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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 May 1903, p. 6

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' We believe that Mr. Ross is just as $3.1:th to give legislation along lines [red by the tempernnce arguin- ' u the most udent member oi tr ot these organizations is, not ex- “as even Mrs. Thornley. or Rev. [f, . McKny. But he has heavy 'tesv 'rf"' . ibility resting on his shoulders, (M they have not. He bu to weigh _ “result his legislation will have on i,'ac,Frhote country and on every in- f“ In the country, and any [all g!!! which mar result, or mistake that many); made, he will he held reeval- kurMbh (a. Hence his necessity tor are E and “ion. This is a phase of the , Mail which those who are too ini- KM“. but who have no responsibil- f; “lint.“ matter do not consider, or i; my: in. only important and right 5: that they should before they com- E ' moo to out doubts upon his sin- 'ir entity ard honesty and coll trm bad 5 m. Thole who are any; >1 n a tis, . t mornl enterprise should he the 'iidllt to evince a spirit ot charluhlc g noisiduntipn to others, instead at be- 9, tttit the am to impute unworthy mo» 'is 'trt" and decry honorable men be- : mu they connot get these men tn y grit we tum.- wirh fhngwlw: and T he announcement made by Prem- Rots “the temperance deputa- F . that waited on him some days in * that, owing to the Gurney charg- 1;.1-Ihlch had seriously interlered with :3.thle of the House; no tour ii _. legislation would be intro- 'ilt2rd the present session has been TA" ~ -- with the most indignant pro- W" from auction of temperance rt:3etmttem, although reasonable and EJ-r-minded men, no less friends of It taper-nee cause; give the premier " i for lining done what is best " . peculiar and uniorseen circum if" n» . The premier did not corisid- ,.R " practicable to bring down so *llnportnnt nblll and have it fully 'lhonlud by the legislature and the country a it ought to be before be- 2.13; panned. In commenting upon the gills” ot the warmer temperance T mounts the Smlorth Exuositor "r."- ‘ , TI%j: tti "w; v.‘ " , ilili? L’ filiFiiiirA' i v is ttR! 3"- ” If ‘ " _ ' jo .75 {arm - 'st-et-usa, am; Bitt - um»; Awhwklch . MK" . im. TM Toms r x . T - qoasideew ' "otm.. my _ © 'iiiEi-t, .homewih with- Mt. _. ' mum by-Enw up 'GW8 but will have Isis!) of relic! '1. u wotected against the visits '1‘“ hikers. The improved no!» it“ was which we me does Lg.“ necessity tor even T. Fe ot pack merchant. This "tciiFTti"i"a, wuledhctually put a flu My quite irresponsible, and h " proverbial the, m not there - po. try to catch them. There in - IN .ml merchants, good 1m human men, who would dis- ‘u to mineptesent their woods, and Who (M by their customers. 3. _ their goods prove uasatistac- _'-". TI. “on a! the Councils in plae- tiUase xmtions on this species a man. mendicancy will [new it“ the gun! approval or citizens, w lot you: by the (“active - u glib tongue. These hawkels no TEM PE RANGE k: ‘Ml-jwan'o v- I n d C i,':.: ”an. t if”! u B. l CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE aiu -e be! when get these men tn '" aye to eye win) fhnwxnhm and trrad just us they think the, memo 'Aglvlm from Great Britain and - put. ot the Empire indicate aut this gathering will be ot a most mums churuter. Arhong tne Prttuh cities which have alremiy in- “M their intention to send im- W delegations are London, Lit m. GIL-gov. Manchester, mum, “on, Aberdeen, Bristol, Swan- sm, Nrditt, Falmouth, Exam. Hud- *rafeld, Derby, Brndlord, Bury, Os- M Fokutonz, Greenock, Wolver- hampton. Yudon. wann. Homo, Th 3mm: Clumben ol Commorm . I Puts; ot Kimberly, S.A., Mum, , $Urlock m the man who MIAMI; Port Elizabeth, Cate My; Colombo, Ceylon; Aden amt med frhpound d human ‘* - will be represented. ere ‘re many Wynn ot prams-m 31mm Shyloch now, the cortv.aler iitdrt, t,te.1tr,,1,',f, 'ut: pent. the consumptive, the _ comm , won; q n . . ith- at the Right Hon. nos. Bin-' sickly child, the pale young 3:. no, Bir. w. H. Hound. M. women. all want human flesh g ' "e-ter', ran-mm, mum, and, they can get it--taU 'Ae 5 Pr: oi fit'2',ti2'rt J Scotty Emulsion. L . . - ; i I . . V, . m. VbePruldnt ol uitor- t-s,seittt?. . to“ le a” 'Ill can; emu-,uw.“ no “1|le nnydt. _,lii',ri, .31: “M" ortMe; Mamba “mm ." .. u . _ w, dlem 3” ”wig”! “um, ‘gh guns- at moms-m minus in My bo- lonnrded to tag V‘Ihll committee. anon; omen at. at an Right Hon. has. any M. an. Bir. w. H. Hound, It.) f. d mm; Puma; Wilson, ad .. Boa-coy 0mm; who»): m, I. P, o! Dummy; HI JM. in. vane-mm ot We saw g- Ola-ht; In“... - who hut-t a the Bug!” mu; Ir, P. laud-h“, at the sum and --.:::. "Tee". a a. m I a u, P. mm. in rm“ V (tet fill.“ . m; R8R8iM1 if Pr,. , m; LEGISLATION {with 551; id!iiili, 1'ii, Fit?) An interesting report has been is- sued by the census department at Washington on street and electric railwnys for the year ending June 30‘, 1902. The operations oi 987 com- panies are included, the aggregate earnings oi which tunourttei to S.hi1, 584,697, while the operating exncnsca totalled $139,012,004, leaving net earnings of Ii2,572,639. The net per centage of uperating expechs to earn- ings was therefore, fifty-eight, pm cent. The report will likely have the etrect ot stimulating fresh interest. in a. number of cities in the movement for the public ownership ot this tstil- ity. although it would not necessarily follow that such large protitts wonli be eirned it the roads were under municipal Cr ntrol. In view ot this re port it is easy to understand “by street railway stocks are “guided as gilb-edgmi investments. , Ag to the Canadian dalmatian, who will visit Neutral to attend the Congress, the runny: mom that "ur will gun a and: lm me th- -»....a ""." an that mm“ Dill. good to urlve three a." More the Congress and to remain three days Alter its close. This reduced ate will be given only to duly credited Can- adian delegates and their wives when uncommying them, tor a continuous usage (without atop-over.) going um returning over the mung foute He that cinnot forglye otliers breaks the bridge ,oVer which he must pass himself; for everyone has need to be Iorgiszn.-Herbert. In ttut-world a man must either he an anvil" or a hammer.-Lomttellot No man is born in the world whuse work is hot horn with him -lLowen Tue " Ti, t; a field that has [asked given n hem titul cmp.-9tid. Give not thy tongue 660 great, a. liberty, lest'it take thee prisoner A Word unspoken is like the award in the scabbard; thine; if vented, thy sword is in another'u hand.-9mrles, Th- m’d Tub. " cot-Mi CM will how“ " l" w 1ht-reat In” an: a. I)"; M m III; with an no” I. "tqtAtttg count-II. in sun - as an». out ot claw will " in. by as low “norms. in a“ an. banquets. luncheon. n- uptial. drir.Y nd other humanly will be extended. The 0min nine:- u’y oi the tdun wit be dstim4ely gn- en om. Bbout 15th June. The than which is often trans planted does not proaper-stsrtec1 _ Wisdom is on. timed nearer when we stoop, than when we troar-order worth. . Tho following “:00aner true story n1 cal to Scotchmen, or, in they ttti it La culled, Scotsmen. The oovernsnertt railways employ for mhbm some thousands of Madras who are imported for the put- you: Me native. He once . - ttrt'. will Idiom from I. not. pr- over by I European. This ofBeiat, on the occasion in question, happened tc in! from the Land o' Cakes; and, u the eooliu filed past, he, to relieve the monotony, frequently made some such remark as "Weel, Snmmy, you [are get- fin; m," or "When nir " going nwa' hGiie a; India?" -,,.__, .1" “a "o-"".',- Milka," u he afmrda explained, he put on his broodut meant and greeted I can“. with: "Wed, ms bra' Incline, in! " " the moot" Without . nec- ond'l "nation, And in perteet Mic, an. hack the met: "Ah, wee], unit tot, thank yo tts' apeerim" To hear thir from . MPH-ck bedraggled naive of India go "bbergaated the Scotch 0mm that to limit felt oft hi- chdr. On making muirhl the Min upland that I. worked for a "may boll' In “an! yarn. ma had picked up from It - 3 good den] of the db 10d. 11. MUraaee'ts heart Wu that gorilla; dammed with n double nun" I, T. A“. (ad “in For nearly thirty you: Scott’- Emuldon ha but the gamma EDITORIAL NOTES A Sc nah-Spain: Coolie. WISE SAYINGS wink body. ind, trd. Pe' P' Poultney Digelow attempted on one Mansion to interview "Oom Paul" Kru. ger and mm with about the same Ute that many 'e,,rai,e,,1"g have hnd with the former Tgrideut of the Boers. He 10pm? the old mm: in a. very bad hu. hlor, and could get only monosyllnblu in reply to his question. He employed ev- ery Art of the interviewer. but to no twail. Final'y, despairing of getting any “mum of use to him by atmight gumioning, he determined to be diplo- matic Ind approach Mr. Kruger from his hmily aide. Bo he asked, very nonchnl- uptlym “In your wife edthrtiining this moon?" Short and tsharp came the ‘ tX mwer: "Not very." And the in. l at cloud than solute may to u ttew-born Moe. Sold by tll Maui“: or seat by mail u 25 cents a box by writing to the Dr. Willium’ Medicine Co, Brock- v.iue, Ont. vi Win ' remote put at Itehud, hm staged the raglan-“pith inn Bot My frequented by Hilton, in- formal! the landlord in the morning that his book, whith had been phat! can“. " room door, had not been touched. "Ah, lure.” aid the Inhaled, "And you might put your watch and chin out-id. your room door in thin home, And they wouMn’t be taunted.” v Tho Tumu- coaut- Hon: ot m Manuals any {and in "soothing," Wot Hanna told to a group ot his fellow-Senator- the other day thia [tor]: “In Lisbon, when I van born, they My a black man and a white man were once riding together alon a lonely road. Thtt road led put a jail, and In the court- yard of the jail they any, rising abov- tho high and dismal atone wall, a gal- lowa. 'Jim,' laid the whit» man, ‘where would you be if that gallow- had it- duet' 'Guess ah’d be ridln' alum, uh,’ Jim replied." The Democrats of Rochester, New York, eager to get out their full strength at a recont election, Bent word to S. B. Anthony, 17 Madison street, marked "Democrat" in the poll-book. just before the Inst day of regGuatiort, that “unless you register you cannot vote.” They got the following suave! . any or two hter: "In mponn to your notice of this kind in 1872 I did register, Ind later voted. For this I Wu or- rented, fined one hundred dollars, and sent to jail. You wilt excuu me if I decline to repeat thin "peruuee.-- Susan B. Anthony." a: tie-Gai-rar, Ariron,' he from Oki- hms. "You have traveled a good deal in tty West, have you not, Min. new con? "Oh, ya, indeed-in Culiforni; And AHsottts, and even in Now Mexieo." "Did you ever see the Cherokee Strip t" . tel lb. binned "or her 'Ilsles at him “I "in no flmt pin-e, sir, Ideem TI Mon “in!!! rude ; 1nd, n the second, you might hue been mort refined in your ltngnu a by asking ml " I had “or seen the 'dU',L'l dinoho.‘ tUtd in nature, 'though without MI an- and WM: Jen., d.ark, P“ m, in common with the In. Premier, Sir John A. In. dam“ is WWW”; mu. Yvd "MM“.- Edd}; future. though without m. by, with pyoruhyne1 Jewuirehariett mam-ho. ig',uiea"afg,o,'",,U fur 'potduhtrtutter _ my agar! in “Hot ' l tho tout sen-mu with to- an“! to the Peculiarities ot his tweak m Some time Ago. when be Ire, mm In New York, uyl tho "emu," ttryyevyd-Hotsr_uttertrysnsn Wham] np, am It In: M.- on. re In 11!. Lyeet the you “that. Paw ("Eu-39 txPld we!" ink? Mm; hi an m wrote, no often ml I oo Mainly that hngwm It lut‘ releneod, and nppolnkd . time And l plus. tor tttt At the very chiming of the Imolnt hour, to Inn: entered, u they nay In the old tyt In enthu- Iluuo flttttdTaAuu,tf, and and ml talk "rmUI he'd moot tootr, At but harm took no iiotiee of Mm; but the my: wtotes 'stpftees root." "villi “In W vsluuhlo; In had In other. a Manna, and, n last, 'dt ind-nu. " Inch. mm, Us at] an. V (IN not - mtg-wank“ '".t "vii“? uae Grdiri,vitil, in? Pti,nt', all Go foe {our "Mun M: In! __ ftse go. _ _hf_m you? ya the ”In but h m - a m the better "I"" """Nr, Ii":':',?,','??, new IIIll' ME. nun-nu I few .31.... o' . s, my blood . M . 0%- - P" to t'2el, pun lute, sud n. minim? r... - ma‘ Im (lt,"',,',', to? Itchy, broke out Ian and. can I - -iiitiiie9'iFi, 'l,'k I ,'a'2t,"t,ti "I _ “ m I - of 'illllliiiii - m , “M. M, A. m..~* b M e Io try Dr. Willinm' - - - “a”. ”I. Pin-r. tad I at I." glow in, __ J. _m_ "'i'r"li/4'l'llt'lt"llll, than irii-etdvsttoeartmumattmeg: C: _ --= __ . A 5w; Quinn. An okithot" PP,“ print-pit m: 3333'me Tri-u. Me -g.t.tbgirqt, A elre P". l pdulgl ailfncv, tn? tltr Eantrwilt'. Phytiognomy. “New “Chum“!- “magnum...” Anecdotal. "g-t.hot,mtt iath. in?! First year-M, R. Ballantytte, Se- bringvitle, (third scholarship), J. R. Dickson, Sealorth; 12, (KC. Nixor, St, George; 15, H. It. Smith, Wan- stead; IB, A. McKenny. Cornith; M, A. Ketchen, St. George; 30, A, Ruh- ertson, Brantford; 33, H. H. Taylor, Colchester; 35, Warren . Hays- n’lle; 45, R, B. Birh-W‘arin; 46, J. H. chekivell, Ingersoll; 50, A. P. McKenzie, Queen Hill; 83, A. Smith, Pinkerton; b5. D. Wtlley, Stuthbum. _ Advertising I" the time. Advertising with persistent Energy to spread our lune, Ever honour and per-latent , In performing what we clam. In the with commercial home, In the dairy e! um, T V We mm name. that not”: Ere impression on be made. _ Not tsNormmb-rather sorrow In the eertain end ot those _ Who no opt to let to-morrow, Like May, unneeded close. Cerulean ot their advertising, Which, it penned in common sense I: the method enterprising That insures lull recompense It in possible to do good advanta- ing without the use of posters; it " scarcely possible, however, without the use of newspnpers. Guelph, 0nt., Mae L0 --Autong those who passed the recent Otttarlo Agricultural College examinations are tht following from Western (lumpy, with their standing in Gide: a! ger.- eral proticiener:-- Second getrr.-t, J.L. Howitt, of Guelph. (Gov.-Gen's umdal); 4, R.J. Deadman, Carrie; 6, Eddy, Scotland. 17, H. Grab, Preston; 19, H. May- berry, Ingersoll; 320, P. Scott. Tao- buno; '21, H.S. McDUrntid-Frngar, M, S. M. Pearce, Iona; M, w. J. -qtt-atthuAtarkg" t Summing“ .. Am, -" will; 'ttas hi aM 11w- vm u’: an! W‘s: tub. F A“ A ”All " ADVIR'I'ISISO. (By an. smmpnuuowv) Ttlee' in a“ - Min; to. not my. mum any Putt. M bunt BgttN.' to a. 40-h]. Mutt-1n do. n - Dom with wisdom. Mart A“ not, with deterarrthatiem, stun-t, Always “In the thud-la: pal. Live: at my man mind an We to "at am: can climb, Coboe, New Durham; 29, RAY. Hank- inson, Grovesend; 30, h. Teeple, Jam " W. E. Tyrrell, 35, Cr, C. White, Paris; 37, R.R. Cameron, Miss; Craig 42, WH. Robinson, Wafkerton; 45, T. W. McDonald, Olinda. Third year-I, H. L. Fulmer, Ruth- ven (honors'; 10, J. Johnston, Fin- gal; 15, B.W. Fansher, Florence; 20, D. Buchanan, Florence. can“. Pot-F!!- 2."tt2=utttttftt'"" M b any-M" " limi- out-mu . i'ili'iii,,2'iii'h2h'iiiiri; Noit9rfeitds. f t Elmira Advertiser-The home oi Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Weber, north of Floradale, presented a tes-l, tive nppearance on Wednesday aiter-‘ noon. May 20th, when their eldest aughter, Miss Malinda Weber, was united in the holy bond: at tnabri many to Mr. David M. Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Snider west ot Elmira. The ceremony was perform 1ed at, 2.30 o'clock in the nitemoon in the presence oft large number M in- vited guests. Alter the ceremony was over end the young couple had receiv- ed the congratulations ot their lrienda n sumptuous wedding supper was pu- taken of, end 1; few hours were gassed in pleasant _9rtet'ttl What, was etc. The Enid» - nude cl.. .eeipient u: may nimble and useful wedding presents. The newly-married couple will turn up the serious duties oi lite on the old Brick: lam new llawksvilla re can.” purchased by the giuom'l “the: Good health is the moat precious unsure my men or woman cat, have. But good health can only be had " keeplng the Mood rich end pure, end the nerves strong. " the Mood is ollowed to become weak and "my. the whole system is weeken- oi end [all n any prey to dluose. There in no medicine on Null Dr. Willhme‘ Pink Pills In Leepiatt the blood rich Ind pure. and an norms. vigorous end thong. Every do» help- to are.“ new blood, on! by n Mr one oi the pull, nob, - poo {We an M m. an" no urn-k. Hen in wool. Mr. Robert The, ow Wettmluur, B. c., one: Wisdom I boson will; Dr. Willam' Q',',', run, my blood m in a very pm mm. Ind u A man plmpleo‘ )tttitbere “any. broke out att onto unmi- ly {In-9109 v19- The Entertain tart Rich and Pan sud 1): News Strong. in: loin-platen xenon! lu with. ”an m mouth Al. 'tme, and M .99“... W: w. “Hunt fay“. do an ttttle tkqtrtih . pure, "a = M ll - M an an: I u lnl ' 'lliiiiiyii,riiiit,2iit,i 'elt.: SNIDER-WEBER NUPTIALS o. A. C. EXAMINATIONS THEWAY TO " WELL. dad“ will ttte, I. Th Wu nation in Inspiring 'and ttht' was well attended. Mr. J. C ot Berlin, tiot read I "we: on "Cttttretutters, with Church- Ihen," alter which the following, In- IF" wet: tonuibutcd: Practical teach in; tor the young. by Mrs. Heaven n! Henpeler; The Clergyman from n bor's standpoint, by In. W. G. Smith, Wllmot; How to he” the old- er born In Sum!” Scho'ol, by Mu. A J. Vale. Wnterloo; Our Greatest Need by Mrs, Sumhy. Berlin; Church Music, by Mm. ILL. Read. Preston, Social Problems ot the Mth (‘cntmyr by Mr. H. Wain, Unit; The pnpers were all trrtght and each showed welul preparation and mud: thought. Mn. Smith's rape. on "C1ergymen" wu exeeptiortaliy in teresting and spicy. while Mr. line's paper on "Church Music." was deem edly trppreciBUtrle to the workers present, it gave much food lor thought. Alter the session the Mr memo! the Deanery packed two bales ot dry goods, and a barrel ot grocer- ies which will be shipped to the Northwest missions. Rev. J.W.J. Andrew, Rector of St. JotuN church, Berlin, and Rev. G.F. Duvisdon, M.A., Vicar ot St. George church. Guelph, were the speakers at the evening sessmn. While their remtrrlis were based in dittsetn texts, their addresses were along wr- llu‘ lines, being a discussion on the unity or the Church of Christ, and practical Christian living. and ”and; aim- ittmta ”Us. q war i.'u2,'iii'2ttfiif"ty, at; Donia ”I I “I - not“ and: It up out“! and “M. m m I: new." A. J. MOR, m. M. M. 1mm, than. o'clock t. lib, witli a eel-tuna. . " My Commwon, Rev. RN. Dublin, tttter; This wu lollowed by Hitl - new»; ot the Deanery. The delegates to the canvcntion were entertained to dinner and sup per " the Queen's Hotel, by the lo- ud congregation, and when they Ion tor home it was with the ',tseutvg that the convention had been . source ol spiritual helu to all. 2trt Cte. on; ll rkl'w- The My ”in; all Church Wharf conventio- ol a. My or “who um m in st. .luncs' 'tnat.. Haydn, a My. nei- optu me "out tram (am, nu- an. Ithaca. PM“, Unmet. Ha,"- leg, I" Hindu. and the mum a: Wm ot sum!!! and pro Mata durum. Miss Pearl Hay, youngest daughter at Mr. Robert Hay, of Listowel, died on Monday at the home ot her 'sister, Mrs. J. B, Barry. 820 Maitland St., London, Mrs. F. Rose, ot Detroit. is also a sister, ad a. brother, Mr. Morton B. Hay, ol Owosso, survives. The deceased was only twenty years ot age. A young lad of 14 years named Wat. law: trom Hespclcr, appeared fur the second time below Judge Chis- holm op Saturday to'answar to a diary: ot then. He pleaded guilty and utter receiving uneven: lecture, was sentenced to two yum in the Penet- ang Retormatoty and it the desired result in the character of the boy does not take place he is to serve aw (other term not exceeding flve yeast tt troubled with rheumatism, give Chamtteelaitt's Pun Balm a trial. lt will not cost you a cent it it does no and. One application will renew lllt‘qun lt PJ‘O ”1th c'ittitis and brulsu in omr-third the time reunited try my other treatment. Cuts, buns, lroItbitea, guilty. pains in the side end chum “adult: and other swel- ling! m quickly cured by applying it Every bottle warranted. Lrlce 25 pm! 50 cents. For “In by ail drug- gnu. _ The mar/Mums“; at Frederick, St. tom View to King In: new com- mand. The work in being dons by My m. _ Torah sud Alum animus“ is" "quired halt of the stock ot the Station! tho and Electric Light 00. m may mum the other In". The - I: [10,”. _ . . Here's to the girl that loves lur, And how'- to the many that dott't Hero's to the girl that accept: me, And here's to the my who won't -49t. Louis Stun Good advertising gouwight Along with m Volk thy And night, with- on‘ knowing noun orAptt 'orpHt -RiiuGiui as um um (memor- i.B.rytheeautttpr1.t-o't let- hn We! tmat Canada to no iinitgitt oi All-Wk. mu no mum-pm: rue, mew, two nu pg In; on”, __ . ,, thttt Mr.-" mm in in on Hmong“: at my. So m. It to. not involve (mt a: hm hm wlou but: low in. am. " an M h lurk I m“! _ _ -. . . when“ MTwln ho- -nttar-tttiartretr" . ”it 'tt,000-4tid wt 'u, noun. my in ham» a mum. “cull-m aitrisiatatrtMte-$iqt" ANNUAL DBAIIIY It}! rttu1 LISTOWEL LADY'S DE tTH THE BACHELOR'B TOAST GOES TO REFORMA'I‘OR Y 010.!qu ad 'mrroeed The “Flying Dutchmen," played a pm ot tooth" with the “um Mal. boroughs.” on slum-y qvening, May 16th. m game In! In "remrmgtf tut one. During the first halt the 'uurtboroughs," Ind the hest oi the game, but in the latter halt the "Ply- ing Dutchmen," showed them on what their shells”! dependaL Al- though their utmost was done neither team was able to score. LABOR MAYOR LOSES POWER Bridgeport's (Conn ) "stoker" mayor has been weighed in the Ml- ance and lound wanting. l‘he weigh- ing was done by a jury composed of 20 men of prominence in the units oi the city, many oi whom are of his trppointment to his cabinet. Mayor Mulvihill spent an uncomiortable two hours recently practically on trisl for his failure to conserve peace an! or- del in the city, because of his disag- reement with the police commission- ers. The result of the trial was the adoption oiaresolution expressing the sense of the meeting that the Mayor should, not iurther interfere with the police commissioners in the operation ot their department. Therwtn-cttr'ihxtthe'. ey era, Inc-o ft. 06 v. %.s'ra%re-h-8t a V ’. KING STREET . - - I The Mayor reluctantly agreed to abide by the verdict, and lis assettt was forced from him only when three in the conference With warning tlu- gers extended, sternly told him that it was his duty to ahswer "yes," or "no." Chamberlain's Stommh and Liver Tablets are just what you need when constipated; when you have no 1p- petite, teel dull Wer eating, an wake up with 1 bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your tp- petite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish tor your lood. For sale by all drugglsu. A ball, A but, A mm. . And on the seats an mxinus tan. A curve. A lurch, A miss- Like maddcned geese, the bleachers huts. A crash, . A a“, _ _ A dot, A 'tpeek-- \ . Ten thousand mica gong to wreck. , M. ttmt-- Then Becond-- Then Utird-- A run t T lit-antic attrieu--the game 7 H ,rort.-mrr. York Telugu». . --------..- The Berlin and Bridgeport u: is The dinerence between genius ad gain on the "no. It has been repaint- man in tut talent occaaiotusllr en- mi and II now My tor the buy Able- a mu: to get rich. um um. A WELL KNOWN CITIZEN OF EXERTON, ONT., USES hound- ol estimable and pro- mlnt poop). “Mum hy mm- - low:- or an tho advice ot mat, hue. in some "e-dtrrset- d my Dad ww- Celery Compound all and Wu. Im- mam-g ad “I: Wtttrtd to Hum an“ the (how- out rind ad W with gay-a quit, ”and. “plum iteF,aarrm"fttthtetttetattt at In, all! Mr the myth-mm nu- pa. “lb! I“! I’d-I'- PM Wain but-h my Ilia-an M Ill? pa. I. tHt W In!“ at , ” In! a --h- a. Brought Back to Iltrtht Hum PM What Praised " lie I Paul Tmlnthl. "" “be... m,‘ "', , _ ' - EEiEEeiifii, w '" "tkEC=saCT=eX5> JUST WHAT YOU NEED Mliln GELEBY (MiMlill CENTREVILLE HOME RUN I-reaven-Directed m; 11yi?i'.4iitiii,tjjil,l, an. - not-gum uni-u! mu. - rMttl"""" 76e, 100, 15-04“ Hos-manna”. '6,t"V. Tiulrou 100-50.. Br-y. 1(ttolb" Uadeeeri_tut"L km I n... “bl," - H 'Wite't'l'l,'l1'a"lhtt,e".tp. as: '.'ira?ttt'ii! swan Cum nu my“ I... than. a a I!" tho Xena-n1 2tedmt'."gtgtttp,ttPggt, ttt m: 'p'St'i'fft2Ntr, tu r'lSt,'g,T.elthetgt "A"dlli'l"/l'Jrlr4lrl,'AT=,Wfd - _.__.. - *’ "eGitTiGGia7'- clam-um an... an». u... iii?tii1iiiii?Sa,fliiiiitaiiriit ht'Nhtarot'Me'Mt, In It - m... auia 'iTicriaa", TGarcia"." 'k1l.'t,il'1'4'r,'11'sy,h1'J.d81k"lAWo1 mmmwwm-um BMt1trr3oa.6anmmaeaE,Smaaar. "rnartmotintaemttobhow the a” ot an week ot the halal": tog 1903. The Mth of my come! on Sun- day, sud no will be - “and on the {allowing by. Dominion Du on Wednesday, labor Day is Monday; September 7th, cumm- ud Nee Years are Pride. The King‘; una- day, Nov. 0th. in Honky, out that is not s legal holiday in Canada. The mm of July hill on Sun]. tummmmmmm (Toronto World.) It would be mo" until to. wish the possibilities of municipal owner- ship was: the maudminiatrnuuet at we (vmdMivJt,'ty I ownitsYttitr may nuke poor m ot u enterprise, fat as: private tN-tio" may show u deBett " the conclusion at what in regarded u u (a: trial. The oatr, we rule it the " ot averages. And the luv ot avenge: I110" " least ten triumph ll milieu»! ovum-ml»; tor one cue ot $uttmy. gradually write a follow:.-o "I hue nttitered trom nervousness. run-don "steen, um lean weak- neu. tor u long tlrlu Very otter, spoilt ot “maximum: would mane out me, all lac tor An hour or more each “mm m Wit-HIM! nun:- d, l maid In Inn." "baud and quite not. um W. l tr."'; um um my M r- . a. my onward with“ cum cm. nun - "an. I on but; WI tttnt an. all can; " cm W In my “In. a . a. mu - as. I “All, “in. In ‘vu ' , I“ I H‘Mq” p.. 'bt. ltesalt ta. f-QE-Llh! I. - .- THIS YEAR'S HOLIDAYS. ”who...” AVERAGE liESUL'rs. ERLIN

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