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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 May 1903, p. 3

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_ ABSOLUTE $litllilll'lf, Depoaua o', one dollar and upwards woivu: m we savmga Bank or on peeirr. 'e' sat and L;me r'ivetl of Alters»: uuU‘VCd. Draft: and Money Orders Issued on all points' at lowest um. Special ”tendon paid to the brains“ of farmers and mit of town summers. Blank Notes for tarmere calo- supplied free on application. Aitertorat bunting hummus: done. Col- ‘cutIona made, drafts issued puytbleln all bartvrthe “umlnivm ur an) Hue in 1216 world Highest rates of inborn”. “lowed tar money doposlwdln Btsetr1ttr Bank or special epoch- HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL Paid up Capital - $2,500,000 Reserve Fund _ $2,250,000 The Molsons Bank. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. A gen; rzu banking Business tram mm a: the CAPITAL REBT,..., 1lWiT2i'i'l.00 amen "i'.,", t)hildren's Hats . . . . The Misses Febrenbaeh, Store next ¢O+¢Oo¢0§¢o¢¢oo+0¢¢oo Ww‘womwm“ Remember that the nzone fectly Salt: and Uni! you car when you want It. The safest way to invest your mot ey is to place It In this department The rate of intern-s: may sect, small when compared wuh ma promised by speculators, but the Ir, come is at least canam. Money can be seat to all parts oi the world at trMmg cost by our drafts and money orders. Bank drafts are absolutely safe and we guarantee that the money will be pad only to the light party. - Travellers can pure!” Notes, which can be Ca: where without ch.rgc,pm tificatron Ulla“) kllui at Onddoilar and upwards leccxvc Interest added twnce a year. THE CANADIilN BANK BANKOF HAMILTON“ r i) i Little Liv REMITTANCE. DEPARTMENT We have a large asmrtment of children's sit and mmpin hats ranging in prices from 50c to "OO. Also auaw chip and log. horn but,” Another shipment of ladlea' ready-to-wear ban has arrived and In randy tor inapoction. Wells Drilled . . All kinds of repair- M, done at reasonable prces. T. E. HAINES, Agent, LEAPER BROS., SAVINGS DEPARTMENT F. C. G. MiNTY, MANAGER Vllndmllls SuEEuod. 0F UHIWWIEHDE Carter's CURE SICK HEADACHI. - Boar Sign-tun a Incorpomua In 1866 “Po.“- Wruppu Below. Bill"! BRANCH. d JACOB HISPILIR "unmet Waterloo Branch H nwhville Genuln‘ r to Smyth Hr Berlin '93. _Btlrerr, Mriir; Lrmt. I “TIPAYIOI. '" WOW SUI. mt WE COUPLIXIIII vcr Pills. l ot u 38.000000. $2,500,000, SERUM sal r able u tt tlil Spent-pr, Montrtal, Urn, Sum Eust- orn Dnlsinn. W R Marlrtnve, Mont- real, Truffle Mnnngrr, Fi F. Usher. ot Neutral, (in, Pu Agent, W. B. milling, Toronto, Ant. F'reitht Tunic Mung", A H, Notman, " ronto, All Hen. Pu Agent, And M. H. Brown, Toronto, Gen. FrtsUht Agent, CPR. OMCIAII, who were on t trip at Imps-cue. to Wren yu- an. br mm 'gate. "up: ttt "tMb-Ct-ttttrp" use: ttterr friends gnlng the new currty allowed them to go I pended sentence, the e» iation Mrs. l'.eir tins mun. lathe respect, ttFaintst them. Mn!» ot the young men Vet' Limit behali. '1 he Mag On Thurst at the home mais Terra presented In address am Mrs. Yager resudence on presentation esteem and boarding Imus their home “I removal to he mtcnds hung ily. The two young I laud by (him " Aug tram Ileiler U and the Dunn 1 during the early ' appeared below ll n Mr In st wecsly THE NI W Ll N ST} fil'ru'TFiIy Han Bu» ' of tl ly warned to A. youngest. daughte hilitaiu Schmidt the Ceremony a dame: was pan which the and) Owen Sound the brother, on their rt " Noun; " [and " $500 The Snyder Tt ect Kn cuts tl Mr BUTH I‘LI‘IAUI the I,ltl lor OPEN Alll CONCERT Mrs. Yager " ol th the rt “I the th Kauf tt P0y.t',hiNTATIU dd leath a Fresh J, is my to give Th use, and there s1 " 'fl W We!“ ay ON THURSDAY r new home privately w PRESTON AND Ill -Il-LT RAILWAY M negotiating wk ghe Berlin tte It t'onnection, str " Ah 2 Bible Much M Is taking 7 street, made to s W Pl at! tt I) D ll tt -e-._-'-'---'-""-..'-.-...l- .', magmim... - ' “Many . me :‘I. T w- ; l) wt Tat u h in thr l Walt er M ll GL"n " B thmr assoc Id boarders I; up he: Br r when: a th her ta excellent 110 made o Ir ITEM“ " TS (ch Am! ata and II Um St tln the the ll or] It " I The principal discussion. however, took place in regard to the electing oi: Sewer Commission, to whith there was strenuous opposition. on the ground that there are already too many Commissions, The matter wan voted down twice by large majort- ies, but Aid. llnnsherger was per- sistent and pointed out in his most convincing manner the necesxuty o! placing Berlin‘s sewage dinpnnl In the hands or men who will “he hr tenet in it and wiu put the eye. tem on a proper basil, Dr. Lechner. and Mr. Crawford, ot West l‘nroutn. elm argued with the Committee, un- til " the suggestion of l'lmirmen Gibson, it was decided thet all towns having the f1ltration eystom ol new- enge will have power to elect Com- milsionerev The depuutinn wrx agree- nble end went ”Hy happy. The Commenrement outrun of bttrtt in uniting friends in Merlin tho Berlin And Wnterlon lln'épitnl on Mr Cleo W, (Jordon went in tlm. Tuesday June 9th, promise-u I) he the ton “NI morning to spend Virturo moat interesting and Iuccenalul In tur. the history of the minimum, The 0an FJ. Prawn, and Mr hurl. pr-tation of module to the grad- mu, of (hit. Are in Berlin today listen will he held in the Opera Home Mr and him P, .hnnen of El in the Minnow. rommencing nl 4 willepend the holiday in Hull A o'clock to which the public is invit- Cutrevllle, ed, n which n ext-elk“ prognmme have. Cor mu. Rolormur . will be rendered. ennui-ting at manic Bram, of Berlin, vleliod " _ on Niel addr-, In the evening“ U 'I on I'M]. "At "one." "St held at the” Wd/h lam-lb. "l'l"N ot kw“, tl'Taitttlllet','fl1tft 0.. I. ttl, Aluth'h'u'lllh" el i. H- .. Hung}: '-'. ' ' ',_‘_.. Lam Armstrong with the (-u-upt-HLI-m ol ‘lhe Galt and Mxllun Itistricts. The Galt Kxecutise agreed to assist (si'/elsd1)',' and Iter Cnr Draper was appointed a representative to meet the General Hoard on May 27th ottering the assxsmnuw of these three Pistricts. m the s'upiort of Mr. Arm- istrong. It w,» also tlerided to hold ’a Bible Irr,tutute m Heptember or [Ottober of this year The majority of the Committee did not favor electing Commissioners tor two years. on the ground that one you IS sutlicient to give the ordinary man a trial, and it he mush-s Igond ho is usually sent back again The amendment was last on a diviitort- preumidivirs iwere "aGisiitif"-t,r"a similar request trom Shanon]. The latter city purposes electing the” Next. Who will be the Comrtrsa;otr en t power to appoint Lighting Cmranriss. ioners by the Council until the end oi tht year, in which the Berlin m 1'ommi.risiotters immediately, but live Balm Council was given power to appoint Commissioners in this cast it it so desires. COMMENCEMENT EXERC'tsr'.R clubs lulttee present Presutent Ellie“ mended. lt was decoded to - the League games trum week m week, The tirst sane will In puree next Wednesday (mum; at W,aterloo, between the Sugumuea and the Woodsuies. Tite Board oi tteierees lot this m- The Executne of the Twin-Ch] Football League met. In the YM,C. A room: an Wednumny meaning, with nearly I“ the wankers ot the com- ALD Ahi. J. F. like Sewer I lerv Aletter, ext Tuesday ewm titutlun will then FILL SUPPORT A MISSIONAIY lemenl, o er, All. Ru Some ot the m constnuu ttee of ague w tl ssiunrrs immmiiueir,%ut the IIONfnu3riltt ll be mm d -- a. on. ru- Cm thou-mom an. “Wu-‘M'mw “I, au- as mun-cm. “I fl“. M di't I. not the lumen only who are tl ie' of the Executive Pom- the Galt District l-prorth s held m Trinity Method- ‘11 on Thursday to deal sl important mattczi. Pra- nr, )r, of Galt, presided, D, W. Mud”, Berlin, A. “Alum”, and C D. AY Hamburg, and Secretary )n del oguha rk Chm-How Tim no: at, Bttg---Ptge ' bHI'S greed U) assist w (“D Draper Irresentatwe to trom week to e mil In plated mg at Wrtarloo, aunts; and the was tor this m- d ot Messrs, C. .ng, Geo. Buda- nd ii, W. Brown. ot the proposed rc read and ad- m be complete! , whit the Core " printed " the 'ance the dunerent FIGHT com- ' ot Mr, Geo. t-trordon went to Ilur ton thi. morning to upeml Victoro Der. Csyt, PJ. Bran, 111d Mr Inn, ot (hit. l"! in Berlin It. and Mn P, .lnnaen ot willupond the, holiday in Ber Octavius. On Manda an all day service was begiven, the can leaving Prvcton at 7, O. 11. mm and l, 3, 5, 7, and 9 pm. The can will leave mum at the ttp “on the even mmzbns' Pen intending to go to Prcsiom mu“ go to the terminus at Albert and, n the But End, Tim nlurn In. In as tents, single tare I', wnls "What was the matter on Friday evening that no goals were swam! in Preston y' was the query milled by " sporting editor as we met Cap- tain Heller and Goalkeeper Brown this morning. "Oh, Preston has a good team let me tell you, and we were up against it." was the unite" response of these two popular play- yen. They then proceeded to tell tlu history ot the game, which was ap- parently the hottest match played by the Roysls this season. Borh mics hot numerous shots on goal but they were either stopped by the goal keeper or struck the goal pools Preston has ttstalwart team. and play the game in s splendid manner There Ins some rough playing on the part ot Preston, but when they “I! that the Roy-ls can take on) give," dong the nine line It sun sided. ad the phyers of both Hams devoted their Attention to vndcmor- ing to more goals, instead of "laying out" their opponents, 'ioaht'eru'r' Brown very modestly stated thacht, had a little more work to do than he Gd when the “alt Interim-dialer. phyed in Berlin, sud those whosats his assailant pertormanre on thot nr» ton team nude things interesting nor the Royals. Those who saw the gamc Inst evening were unanimous m Muir opinion that Harry Sheriffs pGye,t the beat game on the field, and an several occasions saved the Royals irorrt defeat. No goals were Storm] on either side. Harry W. Brown rvivrml very letislactorily to both teauvi The Preston And Berlin Sim! lt Comp-ny commenced its r'vr,ulrr s.” vice on its new line on Na‘wrd: Ml] mm, The company's “dummy will be utilized until the pmwr hm. is erected and the wiring for th, tr: ley system is completed The new cur is being “sol and fn the present n two hour “Faro r given The cars Ian l’lostm n one o'clock, and mm that at .4 b. 7, tttd ' o'clock. Leaving Iterln the time il 2, 4, 6, 8, and Pl o'clock Mr. Adolph Matter ot Toronto visiting MI home in Berlin um Flo-lie Brownian at M w Hn but; In "smug Mend: in "min", I “Some Detroit Manufacturers have advertised in Ontario papers tor (workmen at attractive rates and lune sent agents here to gather [Jean in. ’This movement is already ofa sor- ious character. One firm in Cult has ‘importaed thirty-tive mechanics, who no of a superior class and will make ‘excellent citizens. lt is probable that other nuns will be obliged to do the same thing. Berlin seems the only town where the manufacturers have succeeded in holding their own. They had to tight, but by standing 1o-geth- er they won. Everyone who has trav- elled through the country as l have, will tell you that l have not mag; gernted. Manufacturing in Ontario to in a. criticnl state." "To make matters worse emoloy- can inlteod ot shomng sympathy with the employers. are acting In the op- posite Why, The loading of a"rorcign shipment is olten the signal for an- ‘other demand to Increase wages. I know one man In London who Wad obliged to conceal the fact Hut he was shipping a Unload to the North- west. I know two other tirms, one in Guelph, one in Brantford, who re- ceived demands tor more wages as soon " they had shipped abrovl. The ordinary laborers In most of the towns are getting over $2 a 'lay. so that you can imagine how expensive in proportion are other kinds ol la- bor. _ "Never attticipatulg such allmculues muscular- months ago axeuted orders right md lett, but now may camtot on them, Naturally they will rid. W: the must p.373." ‘. 2.; the other: co. Ttns wnll trace a very Md elect. on Canadian credit ixuroad, We have been struggling for years to getatoothold 'm the (only; ulazkeus ot the world, all now when out man, undue“ have made a beginning, they are obliged to back out, because at thee llbol’ dlfflcumes. We will re- ceiva in tlus way a blow from which " will take us a long tune to reCub- I "tt but no lumen only who U: Aadtr I. used ot employm.” an! a m.- In Toronto New” to the AHsttr, who“ human has like]: tum ‘ley new town In western Ott. rum dating the put Inomn "The Ila-Mums Ale In even . worse plight P10“. talk nbout the tune. m Mountains, but the tact in tuat Minimum“ has reached a cum-a! Condition own; to “but whole. Scan. od mulytuzers told lure mu they had has: compelled to mm: the In. so omen and so mum that thou ya no protit left 1 Mum a nuke: at [on mowers who artuully loan " cents on each madnnc that he tum: out, But men at these 'ng- ttr-it uimpossuble to sewn 45m- titadnt number ol workmen ROYALS AND PRESTON Tir mm mm lt8 "Ir, REGULAR CAR SERVICE lung In the up ling of arming: signal for arr 't-ase wages. l ndon who wa.: tact that ht II to the North ”gut-I sm- Sa’tlrday s “dummy" pnwvr flame for th, tyol ml and fur scrnu‘ " Ivunmy" jackass. What do you 'r hrtt,rie about itt Jackson-S h, tyol, nary.-"Judge" Wife-t found out nd for that I premium! nowr if? N --Well, rm whoad; I'm Preston " "Dai y News," Tee i.'r/tr.i 5.: at A. I ,7 1rrl.in. One of the mo ct stril 0 tlock increase of hotet.tiwrlh ce was in the mow-mm: which ston at to provide spvvinl rhr and 1) who tsojourn mannily n hn at the big and little hm umbem York tt Hotel i'haplrt , t been formed, whieh inr Itm om urn of may! form; 0 Albert " well " prominent In ‘ return Rav. H. M 1vorrvrt, win "t PM!" (hurrah to drrotr him, 0 the only have They zeth- 4! I Bronchitis One of the ml :1 striking proof, of the inc-renu- of hatnhhwllm‘. in law» citie- in the mow-mm: “bill! hon hon" started to provide Nrvrinl rlmplains for thom, who mjnurn maunlly nr pormam-ntl in the big and little hm‘olrim. In C,',' York " IUrtol l‘lmplmnn' Roaioly In“ been fnrmnd, whirl» Include! roprmpnfa- Idven of mud? (mum of rnliginus belief, II well an prominent hotol Reopen. The luv. H, M Wnrrvn, who Ina given up M. church to rtrerrte mell to the work, thu. uplninn the mathndu of bhe nun- dation: "No not-d or church, you a". in concompd in Che lmfnl Mutplsin mow- mbnt. I am only om- of them. " I patron of the Intel he ill or need the union M A rlergrmrtrt, I mm; ho tmlled ttrat, but though me any other clergy nu '1’"an I am glad to sly that I hare, Im- of awry ererd when mm ur. and they mm- willl’n h comp. M than I: a tUld for it"ork h pond 2 "In fact that when I Mn on “a hurdly one all lor ma Now tT, Art' u may to this: Ida. Idonnotuppouhnw 'ii'i'if: - In to be paid, hut has - In all the large m: _ Pfror" and hint of M w “an. 903-17ng of; {IQ- Johnson-H jackass. wr about in J nary.-"Jurhr Wife-t that I pro -Weli, In First N Second Ne I place wt lunch. “lg -nriiirr%rocs he rank u . Tt tort {angina doesn't cut unlit of 'igrire.----J'biladrtjhia "Ileeord." Teaehrr-il hat is n farm? Bright tht. He Girl- A pine of laml entirely covered by a morur1pp'.--lyrxtroit, "Free Pram" In Spain the yum: mm looks amor- OU. bit no": numb until Mter “amp lanee by bl. Ind) “we. The girl neither monks nor look hut--she 500.1 "Later, in thr mol M tite nun-mug, tire gentle, mart my». a! her “Hun”: door and crm‘rs The Frertts, if ti sign, but sleep on fir] accepts, she ri, over the betel .m brought her. TM' and he departs tts h ing not being spolsr The Japanese lo, known his love, vh pluavitower bud; i enter! It to be mrr ding. If she tom . out the lultor is " then In liar girdtu able to Mr. A remarkable the Dynks of I them would woo he chivalrouuy 1 portions of lmr she smiles upon he does not im waits until the he Mesh to he: on. tor us she ale-ePlng parent; "desire tree instrument. As the m; youth play: ingly. If th on he know him; if she Bower upon tnkes her b to drop the into the mo him. he rmnnim, an l'here is, in the event a general colvhmiion There is comm the method of the many Bunnese-Tu their wives Ibsul but to the sound day of winter the: which all the ms: and listen to thr bachelors, who sit The Eskimo an); ter, inasmuch as l, without any beat his loved oneU al long, strong hair, and drugs her to of skin. This, of course, on the Im er's pa the world, irulecd of a lover is phys umi-uvnge tribes round about Sim seize the girl whi father'. flocks. Si 'tiekis and stones, long repute if 5!” him. Once driven the lover’s ulnar! betrothal is proel There are more way there Are nations, um may of these mny twinge Indeed: _ _ 'hi" etiquette of love among the Han, I PrPugrpuies,for instunce,is an Iullows: t rake. ue used as love-letters. A coin is uked into the cake, which, at the first I >pportunity, in flung to the favored ob. 'l tent. The retention of this is looked upon n a virtual "acoqstartee;" its for. cnblo return, an intimation that the "at. - tuition." are undt%red, hm III“: In mouth for In new." and; I.” ma! an: In! manual, boar-o nun. lard ..lds. new IL no" command It: Wonk. - 3134 to hoop on but All unions lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at flrtt in I single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, androrcoughsotallkinds. " in " "1N“WAnr’uOcu-yho- ttteatin Drunk-mun, "an. Ill-Ila humid-oh mo world hr cough. and colds." LC. 'llllun, Aldu,N. Y. Ht .P1iiet.9_r tAe: Ways of Wooing. " a. "aVcrsriiraTiiua, SI d I WM an addkrpttod _ ynu advise me to do ,rr-44ee tb good veteri- out mmn'hing “Hit! own-r010“. lunbnnd I'm liiuing,--_ a ways of wooing thin a. and to most peep}. zany wall seem vary R saw a minute on In] all napkin, by it, "Free vI’I'm.’i - - You look happy. mu. I have found suitor ng prank of the s in large vine- ms lwrn shaded him. for tho” pvrmnm-ntly in opted guitor. His accoptance. the family of herHretrethal. A r, a openly and the bush to 'S her'by her In gnnnents. tO eloquenea rue parts of m demanded Among the bian Aesert, " tride to d And the turi r an Mor Id in life J walks one bet If he bud ‘pl 5nd wu one "ettrtriotttt a "ranged an " town: for Major F, H, Ayer, Advertising And Excursion Agent White Bur Line, ot Ihrtruit, was here on _s'atutisr, making arrangements for running an other excursion to Detroit, an (but Mich tor June 17th next This trip was» made last ymr nndvr the aus- P"'" of the Berlin Muuiul Sammy. lngernoll dolls: JO. INNES, THOS. HILLIARD, C:"\MPAIIY_. HEAD OUECE. WATERLDO, ONT. h Imldvm . _ 8|37Jm9.30 Inn-vase in "to2 - . s.M,85tJ'O _ Special advantages to total abstain- ms. Al forms of mound level pumi- ium. inwrnnvn issued. All ttoneftts [HP Mule "T continuous or limited in. slnlmvnls at 1110 option of llIeAssured. In $325311" iiiii m" mumhl. " Bold mi 301m, Lli,t ',,,,!IA,', r a. - Hudwm, Steven, Tinwm. P §9_I_i_d and Progress“; limitless written in 1902 - - - 1 Business in force Dec. 3lst, 1902 - . ' Cash Interest Income, 1902 - - - Death Losses, 1902 - - . The cash income from interest exceeded the death losses for the yr ar by - - - - - A hundmm-Vy "In-Inna -r. I‘m an enmnrm " my .et.tttlwt, m,"ptli Tums. " I Lecutyyy 5103”", " Bo a by lily-undying. Don’t Work "o-o-o-oo-ooo-o-o" lf/r, Mercantile Fire '""""--. com W - _ j) $titiititit Miriam Robt. Melvjn, Hhu'UfthuON TO DETROIT Hardwx e M President, SUBSCRIRED CAPITAL - - - - S250,000.00 DEPOSIT WITH l)()\HN!ON GOV"? - - 117,140,41 All Policies Guaranteed by the LONDON & LAchsmm: Fun Im SUKANCE COMPANY with Assets of $16,306,638. igisri, Life Assurancei E [fiiiriiiirtTiiTiifTsTiE"Griii" Results Of 1902 Alfred Wright, Secret I rate II 24 milk on the yoursdthtontemperttyin‘ totretadtahqf 1:00” BunWONDERm tty wheel attach-tr-tH - "dbeatreecreamr'reeaeroasthemaru; r Berlin Magical Smitty. e, ofthe most enjoyable of the year Mr. Area has Klan trt n-oral excursions from our ------r-- I We “me an an... J NSURA NOE COL That ANOTHER YEAR of very substantial Flagrant has been experienced by Présxdent HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT derchants. Plumbers and Tinsmiths q \IN'JA'WV‘ \ Z‘\ "ei"Mtri.evates TH E) Managing Director tlicy BOTTOM PEI 0E3 NCx‘X IN' = CN". N »\* '\ N'" \ INNS” “1".“ um. will appear evident from the'.fo1tuwiug Jtiihjf GEO. E. POTTER, ll per ll pm SIN2, [5_prr Coo. Waging”, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting. Store neu- Puat UM, ‘Phono HZ. BERLIN. Incorporated 1B'75, cent 11%.“) “Int, en t.. M, I!" E Economical Mutual h'rthmJh, Glugow beg;- itn municipal Wo- phone Intern Oro your: ago with " nub-cribs", Now there no 3.5M. All the” and M,900,000 mom" I you. Nine initiations took plan. " the In mouth; of the Du d 3... 'ltfa;2h'lalllllGt _ the mom. popular sewing machines on the mnrket. A perfect machine as well an s handsome piece of furniture. All the latest improve- menta. A complete not of attach- menlA with every machine. Call at the old stand. Fr.thtr3er..,......... B. Knell....,...,....‘ I. A. Maotti.J.P....,. tT.L,Jan-,......... u3.Brotut.upt......, Ron... Minimum... as. haw-melting“ P.gaoobr....,,....... C.Ptbrt...-....,.... funk Turner.C. I . amJ'utlnl-onnnuu town tor the John Pen no“ Doom Lang Hamlin": - - - _ h W.H.Bmocar= -- .- _ -- - & JooA.Roms-.--_- " . BOARD or mamas. w. H. Bawlby, u. C Net Asset.- lst Jun. 1900 $800.000.05 Amount at Risk . . $15,800.00!) 00 Govornmont Dona-n $86,800.00 JOHN FINNILL Von I? [MA-rum H P TrErEuDs.., 'insmiths WATERLOO. i wmxwtw away” swan/urn) JOHN RITZER, Muhgen for many new customers this“ son. Many for whom we hue installed Steam and Hot Water Homing Apparatus have been well l" .uuh pleased with the mm its of our work to highly re- r'rtrtm md us to their friends. 5m! have time to give nttentlon '0 m- le orders and would like to subr-‘i estimates to t tho war" mod work at tllut', prime RAYMOND ssriiiixinomes lilgqting on Heat i Mutual and Cash Systems. the tailor, the only agent in T. H Hall, Inspectol. OF BERLIN- Organized 1871. RITZER'S. tr. n. mag". - - Pro-Hon wnnwo 34,527,878 3345461420 $275,507 $210,696 ...-'rstrmtto ,....Huuhr ......Turoato _ _..tho -...w-g, VI $64.81 1 -Beru . Balm _ Berlin _ Bull In Berlin Berlin 30an Born a

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