guild-9w! " “a... v-7-“ V " I _ 'dqertr'rri.r'wiet'r*eet" _..,'--------- , _ Mt in school been, in laws-manhunt; -.*: m. 'rt. - _ l 't'gTg'"d,C,1"c W‘bnbmoou'u-ou. M t Qmuanrh mr “L.†w 'E “Mum†M‘s-wads†new.) “gu' "aiTaiiiiruiis0tteAettyy,tAt an“, -eterseoetrMthsBer'i'"'t'b- iyefeeo/,t?f.P1'5ere, to u’ my: tttn “an". lumen caused - tmg teeth “intuit". weather.“ qt'. We examination are' .., “I I ““101 tlt-x-ttst pu- att' In its plan-bed, but no tar in h" In o.etat Mormntion about .W has Winch, not do ‘-m that punish: we made by a - head in their gamma mt “A W The mob Il!? die supplying tree whool books _ WC, Ion Mill in showing» l" on who in enable ot fuming a We. 10: the purine ote (tee atAool books, And Merit himsgll to will. the [und- to: . scheme that I: not to can any money, to use the _rpedr, ot . mambo: ot the Board, “b . ant-clu- politician." . lethally "asking. is the School - going to buy tree ushool books‘ I: the public schools of Berlin or) - Dr. Locke: and " inaustriousl little Queen street mouth-piece, which jumped in up to its neck m the tree achoot book sdleme, back- Iliddon Irom the faith and doctrine which they so fervently espoused. A, in " public opinion is ttoncerned m Berlin, we believe it in Itxongly ole - to tree text book. The par- a“. in Berlin, are, with very little exception, not only willing, but also Able to buy school books ior their children, which can be procured from the local booksellers. To be consist- Ilt. this resolution should either be curled into edteet, or rescinded, Everyone " all conversant with the lane ot the recent nilway 'wreck, ct out. known tull-well that the three mm killed, met their death by being hurled over the precipice at the C P. R. bridge. Nevertheless it took a Coroner, tittem )urymeu and two medial men to tind-il verdict and an- nounce omcially that we}: the com- munity know More. Not that there we; Anything Irregular in this irrTr- ceedins. but the question arises, did, the community get value for the cost l, ot the inquest, or did the testimony of two doctors, as to the contition ot the remains, render any “new: in fixing the blame tor the accident. The testimony at I. medical man at, a coroner's inquest costs the county from $10 to 820 mil in the case of the Gnlt inquest the jury apparently might have uved the county this amount, without lessening the pro- tection allowed the public. It is possible that radium, the new metal which is worth $170,000 an ounce, may be tound in Ontario. Prof. Miller, ot the Provincial Bureau ot Mine: has and that at. Point. Mummae. on the north shore ot Luke Superior, an uranium compound known at coracite was discovered some time ago. " occur- in small quantities, and what radium that has so in been discovered has been found in deposit. ot unnium and its com- pounds. - - - The report of the Inter-State Com- merce Commie-ion on railroad acci- dents id the United States tor thfee months ending Much 3tat, shows that during that quarter 800 persons were killed and 2,834 injured in Rein Accident Other kind- ot acci- dents, including thou lululned by employees " work and by pmengern 1n [citing on end all are, mute the may“ comma "' killed and 11,481 injured. There were 1.650 col- mines, end l,l81 denilmenu, aun- ill; 32,491,048 dunno to can, en- gine, Andi roan-ye. (Manned Hand.) Thole economist. who - um. boom-o Gum‘s Imports no much tree' â€Inglis... than tho" clue sum. we than oup on heavier in“, - on or two very ma- hrhl m. A Iargm proportion of the 0mm. impen- no in the tom ot mu rmmhh o! maul-chart. which mun be brought trom [only mm. The United sum. pom In; a (“not "mm ot son an oli- nth. I. not (and to import ita nv material: in m. proportion. In “at“: to thu . on“ ol punt-.3 “I I! the v.7 [up clul oi mid ad partly manufactur‘ d ankle- deI cum be produced up." C/t 'P'tt,t'le.' 'tlt our . In â€I my on. but no mm- ttrtetul m n L at " ' I , , _ bert iiitiiiiiiiiiiii. arte' - J- an.» mu- WERE GENERALXTEB FAIL EDITORIAL NOTES m 'l'.%'d'e'd1 ot the W to the " I“ and - an; teeth am. the bot was“. in sll‘htly lea deuce - 5mm in otune at dam to: babies " no {shown by the Increased death no: anon; than during the heated tom. Ot great inure-t to every mother, martian. u . comwouvely recent discovery ot which In. [and Lee. at Liam". (it. writes aaHotloie, “Hy um. girl be! . ttard one no; - teeth, She was main. her tongue an coated, but Math ue- lenliw, and also vomited walled mm. on the advice at our doctor I “we her Bnby‘I Own Tablets 3nd she he an improving at once tshe had not slept well " night " about three months, and I was almost worn out cums lo: her. Nothmg dld her any good until l‘gnve her the tablets. Now be: food agents properly, her Breath It' sweet, her tongue clean and she is quiet ud good: 1 can strong? recommend the tablets to at 1 mothele as they cured my baby when nothing e;se would." m".-. _.-_ .7 - Babys Own Tablets are sold by nil dealers in medicine or wsll be sent poat paid at 25 cents a box, by the Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Company, Brockxille, Ont. The Education Delartment is a1ak- Ang arrangements to obtain properly qualitied teachers to meet the grow- mg demand lot mancal training work _ . A. _-e-ti-e-AV A In the schools oi the provmce A Normal course in manual naming will be opened at the Lon: on Normal School next month lor a class not to exceed twehe In number, and con- stsung ot experienced teachers hold- lng good certificates. The course will be a lull year In length as in the case oi the regular Normal School course. A similar class for manual Manning teachers Will be opened at the Macdonald school at Guelph. ‘Thus within a year or more there will be a. score or more home-tram- ed teachers ready to teach manual training. (Portland Oregon.) "What a boy knows" is thus sum- med up by an exchange the editor ot which was evidently, sixty years or more, ago, a boy hiinsell: At ten yen: of age a boy thinks his father knows a great deal; at 15 he knows as much as his miller; st 20 “he knows twwe as mutts, at 30 he is willing to also mince; at 40 he thinks his lather knows something; after all; at 50 he begins to seek ad- vice, and at 60, after his father is dead, he thinks him the linutest plan that ever med," These esti- ‘mtes are probably guen‘lor the en- couragement or consolation of par- ents who are struggling to make ob- strepcrous boys ot the know-all age, “lee things," but the awakening of the hon is postponed to a date so late that the most patient father, and long-Bulletins [Luther can only sigh in contemplating it. MANUAL TRAINING COURSE Slight injuries omen disable a man. um ELECTION mamma- agttt eauwe lover-l days’ Ion ottime, i xllcn blood p0'son develops, IES. someumes result in the loss of a hand or limit. Chamberlain's Pain On the eleventh "t Mter the fetth Balm is an nntiseptxc lmiment. When ot the 3999 the cannula w!†deaire applied to cuts, brunscs and burns it to participate in the election wslk lcauses them to heal qtuckly and with- W") by two to the chnpel ot St. oat maturation, and prevents any Gregory, mompmed by‘ " “med danger of blood p0rsom For sale by guard, and triaging, the ' Vetti Crat- all druggisttr. -.,----ser-e--eesee---t---'e-"e-"-"- OPPOSE DIVISION OF WATERLOO Preston, Ont., July 29-At a meet- ing held in the Opera House last night, called to consider the cheats of the Liberals' redistribution pro petals upon the riding of South Wa- terloo, the [allowing resolution, mov- ed by George Pattison, and seconded by Junk: E. Klotz, Mayor, w“ Un- mimoully carried:- "That this meeting maintains that the riding. at North and South War tetloo coulorm to the unit of popula- mtat both eonntituenciea no much more compact tho they will be " the propooed choose: be carried out. “Tint the boundariel no closely donned, end have, until the present, rem-Jud a they were originally "That the boundaries dtshted, and luvs. until _ terminal as they we cottstitttted. "That the political associtttiomr of both “any reaching luck to Cote ledenuon wilt In wuntonly severed tor the :01. [Intro-e of pining n "at toe the Mom aovertttrtettt. '2Y, 'hta"'ihU2elt, moat It: , - ttttt glue:- Nutmeg County. can In tn what Damnation Bill. and that It adorns the mm ot our number, Mr. (LA. Clan. In ttla elod- to but Nttrth ad tgoeth anloo Me Indl u " -rt -titttted." -iiaiar "tr PM“ cull-u mumm- tot name-d divt-xm.steeogtreoet60rrx VALU ABLE WHAT A BOY KNOWS uncommon-Inna â€alumna-mm mama-“mm" mom-1m am. an 1t=t'flt8't to 1N8ttl'g '0. LeAt m - I." "In... Mother's Ear "IM‘m' biomnaww 2.7m" - Girau"tu . A T""rr" p... unwan- " "Ifâ€: 9221-3533 mm [HUI-DION 3 TIME SAVED a}; in was" at: to am his new. 1 t,iiiJegiiteSt.ii't8'edttf “chums-u... twee-ttsl maummm.uwtw audio! taemta.qettt.a.r6taals - um M I?! M!" an cud-Ab all“ in mi- my - I." I. “an“! m In gut-Illa and. an. lov- ua, if). My. nth: an “a yawn, lot tho Mao od “I and“. no no", tol mic Eauxt- f" Gama. _ l i SOIE EARLY RACTICES. mom"; to none Allan the Pope In undead†the “If at Rome. By - the hue-lee" the "added on“ null] a. may ohm-gt welcomed to at an" the‘plueee qt the Chanel. in: my "qr.rttiys, the [my pie at Rome Iqaluit the right ot to JeettN a. choice at the eudlule, it 'oraarr-,itwaurc-d ob- seetiunabts. Alter the WWII! vote name obsolete ttte Emperor chimed ‘to exercise . controlling Yoiee,, but his “thorny depended upon the - meter and the power ot the Emperor. A survival ot the tight it loud In the claim ot the. cube“: "Werw- Fume, Austen, and. t'qairr-to e .mce In the eelecuonlol we Pope. itteir irriviaer, w exercised more. out not um the election. It they mun that some caramel to whom they ere opposed is likely to he clen- ed they lorwud e protest to the con- due. Thus in 1831 Spain undertook to Iorbid the election ot Cerdml uxusunluu, and it. veto was "ect- ec. From the fact that. these outside powers are awue ot the proceeduzgs of Oe conclme, and can communicue Filth n, n. 1.8 argued that the orther- mg " not secret, a has been gener- ally supposed. tiHUTTrtiO UP THE CARDINALS Mr, J. W. Mill“, tormerV genertrl foreman in the Valley Sugu Co., of (Summon, Mich, then Chief Chem- Ist. in the Wuhington State Sugar Co., during in second campaign, und 8130 Chiet Chemist in the Ahmed: Sugar Co., Alvarado, car, and now miuunt Superintendent in the On- tario - Co., Berlin, and there- fore, tr man who“ observgtlonl re. gnrding the Beet Sugar industry hue weight, week- u tollowr.- One at the greatest diitieultietg en- countered during the tir" lesson ol every Beet Sun enterprise, I: the lack ot knowledge on the part of the timer u to the remit; oi Meta, The - ttttt cont-cub with the Sup: Company to now. let " any. two or three 3cm u . Mal, The need my be sown on ground um nu hair no preparation whnr not; the growing plants m-y not be “nanny thinned. not properly nul- tirated, and th- inevitable Insult in an at W In In Now the law‘- mull-I, and the "ig- m I: out“ n mantle. No anon-0 ol m- Had. mm Md that With- during In Brat won. and mum, altttortf " I - MOI, during m second man, rm the dink-unic- no +rurts runovd by . judicious "lacuna ot mm. Mun It "only pre ' at by â€in! thinning uni tiatttivgttkm, (A 0. growing crop. So, anee the am at and mm, the lulu: nth; Inn-t w -erietoe, low to «new. NI um! - “C, gte 'esituM' - In -tt. M. “a." “a a "Ill' mm... m... in... no wve ftt:yAtLfet SUGAR BRET NOTES thm It I: Done. [bl at." its“ an. no "W d nu wot-u; «I. sun- as a. a. eagdinaw an; n- a, bead undu- â€was: a. and th. ancee" ttery/mein?") ii 718a,'Wiciiié '“.a ' door a an new . Ital may at the went". "tqtt In - g let a! - a... to: m d} we“ to - " tt ox not i him in MI tho my I. to we plus i! 14- d and gut“. Alan; viii b - mu m {and no rhrsiMaq, I mum. n “canâ€, "a “on, a muo- out A mm. be! cud- }nl mo has in or "In. pone-Al Junk, Tutu . day WI no ,eeered into are building through u .09.“; in the mm, which in jlonplly built up agsirs. This the gold“: in that up Iron: as Gone in: completely as it in, with to do On the morning at the twellth any _ yttr the Pope‘s death, lot line hevmg been mid by the cudiuHeu the electors proceed to the Sistine chapel, where the urntinium, or vote . is taken. Only cnrdinnll ere ntmittsd. Atound the chute! era the cordinnis' thrones dnped in green sic violet cloth, and each urdinsl proceeds to " own particular throne. Three outline]: bowing been chosen on scru- ‘tineers or tellers. each of the eccles- luttcnl princes receives n ballot. At one end ot the bellot the cording] writes " name and athxea " seal This is then folded over so that the home at the voter will not appear. when the ballot ls first exnmineq. On the next told at the bullot the voter |writesi “I choose tor supreme Pon- titt the most reverend," adding the neme of his cudidate. Having the bellot in his bend the cardinal then approaches the Altar and tnkes the oath in which he says: “I call upon God who will be my judge, to wit- ness that I choose the person whom helore God I judge ought to be elect- ed, end that l will do the heme on the necession." The occasion. by the wny. is the subsequent ballot, which may be necessery ll no candidnte bas two-tttiris ot 'the votes cast. Having token his oath the cardinal ascends the steps to the nltnr and deposits his ballot in the golden cholicc. Alter all the voting is done the scrutineern empty the ballots on the table not read the votes aloud. The urdtnnie keep check ot the votes on list: pro- vided tor them. It there is no elec- tion the process must be repeated for dove, perhepe weeks, until a choice is mule. Finnlly. otter h candidnte bu received twirthirds ot the vote cast, the ballots IN opened and the l homes at the voters nrc examined to no it the emcee-ml candidate, has voted tor himsell. H he bu the rote is not counted, end A lurther election become: necessary. The ballots ere burned so soon as the election is complete. HOV THE CARDINALS VOTE So soon es a cardinal is elected Pope three of the cardinals ere de- puted to ask il he accepts the elec- tion all. the ottice. On receiving BS- Iuruicel that he acquiesees in the verdict ot the conclue the Pope-elect is conducted by two cardimsl-itnscoris behind the high alter, where he puts Pope, having announced the name by P! the Porttiiical vestments. The new which he desires to be known, seats himself beiore the high nlter. end re- ceives the suluteticns ot all the car- dinnll, who kiss him on the foot, the hand and the mouth. The cardinal- cerneriengo then places the ring oi the fishermen on the Pope's finger: Flnelly, preceded by the musicians, and singers, the senior ctrrdimU-dea- con proceeds to . balcony, where he announces the election to the public, end A new reign At.the Vetlm has begun For getting on or " 3 car One rule is sate; no others are, Experience bu proved it true; Men ttnd it no, and you may too. link well the expert emphrro- How my. late and sure his w"; He tame: not; vim swinging grace He mounts or leaves " tepid page. Hi. weâ€, ot coune no not tor you; They only show what rules an do. Hope not hll mu to imitate, But school your patience; Mend md mut, T For you “ll null. oonlummnte folly To like or lave A t','",','lth "allâ€. T It on the trolley you it “do I: “lay, by this rule! stride; To “he 1 Car with tlgMJnnd gulp; Hold on with ttrm use! certain clap. Then step up with the Iett foot am; Thus you no braced to meet the wont , For if the at thank] move " all, Your not toot - you Iron a an. _ Damon-Mindy»! aunt. no oirTU. tatt had my! the but mtqrhmrmteotutrtfttirh'Ch'. SK "it; 'TG-rid/t toet on an groemd; Thu (win; trmtt you win he Inland; Attd, than.) the cu may to or sky. You on My wall your my. 0- 106 at th. mm which to miqbt my to he“. INN-- m. maltunMMme I nut-mm. “unmatc- Inn. and It'll-v“. MH., "itiestu-mtattiq_tert' Hn nus 5W1â€! EELS!!! rianTa' Fiiid hi can“ and was an mil. to M MI the W “I“ 'me , P'? ef, if". Kitinuvv mettt have in be" we“ aqrthtttrstrttAttt.:, TE: INSTALLING THE POPE WOMAN AND THE TROLLEY -Erehae, =r"'". /f, I. “u m l Melr2'at" was. mun-oi. m tr duct-u. Bold tr “can mrwucn oi unmann- “but, an... an. a,15."la'MM'l'lh"lll'fs'l" _, eettteortt-.taMo iiiGiiiroi"iuti-it-.1tV urban - and“. Me lulu-‘1 m.. "' :2;th unruly-05W“: his“ _ts/e'ii'eé. rite, - 'le irroi"GG'ia'reFGiiriiir .--"'" intuit-03073 all we at out! Ntl'.'.", and: you n you. ad which than} not Mull} More! and "nun-{b- chum tn the index Ben hum: "all a! hue e and “were; end unwind-em. dent; and any niece In their is]. one- It“) the no“ db ‘utroul . I'll“; was“ on rehglous. ad more] subject: tor up prune! ot whch they use not nye. No one who seeps en one on the can". recom- ad in the any - 1,1',lWl (an: ed to notice, we only With whet. ut- cteuuag ltequeuy the suicide: 0. you; men end even mete boys u: occulnng, just. how one), :3 Mick be" and message, jusulyun; um. (“we eoyhuuy their cite, we new unple mummy at _ demor- wunon caused " the was! 01 work: never intended tor youth. um which, but tor tttg- libraries woulu not have come into their bends. 'the simple truth he that our boasted pro - men; the maatsetr-1 em not spelling ot the minority ot the beV he: clue, but geuernlly-tuss resulteu In mm more than in exchanging out Iorm ot dlnslpauon tor another, In- telleCtuul drum-drinking [or physical, the sensational novel or racy slut. In the tree library lor the uni-uni 01 quench: n the public-house bar. Ana the one in bed. a the other. Nothmg, so mm a Inn to! up duties or hie, tor concentnuon, and for healthy at: uvlty, u Inbitullly indulging in this Bort ot nodyne and stitnulaU- lot n serves both purposes. and both purposes to the sme demoralizing elect." ert'irilrGreciste my when who am tempt to do as they did but Sunday at." work below midnight., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lynch oi 334 Wilton venue, celebrated their golden wedding early this week. Mr. Lynch, who enjoys the. cistinetion ot being Guelph's senior old boy, he be- ing the ttrtrt nine child who saw the light within the precincts ot what is now known as the tiourishing city at Guelph. wu born on February the 29th, 1828, and was married on the 28th ot July, 1858, to Miss Bridget Nash, ot Mooncoin County, ot hilv Lenny. Irelsnd. Mr. Lynch is a son ot the late John Lymh ot New York, who was brought over by the Canada Company in 1824 to look M- ter their blacksmithing department, In their concern st uuelrtt, which was then a clearing in the dense woods of Wellington County. Mr. Lynch wu tor 36 years a constable in Guelph CURED BI? DR. WILLIAHS‘ PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. Humilton police wlhgntiu otterersFrmrsThis Dimmincrut Pan] and Should Not k swine“ With Other Median". The kidneys He the moat important organ. They must tilter every drop ot blood in the body. It the blood in week the kidneys cannot do their wore, no the blood in leii. tmattered and loul. and the kidneys ere leit clogged with poisonous impurities. Then come the bunches that mean um kidney disuse. Don't neglect that buck-she tor . moment. Strike " the root ot the very ltr" sym- ptom ot kidney trouble " enriching the blood with Dr. Williune’ Pink Pill-thet only medlclne that mute- the blood rich, red Ind tteattttgivittg. From the Sun, Salorth. Ont Mr. Wm. Hollmd ot Beuorth, Ont. bu proved that Dr. Willlaml‘ Pink Plum will cure the no“ mun-m one ot kidney trouble. To I rayon" ot the Bun, he truly give the pn- moulul ot MI we: "I hue annexed from “any 'retry. jog shout. two your," said It. Harland. "Sumo lurking shout no menu“: our ttt tune- the book-ch. which mommy“ "tWB, and. who it in Inspected, rm [on m “outâ€. would be so severe 900:1ny In the murder-n ot Ole that I would ho with to work, in! Malta, Im an Prounchl one: I have on. sound unrely tor contoured that any were proto was}! it A “no. I tried A number ttt ot the ordinary “only uriety I modicum add ter be u care tor kit- Atruld be do.“ with by the lot f, ‘W. but I t howl“ to police, le., T ttBttl hl. tttr. “m: ----_ m ' m an . - I [iiit Pu Pilh. Thu- pin. _ tte comm "c'.'....." CANADA - to main their good work Mt, and mu an: m lot about A month only "etigo at an trouble in alumna, “a 1 Mn not the. had . tltd', tymptom ot the am. m. In - Pink Pill. hove JiirGiVire-metotrteytd.._l midway-Mtomnuool word In that Iva." - AI . euratt" molten. m. In- lhml' Pm Pill. I." - mt has gunned. They build " mum ud men. [in an. M “I In]: mmhwnduuu. Anon... mm- and by a... pm- at nun-sun. m abort-r. pun- Ite., m. - a... "dt-ttet, Mk, tlg "will. a! “a â€1“ ',tue1fNJNllt - il- . In. ttPd n II â€3.5.99; “3.9.5 KIDNEY '1 BUBBLE. STARTED LIFE EARLY Ehren- Ttik KING STREET Mr. Fred Schmidt has arxapted s rituution in Hustler'- brewery at Berlin, and intent to move with m lamily to that place shortly. Mr, R. . N. Kerr, returned Iaat weer: tram hig trip to the Nortte west. He purchued ' section otland Lear Craven, on the Prince Albert Railway Branch. Mr. Kerr was high- ' pleued with that part ot the country ma say: that there is a very nright future instore ior that dis- trict. Mr. Lewis Hahn, ot the Helm Bras Co, was on the “may tum which mm wrecked last week between mo.“ Forest and Duhuu. Me ue â€mod to be nine to Hate that he was so tantalum u to «ape in- tury, Seven] of the cut were de mohshed. and tho coach which he oc- cupied wu thrown “no the duck, .md all the passenger: hm 3 narrow dupe from either bang Ruled or nerxouly injured. 'Lhe-cnurch parade oi the C. 0. PA on Sunday owning was attended by mum]; members trom Berlin, Ha- terluo, Stratford, and Bright. At tttteen minuws to sewn oclock a moccssnon one bundled and any among, mushslled by Bro. H. J. snemmcyer, was Ionized in trout of the un of Court mher Lent and marched around the square to the Methodist Church, when: Rev. Dupe: Fretutsed m 1mpreslne sermon. Mr. Henry Z. Smith dlaposed ut 400 pounds at honey on Tuesday to people between hm place end bright. whwh Is a. very good days work, considering the driving in uld out ot long |anes and the handling ol the number of antes. interior In wood and non won, whnh one usually (OAKS across in some oi the rum districts. But nexertltelesa, ‘hen Mr. s'auth one“ honey " does not the him long to sell n. to: people always knew that. he alwayl has the genuine uncle. He has an exception- !ally large crop this year to dispose ol. Reese Rat: bu proclaimed Thurs- day, August Uth, the second dgy ut the Old Boys' Reunion. humus um 10 hohduy. Mr. we! Mrs. M. L. Weber, hue re tuxmd non: . trip to m. cumulus. Limits; Signet.-Mr. John Thoma and Miss in Thoma ot wuenoo, spent. sewn] "tirt_1stpir- Rev. LTU Wmet of Berlin in spending law dun wlmrllew: H. of'.?: Mr. 000. W. “diam ot Elwin, who had u went with the Merchant.- Bull " Bunion. Mai, bu bean Vvarteed no the once at tel- ler m the “the Bulk " Neeptws. Mum. View In. Ln: In». just completed twenty-om ycm in the general non Mum- In Elwin. Br the counooul trauma ot patrons, m hone-t dealing, may In" vortex. up g lane busines- In the town um mummy“ county. “a cougntulne than: on gunning my: human m- nollty. ,/ The Milton aatthoriuo Invited Gov- eumen: tioteetivgrt to cumin Ane- no and um nun who hue been lurking shout no menu“: in: that mum, and. who it u Inspected, my 900:1ny In the murder-n ot Glory Malta, ttut “In Producm omen" command that any were probnbly ot the ordinary Rump vuiety Ind thou†be duh with by the local "There. . has“. on the Border, man's .'ahtsttmtq ot not; M the greatest of Republics, and the it; Bouillon no»; " m was ot at bouillon. who In. Viv-M In “my. run min; but“ (and. tedar. Tm their all“. m “Alum." at "Hud- Mtou the Bea," All they Wu- han land to love an In! at “butâ€; -rtitrtoeta-ueBtteder now, _ th to. a. out: my. my} can“. had a M tte , _ y. to. an. "dle6tt in! to Canada, , atthtt' Our- not)“ new ' 'vo _ u ,ret.r-rsjrlsatt" d-n’uuok'uluud-bgdl Bmu,t1mdmtedmebrr,ttti- 'lrl,'l?ildlfl /',ttUrl 'rresruhrA “II-I'Mnnml' 'tttttg T _ " l. - , g,2eat."gtttgrflf" (tho. iiliitEttli vowing-bi ‘- . , 2 St ' Mliil "Mkmhtu,utbjtrsqtsg6tt0 I.‘â€â€â€œ" the socgoodIin “than Helium-onward . tuoatMe we hung!!! amnion-5!. not. 300 incur-how window. _ S. SAUDER & CO,, NEW HAMBURG tar Cy. Inna.) ELMLKA . The Twin-City's Beat cum "ttr, Mot-l A+ ItEglyil.l.'$ tttat . .u G-et-n nu _ d'.tNsPatutdxl,ttahNpa an: F-“‘L~ed"=i“:-Z7"mâ€4%={~_'s=';“1 nflflrkï¬yflmvfl-gas-Alhle‘Lg Alp-uh) n75: FiriirrTfi97iri "'e “I; i'iaGiaE Gra aw. Atal". 5m ,ii?t.R'iii?rgt..%'l .tttt. OJ. Immmmu An Ottswo dupatch to the Globe 58) tr.-For Faun! and thwal purpolel Wntuloo County Va 1n ttttrd diviced as " present. “If tho totettshlp ot Waterloo was split mm no, the northern not! new; 111 the “0th min; ud tho noutnun hall .11 the south mung. At that tune the only Incorwuted "use Wu that ot Preston. berm, traterloo, um Hespelex were then “mun up ceet " hamlets, and the populated ot the townshnp at Waterloo. inclus- ue ot Preston. wu not. auto MAN. any: the township ot Waterloo. with 'ua borders, hove a PODHBNOI ox ov- er 25000. 'thn temundu ot the coun- " huh B population ot Ion mu 28,- ;wo. The propel“ "autumnal hm ithUtm the town-hip ot Vuuxloo, an an the town- ond villus within its borders, on. riding. ’lhe minority at the Redistribution Committee would ttartt the township lat there In It VERY REMARKABLE CURE " DIWOEA. "About. nix yen: ago tor the ttrat ' in my “to I had . sudden uni men attach ot diarrhoea," up In Mice Miller ot Morgan, Tutu. "I got WWW! mid, but it cum back mun. and tor six Rod; you" I have annexed more minty and Agony WATERLOO COUNTY RIDINGS IN 1863. than I ca: tell. n)": worn thaa death. Mr husband - hundreds ot (‘01th in: pay-{claw prescrip- tion: m teeatrnettt without um. may we moved to Bolque Coun- tr, our present home, and on. dar 1 MW to lea " adrortlaesmertt ct ctamttarlaltt's Coliu. Chalet. ant, Diarrhoea Remedy with . Human] otsmanwhoha4Mentatrod by It. The can w" to unnu- to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The mmglt wu wonderful. I could hudly mun that 1 was well “can. or believe it could be " that having wanted to long but. that om home ot modicum. eoattng bun Lie! cams. cured me," For we by I" drunks“. " in aid ttrat m nth!†mail clerk: at on." Vicinity no being Bh.dowed by . detective, a . result. ot . mum mm on tho Brockville e With . view at bet-wring their Cote dition (hinge lee". out time Mo “who; "The Chlugo Tasha- "teration." 0tte Ist m .itgtq was to - n more.“ at avenge “lay. but " had other renou- lor tta ex- !Ituce. AI . tau“ ot ita ettorttt I n" child-labor " went. into lore. on tho am at July. um in conne- qunee two hundred um (my mun. be added " once to the teaching mu ot the any moon. In member-hip very Inlay - out an Shh ot IF unoil.ndtlu¢vu out!†at no and Stain. n- mngl - In; N hold an m h I“. coutumporaeouly uni an ot m unload Edmund Audion. what In wu- IU'l “NM at has!!!» um H In In: may at mama. can: on} “3)" Jail Grail" -"}Tl--IIID BERLIN