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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 May 1903, p. 7

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{‘1 CHAPTER VII, iii _--', .Knith Receives th Shock. w", S' We! at down as abruptly u W hat W up. T M mind my friend,” said the oth. r ' Yet thinking of other things and ’ i In polite moiety. Maybe I tt " ‘ Med him, there’s pleqtrattoyt , - As to this chap, now--it m in jIliegthay.ete.ty you 33w him, wann't itt" 'f k' W I it. He'd had tn illne- It $‘ . in said, and it made him feel I b _ .1. now and then." T "r,', M 2T'2bl,rf.r l w I, an". ", ug.yytyiyu0.Nteiq1.tter't "In in. I to do with his ' " . tN'e,rst.rfls'i. hat-l . u ul' 1 _ I... this - W, m , “like him! A In" ml, in“ _ a" hair and npectuclu?" CI' ' “a the cha you wnnt to V - Eur] /i'l'ltd "lor it so I ' on: him. This bloke had dark a _ In tall, with I thin, yellowish .513,“ that rolled about like Ind: his eyes move in r. - "IU wanted to hear about Q. cl the Sondown folks that I krsow, trut, 5'. come to Sundown to recruit, ct, it! It]; hie: balmy sou-air, kind EM to nurse him, nnd so on; a. sweet- my; all», wht he left behind him." y .11. . my be in Seudown now . I “I him in Southampton day be . yuurdny. Sea) he did ny he'd be ., _8_ndown pm y." - .. . ' while I in!!! him about them he Ind. He’d only come a few days, “. hon! ’Frisco and wanted ar---" "gm this mt the conversation wu t 7 in upted by the more silent L .5 two “Page", who rose with a _ m from is sent and brought _ _ his fiat upon the table with so - Violate! that he upset I heel mu: -‘~ "Now we here, young man,” aid the' “the ALranger; "I don't mind tellin' you, a it's you, and I like your intelli. gtlt flee, that I believe you're talkin' of m ot no“ we're most particular amp. has to finds if so, you sha'n't lose by it, I d I T.Uff you’re in luck. Now lis. into w t any. Me and my mate‘ “I m boarding at, Southampton fur ,1... mt. You can hear of us at the, _ “In W. I dare say you wouldn‘t‘ objeg to unin’ . tive-pound note, “on," lo aid. “Parked, honest and at we board. We - this no mu from San Francisco. Me am. from there ourselves, arrivut' ray gt,taT He had two weeks' “art ot 11-. a want him, as I say-a utter of my owing to us by him-- NI discarded, in fact. We knew he had friends in Seadown, and that's why Wire askin’ about the place and him and " You go on to Sondown, now, and no ft you can hear of him. If he ain’t there come and tell no at the Blue Dru. Mk and come and tell us if he is, too. r‘npa you'd better stay there till he be. come, ind when he comes you've [at to tell tm." "Give me a pound or two down for w fttitix and PII do it," said Harry. t w’m l to know you’re genuine if you 4n'tt" . The mm rrrx4luem), a novel-din and name all" r. "That’ll be all rig t," he dd. '.\0 receipt required, and four .mre when we nab our man.", - A _ "If I could do n dnv’s work like this pen I week," thought. Harry as he lked on toward: Sundown after seeing ici', friends ltlrt in the other direc- " TY "I Hyman". wet to go to m" _ Humbug things tr; sretttulls tt Sea own Ite two years had now passed Hue e hm day upon which Denys Drake Ind his companions, her father in. ade, had nailed from Southampmn, sic did not in up hope. Her broth guy-Hon LIE contrived to keep tht not over her head, and were kind and . to ber in the main; but in the mat, ', of Drakah, {nte and their father's were plain spoken u to their opim , “Old dad'. dnwn his hut my,” they 3rBOrr. "No doubt of that, and young w- too. Youu better forget him, - t he Ain't the only good tUh in than was. ftttr'ts plenty others swimming ')grg, You can't exr;eeb tha any: to about you so long as your eyes In N!!! I!" Dryer." . - .. - . "‘I ditch warn them to," Mid Judo. "Not yet, “My. Men hare come he}: $tarittLtpetlhtt.itttp.1e2.,et 2e " m "_.. Tiiri; the occasion on which he had paid Ruby . silent. visit " amp-ch) I). after the news of the " ecubt'l' Whoa had rraehed her, Keith H can the girl low-mi timmr, m. wu ”but! In but when“: he " “may; Mar and Derr.'r a "Wdl. It'll on better for no all why E'll begin, to taunt autumn,” nut-ma “In. “You're 1 good girl, Jam, bu PII nut think of other people t bit a a I. yourself." This meant that th found it hard to keep u i “no for her, Ind the thought J n - the girl miserable. Nevertheles- lln determined to "hold on for I bl: m" before casting her net for "lathe! , I. her brother so prouicully ex 'tite if: ,',,ta7 Cn',,'th , _ _ pitiful and d _.-. resulting fro ' ' don of the kit -th' t “MA" Iti)i1'l'ii'i Biiliu u - tutor 3113mm 673nm “in: I n “we!!! Gsteerortotmedteaude-" in Haney dee""', “pussycat-ll 2'l't WM ha big Vb. M Rh m hlt' bro Ind f , I, " [tfit/ to?» um G a a n...,. 1 KIDNEY THE PILL "Not if it's to be done “I In had iime very 'm Draw, L' ' nod Pain-in]. uh - and“ ot.diensed " will cure D! Fred Wishlgaw‘ They " aruet to in” I.“ HI} thought poor Kick; "it In!” har-A never an ettto right thing with metl' -taiiutimtiutoFA ' ,eutat poo: Dick, Ind in: tf My unkempt to my '11:! “out. his and mend: t"tt'tt ttune in the tfe,'l ho or hon u at " - it“ 'tfllf.'l'Jldhtll'i of " on“ "" ”a, -___ _-A I. "L- IA-A -r.- "h" TaaveHu in aa pulp: for A while his Emm- ot convention me}: very neg-d, end mph. in gun blindneu of the [Mr who would not: dio cern whnt should Inn been ruin to luv man who no not n born ool in one}: matters. "Any other man would have an in hi. arms for half the eneourNrement ht gets from me," Ruby sighed. "Aod I mam likes him to he so mbdeat-ttse hm lookin' Ind the brave" und the dith- eat of them Ul." 'ct". iiii_6i_yettet9.-elow, ttttA.",'" PtAt'ta' and it: it out nip“! “M 2Ath d can: 11.22}! 7.171;" Ruh’fwho was but“! when in knit!“ sod-3. 'gtta tor I better undenhniingnr' brim“ by an murmur: :9 FuaftEryq, And Ruby would stamp hee foot and tell herself the lad wu . inn le tool and not. worth the love of 1 mils, And she'd bother About him no longer-well know in all the while that the could no}. obey til} "If-proffered advice even if she would, And that she would not hare Keith din-god one Item from what he --mot even to be lens " fool with maids.” or less modest and retiring-not for worlds and worlds. Thus the love history of these two young hearts moved very slowly tor. ward, no slowly that the progress “I almost entirely unawrtieeable, yet, name- how, there was pro on, for at the end of tho two years S-le/lt, hid It but hound this much-tlst he had not, an In Ind fondly imagined, nbnndonod til idea of Ruby as a maid who might be loved with some reasonable chance of being eventually won. After his rebut! and her accepting (as he believed) of Dick Robinson " her lover, Keith had recognized the iuevit. nbla, abandoning all hope and dismissig all idel. of winning the girl. He h persuaded himself that he had uprooted every particle of his love for her. “WWW the I€001! of letting it bidet" he had said to imself. "it it can't do no good to anyone, not to her and not to me, ive got to go-". But htely he had found out that the impertinont little love-god had by no menu ftitted, frightened away. Be “in remained at hand to tease him with those poignant arrows of his. This w“ progress, of a kind. _ TEE Ebb discovery me B new“. namely, that since Dick Robinson m dromsed_rrsd, no Jonger to be considered So Kazan bade his love go, and im- agined, poor fool, that it would depart for up telling; imagined, even, the it had gape. . nu ma auccesslul nun, were ma“ no reuon why Keith should not aspire, " ter a. decent and reasonable period of mourning and waiting, to renew his " forts to make an impression 'Fr',',',' Mn hurt of the maid he so loved. rue, " previous efforts had ended dimtrously, and n renewal of wooing might bring Shout renewed disappointment. But true Courage is that which returns to tho attack again and again, though beaten ofLunLil defeat is changed into victory. Thus it happened that now, rather more than two years after the ailing of the “Realm” and his iiret rejection by Baby, Keith suddenly realized thah to in. not only very much in love i1; deed, but that he was once again in fu rgg"l', of the maid whose heart he bad orig Ago given up as a. prize beyond the tagging)! is aepi.ratiymy _ . Unfortunately} he' had not eGnged his uetbdl in love-making; neither had torter. (Hymn; experience; taught lity tatt: in the matter of an acceptable hide towards the fair sex. In a word, Keith In. in awkward, silent and irritat- tng I 13v“ now as he had been two year- Io indeed, that ' Rub Amright .1. iiilri my! ”F22 flll'l,'4'l 9w to ld: Hence the progress of his suii w" I _ tndyrlryort imperitttlr-tto.rryter think thit ll progresa were ta be mada ttb all in mud. null».- Lu p.12» ....d alter u; on methods, since it wu clear that m_wu ungblg t9_chango bin Mutton had ruched this stage when we evening Keith received a whim: who” coming w“ like the proverb“! bolt tron the blue. An unexpected, ~bhot£lg bank) that shattered hapea and La"d and the joy of life, to hr u d himself WM concerned, for many slang day. _The lad Harry Bunion . long day. The lad Harry Bendoh called to see him. Keith knew him slightly, but could not inn-gin. m: the youth could possibly in" to my to him. Kara entered the mom wakrinuly, alter a we! of the Ad phi villlin, Ind nixed whether Anyone eooU possibly ova-hm him if he should make an Ear port-at communication. "What are you plnying u, you young "What are you I ing u, you you [005!" add U/lil/ttlt'; up with ',"I'lf I. ft.rrto pm "at! It not, you ed [at "Not if you're drunk, " you can I. pol” WM'. _"I've_h‘eud you'v- “It'u t miner cl life Ind death," uh! furry. “You're lure no one can but? You, It's you I mt, sud you’ll thoth no_fot muting, presently. Shall I p him io liquor bio and in" from a Lrouble to you mother. You an . 'lar-gl'? thinking. Hat'- witt you mt, a tt l and you'n drunk Ill be», tnt Fl't It {on and” "FF.... ' “I. It. A“ a. In_h WWW”). met I suppose "I, tub! I. h I Inn-met, Mylo}! gs." - " A'tiiiiht 'ie, In mm M I an: Glt'h' Nlr, tpmiarrt Bl "ttetnat sr/turea-r:". 4-..- n...- 'aG, not arm m. an... no hm m I mm Do in an qua. Yo thank mr, I can you! Yeah tn but of your life." - '., ' - ". - 5.. -- "r "Get t, busted 'od," mm: iil.'eiiF, 1tu.rNlltl' drunk. the: II - no - he!“ or.teetelt ttttdt "'Ti 'iaUiiirioiurGi,u as not: 'i?jti'ti"'i'i'; E.'1y..d'l',i'fy'fi a u' . :3; 1 an If“; - 'raiaGU%ud N- M a -riiuett when! w. re --.. w" -_-"_'" “humuuwlfikugeuwm .---. . tau-d 913, “a Enylu‘on puma-haun- min-Ink“ hon-dz‘. ttot-at :'i'th','iFi7, “Niki"-u . “In”- 't%t.ut,sr,..aa.a-,ush.w, “Mnmntonyyu. WNW i1,,'.ittp,t'gs1eh'gttttN.'rp 'sis-tBear-tth. =-n 2,TaaaUah-iiaiir" ,,,, 'giua','ttt,'a"ettl!'tett a. Ohtitrrsadett" yt ”H pm, In that, Itwu_ J _HLB In... to In for ”in “in“ 1PyuWeuetttHae1Ptlee out. “fluyn 'tur. ty- 7", hp "dam-mat Iii-Jihanlool. I“ 32* ttt "u: #3," t"trAdt reeo 'd'fCfl'l'Wl baud L"d 'rthdhr p noun inch hoe. whim-yd“ and agape”. after “I. I i.“ keep tahout it and M. “in" ,h2'ljeh'l',ri'lk'Ar'flr'1kl'l'."brg'l It the ‘Blue anI' " - am tors, tut'. their “w I. I u “crown. 1utotmpaidwr' than get hold of their Run. I amt N van all about both Iota, tor m is mor'rs I like to “(no if, y’all. e' hhl CUT, hil."ta1 P W VI n. ed Keith. " _ - there’s no doubt you‘re in IT be sides. He’numduum In! bloke, I tell you; I I!“ M m conning 11mg here Ind up that MI E the liek, not _knoyviu' but. tbs. In ikigtiilteGGtread, {no - to 5-, oui at Inc." in; second lot of on”. whm the cm trytke w_u to Ae tout inpouthmptooi _ “Min?” aid 1mm, amply. my: :fedn't at. i"ht',t'.t hurt you. his 1.15111)!me o ' numb 'OG" "e. h',"f2'd'd I'll 1'd"d "uiu,"1Gi'l n-exert I'd mu'u know what I'd better eh. I dUn't " 5%, you shouldv'hnvo tou"-," " Keith, rather summit. "I will: to thttrr dettytad.. YoLt'd .":.'.‘"“T’ . Kim: broke " " thin pot wElhed up md_doy_m__ 34h. ppm. "No, a on htn't," he all may "Don't r’nind wfmt I add. I'm A (ad “I I could, too, my lad, thrthrehrt I All: Keith In. walkin vay (no, all down the room, his f,J( white 'dtffl "Anybédy inig'ht tfe an.” of . tatad. man uni not be called a mud M y mqd_rruy.r. 'Thete's tytthi.eg , feta' "Yea, Gere is; there's I lot in It. " Mrcid of him, us you any, my M. and I wit to thunder ~(heoe two chap. m spoke of had minim him and m to Trim or to ell or up)“. do“ Tint}. what I feel, Ind Pm s Om], worth- leu mud foe it, and MI the hath." "Well, it's eliy 5mm for no to . and tell these 'ere chap. where thay m nab him," begun the boy Baden, but here Keith A am! provided him via: I surprise. m suddenly tuned Ind add the lad roughly by the ahouideeu, - ing him to And fro as vuu.ntly u 'ys**r Ed, his handi clenchgd, his eye. ha. e m passing throug " an.“ lull terrible than death. He tardy h" Tttt t.o I? staring. _ _ . ing him to and fro as violent] as RMtht. u_)n had done but J1"fl',Wg in! "No," roared Keith, "you don’t. Ya don't go back neither to the (no eh,- nor yet to the Brest one. You dmft .1 ll word to them and you don’try a word to anyone eke of " th% ou'u forgotten tho l Nola tmdr--d'poe hear met D're u‘ndenund met " didn't hippen, that‘s what you’ve got to “number, and no more." "All right, Mr. Adams," whimpond poor Hurry. "PII do nets you viii about ft. That's why V - I don't see why I should be bullied sud Mk to hit. just because Pre tried ika; right by you." Keith lot the ind to, and d for n moment to think. "You Ihn’n't lose by it, new" for." in said, "so long u you do what I I.” but you so and (in that my I'a'H to the our." and I'll kill you, or net: t, l uwenr I will; no mind that." LIT, I ought to 'are, but u ;tittvin' hire '".er. too We»? "I promue" you I won't," nit! the her. "I'll not breathe I word mm the whole belyty y" to nob_ody." _ _ __ "Well, Att CT, I Jaa 'at You’d better "a now. on were to can. l ' l? t “a“? In", We mad Amp 'ou saw won't beat me, not now I know I've at to look out. I can “he an of 2',U'l.'" _ . __ _ _ _ heith planet! I mkerullln night. Per. hlpl he had an" until this Tttt an!“ realiznd how decry he bad root in horn of winning 'tg or how do. Rotate y he had dhwed h I 13013qu In x themmlvel upon that one - All now-well, of course than “I not I shadow of doubt that All In. our for him. Dick Rohimon VII All“ and hi Mumed. Tra, sort of I pat I on!” he "new " bitter y. "I ought to be " And an. tn' for joy that he: turned up “in. htm u.wo.99wht a-. 4 . vgaptat.attd mm Mun-MAW” Special Notice and to m at one. your nun. - On receipt of "tt" i. will forward tt you, ”an” no. out. our not Inn: may “Nomad PM. This loll" “It". has m not con- enu Met a! on" "In I“ M ”no.” u m WM alarm “M "I“: ulool. Edit and Italian. ttltr. and-c mr4-trtka, splendid [tum-mo" u 'ft in" " n. v. l lhthmar gaaamm.%ar't. ttxmaatil f " lath-Wont P,gt:utel'durt= lwv ghh'tt “Bud-by Ithema6trd tmdeerrnuit Ind - 'iGriGif '" I . - _ p...“ “m t'ttlt'2utt . "M 7mm sci- " )tr."liiirii, nu! W- no In. pn- Igtt) there's two it)!“ u- ushlt‘ W“;T.___.. .__ .._- TIE. not". mm In. an , h continual My, “in a n u 1,'ttt tut miitaheid behind W a. a " in Us,“ In: 1'd.",,trr.2'eht, Mayhem-uh a Jaauruotut-idkre'4 - _ - iiiiataasroaeouesttdu-rte W.“ I. (his until the7 - tgheedid L%tdif',d',,'l of them I“ out the 1-le of the low Q, - to collapse once non in the 9*.“ ol the miter-Ne, din-minted 'iijttt,tt be gunk“ try. Ho. . war t, c an. “H tt'ur. uni 'lS'l'di'll, tut'. will! it'd - E -atttt only morningowben Keith m out on mot for uthampton. & In! no Robin-on without I mo. - My. He must knou the worst 9-1 to nun Dick. Dick must be rou- unl and Ruby ma. happy, WNW "I the out. “at “I Mill in bed, recovering Iron “a an at (out into which hia can: Mn with m lad Baden had throqra him. Keith hand the public homo without amenity, and wu direct. d up the dirty, rickety stairs by the - of the ion... whiz-a euly toilet had M included the runovnl from her hair d the eurun. paper- within which it v» mkhedm éo_-Aike, the chryulie wild- w may hunt forth tm trll “91099.01. thy bytttrilr. “You'll Ind him in the room on th: light " you get up,” lho aid. "Mind tho slop-pd] what he put- out-ids his door, momie" " Iaith died-had nny flint hope that the mad “we: of Boudoir- tale might on: yet prove to be some other person All not A ick Robinson. hi- 2utr: gt ting-id: qua Ilightlx Enter my no next moment he realised that tht hope m I fooUtt one; it wu Dick, of on“. no new it would be Dick long helm in looked " him. The two men “and st one another for In inltanl qeftétoqtt Ipeaking. Keith was so ”do and by n Mod of mixed feelings that in In. Inn-bl. to Inn: words Robin on m uartud, surprised And relieved h 't,rt, the an. moment.“ This concep- the on mm with datum, for the spec be of pursuit sad . madden violent (lath VII for ever as his Mulder. When Pi.th “mew-d tamer. my." in} Vforooha $1.5?!anan '.ll;ihioft he um“ namely recogniud RH", 776357an" ”53.1; iouowéd tg oe, A-. WISE} ._ --- _ “841 it's you, in itt" he eried. "You'r, A nice one to all yourself I faithful pal you In! Get out of my sight, you up mt, or PTI lee you, ill u I am, will my bus hand“ ' Adan. m glad u! can. kind at "up tion. Heqmigr*tgt4tntmoddrrrraAos (I. man; to do the right using by him " great out. to himself. It would bl non Wt. to do it mildly, and I In. bud word- exdzulged, or oven A tight, 'ey 4o..hNs Mu. .. .. _ 'qttoFit, ”a fool!” he cried “(my ”I. thptt com all thi. vu; to se- you um moment I heard sand returned! mfg?” you was drowned, and 11: my ou'ro g to treat o 't'ltsih5llr7hiitp, A")','fr,lrh', m, "Mu?“ Wu drowned, did you? Not Q .tri_t tlt 1t-ytt. " quopuyd-xt u 12ttrtt couldn't blame her if in Ill up with myone, t"'dr1""g,t",' (Mm-ed, " the certainly did. ,'hy doit you make sure of thi s before no 1tPirt' .fo9-.nlr {@1025 would talk t"utt,rdmt'tdoubt,reeefth- - to In mm from no, u wand H "I!!!“ look u you. a you well how. will). I m about!” 4.05911. Ye't why! m. of..P.tT a bin. _ fool of I what de. "fied a. 31.. he a 1:21. psi. 1 w. but: wrong from the ”in?! all, m: were, and Pd mum n; my”: " I feel nov, than slink! ; but I lin't going to bear u tlt', and you mtumed from the grove. You d both: can. to Sudan: at once for man In» via "r'm1uiein , _ "net" In} aid sick. "Pve heard “and.” m ou‘ve hand HM. Ind, what', ertr “in 'ere, y ff?" rm“ Itiy - "hgt.'tt that'. it and vou’n Inn-Hm 'ee, 1" not!" rapt] "T did. JI w_Ii - h “at them bid, I’d give you "ttu We“ hHin' over you hid for saying ,rhat roy'" just said, no help me “A afghan" haan't intuimd with Ruby m t, in her on man, not we going _ Y.yt'11 11V'l.'lir't'le; yhen "ui." Yqu'd better Imp-akin I Ittg,t, fool Ind look It 'lllU' - Calm down to Endown tnd "i...frt. my? W's the other!” cried Dick. tart "e h bed. "Do you know of my - Thank no one looking to' "UF. 2.0, Prth in than” t.ertr_i-tn_4 usu'u the Wrath; '* Q, In! Why, whhm'h In tttitPttltlt,'ttt'atea'rt E'i'li'l'dh'i in“. 11. 'tgtn m "' - “a - viii ”5.2, ter' my. I. an Hui“ upon n. a. it: an! ad '.t',f2'h."tt, .._...-:... 9.3%., J. an “M. 'rAtdt.,ttti' M', 922: New 1ophtttg ham 1-- a: mm.- _ "thtCifiid rode" wosea It,ftre? In of thank-duh. Imus-.0...“ has!" ”hula-anon than!“ kwlbhdwrihhglihonlno fte.htereete.,rft1e8y, ara " not: d com a I" not Itch I than! at “gamut. 1tl'JUh an”. no - A iii"iirritAyt.-'"rue h, the conch-ion naked " I“ W beqitt - a the be , ard in tor vtiretle1 “dam mun-mm mum.» 2iiNrrqt-ix i 'tste." and 2"ng !'ilt','iii no" "yin. Nib-5' an! i. vohul- to bit “It D' Hon 0 - " mm “m sijt"jtiillr New Wary that 1hrtstrttsr!rtptttt1ott. The kidney-l an art4 “and, no I2a"'t,',ngSttt blood a they tt,ttitltLe, of that disordered condition y unk- hobo M who w pair, _ ban of . Shoemaker'. m: Thou isn’t much we rubbing): Hui-uh or otieskirw our“ gin Ills theme! who ,'lllrl.'t'l'lti'l'l'l,r. I not: Gu -._-_ “A The mod: that in most exact-ml tor WI backache " u for ttll Huang! Math. mi m- ne tumble, is Dr. HMO But- 'IL Kidney Twists. III'IIII PM.- John Sandal, thou-ah. My Gum'imt-Iu following "i7suiri"Cat MidBWle‘. EMM- nobKidmyTMud-dngmud -rtu69rr-_mogmibrlu64rr" ttedt 1Puietrirtiineithtrp-, ”in? .. uekHtdtru.io.iin-ithyd ha in the mouth, and lo- " ta. 32:" h", u'ii'iiib,f,?yii/ii? tig',',':'), quick y isap an min. One thing 1wiahtottBr,%th y did the work firstly, they was vs] tet, in action. no dust“ no Wag . a other medicines. 1nd I VII I to work all the time. [on My noon- lnend them to All who Inf" from but who, kidney lay-bigot 1siliy-s" " In... my“), Ian-lawn -qq...eq. PriceMo. ttV,,',:.,',',,,)'",",:,',:'.' mail, Tm: Du. Tmd Ptmaoas ' Tar-b iEir'he trdnE ME You tret, We ain't ea to let these or my other chaps In a . Eds-down man without knowing the rum why.” “Al, ,n - LA" __11 n-L:_-.__ “IA-n, "nu " . He," said Robinson. "Mon. ly! I htwen't hnd'n penny from them, uni they know it. That w“ all I Mut- ud lie, inked u? for In excuse. Thou two dup- in going to murder me, Keith And-ms, that's; what's the matter. Bo 'eip mo, it'. the truth. If they catches no that.“ murder me at sight; and all for no In done but 00min home when I liked imstead oi waitin' to get their lone. It sound- a foo1U tale, 1 know, bat WI true. They was two of our crew In the 'Beeutrs'" “Wk; shouldn’t you go home when you li edt" naked Keith. "It ain't a good tale, mote. You’ll have to tind one that Bounds more like truth before I can believe it, end unless I know where I am, twin I going to help you t" "Uood uu or bad tale, it's true," slid Dink. “See here now, you thought ve In: drowned, so you said. Well, we won't drowned, but we was wrecked on In inland in the South Paeiite or North We. Anyway, we we. oat of our ovum, blown south of it by the Wicked- est gale that ever killed a sailor. We landed on that island safe and sound Ind there wouldn't have been no trouble but!" nix boxes of gold what was be- tr, taken to London to a bank there. . saved that god, and that was All the trouble, for old Jake Foster and Mo rent made lawn tin? no tirirr s'tlllll‘l'I-l le-vo the island, for {Far he'd give away the secret of the gold we'd got there and they'd come and Nike it from us. Hit me is to stay a bit till it's nil for. Kin enough for him ond the rest to " home, when they get a clmncv, one): taking his share of the swag. 'Nell, a lid]: come by and I eseaped :ml go: ”ahead while I lay sick at Han hm- duo “other ship “'35 ~va to m A“ fri'. quiriel, and in her mum hank two chaps bound for England from our iihml. THRILLING EXPERIENCE Wai iih Hiney cm!” for? Why mm me and rtothin' 01w Th; an: to do it. It's like hmia'pvo d hon hall on 02M 'r, trl' ‘m I 'rr'" rl, "I m frighten?“ Well. thank tne Lord Pro hand ogmepne to 6394“: out In: it’s ND - WANT Ta OIVI UP WORK - W“ POIOID To DO 'o-Tm." MW '0. T IIOMTIIN MONTH. HI nova-o cum-u Ll’l All, our". TRIAYID IV THI um PHMIAIC II moan AND NI. WI PIOIOUIQID so smileys THAT '" “A. ADVIOID. " A HOT RICO". To "" TN. DI. ILOOUM fauna-m.“ new IN GOOD "I‘LTN AID um THI DAV "I “MID OF TD". "A“ILLOU. IIUIDV. w. W WAR. ' Comm" Bt. yttreor, who lat-ninth. mph] any. m'lulwlyCar tire", of t'Jl,T,lt, n",t',"grtl't,t'gr " n a? h trim oval , !iiie"it.4t,ri "‘ . . =u'2t.t'fA'tMt. muffin.” m "nd.. (in an of on. a! tteititiyey _ 2.9.32: may}; BPretrlr'm.r.'"%."lr"" I a , h... . or "1;:- - .. - .......... __. tk'4?."i'it tttttttttTae can! Mal-amid.- a.“ ttiiiilti1'g'ii,iti1tthritixt, Mr. rrftytitEi',iea1l,?f d,tur. itii'i'iiilii'iiii " . Ng but "tirftitrx'lr2rut1"le't'l2t'd"set tsoot-g-ha-ttteo-ttts-tttor-lu" ""g?:,:'tCt/,""""'"""'"""'r"'tTCQ1trS"""""'" moo-ch? 'tgTg5ttlhtttl Do an" , . ”you “I? ',"i',i'ii?i'ft.t,tiiir,us- 'aa"i'iii'it%frir,' 8tr,u'."dfA'la' » tttttWSU/d", 0' MW "Aldon. In on can)!" of TDMNTO STRVFT "" " \OUHPIIV. vils WW.‘ a" Wi, nip-mu.» was.» Mr:- all m. 1ti7'tiiiCriliiteeitttette I'd thttiN.ttt4.'tt ... I ta'ttth'f.AU'tuh"lsl E"ifii,JPre,u,iN'ditt"df. m “but l on“ ion do. [out FiSyt'it.'tt."tt,t'Ag't irregelet ”from In ad with her, of count. Tutu tref,',',',,":" Lunch-unmet”; Don. on twinkiI’uuymdou tho, “in. Re,' area't on their M has. Pooylo a!” go "e" Inn-'41,“! "In I“! “0' v â€"-â€"â€" - - u M15.- h in. '0" .ivitimd at. tad WV. "rtgtisd'at "iuert"-_ttt'mrdo. You... "cr- _ I C: t: qrHonrs, and ht .- W..- rm, _. ll _ -'P" k. ',',Tteilti2ttgdet"tladlrJd dot-wt _ _ . ' _ in“ 'liXita2,'gt',/Lttgtttu'tott'l mt story oi that Were gold to " M Pun we. of ny‘own than that M, that vgettin’ hold a! It, In. and you an! a few others, in n Ieee - - J-“ L‘__ -n - . n pmwgy. You mu be" All I"l."'lh' when . than an»? have I goggle in it, too. ly let’- t rid of there hand titoodhoumts Inc. rank mt. tlt 'em. _ The!“ I night. mm to no, am: an! (by? “I! you’re " enough, All you‘vo got to do is to can. “night bulk to Bea. down with n e. Conn Ind any dong with no wu, F I 'tet out, down " In. Bouton'n, nod than be two of u to day! with it. tlst, come dong." “I’m too had to no" todkr, or my be to-morrow. It'u lever, mind you, a make. me weak " ' out. When Pm well enough I'll come, And thunk you kind] . Ybu're a. better chap than I am, Keit‘. Ind M's the truth. Here's me Ibunin' you like I pickpocket, sud you’ve phyed the unn- guno " 1'.r,,nteta--,,", yu; you I didn't," eith ans pod out. “Whom the good of talkin' agent in I know what I'd have done if I could. If you and IU to be tlt there’- ono Iubject u isn't to be spa en ot." "Very well, that’s it bargain. Come and see me in two days, mate, and may- be I'll be able to come back with you. How long are you for shore this time?" 'mll i"diG another berth, which isn't 'reg, to happen while my pay lasts." ' en don't sign on till you've m- Iulted me. I shall mat a crew present: ly for , trip what’s going to pt] us all most hindsome." __ _ _ _ .. .. -irii Tiii-ia; Jessie’s father, alive Ind well!" asked Keith, hpgorq Jeveyr: -riieiGniiGAr dar'n his skin! HE’- boss on the island and my worst enemy," uid Dick, - A __ _ -- _ V ilbrake'. " right. He‘d have been acre if he'd had the pluck of " kimono, but he dum’t come.” A A - -viimyrii 1817mm all the good news, and I'll teu-PO tell Ruby yon’n mnin' down in Iwo ysry'C. _ - _ _ "Yes, tell her that," skid Dick, tiuthi I little, "Tell her I've gone through , thin danger I spoke of on pupae for to get back to her. Say I couldn’t wait! “I think you on: tell her Ul “at T'li to". ril say rou're coming. That be enough for the present." When Keith went to tell Ruby that Dick Robinson was not 11qu alive but within a few miles of her, he found he had uadertakrn a. very hard talk. " would be, he felt, nothing more nor lell than signing his own death warrant. "FAR-Ewing Drake? Lord, I shall ho Ible to make Jess happy Lo-day, any- “I: . . . ,n -34“ "M L--, L--- "Well, it'i got to be done," he sighed. "And the wane: the better for me. It'll matt?" happy, EPWI3’.: ... "Whatever is the m'ntter with you, Mr. Adams!" asked Ruby, in some con- uternatlnn, the moment poor Keith en- tered the room. “You look As if you'd enme to your own funeral." Keith felt that Ruby wsa much nearer the mark than she guessed when she used this tie. In; at speck; --- _________ hob-Hint brad-opium. Vat-Hut! QM. .. _. - ., . AME-int #MW'JE'M” (u Tr, COYTINUED Ya" 52311;; " than it “do.“ gs))' ',tstitiii1.'isr,tt, Aa'aty.taetu'"". fl noun. V -, . an.“ J E.. 4.1iil1ttsglNttiNmrMt tild.,,'irit,tlpiii'jt Talt. ' tttgut comm-mung. Wm,____ iFi"d 'afl'lllgN'lt a. WNEti'l.' R. G. H. BOWLBY. D Pts _ an... «am of no lit“ at 'det"'tigt 'tiiii'slt, to m, a: " .... " Manon) 8.31pm. Otttet.-Cam- d - and Juhn Bu. Balm. was And Amuoheuruot Undo. OI eye And on “and. ottims--N- “but Sit-vet erlno. A m of the late Dr. Wudun m t mmnmngtmn. " L?de/id “5333 1,t"pd,l2tNt U000 u, 0 e ”on: and Accouohcul of Omar-lo. 'r.." ntnntjun mid to the acumen! oi n. my batru,ac.' guy. openly. etq._ ,7“._. -- ---. ---._.,. -Mi» Mice rw" SWI- 09mm i ’11. C. Y. {1me u um a): the 351:” T r urging..." an " on 'diff, And '2Udl'lelll','l'h 'lk n. ll.- of TH. BERLIN X RAY AND Iguana THERAPI UTIC LABORATORY. X-Rny. E which.) uni m h F new Cur- rents used in all their "Rm-mu mm- nosl- nud treatment ot chronic duel-II. - mg (“mum of the Nose, Ell-$0 Throat, at Mr. Golue and many tom of anon. (than. of women. nil forms of rectal at”... vaNttet. re]: tab r Wash ot Pgr I on . my» glands, bones Ind joint-I. II (03:. a?“ complaints. new“: henh ','.t'grdilt; with. insom- ins. par-Inna (mo Worm). cums, Buoerttaoum htsir. no as new bin-H- es eve. For further Mammoth all!" C maul: DK LE. 3111-. Harlin. M Block. anrlmx ttsi%iGiit Triad _.- '37-?“ mm" FiGh “an Thur-thy 5nd mm eta-oh MMtgMt,'. 1tsr1t.tohfdarttp. In. ODO In -.ys1mR.tytmqtsadee.t, my I!» g... 's-rt-as-eats-tlt' W. ILWilklnson, LB. IL, 0.0.8. " DENTIST. aiGriaiEraara%Fr" ariTtrdcr" iKG"iia _'.-"..'- "aTeuaaauTriraiu"eaiiiaau ---H V A an. ill f.tttt2eaut WEI-troll Gunman wows:- PunhrunlhurI-hl. In I a-sm-tttr-ri-d-H- h. In 1w- men-m. "I”. vat "e-,-ae--drtgi-i, non-1' "non -e--att--ae _ I. mo: 'r,taqtSt,Tilll'lahiii w an. oo,' low-Tum " I _ firibénunt. 143.3..me I T i: mun “ml-goons. 0.0.8. Tomlin Mahdi“ ", llhr, ulna of dentistry put-M. oo /i.'i qr t w Block. Berlin. an: tArsrtA Yt . Hun-mace have“ Emma "t r T iruatrtntr'tr (ma. " t a gun. IL. n. , . :t4g3gusss-,.allll.l Em. R. E. b. HXLIJARIL DEN L. WIDE“)! d " Boo-PttV u. "oth.. on. , H ALLIARD Tma,'.'.'.":',','",',',',','.').)'- 0h Open Daily. ottietr: Cumin Block, Berth. Leet;Ttud'cd',T.ttuee amfhcsros gamut mop 0nd" . km 9599.39 Stre born HARNESS SHOP HUGHES. 2l',l.'."%'J1isttt Erika“ [kn-Mat, 0mm In In Oddfollov MISCELLANEOUS >~w MEDICAL DENTAL LIVERIES 31.9mm... f, t"

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