'iii'egijr The A. 0. Boehmer 00., liE:,'-,re' OF BERLIN, LIMITED. Bll5'ciri: Waterloo County's Greatest Store. :ll Immense range of spatial values bought ‘55" _ _ P in large quantities. ':iir' ' on SALE SATURDAY _ llliii,,lt'e the Ladies' Furnishing Dep't. There are lllil'iiitinr lines, but to give you an idea of 'lliti'ithat to expect we quote you the following ti",,),. Trees, Plants 5;; and Flowers 'iQadies' Hermsdorf Dye, Black _with Moog feet, regular value 20 and 25c for 150. :NECxUiCEiCiiiir" Goods warranted as represented. This is the kind out who! touch lighcly on your pocket-book. . Gasoline Stoves .. .. - ' 4 5 :Gal Stoves - - - - 1 C . Refrigerators - - - 15 l T Freezers - - - - 2 I In" Mowers " - - 3 t _ Screen Doom - - - - 1 t Garden Hose - - - - l IT’S NOT SOLD HERE We Look Ahead totttes,gtt-,rNtr,ctspa Ind Ken’s Fax-amino. Next io Poet 0mm, ar. can apply new annals!†teda Apply Plan at Cherry _ gun-0M1}..- ..- _ _ Am no lyrics, PM. Known “modulator-WT"... -. We I." Ph-et" - all“! Thqs MOO-IIIâ€. P"! " PETER HYMMEN, PHONE MF os'lery "You m ottim pro-nod to buy my old thug" In the ." LP"'"'" The thou-night“ Godot seeing only I bl; profit on an let. and can: tt ot much ulna to plane our tsaatoater0, no " to all than I m a they hue . clothing need. an. you soon our - In. dam min. for PATTERN, STYLE And PRICE, they on.“ In: use “any“. “I!!! of pm . nice tunms1 unit in “(in and dark mgr mm Q Q up:- nd no)?" picked thm our tibial some mm d “not “Elihu go a a Tlr. " iirESELoH & co., Berlig._ ...CLOTHING . WELDFANG Sign of the Star. muuwm 1-month». iii-- in?“ plant ~Reliable Goods. like manage of mono offerings while Information " raw'd "In to enjoy the good on rumma- cinm and In“ doll-n to Jitttt in your was. man your summer Dutchme- from u hm Ihatcnn give you wood, ty no" aloud“ and drawn“. We no clothing And may "i,iii2iiiifdi,?egra"Jal'g,e,ttg'.fpl, - has mung, In we mt. unique on. 1'. undo!“ you no I judge of bigrla Ind mtrtaiderr tora mono-n ttttt porch-dug power of your doors. We con-Mar than u nothing too good tor on autumn. Come and an I unknown-own“. “tub.“ “d no - have: nan-Jay Mn: out than in Bil-“n. _ In“ Sun; . to Oil Bor' “in“ lo 88. " my"! 91.29292- teee.1 “a "an." t="."l'2't anon uni cum Th our. . TLT'" (Ct) . r MeiNiftlih: r. _ tho " . _ iE% an “'5.†C'2T2 Cl'?, will I M?GWEEi9iEiiiihE mutational-all. "I. il?lqGMr11iErR' W ' “I work. _8iliiNEEEE "“F 'iiliEEEe, 'sillR' Cl " " d.s.u-V- a '%iEiEEEiEEE2 trflt'htht MM..- " SAVED Ill Btmtttt King St., 3511141» a ' 4 50 up. tar Bank at Hm. " 00 2 00 3 50 1 00 Tle Jon-m they In». we troll, and BERLIN. tour Bdiiij) Neighbors _ OWiuary--A v" - all m sudden nu} would in " 3"- nachy Jun am, vi- W- ham» Stumpl. blond It. cl Joseph Stumpt, 1a.. at at M toot luv. ot m. worn.“ a. no immigrated to tho U“ m [tom We with h w ttt " Clement. long a van a. my being no»; the only mt . an wu dun in ttte bert at Mud only mm: nine day: Mon but - tttsehadtatena trip com to NM: the 'tatrted at In Wk. Mrs. mum Ruth, but may . iter her nun. In uioqlly_ his. In “I“ m. L.-..."'..":':".::.":'.':.':.--, no": u n... w. o- “a?“ “a in with tie mun that Gaul un- moned her. Pneumunn 'Il Shelia! cause ot death. The (and not "no on Friday to the load R. C. oun- etery. where the my kind: and tenths paid their uat Elm. _ Mrs. Lgmbert Ruth-Nioqrtrt6 the death ot the Above with only . kw dsys ditterenee, them cm tho I!" that Mrs. Lumen Ruth ot Etmim, daughter at the ht. In. Jonah ‘Stumpt, Sr., had use died. Sh. had ‘boen seriously in tor weeks. ad " (iii.;, not surprising to has od ha! death. Still it mm with win- that she was buried at the local My that the two, to haul] and, should be bid to rat in so than n time. We extend our artrspathr to the many relatives in their two he- retwements. Briefs-Mr. John Reider leet tor Pewhoro' to attend the Provlnclnl Convention at the C.0.F. no delegate ot St. Clements bratreh.--The "r- row escape of St. Agni-he Iron: com- plete destruction by are convey- n waning to villages end wall tow!» everywhere. Not many ot them no provided with Mective are extinguish- ing nppllnnces and this increase! the cost ot insurance, besides exposing them to the danger ot unoontrollnhle cmttugratitms. Somebody of the vil- lnge should start. . sub-criptlon lint end suitable aid would he (enhan- ing to secure tk nice tour land tome pump with hose “Minute end inn we ot mu would he tursptr.repaid. Somebody we make I move end he imputed for my em- ergency. ‘ Wedding Bells.- A met†wedding took place in the local R.C. Church on Tuesday June on: when Mill Bar- , barn Grewey, St. Clemente, w - ried to Valentine Diehl, Monroe, M. Mr. lgnatz Druar end lien Vietorin Esbaugh assisted the groom end the bride respectively. The dny we: pne- sed in general trmuaernenU ad con- cluded by n splendid evenlng'e enm- l tainmcnt " the bride's home. We wish Mr, end Mrs. Diem . long end happy merrie'd life. Puhieulm oi another St. Clemente wedding an week. BrieU--Mr. Duvid B. Hole! moeed to Elmira to be not: his (an, than he is building a new but mu aun- mer-Net- A. Bugle and So- an ulvertis'mg lot an experienced dark. .-.Nr. Adm-on Bowman, tor the but tour yam clerk n the “new "ore, left for Conestoga when In bu It cured . titunlon with Mr. Goo. Bu- mm, gene's! merchant. We “you good “was, Addi-c--The trustee- ot our public taboo! In" W “in E. McDonald. of my: 11;);- " txasitrtartt.--T'tte pupils a! notable Union Sunday School no [um " present tor . children'l lustful, te be held in the an: lutm~A 'rteqt- ing will be held an the hotel on Tul- day evcning. to decide on win an an mun picnic mu be “I. Pu- tlcuhn nut. ,rteh.-aErB. mm Ruth died I." Than“! 9991!; u- mimmgglolcummm. Shown“ 1mm" mvuhm‘ Iy respected by hand}. 15. III- an! took plus on sunny morning from ttte bunny was!» to 3mm R. C. Church and Iron than to m, plenum when tutu-um wok pupa. Mr. Rath ha a- "runny at “a community In an In. no in - tated.-.- Harm‘s cod mm cxmmkunutvml, -n-mteetdaroeta.te. 0-1-qu to " 01m» to - 1ugium..etA. Thug-m “WM tt,'r.'i,in,15itrihtl,'i',ii7.ti not. hang] ‘ tnt-tttBt. - ,mroiuitersotue-Httr"e, long. ". m. can." "but fd outlay- “tiny-Mules: mum-Within“. tut-Fear-ret, and cum m than! no- .. "atient â€.my.mm.» pug mt“! UNI. iiisviA-qieiteLetf"tl uu'uMunyu-iue " (edttN1t2ag'l',rf oe mtttbtde,S.Ke. "tt M it2ieditignt'l'dt",eTh?d m “leldwn on puntmhhm‘m. "Dunn-m! ill . -ts%tr,i.-o'. News NMGMhMCorm-m ST. own. FLORADALE, tw, JACOBS‘ -aasoldltis Thtettimtettt Manchuâ€. Tho ati-tttr-ttsatin-ttts" buya‘wwmmqmmlu 'tv0irtroesu'quc'rttotrotttt_ Mitt mum-mm: this". It. 0min: mama NI vuiuuulnonhm.loum our men.- hue that want: attend. tad p. “In Disco. - pric- pm h an or new _ W Monday "all; but I - at boobs“ In - be Fgiii, the [gums and an mum Ill. 1!- men made it W lumen- “In! t“ mum. and ttte Icon u on um stood o-I h their lu- ol. but an [guns I». not. to b. cum. and pultusg W“ to- - won out. n the and ot m It]: inning! '-7, with u: inning mumâ€. m0 “at we can have more such tri-dig “not. A lam number ot twp]. vac out to see the gum PqtrBoatal.--A number at you; la- diu wet. in valency} on Sunday n- iacin; tho Convention at we Luth- unn Synod. which was in session tttee-Mr, John Victor or Boar balm magi Friday and Sotuxdsy With EM. atngriu.--Mias Ellen loy- " at Dunn. in spending g week'l hol- iday: a he! homo tt.ge.-Mr. and an. J. Geiger spun Sundny in Bad- en.--Mim Rinks“ ot Berlin In the - ot be: triettd, Miss Olin Winkle: on Sunny. Mr. and Hrs. John lune of Speed- vit... vote visiting n Mr. Hwy [milk on Sitndar.-ir. John Gibson, MI "tarmed to In: home here, utter o my in St. George.--A low of the young man and India ot this section were in attend use In the tootttalt rand: in boon, between the Centre. villa ad Doon tame, which tanned in (not ot the latter. Owing no doubt to the detect. ot the home team all: you; nun lost sight oi time ad um, and while on " In home. a be new», he Blt but “ugh the gouty mu More he (wavered his Summmdug Foothdl tumo-Exeitarnent ran nomevhn high on Monday evening. when the Bloomingdale tam phyed . return guns on Mr own ground- with the Winterboame Mam. The only sod looted was one try Winter- houm. yithin tive minutes ot the and ot the - The Winterboum mph hide-My unmet! by melon- - at the contest of two weeks we gb4n&tgrqtt themselves try the accu- slon to their team of some or the m plum trom the Berlin Inga: tam. We might nu to our boys am they hue nothing to be "ham- a ot In that detest, when other an it necuury to import plum to help mm- _ Brtet.-A_erlr services were conducted here in the U.B. Church on and†Ian, by Rev. I.W. Grab. P.E., who delivered able ditteoumett, both morning end "eetittg.-Atuiu u' number from this locality attended the mud meeting ot the Fermen' end Woman' htatitute " Winter- boume lest tuturday and enjoyed the this address delivered by Mine Smith a! Hamutort, and Also that ot Mr. Dunc-II Anderson ot Rugby. The new We than " the Institute of GriiuAuirmeeturtestrreet In“); an hik- provide . lunch vu putty unwanted by no people Iron home and surrounding commun- mu " was evidenced by the urge mm .tttsred.-raeieetr uuy and Am Bank want u few dun with Mi brother " " Lmdovme Ave. -I.A. â€Alli-tar toot in the [mm m at - I.“ wank. T uranium-g manta-III will "iiGGiiartoiirtettt1.r,tet. “magma-yum on 7aTiicuadiryyi'ei 2t w "it-tmd "ttid-two "in up Won 11:0"th m'ammvunm out guano-2mm“ ni- py but In an arttgst Fiiutia,u-otitot"' qrett, but plow unmade-an m _,ittifi2trgt'iii'a'i,,21uT, - m t1"iih"ijif?,ii"t;t7jqti.t1'.t, ,ai.%i"iuaitteCt_t1t?""i.r iiiiisiiPitii,.ej0Ptcteh R. . I“ A " ifiiiu"aiiiiDF01ie] rm, R, m, who; A. m. C a“. Goo. serum. tatt he: “an. '.'l7l'li,f,"r/'l “he. kw"; "ottatt.-Amt t In!†_Iouo minuuuumummt BLOCKINGDALE FREEPORT bla" _ gl' biking- Imu- -_ tliihtu'trellgtd m tlt - ft _ I. 'I'hrt, out gal w u, arc-WNW urn-tunn- T', psw- cl “I 'stMt-"RY-$tl ttb, mu! when “Jena“ w an" In a. "in that Ail _ w on ton-Mb; '13 hr, mm a an bu Jeh lab. died u 6.80 pm. and" a“. “It ortrtq disuse of “on " you" dun- tlon.-ll. mm. Links. In tak- Q My: ot m. not. this tank. Mr, Ephraim Zinkun will retire at will mm in B actor) I; trrur_tto. _ -rGidGiidiier. 'gettiarittitsee . mu. Iran I men “but ttt - gamut-lg John (in! ot Het' a, one o} 1't't W â€when. mule cum all! In. iature.r.--ati. an In. George um of Soul-pine. m‘ the who! Mr. all In. I. smut: lo! . M d.rs.--Hr. Rom PM mm: (new. tor s M an an Li-et.--). and In. re]. Ottmm “waded am has“! at In. Richer-a. Dalia, - Ink -Ilr. C. Etmbhtr. in am _ Mal Contar'cncrn delay“ at m. Jacobs tor the tart week or can days. .-hrr. and Mra..haottn Baum. trom ludmy ue 3&th visiting with his parents.--Mr. John alone of Thar- ‘tuon and Mr. Milton Globe Brmtlord. - spending a tew as" " home. Football-Tho â€will; men ot this viein‘lty gunned o Saturday even- ing last ind organized a football club. Everybody was there uni all were interested. The "Cedar Groves." ex- pect to mete things sultry in future, tor "Rounding tennis. Prwtiu on Tue-thy end Sntutdey evening ot lull week. Come one, come ell. Briar-Building opentlons ere go- mg on steadily. in end near our town --The Sugar-Beet and the Potato Bug are min getting in their deadly work on the Mill“ bor-The (tuners, hav- ing it little slack time just. BOW, ere spin busily engaged in spoiling the road tor the cyclist: Iï¬kï¬Â» A very happy event took place It the residual» of Mr. Dude] D. Sny- der, Roaeeit%, on Wednesday, June 8rd, a 3.30 p. . when Mr. In Kin- :h. In: J12'at' to Miss Lily arar- Mit. TM sermon; which in nonm- nlzed by Rev. A. . Stolz. took place on the spacious lawn in boat ot the house. The bride looked charming in a dress oi white basket-cloth, yyil carried g boquet ot white roses. She; was usintcd by Miss Lima Snyder, who wu I180 in white. Mr. Austin ,Brlcker attend-d the groom. The wed- (ding march was played by Miss Bertha Detweiler of Berlin. A large number of guests were present. from Roseville and other places. Among the nuts from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dctweiler, Miss B. Dotweiler, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Det- "not. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kinsie, Mr. W.prnd Miss Nettie Bricker,, Mr. and Mrs. Mussulmann, Mr, and Mrs, D. Huber oi Berlin; Mr. James Gray- bill/and Miss Florence Graybin ot Waterltto, Mr, and Mrs. Eph. Cassel ad the Misses Morley ot New Ham- on. The numerous and costly presents showed the esteem in which the young couple were held. Alter a trip to visit friends in Enter and vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Kinaie will re- nide on ' [um um Roseville i;irir7rGnit Miss king: ot Hays- ville Mm. H. Becker and.“ Tir- lie Becker of wuliamtrtrursryutd oth- n in thbutbimeol thq - und‘ url iyou will enjoy lb Tho Blah-r In. teats Society's Annual Excuulon lg nlwnyl loom forward to u .n on- jnylhle re,ttitf this year'. pumm- no to be vqm. to 5nd to exceed all othem. The E. I. ll. Bru- Band will accompany the qttesurtrtort and Job of ttt mmlc le named. Tho train mW-Mrlmuam. m. “dB-r- lln " " s. m. All tlckau (not! to Mb) spew-o:- T,"tt or an "all" “at an. In. halo “sitcom (and. at Roch-0c on: m. M -e, in not! voo’k'u has Int In it and can. any. The Black Cat in Town WEDDING AT ROSEVILLE NIAGARA FALLS On Saturday, June a7th. 'lLLESLIY‘ ERBSVLLLE a n his. a i,'i9j;tt, -m... What is the M Ont! It', I has! of t't'lett,'t - “It. ion. (we. ai,tge=,dtft', tosmirortttptrottt- I 8 mir alum Mai-hovel“. â€'3‘ " S tdial a a The Shoe for Summer The Market Shoe Store, may? 55223 g "diiii,ii)i'il J are Do. I, English Tonic Powders, Ihsy's Edl Fuod--aromstie, Day'a «My: Cream for "Ivete--- Wound» tho STORE NEWS Wires Bust Days For Stock [Wei-lave Apranzodto Illâ€. nook Food 00.. P1terdy, Tooo-eo-eo-e-o" Sale of CASH ONLY. PHONE IN 01]“?an _ "toVmttoeu1trrV.,B-Mts. _ Amutorlear-BnutPhu-Pmm . is the Oxford. The reason for this is plain: they no so and comfortable. Our line for MEN AND WOMEN "f,i:il-,ii'4 comprises everything that is new and stylish. 2hees is nité; F' shoa in the pl we that is not better in quality, style and trtlrr'i(ii make than the " thee of I few years 1.30. and they cost l .3. I; l SMYTH BROS. E- "SXT.. BECKER, WEICHEL'S WEEKLY Vegetable. l "W“ "‘ -- , -', a Agt.trtwirlqtt, l L a. n. ma a “an. ""ai' , E. M. Devin. an“. asrnnnln _ i Agt. a an hook: up: assumes mm 'i 'r.,, ..]_'_1tltflfteyy, LOAN no srocx noun. ', 35,21 m m; Carpets, Curtains. Bugs and Wall Papers ' ; . I." you hand of KNO BUG? It'nh-demn thunk» My.“ Will minim-o turunts,ut-auhtoptttutt bayou,“ The mat-dam Woman-moth. his New†. mums-um WW be in that may. ujmhpuum‘n 1nftultte and am So gin you Inw- tion hour _ 7 - to Inn on My Tana. Once: Wiper Blotsk.Q- u. m Assist You BERLIN.