Toronto Sahuiar Night, - an o! the no» dittteatt map to uter- m II as “th at an â€New" _ 'mmgdr tin Pruitt ot the Pt-tBe. d W5. Tb "Met. d the A 9tte . mm qrttNmt I?!†In I In who “no: g m an tt.WNL"it 'g2t'."tt t'e b no ', a , “'30!" ftf.N2 ft"'i'giii. 'iii:,,.-:.-,,"';".';'!'??,?,-!,?.),','-)-:-' itiii.i-i,it'ig,-,'l'ii I814. '.'T, [ - -. w v . __. "u- _ Pdftid cu'l'T,lll' “a... I. an “a -eydtt,t't'.tuft'l It [unusual-mom G-ik-tqs-utter, UGriuusstiG-rs - "bums-unauduuu w- In: the tench. TM 'e *Wflw HWJ ' , , _ l ii.jiiuui-o!eii_tPrl t'i1t'ies-Pe""t, u i-rr-, “to. tow elf-a. U†“WV“. II- ,trii'-rrru"'t""f UF Ilsa-It" Th minor-a fffyfett1.ttttatT'd','1t, 'iitit-r"eliettfce,' (â€M“- Tu huh-loud s'i-uaasu-tetuai. the “whudammm “mt-(spots. Thoma" bark- tmgd wdm up: to improve in stout-hip with vellum tummy, '1ng long to “ugh up with $uhettt* ones.\ In my m6 It in I (act that the further retl apples on be grown sum-huh the but“ the quality of the knit. For Mm Illa Province of Ontario I. prominently _adnpted for the growing at luperior eppnu, the soil on! ctimate both being siliuble for this purpose. The Hunt and keeping 'ttmlitiets of Canadian apples has made n good demanit for them in British when... The reputation or Camd- hn “Me: has, howevet, enacted to e greet extent try the action of div honest attippem in {use marking of Mega. Notwiyutnnding th e In- perior gunk ot the best kinda ot Oman apples. the fraudulent pack- ine end making ot wings have the elect‘ol keeping Gm when tad hate the _ Wm mathred on no' out at the conduct at the dishonest out. The "Fruit Huh Act" ot 1.01, ama.ded in 1303, makes provin- lu tor the Inspection of applen end ï¬lm . - on any one eon- :Wd not mu. Thai do!» mat ol the Act mit make tho mm tutu-ed In W. shipped to the H‘ an“! M but the - on. the - tum-nu. no Ming MM "he in.“ mum . p In. on! a one I. â€a. . APPLES FOR EXPORT. 0508 l annonuu. . NOTES. min-mommy. hunks-m: H I â€AM ttte-tut-Mr, l - In nun iiTi'ii'S'rttf m or _ a: _ ' ". T l N '_'i'i'l'il,'?l,llflll'_',i',tdltM".t2i “ 1ciutedstt'tij, multidis- _."-' It. glut W l l m-------..""". no 't.erttrttraaai_.ert.toPt ‘eoon you MANY YEARS 1'51. I 5. 'Ctmsotidated Co: L "Tr, s" sumo-walnut Muck Seam-mun. “a, “a. â€up: t endin- -utr 3"“). PM = no: at 'h"u'l"e'da'll Bt.edrte' What. i and“ -rattr wttt b M to hu- sh“ Mr. 2.'fd','dtta but “I. to lulu 'is in!“ -, “I“ B7. "In.†__ at a. _ “a. no": 'ttttl)'. ttrift '1, on b by uncut ubuuh' ml thdt will. th. ‘onamou an. In! to his . an» nu a. no but “a! when hum at My "tig-ent to auburn-o; "ui-utter- -httrMtt QR, - but will W! " tho it“ cl any. Ab!' Imam tbe alt M was! an“! bar - h “a i'iauiGTVthoattuanrl can" in “all.“ "trtlag trim " the aft on ot the on“. Nun mat. I‘ll u. Candis» will have “lumen“ ot his unice- tor may yen: yet, unless LII â€penance- deceive. Mrs. Jan. E. Heller. WOW. (hut, (in: mm hymnâ€: totiowing mm (or the ttesteftt ot 0M mother! who have young-chill- ren itt their homes. Sh- un: “I has my muons to be sunk! to Baby‘s Own Tnhletl, and to "tttom- mend them to other moths“. Our lune girl is now lounge) months old uni she In! taken the "lrieta " in- ter vnls since the war: two momhx old end I cannot speak too highly tor of them. Since I can: here “out a. year go every mother who bu Imnll ehiWen he} asked what I gave our baby to keep her in such even health. and I replied that I gave her nhulu- tely nothing but Baby'l Oil Ttte “-1 -"-'- --'" _ _ lea. Nos -arly every mother here get: the Tnhlets when 1 medicine is needed end the ou-ttvaio- crude modicum, each u cantor oil W and soothing preparations. which moth- ers tormerly (on their little ones, tbre diaetsrtUd. Our funny doctor sl- so strongly prunes the Tableta end aye they no a wonderlul medicine tor children. Accept my tharsh. tor trll the good your Tnhlets hue done my little one end I hope other moth» ere will profit by my experience." Baby’s Own Tablets con he given with absolute may to the youngest lrailest child end they are guuamd to cure :1! the minor ailments of lit- tle ones. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or mailed " 25c ' box by writ- ing the Dr. William? Motion: Co., Brockville, on. . The {allowing item appeared in the Iepl COL.mll ot the wt and Empire J.A JK., Pram. - qu. - lt a trurgtie were to bred: into my [are mine: " mm would I be iuatilimt in shooting um: t T w"... - V Ann. Sec. " ot the Crlmml'Code‘ Inâ€. everyone who 1.8 in passable possession ot a awefring house I: Jus- tified in using net force " ll new- any to prevent the forcible braking into and mating ot such dwelling house by night, ttt any perm it be believe. on Womble and probable grounds that luck Breaking all etter- jug is attempted with intent to com- (mit uy mum» unenc- therein. A yum will not he iustit1ed is shook in; even . burgur‘ unless be en show an the shooting wu "nerretssarr" to - the tturgtar from braking and comm. or from committing ‘l'xrgluy in his dwelling, shop or pram-u The clerk ot the weather In Tttr- to reported gaetertvl improvement on hid" in Camila menu-legal con- ditions. In Mitch; unit the North- west the Btorrnr winter venting 1:1 s In: as" Mo has been tum by bright, wan mm. with . Inui- mum magnum: on nanny at 70, Tye otrtiook toe the vicinity II tor continued tair weather From the on". anley up to Late "tiicie' V?†in waives! u on; procession of he"? that! mtmx V'I'he South Waterloo Anionltuul new will te pm " cm on Octet- "er ut and and Childhood is the time to by m foundation for astutdy con- .ttitution that will but imam Scotti Ems-ion inthe right Men of 00k Timbers doth keep the old homestead standing through the years. It paystouuthe rtghtstutt, “Man a! 09k†are men in med halt. m‘wbac mmmgm could- Scott's Emulsion stimulate the growing we! 1:QO help. than hand I firm foundation in t sturdy and» A tasFisiie To I101 "I!“ BETTER NOT SHOOT THE BURGLAR. WARM AGAIN IN THE WEST _ "some“ Ettfil. "= W: m rtiitPgtgt,'d,ih' I. C Mflyï¬lma’ï¬l Imam caveman»- iarri6ia"ft./i1oiet,a,tf unison-them an. Wit-m ganja thunk“ Son. 'i.iiiiit,tti"'gg,gecitrdN'l,'u'l, ttrNeoqa “w... between 't1itt'.lllrd'l"ot.d'A'Ch'ro7t1i.i',i who. NWMSQIOM'H bt.throtry.mtu_ootte,t: -- Isis'.",').',),.'",,?,', " ploy?†, to In! run; the 11mm and! "d moat-1. 919107;“ so may: pug GiifU an" Soir, '0-5; "ioairirss " irteaiiu-iiitttht5ttr9teet tiiiyil,'yi'il,'i': .the 2::me Itt Iron i'i'iihaiil 559. Out. an m; t I pd, mm. Soo, thsty an. P' . the Mt! wood pub'nm a the I a OrttQ Oiuloyult' In ', the Getty!“ cud am. It sum. qggti 910m no men; the “election works At the P,sft,rNg.i 40 man's;- r at MI. esp _ lllraro men; the welds:- Lake " ng“ Power .Company " the Son, ich., Teta so no: the Pine Veneer, In: P 9, Log Charcoal Co., operating math “an of. the Mao In: Central Rainy, mung? In men; the retort plant a the , Ont; employing 90 men, and tttr Aitrmna noel punt It the Soo, Ont. em£oy-‘ tg 159 “Item be My ted ammo-day, clung a "rt tion) nil-adv one tareuker En the game Ind m "tunes: n ’ 'p'ro the mm. 1... ms I'h'lWt 'd'gl Ind the (trat Central main line stall will he need proportionately, the New being that no more an TS "'thti.l! be retained. It in with deep regret the iaiarit-rtumade,trirtrtiathe coll meritedâ€! . " . “as ch: put 90 days overruling thaw Mamet adding?! on a: cue: com " en done to like. his: to 'lt',',d this im- mune. maanifieeat mommy, but with- tru? mi The hudthipl that this will bring - many oiEeerg and em- ployee! must born. a paticmly n tt'lei tram that the future my I abottt 1 WI'; solution md set- demgnt M. ,lLditeieultiets. At?ott Al etre I Illa-fut tfy to remember that we at. Al Malinda-T1 citizens and that our antennaâ€, w ile hard to bear In not liUV to. continue forever, uni no not no hard as our "teystorrar.) even our fellow-citizens have borne end m throrrab "ttere,? The com- mie lots on ttCCOtMtt this neces- ury in: down will be almost irre- tdeveble, tor the reason that no a! wood, uric:- or veneer logs Ml t 3111110 to run the pulp 1tlilh u: or veneer mills next year.' " ot the ogentiom of the Cmuoii- dated Luke nperior Company were cloned do" “Might. and the great induuriee art.gitent fttr the 'tt time in tii' Tiii al -"iiriGUaiiyitu, 7 are ' churn of “men, end the town id Med with the unemployed. There is e gonad “ding ot uneuimn muons the citizens who dread the inevitable upproach 'il an extremely hard winter. combined with the more immediate danger of what my happen when the three thanund dismissed emplqeen‘ol the company are "ambled in town. within the next day or two ramble to re! their overdue man. he to" it 1horetray.d 10' I? Plt'E"?fr, oi an. Saul t Ste. Marie, Sept. at.'-The Alumna Central Railway "thor- ities Ire gathering in the men from the lumber camp. of the cmuolidatqd com- parties. Saturdar 300 men were broad“ l, down and given worm shelter h the jail. Over a thou-ad are still out. but will be brought to town a weed“, u possible, It in 05613 "ated that every one on the pay r will be settled with on the M in- rum. The prospect of - unen- ployod men Hound the yawn with no money in their padreâ€, though with plenty. comin- m then, b viewed I!!! tome Mum. and u n manure ol pn- ultion I number of special mom t-ettedgtorortrtn. lthio'edthn th-toMberitd_o4rBtthiearllrt â€with moment. Except tor e a: or two. the" In. been no and». in the gem tsta, wring“. It “may not pom e to a, w en I one win be rescued. bat an 'lagll'lll'Q mnomunm about! he and: a one if there in,†likelihood at work ro- aming (a now new likely} for a lent m or three months _ . - ot work a: be had 't.etrtat. the with!“ hm uneven-nit: akin Thin an be but by m than " [canal mg by I“ "ee-et-r" .-. _.. _"-" - _ kind. Ind lt-ln to be ho that many " b. lorthcoming Radical to p61 than men__q_l:_ __ him t ist ttie “cation: No on have In. "k"", in the awn-elm a; "e9eues. c cunt nut hum. but “gain!“ (or - 2',tt2t,'attith"gtAt.rgt that Milt. I r -- b - It. “In, ty allTuu'g.'i, The d',llttllLt u no! "esttoteirrt6ertuhtatarbieataM -tetttttetm_tortde+ta% â€onâ€, at me than the concern 2.'E'g,'at',tr't'lt"d,t"dl't, m; a: c as us uuisi.mthtshr.tNrestieyreheh,-' my um km 'm “Mimi-och hi1 'tgoerybgittttrattmdttttrer+ coma-cud. Cult-1m- niud on u- t'iii'i,'i' nadir. at (I “I Manny-:0- mttryes)Atet1tto-etioard In“! a... say} in" I: am. - 'iiriradFu'Vci V Fit M iasit" ' t at Infected»! noel _ ‘. run. he mthdnnd V . ',1tl=', M tbe f,T"l,"', _ TUt ‘ t T,'dllnTt'se"',','l'e'r'hl14 a 6pm has can: tttttNr,,',,'.'. . t'Ail'tl'l yuig an}! tau»; Ea!“ tho-'u’in‘w f T E": t.rttg'.trtia11 . " but. li' but: H next cw . 21 (ha' m u _ilti! u tiii-ii My. T hum test! on no . i don to be per-uncut l the new" new . , It in c cl indium q Premier Ross - , a (not. 'att',' at? . _r_. b, a tittttdttt!Ciil.l!,li 1ihi'?itlir,tk!t , to. mid. but :13":ch the utmost mau- W, that it um merqu mama-y. Th. r on! of qpital was“ I. pp but touhmt of I â€an.“ doom. you». wk: Ind the ntatit no ‘htrply no tuned that it all act if: Munich to DONG mum. "It. iHelu min: and the other minds - ‘dcr‘ the control d the syndicmqm been thoroughly and. and the . 0f the are which they prod-u: n no we!) known that there could be no tati. trrr_rltimetetr Pn. thet s;oyc."m -___ Shttt,',' 'or_ me bond mica 'tat. an: ul an I at, on 'tl'fJll'lrTlll'l Emmy I92 3:1â€... (mm outset wetyld whale that - der culinary conditions the and work: “all be very profiut?.1e. All the at: alumina depending up: the at†of pulpwoqd or o hard- I Gulit the materiair are“. tt h land in local and ide- - “up, and we}: it 'lt, (gr td tttrat emoncymn etm e U“ m thin is no doubt the nth could in: can on without my MM- The reports of the CR- pat but than. with the exception. Whipl, ot the “Siva. that mtg-u: 'tTet, unturned»: 5 and Cl Hy the on made ttr Spay" & my: is: a; use. a. any. - tor the summon, . . Mr. Ron hopes that the rat of the Soo, who are more inn iatetr muted, will no} be 2g,'rge,', by this temporary interruptrott 0 one of daycare“ enterprises cur under takett in Canada. , Detroit, Mich., 'tth as.-ahe Evening, News of is city w- aounca from rout-cu it it se.hrtt' not to divulge that Thursday Inch: Speyer a Company of New York] {undead its mortgage on CttttsbliV ed Lake Superior Company. had than it2s,,rihitiLegtt,hfett,'ahtr.", may " the lands of the we: aya- diatc. 'rtie'sperer Iyndiate held I chattel mortgage on all the um M the Consolidated " security for a five million 'tty thou-and donation: given In! January. The thne for payment In up last July. bot Spam & Com- - Utemded n and] Thumb, night AFTER EPBVEIIYEARSOFGRBAT , SUPP: Rugs. " A WM mm. to a. Pomona! Dr Willi-ad Pink Pots toe-n Shh-n WELL AND STRONG. Proof upon proof Ma mumulnm that Dr. Willlcms' Pink Pills will cure when doctors, hospital treat- ment and nll other medicine: all Punlyzed limb: hue been tutored to strength, rheumatic solemn mid: well, weak, anaemic gm: and wo- men mods bright, not“: and Mons. nounlgic pains wished and the poor aspen/lo given 3 new digestion when it seemed than» Impede-3 to expect I cure. Hen lo ' bit or strong pron! that Dr. Willhm‘ Pink Pills bring health and strong“: um yarn ot annulus. Mr. Loan Brim in n Area known mum at St. mam, Ore., ad tell! ot MI you! ot Inlet- teq u lollows; "Eleven you: " n50 while working in who hull I “Enla- od mrrelt and "audit on mum puns In my Itomnch Ind luck, when the trouble met to locate. I had {mount an ot 2',,'.'illl,"g; which and In“ (looms. matine- I could work ad than tor month: At a time I would be wholly mhlo to so anything. tmt even at the “In. I could work I won uwun m. At tilhtaqt In. t. w would by that mu but is; won - to but) In. The: l was! to Holst-u! It†mum-nil! m an cl, n he“: Ptr. " Indian "tteret no will. I was mm tux no. u I “W work or on...“ o! my kind, as. It", nuns: - an m tt an “pt t wo m “any pupil. to 1, an all - of tk..tite.e "r Be. Willi...’ PM! Pm! W! mwwmymmullmw anâ€. Immmnlbo mam-nyhnlundwm mollu-ullmuuuomlvu unmannwall.nImlIu-- Tue Ftrt,iatotutleaetyAtf, luy’lMtl madman! hummcmmd "I cum torisimrttt.trdU pntterretttyi!tttrttrtelt 'ritttf--drststrrir6rtttq umuw."__ -___ mu -. prod u wit. that "on traerdet,t'lU="d'l'li a, “he†6tmtrt nuns.“ mm wilt mmhmcu-Wv- cum-m. Mun-cum Aa,'Pt1',e,'fg1Tfi.e I! 'intbrttsetat6etr, '5'?! naught-I‘m tr? a mud 'itg'gt" an. . on I ti», -. 'tret'fat"dherr '3' an Mama-u. ‘Huamwoumhnb mrtutrnoetMmeoat'ttu-, mi,rt.trri-'t-uHttt4 mmmxhuuw all. t-d.i.t..htdr.ndetuMs 'tr. - - .--- -- . is“ Me.ttr- ‘ 'ii,'dLttt'1uWt . in It Pdttra't'.at','autfe “an“ winch-1 Thaw. Ooh-lulu siren" “(In months. in can in in. Mad whit-nut; lid-3.00310".- uu â€my M I)“ at 1,.†ll Idmn? Bonn-bur u 2t9reairsid,otdh-turtestaii. -etybutrarrtdrttitituuado- to; ‘wm pure. LIAM _ a lit. nn. Inn was!!! In“ at MT“! psrtrtadbemgotag an. tor In! twat-AW In Mum-Ac. , It. Suwmuldum Arr'" o" of n C-dmtiv. Moray nu "ie-ri-ver-as" to mm. m and . lush -bots Adda-cl tin-Hu- _ A '_, In. Emma“ n “tumultu- -ert' was um “and Grit WM. ve iri.Tueraat 'pi6,.tbat when m mun. into [:th in nu: nu bunni- "pro-um we Wntclooo The Comnuim M. was hit that riding. “no, u may glut-y: nu ban. Ho lupnomd We nonunion ot the (My Council ot Branttoett tog a In: dieritrttie und this gerry- mm was (allowed by†won do». in wank». Ighen a. scant. In that! tor an Lama. " mum Lamar aid the m Me tor South Wamloo had manner: " we I! n no“ mount. any, Brut he '53 can!“ to let the latter qtarrd lot - calming“: Mr. Dnvid - had the aisle:- une on My (durum, vim: running . but 're Jn the Na Hanna‘s Mfg. Co} shop to get the am joint: ot " tWet mlddlo'lngen on bl. rightttnmltsutoi5, which wmyeil‘him to . by all (at monk I“. It. 3 1h1$ttttoA' bet trith I Jd'si'l'fa'l'l qin My . Ion- noon. While W. in mm the iron bridge from the Mold some plani I slipped, on which in was stating an he tell I. am of Poe..? feet, when“; his shoul- der nude and Melvin; other intend injuries. Mr. Jacob H. Heme: tell " " wngon while Shaun; . load ot oats ta the wgrdlome on Arnold Street mt Friday um ud'hroke " leg; He was taken home when Dr. any "tended to his Mum, The veteran suntan-u in doing.†. well a: (an bu expected under we circum- stances. Died. - Mr. Thou. R. Smith. ok ot the pioneer- ot the township. pu- led .wey very Indriealy on Sunny morning It his residence in Wilmot “thence! " ya“. mi who w" my respected. wu well known throughout teem mum, " for It?!†he allowed the was“ buying at selling an]: end when tor the uphi't’tnde. which brought him in trattttaet with the iumen 3nd nook breeders, who ul- wnya recognized him as a “night and upright buiheu nun. lie lave- g widow and six children. It". John Baird, Michigan. In. Islands Motrin, MAIL, [in Joanie Smith. nurse, Toronto. Rabat Smith. P. V 8.. Rollie“, BOC., Jug. nil Lil- lie ht home. The rem!" were buried in St. Jane. M. Huro- Roed. on Tuesday W, with mom». honors. Independent lactic henna COUNTY GAOL NOTES. Godatich, Ont, Sept. ".-E ut‘ - P000110: ot the C.P.R. in In. That. no Mn “min/the tttr-u.ot "any. Mor- Cormtr Gaol " new}. . tttBttmt "pram; as“ and Non Anthony Innukey, who in “fur dine in WWW. Y F , an m can. Cook, on . M ot PM“ Bell n! Col. Mould lumyfil sham sisa- ot Improve Surat-r7 at an Guelph .1qu ment. Runny m but no consul“! Adrian Shun! wu ihmd :20 and with It. PM and the town to- ts and coal“ tor new; . locum dis plantain; The am has itt my chum or an. 'ee. lp an Wk- viu id- “an. ‘mLJ-hlnpotuu than! tftttiitte ultras-tho a “the rum I. aiiiuminttiettptrt, 1'tltSu'"l'l"lU'nlllN'u't'r'its%'l. a: ti. use“ tia" In a (mud Tum-nucleus:- mum-m- Ih: a. Conny Gal thir y". “it. . my.“ 1m-tmm.m n 'arg'tgt,tt one dt-teh, Muncwcool. mun-mm lunch with iifiii'itiiijiLer,e.y,tP"tltd Col.w,ll ‘55,. an be mummy-Ismail. ,r-tt-dvit_rrtiltrtt, "" muummmmm h Vi“ to M. It. M “4 Mutual-lulu- -its,eaat-ee,ttesatd,tttfttaia Q, 's _ ' m a to guard Btttmttott LII. Mgt",',)',' trtiteeHn "tt.ttNtr3tterxrtttt-" in- trep, t,d'tttl%t'th' m rm a: TNetra' Ila.- u. a as - a: new t'attttrf. cr, -""".--r--" __ 'aniumttattiertPittt. " Gu"iaeoktim.uairttsamemud In: meow; calm-nu. Tur.riittsrt_uttrefrtre mum n cm:- Cool. m mi- "ttumttrerotgetir-y tgf""tir. "reeieoiHf.ePfsasd "iiriGF"iidit2ar, in in "ot an ip can. Cook. on s m ut In? " new»; Ii:- of Immo- m - --- . Adm Sunni wu had tto nil " AM ooqta to: Mn: . 300““,m tg%rtr than“: or at. 'ttttatt. lp “.1;ququ tPete"",: â€mm...†1ttNi2"21 toohetrtrtthtoxteuq oyt sauait-i.one_tftt" iriiiurtuit,tgietetre twat-81M]. ".qpmrtaa UG-Lt-ttdried-Cree?, .EiLriie,ikgttlt.tLeu22', â€indium. IN "iiifthieiruttt2t,T"tl mm tun-um: on ‘cmme . Raiv'n‘iogmmmue twononvuhtomwon at. Mb. ' In; his! milky“: n. my": my mums. cm-umuvhch-vd the siirifikuti_ttfttt1ttt"hlt titttstht'd' ward-1:: t,'iSihittt.tlitL'elt'Na; ot r. an. dictum I bmwmh r um. nun-dub; PM“ " PM)! KAI . ADVANCED. NEW HAMBURG. um um“; Boys' - tnar muudomm ._.r. ai bu‘ " 'tik'" "rthEi'it'ss We! 1tM,'te,'tt't 1t',trd't'a'f,'4 I". li' ".F?_uir_. Tii",] tsort-tts «on I†_ - ,' Metal-nomalagoWb an . , if? magneszommn mAyv-uowunulald. up“. " T . p"" 'reirttlghmrtutttt1taNtoanrtttttertrty_ed a""".. . T ah,lvnoa_wmuve‘y«»oz‘thm:tlnï¬olndï¬lï¬cflnd _ k†$.11; we. " u out u n Net N " 't "A'i'otrn'h1fferl'A%"l'G"l'dltydrh'l 'l'ltitth"l Bqe f short â€humane " WIN!- - “ V .f, fl . ' 411; I; . " - " .1 , lThe “many a Best iherttthitt/t_,i,jiir1t'tf1,,'i', COURT OR KING STREET" More nos-ac.a.o.,*onu,y» lens“, (36an. . 11mm, JM.A-o, Box v. Boned-rum, to: "ehnu,, mud [tom the mam atsdr an team new“ in the has or dit; County Com ttd Phe) who! l Meant.- mum: . 'eeetgrr: was of Making at ti,',',',,'"', shops and Am in tie. to!!- Galt. and “all“ when Mam. Ion-A than guilty ad "trtent:Atherts to98,rmtttttm' imprisonment . The complaint WA: that Medium “maid not hue been “tied together, but 'tttat the evidence mum m hound Have been rit'gt"et't't'di,',e, runways, KC., tor an own. supported the con Ictian. Jaime" Ire-end. T . ', CQN'VEN TIQU OF EN DE Hogans Btmttord, 'Ontmo'l duels city, sends greetings ad e most cordial invitation to Bldeuoren "when throughout the province, with“: (riches to “and the no: (fa-venue. ol the Ont-mo curmu- nude-wot Union to be hed a 8mm at. 30th, and October m. The s..' city Christin Endeavor Union. the chum, the city council at! the cit- hen- ell my "Come." _ _ - The Convention It“ on Trinity daemon with . prepontory -iee And In an evening “drum at wel. come and ruponm will he means! to“: which to nn" uniting at dross (tom P. w. Wilson ot “mum on “Echoe- from the Denver Conven- Dr. Funct- E. Oink. g C C din try birth, um Fuller ot thet thin Endeuor movement will be esettt to. I". mom when“ also ertntttot g pmrrtteal school of m thode u: “that work. 'w i Jan to m: mum on» in: not. no t (on ititNhurrtsot pub an: Row. A. L. Usâ€. T one. Rev. T. Alien m, Tom ;Dr R. John-m. Luann; luv. R. . u. Guam-d at and“, Rae. B. B Matt A KW“, 30'. R. “W, . A., roronto,Rev. Geo. H. Clout ' ot “an; Dr. V. Lynn qt Ot n. GUILPB “TIXSIOH A mm an comm a; no can. ol up Bead van a. nun- h‘om and down to cm Mr- m. m iinmur bu now be. - artmt" tet. Pam the C.P.R. CD- - - gun-u on} we than iitnt.r_en-eultgeeeertt m. l'nlh‘l- divided Ira-omni- In m nib-tho mm mun atrmtqtagEehrmtetMratrormpe- mpnmLuwml. In.- - - '.tt cum“ '0‘“th .J .Iim. thfi't,tr/aNlt'la'h,'rllll 'greeii (Itch-con“ ot-tle-tgr "WNW“ at. a - Vina"! Mt nvatrtti; “II-“O SESAUDER 811009 Clothing mm. manna} mam. ( TO SODA int path Otto, ; Dr (CH. 'rii'idGG"aG"G'7i"GuGFiCr5iCaF. 'fiiiiiyiii5j"iiiiiii. “anâ€... no out ot camping a. F British many]: who last yen was BA,, 311.311. “has: £593,506 more“ the W. " intern: on the £10;- 867M4'mt in acquiring the - was aided, "thedq8bttit vouch £80? 365. Government our-Np oi public "who. an a. 11mm: Tips; ism “account! by “no Ina. mutiny don“ an: my kt Govmut (mention at public um- ltien. The belt nam- uuned to he chained _ whim Government lulu the (null-u and mm; a eere%iat “with; ad control tat am ad we: a mica. T mm. "flgl'l,'-m8 Br. Pitcher - “no any Wonk-III. “than an Wâ€!!!_â€!":'9"" 2r,,t,"atePWA'rg"ret tummy - III-ulna. body hung 'fat, up and on at am you: to“: v iSaVtdittteiuaort-s,dt.. urbmmmalhhgpdouudd- mmradmobhummm a'UririrGaGaaGkia" â€Momma-ounce“. ttt.trttreto'tu . . "ruiuuiematt- “an Inn.- - " - I Dr. PttV Bet. MOKKUQW .. . ., ., 'ii'iiififi5 iiiiiit5tidigyi' -rW-9.- rifti'Yiet 'iti,ie '"fJAt4rtlhll'.XPr- ._. an. 2C.i "T lets PT -ri"rrauu-r. Sttt t-redutmngthaiyAttgw W,'IG mamuluhmmml- tut-ouch» but.“ punk-ul- Mbod‘nunwt ---- - Mr, Jun)! Elm wan-m at. WWI.OIt,vh but“ “In. book-MW, Muttonâ€. In â€an, mum“; - un- hamym mum-mu: I. but». no! - unable In Mum-non. Nova-null". hadmotleutm‘hI-ltmm h an amt-I,me by D no man-u - 'iilei n pl: In and I. . = an "In. I a but. " " ...w-‘..... Fti!,t'i"iiti2i"t'it on Mtt'fllt'tl, out: to. ot“. “no! - a... fh't'dttntli'1'l ‘m _ â€.19!!!" 'arr%aUikriii.FicyWCiraiEKC. Eth'ii'itsri'f.lrter. MNttt,"Bk as; DILLMLWM Aus.rt. "tdal,".',"?"' on. I" Ttte0UttdiahteRentetiy "oe In unit at! an Jtaitrt'r'tis'iri'i1ifif'll,T,irrsi' comm-vow isU 1.11;»:an m Yuan-h I. V. LAX"). In on F Ian. B'ERLIH Big Ttb