00!“:ng and tenacious Scot “mat It.“ um to he seared by who. He MI the majority, moreover ml the maloettr ruin. Briets.--Mr. Geo. Lunch, Sr., and Mrs. Adam Schumann Are on the not: 1iat,--Mist, Addie Meieel and Mr. Dp- iel Weber were the guests oi Mr. A. C. Hellman on sumiar,--Master Harvey Brlchnell, who has been in Toronto tor the past low weeks, has returned.- Mr. Noah Becket is busy taking out the wood tor his new bun which is to beerected next tutmmer.-- The Farmers' Institute meeting will be held on Friday Feb. 5th, enemoqu and evening. See programme- m, Singing School was held last Tues- day evening on account oi the delay oi cue which hindered Mr. Shupe tench- ing here. There will be none next Tuesday evening as Mr, Shupe desir- es to change the evening.--On ae- count of the adverse weather, the lunernl of Mrs, than, Farrow was not as largely attended gs it would otherwise have been.-- A number of young Indies and gentlemen from here seeking various amusements took the electrié car for Berlin Monday New ing. After the pleasure ot the eren- ing was ended, they sought the car, bit were surprised to know that it had failed to reach its northern ter- minus. A number ot the gentlemen were obliged to loot it to their homes while the others procured other travelling means lor themselv- es and ladies.- Alter a blockade of several days, the electric cars are now running as per time table. School. Riiport; The School report tor the Junior Division [or the month oi Jan. [I u lollows.~ _ Junior IL-Harvey Latsch, Alton t Scharman, Wesley Musselmau, Al-l meta Schmidt, Lincoln Thaler, Mary Thaler, Nellie Briclmell, Henry Ai- teldt. i Pm IL-August Jansen, Harvey Mass, Orion Dippel, Clarence Shar- ma.u, Walter Baetz. Class B.-Edna Carey, Gordon Bow man, Roy Ratchet, and Edwin Fuck equal, Lorne Bricknetl, Alma Mussel, man, Talma Mnsselman, Ada Ar Eeldt. Class A.--curlie Mitten, Gordon Bricknell, Johnnie Burgetz, Harvey Allemang. Roy Melael, Ella Thafér, John Urtman, Lucinda Ortman, Liz- zie Atteldt, Olive Manes, We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh, and color of good health to those yho suffer from sick- blood. The fact that it is the best preparation df Cod%iver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does 'what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in hate. . Young women in their . teens " are permanently cured at, the peculiar disease d the blood which than itself in paten-eakate-dnervous. Sick , Blood _ nets, by regular truunent with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and in naturally adapted to the can of the blood aim from which so many young women meslegrt Ida. Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. " . our? scum noes CM. BRYDKN, Team: CMRTREViLLE t'ttyttMgbda.-td "-'".arieretmr. I.l,,'fi,',ttl'it. an? Tttti- ft ft Had at" in!“ T ' In.†[ii to ung u. tttht,',, It»! 0M. The _ Calls!†ttttV Privy Conan] is Mound. and in plus u at. u lu. Bowl a! Run" Commuwuera "or Can“. "efomPuato? in to be â€an In! I! qmimf guy that, Q. W. m "Mt, - In! '.ttrtll'r,', " that a! that tun. mum at tho wool TS, it. all! oyqqWrt- h appointed and by the GehQ.tqtyttt, which use my an a My at†commissioner. The M an tto,- 000 to: the one! cog-unions. and $8,000 lot etch 01m who". I110 Board is invested with the pout: and dun. ot m Railway Committee ot the Privy Council. Not less than two commissioners mu attend st manning .ot every use. extept where there in no commitisiuner. The Gomt teams the right to “point t commissioner ad hot when I We: in latex-um by In or with! to my party inur- end In a can. . The cannula-linen must not hold runway trtoeh, shares, bonds. deben- wru, or other murky or m at»: security ot any railway subject to the Act, nor have my interest In my nilvny device, appliance, ma.- chine, or rolling stock, 1nd on his appointment he is given three months to all out. Eula Commissioner shall, during his term ot other. reside at Ottawa, or within tive miles thereof, or with- in such distance thereof as the Gpv- ernment. determines. 7 The Commissioners shall devote the whole ot Urir lime to the perform- ance ot their duties, and sin.“ not lo- cept or hold my otriee or employ- ment inconsistent with the Act. The Commissioners may sit either together or separately, in private or in open court, but any party to a complaint may" demand a hearing in open court. Any two members oi the Court shall constitute a quorum. The secretary will hold office during the pleasure ot the Government. His duty will be to attend the sessions ot the Board end keep its records, and his salary will be $4,000. In his absence an acting secretary will he appcint- ed. The Government may at times employ experts in matters in ques- tion to advise the Board. The Gow ernment itself will decide on the num- ber of oiticitUs required to carry out the work of the Board, will make the appointments and " the salaries. Whenever circumstances renders it expedient to hold sessions without the city of Ottawa, the Board may hold them in any part or (‘anada. TO SIT IN OTTAWA OR ELSE- WHERE. The Government, upon the recom- mendation oi the Minister, shall pro- vide, at Ottawa, a suitable place in which the sessions of the Board may be held, and also suitable oNces for the Commissioners, secretary, stall, and other employees. Any member ot the Board accepting any gift or lava: tor himself or tor my other person, or exercising his influence on behall ot my person with any railway company or Mticer tor any position or favor, shall there- by torieit his seat as a member ol the Board. ' As to the jurisdiction and the gen- eral powers at the Board, the Act sets out that it shall have jurisdic- tion to determine any application; Complaining tint the Company, or any person. has tuned to do any act required to bedone by this Act, or the Special Act, or by my direction made thereunder, by the Governor-in- Council, the Board, the Minister, or any inspecting engineer, or has done, or is doing any act, contrary to this Act, or the Special Act, or nay Inch direction; In this regard the Bond is to have trll the power. at: superior court What] [my ad upon its own my “on, or at the mus-t olthe Minin- ter OI Rum-ya. " In†make regula- uon taming we speed of nuns, than! ot new trhtattetr, paging [tomcat to on, coupling the an, Italic (or 'trqhrrm, "rites to no“! Inn, ad the "new promu- of property. the camou- uolmmmeNn.ne no“ my prov-u- punnla. other- “ an“ - In an Art. This would. an no. was! on hm hm. " to a. pact-kt all new. who Mud h a. M, “mm an. a blazing Ei? i'iiiiiiiiri,t “m“ " an ‘ w!- . 'Xl " 'Fer, Le “‘75,, g ‘3“ -llle%it! ' 'ii3llll, RI an; - jug b. EiliBi ~",' , ffé ki:,':, And the Bond mt! order luv com- pany or petunia!» do Io, so In us it in not Inconsis nt with this Act, any wt. which Inch compuy may be re- qulrcd to do under this Art. or the Special Act, an] lay forbid the do. n. or continuing of any art, con- trary to thin Act. Reqttetrtiag the Board to make any order, or give any direction. sanction or uptown, which by In it in au- thorized to nuke or give; _. THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. THEIR PERSONAL CONDUCT idldiee A ref .n i The Board will be charged with the reguhtion ot the construction of Lbranch lines, crossings, and Nnetions. ‘In the mm regard the Act provides (that "the runny lines or tacks ot jmy company aha." not be crossed or pained by or with the railway lines HT. tracks ot any other company un- Itil lean: therefore has been obtained "rout the Board." ','t8rSMif -. if†'s'. Putter,' 'me a a. ten-Ii“... 'itoh, 'i? ' an. a "eoet Mr 1 " ' w. union“, at! the t A.» b um was“ ot a. union Much Wu. Th Act nukes “that... WHO- lot ttte giving at noun. to 'qrtte in tare.tqd in Inner: â€can. but“ the Beid, all the palliation oi My union: ud orders, an nutioe oi ap- 'ttut-foe-ttir'. m "W's and“. mum W‘W may " - “bah-Mai a: Com.“ ot gri'lthit'ft',', ot a, mm. with tor mmuo- onhalngnh' at! h 9" and by m - “I, In lik- mnur will“: on» Bond my be nude mlel Meow- Th Board ttset, in men; to an: rules governing m on Tpetit dttge tmartttrAet,artdit dtantte Wt ol jug-nu, ot other can!“ on questions of - am nu- nson it. In other â€will. In judg- ment ot m on“ not In app-hm. on Hanna-noon- at“ is other mum. Tho order at tho Bond skull be Mal, out»; thought. at review bt the Government um nppul to the Soprano Court on: quetstio" ot jut-ls dietiort, or ot low. In one ttt such - pals. the Bond may be tome-cum by 7 eon-u]. Neither the Bond not my memhu otth. Board shall In any cue be H- able to any costs by reason or in w spent oluy appeal. The Governor-h: ~Councll my st my time refer to tht Board tor 3 upon, or other which. any question, uising under thin Act, at the Special Act. and them and}, without den), cow; mm with. The Board is empowered to " its on really ot com, and may nuke its on orders " to the responsibility tor the payment tor may constructior It [my order. It may initiate oo- qulry into accidents or mama and exercise the right of inspection of the oompmy's works uni document.- And will hold the power ot an ordinary court to demand the presence ot any person tor enquiry under oath. It must enquire into all matters meeting won: of navigable waters, higbwtiytrosairtga, telegraph, tele phone Hid other lines,, and in all these respects must wield a potent in- f1ucttee in the reconciliation of war- ring interests, drainage, tarm cross- ings, Ittwes, gate and cattle guards. bridges, tunnels and other structures, including station, will all come undo! the jurisdiction ot the Board. It will preside at the inspection of All‘ new railways, and generally supervise the operation ot the roads in respect to trsin service, equipment, telegraph. and telephones, tire protection, md' the like. 7 Applications lor running rights by railways, within tony yards of -ttu track, must be made to the Roan which will exercise also a generul su- per'vision ot the taking or using ot lands by nilwny companies. In the large matter of tolls, it in armed with authority to inspect all schedules and provide against unjust discrimination between localities. The whole question ot tolls. freight, classification. tariffs, discrimination and general provisions respecting carriage, will be under constant su- pervision by the Board, which the Act has clothed not only with the wide powers of discretion, but herd and [out rules me the beotmtiort oi the interests oi the people at Inge. in the whole scheme ot Canadian roilway develoratertt there in will! one important phase ot the "lotion between the mm, corporations end the public. which will not be output at one time or another to the scrim iny at the Commissioners. â€only it no large outer, and the Common- iooere who no oble to Mt it nut earn their colorist. .... ...“, “.....- .....u - w...“ sum and other loreign com-Ma. Tttetoilowing notice “we“: in I The new rules, win call tor the ex- northern â€Mr-"Lott. hum Cu Rmintttiott ol All “5qu by an Dom- gut nil Pal-ton A freight train. inlon Custom ottieers loin " pos- ivo Imam A 1.†"tt MM. " the port of entry on thetron- and Attr hand an and tute. In tier and an [minding at it m be“ his: will u muted by rem-m “win new mm dam-um. "hr-he 0- m " WIN" T mum will In†"no. rule: you up requiring that the Owl t f',t."lllt a 'ttdead',' -teb0Medto.fmrot yiilt,"'dral"lln'la T,',, in†humor Win; port- ot this a†a." . 'ASI m otmrttrr,arsd-t1tatM.todjb, J,tlll't'$t P"" tpa'l',t Gi"G'i'd"Gr7iF'iiiirrT"iiHFiilt'ft Me'gttt3tt,'t .Ctt-t-tstoeitad.eh-. thte/h' m. “in“ g1"tlr1'1'hta'S'g'tA".'atft" a†uâ€,. an all b (to cm Mtfh1t , . C†WP.“ 'retjttthh,tt nun:- in†(a. 'k dun 10-day. Feb. In, new an import. gut regulation aka Mtget - m; the impaction at att may»: 13; into _thedt _lro_mth: awn ITS POWERS ARE SWEEP- LNG'. EXAMINATION OP BAGGAGI PROVISION FOR APP! ALB atetd?tr? "F. Itt of Ana-gm Ina-7W who Wm now-noun; “Uh-W I'inrPirttttaattto-_u.ie, magenp'ipuqlbI-uh [Iii-’lume'l' 1itiit'R, YT", .- on. 1t"af'iri'i'AitA' jCttr'.k Mills-3' an: ad hn‘mvn cl not can hum It“ “All? lot-Ilia it .1 (It, to u M. new “that: vocal. to: We: “no nun turbid Iron ttet; undue! so want an. [could " lyi unknown. the how. I m 'tleg' tam tut, nur, antiwar are Noelle“, I t an MUM." Inl- W from headuItt" at Guinea, and tell BWBr titan“ an“! “at, wei " your: . I deem ‘1 sun “mt“ (“an seem to do M uncut 1m then mm to try, Dr. William! Pink Pitts and baton! had “in mm din. , mum- ter, and my people could It: s gram ‘cMnge it me. I untamed using the mu: tor name weeks and " now In the very beat ot health. Every dis- tressing symptom Ins puny! mm, unsung lympmm In: PM an, ad I lave plied toertmd pounds in weight. I think there ll no medicine qanequtrl Dr. Willihms' Pink Pitta, and [strongly recommend them "to ull we“ and win; girls.†Mile kason'e experience should bring hope tell] the weak. elm. uri- and Woman, mm than pill: hue done [or her they will do let when. Every dost, with tone and vigor to the blood end nerves. brings eyow of health to “new - a sparkle to the eyes and n ruby red. nm to mum lips. No other medi- cine has 't'etl't much to bring com- tort end hen to week glrle and women. "you no tiling give the pill: a Mr triel and new health and strength will beyours. Donot accept any pink colored substitute; the genuine pills elways lure the hill lune "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pele People." printed on the ump- per gourd every box. Sold by med- icine dealers everywhere, of by an“ at 50 cents I box or six bores tor 82.60 by writing The Dr. Williams' Wine Co., Brockville, Ont. The tendency of medical science is toward preventive measures. The best thought ot the world is being given to the subject. It is easier (in! better to prevent then to cure. It hes been Hully demonstrated that pneumonia. one of the meet denser- ous diseases that med'eal men have to contend with, can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain}; Cough Remedy. Pneumonie elven results iron: e cold hr from an “tuck of itt.. Enema, (grip). end“ he! been ob- eervedtbet til-remedy counteracts my tendency ot these dim- to- ward pneumouie. This has been lul- lyproVen unbound- at me- in which this remedy bu hem need dur- ing the great prudence ot cold; end 1rd',il', recent were, new Ie re. upon" with implicit mam. olten reunite from e very_ toold, the-no denser is eo- prehnded until it is suddenly die- coveted tint there ls lever at dit- hlty in Ruthie; and pet» in the chat. their“ in announce! that the - he: peel-oak. he on the mum. and are Mum-'- Crmqh - a see- II the cold f2iit,nttdlt1?T"',lt For me by V h. . , "d: ' e The weather with which we have been wished this winter he: been ex- eeptionnlly cold and stormy, making onto-door lobar ot all kinds. extremely severe upon those engaged in it. The the tale service was so well mun- uinod under irtaeh.tutttwomtsht circum- stances says the London Free Freon, argue: greatly in [ever of the Grand Trunk management. The Brockville Times thinks Called: ought to feet proud that its railway tiitticuitityg in the recent storms were no worse. Crinsidering the enormous extent ot the Conadien roads and the severity ofthe storms ot winter, the roads, it an, run their trains with re. markable expedition. It is seldom ire deed that you hear of a Cwndiuu train getting lulled lor any length ot time, while on the other side it is neommon occurrence. A gin nu him-to: . height tgain, t IMMA'W WI. '2'l'l'llr1'l1'l%rlfGll=. he an-itttt.-dtrrretamtttq mango-macaw." mam Inn: of no 0.A.C. ot mom. who m lot on.» Ind†to-tttq" an“. a: upturn! m but†Gamma. m yr. and um . I“ “I; "minn- mtnwn ul unlit-h ot a. col- a: m. mum m br MM _ and: THE WEATHER MAN AND THE RAILWAYS. . m hymn-hum TENDENCY OF THE TIMES [may Lad-gauze}? “Mun-W“ 100 L11 up out. om or Noe Eda. "Np. Cd. Stii'ia,i'i' at: - on! - l“. u is or a. u con man an m “porters E335,†I: lanthanum _-em'. _ 'ki'ttt-tae i ii ii,'giidti'rii' ammmflW , iNilti. M. 'drtt"gh1ftttttJh't, ait ',l7G7'G;"G7itra, mt ya: . , 2tlgtf,itlt,t't2ttgttutt and Alum miiitqwi magazine- quota-lo- mm». Fe " WWNW¢3m.W.U. " th-al‘o (wart-I) In ""gt'thtt,t,it F - ' 7 sou-(with ttttture.'..'.?.'.".'.'.?.'.'...'.'?.?.'.! " $ttdilift iiijFtiiumFFGahfii%73EaF, "iiy,".y..".."c5"i9- ' ta.' Mgmgmwï¬ï¬‚mmwï¬zmrz: é; g, Mttfh%tttttPg'd n........ 'fa"acc::y.:y.:: t lt r-',.': . Club Inme 3ukne-itt-tr,' Ae 53 sdft'il't"dtl'elt'flhtu'rlN'l', b, _ f f: a JANUARY 1904 Mr. H.R. Clarita, advertising as- ent. tor the Grand Trunk System. ul Cunt“, In: Nat completed unuse- menu torn “unmet“ In the For- utry, Fish and Gum Building. Mr. Chum): has jut given out the mum for we eon-Mon of the Grad Tank'- booth which will be not: elaborate; In will Mum to St. Loui- in m dun to supervise we work ot tutxtrattogt and preliminxy irtataliatiqet. the no“ man: rqiau I: Amari- a, with M M that. will! Judo. mum‘s, a! hm. will but, tnottt mmm revaluatio- here an“ tho World'u rm. Mud: ot mm but!!! bin mm the an“: Lah- ol f'"t't" 'trriag the w, in? - “out min when u to da- man: an 'dird mm urn-mm n- P. 8 --The _Cltr9ttkumrie-rtt and nanny nil wecklia in W I _i,iit in the, balance of the year has to all - My inhuman. 4‘ ' ,r',r"s3, During tin-month In pupa-om that on! I good my 9114! limit ‘1 â€not. good- " “My "qittt.tt l noâ€. We won not eotttiuq the harm tooe"o.urruehr.iirwroierositie--uoar, but will ' The Grand Trunk will hvo'an ex- tensive mph] " an World’l Fm Ind intends to allow the we and tutsery products ot the unions res- orts around by the planet Cumin lino. Paatomma ohm City ot Quebec, the mums: ot Andria; views um tish producu ot the Maine Smut; anon; as New England Hills; view- nd specimens ot sun: and lull ot the White 1101mmâ€; N.H.., the Grand Trunk “mm Jubilee Bridtw at Hours-l; m mun; cl the L- chine Rapids; “an of magma. Tr mum and um um, M2 the Quad 2'tdlt not can!“ u eemttyttt- tmeh M; an In an a - and Fauna. In. The kuu a cum will duo be and“ by m which win mu, to“. an norm-'- pum- Sign}: tum! or“: In.- an! a mint undue-I. tattt',ed'Stog', 1tfrJl'l',,'thr"""'""""n Em“- . Wilda “on . him (hula w Lani“. _l"ll'uo-o, January. " Bucka 'tet',yet,'ttattt.',,'l2.o" " woollen? v n pair. " Mack-ee. 'lhllt't7idtlS'u'l1lWflfi-,s, " ttlaekto.tiurtoroettr"b. " " 115. u " " 't " " " " .u Uot_nioo09ttola_m_ -- _ _ - -- _ _â€, " “I Among its mic- which the tFrand Trunk will "produce in the For“, run and Gums building “can tttue"rinCs-- _ _ Mt. Chanel: in nutty lor W W‘ that the M‘ ot ti u, Trunk " b tlat%eaat Ex- m- a! "Y will u ter, M: no†can. 0m mp“: Ola. Want Is and“ III cannot: n- cut Cuny'l Artie mpg» a» n potluc- " ot momma On; u"fauf, l has at snm- m. llotniooOouonm " " Son-ch. Attri-odqetMt-trs1ndwydettir'. Una-twat. it 'y,'rti!r'ii?ie' 'g,',U'tdttrgit") Lil-1m pas-lo. . II. III 3.15::qu no: '4trwohivtd.,hrd-,'ixrtoe.in" Hut. endl- Inland 'llt,tl',1ro,ld'Ntral'l"all"A'htth1rl'll yum. flaSh"A'egltt'ieel2t1et'itey, _SAtPeryard. I10srumrarierust-Wry/Jfer, Reilly“. ttr,,'pglgh'httrcr,r,r.t'Pdhetthgi't'2 “Ark. ' mmmmzwwau In price (â€pol-pair. muwvuhtdeflutnwu-lormw “than. Hoyt "_tt"v- pun-1'16. _ tAetd'9repemst-Vu93fr0o1Vg-reittirtoox Mia'.6Mtoomso-diite8ttt6. 1iotMmNX-tXt-.mtethhoetsM6to8Mx39a. when“. l 3 'd " a 1 u " am,“ to " la. , " " o " " 73? T' " " at 1 u u u " "80ar.dtlN, u " aâ€. Etrrthtqtqhmrs81"ttt _ Dorto"aiito--iuo"brmb-inlrwi1tnrttstittat. KING STREET THE GRAND TRUNK EXHIBIT. ." my. gun. E. Curt, otDora, M "iiaeot. mm. magnum PM trt Star (“with (in ...... ................. '..1» iltmmitteTMegiqi) and karcs ii1iiiiiiiiiieEi': 1l.hmmi.eyruii'uir- WNW“ M... f8trortiyys9Ki9-Cr._-utyq 12ttte, Ottoman-w ad “‘I-ckly - (a T t. . Si1eeteur..yi+mt.cetmt.i9.rspM-.f,.'......1. Will. tiFFFtiTi.CbGtWifiEi.Ti.2r.." S. SAUDER & CO DAVID BEAN, PM. of!!! Hummou Henna-Port Artur own: an sleuth “may, bum to m sister to" ot Fort William. 3 db- tuoe ot " mm; it in W ttm pow ot Curm‘ Riva. at united the pom to open“ then!»- hlc mlm. pump the town was, and merate u chalk: lighting plant which um- ttte M as! but!“ electric not at a low mte to the ammo. Thu am no m on A my“; "at-- an b. they no nu "PM. when. in " III" A otmummitr a Part m h nun “that“. Erett " an m . “but†'eitett h “I muo- M 'tttttd may M n, in y OI. an.†d have all!" an tMat tTtt2uatt" - runny h h AI- qeie- hdt. m Ion nut to: m 'NlttsAd - min. TI- â€. m Al'lll'll W ' a! We " tt a - h It“ was. a! " n “I ta "Me on Sun“, CVGIIIII‘, M n It!“ “has exuding on: “I put :1: momma. bemused was dturgttta' at the tate John can and lamb WMturtt halo“, two brows, and two shun, William ot Chilton, Wk, E.H., ot Toronto, iorsmtrtr ot Hahn, Clara, ot Hamilton. and Lime. who tackle. in loam. In: Chart - but tut elbow (or: gut- ter at suntan. udwu very highly named. The mum! took place on [My “know to the Doom CW1. V No Manon in“. u to u. kind ot - tut Hem-Reid enrol. The man Internal, Extend. Itch- ing, Binding, Blind, SWW etc.. at amply am. at tue ditht cut. as... away: which can tail wiltâ€- It " cola-III but“ “In amtcuuud no out ot Plinth-ant New it but! town. _ - m tttt do“. A gun-u. “impala: HUI-m unused by coup-un- Buff unanno- 01 blood in tho love no“ el, Ml‘muhtu'ul terrtedrtM' may» at.“ De. Wt". Hem-W h . tayes an: uncanny. PUBLIC OWNERâ€. KO DIFFERENCE. Waterloo, Ont. 'Pt181t; ' {Hunk is .......... " ......" I†.......... trl iiiy.1'Y.Y. " .......... IN '.......... 3. "IGt.m Li: Ai FA. 5.33â€?! > i5WI's, E133 P,e,