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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 May 1903, p. 4

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-e--iaet"th"oe' “an”: noon. n. cow tm u“ u in not iater Ln.- Tm - muvauumuumuw -m-dwnt. Ohronlolo- Noel-tnh ot our my business places ht consider shabby, She worls kindred days at $1,125 a day. Wea her $375 A year Teachers days may be advanced as an argu toexcuse this injustice, but the idays are given lor the benefit mi children, and are a money loss t teacher, 15 they are not long on to allow the teacher toengag': my other occupation, and puluin mien instrongly agalmt her Io. In may an oration on trdura- tion, the teacher's work h grandly praised, "The teacher ls dealing "tth the mind, the morals of the child." In tact all that is high, noble oi of worth ll tttrusted to the teachc' that the may deselop that in.i~l and mould those morals, that the urn- duet my hen good ClllLelJ. Their mere knowledge is the least they .ue expected to bring to the task. Force ot character, tact, intelligence, execu- tive ability and an interestutg per- sonality are all very necessary [arr tors. Again measure the requirements otout twentieth century money standard If a good citizen is an ine portant product. ii the protluctusu Ll such an article requires skill, (unm- tion and knowledge, then the products must have an adequate financial re- turn. The teacher does not that. this, The public knows, boys and girls in their teens know that a skilled scam- stress who can make a good shrrt or collar or Curt-a thing of linen, that only has relative value became it adds to our personal comfort-earns from three to six hundred dollais a year. She enters the factory ar. four- teen and receives pay at once. Her trister,--who is to be a teacher- has “our years preparation to make. which costs the parents at least $2 ‘0 Brear, counting tuition, books, loan} and clothing. She cannot posubly earn anything until she is eighteen. Then after a short term at teaching. she has to go to Normal School A Tuis costs $200. Then she commences work " $250 per rear. Nor is thin nll. Summer schools haveuo be attended, private classes formed, books, Intt- terials [or school work must b", pur- chased t to meet the constanV ly chan equirements of the lid- u'cationgl bepart ment 'lutru, nun. -tee. .. There is a caricature in the To onto Saturday Night. at present f tile in the Public lerary, It n-prc cuts the educational forces of the ptr again: Jonrention in Toronto, They no a. most god-torsahen looking crowd. Their clothing is shabby and skimpy. Their bodies are starved look- ing. It IS only a caricature, but it tells the truth in the plainest way, that the Canadians, who In lengthy orations eulogize teaching as "A grand, noble, calling," show their red estimation by giving the and? en apittance that hard" crtmerea to hold body and soul inguinal Barefoot boy with cheek of Ian, With thy turned up pantaloons, And thy Jnerry whistled tune. With thy red lips redder still, Kissed by strawberries on the hill, Prom my heart I give thee joy, I was once a barefoot bor" Buchall Matctr--0n Thursday ullcr noon at last week a very rwitmg some of baseball was played httween the St. Clements team and the hmue team. The score was a tie-t8 all, but the result was not known mm thelnst inning, as aclose Bcore Was kept gll the way through. Wnt. W Snider was umpire and gave good astislactlon to btrth beams. The play- ers and positions of the home (ram were "topowtr--ntxtjry-H Fin-Um. and Rumba" Pitchers, R. Gingrrh Catcher, A. Cress lst base, A. Hur- ret 2nd bale, T, Becker Trd. 0330. A. Good short stop and lett lieid, W. Eggert cf, Peter Bunlm R Field. The home ieam wore lhrot- men Ihort which necessitated the MN mm position: of the above tear" The St. Clement: boys are a gent- lemmly lot olplayern 1nd than was Mohlkshon the fuld. The rcLum “we will be played In St, Clements aloud-y, In June, when aunt-m clots gums is expected. "Musings on “we “Mic man New Industry-what this plum has mucking tor A good numb” cf you! In likely to be Itnrted here in their Mum. We will not 10mm hilpu’uculm this week, tntttiee to lay that It in coming und qtitf add gist“ Wool B---Ther wool season in on new, and shady Inge quantum of wine - received n the lam] .m- bcro. Hewitt to a" h "a hm thHhcy mould make I luau; eftort an! deliver their too! but! u only " tro-Ne, 0001 bar- - uo bells do"! in all cum" ad poll h m tot wool. In it“ " m In Jm. the not In! An at m qhittd. -vu' wv-v-*- 'ihTt,5f?htt"Jx"2rl f gnu-sun: unau- ElEhsatr""'" TEACHERS SALAR' as To ”7.3118333 ST. J A (‘OBS to me than; up of the shi, wort s thtce to: un th dealing with D“ the child." C,at aoble or of iy he [cachet I“ at mm-l and T the "ro- th; men. Their . ' ANON . 'tit- doing mu "do to! ttn widar--W. Mil-II- d “I but» on Mir-*3 il;?, Ft I a: PM A bew dun-lb d W.” hon-III On an. alt. W, suds: van h Town to on may on bull‘s-Ir. and In. Pred Lipper ot Elmira we" visiting in to“ lot. Thad»; -au, um] In w, Darts, at Litrtonelspe'tt slew days with the iatter's was“ Mr, ad In dau, Lwpert.-Mr l' (Burris caught a mullet last week, weighing H lbs The river " uuue full ol tug “all and we would not be surprised to bee ane landed in lbs m weight. One ls trymg to beat We Baschal) Gtune.--our [coal baseiuil team begun its baseball swan on Thursday, May 21st, when they unit apleasut trip to St Jacobs, air. other. The}; are no stones but [acts --Mr Peter Burdox was In den (or a few days -Mr and MI day text terr on St Le? St Jacobs- cf, A, Cress, T Beck'ner, c Rumtrall, ss; E Gingrsch, If, Heller, lb. Briefs-Victoria Day was dul serud here. The factories and war? shutdown and the “Hang drug T pro was spent in talks about the Impou- ann t extent and resources 0: thc Brmsh Empire, while the afternoon Was ta.ken up with a prognmx 'At of patrmllc songs and recltut'ohs by they pus and speeches by the “us tees nrd others present. A largenum bet mi parenta md visitors m at- Kn Enquire Day-Last Friday, \Iay the 22nd, being Empire Day, the Ibsse, bank school made it the act-mum of having acelebration. The iorcnoott bet M tendal tendance. Successful Picnic-A nlnniwr ol youni: people of our village spam a very 4njoyable time cl: the i1atg on Monday afternoon, May 25th, by holdin; a picnic, Games, ctm.'erriarTtrrt and u. splendid lunch were the entw- “Unit; iraturu or the day. l Notrrs--Mr. Al. Hall, town“? nur chasm! two tine horses. The out which he drives himself was owned by a man in Tavistock, the mhn one which is now owned by Mr, J Krics- el, was bought near ()wm Sound. Thes? are two ofthe nicest dnvuis ‘lll the village. -The open at" band concmi given by the band on Monday evening was well attended --Mrmstts. All. Futher uni Alvin LauteasrtLV er pived tooth.” with the New Hamlmrg boys on May 25th.-Mr. J, A. Burk, took a business trio in io- ronto in the fore part of the week Persumal--Mr, Frank Card of Har- risburg spent Sunday with relatives, here.--Mr. Noah Wlllong of Biuntrord visited relatives here for a law days. --Mr, Chas. Dahmer, went l.) Cones- toga on Monday. and returned on live same tlar-Miss Annie Poll of Pres- ton, spent a few days with rclatices here -Miss Amelia Dalimer, and Miss Elma Kaiser spent a few days in Rose, "Ur-Miss Maude llahiner spm.t Victoria Day with Emma Schrtmtin, in Preston --Miss Ida Kaiser want Victor.a Tray with relatiies m Pres- ton.--Mms lininia Grey of Gait tis- ited friends here on Sunday.-- Footliall Match-Che Utmtreville, football tum. known as the "Flymg Dutchmen," intend playing a mine ot :loothall with our team here on Hot, urday evening, May 30th, Our team will lnr the first time appear ;ii their new man and red lowers The game will likely start about 6.30 p. m, Dnn't miss it -Moy from here spent Victoria Day in Galt and nei- ligL-Mr, Jacob Lang, and Mists ha Brown ot Berlin spent Victoria Day under the parental root here. football t Dutchmcn football w urday eve will lnr t their m-w game will [pent \ w 1irr-Mr Brown ot under the The tfl1ll much betwwn Cen. trevlllc 1nd lair, wu pllyol 'on Sunday "all; n .oo p, m on Centreville ground. mulch; In I Me, each tum scoring on goal. at: James Mueller refereed the game. 1nd sue good "tiiiort.- [he Ctt- trnllle Mam will plny Inurlm) on sunny evening, ' th that .-Nr. F Lunch vu the am may: on “our!” car trom Centrovlllo to Berlin on tuutrdar,--?rr. liertert Sheri in n patent drilling hr n- ter-The new»: In]. at It Dam! B. Buy on My “I ML in: very Hound-III. Am um tanned on he Implement. and not M. y Harm'- h: uh I. 90} mm. A 're' tr.ehrp, mm all its holiday attire.-Mr. Louis arr is staying in St. Clements at sunt, lie successlully passed has up; at Toronto which streaks “all hun, and he is now a full 1ledged Preston --M ictor.a my m.--Miss Fm' ed friends ht Football N outall tum, ulchmrn," in othall with l with Mr ga-Mr nger, 3t tsch, Ir, N EW DUNDE} ST-CLEMENTS em CENTREVILLE l) We DIX 1N Pet W _ He M rs Cr Manes report " le Herd that ei- all, Wm. otred the Ir, mm Ill llcrr rf b tea BI ob- “Us lad ot '." “I. b mm 3400: nuns 0123 n " nun MN. new ocwn-un'. oldest resident passed (to. this m. to the tiretst Beyond on Tug!” mum in the person at Peter onh Henna, do has been . well-how» rend-nu. ot the town tor lastly so yum. The accented “like. “new“ up to A week Mo, and when in Braattord on Mondny week homo]; a screen (u for Pun, not "owing that the lice was not quite completed. When atom! "to mules trom Pun he was inlo.'m- ed he would have to it"; me re- mainder ot the distlnce, which be did, carrying . heavy “me with with hun. While walkin‘ be was sun- ltruck, and um lymg on the gran-l lo: a time he made m way a he could tonPu'is hotel where; ical aid was secured. Still leelmg well the next morning he ttecitte, return home, reaching Berlin uu'f day afternoon, He gradually wen Mr Memes was born in Gluckslidt he" Hamburg, Germany, a little ol- er 78 years ago, and when ll YY.?', oi age came to this country, and a year or two alter settled in Bert i Alter his marriage about 52 years ago, he erectedahouse on the C'ti'tter ot Duke and Foundry streets and for some years his residence was the oty ly one in this central section of the town The deceased was an chili-un- astic t1orivr throughout his lifetime, and was always in his happtect "rtod when he was arranging his rose oustr es, his favorite flower, and many ate the rose-bushes throughout the Twan- City that first sprouted under the care of Mr. “tines. rhe decimal-d was also a well-known taxidermist and many beautiful specuiiens ot his work arc to be seen at his late resilience. and other homes in Berlin. Mr. lle-nes has for years kept a private park in the West Ward near Victoria Park, upon which he expended considerah‘e juoney, and in which he took great interest, Being exceedingly hale and vigorous, considering his age, he was always busy and during the last few days he has been travelling for a Toronto belting firm, and met, with gratifying success. The decessed was ageninl, hard-working. and courteous gentleman, and his demise will be regretted by all his acquamtiutr-'es Besides his widow, be leaves a, tum. ily of two sons and three daughters, viz, Charles, of Berlin; Norman of Rochester; Mrs. Fetzer oi Berlin, Mrs, C. Falkner, Saskatoon, Sash; and Mrs, A. Parker, Muskegon, Mich The funeral which will he private, will be held on Thursday afternoon it l o'clock. when he passed away the City care also Sunday, 17th inst., the Evangelical churches in Canada, observed the an- nual llally Day, and the local church inthis village was by no means a second number. Prayer meeting was held in the morning, and at T putt. an address in English was Jelivere'i by Rev. SM. Hauch pastor, and also one In German by the pastor's father. in behalf of the Y.P.A. work. ln the cvenxnz a programme was rendered, The church was beauuiully doomalol an! the people showed their interest in the work by u: unusually luv: at- tendance. . Monday May 18th, a meeting of the citizens of Bridgeport was held at J,R. Boettingcr's tor the purpose otelectutg trustees lor the new ath- letlc grounds, A large numrrer were present, but not being surveyed, trus- tors were at appointed, but acorn- mittee was appointed to survey the had, More interest wanted from al. “gamma it Bridgeport is to grow. A lootbnll match was nlayed on May 21, between Bloomingdale ‘and Bridgeport juniors and Crescent.; The boys played oft well, and made it in- teresting lor than blooming fathers No goals were stored by either team. _ Nous-A number of 30mg people from Berlin spent Thursday evening st the home ot Mr. L. Schweitzer's, Progressive crokinole was the main feature ot the evening, and a very do 1ightiul time was spent, The evening was well suited foradish of ice- cream -N. Krampien had the endi taken " his finger by a bicycle chain, and was unable to work tor a few days-Mr. Laidlaw of the ln- terttationttl Portland Cement Co, has been through this vicinity lately c'tut- lvassing tor stock, Boating is be- coming a question of interest in this busy suburb. As the refreshing Meow from the country dam and the pic- ‘turesqucness of the place makes it more suitable lor boaCmq than the lakes in the parks Mr H Schade has justkpurrhased a new'row- boat, and it is one of the most up- ttrdate hosts at the season He also intends making Iurther investments Along the same line. -We are sorry this prosperous suburb does not bale more interest in sidewalks, It is said thst snitch in time saves nine, no I plank in Bridgeport would be heart- ily greeted-Owing to the advantag- unnamed by Bridgeport for nature study, s number ot the members of the Berlin class hare visited this place tor the purpose of observing oELtgcHLAGFlR-- At her residence on Young “not, n 5 so Tuesday morning. Ann. C1tharinc, Knuth, relict of the lute Willunrdktuchlr (or. aged " yun. 7 months ad " dun. Th lumen] will take plum Thun- My ttt8 Inn. Iron hee late rul- ana talent Hope cemetery. LACKt6ER.- In Toronto. Mar tWt, l Dr, Aitted E. Laeheter, so. cal ha.‘ I tattsh-,hrtin, up! n you-I. t i an an Idt't V t a. - n- .311- " 1ulat'1ml11 FRI DGEPORI‘ NEWS 'i"iriiaTiiGriilua, Thu-4% - . “at! DIED ted of um "s"41e"'"""'re"ttfi""tetr a. - any can: I “I “(ll P0150 - Id in In]! M "at“. Tte mt n.- portant luau to and" in una- no. a the Baud In th- “in“, tss-rot/Mr ”not“. Sal, an]; 101' u in!” d - “in; to 15 pet out, ud be tttttiterator.' “”00 and th- mhnum n . Julieta: by tho min ot the mm the uou wu Ivonne to gun“; the immune and tor, but owing to 09 mm». (or tto yeu hum; been struck, an! All the money " It: dilpoul hem; and to: the ordinary - In wt.- nocnon with the rum-3 ut We schools, the Board could not see its way clear to grant. the increase tu:- m the beginning oi next yen. The Bonn the schedule Members present were Charms-1A Pequegnat, Messrs CL Pearson, J G. Buchhaupt, Wm, Heruelder, J.K um M D, F. Kreats, W.J, Amok: Trustees, Berlin. Gentlemen --We unit you; cement consideration ot the tollowinr We, the undersigned, on account of the increased cost ot living, ask that the present stlartds be incrcuw-I. " teen per cent (15) and that the fres- ent schedule be changed so as to place the minimum salary At three tuut, dred dollars ($300) and the maximum salary at four hundred and (my ttol- Iars ($450) per yen. Hoping that this will meet with you: invorable consideration; We remain, sirs, M D., and Wm. Vast Signed- A gnes K aempt l Mac Kay Lara Grott Moved by Dr. Arnott. seconded by Wm. Vogt, that the uetition oi the lady teachers be received and that they be informed that the Board is imombly impressed with the general tenor of their requests, but that "w- ing to the estimates lot the year hav- ing been fixed, they are unaie to change the schedule at present In the near future the Board ml! tty to rearrange matters and remedy any existing grievances. Courtland Ave. School-M It, Tirr, Elizabeth Berry, Emma Renter. If. Ayers . Central school-L, M. Sheppard, Annie Sully, Clara L. Goff, Anu., (l Boruholdt, Mary E. Pearson., M, E Pearson, Laura Cairnes, Myra A. Bird, Bertha Sutton, Grace Johns- ton 'viargarct Avenue School-Cr, Ethel Ziegler, LR. Schmidt, Jessie Thou:- son After ditterent members of the Board had expressed their dissw.ir'uc- tion with the existing salary schedule thelollowing motion was passe-l:- Chairman Pequegnat read the pet tlon from the lady teachers - Tenders tor supplying coal for the various schools were received (tom Kloepler & Co., R.. Boehmer t Co , and A A. Pipe & Co, all ul “Mom (meted coal at the same figure, name- ly, $8.75 per ton. The price was too high for the Board and the trmlus were laid over. The accounts tor the month amount The accounts tor the month amount ed to $1442.29, of which 5I2"6.73 was for teachers' and caretakers' sulur‘ts, and were ordered to be paid. _On Saturday alternoon Hign Cort- stable Huber, arrested Josmh R. Good, of Iferhn, who was, up to a short time ago, the proprietor of a small grocery store in Breslau. “is trrrest was erected ona warrant sworn out by Aaron Schierhl of “Wilma wwmug CUM! M bums on July 29th, 1902. knowingly [urged the name cl Magdalena Schiedel to acer- tain document, to wit, a mortgnge /r_orn Jacob R. Schiedel gn-l Mag-Inl- Hana Schiedcl in favor ol the Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mort- gage Corporation and also, that Jos- iah R. Good committed perjury in 4!] "idavit of execution attacnc‘l to o. endorsed to or endorsed on the mort- gage by swearing that he war“ pres- ent and did see Magdalena Schledel execute the mortgage at line village of Breslau and in fact the sud Mag- dalena Schleu'el never executed the mortgage. Alter the arrest was made (.‘uod was brought to the County haildiags and by consent oi Judge Chisholm, he was allowed to go on bail, his father, Henry Good, ot Conestoga. and a lriend in Berlin, giving surctu-q ot $1,000 each tor hus tux-trance at the Judge's Chambers on Saturday morn in, May 30th. This (Tuesday) morning, Mr, Aaron Schiedel, inlormod Crown Actorncy, W.H. Bowlby, K.C., that hr, ttad learned that the mortgage had um been signed by ()ood,und wished to “$an the curses. Another war- rant we: then drnwn up by the Crown Attorney And sworn to try High Consume Huber, charging Good with having committed perjury sad when he appear' before his Honor Judge Chisholm on Saturday, the chug” preferred by Anon Sthiedel will be withdrawn, um that preterred by Constable Huber will he heard. “I: ot weuahom, Wmh‘rloo Nui, We: Imam were mu k - " It. Job lance-aw! e-LN- aux-gym; Pat. HAGEN-ht Berlin on Wadnmdny, In 87th. to Mr. and In. Uarry ._Zftati' King um. twitt'-tets. The Board adjourned at d 20 CHARG ED WITH TWO OFFENCES. Baird prbmned to manage ASKED FOR INCREASE PETITION DISCUSSED St. SNtool-- Jessie , A. Florence Devin, I'. l Edith J. Wood, Minnie Minute B. Shantz, Flmilie OTHER MATTERS LARGE ESTATES Obediently yours _ t! if )1: BORN whoa I?!» an cumulu- and W m a - “to M.‘ "'ertiesites “In. the Ulnar”: at our In. “up On. V was who“! on Wrtoria Tur. The citin- abound the wr in . unmet ttat demon-tuned IUt His In.” King Edvard VII and pe Dominion Gumment mule no ”ninth indee1arutg that tha My [MM continue to be ote I and " . holiday, with sum-{old purpose, v11. Out at pet- petuauu the memory of Qwen Vic- toria and her reign, and also eelebru- mg the birthday ot King Edvard, which [Ills upon an unsuitable "day for ceietrratiott-November 9th. M Weather, I“ - Lame Crowd. __ Bulk m liplt has in Sandal- l' other Attracm. The “lather mu was never mot. considerate to the needs ora holiday crowd, providing atmoapherte condi- tions suitable to the King's tagte. Early In the morn- ing the boom of cannon tire-crackers, announced that the celebmnun had soon on the street with his mull 'ireworks, as well as his savings of the last tour weeks, with which be purchased more ammunition. The boom and bang at tire crackers con- tinued throughout the day, and up to the present no news of Ines new: lost has been received. There were doubtless some injuries, but this was part ot the tun, Shortly alter nine o'clock the 29th Regiment band appeared on the street md opened up with the National Am them, and the day's programme was commenced. A short programme at stirring marches was rendered on the Market Square, alter which the Ber, lin Automobile Co., gave an exhibi Lion run along King street, in one oi it's latest equipped autos, ani made excellent time. C One more run was added after the fourth, making tht total of 12 for the nine innings. Otto Maison M the Toronto We! lingtons, umpirod the game, He was alittlc oft in balls and still-cs, but thenhe a must be excused, he won a sensational game on Saturday. Nearly 2500 persons attended the AFTERNOON (TAMIL Band Concert in the evening at Vic- toria Park. The programme nndered Fully two thousand people witness- by Berlin‘s MuBiral Society was M ed the afternoon game, which was excellcnt one and every trelecliun an ragged in spots, but closely u‘ntest- loudly applauded. The tireworks dil- ed, The inadequate accomniotlatiun play was above the avenge and m- was again very much in evidence as ded to the attractivrness oi the ev- the people were compelled tn line up ening's programme, Mr. Geo, o. Phil- arnund the catchers bor, “m. thr up conducted this future in his usual result that several were struck with capable manner. The musical prog- lnu! balls. and narrow escnnrs lrom "mme W“ " ttallows:- injury were frequent, MARCH-our Senators, Cramber.q, There we“: nothing doing until the oVFiItTURE--Fllira E. Ulaturte,-- last at the third innings, “hen Dilly Mercedtutte. Schilling came to bat and Mt, up the VALSE-Miliuirc- Waldtcufr-I. visiting pitcher tor n nice single, plac- ”CCOLO SOLO- Sweet Birdit-. J ing Gross, who took his hnse on bullsl S, Cox.--Juliutr Zeller. on Iecond. A wild pitch ennnlcd each sF,LHCT1ON-- Muir-o FUhero - to move up n peg, end then the old Donizetti. reliable "Andy" Reid, handled the IDYL- Hiawutur-Moret, willow. He felt ttttfor ntho'mc ein- DESCRIPTIVE FANTASIA. From glc. which lnnded on third hunt The DO" to Twilight--- Smith. mm who held down that position MARCH-- The Right of Line-Heed tumbled end a n remit Andy‘s sin- " gin enlnrged Into 1 home-run, and both Schilling end (Iron walked home The third hue nrtist then Inst " BLOOMINGDALE' nerve, end when "Chief" Schllllng - ibunted whim, he threw wild to Mst , Ind "Chiet" [our-ll treating puee on f. territfe storm rinsed 7301’ the second. From HcGinnin‘ linglc, Schil- villsget ot Bloomingdale between 5 in; mama ham, an the soon te.,', Yee, on Tug?,',',',,', :veni'nu. m... n- “a p..- u. nmniu in. m. ed, The inadequate Accommollatl was again very much in evidence the people were compelled to line around the catcher's box, “uh t result that several were struck wt You! balls, and narrow escan‘ss In injury were frequent. wn b-Ar. Nice ouuield work, com- blnod with ndouhle pl", then 4tut (hit but, And they got ”may my to the km a! but ms, oun- m; an... up. There VII nothing do- In; In a: nut Inning and then Bet- nn "dug up" two runs, And in a. nut out followed up with two. In no)“: oi the mo Berlin and. I not ”in and no"! in non. MORNING PROGRAMME f' at _ 4.5.} ',i,,j)'i)jili?iiriicker8rlDiebel 5 up the with ham FANGY lllllinllll,,litllt' (ii, AND WASH GOODS We are showing an extra. large assortment of fancy mushns wash 5pe"ht eta, itie2'ttg, of Fancy rench Organdieq, 11311113; Zep- hyrs, Ginghams. I,tiPtfiiye,19fit White Mather Cloths, - te Fan- U . "e"'.""'"., Luv“, “Aw.~.§ru. "-"coyf..'f,..'t2".T" iyiti2;'iii' Lawns. Percoles, White and Colored P1ques, etc. These goods, are all this seg- son's impdrtationg and range 1n price from 10c to 500 a yald. A large range of black dress muslins in stripes and fancg de- signs. The very dewest at 1 c to 500 a yard. We are showing an elegant range of plain and ancy French delaines (all wool.) These are all this season's patterns and make one of the most stylish summer costumes. special at 500 a yard. and worked out well. Berlin's double play III the fourth was a tenure and was diservmily applauded. The score by innings was:- Berlin .rrtr"'_ 0 o 4 c 2 2 a a 0--8. Galt .r_._rr._.__ 0 0 0 4 I) 2 0 ii B-8. The football game in the W. F. A. Intermediate series between the Roy- als and the Guelph Nationals was not as interesting as it was expected to be. The Royals hadlhe best oi the play throughout, but were unable to score, their shots mther being too wide or high, or were stopped by the strong Guelph defence. About Ge minutts before time was called. 0d- mwski of the Royals secure! the ball near the touch line and after rheol- mg a few Guelph players he shot and the ball went between the posts. Guelph then claimed a team, but Referee Wagner rightly paid nuhced faction side or the touch line, in the tlrat place, and it it had hem the touch wns never claimed. The Guclphites became discouraged, and went Iunne to break the news, etc. etc. Beautiful trimmings and fancy laces to match. A territfe storm passed cNCr villuge ot Bloomingdale betwcon .rtd6o'cloeh on Tut-ad" we rooting up trem And demolishim Three! otthe ua Church an “M from no banding and cum-d intonnelghbcring new, This church und- in an tnttorttrtta% spot. an uuu- she-ml “an m root kl Ina blown cl. -riLscmpTuvr: FANTASIA. From Dun to Twilight--- Smith. MARCH-- The Right of Line-Heed mmcmmuw EVEN I NO PROGRAMMI n ...,...,004C'22il00--8, .r_._rr._.__ 0 0 0 4 I) 2 0 ii0-8 fire J. Flicker gave fair satis ENDED IN A DISPUTE BLACK FANCY DRESS MUSLIMS THE GREAT FRENCH DELAINS tyycvitids, Organdies Fenian " lon- the to too the The executor. of the acute of the late John Schrndor WI“ ofUr " MIG by public Auction, on Friday, the agth day of May, 1903 " three o’clock In the afternoon, the {aligning qupony, 'tttsalt., Parte of lot- numbeu 129 end 130 wulh of the Grlnd Trunk Bunny end south of King Street, awarding to the registered plea or "may mule for George John Grunge. The aaltt will “he pleoe " the raid p'emleee. The property I. new occnph d by one John Coiombo. The property will be sold "trcs to e reserve bid. Term: cash a the time of ale. Fur tunher particular; epply to W. M. CHM, Berlin, _ Solicitor for Executor- The Baud at Bealth of the Tom " Wu"- ioo but " MI; mo (minus that the Sammy Impedanlr. Flynn. will on and that the 'sth Dar of May, 1903, min I ttou . to house Inunouon. In the magnum. Rubbish ot AU dormant: 1: Int In I'm-oven I’m mo rud- luw. omin- Ind cub- hotuuud win“ rr-lbh m‘nulod and the alumina: thump-by ale-nod “d iiuiiiiaiii. ell- Inllt. ho Mod out In I‘d!!!“ tor ttt, Won. Privul mum. be thorough? mm and 6|:an and I" nil-mo.- Anni-um to the 1’qu an!“ removed or and. Asuncion I. Invited to the new Hum Ir. will mmUon ot duh. n in a lawn! tho Mtendin Play-nun to my damn! with an loom 'a'/'ii'i'i',li'iti the y o-tttqirttormdor.tturid1 banal-Ind; And ul var-on- wbo calcium ov to (at. run In hardware“ hr [mud-n "I.“ an “20 Imam)”: h 'edrwithoqt mph "can". fie slum: ot "The Public num- Act" we 'nlt,t looping of an“ will he "tktlr Infomcd. n no on. null ho- but." um In rm nun? foot from my hon-o 0"qu u " can In. ram “and“: mm. and pen to be Pg?ltt'ltt,tg', F?iiEiii'i,i “no: u "a duit Ill-“nu And all month- Nzon " Cont-(I'm: DIM met be than to vb. loam-I Mulch (Mar. Dr. Hoosier. Ind "to than." him tor in hum-noun! to pm tyqttqt my pone- mhctlng at "mm" to comply run on" In was: of not: notion. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD -- _ - A A, _ 0F HlAuTB. nun-loo. AM] In. Iii r VAX! NOTICE that a?! won-nub. M by The Mimi. lin Mt MID-y pun .Lllnlud to o In Mud (Eon-cu at v. {and 'iid " Jenn NW tpay,,,',',',?,?',") Council-nut a. "tet 0-. ml (to. the do“ w, he I. "can -hoeeNrtth_Ah- a lung“. can” at W ttt 'uarulr1tttr.= gtMat ','t,tiiFiltrii'ltii'e an In a “a... alt-(Wm huh. To the Citizens of Waterloo. Executors’ Sale or Valuable Real Estate PUBLIC HEALTH WARNING! has NOTICE! bUN,'NNJtd man-31 B'.U',ttt ii in]. It _a" tb: if:

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