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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 May 1903, p. 8

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I? _ dawns“: you If not * [toil- Ouwmhm “gumb- Homnl’d' Does " Give raiiriTrtL3tions' In. wad: Home . . ts:" . Jamel! Bros., i', m: Record-The in. ot tom:- ‘h‘m Dominion Walt originated try Lord bulletin, who during his term cl tT,'tgA',th'tl ttere, went a tar v. u the Punk: coat. The km {an “uncut one, but the tour “I! ha m u soon as possible - tho governor-geaenl's install:- tinl into otticm, us his duties might. be gunned to better advmugo with knowledge he would mum: from not an maximum with the coun- try and “I Whining. Our '5orerrtsora'-generL " e on' the whole, been men of wisdom and aotatit judgment, From Lords L'lgin and Durhun, to Lord Minn, they havebeen man who have won the re. M ot the Candie]: people and they It" “so been men of pronoumcql cul- t“. It it told of the late Lord Ihtt- letin, that during " visit to Windsor he we: presented with an mans: in 'iwistt,-towhiett he replied in Eng- “It: he we: Blgo presented with one tnPreneh, towhlch he replied in He knotty of the Gauls. Crossmg over toDetrolt, the Germans presented himwith maddress, to which hr. ro- aponded’in their own tongue, and mm who to an :ddress from the Italians inthdr native Doric. Lord Dutteritt's volatility was very notable Lord [into haatmed the high ottiyt to which he has been assigned with ab- ility and tsatisfaction. His immediate Wot, Lord Aberdeen, WLS more widely known because of his demo- mtic tanpemment, and that ol his excellent wife, which made them ot “tbs people," Lord Minto is esaeut- hlly toddler, having honorably ac- quitted himself in Her Majesty's won in the east. The welcome CE- tolled“) him yesterdoy is also in- dlmtivo ot the regard in which he 1?le held -iry the citizens Bda! It. 0.J.0.. Oster, FM” an, MOI, Imus, J.J, A. Rex v. Bullock “d stevens-Jute meat (E.B.B.) on motion by defend- ants tor lave to appeal from the verdict ind senbenoe recorded bg the Judge ot the County Court oi Wa- terloo. who tried defendants without vulva, - an“. nun-u..." _'__ee"ie"e" ejury upon scheme ot breaking and aiming eshop in the Town ('1 Gan, and found them guilty and sunseuced than to " montha' imprusounast. Th. tttmuMis" is tint defudanu should not have been tried together. but the evidence against each should have been considered Bepartsteiy. The .Court held that there we: su ticient divergence cl "diesU1 th mien, es shown by the decide- in Regine v. HcBemey, 4 01.. Grim. Gas. and Rex v. Frye. " Cox 0.0. tM, to My grcntiag leave to appeal. No optimum“ " to the paint and. The Judge below to state A QUE GOVERNORaGEN E tt AL can. J.M. Godln'y tor defendants. J. R. Cartwright, K.C., tor the Crown More Fuconbridge, C.J,, Re Bad- en Mm Ctr-LEA. mVemch. for Mltionet, moved tor winding-up order. W.M. Douglas, K.C. [or cout- my. Order granted. Menace to lo- od m a Berlin. Nth-The cow trr-uw in svidentlr IMMW in this put olthetown- my. Cowl man u will in deftagtoq anoint, maximum tgps-t he]! B Mp eye on that: tea _ I“. We no am usd' that lunacy bu ceased tot. . virtue? tnt" men-Tho bulk ot the sun beet m in hen need in this community and agood rain would be mm; Tho can an Ml ,rtq" - no misting somewhat ham trotigttt.-atr. Jncoh Snider was his woolly m Int weak. bunn- " tho one ot Dr. Webb _ol Wftmoo. JUDGE MUST STATE A CASE. ""'rVaGiaiiiiamik vocab“! ot Berlin m the must ot In: Beulah ShqMed 'P, a”?! Petey an. and In. 3&4 a lit-Mg“. “Ovid“ at It. And In. J. a” - and other nmm- In that malty m- wui. It. Sank“ mun-l a. CE. tr-ttM wry w my a - 1rrgrhr--M?" trhqheed Atirtuud A In irii7ttiili a any mm tMe-ah-eu. Tttt ad mm and and axial- at can“ at». m- ”can _Joo new!“ d Bloom-(dd. mm mum! at- u d - -tte.--arr. A. “ “a d 'mloo pm a vial. to“: - M My)“; A. “I d huh. “I “I - a! ”an. it. II. I“. on- u , , FA m at MD".- ”no. u. but". "5-“! BLOOKINGDALE r""airimraaiu __ "0' p, "in-In iUAiu,etret. Y, nmuu t) a! y ' " - . - l "ttdi3ltlFii . C' 'N ..‘ E 3“ , d J, , , . palm-v." '4 I. " my 8 In" I. ',".. ' up his "tre.- " 'ttdn',', is“ with ”undid- tio 1h tact-cf tumult. It m but my to We. a. opus-nuns. which III -toemt' tart Wuhan-My by Dr Hewitt ot Gullah. Dr, Hooch: ot anloo, ml De. More. At at time of mung, In. 1110111950. in in & mum coiutiuon. A rum cum aryutetn" ml. “Ar-nth. uni-m 1',,t,'Pg'g! can - Oh. no. in“ - tttttgreet " hill . - of Mum-'1 ra- Bum, and ma Man was " ”may, and it not “and “a! - lag tthe need no?” . cent toe it," an C. P, Rapid ' at Pawns Hills, NY. "A tew days Utrr he walked {moths “on " “night as .1 string “(Handed menial!“ saying, ‘givo me “other bottle ot Chmmllh'n Pun Balm. 1 want itin the house All the time tor it cured me." For me by m W. Heetpet" debated Elan in an ex- hibition game at Pie-pole: on Sat- urdny try 4 goal: tef. - __ w Sodom hast tsotiBed Secremry F. H. Hall, ot the C.L.A. that they will not play senior this you. but yin enter the intermediate Ieriea‘ Arrangements hue been completed tor an exhibition pm. ot ltcrosse in Hespeler on Saturday, the 33rd inst , between the Berlin "Creseenta," and the Hespeler team. The locals have been working out well ot lute and are in very good shape for the much. ENOEL- At Waterloo. May 5th, the wife ot Herman Engel, on. son. KLINCK-- In Woolwich, May 12th the wife of Hen? Klinck of :son. MUSSELMAN- ear Yatton, my 6th, the wife ot Jacob Muwlmn. olnson. WITWER-- At New Hamming, May 7th, the wife of "cot, Witwer, ut a daughter. JANTZI- In Wilmot, May 8th, the wife ot Moses Jami. of asnn. FOX- At New Hamburg. May mm the wife ot Charles J. Fox, ot a. daughter. G1N0ERICH-- At Tavistock, May 3rd, the wile of John R. Gingerich of u hughter. DUCK- At Preston, May lath, the wile ot E. J. Duck, ot a daughter. LEWTT- At Preston, Mir m). the wife of Fred Levitt in. ot a. damn IS] SHEPPARD - PFEIFFER-- Atl Winghun, May 7th, Frances Shep- pard ot Hamilton, to Clara Ptelt. fer, eldest daughter ot Yurick Meme: ot Preston, SMITH - KrB'rNErb-. At Presto- on Mar 9th. George Smith to Ella-r beth, (Dollie) KM»! Prawn. roman -. PORBtrrER-- At Erbsville, lar 12th, It the resi- dence of the bride'l intents, Reeve um Mrs. Louitt Koohlox, by Rev. E.A. Schulz, or.Wauriet, Jacob forum at Embers tp lbw Koch- a. 1EENtHilR- At Elwin, In 12th, Susanna Hangar, relict ot the Inte men-e1 longer. mil sandman“ of Mt. OI. Umbcch, [many of Wuwloo. not! " ”an, 1 month, and 4 an. BTRAUB- In Woolvtch. Mar ttti,l “low Icy am». - many- no rm", 4 math- ml " an. SCHULTL- n Pram. In, “I. at; wuuu C. s-tts, II in: Al'gr181 " Pg-hrs, In "I. m but. all. I Pitt Join a... to. un- 'tPray “Ti ie,N" , t'iit4i!?s't': t, i,) s MBR- MM. has...” luau-muclll "e Mammal.“ B0qmAtG.. At TM” It. =na"al"tt'g,f AG'h'gttt. n GGL; hr m.n-¢JM-adlw Atgtt'alTdt, m “I'm" 1... ant.” 'ltil'tltiiii1i,'t:i'i'.'re eg 1 M" ggg'gg“ itn,.,i'g iiii5'lii'i)'isf.i'ltit, "_" Gt:, "'6BrtrWS0.el'NrP't" ' ..1--u. ling" hon: but" e"" muc- wu MW: BIRTHS MARRI AGES. DE ATHS .7” "t T a.T- cl ttt 'i'liiliiii'i,1t 'i' :2.tt: 'iii'GE ttt “M“ - 1'PL"g,'tttol8 a '.lti??y?i!,rAt ER,: fikhrwi 1?It' 2.rt2iii7 Fi7ieRiediet 1tt1,1y 2itt2b"til iiitiiiih - ~lh-tldl0‘ his! Me',u',tua1t i','4'l/'iilt Ptufta'flt' t in” a. an: ' a 'tht, 'llte,rt2rA.iti. Qua mgw“m‘““’ w. n, In") W- "tiaa-iitiiautu_t_n."""" ulo'clool. ©naagRmmpeA8rBr 13.415. 3mm t.ri7riirrFitTGiTGGibii,tuNs,tt.t.te IIT Grg'hir.r-%G'tGnrGih iiii; '34.; Gun. no kia' an; B'pnton. m a wa no In at can. at an Toronto can. ”in "5-me annually navy. but In. ”and on»: can upon an]. In. and - Inn fair" nu In. an!» tor W mm in fg,egltMi waits mgte9gqr and. arr-nil good AM tho in“ m (cod. other iin-Ihoviitthcham. ”and” as": mm - tt% W”: per Mr owns “and “mud. no and godm- st"tlnitSl? 2 can. My!" 5 Ola-h. I p, _ W m FiiiG.-st any 1 m. or I run 0 an 3333” In navy. us! prion than “can“ no to to w in". leln‘ ud- man at mil. dais-l lur- bought I hm number at out]: " um what. The” '8! manor-Qty mu: comm! tor cam. hero at the It use drovon luv: bun akin . Tb- of exporter- otrertntr In tux-1y t nd had " not ban that 5 number " were bought ‘u Inert-hoop - are might haw itteen.Nrthitrarogtinpr_. All! - in. decline in quoutionn is about We par cut. The -rat run of choice export an]: laid n about '" to I.“ Lf, gagudimn grade told at about I Buick-or Cntti-'rttetro wu . heavy run but tho demand continued good. and Wm Inn won maintained. Qua-lion- comm» About unchanged. Picked lots laid It no to I per out, “If to good u 'tartov,ordittherstrorR88tqr.. Junk.“ Faction-TM d-net- - coon. and prime ‘u'rounm m wail mint-ind and Mandy. A in“ numb; ot an gluing! lexyorgor Ie'? "iiiii7ioiii" Ti; .rGr"tTGiirmGaa. Tteo. onl no new mm: Strrdil"gu',"d MA', run t'. on" ocean. An m r I attttm FriaC%iihdjaiCitkniqPkto.rA no), and not. In a continua ma to: - m- lhoen “(I Taunt-Trad. was Mr]! nod. and “mm: m gold. Pric- ot - and mung- had In alter ton- auncy. And prospect- tor than Ire lover. Opting lamb m ubont - And can! egg-.9091 If: "?tet leeAeqt.h, u," .WMWQ Tomi-mm '"s"r'a"J'-'tlt "by m" ....- rtirrit ugh: I comm V0, run ",ta'drt'tn,tlr, we to we per m. Saloon as quoted at S.” per an. and “this um M " $.76. In: mdrato Cattle lurker. III! Balm my tto-atom' so bold: may; 'yt-tite, tow. " to uuo- common to good. .60 to “.18. iioii7iuaFtE 3.5m head; mm mm and Mr WW. I.” to 3.66. I few I”; mixed. at to sun; Yorkers ma pin. I.» to as: maths. a.» to an; M. M to $4.9). Sheep and lamb-Mar- “PM 8,0M) had: “only; top mu, 3.” t7Friiiffctrtriood,8fAt.yeyfigte- nun l to " cm. “I to an; cheep. 'giiinttt' 31.80 to it“; can: to good. IL] m {LI " “at; "uni. .o... nu a..." Given. It.” to 84.86; Ten- ted W. " to 4.15. 'Mtr.-'tefP'g (0-day, 1.1m; to- narrow. m, ' left over. LEI): owned WK um cloned So to We lowar; mixed an ntchen'. “.5 to $3.50; loud to Quote. hag. 'g.it!r_to_$6fr, logxh‘ let. uni-w “a... Wm - w.-. _-'-.."- _'"-"" _v u to $0."; light. w to 8.3): bulk of we! at It”. BWMpu. 7.0.0: map may. lamb- ftt14 to lower; Er." to '.olco "an .204 Alums. at se' tl'aittgiiit2i1.ir:ittii'iit may of 1tt't'tl out I.!""". (tiii Thing“. Grey ,ctt atmtNuyeset:tStthttS- $3 uri; n: a75iiiiifrtifeeht CatiT71' 77752 tiq " WATERLOO Elm. m .'T,'S't 'trif"'8a.toiadvr: Tonto Lin Staci. Mg Wheat Kuhn. 'ii.trariLi"ti; tihv," Hindi-nu WANTED MUM Chicago Live Stock. I" w ttle - Ready”. 't M; good to prime moors. UT, to medium. " to H.8r, M u to $t.NeLeowa. NOTICE " and In $.ttaM,7,rl)tlh'll, “I 'gbTiyiiiyie"t' _ FYiei' is; :11 .u .u .3in but , Oy-pton o my“. $t 5 Inch- in ICIVOI Oink” which-nth 11'0wa bl! Aldon " ,gtrtpI'l2tINyY4'itAl1'; ""- 1fiiiiiFi; Ric “(.1903- “,1 9‘69? FAU, 1trhttotee,etrA',N “loamy.”- “lulu-ul- rvr"‘v- t “a. m MW. 1 “In I)! " V.” Ill-uncut "commune 1't,t2'll'l't 1 tg,t,titi'tl', .1 ttttrs “a“. M oodd Jill“ gamma“ - a. “v1; 1 "t double hunt.» ”(it an unknown-"1 t.ttartrMblte' uw; mum-ml "iiih,jutttr.rrp a; "ttti, riiiiiiiiiti0.yifite1'gf2 WM “u- .--- - a, auEiiaritk-trqs, - _ P.' mtaagagtm. FiiEia7iiiGe.iiiuriuua 'dh'tgl"l'l& I - 'CiG' - CWTGTt "V." 'pgiitth Inc. can null a. Flu. hue. 'aGr%Fiiad,y.itiAe11tre, at mm”: Winn“ MIL-Jena "ttee, ".t'ii'i'fi,'ir'i':r't'i?t Ctrms 1%U ”m” artUU Ivan-1M ”not . plot! 0‘ Ind -. 1 tab. naval-l Ind-rand- All 'i'it%ttrh'rt'gt,tfl nun-w h mum. 'r 'Eir'-N1 an at . not! under. nah not that mm. " mum autumn umnd iiiiiiiiirigiift""'tt 10!!! I] ‘03. ADAM (WEISS. IL Amman". I 'oeMe - N -- . - I I IN.' ~33..." mm... 4','h'Fii . uh- m- M M. has". “a E2ri'L"St,'g',"dr.fr'p,'r'1'4 . . . , v... - -e--" - -- EloEidEi1i'iiiiiaii'21fiief1htrtp 5, Puree. PI-nt m “I It. ' “plan. otvastosorr,stocoter'rtart_ 18. not mm. mm " u. .u... _r...'__--i_ goat. Ila-tr. 'tthte, (Inland. munch! Mot-cum“! cloak an. Mala-e - “mall-oi. an m. "riiiinsiobytnrtirtyMae,', the urn. smud- udavam b- lah! without not". a We . ---, '- __.._._- -.. ”an; m mm. "R,'ar'r, I. T,rAGra"iiFaii fE 7 - It. wn?X., mo. 0. Inn-m. -- --- -__ Inn-nint- In the, matter 01 “If? Notlco to credltors Fg'ttt),i; 1'. '.'dS"d,'.'U a. c m ttttt . Caulk-e Kuhn. hound. . tt the New». 4-12! hrittt.t hound!) _ ordain" w “a - t,'r'g1tnlr,tit'N a. Adult-ulnar. tenor We" "no mu (In: " Juan. no. limit chin- um manor-unusual “an at with full pr. tonhah 1"!an of and: chun- and If.“ - their was mun gtNtpgiQtr accumu- ht an - than duly val by autumn nun. And an who that mm» m d- otJune. In. an Adm-ll- mm IO mm“ at. a.“ d flrg,rd.1tttltr'1, along magma mm: th-to, and on with! whichth h-v- was. n1 m. an Auntlnlltnwr will 1...): he thus for Ma no} any WW. any "on arm when ra nouns-ml! Mtlm't'arr"era"va by him " an um. ot mush divination. A_B,_l_oBRIDB,_ Wanton. B. R. noon, A - - r,.,.,A_.A. Adminins-um. "33:35? 1'; Emil-TM. and any In. an _-_ NOTICE T0 mlllmlfl8C-rTiriiriiFiiiiiiL WI we NM 9Pfl In mmamwmm“ ttteT-ottltmterhttrtrt theCtt- dW-m m. doe-Id. "mun Mun-cl ihtWetir Iii. can is an AI qrmdttq" and vital hm chi-II i"iihiUtiiiiiiirltiatt,eatlll . "i%ra7rrTi5aiuke"areft, gt t5griydi,hSSi,tpt attrteftrm dmmoflm Mt M 'gAtat. pk! iiPiiitr2i.iift2M.'= I. Oil». iiTeirii,i2fiefgttrg, Mart:- 1hr“ -. m.tettrPS1 "aef,treWheg,l'li'gt Nomi Abram-.9 ma"; to Eg‘dé’fiWfim 'P"""' u 'eiil.iiJ???lfii.tig'h'lit'irC, te ““' - tttttte Autumn-h» nium m lat h"; ‘ Maw-awwl» Y tttttttes Bat and» mun-ammo.“ JhMgtth'Hr'ti' iiGiiitFFikfiie"e MO. tthtut " EiiSi7i5iialriei's)')thtt1t4 .----------"- n Mgr, - bar " augme: “or 525”» For ii,'irili1?, 31$. n- tNt mm “0% .. m... 12:13."... 2rp Jams-nul- an "I‘M”- W-tm [9B._hr'"""__-'-2'=-- *7 iriiiiiriijt,,?gi',iattg',at2',P “WW“, .3933 - Town of Waterlool aluminum. Under nun-ital 1‘ , "" die'dby“ I}? K“ == W “I iiEiitrEjttg Fliiiiip, M4NiiZ?, LSL' iiRiieigi udphonlo On-d have“ , u.‘ an o a ,__4_. It. NWO! I. gun" " tho "in"! Maw-W' 322%.! Mun-man Town of Waterloo PUBLIC SALE. hWillllI SALE may". ?ud “HF. Gl'll g 'ltrlit, iii7iiii4iiii'ii,i,l - a“ can at tot No " can. zone-1" trgrfl1lfrl','k'!lllli.ttiit, BI'II." um__...... -"_'" iaCtiitisoletmimrm. Shaw- mhololdvnhout Fe--tts. se mum-09°12"? ill tMtatttu “may llvvu F"""'2T" .- “V, _ 1.. 8.8.0. Walnut.“ pm ttat r ttttt as -tato at tho an an. 'daraitTiitt+mttlteat attt kii,iirifietLtbt'itr2'-' or , var tur- m ttth. Advil-hurl". nu a mildly“ June. I”. Ihelr chin- mwuwd “an no VILII tall wt. “in... of mad! cum- and)?” "i'isttiititllii' tiifitij1i?ii?i'il 30:52 ot the m. dA' tt!y,t,tAE,tNtt,rt LEW]. iakhat an.” pad IL ".9t'vrr, III-III n .l+..-.'TP"e"P"e- Amm- I For iirRGFsmithtmrttr1rft. ermine Jaaid thr a“ .1 . lawn-no. Form an the Twnllno but St,e,ttr m'mrbond or Duh-hum“ Wren-ltd gm.~nlmowl~l Multan-a- n hand Mm! mold “It W lei, . nndntoulduuol. 'oll'l'f,i'UllrGlrlrr"t' - (mom- tyrye.e iriiiiiieEiitt,ee-""'"""w (I. Lin suck. -tnqte-tts aa.t0 tTousetrttttrtuhets an an“! I'- I Ph2'llMGl'lt In kiiiayi, hitdgrps?ltrltut't tit Firii - _ In“: Ie-. 'iiitiiiiii'i?i' i?i!s?ie'iiiiiy.t.i'ii. 'gtrPa2.t't, um. gt1llftu"g.', tttgt igf'i"?t.iil?.t.il?ltiltdtli Imm- _ . - nht 2t Mr, SM mm» It. KOUIIIOLD "no”. -Oo-l m. Wm?“ In. vm ' t $lt9?ititiir.,it'ipi',ii5 hud- T-W ' V irtgai.or 7 IL“ was. at an out; 'tm" M ,,?ryi,trii'l4,,ti'Nr'iirt,4,,'iifi't' 3Mrtt “drum I ”mum we... pup-Outda- dams-Mn Joni-n 1365.95. Dvruu'..?eEs Tlml will bl I’M high]: to Aid!!! a tho _ Wu now than" " Watat " to: o'doek s m. tho nun H.117 mock bu.» med " ifiiiLtfyiidtuaf"eu' ll!“ 'toe. afar. ww-s -._. .-r-'» admin) “Loam” “Md“ tot 'ciGr4tla'rrGGaT,asatvieee: 'Agitre All can. of 're 1)!!th - ,mitiiéeut-ttty 'aiait'tmiteAteet gs ”run-u hon-thwhpy-uxof 'guiitrAlyd ws. nexus. A. WINNIE Amie-oer. _ Plim- Auction Sale -03... ,rtttrterqrWse {or a}. nu pd“ vin- ning yatuhilo pig- ttqmtt+ to 2pm old; me Ms pm. ,dnrttng tmiisartdhatttr am. togethor m the tttr-r old bun “Gian Alpha." Annual-of Short am can!» for Odom-116m wamt.andLoettrAmdatd. Farm for Sale. N Emma-It. I mu. m oi Waterloo “d lug-m Bulb. It mun! Inu- rt,fttf, Illa-annulus. n I. “and! human”: but. Oa " " n,ratttmt ""mm m . 2:: iiiiil'ili,'i': sugar ...... 'e'utii'i mum man an permit by Mt" to - mason Inn “on“ P. o.. on. Auction Sale Tm. Mar Mth, i” The Undersigued ',t!r'ttdletii'?,i'ii'i'j'2li7,iip, """";"7 -_"-"e_ m Minn was. In tl 35:08: f SEEDS! my“ Saturday, May ard, m3 [YB-BRIT)“. MOI. f7t'dh'l'd'lhh'.rg,t,at, . . cut MEN-g 10M Livery Stock. John. Hill, Wellosley, - OF--. Apply to 'g."p'tflVt= Traisa wig); le, tgEEltMMlllili,; 'tgt,NSlti can“: iifiik wa ttttT M $"ll'1 WE CAN GIVE vou Opposite wgper Home. Wemusthuea T..", lot ofbumr and m to supply ourcustomers t%;itrtmhe to given»: chance. We 'sJS'afdlll'a,'lflf,rtililll4'rt aromas at zolbsronxm Airoihertht.Mtmmsii" Maple Syrup at 't.oo1tsttt.trat. A Full Undoing!” ltr-tee. _ THE GROCER ittretlitrrrten. -t-eSsiWedt." We Hue: . ruttts-eaeqtt-t'heee-- tatruadorttmrtt-eg-tlurhec,.,k NiNri,uAciiSrfIl,aii.l E. N. 'HAWKE, . Hate Hum-Em War-coals. P. B.--M-eyaurru - kart hue- Buggies Frees, Planté ..nn.. and Flowers. g-ttlam gt, km "TttC0A1tM1lllt .11." W whip-c... in..." In, 'He-rr- no“ bury mac. and. .....'.;..'...-. . " ttits-aero-Fr--.-. " IquMMm................ 'S2C2"e,tg'treaaars c. C I”: Ittgrggt",2ge, tre'gu,'t'""" 'r"')"'),?;:').,)"),';'" Mannheim-ad by Wu: titeP",tet'tglt MJIIqu-Mmu- human undamarim I Iog,t"'tetit'.'tt, buying. all in udexmmmm Hull and ”inn-rig». ' In! J M I'll-ll. "ariieytiiiii (all 'riiiiitotiiretb't-- ..... z“. m. Macklin” Dry Goods MW. Lam HALLMAN’S, $28 F79!" iiiei.1)tt' E... i3 mo llama wmuvomum and v 1mm mumm- mice. mt“. I [WShEeses l We on and: tom exceptional] in up Emma and Ginny Tun-ulna- 2,tgtd Also In Iran, PM. mm ”Nahum-1m mus-mam... HIM! his M m In, and tn ammhmmudphnr Hannahmunn’ply Impo- "tgNttttyttt't Huh. I "t1A"llll'Vv"lllG'L 1eM 'rr-esteem/d ttttfl',",','.',":',?,,".:" wwwmmmo Stone Wanted. Knot-loo. Ont. FOR SALE. M. b JANZEN. BERLIN- _ Gif High Grade. BERLIN. ”INN. “I

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