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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 May 1903, p. 2

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Ri, 1b British ayltem ot nilw-y tug- 1ltihr . " perfect that not a single ' I . _.- hum killed within 15 IlElFd" m . The United States presents tala. "tartoe contrast ot tseventy-set- ."_}"’#Iou killed in 15 days. wr , ' rr :9” "ted l 1 V . " $rtr9siiitt'r" New - ' phi“: ot 40 per - .' r . "n'Ereidtetotr n " 1 1&1!in,» my to " was.» a minim I " C T tho any ttmht the)! m ii' :3: . Mam we to 4. '. "new on he date-tum . ‘ MII -ett#es. wuhvm I;;‘4.' - here-m. um- on tart 32“22,_‘ . “.009 in can ot the , 1W5 but”. TM “Iceman. an; iii“ It you: to run, um what was tc. [Mutilated tut nseriou: Iiubnny n. (ktit'do develop into one of the mom le aaseta of the city. i ' n. 81min Mat-us men have do- kCtt", to hold that Old Boy's Roan- _ .- In- him 1m, mm, “a ma. " aetre.. Mull-Chums! “a src/Nh-ttttes, an In. Chat. n. Kiln-I A) ' lat with“ u n v u, an Sum. m PACKING HOUSE FAIL - URES. (Sodom Expositor.) t A low years ago there was a great y” tor the establishment of mini M or cooperative pork curing and Wing establishments. Several new ,9Btablishmenta of this kind were et,',' and operated for some tune, t tor some renson or another none dthem seem to have resulted suc- ard/r Although the old establish , ts, such as the Davis panning house. ot Toronto, and some others Ttoem to have made money for all Meet!!! with them, the smaller co- “entire ventures have been a dis, _appoirttment. One was started at Patmerston, and if not entirely dir ”tinned, is in deep water, and the V ett ot operating at the end of the t year amounted to $42,737. Am “be: was started at Stouit' ille, .ml {now some of the shareholders are be Til; sued tor unpaid stock. A 'er' use one was started at lirantlori AM years ago. The buildings were extensive and ofthe best, and the equipment was in every respect up- to-dste, and its prospects seemed to heinost encouraging, but it, fun, is tho In a. bad way. The directors are now seeking power to borrow more money to carry on the business. Last you the tinitrhmi product ot this es uni-mm mounted to the lug sun at $650,339, and the sum paid for live hogs amounted to $586,trt8, hear- Elngngross profit of $63,491. But the r"working expenses amounted to $115, J81, thus leaving a direct loss on the 'yeu's transactions a- $51,0M, o" ‘f'hich $41,146 was loss on Canadian ‘hniness and $6,008 on old country ”has This is not a very encourap 1‘ showing, and this Brantford es- 'hblnhmut in one of the best oi ttn , ntive order. The bulk of the main all these was contributed by 'tmpegs and others who are not over Mined with capital, and on this no out their failure is to be regretted, It has heal thm germ-pl mime-Ion am. the immenbc uepueultural Wolka income ol constructmn at Hamil» ton were owned by the Deenng peo- ple ot Chicago. This, however is not “case. These works when complet- edqriil cover 85 acres of Und, and In owned by what is known as me Intonation” Harvester Co, This company is probably the 'troagtst “muted agricultural man- mum; Institution in the wntld, and and“. 0! tms tirmn of which a: Worm - 3nd Bearing Com- )nlel m the tttottt important. Al- tioug thus unmanned the Deering and Comlck harvesting implements will he mm ad their distinctive chum preserved. Two scans ol I501: " be kept on the road, re- making the two Menu landlines, aw the machines ue made tn “no atyttr ad under one central oi' Inca-mien: Havana: Co. G Am held their first annual lyttiN on? April 16th, a Wooten, ttu., hut little business other than “duct 0mm vu “muted. The 'attemtrq no the omen- for 1003:-. M%. Mr. Cm! H, McCormick; Widen“, “can. Humid P. “mick, Wm. Bearing, Wm. H. J”. John F. Gleaner, secretary I'll treasurer, Mr R. F. Howe; clun- Inn Executive Committee, lit. cm. tttg, aim“ “has Commu- . . W. Partial; dlrttenora, ”Gym Bentley, William Beer- ttiartt. boating, June: been“. an M. Fowler, EH. Gary, J. I. and», mum P. Have, Lhhmm I. mm, Willlun n. Jam. ,0”!- H. neon-sot. “no” P. Me Dunn. - IcCarmick. Geo. D. will. Noun- B. than. Char. may. you. N. Val, Pal D. Cre -7 "e""""'"-""'""' , me-tre-ie-leer, on) BOYtg REUNION A BIG COMBINATION. NOTES ma... cp- , P. _ . ca _ r' rr kw» t " " f4 “r“..-_.i_._ w. = G' , " 5, - w,’ . - illa' " up lllEE Rig. u R!' A04“. new; a" up - 5%.)“. , ' .0? 1).: t .- , 35'». I” i w, ' T _ Mau, ‘. tie-ee- 'thh.: _ ' I K a t“...'.“:.",.-1...**..:‘;..a M. I F " i ‘ :M " {he be , . '3. Ye “the “a - ‘ matinee. night, etc. new: _ the net we. be when every new one a the dowe- Lee. We! the price lied e "" was“; elect on the seller, in the turner. The lug. exporting tietrs who use the annul- new on our can steeper! one not at» to dun eo-trute. nth-nub were not be its ohm tron-the ”in: to In- ire-t the we huh; tub. The hope 1the! the who: would but!“ to - wtth 'hetm.adheetottsr iumen tohold on totuir cattle a: the and” would have to advance, conned the tumor: to keep hack their tattle The consequence Wu (hat our Inge exporting tirma had to look in: nude elsewhere to e very large ex- tent. The Chimgo market onerol special advantage to them and tor him; sensor: their operetions are prin- {cipelly directed in in: that point ‘Some ot theiegentl: "r-n speak very hlghly of the unperior quality of cat tie that ere adored at that market from the West, ud wish emphaticeilv to any that our Canadian farmers must raise the quality ottheir stock it they want to retain their hold on the English market. . Some of thr Chicago tste/its realizing 1c per In more in England to-day than our ‘Canadian stock. There is another fea- ture oi the market which deserves at- tention, Owing to the gratuitous at vice odered to the farmers so freely by everybodythis spring as to their position. the Canadian market today is not in as good n position as ii would have been, had the exporters been able to contract tor space in: the stock then in the farmers hands The foreign market cannot no con itrolled by us, and everything that ‘improves or hinders our posit"): lshonld be closely studied and ever) _advantage should be used to turtliei lour interests. There is tr large num- ber of cattle on the way to the Englisl market from the Argentine ReDuotie, and Toronto market is at present picking up some of our export with as stockers to put on grass ior in ture delivery, such as are not in good enough condition to demand the beat price. (London Telegraph ) Statistics published the other day at the annual meeting of the Royal Dental Hospital lend color to the be lief that people are becoming more concerned regarding the condition of their teeth. This hospital, which may now claim to be the largest and nest equipped out! klnd, he. 'mtetielly increased its utility by the erection of new and adequate premises. The total number of patients on whom operations were performed during the past year exceeds the record of the previous twelve months by some 15, 000. In 1874, the total was given as 19,255; in 1901, 70,040; and last year 85,284. An eminent authority on ded, tistry expressed his opinion that den- tal decay was greatly increasing es- pecially among the poorer classes oi ‘London, A perfect set of teeth in an odnlt are now extremely rarely found. {The hm atstttttettiM ham tor come time past been endeavoring to secure aperfect set of teeth for pur- ‘poses of demonstration. Such a set had recently been discovered, a .guardsman being the fortunate pos- isessor. The recent appointment of _ dentists had again brought un- ',der notice the question of the dis- GiaiarG, of army men because of lunsound teeth. For soldiers, particul- i!y.rlr. sound teeth ere most important. It is not so essential a point where ca soft diet is assured, but under {Camp conditions, " the front the point is oi vim Bignitteance, and hes imore to do with good health than good, sort diet is assured, but mule: camp cortdiUorty, " the [rout the point is ot vial Bigniftetuiee, and his more to do with good health than most persons realize. Anaemia, dys- pepsin, general maladies Ind slow poisoning are all traceable to un- sound, decayed teeth. Something ought to be done at the school: towuda checking the deny ot children's teeth, ma its preven- tion. Dentist: have been appointed In some cues to the National schools, but no In, although provision Us been mule to secure optical gttentlon- to: the children gnawing Bond who“, with!“ ha been proposed regnrding dentistry, a subject almost. " important. Twenty yen: ago In Bum anti-‘11 mount extrturtiotr, now; it wu reclined that care, judic- lons atoning. all For“ preventive manure- tn only I e were only cor- not. (mt tutor-y.-h it“ will!“ coincide-co occurred ”may In he birth at dundnk1\ to In. EA. Lieu, omen. Am a! In. In! “an. Brook street. Than two u. dies ne III-tan, their III-hum an brothers, ud any rum-d on the - Quint you. Tho - m born within M hour- at no! out an: m both “an all hallhylook- in. Thu um Bram. an the - a may mm. gun our}: arc-hm). (t,riltJi'hi,'i6i'! --" “v, ilk trt 'v, n =IleNWiITEL" [ “I w _ » ' - iEEEifE-F, 1:. Silt; Jtlgvttgeat'liiifi5ttiiit MWé-{mzl‘ MALADIES "toiti6ttq'intytereteft" “awn-ninc It.” 1stat.eag.haetst.iertte,ao6'hrto- ta'l=tg.'tr,1ht'l'.'rd'e egre-t-att.rair-t-iss- "etettdr.G-r'sstorr. new Whmnummlht can: at Mr. the-, and Jaded trem-wr-bold-thard- email-n. Mr/Jotiastoyritttre m tha gun-ct in the We: 1th tl'J,tiiii'ttntTdtgy,'tttrtti.t (in te'ttt .DuVunetJot Indium a not 'r.g.tntarr"" M tha Imp: Vi! mae will“. my into tin court to $1.390 demanded by the pan it u but: would trrant bin 'tUU. or he an “this to make auG%TAaiiuaFtrtitoFr.arrt Emmy“. in. whom he Ind Inch“ tttltgt tGase.dioratttre1trr- . however, an refused by tbe Myth _ slid . tht $1.2m "WI a In this. . . Blake then bean he speech. a. tt wandered the wove ol-the Rt. . 101004 of the Home vindtcet- te, tt Iltf thought 'c'pe,',it'd,t.- 0 " at My upon the . Re" In: no doubt " to the breadth Mmeofthem. end it we: I We of "tisiaetion that to wide e wove had been given. All the utter: ne into. he submitted. were eoyered I; the net. but he raised he you" n to whether it wee competent for the Connie-Ion to make u reppn. ctr 'igi'ltd't fetd a: y to report upon the evi- enu without making any futdiair. r. Bloke held that the Commission Ind power only to take evidence. Under the utntnte the whole function of the Commission wan to tnke and return the evidence. then the Legiala- ture might take such action as it dttpsed_vrope_r. ---_ . "iirrctiGajiisr-'ahere in I strong te.mpration on us to give effect to that However.Mr. Blake continued, ii the Commissioners thought it we: their duty to f", beyond the evidence then he won! consider what such findings might reasonably be. He would first Present that portion of the case as to which there appeared no reasonable doubt. He would then deal with the matters that were open to question. Mr. Blake then took 'Ill the oem- E,"'iru'l"r, relating to t e bargain. e read first the letter of Sept. no. written te, Mr. Stratton. and signed b My. any”, end Mdressed_to the Premier. calling attention to the sec- ond line of the second paragraph: "I We decided to give you my support." t in what the Government wanted. "t ask to be treated as if I had been elected to support your Government." There is the price. An absolute bar- gain of purchase and sale. He was elected to oppose the Government, but if treated m such a way he would support it. Then, there is the letter of Ahtar., sent to the Premier, to the same enect. m l Blake next took p the letter of Jan. 28, The Globe Lenin. and asked why that inter- wew was given. The bye-elections were coming on, and it was of ad- vantage to get such a statement. gut why not sublish the letters of opt. to and ct. 27? Because the maple would see that Carney was tight, and it was necessary to tone down what they desired to effect. Nothing could be more misleading than this paper. With the Premier there is the letter of Sept. to, but now it is said “touching a rumor" about Gama: relation. to the Gov- ...u. at a <olemn farce, when the bargai- - already made and the flare-tee in pouesalm of the Prem- er. Ought)“ three documents there can be n doubt about this branch or the cue. It matters not who made the_ approach. A Odd not. was found in the pigeon- ‘dl. I" “My kept." Referring to I statement of Mr. Stratton that the Mini-ton had taken the reports of Mr. Garner's change of attitude in I jocular manner, Mr. Blake said that, while it might be a. matter of amule‘ ment amongst the Ministers that e man who was elected as an 2'l'g"'iht of the Government 'should, un " the a'rttiuenee of I Minister of the Crown become In opponent of his party Gil I tumrter of the Government. toPiny it seemed} vtryorrievoa" pin. This matter, Mr. Blake held, was known to other members of the Gov- ernment, for Mr. Stratton had said that 1 e had mentioned it to four mem- bers oi the council before the council min]. Ind ufterwards mentioned it butch! my. '/T.he 1?outsh.t and On January 27 Frank Sullivm wires Gunny. "Most important that you be here," had on the followimday Mr. Hammond in informed by r. Strat- 00n that Gabe; in in town, and will give " interview. He pointed out that there must have been some con- nection between these circumstances. Haring read Gamefs letter of Febru- u'y gluing that there was 1 row on, t it was hlrd to satisfy hit peo- tht that he might have to resin, Mr. lake ”cued t " the t Y. L. letter of February " was Mr. Suntan"; re- f.r He did not care whether the X. . z. letter was given to Mr. Ford or Mr. Shanon; it and the enclosure could not lave come into existence without that letter of February p. The letter and melon" lay : "Nd retina- tion. I 1m going to land by the in- terview, of Juicy 93f - - _ Another nutter of great weight in showing the Mania is the interview of lunar, 'ts r. Stratum, according to Dr. Inherhin. upbraided Mr. than for the pm he took in the re- m Inn-chem in Perth. What m m it to am“! unteu there 3n} Mada} _ Mr. Geyer gm ob- Kgsd tite,'",",; lilrdt,i)ti,",tj'ii ttiltMitiiithtrt4tnGl! hrnhhophh. Hm Mr. Strat. 'qteakeeeari6ttathearxte+ Mr. d=h,',,tht,t'ne,t,g,,t tatt Hellman“. o mum. who a Mandamus in. thtt_irtaratBr-gNeettsYort In" can“ on no he m “mined that Gil-0y than " net the that link. "uhtterseemtdssotb- M has” "hat would make the b.plditeiC, -- agaaiazmfim;: 'i.,iiiieiiifigiiiiE Mull-Mind. Vault if 't'i'iiiiqh'2i'it1t51',rNiRi byhhM AMI”? u Mr, itiik -- 'iideki'VG In: hurry from butduis in the Us" to' when! ' Mr. - D1-hrefthettt-,U- iici"iiiG'hudtt Rhone-h. I and the to. _ " tbet arm; . itil 'vlilt,tl c in. was b - half (kn- m h a. whole ieseqtuthrrr9. was ~31!me 'E,'lru'l'lfJ iih? m a derartPem ol an". 1oT,fttlttt vcgy In}! 1H. 't m u it"l,'h tl do summon:- "lt, bet h t iniUsitelr Iota in Bet taetthee b help you c. _ tti/rar-ttttar-ir'!.--) - mm it'ittgttriii'i, that the. um Uta. ex. 'atctt m I“ h “also. than it‘d hm " n " qbrt4ort yes on the at. rod: or mu. But‘unuu JIT. = hilt - any event the statement at Mr." the . m l gun" u to ' and“ on sew-h untu d thrill-GB. and 'xeatlm be! . In theolutely upset tr, the -- held w Min an “m trid- ot R.J. Amazon t h,.m. tut Doo- vould be one or.» end Gene, were at the moon?“ “Uta event-Innate in theme growth. A: to the nth the eliH'ttlct. The clultmu Rev Me S . iit Mr. Stutton u weak. Mr. yiFFliri 'm - NI lull ence- f . PL We statement Ihowed that it was G%iaiiii In”: In "ut' Me with ten minutes here M d Botgm io WW) and twenty there to ban! over the be 'ty-. thong. It seems almost impose Il hs the "an. I Frbtie tstep- wat to. v. the question whether it was W in honor at the bias-WV cel- paid on the 9th, 10th or nth. iiF-lessratim, ol the birth at the t null ther than that there wu ample tiiiVlirtU Mqtttodiat couch mo w" for Mr. Shelton to hand over then" Thee. ' . ea What tome one else to do it for? I l in . good-Inn! come him. . outcome is that the money “hon ist "1tuat Ttae. It. W III there and obtained as described. 15mm wesided, “d '." aatrbttU it The Ovid!!!“ of the cab drivers is ‘1'. deeotiogut “new“ trrRerv. C measly corroborative. The defence D, Duper. at New Beauty ttev evoke of winging evidence in rebut-Ems Jami-on at than: lv' tel. but as this was not done it -eiTliiiiiidiii lift y T ' gn c ' dently could not be done. It was“? I orwal “a ot John “I very “range that with all this money, hula Valley, the tonne! be” hon 301p; and people who needed it none“on June, 17th. 1703; attd the latte of it got home. He called the al't"e'citeamber, 18th, 1708. He 'vor tron of the court to Frank Sullivan'thI their parenuge, “Nil 'ttectnt8 a ek'e'st,rt"lf,di'e',ag evgdence that l ',"g,trre,',e'ihg and roots,'thale strihim . . an can o n C coil BnCe* a“ 'r . I p.iek 't m the departme‘hets 'ilhoc,ell'atdl",'.%'l th _',",',',',', the lmm aan no? w ich by means of some of the) or ' I'" nerlormed by th, 1eLrul.ators he could turn into money. tWesleye in their liretime. He brietl. It " evidence of a man absolutely [alerted to the doctrine] teachings u reckless of truth. His GsGia1ithet Waileytr. It is evidence of a man absolutely! reckless of truth. His absolute: ahameleasnesl in giving testimony vial en outrage on decency. A bold. hardened sinner. He would not give the evidence as he did if the matter were only his own, Sullivan went into the box to protect his master, Stratton, to shield, to make a case to shield his master. Then there is the Ibsolute dishonesty of the man, for he only wanted Ganr, m be a friend oi the Government t he of the use he could make of huu, his endorsation as a member was worth money. His untruthfulness and wickedness are un- blushing and without remorse. He seemed to .Imile when he (Blake) did not know how 1 government should be carried on or on a clerk could pin]: up knowledge in the degznments which through a willing mem r of the ngislntunt could be made use of. y if one kept his eyes and ears open " the Parliament buildings he could turn his information into money. He.also called the attention of the court to the mats of contradictions between the evidence of Frank Sullivan and the men at the piano factory. He asked the court to note the discrepancies; between the evidence of Mr. Stratton and Mr. Ayiesworth, and Mr. Strat- ton and Mr. Hammond, also the state- ment by Mr. Cavers. He called at-' tendon to the incontestable 1',',s,t,i,,',noonng of Mr. Aylesworth and Mr. Hammon . the circumstances of which showed that it was correct, and which negativ-' ed the statement made by Mr. trat-l ton. Mr. Blake referred to the let-t ters of Frank Sullivan and others re-) specting concessions, and said there was not a word of Leye,'?/?ryy.r against those rank parasites who were allowed to batten and grow fat upon the public without a word being said in depreciation of what they were do-, rig. l 'm' all tits statements, MY. Blake went on, the witness was utterly and absolutely untruthlul. He made state- ments out of whole cloth. Mr. Blake referred to the etfrontery oi the wit- gess in_makjng such a 'tatement that "Ther consider that the position of a Minister of the Crown should be a very honorable one, representing, as a Min- ister does, the Sovereign o this world- wide empire. It is a hifh place, and I high position begets a arse responsi- bility. The Minister of the Crown in to be measured by no ordinary stand- ard. If your Lordship: will observe be oath which he is bound to take : he iI to serve his Mejestf' the'King faith- lully, honestly and tru y ; he is to have regard to the honor of the Klan. the good of his, aubiects, without tet/i,','; tty or iftection, m no wise' for “in; us to do from any manner or respect, fevor, love, need, 1t'le,gya to my person or ery:muwtt.aterer: e "can that he will be “in.“ diligent end cireunupeet in all is dealing: to the utmost of hia power, will and discre- tion. Atterhwhet we have heard it seem. almost a wlemn mockery toedd 'So help me God.' The honor of the King, foraoothl Who dare send our to his Majesty a copy ot the Mdisput- ed facts in this case, and tell him that in the manner in which the Minister: of your Province of Ontario care for your honor. We may well cry woe to the land it this in the supposed loun- teln of Justice and honor becoming the pol-and stream, polluting the lend with in rank and vile pom ' which de- mdee and no: the lit: at our people. a - - ,‘___ "_-__ ,,ttJ8td8lilttr.'fIrg'ttrg,',,'lt 'ttyeh-te,.) -- um’ HM MftNtt'stu'2'at Chamberlain's Coca M. Wt: Colic. Mon n! Din-rhu- lo-dy. . 'tsrBomtcmrqhttrts My“ Chamberlain’s Remedies. tlumber-e hi. loll. ' F er - I" > ' i “r: a " Eur“; ttlf “A w lltik4lt, 'W", C" _i,'s',?li,a, KH", ., ', g " l, T M _ . m a "_ 1'" it - ' rg iumh " T PM hy-’ ' t Edit-jg" 'd l, , " Ei, EI ' M, T 1 New at a'..L%IE ' n a», " "Pt “Mr' "ti-ith-tat ' It ut'rtai.itutiigtt.'; _ . win it" h Mal r,?B.r"iys,, and in Mom hmmmqvmu if ittyeeettthfeftttet1ttr hm .. '. jumps-mummchmu with can may. amen-gum.» sutietq, In .0! sun-n. Ida-hue. In n- ,dqu -oitarhiaqiatlttrt, iTA. not-tumor the it"Jlt ,"ll 'ltl",tihT “in? ”“2: r'd'..'g. "m“; atall. Mgt o v ' " me- ' m. an {services held lute-d gun the Aftct- 35% win cl otr't.admaMg -1 ,noon. tutlto-wmeldtreaaerotutc lanthanum-Jaw 2t 'test villa.“ “nut-tun" in the ms. the North-est. Tb minus-.17 T trict. Tho chairman, not. hit. Sni- militia-l tot the "" and.“ to in“. witt no in. trut- u. Inning $2,111. a 11mm .1 m: ttte up ammonia: nude sou to new) you. Tho asses-out lud- Iu'o h- ula“ We chug-n. clean! tit' during 1.01. I In the ave-lug A public meeting was A communication was read iron: At?! in honor ot the bimtewv eel the 0mm Iii-io- Board ream-s Ptrreue oi the um: oi u. made. an Wesley “can“? Mahatma. lor the muslin much, John Wes and the ninin; ot I and“ 'e'asime :10. Them was I good-sized com" "r ttsaab-tttterin' m; Octobe! or tn/rs in attend-, Rev. D. u $250.01"). The animal opinion w iSniger presided, and “I new“ ir nun-d by tho but»: "mm 'the devotional exercise: by Rev. c an what In um u might: in: ID, Drum. ot New. Pin-abuts. Ravi - "I Chm“ ll making this lw.s. Jamiuon, ot “caplet, ga" t. up”. lollowing very closely on the lame-mid ill-tonal mm oi Johl um Ttrmtieth Century Fund and Um St. (Charles Wesley, the format being hon June: Church Relic! Fund. An inter- (on June Itth, 1703; mad the haw. esting discussion at the mare: took ion-December, 18th, 1708. He spoil .3194» 1nd it was tiruuir decided to (he mam-(1W1 Casino-nu; wort b 'tim “I t A 'schednle‘ or More] Reforms sug gested by this depaitmwt of the Gen eral Corftereesc,e was submitted, an additional retoirng which the Gal {District decided were necessary were Better Anti-Gambling luvs; and . better observance of the Lord's Da on the part or the Electric rsailwa, Companies and large corporations. 1 wu 1180 suggested that the presen more! reform luvs would he bent observed it they were more simpl expressed, - _ - -_.- r--w'-uvv -.- “w"... - preachers all roeu,'thelr Striking Rev. “LE. Permit ottu1t,was neurones. and the immense Waoan tendered a hearty mic cl mph-ete- olwork that was perlormed try th, tion on motion ot Rev. M Junie Wesley: in their lifetime. He brietr. son. end Rev. A.E. Lave". tor 'hr. teterred to the doetrittal teachings V work he has done in this District, end the Wesleyl. within; him God--.' inhls new Rev. A. E. Larelle, B.A. ot w. field ot lehor in Varrocrtr, where terloo, gave en excellent and v-nthus helm: been called end will probably instie address on the “Possibilities e lent bdy the Stemming Committee. we. Future or Methodism in Canada.' hie! ad tassel Iupporting the m- He spoke ot the marvellous growl olution, were made by Revs. G. W. ot the church in the put, its prescn lurker. C.W. Cod”. and DAV. Sui- position, in the country, and var la: and Messrs. Thus. Hilliard and confidently bespoke an even greate ‘ohn Taylor jr. Rev. Mr. Pmott. prosperity in the Iuture than she he eplied in 3 very feeling 'ttinner to enjoyed in the past. The missmnar he kind words expressed work in the Great Northwest and itr Alter the reading or the m‘nutrs .l.e importance was tstso referred to. the meeting adjourned. Ar. J.B. Weaver sang "Just So -----_-.--- To-tur," in his usual finished strle. A EARNER CURED OF RHEUMA- MORNING SESSION. _ The general meeting of the Cal District opened at. 9 o‘clock thi morning, with a. full attendance c lay delegates, besides the mimstcria representatives reported on Wmines day. The lay delegates present are Masts. John Taylor, in, Gait; E P. Clement and A. Bricker, Berlin The... Hilliard, Waterloo; R H Knowles, Hespeler; P. E. Shanta Piston; J. P. Lacuna“, Elma: H. Hagey, Zion; Alex. Gray, Ayr G. B. Robb, Sheffield, W. Markinsou Linwood. The schedule of membership and tin ancial statements ot the various cil cuits in the district were read, an handed over to the :uditors, Mr. T Hilliard end Rev. G.W. Barker. An impressive memortal"iiiiuc was held in memory of the death 0 Rev. Jas. McAllister "ot Gin,' dm ing which Rev. WE. Peacott o Gait, read asuitable biograyhlca sketch ol the departed and much at termed fellow minister. The lay delgntez appointed the tot lowing represrmafivm to the Con ference which meets in Bunion! dur in; the ttrat val: in J-- “all John Teylor, in. Berlin, A. BMUlt mm, J.G. Wing; Waterloo, Thea. Hit Herd; Preston, P.E. Shaun; lies peier, CM. Schultz; Zion, D. Sorhy sumac, 0.8. Robb; Elmira, J. P Luehhardt; New Hamburg, Mum: Bean; Hawkesviile, Walter Xutinsoi, Linwood, Geo. Copeland. The out ulstrict meeting of Ur Methodist church held in Berlin con cluded on Thunduy, Ind mNtsidor wlo human ot import-m. mus my, “acted. At the “can: General Cur tetanus legixluion wu puma giv- ing the munch the otthoritr to " Iect their npmtauvu a the 1'Ut' lou- commune: of the "tttrat can» In“ This work wan formerly dam at the only ot the mun-me nnd tu chain or the numcn re pre-tati'" on tho Sundown; Com. mttte “on qMth we Chum, MF and in “We. a! Ree. A.r. Laval. who in probably no yen-5:3 aitrt'tl, '13.“me 'S'k. . . I " «gym» . tJMn'tt' "tt'tb/.',,1'ar/lt, 3Lrttrqt, - at the 0min; ot the “threat-e um It would “he on or go dam balm: mmm. veto owned unr- rudy for work. Br the Dutrieta, ttl- "ting their manhun- to the all“! commits” an when m n "a all a an Pm and. and and» ”out; um mm M tAs Morena. C. A, u. Lure", Wh., at Mr. Thou. mun-u, a! " "ehtth we" Maggi has!“ the Chaim. Ru. DM, Slat. to with “and mm cl in District du- trtthetee. u, -, ___- THURSDA Y SESSION. , " " I“, III-(WI! .yee-dirt dam "bm. TBr ' fin-chi [mum and” h A win “to“ ht Zion. . tte-rt and trteettag um be W h Pt-Mn. , Nasiout it in his no action ','A mu: living on h tarm lieu het. aineittohort time Mo, completely ioubled up with rheumatism. lute- d him I bottle of Ctuunbertaitt's Puin Balm, and told him to use it reeiy, Ind if not satiatUd the: - " it he need not pay . can for it," my: C. P. Radar, ot Patent mm. CY. "A few by: later he 7.11:0! nto the store as straight as a string Ll'ld handed me a dollar "ring, 'give ne another bottle ot Chtrtuoer1nin's Pttitt Balm. I want itin the house ‘11 the time for it cured me." For sale by tll druggists. Mail & Empire:--" the meetingol he tanners' section of the Bond ot Yade yesterday the members present xpressed themselves strongly in fa- 'or ot increasing the mite of lather. his step is considered necessary in law ot the recent heavy “Name in who: and material. It is altogether robable that a. senenl meeting oi he tanner: will shortly be called to tiscuss the situation. Thd Iollowing committee was Appointed to wait up- on the Government at Ottawa with elerence to sevenl chum in the napection Act:--F. G. Dame, Att- orn; A. O. Beardmore, C. J. Miner, r,'.R. Wickett, md J. C. Brclthaunt, lerlin. The dillerence ot 1 cent per 'tr., between No. l. and No. 2 hides ms “30 discussed. but the nutter was deterred. Mr. HP. _ Barnum It Mt at law, in Greenville, B.C., had been roubled for tour at tive years with a ‘ontinudul cough, which he an. 'gre-tly dumbed me, omen; mete Gut-bu lwu in the am stage ot Melamine." Mr. Bung, hull; when Cumberhits's .Couh Remedy sdvertimd, concluded to trr It. New eitutemerhble chase and alter read whet he an o! it, "t new using two bottles of the turtsettrAi" sent Illa, wu permanently mrrqd.-- Sold by ell drttggirU. . At thallium; ttt the Guelph Pru- hytery in m. Andrew‘l Church. ot Guelph, on Tuna”. it wu resolved to prep” the “may expense: of comm-linen to the Gene“! An- mnbly. The all trom Chalmm church. Tm. to Rev. ILA. m Phat-Ion, oi Knox church, Acton. was 'rom-ted in the form, by commun- ion-1 from no Toronto Prawn”. at: new: Immued an be m it " _dttty to - the all. than]!!! the Plantar agreed to the munch. to take Meet on - n. It. Blur will an " moda- ttot d Knox church. Acton, during thou-my. JEATHER MAY ADVANCE IN PRICE. FOR WI. or!“ VIA” " WARM. tr." .. , m; an. equal. Mr GREATLY ALARMED, CALL SUSTAINED‘ TISM. mummy-Ugh ,1 'at'l.Tatg',,tJ, -." " i 1Ta'd'llra'l'_ . , 1 I'll! WORM “If“! "00.96““! II!" “M". VF nun-mug: l. . - a A. hm. T Some u chin to all nothing bat Octagonal: Inn I beg to whom to the 'titittent, of the Twin-City that I Am the Ota.r ON! who has I Cold Storage phat,md ohmic” the only one ,ho an MtMtm that was]; “unison but! together with mean ot - dam-iption. WATER”!!! HTML Joann. moan. motor. Beware?“ "N mm non: can“. 'l The My . illltsatlllllarlitst London tr-.-" mm atrium» ly In the N- me time Mo, the - amp will come to Cullng's Hughh on the “I: ot June next Fot nwlllo ugood den] ot uncertainty pmuled, u to "ether Maura OE London woulc calm the visit at tho to! out this nu. but Col. Pete". 0.0.0., bu received orden lrom mil- ttuy badminton n Dunn maylng that m an, would he here on June 9th. This with the tact that con- tract! tor amp applies were to he “one. lot. at“. the nation be- you! All doubt. wut corp- will co'rp, hm n- not mud in the our-w. but “in thtriqtst that m and num- ber at about We tho-Ind rel cont: MI'. “tel that an: on the Hatch”. mucosmwhuu. “a ""teriu"r'-smatar-aersm III. tk-Arr-a-re. Gm was...” Biet-nargtm. LIn-vhlunu-o h. Mum: nor-ls 'mh.!dhmr'lhuh (Lona-him. Imam-mum 0‘41".- w um qeeh.rartn. mun The III Bulb you; mm I'M) m we! with crating A sit-mi an. II “who on Sunday mm. m the - M ttt Co!" by M.“ tho W “JON - in " B ..-A lug. ottdlllgtitgttt,ariitl"g. in tho Twin City. Al's,- good _ Ind tender. ' "' _ mama-ring. can mu.‘ as HELD IN LON- DON. s Bold Storage Beef “ml-5"“... &.l.l I“ " “nu-u... ___ " FP-fr-r..- "t"""er1eti?tr.._ fyrty-t_iiw4trm- y ash-mm ttr I‘m -t v I .e_n.rt-r.s EMIRBOUGHDOO'Y. W‘ w. mrmam. It. Lu a! mum's r “mama-nu ". inthooulyphootoget WI. SPAETZBL. I . Ft "up Dani-o. ”a” ”an an lmitations. Allin- M a El

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